HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC keybanc-sept-30-2010.pdf1 ACTION STATEMENT We are upgrading shares of IDACORP, Inc. (IDA-NYSE) after looking at certain aspects of the story with fresh eyes. In particular, there are nuances surrounding tax methodologies that we do not feel are fully reflected in the shares. Specifically, the benefit of two deductions will flow to the equity balance of the Idaho utility. Under IDA's existing settlement, the Company essentially has an earnings floor driven by the ability to amortize deferred tax credits to achieve a 9.5% ROE. Further, given the cash benefit of a recent deduction, and expectation of a larger one, we believe IDA may have lesser equity needs than we previously expected. We further believe the cash benefits could allow management to engage in more constructive discussion around the potential for raising the dividend. KEY INVESTMENT POINTS We are updating our estimates to account for an expected higher equity balance at Idaho Power (the regulated utility) resulting from two tax methodology changes. Recall Idaho Power is permitted an Idaho jurisdictional floor ROE of 9.5% under its Idaho settlement. Aside from driving higher net income, we expect the cash flow benefits from the tax items will reduce the need for external equity, driving EPS higher. In our view, the improved cash flow could also impact the way management thinks about a potential dividend increase. We have therefore raised our 2011E from $2.80 to $3.05 per share. Well above the $2.88 consensus estimate, our estimate is now the high on the Street. In our view, the benefit of the two tax items is not fully appreciated in the consensus view, as Idaho regulation permits flow through of taxes as opposed to deferred treatment. Given the improved outlook, we are raising our rating to BUY from HOLD and establishing a $38.50 price target. We believe shares offer a 12-month total return potential of nearly 11%. VALUATION Based upon our revised 2011 estimate, shares of IDA sell at a P/E multiple of 11.8x, representing a 7% discount to the group average multiple of 12.6x. We believe shares warrant an average valuation given stability of earnings under the settlement and attractive investment opportunities. Our $38.50 price target represents a P/E ratio of 12.6x, consistent with the group average. RISKS We believe the primary risks that could impede IDA shares from achieving our price target are well below normal precipitation levels for a few years, worsening demand trends and high inflation, which could exert earnings pressure even with IDA's current constructive settlement, given IDA's inability to file a near-term general rate case. September 30, 2010 KeyBanc ENERGY: Utilities Capital Markets Estimates Change / Rating Change IDACORP, Inc.: IDA: Upgrading to BUY as Tax Items Drive Equity Balance KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC Paul T. Ridzon:(216) 689-0270 —pridzon@keybanccm.com Timothy Yee:(216) 689-0385 —tyee@keybanccm.com Rating BUY Price $35.92 12-Mo. Price Target $38.50 Dividend $1.20 Yield 3.3% 52-Wk. Range $28-$37 Trading Volume 248 Market Cap. (mm)$1,720.6 Shares Out. (mm)47.90 Book Value/Share $29.69 Fiscal Year End December 2011E $3.05 2010E $2.85 2009A $2.58 2011 P/E 11.8x 2010 P/E 12.6x First Call 2011E $2.88 First Call 2010E $2.76 Next Quarter September Estimate $1.20 Vs.$1.16 First Call Estimate $1.25 FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES AND CERTIFICATIONS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGES 4 - 5 OF THIS NOTE. 2 DISCUSSION OF TAX ITEMS As discussed, we look for IDA to benefit from two tax items. The first is the methodology change of treating repairs as expenses as opposed to previous capitalization treatment. This produced a 2Q benefit of $25.2 million (net of a reserve of $10.9 million) for the tax years 1999-2009. Additionally, IDA booked a $3.6 million benefit for 1H10, as the new treatment has ongoing benefits. IDA also indicated it was in discussions with the IRS concerning issues around uniform capitalization (UCAP) rules. This aspect of tax law deals with the capitalization of direct and indirect expenses in the construction of an asset, and how these costs are to be included in the tax basis of the asset. IDA has indicated that while the issue was still being finalized, it expected that application would result in a tax benefit at least as big as the gross amount ($25.2 million plus the $10.9 million reserve) of the repairs deduction booked in 2Q10. In our view, IDA management tends to be very conservative, and we therefore assume that this deduction could be on the order of magnitude of $60 million-$70 million. Further, because we understand that IDA is being directed to use this tax treatment by the IRS, we would expect minimal reserves to be booked against this amount. IMPLICATIONS OF TAX METHOD CHANGES These two tax items are important given that the Idaho commission specifies flow-through tax accounting. Under this treatment, the refund will flow to the equity balance on the balance sheet without an offsetting deferred tax entry. The result is that the equity balance could be $85 million-$95 million greater than it would be absent these 2010 tax events. Recall that under IDA's settlement, the Company is allowed to earn a 9.5% ROE on utility book equity, utilizing Accumulated Deferred Investment Tax Credits if necessary. Additionally, given the cash flow benefits of these tax refunds and lower taxes going forward, we now expect IDA will likely be able to fund the equity capitalization of its 300 MW Langley Gulch power plant construction project without meaningful external equity beyond its DRIP. Langley Gulch is expected to cost $427 million and be in service late 2012. Company NoteSeptember 30, 2010 3 TIMING OF TAX ACTIVITY COULD HAVE MEANINGFUL IMPLICATIONS We believe the timing of the UCAP deduction could have a large impact on earnings. If the deduction is taken in 2010, we believe it could push earnings above the 9.5-10.5% earnings deadband outlined in IDA's rate settlement. Above this level, earnings would be shared 50%/50% with ratepayers. Any portion allocated to ratepayers is not expected to be included in utility equity. However, if uncertainty around the calculation of the deduction were to push the actual booking into 2011, we expect year-end 2011 utility equity would be larger (by the amount of the customer credit). We further note the potential for a portion of the deduction to be booked in 2010, inasmuch as it related to portions of the accounting that are characterized by greater clarity. As IDA works with the Service and its auditors, additional deductions could be booked in 2011. We expect the timing to be driven by auditors' views of the specific facts and circumstances. We have revised our 2011 estimate upward from $2.80 to $3.05 per share. This higher estimate is driven by two items. Firstly, the higher equity balance will drive increased earnings to achieve the 9.5% ROE floor stipulated in IDA's rate settlement. Secondly, we are no longer assuming an equity raise in our assumptions. We are also raising our 2010 estimate to $2.85 from $2.75 to reflect higher equity. If the UCAP does fully occur in 2010, the GAAP number could be very large. We acknowledge that differentiating between GAAP and ongoing earnings could be challenging. For our purposes, we use the earnings power based upon earning a 9.5% ROE in the Idaho jurisdiction. We anticipate 2010 is likely to have more moving pieces than 2010. IDAHO SETTLEMENT DISCUSSION We view IDA's approved Idaho settlement favorably. Under the terms of this stipulation, IDA has meaningful downside earnings protection through the ability to accelerate $45 million of its $70 million bank of accumulated deferred income tax credits (ADITC). If necessary, IDA may accelerate the amortization of these credits if the Company is going to earn a return on equity (ROE) below 9.5%. The ROE calculation is based upon the year-end equity balance, which we believe is favorable during a period of elevated capital expenditures in that it alleviates regulatory lag. In 2009, IDA could have accelerated up to $15 million of these credits, but this was not necessary. In each of the subsequent years (2010 and 2011), up to $25 million may be utilized. The total available in the three years covered by the settlement is $45 million. In our view, utilizing the entire $45 million would only be necessary under a scenario of very poor hydro conditions and weak demand. As part of the settlement, IDA has agreed to split evenly with ratepayers any earnings in excess of an earned ROE of 10.5%. Approximately 95% of IDA's regulated rate base is within the state of Idaho, and is therefore covered by the stipulation. We believe this offers substantial downside earnings protection. IDA has agreed not to file for new rates to be effective before January 1, 2012. EPS (Net)Summary 2009A %CHG 2010E %CHG 2011E %CHG 1Q $0.44 -8.3%$0.34A -22.7%---- 2Q $0.49 40.0%$0.82A 67.3%---- 3Q $1.16 1.8%$1.20 3.4%---- 4Q $0.49 88.5%-------- YEAR $2.58 15.7%$2.85 10.5%$3.05 7.0% Source: KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. estimates Note 1: 2010 Q2: $0.82 reported includes $0.53 benefit from tax accounting method change for repair-related expenses and $0.09 loss on reversal of 1Q10 ADITC amortization. Company NoteSeptember 30, 2010 4 KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc.Disclosures and Certifications IDACORP, Inc. - IDA IDACORP, Inc. is an investment banking client of ours. We have received compensation for investment banking services from IDACORP, Inc. during the past 12 months We expect to receive or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from IDACORP, Inc. within the next three months. During the past 12 months, IDACORP, Inc. has been a client of the firm or its affiliates for non-securities related services. Reg A/C Certification The research analyst(s) responsible for the preparation of this research report certifies that:(1) all the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the research analyst's personal views about any and all of the subject securities or issuers; and (2) no part of the research analyst's compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the research analyst(s) in this research report. Three-Year Rating and Price Target History Rating Disclosures Distribution of Ratings/IB Services Firmwide and by Sector KeyBanc Capital Markets IB Serv/Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY [BUY]193 47.80 44 22.80 HOLD [HOLD]205 50.70 54 26.34 SELL [UND]6 1.50 1 16.67 ENERGY IB Serv/Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY [BUY]24 41.40 12 50.00 HOLD [HOLD]34 58.60 22 64.71 SELL [UND]0 0.00 0 0.00 Company NoteSeptember 30, 2010 5 Rating System BUY - The security is expected to outperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should consider adding the security to their holdings opportunistically, subject to their overall diversification requirements. HOLD - The security is expected to perform in line with general market indices over the next six to 12 months; no buy or sell action is recommended at this time. UNDERWEIGHT - The security is expected to underperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should reduce their holdings opportunistically. The information contained in this report is based on sources considered to be reliable but is not represented to be complete and its accuracy is not guaranteed. The opinions expressed reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. This report does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Our company policy prohibits research analysts and members of their families from owning securities of any company followed by that analyst, unless otherwise disclosed. Our officers, directors, shareholders and other employees, and members of their families may have positions in these securities and may, as principal or agent, buy and sell such securities before, after or concurrently with the publication of this report. In some instances, such investments may be inconsistent with the opinions expressed herein. One or more of our employees, other than the research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report, may be a member of the Board of Directors of any company referred to in this report. The research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report is compensated based on various factors, including the analyst's productivity, the quality of the analyst's research and stock recommendations, ratings from investor clients, competitive factors and overall Firm revenues, which include revenues derived from, among other business activities, the Firm's performance of investment banking services. In accordance with industry practices, our analysts are prohibited from soliciting investment banking business for our Firm. Investors should assume that we are seeking or will seek investment banking or other business relationships with the company described in this report. Company NoteSeptember 30, 2010