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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170725Release of Transmission Line Easement.pdf3Effi*. PATRICK A HARRINGTON Corporate Secretary E[iTIVEI)An TDACORP Company P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W' ldaho St. Boise, lD 83702 Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 July 21,2017 RE: Release of Transmission Line Easement Dear Ms. Huang This letter is to inform the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") that ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powed' or "Company'') recently released a transmission line easement ("Easement") that it acquired in 1995 in Ada County, ldaho. ln the past, ldaho Power has notified the Commission of Company land sales with reference to ldaho Code $61-328, which requires Commission approval of certain utility property sales. While the current release of easement is not a land sale, ldaho Power did receive compensation for the release and wishes to inform the Commission of the transaction and the Company's internal accounting for the transaction. ldaho Power acquired the Easement on December 6, 1995 for Transmission Line 456. However, the designated route for the transmission line was subsequently moved to the east, and as a result the Easement was "stranded" on the property, with no connecting easements to allow for future transmission line development. ln 2015, ldaho Power received a request to release the Easement (total acreage - 1.38 acres) for the proposed development of the property crossed by the Easement. ldaho Power negotiated with the landowner (The Land Group, on behalf of Toby and Linda Williamson) and agreed to release the Easement for a payment of $50,000. A copy of the executed Release of Easement form is attached hereto as Attachment 1. ldaho Power has also attached a copy of the accounting entries for the release of Easement as Attachment 2 to this letter. The entries show the $50,000 release price for the Easement, and ldaho Power's total book value for the Easement of $180,896.27. ldaho Power does not believe that the release of the Easement requires the approval of the Commission under ldaho Code 561-328, which applies to the sale or transfer of property in ldaho "which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power and energy to the public." Please let me know if you have any questions or comments relating to this information filing by ldaho Power.,ffiw9" ldaho Public Utilities Commission July 21,2017 Page 2 Enclosures cc: Terri Carlock, IPUC ATTACHNTENT 1 re An IDACORP Cornpany PLEASE RETURN To: IDAHO POWER COMPANY Po Box 70 BorsE, lD 83702 Ioano Powrn Corrpaxy Release of Easement WHEREAS, by easement dated December 6, 1995, and recorded December 8, 1995, as Instrument Number 95090320 of the records of Ada County, State of Idatro, Sylvan Williamson and Barbara Williamson, husband and wife, granted to IDAHo PowpR CorrapeNy an easement (thc "Easement") for the construction, operation and maintenance of certain power line facilities upon the following premises located in Ada County, State of Idaho, to-wit: More particularly described in Exhibit A attached herelo and made a part hereof. AND, WHEREAS, the continuance of such easement is no longer necessary or desirable; NOW, THEREFORE, for good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, IoeHo Powsn CoupnNv does hereby release and abandon the said rights and easement hereinabove referred to and described, with the intent that the same shall forthwith cease, determine and be extinguished. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, IolHo Powen ConapeNv has caused these presents to be executed by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized this llfi- day of Apri l, 2Ol7 . Ioruro PowunCoprplxy By: Ancnln WooD,MRNeceueur & PnnrrarrrrNc LeRorR I Release of Existing Easement Instrument No. 95090320 Ada County, Idaho Page 2 of2 srATE OF rDAHO ) ) ss. couNTY oF ADA ) On this ]WOu, of April, 2017, before me Mary Kay Alandt, a Notary Public, personally appeared Angela Wood, Land Management & Permitting Leader of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the same as the free act and deed ofsaid corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. (NOTARY SEAL) Notary Residing at: My Commission Expires on:s lnlnrd Created by:ahJ€-Reviewed by: -atlLf Print Name: Mary Alandt Print Name: Andrew M. Farias r}oise). lL*o ,I KSffin EXHIBIT A y - .f 5,tdr-,vlZ; >, c- *o ,s 2." 4s6 )J^l*f** POWER LINE EASEMENT Sylvan tJllllasson ld Earbara [dllllaoeon hL dfc, Orrator(r), d Ada C,or*y, Srau of Idaho . do lrrtDy grrlt rnd corrc,y to IDAHO FOWER @MPANY, e corporetirq rilt ib prildp.l olficc locrtod at 1221 ldelo Stre{, Boirc,Idato, itr liccnro!, rilrooc.sors end ruignc, (lraatos, for Ooo Dolhr md otbcr vrlueHc coridentiolq reccipt of cfticl k tcrcby rlnwlodgo{ r righr-o(-wry urd crrcorcat fc thc ctcdlon rnd contiucd oporrtion, mrhloorocg rcpdr, rltcratloq bpcrrion, ud roplurcrt o[ tho Gh.lric arrnnisrioo, disribrlloa and tclcphona Uoer ad circuitr of tto Gnrtcq rttadod to pohe a orbc supgortl, togctta *ilf guyr, crolrrnr.od otlcr tthchncnlr rrd hcirhud cqurpncat tloreo!, ird ipeurlctr cct tvlttc t|ht ro pornit thc att*f,ocd of ltc rrrc. ed fidrres of othcr cooFrhs or prttorr ouEtr, rn rod rclan tlo folorbg penbcq bclmdlg to tto reil Grelo(r) ir Ada Couoty, Strtc of Idaho ,h rhc fonowiag tocarioo, iocd: g I ll g i) ;i ia- i) See EXHIBIT rrAt' 'rlr. I 'J A Ch. Togcthcr *ith elt rlght! of ingrcss and egrcl ncccssrry hr ltc ful ard oomplctc urc, occupetion and enjopront of tho cammant ftcrcby greoted, aod all rigLtc and pivilcgcs ircidcnt thcrcto, including tto right frour tinc to tioo to cutr lrin ,rd romovo trccr, brush, wrhaaging brarlor md ottcr ob(rualoor wtlch aay injurc or iltcrfcrc with ths Grmtcob ura occrpatioo or oqioymcot of thir otoncnt rd tba opcratloq aaintcnau od rvpilr of Grmtcc'r clcarLal rFtcn Gnotor'r rsc o[ ttc rbovcdcrribcd dglrt-of-my rhalt bc ru$cct to tto tolbrriry linitdiort: (t) no bolHngr or rtnrclrrer of aoy kiad ot ory lharorblc mrlcrid rhall bc plecc/ or 6cdod *ittil tho rigbt-of-way, (Q ao vcbiclo of rny kind that croced 1,t fect in hoight ilrll bc phccd r ocod oo thc rthtof-rry, end (3) any othcr cquigmcnt or nrtcrid wittio tho rigbt-of-way shall bo kcpt d,laaA fr feet ewey fron thc wirog of sail eleuric porer limi et dl tirncr, ctcn if ttc *ira ry or rwry u a rceul of incrtrrcd tcmpcraturcc, rio4 clcddctl loadhg oo thc wircs, or otlcr conditlonr. Sublcct to t[o lorcgoh3 liritrtiool seid righ-of-rry uy bo urd by Grdor for mrdr, ilricultud oopr rad othor purposor not iacorpktcnt rith raid crrcoonL .oa upfi+cteaU,dey of -Cp.a, -t-b z. n L9-6_* r Notary Publlg pcruonally rnd "Br-- /, -- - n , to De to bc tho porson(c) ufio aecutcd thc forc,Ering iurrurcm end rdrnorlcdgcd lo 6c thrt thcy cxccutcd ttc remc &ccly YtI,JlsOr -ry',a'/a. ..,) crrvily at -UZJ-) arf},h /r& dtyol ,-7-taa-*-ler ,lg-6-,u,rorcoc, ( , S /r, rd wluntrrily for tho uscs rod putpccs thcrch ncdiolcd, .,.r. *i'.]i' --_.. _ ;.-....,:,r,_.- -.. , .-,.._ ,s.'l):":l;,.c', ....:,.1..:(NqrAsI6S^q, . ' t. - l'- . :1-::t..'tl Ip-u.'n:'i. rF'. -\' r ,. .' ^' /---a L i".o *u. a o&rrr'?*/ o i ,r- 'C coooirsioo W"6 ^4/"/"/ 69KVt t ROW fllr (z-e,(ovER) knosr EXHIBIT'A'' A strip of land 50.0 fost iE wfoUl bcing ec Ea$ 50.0 frct of tot 4, Soctio 22, Tmnship 4 North, Rrrgs I East, Bdse Msrftlisn, Ada Cornty, Idalrc, lying Noft oftho Sqnt chryr'rcl offro Bdsc Ri\m, ard fro Eact 50.0 ftd of I.ot 5, Soctior 15, Tmnrhip 4 Nordl Rangc I Fast, Boisc Mcridian, Ada Cormty, IddD, lyirry Souttt ofdn North dumel of thc Boisc Rftacr, said strip bG,ing 25.0 ftct o sither cide oftho ocnlerlir, which ir uuo particularly dcasribd as 6llow: Cqnmsrciqg at the Wcst soction corncr comnm to raid Soctisrs 15 &,22:tt occ, on tho bomdary ccmmsr b said S€cths 15 ad 22 S 8947' I 7" E, a dishtroo of 1326 .20 ftct to &e East cmcr counm to laid Lfrt 4 and 5 fran urhich tlu % cormr cmmm to ssfol Soctims 15 &, XL bcar S t9p47'17" B, a distanaoof 1326,20frdl. thcnoe, on ths Eagt boudory of mid Lot 4, S l"l4'31" W, r distmoc of 1350.0 ftcg ruc or lG$, to th! North bstrk of 6e South chnr.d ofthe Boisc Rirrcr; tbcocc N Ef47'17'W, a digtance of 25,0 ftet to a point o eaid ccderlino and bcing n{E REAL POINT OF BECINNING; tbEoce, ur raid c€ot€rtino N lol4'31" E parallcl with thc Ea$ bqrrdary of said lot 4, a distaoce of 1350.0 ftct, morp or lcss, to a point on tho bonlary cmn6 to said SGcti@t 15 &22; tlrarcc continuiag on raid ccnterlirc N V42'24" E, parzllcl wi& ad 25.0 &et West of thc East bodary of said Lot 5, a distanco of 720.0 ftcq mor€ or lers, to a poid m tlrc Sou& bant of thc North chamcl of frs Boisc Rivcr and Eaid point bcing ftc termims of said righ of way eesemcnt, c:cjc.rylvur EXHIBIT A (continuedr ATTACHIVENT 2 Transmission Line 456 Easement Disposal Work Order 27480760 108000 Accu m ulated Provision for Depreciation 101000 Electric Plant in Service 180,896.27 L80,896.27 To record retirement of easement due to sale 131201 Cash 108000 Accu m ulated Provision for De preciation 50,000.00 50,000.00 To record proceeds from sale of easement