HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC Keybank-Jan-2009.pdf FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES AND CERTIFICATIONS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 6 OF THIS NOTE. 1 Cur Prv Cur Prv Current EPS Previous EPS Sym Rtg Rtg Target Target 2008 2009 2010 2008 2009 2010 AEE HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.85 $3.10 --$2.85 $3.20 -- CMS BUY BUY $16.50 $16.50 $1.20 $1.30 --$1.25 $1.30 -- CNL BUY BUY $25.00 $25.00 $1.70 $1.75 --$1.70 $1.80 -- DPL HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.05 $2.20 --$2.00 $2.20 -- DTE HOLD HOLD NA NA $3.00 $3.20 --$2.90 $3.35 -- DUK HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.20 $1.20 --$1.20 $1.30 -- ED HOLD HOLD NA NA $3.05 $3.20 --$3.10 $3.20 -- ETR HOLD HOLD NA NA $6.50 $7.10 --$6.80 $7.75 -- IDA HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.20 $2.30 --$2.10 $2.30 -- MDU BUY BUY $23.00 $27.00 $2.00 $1.40 --$2.10 $1.95 -- NI HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.25 $1.05 --$1.25 $1.10 -- PGN HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.95 $3.05 --$3.05 $3.15 -- SO BUY BUY $38.00 $38.00 $2.35 $2.45 --$2.35 $2.50 -- WEC HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.95 $3.15 --$2.85 $3.15 -- KEY INVESTMENT POINTS We expect companies in our universe to report a 3.0% increase in quarterly earnings over 4Q07, driven primarily by new rates, modestly improved weather, weak economy, operating and maintenance cost pressures, commodity pricing and lower demand by consumers. Our average annual EPS growth expectations for our coverage universe for 2008 and 2009 are 5.2% and 3.9%, respectively. For the quarter, weather was generally normal to modestly colder than normal throughout most of the United States. Moderate October and November temperatures gave way to a cold December that resulted in higher heating degree-day comparisons same quarter year-over-year for most utilities in our coverage universe, particularly those in the Midwest and Northeast. Mild temperatures in Florida and the Southeast generally reduced air conditioning load early in the 4Q, while potentially contributing to higher heating demand in the region toward the end of the year. Our weather data also showed that while the Pacific Northwest was snowy and cold, that region was not as cold relative to 4Q07 on a heating-degree day basis. For the 4Q, we believe estimating weather impacts is particularly difficult. The 4Q includes both air conditioning load in October, switching over to heating load for the balance of the quarter. 4Q07 generally had a hot October, driving A/C load and milder than normal heating degree days. This year the reverse happened as October was cool (less air conditioning load), and the rest of the quarter was generally colder (more heating load). Calibrating these variables is quite challenging and we expect some surprising weather impacts to hit the quarter. Our estimates of weather impacts to earnings are highlighted in our Investment Opinion section. January 25, 2009 KeyBanc ENERGY: Utilities Capital Markets Estimates Change / Price Target Change Electric Utilities Industry: 4Q08 Earnings and Weather Preview KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC Paul T. Ridzon:(216) 263-4789 —pridzon@keybanccm.com Timothy Yee:(216) 563-2161 —tyee@keybanccm.com Investors should assume that we are seeking or will seek investment banking or other business relationships with the company described in this report. 2 For 4Q08, we anticipate four potential upside surprises and two potential downside surprises, relative to consensus expectations: POTENTIAL UPSIDE SURPRISES •Cleco Corporation (CNL-NYSE; 4Q estimate of $0.24 vs. $0.20; First Call consensus is $0.18) -We expect higher AFUDC related to construction of the Rodemacher plant to drive earnings higher. These should be partly offset by higher financing costs. •IDACORP, Inc. (IDA-NYSE; 4Q estimate of $0.33 vs. $0.23; First Call consensus is $0.26)- We believe that new rates from the 2007 Idaho general rate case settlement ($32 million annual revenue effective March 1, 2008) and improved hydroelectric generation conditions could drive earnings beyond expectations this quarter. •NiSource, Inc. (NI-NYSE; 4Q estimate of $0.47 vs. $0.40; First Call consensus is $0.42)- We believe that new rates from the 2008 Pennsylvania gas distribution rate case settlement ($41.5 million annual revenue effective October 28, 2008) and favorable weather in the Company's service territories may drive earnings above consensus expectations. This would be dampened by our weaker 2009 outlook for NI. •Wisconsin Energy Corp. (WEC-NYSE; 4Q estimate of $0.77 vs. $0.80; First Call consensus is $0.72)- We expect positive fuel recovery as gas prices kept falling during the quarter. We believe this could lead to FY08 earnings to be above Company-provided guidance of $2.90 per share. POTENTIAL DOWNSIDE SURPRISES •Pinnacle West Capital Corp. (PNW-NYSE; 4Q estimate is $0.09 loss vs. $0.06 in earnings; First Call consensus is $0.01)- We believe that earnings may be lower than expected due to losses and overhead costs at SunCor real estate subsidiary and negative mark-to-market on hedge positions that the Street does not generally carve out. •Pepco Holdings, Inc. (POM-NYSE; 4Q estimate is $0.27 vs. $0.29; First Call consensus is $0.31)- We believe that benefits from a favorable trading environment have likely ended and that usage declines in POM's service territories may lead to lower earnings this quarter. ISSUES TO WATCH Earnings conference calls this quarter may be more focused on the following themes: further capital expenditure cutbacks, timing of any potential secondary equity issuances, dividend sustainability/commitment, weak economic conditions affecting usage/demand, potential downward revisions to long-term growth rates and possible delays in issuing 2009 earnings guidance or issuing 2009 guidance with wide ranges. Company-specific issues that bear further watching include: •FPL Group, Inc. (FPL-NYSE) -We look for any language by FPL management on the outlook for renewable energy, wind development and national energy policy under President Obama and Congress's proposed $825 million American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. •Great Plains Energy, Inc. (GXP-NYSE) -We will watch for commentary by GXP as to the timing of its planned $200 million secondary equity offering in 2009 and look for any changes surrounding the commitment to the dividend (currently yielding 8.8%). •Southern Company (SO-NYSE) -We will closely watch for remarks by bellwether electric utility Southern Company regarding sustainability of its stated long-term earnings growth rate of 6% per year. •TECO Energy, Inc. (TE-NYSE)- We look for TE to provide an update to its uncontracted and unpriced coal contract positions for 2009 and 2010 and to the timing of contract signings. Given the decline in coal and commodity prices during the quarter, as well as worldwide mining production cutbacks, we look for insight as to how the new economic landscape might affect TECO Coal's margins and earnings. •Consolidated Edison, Inc. (ED-NYSE), Dominion Resources, Inc. (D-NYSE), Great Plains Energy, Inc. (GXP-NYSE), Pinnacle West Capital Corp. (PNW-NYSE)- We believe ED, D, GXP, and PNW likely need to issue equity this year through secondary offerings. We look for management commentary and outlook on selling equity given volatile market conditions. Industry NoteJanuary 25, 2009 3 ANNUAL ESTIMATE CHANGES •Ameren (AEE-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $3.10 from $3.20 due to a weakening economy and operating cost pressures. •CMS Energy (CMS-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2008 EPS estimate to $1.20 from $1.25 as new electric rates are partially offset by a weak Michigan economy. •Cleco Corp. (CNL-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $1.80 from $1.75 as we expect a slowing economy could impact sales. We note 2009 earnings will be impacted by the timing of bringing the Rodemacher 3 plant into service and implementing new rates. •DPL Inc. (DPL-NYSE)–We are raising our 2008 EPS estimate to $2.05 from $2.00 for expected benefits from coal optimization activity. •DTE Energy (DTE-NYSE)–We are raising our 2008 EPS estimate to $3.00 from $2.90 as base gas sales at Michcon partially offset lower electric usage at Detroit Edison.We are also lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $3.20 from $3.35 due to the weak Michigan economy. •Duke Energy Corp. (DUK-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $1.20 from $1.30 due to generally weaker economic conditions in DUK's service territories. •Entergy (ETR-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2008 EPS estimate to $6.50 from $6.80 and lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $7.10 from $7.75 as weaker pricing and lower volumes reduce this year's earnings and higher costs and generally weaker economic conditions in ETR's service territories impact next year's earnings. •IDACORP Inc. (IDA-NYSE)–We are raising our 2008 EPS estimate to $2.20 from $2.10 due to new rates in Idaho and improved hydroelectric generation conditions during the quarter. •MDU Resources Group, Inc. (MDU-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2008 EPS estimate to $2.00 from $2.10 and lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $1.40 from $1.95 given oil and gas pricing at the E&P segment and lower expected activity at the construction segments as a slowing economy has meaningful impacts. •NiSource (NI-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $1.05 from $1.10 due to an outlook for higher pension costs. This makes us the low estimate on the Street. •Progress Energy, Inc. (PGN-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2008 EPS estimate to $2.95 from $3.05 and lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $3.05 from $3.15 as higher plant in-service operating costs and a generally weaker economy pressure near-term earnings. •Southern Company (SO-NYSE)–We are lowering our 2009 EPS estimate to $2.45 from $2.50 as a generally weaker economy pressures customer usage in the Southeast. •Wisconsin Energy Corp. (WEC-NYSE)–We are raising our 2008 EPS estimate to $2.95 from $2.85 due to better than expected fuel cost recovery for the year as a result of falling natural gas prices. PRICE TARGET CHANGES •MDU Resources (MDU-NYSE)–Lowering target price to $23 from $27.Given MDU's diverse business mix, we derive our price target from a sum-of-the-parts analysis. Our analysis utilizes a P/E methodology against peer groups for all the business segments, except the E&P business. For that segment, we use a Risked Net Asset Value (RNAV) methodology. The overall $23 price target for MDU is 16.4x our 2009 estimate of $1.40 per share, vs. 11.7x average P/E for our coverage group. Industry NoteJanuary 25, 2009 4 INVESTMENT OPINION The following tables outline our 4Q08 operating earnings estimates and 4Q08 weather data with estimated EPS impacts for electric utility companies under coverage: 4Q08 EPS Estimates Industry NoteJanuary 25, 2009 5 4Q08 Heating Degree Days Deviation and Estimated EPS Impact WEATHER DATA Most companies give their earnings guidance using the assumption of normal weather in their territories. Temperature is an uncontrollable variable for utility companies and can have a material impact on earnings when the deviation from normal is significant. Our intention in developing this research product is to give investors a look at potential earnings variability so that they can adjust their expectations. We believe that this incremental information will allow investors to capture value by responding to potential market overreaction to earnings surprises induced by a factor beyond management control. Favorable weather in a peak month can materially raise a company's earnings for a quarter, inflating the Company's perceived performance, presenting a sell opportunity. The reverse is true for poor weather, which can make an otherwise successful quarter end with lower earnings than expected. Year-over-year weather comparisons are also useful for noting where an earnings shortfall or uptick may take place for a utility. Our data is presented as a percentage differential between normal and the previous year's heating or cooling degree-days. The magnitude of the numbers can be misleading, in our opinion, depending on the normal temperature of the territory. A 10% increase in cooling degree-days in a historically warm climate may be significant, while a 100% increase in heating degree-days in the same climate can, in fact, be very small. The data included in this report is an approximation, based on heating and cooling degree-day totals taken from cities within each company's service territory. The weighting of the territories is based upon our assumptions of customer distribution within each company's service territory and may differ from actual company data. The per-share impact of weather is an estimate based on previous-year impacts given by the Company and our estimates on weather deviation from normal and prior-year periods. We continuously fine-tune and calibrate our models in an effort to maintain and improve the accuracy of our forecasts. BACKGROUND ON DEGREE DAYS A degree day is the variation of the daily average temperature from 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating degree days relate to temperatures below 65 degrees, while cooling degree days are for average temperatures above this temperature. As an example, if the average temperature over the course of a 24-hour day were 70 degrees, this would equate to five cooling degree days. Conversely, an average 60-degree temperature day would be five heating degree days. Industry NoteJanuary 25, 2009 6 KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc.Disclosures and Certifications Important disclosures for the companies mentioned in this report can be found at https://key.bluematrix.com/bluematrix/Disclosure. Reg A/C Certification The research analyst(s) responsible for the preparation of this research report certifies that:(1) all the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the research analyst's personal views about any and all of the subject securities or issuers; and (2) no part of the research analyst's compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the research analyst(s) in this research report. Rating Disclosures Distribution of Ratings/IB Services Firmwide and by Sector KeyBanc Capital Markets IB Serv/Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY [BUY]123 35.80 29 23.58 HOLD [HOLD]193 56.10 31 16.06 SELL [UND]28 8.10 1 3.57 ENERGY IB Serv/Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY [BUY]21 38.90 14 66.67 HOLD [HOLD]32 59.30 15 46.88 SELL [UND]1 1.90 0 0.00 Rating System BUY - The security is expected to outperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should consider adding the security to their holdings opportunistically, subject to their overall diversification requirements. HOLD - The security is expected to perform in line with general market indices over the next six to 12 months; no buy or sell action is recommended at this time. UNDERWEIGHT - The security is expected to underperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should reduce their holdings opportunistically. The information contained in this report is based on sources considered to be reliable but is not represented to be complete and its accuracy is not guaranteed. The opinions expressed reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. This report does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Our company policy prohibits research analysts and members of their families from owning securities of any company followed by that analyst, unless otherwise disclosed. Our officers, directors, shareholders and other employees, and members of their families may have positions in these securities and may, as principal or agent, buy and sell such securities before, after or concurrently with the publication of this report. In some instances, such investments may be inconsistent with the opinions expressed herein. One or more of our employees, other than the research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report, may be a member of the Board of Directors of any company referred to in this report. The research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report is compensated, based in part, on investment banking revenue which may include revenue derived from the Firm's performance of investment banking services for companies referred to in this report, although such compensation is not based upon specific investment banking services transactions for these or any other companies. In accordance with industry practices, our analysts are prohibited from soliciting investment banking business for our Firm. Copyright 2009, KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. All rights reserved. Securities, mutual funds and other investment products are: •Not Insured by the FDIC. •Not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., KeyBank, N.A. or any of their affiliates. •Subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. Industry NoteJanuary 25, 2009