HomeMy WebLinkAboutUTILITY111512-post EEI Update.pdf.pdf Please see page 13 for rating definitions, important disclosures and required analyst certifications All estimates/forecasts are as of 11/16/12 unless otherwise stated. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does and seeks to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As a result, investors should be aware that the firm may have a conflict of interest that could affect the objectivity of the report and investors should consider this report as only a single factor in making their investment decision. November 16, 2012 Equity Research Post-EEI Utility Update Industry Themes And Company Takeaways Sector Rating: Diversified Electric Utilities, Market Weight Sector Rating: Integrated Electric & Gas, Market Weight Sector Rating: Regulated Electric Utilities, Market Weight FY EPS Valuation Range Chg. Price Chg. Chg. Ticker Rating Y/N 11/15/12 2012E Y/N 2013E Y/N Curr Prior Diversified Electric Utilities ET 1 $63.00 $5.50 $5.00 $70-71 $74-76 F 1 41.16 3.35 2.95 $45-46 $48-49 NE 1 66.49 4.55 4.90 $73-74 $75-76 PEG 2 29.28 2.35 2.35 $30-31 $33-34 Integrated Electric & Gas CNP 1 19.13 1.18 1.25 $20-21 $22-23 OG 1 55.58 3.50 3.65 $60-62 $61-63 V 2 27.62 1.85 1.97 $29-30 $31-32Regulated Electric Utilities EP 1 40.96 3.05 3.10 $46-47 $47-48 CNL 1 38.76 2.43 2.50 $45-46 $47-48 CMS 1 22.79 1.55 1.62 $26-27 $27-28 ED 2 54.43 3.75 3.88 $56-58 $60-62 DU 2 59.87 4.30 4.35 $62-63 $64-65 EI 1 43.79 3.40 3.30 $49-50 $52-53 GXP 2 20.16 1.30 1.60 $21-22 $22-23 IDA 1 40.75 3.35 3.23 $44-45 $47-49 IT 1 75.63 4.13 4.90 $97-99 N NU 1 37.86 2.30 2.55 $42-43 $43-44 NW 1 33.43 2.40 2.55 $37-38 $39-40 NV 2 17.50 1.35 1.30 $18-19 $20-21 POM 2 18.87 1.18 1.20 $20-21 $21-22 PCG 2 40.17 3.13 2.85 $41-42 $45-46 PNW 2 49.16 3.42 3.55 $51-53 $52-54 PO 2 25.17 1.95 1.95 $27-28 $28-29 SCG 1 45.51 3.12 3.33 $49-50 $52-53 SO 2 42.54 2.65 2.80 $45-46 $48-49 1 27.52 1.98 2.00 $30-31 $32-33 E 2 36.12 2.32 2.35 $37-38 $41-42 XEL 1 26.03 1.80 1.90 $29-30 $31-32 Source: Company data and Wells Fargo Securities, LLC estimates 1= Outperform, 2 = Market Perform, 3 = Underperform, V = Volatile = Company is on the Priority Stock List NA = Not Available, NC = No Change, NE = No Estimate, NM = Not Meaningful • On November 11-13, we attended the 47th Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Financial Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. In this note we outline industry themes and company-specific takeaways from our discussions with over 25 utility management teams. Hot topics include: (1) Sales Growth and the impact of Energy Efficiency (EE)--s it really different this time? (2) ROE Pressure--Allowed ROEs generally holding up well but 10% psychological barrier is not as strong as it used to be; (3) Cost Controls; (4) Dividend Taxes--most utility executives remain cautiously optimistic that parity between dividend and capital gains tax rates will remain; and (5) Climate Change--not sensing meaningful carbon regulation anytime soon but don’t rule out support for renewables. Unlike past conferences, M&A chatter was noticeably absent. Adjusting estimates for CNP, GXP, PNW and WR and adjusting valuation ranges for all companies except ITC. Neil Kalton, CFA, Senior Analyst (314) 875-2051 / neil.kalton@wellsfargo.comSarah Akers, CFA, Senior Analyst(314) 875-2040 / sarah.akers@wellsfargo.com Jonathan Reeder, Associate Analyst (314) 875-2052 / jonathan.reeder@wellsfargo.com Glen F. Pruitt, Associate Analyst (314) 875-2047 / glen.f.pruitt@wellsfargo.com WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 2 On November 11-13, we attended the 47th Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Financial Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. Below we outline industry themes that came to the surface in discussions with over twenty-five utility management teams followed by comments on company-specific takeaways. Industry Themes SALES GROWTH As a carryover from third quarter earnings calls, investors were interested in the impact of energy efficiency (EE) and conservation on electric sales growth. Most utility management teams agree that the old mantra of sales growth at 0.6-0.7 times GDP growth no longer holds, though the impact appears to vary by region. For example, Southern Company does not appear to be experiencing the same level of demand destruction in the Southeast, and CenterPoint Energy continues to be encouraged by sales trends in Texas. Further, several Northwest utilities, including Portland General Electric and IDACORP, highlighted that EE/conservation is not a new phenomenon in their territories so the impact is less incremental relative to peers in the Midwest, for example. In addition to regional discrepancies, other factors, such as extreme weather and lingering economic weakness, make it difficult to isolate the impact of energy efficiency on sales. ROE PRESSURE Not surprisingly, management teams are keenly aware of the downward pressure on allowed ROEs in the current interest rate environment. Several companies cited ROE risk as a factor in determining rate case timing. While many states continue to support ROEs north of 10%, others have already breached the 10% threshold--once thought of as a bit of a psychological barrier. A handful of companies that we met with fear that their state’s allowed ROEs may slip further and in some cases into the upper-9% range. However, we stress allowed ROEs are only one piece of the regulatory puzzle (i.e. allowed equity ratio, forward test year, tracking mechanisms, etc.) and we continue to advocate that investors focus on earned ROEs when evaluating regulatory outcomes/environments. COST CONTROLS Given the aforementioned pressure on allowed ROEs and sales, companies are nearly unanimously focusing on cost initiatives to maintain reasonable earned ROEs and help limit/push back rate relief requests. Headcount reductions (largely through attrition) appear to be leading the way, along with systemwide improvements (sourcing, financial systems, etc.). DIVIDEND TAXES Companies do not yet appear to be panicking about the looming expiration of the 2003 dividend tax cuts (though we may not be able to say the same for investors given recent share price performance). Most management teams remain cautiously optimistic that parity between dividend and capital gains tax rates will remain. We did not sense that utilities are likely to material alter dividend policies in response to changing tax treatment. CARBON We did not sense that utility companies expect meaningful carbon regulation anytime soon in light of the current state of the economy. Several management teams characterized carbon as a “tough sell.” We continue to believe that economic initiatives (namely jobs) will take precedent over climate change, but we would not be surprised if carbon is back in play in the latter portion of President Obama’s term assuming unemployment returns to a more acceptable level. CLIMATE CHANGE REGULATION? We did not sense that utility executives expect meaningful carbon regulation anytime soon in light of the economy and the fact that the Republicans still control the House of Representatives. We continue to believe that economic initiatives (namely jobs) will take precedent over climate change, but we would not be surprised if carbon is back in play in the latter portion of President Obama’s term should unemployment return to a more acceptable level. In the nearer term, one possible end around for the Democrats that is likely more politically palatable than a carbon tax is a stronger emphasis on renewables (tax credit extensions or perhaps the re-emergence of a federal renewable standard). NOT SO HOT TOPIC: M&A Unlike past EEI conferences, chatter around potential M&A was noticeably absent. We suspect the longer- than-expected proceedings related to DUK/PGN and NU/NST play may be taking a toll on deal prospects in the utility industry. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Post-EEI Utility Update EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 3 Neil Kalton’s company-specific takeaways are listed below followed by Sarah Akers’ coverage. Neil Kalton’s Company-Specific Takeaways American Electric Power (AEP/Outperform) (Kalton) • Our meeting with AEP was in a refreshingly stark contrast to the last few meetings at EEI as the management shifts from defense to offense. While we have to wait for the “i’s” to be dotted and “t’s” to be crossed on the Electric Security Plan (ESP) in Ohio before the company can provide 2013 EPS guidance (our estimate remains $3.10), we think the longer-term outlook is coming into better focus. On the regulated side, management emphasized cost controls, capital discipline and FERC-regulated transmission as the key growth engine. The transmission EPS contribution is expected to grow from $0.12 in 2012 to $0.35 by 2015 driven primarily by a healthy portfolio of smaller projects at the Transcos. On the merchant side, AEP restated the desire to lock up as much of their 9,000 MW portfolio as possible under long-term contracts with municipalities and electric cooperatives--however, pursuit of these contracts must wait until the pooling arrangement, etc. is sorted out over the next 12-18 months. CLECO (CNL/Outperform) (Kalton) • We were impressed with CNL’s well thought out strategy regarding a number of key items and initiatives (expiration of rate plan in 2014, wholesale contract opportunities). Notably, CNL provided additional information around the size and timing of incremental municipal and electric cooperative wholesale contract opportunities in its region. The goal is to achieve an approximate 25% market share--if accomplished the math indicates a need for an additional regulated combined cycle facility by 2015-16 (new contracts + organic load growth). CMS Energy (CMS/Outperform) (Kalton) • CMS provided a 2013-17 CapEx plan of $6.5-7.3B vs. $6.5B for 2012-16 and a 2018-22 CapEx plan of $8.0B. While a lot can change over the course of ten years, we believe the guidance displays a key differentiating factor between CMS and the majority of other regulated utilities--namely, we believe the rate base growth percentage for the sector will begin to trend down in 2014 whereas CMS appears to have a much longer runway. Separately, we gained further clarity on CMS’s plan to potentially develop a new regulated natural gas-fired plant in the 5-year planning horizon. We previously wondered whether CMS’s unregulated DIG plant could be moved into regulated rate base rather than building a new facility. However, there appears to be a fairly strong bias in Michigan against such affiliate transactions. Why is this significant? Arguably, CMS’s equity valuation does not reflect much, if any, value for DIG in our view, which we conservatively value at $1.00/share. By keeping DIG as an unregulated facility, CMS not only preserves the optionality around the plant but also does not eat into regulated investment opportunities in our view. Duke Energy (DUK/Market Perform) (Kalton) • DUK’s management was understandably limited in what they could say regarding the ongoing North Carolina Utilities Commission (NCUC) investigation into the CEO change that immediately followed the closing of the merger with Progress Energy. That being said, based on our meeting at EEI and our constructive viewpoint of the NCUC we remain of the opinion that the likely tension caused by the merger will be dealt with in the investigation and not carry over into the utilities’ general rate cases. Management elaborated on their optimism that the IURC approves the Edwardsport settlement agreement by year-end. The logic seems reasonable as all major parties have signed on and setting a hard cap prior to the latest cost increase for the IGCC plant would enhance the value of the settlement to Indiana constituents. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 4 The decision on Crystal River 3 focuses on DUK developing a high degree of confidence in the scope of the repair. While NEIL recovery is important for cost recovery, it is not a major factor in the repair decision. We got the sense a decision on CR3 is still many months away and that management would likely err on the side of conservatism when making its ultimate decision. Edison International (EIX/Outperform) (Kalton) • A decision on Edison Mission Energy (EME) draws increasingly closer. On November 15, EME failed to make scheduled interest payments of $97 million of unsecured debt. The company has a 30-day grace period to make the payments. In essence, if EIX is not able to reach an agreement with the bondholders in the next 30 days then EME would be in default and the company would likely file for bankruptcy protection. We spent a healthy amount of time at EEI with Chairman and CEO Ted Craver discussing the dual platform strategy (regulated and unregulated operations) in the event EIX walks away from EME. Consistent with prior communications, Mr. Craver expressed a strong preference for having a dual platform given the potentially sweeping technological changes that the industry could experience over the next decade. While Mr. Craver sensibly would like to keep EIX’s options open, we sensed one area of particular interest as being the provision of energy services to commercial and industrial customers on a national basis (distributed generation, etc.). We did not sense a keen interest in developing another merchant generation business. On the dividend front, EIX targets a 45-55% payout ratio of SCE’s earnings. Depending upon the final outcome in the GRC proceeding and the pending cost of capital proceeding, management indicated that the dividend could be increased at a higher level than the 1-2% annual increases in recent years. Importantly, it does not appear that the SONGS proceeding would impact the timing of near-term dividend decisions. The current annual dividend of $1.30 represents a 39% payout ratio on our SCE and parent 2013E EPS of $3.30. However, we do not expect the board to achieve the targeted payout ratio with one large increase. Entergy (ETR/Outperform) (Kalton) • The key topic of conversation was the pending spin-off of the company’s transmission assets to ITC Holdings. With MISO approvals in hand from all of the jurisdictions, attention now shifts to the change in control filings to transition the assets from Entergy’s utilities to ITC. While neither ETR nor ITC would definitively state that the MISO approvals have positive implications for the change in control proceedings, we sensed a belief from both managements that it might. We also sensed a strong belief from both companies that they would be able to make a highly compelling case to state regulators as to why ITC ownership of the assets is in the long-term interest of customers. We continue to believe that the transaction will gain the necessary approvals through a negotiated process --with an emphasis on “negotiated.” On the Genco front (Entergy Wholesale Commodities), ETR is hunkering down and trying to maximize the value of existing assets while keeping an eye on potential transactions such as the Rhode Island State Energy Center to complement the fleet. Management continues to believe that it would be optimal to separate Genco from the Utility but acknowledges that the Indian Point uncertainty greatly complicates matters. FirstEnergy (FE/Outperform) (Kalton) • FE emphasized margin over market share for FirstEnergy Solutions. The company also downplayed recent comments made by competitors suggesting meaningful pressure on 2013 retail margins. Management highlighted the company’s competitive advantage by emphasizing the attractive profile of their unregulated generation fleet. While we remain concerned by the muted long-term outlook for power prices, we continue to believe FE remains relatively attractive as compared to the power market leveraged peers. Features include a path towards EPS growth over the next few years driven by higher scheduled capacity prices and a dividend that is fully supported by the regulated utility operations. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Post-EEI Utility Update EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 5 ITC Holdings (ITC/Outperform) (Kalton) • ITC provided initial 2013 EPS guidance of $4.80-5.00 and a CapEx range of $760-860 million, which is consistent with our EPS and CapEx estimates of $4.90 and $831 million. As expected, ITC has elected not to refresh the 5-year CapEx outlook while the Entergy transaction is pending. We do not believe this should be interpreted as having negative implications for the growth outlook for the stand-alone business. In our view, because the Entergy transaction is so transformational--doubles the size of the rate base--it makes sense to us to view the next five years on a holistic basis. We think it is conceivable that the needs of the Entergy system could theoretically impact capital decisions in other jurisdictions. In addition, we think the recent announcement of the ITC Great Plains Project and, separately, our constructive discussion at EEI regarding potential partnership opportunities indicates the development pipeline remains robust. Based on management’s comments, it sounds like there is increasing receptivity by other utilities to partner with ITC. Management cited the Entergy deal as helping to improve ITC’s visibility and credibility, but we also think key personnel additions over the last few years have helped. NextEra (NEE/Outperform) (Kalton) • Our Outperform rating is predicated on a constructive outcome for FPL’s rate case and a “backlog only” scenario for NextEra Energy Resources. Post-EEI, we remain comfortable with these assumptions. From a more macro-perspective, President Obama’s re-election was generally viewed as being positive for renewables. In the near term, NEE believes that a one-year extension to the wind PTC is likely and important in the sense that it keeps tax credits in the game. However, such an extension is unlikely to have a meaningful impact on wind development as a number of projects were pulled forward into 2012 and a one-year extension would not be a sufficient signal for the industry from a longer-term perspective. That being said, given the President’s post-election comments around the need to address climate change, it is quite possible that renewables may be viewed as a more palatable solution than a carbon tax from a policy perspective--and NEE would not rule out the possibility that a federal renewable standard could come back into the discussion. Northeast Utilities (NU/Outperform) (Kalton) • Given NU recently held an analyst day in Boston that provided an initial and thorough overview of the merged entity, there was not much new to discuss at EEI. Importantly, NU’s operating utilities performed very well in response to Hurricane Sandy. This is particularly significant in Connecticut as last year CL&P faced stinging criticism following the utility’s 2011 response to Tropical Storm Irene and the October 29 snowstorm. We think the merged entity, which includes some upper management changes, is off to a good start in Connecticut--as evidenced by the constructive rate plan --and it is important that the improving regulatory relationship not get immediately derailed. Separately, we could have some news on the $1.2 billion Northern Pass transmission project shortly. NU has been wrapping up procurement on the rights of way and it sounds like the company may soon be able to enter the next phases (routing/siting). We continue to be of the impression that regional support for the project remains strong despite vocal opposition from isolated environmental groups. NorthWestern (NWE/Outperform) (Kalton) • NWE’s EPS drivers for 2013 reflect a $0.10 increase relative to 2012 EPS guidance of $2.30-2.40, which suggests a range of $2.40-2.50. Recall, NWE excludes the $0.12 related to the FERC dispute involving cost recovery for the Dave Gates Generating Station (DGGS) in the 2012 EPS guidance. Our 2013 estimate of $2.55 includes the $0.12. We believe our estimate is a better representation of NWE’s ongoing EPS power given our continued belief that the company will ultimately be allowed to substantially recover the full costs of DGGS (either via FERC customers or state customers). Bottom line--we believe NWE’s 2013 EPS drivers are highly supportive of our DGGS-adjusted 2013 estimate. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 6 Separately, on 11/15, the Montana PSC approved NWE’s acquisition of the Battle Creek natural gas reserves. At EEI, NWE indicated that in the event of a positive MPSC decision the company’s projected natural gas reserves investment of $100-200 million during the period 2012-14 would move to “high probability” from “high to medium probability.” Our outlook assumes $100 million in addition to the $32 million already announced. Pepco Holdings (POM/Market Perform) (Kalton) • Our key takeaway from EEI: recent data points suggest that there is some positive regulatory momentum in Maryland and in our view management’s body language seemed to reinforce this notion. First, the Governor’s recent Grid Resiliency Task Force report included a recommendation that the Maryland PSC consider an accelerated CapEx program that included a tracking mechanism for such CapEx. Second, the chairman of the Maryland PSC has indicated that he plans to issue an order in the Derecho proceeding by year-end that would address some of the Task Force recommendations. Third, POM’s response to Hurricane Sandy was good throughout their service territories. In fact, Pepco’s response in Maryland compared very favorably with others in the state. While we are encouraged by these data points, we think POM still faces a lot of heavy lifting to bring earned ROEs up to adequate levels. That being said, should POM be able to execute on planned regulated CapEx and materially reduce the operating utilities’ regulatory lag, we believe annual EPS growth could be in the 8-10% range versus peers at 4-6%. PG&E Corp. (PCG/Market Perform) (Kalton) • We got the impression that reaching a global settlement by year-end could prove challenging. Settlement remains the preferred path however the other parties prefer to negotiate without a mediator--something PG&E feels would greatly facilitate the process. Should the CPSD not recommend extending negotiations, hearings are set to resume on November 26. Management indicated that it may be necessary for hearings to resume so as not to unduly delay the overall resolution process. Under this scenario, settlement talks would continue, thus it would not preclude PG&E’s from striking a settlement. Management believes the ALJ proposed decision on PG&E’s Pipeline Safety and Enhancement Plan provides a reasonable starting point for settlement negotiations. Should a unanimous settlement be reached, PG&E expects the CPUC would act quickly. The proposed decision in the pending cost-of-capital proceeding is due November 19. Both PCG and EIX management expect timely resolution in the proceeding despite the fact that nearly all other major CPUC dockets have extended beyond the original procedural schedule. Recall, the DRA recommended an 8.75% allowed ROE versus utility requests of 11%+. On November 15, PG&E filed its 2014 General Rate Case application requesting 2014-16 revenue increases of $1.3 billion, $0.5 billion and $0.5 billion, respectively. Roughly two-thirds of the case appears CapEx driven with the biggest percentage increase focusing on gas distribution. While management indicated that the opportunity to accelerate infrastructure investment is vast, it is ultimately a matter of what the regulators want done. Public Service Enterprise Group (PEG/Market Perform) (Kalton) • We viewed our meeting with PEG as quite positive. PSE&G’s response to Hurricane Sandy appears to have been viewed by the state as being as good as could have been reasonably expected given the magnitude of the storm. At this point, given the constructive feedback from Governor Christie and the NJ BPU we believe storm-cost recovery should be fairly straightforward. Longer term, it is possible that PSE&G could end up deploying additional capital to further harden the system. Based on recent precedent and PSE&G’s constructive relationship with the BPU, we would expect there would be some type of tracking mechanism for such CapEx. On the merchant side, management continues to employ a prudently conservative approach by basing their strategic and financial decisions on the forward power curves. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Post-EEI Utility Update EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 7 SCANA (SCG/Outperform) (Kalton) • Based on our discussion with management at EEI, we remain comfortable with our 2013 EPS estimate of $3.33. We walked away with the impression that settlement discussions in SCE&G’s electric rate case remain constructive and ongoing--a settlement needs to be reached by November 19 given the Public Service Commission of South Carolina’s desire to have settlement agreements in hand one week prior to hearings in order to provide sufficient time for consideration. On the nuclear front, SCG modestly revised the timing of CapEx related to minor delays in module deliveries. The delays are not expected to have any impact on the 2017 and 2018 in-service dates for the two units. Separately, the $283 million nuclear cost update filing was unanimously approved by the PSC. Southern Company (SO/Market Perform) (Kalton) • We spent a considerable amount of time with Chairman and CEO Tom Fanning discussing his thoughts on federal policies following the 2012 election. On the energy front, Mr. Fanning does not think there is much appetite in Washington for any type of carbon legislation (straight tax or cap and trade) but rather expects the EPA to continue to drive environmental/carbon policy. Separately, Mr. Fanning thinks the utility industry (along with other groups) has done an effective job of communicating the need to keep the dividend tax rate in parity with the capital gains rate. Our discussion on these topics with SO is another healthy reminder as to why we consistently have had a positive bias toward the company. Not only does SO stay in front of issues on a state-level but also on a national level. This allows the company to not only have a say in policies that might impact the company and its customers, but also better understand the direction of policies in order to mitigate the impact on customers. Our Market Perform rating reflects valuation considerations. Wisconsin Energy (WEC/Market Perform) (Kalton) • Chairman and CEO Gale Klappa clearly articulated why he believes that WEC’s projected 4-6% EPS CAGR is on more solid footing than the sector. Specifically, WEC’s EPS growth target is predicated on realistic load growth assumptions while much of the rest of the industry is still coming to terms with the notion that usage trends may be structurally changing. On the capital investment front, we think the biggest opportunity not in the company’s 5-year CapEx forecast remains the potential acquisition of some of Wisconsin’s state-owned steam generating units. Sale of the environmentally challenged units remains contingent on legislation. With Governor Walker firmly in-place and the 2012 election in the rear view mirror, WEC believes there may be a real opportunity for such legislation to pass in 2013. We came away with the impression that if it does not pass in 2013, it is unlikely to ever pass. WEC’s rough investment opportunity is $300-400 million split evenly between the purchase price and incremental environmental investment needs. Last, WEC made it clear that the 60% dividend payout goal by 2014 was not necessarily a stopping point and that the dividend payout could move higher post-2014. Xcel Energy (XEL/Outperform) (Kalton) • One of the major discussion points in our meeting with XEL was Northern States Power’s pending Electric rate case in Minnesota, which was filed on November 2. While XEL decided to file a traditional rate case versus a multi-year plan, this was communicated as technically necessary in order to implement interim rates in the near term. Importantly, it remains conceivable that XEL could end up successfully negotiating a multi-year rate plan as part of the current rate process. That being said, it often takes regulators some time to adapt to major ratemaking changes and therefore we would not be surprised if it takes another cycle before a multi-year plan gains approval. While we would prefer a multi-year plan given our belief that it provides XEL with a better ability to reduce regulatory lag, our EPS estimates and Outperform rating are not predicated on it. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 8 Sarah Akers’ Company-Specific Takeaways: CenterPoint Energy (CNP/Outperform) (Akers) • Much of our time with CNP was spent on the growth outlook in light of the company’s $500-600MM remaining cash balance and comments on the third quarter call regarding the use of cash. President and CEO David McClanahan remains confident in the opportunity set at Field Services, but producers are not moving forward as quickly as originally thought. Regarding the Bakken opportunity, CNP plans to finalize cost estimates at year-end and make a decision in early 2013. Other targeted areas include western Oklahoma, Mississippi Lime, Tuscaloosa Marine and Northeast Texas (mid-continent shale plays in liquids-rich areas). Mr. McClanahan clarified that the targeted 4-6% growth rate does embed new opportunities at Field Services. While management acknowledged that success at Field Services could drive growth at the top end of the range, we viewed the comments as incrementally negative as we thought the base business could sustain mid-single-digit annual EPS growth over the next 3-5 years and viewed new midstream opportunities as upside potential. We are revising our 2012-14E EPS to $1.18, $1.25 and $1.32 from $1.18, $1.29 and $1.36, respectively. Our estimates continue to exclude the impact of new Field Services investments, which we value separately. We are sticking with our Outperform rating, but we recognize that the upside potential is dependent on successful execution of new midstream projects in an increasingly challenging environment. CNP continues to view the potential formation of a Master Limited Partnership (MLP) as a financing vehicle should capital investment opportunities require external equity funding. Further, the company targets at least $200-300MM of visible midstream growth in order to make an MLP viable. Management does not believe this level of growth requires a rebound in gas prices as the company is pursuing growth beyond Field Services’ native dry gas footprint. Consolidated Edison (ED/Market Perform) (Akers) • Management did not have many answers to Sandy-related questions at the EEI conference and, as evidenced by the recent 8-K announcing plans to defer planned rate cases until “a more appropriate time,” as the situation remains fluid. Preliminary cost estimates approximate $350-450MM CECONY and $75-100MM O&R. We expect ED will defer operating costs and seek recovery of capital above levels set in the rate plan in future proceedings. The only near-term bottom line impact appears to be lost steam sales, which we don’t expect to be material. While we do not expect meaningful cost disallowances at this point, we remain modestly concerned that the CECONY Electric rate case could be more politicized in nature, which could make it more challenging to reach a settlement. In the meantime, the longer ED waits to file in New York, the greater the potential for regulatory lag (electric plan covers 3-year period through 3/31/13 and rate cases take 11 months). We were encouraged to hear that when the company does file in NY, CECONY will likely file for a capital structure consistent with CECONY Electric’s actual regulatory equity ratio, which we expect will be above the current 48%--that could help offset the impact of a likely lower allowed ROE. Separately, ED remains open to new solar investment (beyond the $350MM of projects announced in July and $200MM announced in October) that meet the company’s risk profile and return targets (mid-teen levered internal rates of return). Such investments could add to the earnings growth outlook. Great Plains (GXP/Market Perform) (Akers) • President and CEO Terry Bassham sought to ensure investors that GXP is working on cost solutions to address the potential 50-100 bps of incremental regulatory lag discussed on the Q3 call. While we may not have clarity on specific initiatives until early next year, management is maintaining the target of 50 bps of lag in year one of new base rates. We also walked through the drastic decline in third quarter weather-normalized retail electric sales (-4.2% in Q3 2012, which compares to the year-to- date number of -1.6%). While it is difficult to parse out the drivers of the steep decline in Q3, the company pointed to the following factors: (1) weather-normalization methodology (looking deeper for accuracy issues), (2) customer response to higher bills as a result of hot summer weather, (3) lingering economic weakness, and (4) energy efficiency measures, including lighting and air WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Post-EEI Utility Update EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 9 conditioning upgrades. Shifting to the pending rate cases, management appeared pleased with progress thus far, but noted that ROE and capital structure remain key outstanding issues. The next round of rate cases will likely be initiated in early 2015 (at the earliest) and driven by La Cygne. IDACORP (IDA/Outperform) (Akers) • IDACORP discussed potential options to fill the 2016-2018 resource gap (Boardman-to-Hemingway expected to be online no earlier than 2018) including a new gas peaker at Langley Gulch, upping imports via line re-ratings, and demand response, among other options. We would view a new peaker at Langley favorably given seemingly modest rate base growth opportunities in the 2014-2015 time frame. Solutions are expected to be outlined in IDA’s Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) in mid-2013, though management may be able to share initial findings in early 2013. Regarding Boardman-to- Hemingway, the company expressed confidence in the project highlighting that it is designed to serve native load and taps into existing resources. Management emphasized that while weather and tax benefits have helped year-to-date results, the base business has performed well. IDA executives appeared optimistic about sales growth given recent economic activity and highlighted that Idaho has been at the forefront of energy efficiency initiatives (been doing for 5-7 years) so the impact is less incremental relative to many other companies--plus IDA has a fixed cost adjustment mechanism. NV Energy (NVE/Market Perform) (Akers) • President and CEO Michael Yackira and EVP and CFO Jonathan Halkyard both expressed confidence the economic outlook in the company’s Nevada service territory. The company is seeing evidence of a housing recovery, and, as highlighted on the Q3 call, is also encouraged by underlying customer and usage trends. While the sales growth environment is promising, management believes it is pre- mature to meaningfully alter the sales outlook and retains a laser focus on costs. Through full deployment of sourcing programs, NV Energize, and other measures, Mr. Halkyard believes that realizing 100% operating leverage on a 1% increase in sales growth is achievable. As this was our first opportunity to meet Mr. Halkyard in person after he joined NVE from the casino industry in July 2012, we were impressed by his command over the business and seemingly thoughtful approach. OGE Energy (OGE/Outperform) (Akers) • It was clear from our meeting that Enogex remains in growth mode, and management is focused on proving out investments and growing EBITDA. While OGE will likely continue to bulk up Enogex to be more self-sustaining, CFO Sean Trauschke believes recent increases in operating expenses could provide some operating leverage in the near term. Separately, while a shift toward oil has resulted in slightly lower gas gathering volumes, condensate volumes are benefitting from the trend and management remains generally bullish on development in Enogex’s footprint. We think the potential shift from liquids to oil is worth monitoring, but we are not overly concerned at this point. Enogex remains well-positioned for continued growth, in our view. Shifting to the regulated realm, OGE would like to alleviate potential equity financing needs, as well as regulatory and ratepayer pushback, by pursuing the least costly environmental solutions over an extended period of time. If OG&E is allowed to proceed with lower cost environmental solutions, then the company would likely seek recovery via single item rate case(s). If scrubbers are required, however, there would likely be a need for more regulatory support, such as pre-approval and rider recovery. In Arkansas, management remains focused on reducing regulatory lag and is considering creative solutions such as single item rate cases, in addition to reduced investment in the state. While there is a clear frustration with the returns in Arkansas, the state could prove strategic from a transmission standpoint longer term. Lastly, when asked about the potential to form an MLP, Mr. Trauschke expressed a clear openness to the idea, but stressed that it would need to be under the right circumstances. This includes the appropriate growth phase (right now may be too early in the growth cycle but also not appealing to wait until the growth phase is over) and at the appropriate size ($400-500MM in EBITDA; this compares to our 2012E EBITDA of $305MM and our 2014E EBITDA of $370MM, which we believe could prove conservative). The focus right now is on getting bigger. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 10 Pinnacle West (PNW/Market Perform) (Akers) • While we did not meet with PNW at EEI, we spent time with management at the company’s 11/9 Analyst Day and dinner. We viewed the event constructively. While 2013 EPS guidance was a hair below our expectations and management continues to target annual EPS growth below the 6% rate base growth clip (2011-2015E), we believe those expectations could prove conservative. We see upside potential should (1) sales growth outpace the company’s 2012-2015 expectations for flat net sales and/or (2) the company delay a rate case filing (current plan includes mid-2015 filing, but management appears eager to delay if APS can sustain reasonable earned ROEs through better than expected sales and/or cost controls). Delays in filing the rate case would also push off dilution from an equity issuance needed to true-up the capital structure. Based on model updates and new disclosures, we are revising our 2012E and 2013E EPS to $3.42 and $3.55 from $3.34 and $3.50. Portland General Electric (POR/Market Perform) (Akers) • As we will not have clarity on RFP outcomes until early 2013, our meeting with SVP, CFO and Treasurer Maria Pope centered around regulatory strategy and sales growth. POR made a filing in August to improve recovery of rising pension expense. Separately, the company plans to seek additional improvements to the company’s power cost adjustment mechanism (PCAM) in the next rate case. The focus will likely be on the asymmetry (currently downside risk is greater than upside potential in our view). We would consider movement on these two items favorably as it relates to (1) the company’s ability to consistently earn closer to the allowed ROE (still 100 bps structural lag) and (2) the Oregon regulatory environment. Shifting to sales growth, while weakness in commercial load negatively impacted Q3 sales, Ms. Pope expressed optimism and highlighted the following factors: (1) power prices below the national average, (2) a relatively young, reliable system, (3) well developed high tech infrastructure including fiber optic cables, (4) Oregon has been promoting energy efficiency for many years so the incremental impact is not as meaningful--plus POR has decoupling mechanisms currently approved through 12/31/13. Vectren Corp. (VVC/Market Perform) (Akers) • We walked away from our VVC meeting with greater optimism around Vectren Fuels’ post-2013 Coal Mining outlook. Management believes the ramp in coal volumes will address the negative EPS drag. While we still do not have certainty on pricing, the company confirmed that they use EPS as a guiding metric rather than cash costs per ton (as many other coal companies do). We were encouraged by the commentary and believe there could be upside potential to our 2014E EPS of $2.10, which assumes a modest EPS drag from Coal Mining. In terms of demand, management pointed to gas prices as a key driver and indicated that coal plants in their region compete very well when gas is above $3/mcf. The company’s tone on Infrastructure Services and Utility operations remains constructive. Management continues to believe favorable demand trends are part of a very long cycle for both distribution (bare steel/cast iron, gas modernization, etc.) and transmission (shale-related infrastructure needs) construction. Sandy-related destruction/rebuilding could also lead to opportunities (either directly or through reduced competition elsewhere). On the utility front, even with the higher 2012 utility EPS base, VVC continues to target a 3% annual growth rate over the next several years. Additional spend could be driven by gas modernization projects and the acceleration of bare steel/cast iron replacement programs pending regulatory clarity. Westar Energy (WR/Outperform) (Akers) • Our meeting with Westar underscored our confidence in management’s ability to effectively navigate the company through the next few years in a potentially challenging environment. The timing of the next rate case will be driven by La Cygne, which likely means a filing in early-to-mid-2015. If sales growth does not recover beforehand, management is committed to living within its means rather than seek relief earlier. Further, equity issuance will likely also be largely tied to the rate case (an early 2015 filing would require equity around mid-2015 to true up the capital structure). While the company is expected to continue to be opportunistic and maintain the balance sheet, we now anticipate a more modest level of equity in early-to-mid 2014 (we previously thought WR would achieve the desired equity layer through two similar-sized offerings in early 2014 and mid-2015). Based on Q3 disclosures and our recent meeting, we revised our 2012-14E EPS to $1.98, $2.00 and $2.15 vs. $1.95, $2.05 and $2.15, previously. We lowered our 2013E to better reflect a lower WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Post-EEI Utility Update EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 11 normalized 2012 base (company estimates that weather added $0.17-0.18 to 2012 year to date), but no change to our 2014E EPS based on lower 2014 assumed equity issuance and slightly greater cost controls. Valuation Range Information: ETR Basis and Risks: Our $70-71/sh valuation range is based on a sum-of-the-parts analysis ($47/sh for Regulated & Parent, $22 for the transmission assets, and $1-2/sh for ETR's merchant assets. Risks to our valuation range include commodity price sensitivity, nuclear relicensing and operational risks, regulatory risks and failure to close the transmission transaction. FE Basis and Risks: Our $45-46/sh valuation reflects a comparison, sum-of-the-parts ($35/sh Regulated & Parent and $10-11 per share Merchant) and residual income analyses. Risks include commodity price sensitivity, merger integration, and operational risks. NEE Basis and Risks: Our $73-74/sh valuation reflects a comparison, sum-of-the-parts ($50/sh Regulated & Parent and $23-24 per share Merchant) and residual income analyses. Risks include the ability to deliver on wind development plans, FL economic and regulatory concerns and commodity price risk. PEG Basis and Risks: Our $30-31/sh valuation range is based on a sum-of-the-parts (we value Utility, Parent & Energy Holdings at $20/share - 15X our 14E EPS - and Power at $10-11/share - 6X our 14E EBITDA) and residual income analysis. Risks to our valuation include earnings sensitivity to commodity prices, operational risks and unfavorable regulatory/political developments. CNP Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is based on a P/E (14.7X on our 14E EPS), sum-of-the-parts, dividend discount and residual income analyses. We add $1/share for assumed incremental investment totaling $350 million. Risks include execution risk related to new growth opportunities, negative regulatory developments, and unfavorable moves in commodity prices. OGE Basis and Risks: Our valuation is based on a sum-of-the-parts analysis (14.25X OG&E/Parent 14E of $3.00 and 8.2X Enogex 14E EBITDA). Risks include negative regulatory developments, commodity exposure and weaker than expected electric sales. VVC Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is based on a sum-of-the-parts ($25/share for Utility Holdings and $4 for Non-Utility), dividend discount and residual income analyses. Risks include economic weakness, lower than expected coal sales, and Non-Utility exposure to commodity prices. AEP Basis and Risks: Our $46-47/sh valuation range is supported by our P/E multiple (14.0x to 14.5X our 2012E EPS), dividend discount and residual income methodologies. Risks include potential regulatory pushback related to environmental spend/costs, economic risks and increasing sensitivity to power/capacity prices. CNL Basis and Risks: Our valuation is based on a P/E multiple comparison, residual income and dividend discount analyses. We apply a 14.7X P/E multiple to our 15E EPS of $3.10. Risks include economic weakness and potential difficulties extracting value from Coughlin. CMS Basis and Risks: Our $26-27/sh valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply a 15X multiple - a 5-10% premium to the 2013 Regulated Electric peer group median of 14X - to our 14E of $1.70 and add $1/sh for the DIG power plant) and dividend discount model analysis. Key risks include regulatory risk, Michigan economic risk and a comparatively weak balance sheet at the parent level. ED Basis and Risks: We value ED under P/E multiple (apply 14.5x to our 2014E EPS of $3.95) and dividend discount analysis. Risks to our valuation include regulatory-related risks related to CECONY Electric's upcoming rate case, higher than expected O&M expense and interest rate sensitivity. DUK Basis and Risks: Our $62-63/sh valuation range reflects a P/E multiple (apply a 5% discount to the regulated electric median of 14X to our 14E), a dividend discount model and a residual income analysis. We believe a modest discount is warranted given merger execution risk, heightened regulatory risk & uncertainties related to Crystal River 3 and Edwardsport (both cost recovery and in-service dates). Risks relate to merger execution, regulatory orders, international ops and unregulated coal fleet margins. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 12 EIX Basis and Risks: Our 12-18 month valuation range is primarily based on a sum-of-the-parts analysis and dividend discount model. We apply the 13E regulated electric group median multiple of 14X to our $3.50 14E EPS for SCE & Parent resulting in a forward price of roughly $49-50 per share. We ascribe no value for EMG. Key risks include a potential deterioration in CA regulation and risks around Edison Mission (distraction to management, legal challenges in the event EME defaults, etc.) GXP Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is primarily based on a P/E multiple analysis (13.5X our 13E EPS). Key risks include unfavorable rate case outcomes, cost pressures and lower than expected sales. IDA Basis and Risks: We value IDA under P/E multiple (13-13.5X multiple on our 14E EPS of $3.35) and dividend discount analysis. Risks to our valuation include project delays/cancellations, negative regulatory developments and economic weakness. ITC Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is based on P/E and residual income analyses. We apply a 15.5- 16.0x multiple to our 16E of $7.50 and then discount this value back 2-yrs by 9% annually. The 15.5-16.0x multiple represents a reasonable 11-14% premium relative to the 13E regulated electric group median of 14x. Our forward-looking valuation range is also well supported by our residual income model. Risks to our valuation include adverse changes in the FERC's transmission policies, project delays or cancellations and failure to close the ETR Mid-South transaction. NU Basis and Risks: Our $42-43/sh valuation range is premised on a roughly 10% premium to 13E regulated P/E multiple of 14X to our 14E EPS of $2.75. Risks to our valuation include project delays/cancellations related to Northern Pass and regulatory risks. NWE Basis and Risks: Our $37-38/sh valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply the 13E regulated electric group median multiple of 14X to our 14E EPS) and dividend discount model. Chief risks include regulatory, project timing and interest rate risks. NVE Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is supported by our P/E (13.5-14X on our 14E EPS of $1.35), dividend discount and residual income analyses. Key risks include negative economic developments, higher than expected O&M, and unsupportive regulatory decisions. POM Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is based on a combo of our P/E multiple comparison (apply the 13E regulated electric group median multiple to our 14E EPS of $1.45), dividend discount and residual income methodologies. Risks include regulatory risks associated with pending and upcoming rate filings and interest rate sensitivity. PCG Basis and Risks: Our $41-42/sh valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply a ~10% discount to the 13E regulated electric median multiple of 14X to our 14E of $3.30) and dividend discount model. Key risks include unfavorable regulatory outcomes and higher than expected unrecoverable San Bruno pipeline explosion costs. PNW Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is primarily based on P/E multiple (14X our 14E EPS), dividend discount and residual income analyses. Key risks include unfavorable regulatory developments, weaker than expected customer growth and cost inflation. POR Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is supported by our P/E (13X on our 14E EPS), dividend discount and residual income analyses. Risks include operating cost increases, a protracted economic downturn, and adverse RFP and regulatory outcomes. SCG Basis and Risks: Our 12-18 month valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply '13E mid cap group median of 14X to our '14E of $3.50) and dividend discount analysis. Risks to SCG shares, in our view, include regulatory risk, construction risk and a slower-than-expected Southeastern economy. SO Basis and Risks: Our 12-18 month valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply a roughly 10% premium to the regulated '13E median multiple of 14X to our 2014E of $2.95) and dividend discount model analyses. In our view, risks include regulatory risk, construction risk and potential exposure to adverse federal energy legislation. WR Basis and Risks: Our valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply a 14X multiple to our 14E EPS of $2.15) analysis. Risks to our valuation include customer and regulatory pushback to rising costs, lower than expected sales growth and higher than expected cost inflation. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Post-EEI Utility Update EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 13 WEC Basis and Risks: Our $37-38/sh valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply a 15.5X multiple - a 5-10% premium to the 2013 Regulated Electric peer group median of 14X - to our 14E of $2.45) and dividend discount model. Risks to our valuation include regulatory risk and the impact of a protracted recession on sales and costs. XEL Basis and Risks: Our $29-30/sh valuation range is based on a P/E multiple (apply a 15.0X multiple - a 5-10% premium to the 2013 Regulated Electric peer group median of 14X - to our 14E of $2.00) and dividend discount model. Risks include regulatory risks related to pending and upcoming rate cases, a weaker than expected rebound in sales and cost pressures. 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WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 14 ƒ Wells Fargo Securities, LLC maintains a market in the common stock of American Electric Power Company, Inc., Duke Energy Corp., NextEra Energy, Inc., Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., Pepco Holdings, Inc., SCANA Corp., Southern Company, FirstEnergy Corp., Westar Energy, Inc., Entergy Corp., CMS Energy Corp., IDACORP, Inc., Wisconsin Energy Corp., NV Energy Inc., Edison International, CLECO Corp, ITC Holdings, OGE Energy Corp., PG&E Corp., Xcel Energy, Inc., Portland General Electric, CenterPoint Energy, Inc., NorthWestern Corporation. ƒ Wells Fargo Securities, LLC or its affiliates managed or comanaged a public offering of securities for Northeast Utilities, Westar Energy, Inc., Pepco Holdings, Inc. within the past 12 months. ƒ Wells Fargo Securities, LLC or its affiliates intends to seek or expects to receive compensation for investment banking services in the next three months from Pepco Holdings, Inc., SCANA Corp., Westar Energy, Inc., FirstEnergy Corp., Southern Company, Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., NextEra Energy, Inc., Duke Energy Corp., American Electric Power Company, Inc., Northeast Utilities, ITC Holdings, Great Plains Energy, Consolidated Edison, Edison International, NV Energy Inc., Wisconsin Energy Corp., IDACORP, Inc., CMS Energy Corp., Entergy Corp., Vectren Corp., CenterPoint Energy, Inc., Portland General Electric, Pinnacle West Capital Corp., Xcel Energy, Inc., PG&E Corp., OGE Energy Corp. ƒ Wells Fargo Securities, LLC or its affiliates received compensation for investment banking services from Xcel Energy, Inc., Pinnacle West Capital Corp., CenterPoint Energy, Inc., Entergy Corp., CMS Energy Corp., IDACORP, Inc., Edison International, Great Plains Energy, Northeast Utilities, American Electric Power Company, Inc., NextEra Energy, Inc., Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., Southern Company, Westar Energy, Inc., SCANA Corp., Pepco Holdings, Inc. in the past 12 months. ƒ Wells Fargo Securities, LLC and/or its affiliates, have beneficial ownership of 1% or more of any class of the common stock of SCANA Corp., NextEra Energy, Inc., Northeast Utilities, ITC Holdings, IDACORP, Inc., Wisconsin Energy Corp., Portland General Electric, NorthWestern Corporation. ƒ Pinnacle West Capital Corp., CenterPoint Energy, Inc., Xcel Energy, Inc., IDACORP, Inc., CMS Energy Corp., Entergy Corp., Great Plains Energy, Northeast Utilities, Edison International, NextEra Energy, Inc., Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., American Electric Power Company, Inc., SCANA Corp., Pepco Holdings, Inc., Westar Energy, Inc., Southern Company currently is, or during the 12-month period preceding the date of distribution of the research report was, a client of Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC provided investment banking services to Pinnacle West Capital Corp., CenterPoint Energy, Inc., Xcel Energy, Inc., IDACORP, Inc., CMS Energy Corp., Entergy Corp., Great Plains Energy, Northeast Utilities, Edison International, NextEra Energy, Inc., Public Service Enterprise Group Inc., American Electric Power Company, Inc., SCANA Corp., Pepco Holdings, Inc., Westar Energy, Inc., Southern Company. ƒ Pepco Holdings, Inc., Edison International, Consolidated Edison, CLECO Corp, IDACORP, Inc., NV Energy Inc., Xcel Energy, Inc., OGE Energy Corp., Portland General Electric, Vectren Corp. currently is, or during the 12-month period preceding the date of distribution of the research report was, a client of Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. 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Wells Fargo Securities, LLC does not compensate its research analysts based on specific investment banking transactions. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC’s research analysts receive compensation that is based upon and impacted by the overall profitability and revenue of the firm, which includes, but is not limited to investment banking revenue. STOCK RATING 1=Outperform: The stock appears attractively valued, and we believe the stock's total return will exceed that of the market over the next 12 months. BUY 2=Market Perform: The stock appears appropriately valued, and we believe the stock's total return will be in line with the market over the next 12 months. HOLD 3=Underperform: The stock appears overvalued, and we believe the stock's total return will be below the market over the next 12 months. SELL AEP: Risks include potential regulatory pushback related to environmental spend/costs, economic risks and increasing sensitivity to power/capacity prices. CMS: Key risks include regulatory risk, Michigan economic risk and a comparatively weak balance sheet at the parent level. CNL: Risks include economic weakness and potential difficulties extracting value from Coughlin. CNP: Risks include execution risk related to new growth opportunities, negative regulatory developments, and unfavorable moves in commodity prices. DUK: Risks relate to merger execution, regulatory orders, international ops and unregulated coal fleet margins. ED: Risks to our valuation include regulatory-related risks related to CECONY Electric's upcoming rate case, higher than expected O&M expense and interest rate sensitivity. EIX: Key risks include a potential deterioration in CA regulation and risks around Edison Mission (distraction to management, legal challenges in the event EME defaults, etc.) ETR: Risks to our valuation range include commodity price sensitivity, nuclear relicensing and operational risks, regulatory risks and failure to close the transmission transaction. FE: Risks include commodity price sensitivity, merger integration, and operational risks. GXP: Key risks include unfavorable rate case outcomes, cost pressures and lower than expected sales. IDA: Risks to our valuation include project delays/cancellations, negative regulatory developments and economic weakness. ITC: Risks to our valuation include adverse changes in the FERC's transmission policies, project delays or cancellations and failure to close the ETR Mid-South transaction. NEE: Risks include the ability to deliver on wind development plans, FL economic and regulatory concerns and commodity price risk. NU: Risks to our valuation include project delays/cancellations related to Northern Pass and regulatory risks. NVE: Key risks include negative economic developments, higher than expected O&M, and unsupportive regulatory decisions. NWE: Chief risks include regulatory, project timing and interest rate risks. OGE: Risks include negative regulatory developments, commodity exposure and weaker than expected electric sales. PCG: Key risks include unfavorable regulatory outcomes and higher than expected unrecoverable San Bruno pipeline explosion costs. PEG: Risks to our valuation include earnings sensitivity to commodity prices, operational risks and unfavorable regulatory/political developments. PNW: Key risks include unfavorable regulatory developments, weaker than expected customer growth and cost inflation. POM: Risks include regulatory risks associated with pending and upcoming rate filings and interest rate sensitivity. POR: Risks include operating cost increases, a protracted economic downturn, and adverse RFP and regulatory outcomes. SCG: Risks to SCG shares, in our view, include regulatory risk, construction risk and a slower-than-expected Southeastern economy. SO: In our view, risks include regulatory risk, construction risk and potential exposure to adverse federal energy legislation. VVC: Risks include economic weakness, lower than expected coal sales, and Non-Utility exposure to commodity prices. WEC: Risks to our valuation include regulatory risk and the impact of a protracted recession on sales and costs. WR: Risks to our valuation include customer and regulatory pushback to rising costs, lower than expected sales growth and higher than expected cost inflation. XEL: Risks include regulatory risks related to pending and upcoming rate cases, a weaker than expected rebound in sales and cost pressures. WELLS FARGO SECURITIES, LLC Utilities EQUITY RESEARCH DEPARTMENT 16 SECTOR RATING O=Overweight: Industry expected to outperform the relevant broad market benchmark over the next 12 months. M=Market Weight: Industry expected to perform in-line with the relevant broad market benchmark over the next 12 months. U=Underweight: Industry expected to underperform the relevant broad market benchmark over the next 12 months. VOLATILITY RATING V = A stock is defined as volatile if the stock price has fluctuated by +/-20% or greater in at least 8 of the past 24 months or if the analyst expects significant volatility. All IPO stocks are automatically rated volatile within the first 24 months of trading. As of: November 15, 2012 49% of companies covered by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Equity Research are rated Outperform. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC has provided investment banking services for 42% of its Equity Research Outperform-rated companies. 49% of companies covered by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Equity Research are rated Market Perform. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC has provided investment banking services for 35% of its Equity Research Market Perform-rated companies. 2% of companies covered by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Equity Research are rated Underperform. Wells Fargo Securities, LLC has provided investment banking services for 21% of its Equity Research Underperform-rated companies. Important Information for Non-U.S. Recipients EEA – The securities and related financial instruments described herein may not be eligible for sale in all jurisdictions or to certain categories of investors. For recipients in the EEA, this report is distributed by Wells Fargo Securities International Limited (“WFSIL”). 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Any decisions to invest in securities or transactions should be made after reviewing policies and methodologies used for assigning credit ratings and assumptions, significance and limitations of the credit ratings stated on the respective rating agencies’ websites. About Wells Fargo Securities, LLC Wells Fargo Securities, LLC is a U.S. broker-dealer registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and a member of the New York Stock Exchange, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and the Securities Investor Protection Corp. This report is for your information only and is not an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to buy, the securities or instruments named or described in this report. Interested parties are advised to contact the entity with which they deal, or the entity that provided this report to them, if they desire further information. The information in this report has been obtained or derived from sources believed by Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, to be reliable, but Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, does not represent that this information is accurate or complete. Any opinions or estimates contained in this report represent the judgment of Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, at this time, and are subject to change without notice. For the purposes of the U.K. Financial Services Authority's rules, this report constitutes impartial investment research. Each of Wells Fargo Securities, LLC, and Wells Fargo Securities International Limited is a separate legal entity and distinct from affiliated banks. Copyright © 2012 Wells Fargo Securities, LLC. SECURITIES: NOT FDIC-INSURED/NOT BANK-GUARANTEED/MAY LOSE VALUE