HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC Keybanc-Feb-8-2010.pdfSummary Of This Morning's Changes Rating Changes: Upgrades Ticker Company Old Rating New Rating IDA IDACORP, Inc.HOLD BUY Rating Changes: Downgrades Ticker Company Old Rating New Rating ARG Airgas, Inc.BUY HOLD Price Target Changes: Increases Ticker Company Old Price Target New Price Target FLO Flowers Foods, Inc.$25.00 $27.00 Estimate Changes: Increases Ticker Old 2009E New 2009E Old 2010E New 2010E Old 2011E New 2011E FLO ----$1.56 $1.60 ---- IDA $2.40 $2.60 $2.55 $2.75 ---- February 8, 2010 KeyBanc Equity Research Capital Markets Morning Call Summary - First Edition Investors should assume that we are seeking or will seek investment banking or other business relationships with the company described in this report. Important disclosures for the companies mentioned in this report can be found at https://key.bluematrix.com/bluematrix/Disclosure. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT ANDREW DEANGELIS AT 216.689.3649 Contents Summary Of This Morning's Changes............................................................................................................................... 1 On The Morning Call............................................................................................................................................................ 3 Airgas, Inc. (ARG) — Michael J. Sison, Douglas Chudy, CFA......................................................................................... 3 Airgas (ARG-NYSE) is one of the most consistent growth companies in the specialty chemical sector with good certainty that growth would accelerate heading into an industrial economic recovery. With that said, we are downgrading our rating on ARG from BUY to HOLD given the recent offer by Air Products and Chemicals (APD-NYSE) to acquire ARG for $60.00 per share. Our previous price target was $55.00 and at roughly $61, the stock is trading at an estimated FY11 EV/EBITDA multiple of 9.1x. While we believe APD will have to raise its bid to better reflect ARG's growth potential, we believe the risk/reward profile at currents levels warrants our HOLD rating at this time. IDACORP, Inc. (IDA) — Paul T. Ridzon, Timothy Yee....................................................................................................... 4 IDA's Idaho regulatory settlement acts to put a floor of 9.5% on the Company's earned ROE in the Idaho jurisdiction, where approximately 95% of regulated assets are held. Further, this ROE is calculated on the year-end equity balance, which we view favorably during a period of elevated capital expenditure. The settlement offers earnings stability through 2011. Historically IDA has seen under-earnings and earnings volatility driven by regulatory lag and variability in hydro conditions. After updating our estimates to incorporate IDA's Idaho regulatory settlement, we are upgrading our rating from HOLD to BUY with a $33 price target. Flowers Foods, Inc. (FLO) — Akshay S. Jagdale, Adam Josephson..............................................................................5 We are increasing our 2010 estimates and price target from $25 to $27 and maintaining our BUY rating. Last week, Flowers Foods (FLO-NYSE) reported 4Q09 earnings and maintained its 2010 sales growth (2.5-4.5%) and EPS growth (10-15%) guidance. In the face of unprecedented headwinds (lower foodservice volumes and promotions were ~3.5% drag to the top line and commodity costs were up 6.5%) FLO grew EPS by 10% in 2009, which makes us feel comfortable about the Company's ability to deliver at least double-digit EPS growth over the long term. Furthermore, we feel more comfortable that the worst is behind FLO, given that the competition likely cannot get any more severe than it has been, the Company will likely realize significant savings next year from lower wheat costs, and any increase in foodservice demand will likely be to FLO's benefit. Consequently, we are increasing our 2010 EPS estimate to $1.60 (15% growth), increasing our price target to $27 and maintaining our BUY rating. We believe that the Company's guidance and our estimates could prove conservative owing to higher than expected gross margins. Continued deflation in bread prices (we expect inflation to resume in 2H10) resulting from higher promotional activity (already at historically high levels) remains the biggest risk to our thesis and price target. Air Products and Chemicals Inc. (APD) — Michael J. Sison, Douglas Chudy, CFA......................................................7 Given Air Products and Chemical Inc.'s (APD-NYSE) stock weakness on Friday due to its offer to acquire ARG, we are reiterating our BUY rating on APD as we believe valuation is attractive whether the Company acquires ARG or not. If APD is successful assuming its bid will have to rise, we believe the transaction will be accretive to "cash" EPS and neutral to slightly dilutive on a "GAAP" EPS, makes very good strategic sense, will not overly stretch APD's balance sheet and can generate more integration savings than initially expected. We see upside to $96 based on an estimated FY10 EV/EBITDA multiple of 10.0x. KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. Disclosures and Certifications........................................................................................ 8 February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 2 On The Morning Call Airgas, Inc. (ARG) — Michael J. Sison (216) 689-0276 msison@keybanccm.com, Douglas Chudy, CFA (216) 689-0296 dchudy@keybanccm.com Airgas (ARG-NYSE) is one of the most consistent growth companies in the specialty chemical sector with good certainty that growth would accelerate heading into an industrial economic recovery. With that said, we are downgrading our rating on ARG from BUY to HOLD given the recent offer by Air Products and Chemicals (APD-NYSE) to acquire ARG for $60.00 per share. Our previous price target was $55.00 and at roughly $61, the stock is trading at an estimated FY11 EV/EBITDA multiple of 9.1x. While we believe APD will have to raise its bid to better reflect ARG's growth potential, we believe the risk/reward profile at currents levels warrants our HOLD rating at this time. Rating HOLD Price $60.96 12-Mo. Price Target NA Market Cap $5,115.2 Trading Volume 1,052 Revenues(mm)$4,349.5 2011E $3.05 2011 P/E 20.0x 2010E $2.67 2010 P/E 22.8x 2009A $3.12 Book Value/Share $18.33 Next Quarter March Next Quarter E $0.68 FC Mean Quarter $0.69 FC Mean 2011E $3.11 FC Mean 2010E $2.68 Yield 1.2% •Offering Details:APD announced an unsolicited bid to acquire ARG for $60 per share. Total transaction value is estimated to be approximately $7.0 billion, including $5.1 billion of equity and $1.9 billion of assumed debt. It represents a 38% premium to ARG's closing price on February 4, 2010 of $43.53 and an 18% premium to ARG 52-week high in October 2009. •Thoughts on the Offer Price? - Good But Not Great:At $60, ARG trades at an estimated FY11 EV/EBITDA of 9.1x and an estimated FY11 P/E of 19.7x. ARG has traded at an EV/EBITDA multiple high on average over the last 10 years at 10.0x or a P/E of 23.0x. We believe APD's offer is a 10-15% discount to a level that better reflects ARG's growth potential. •An Impressive U.S. Packaged Gas Franchise:Peter McCausland, CEO, has done a phenomenal job building ARG and has always, in our opinion, been focused on creating value for its shareholders. ARG is the the clear #1 player in the U.S. package gas industry with the #1 market position with roughly 25% share. Over the last 10 years, ARG has been one of the most impressive growth companies in the specialty chemical sector. •Growth Culture:Through our FY10 EPS outlook of $2.67, which can be considered trough levels given the recent economic downturn, ARG is estimated to have grown annually by 17% over the last 10 years. ARG is one of the few companies we cover that will post EPS well above past trough levels ($0.41 in 2001). •Earnings Potential:We believe ARG can return to mid-teens annualized EPS growth through FY13, as the Company heads out of this downturn. Including acquisitions, we believe earnings power for ARG could approach $4.50 per share by FY13. February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 3 IDACORP, Inc. (IDA) — Paul T. Ridzon (216) 689-0270 pridzon@keybanccm.com, Timothy Yee (216) 689-0385 tyee@keybanccm.com IDA's Idaho regulatory settlement acts to put a floor of 9.5% on the Company's earned ROE in the Idaho jurisdiction, where approximately 95% of regulated assets are held. Further, this ROE is calculated on the year-end equity balance, which we view favorably during a period of elevated capital expenditure. The settlement offers earnings stability through 2011. Historically IDA has seen under-earnings and earnings volatility driven by regulatory lag and variability in hydro conditions. After updating our estimates to incorporate IDA's Idaho regulatory settlement, we are upgrading our rating from HOLD to BUY with a $33 price target. Rating BUY Price $30.51 12-Mo. Price Target $33.00 Market Cap $1,437.0 Trading Volume 233 Revenues(mm)$960.4 2010E $2.75 2010 P/E 11.1x 2009E $2.60 2009 P/E 11.7x 2008A $2.23 Book Value/Share $28.97 Next Quarter December Next Quarter E $0.51 FC Mean Quarter $0.29 FC Mean 2010E $2.53 FC Mean 2009E $2.43 Yield 3.9% We view several attributes of the settlement as constructive, particularly the aspect of putting a 9.5% floor on the Idaho jurisdictional ROE. We believe the settlement offers protection from water variability and feel comfortable that IDA can manage through the "stay-out" moratorium precluding the Company from filing for new rates to be effective before January 2012. We are raising our 2009 and 2010 estimates to $2.60 and $2.75 from $2.40 and $2.55, respectively.We are introducing a 2011 estimate of $2.80 per share. Our estimates are meaningfully higher than respective consensus estimates of $2.43, $2.53 and $2.62 per share. Beyond 2011, we note attractive investment opportunities in transmission and generation of roughly $1.3 billion. We believe IDA has seen a move toward more constructive regulation over the past few years. Including a 3.9% yield, our price target represents total return potential of over 12%. Valuation Based upon our revised 2010 estimate, shares of IDA sell at an 8% discount to the group average P/E of 12.0x. We believe shares warrant an average valuation given stability of earnings under the settlement and attractive investment opportunities. We derive our $33 price target by capitalizing our 2010 estimate of $2.75 at the group average P/E multiple of 12.0x. Risks We believe the primary risks that could impede the stock from achieving our price target are well below normal precipitation levels for a few years, worsening demand trends and high inflation, which could exert pressure, given IDA's inability to file a near-term general rate case. February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 4 Flowers Foods, Inc. (FLO) — Akshay S. Jagdale 917-368-2317 ajagdale@keybanccm.com, Adam Josephson (917) 368-2289 ajosephson@keybanccm.com We are increasing our 2010 estimates and price target from $25 to $27 and maintaining our BUY rating. Last week, Flowers Foods (FLO-NYSE) reported 4Q09 earnings and maintained its 2010 sales growth (2.5-4.5%) and EPS growth (10-15%) guidance. In the face of unprecedented headwinds (lower foodservice volumes and promotions were ~3.5% drag to the top line and commodity costs were up 6.5%) FLO grew EPS by 10% in 2009, which makes us feel comfortable about the Company's ability to deliver at least double-digit EPS growth over the long term. Furthermore, we feel more comfortable that the worst is behind FLO, given that the competition likely cannot get any more severe than it has been, the Company will likely realize significant savings next year from lower wheat costs, and any increase in foodservice demand will likely be to FLO's benefit. Consequently, we are increasing our 2010 EPS estimate to $1.60 (15% growth), increasing our price target to $27 and maintaining our BUY rating. We believe that the Company's guidance and our estimates could prove conservative owing to higher than expected gross margins. Continued deflation in bread prices (we expect inflation to resume in 2H10) resulting from higher promotional activity (already at historically high levels) remains the biggest risk to our thesis and price target. Rating BUY Price $24.39 12-Mo. Price Target $27.00 Market Cap $2,258.5 Trading Volume 613 Revenues(mm)$2,414.9 2010E $1.60 2010 P/E 15.2x 2009A $1.39 2009 P/E 17.5x 2008A $1.26 Book Value/Share $7.53 Next Quarter March Next Quarter E $0.45 FC Mean Quarter $0.44 FC Mean 2010E $1.55 FC Mean 2009A $1.41 Yield 2.9% We are raising our estimates.Our 2010 EPS estimate is going from $1.56 to $1.60; consensus is at $1.55 and FLO's EPS growth guidance implies 2010 EPS of $1.53-$1.60. Our new EPS estimate of $1.60 implies 15% growth and is driven just 2% by sales growth (below the lower end of guidance) and 100 bps of EBIT margin improvement (roughly in line with guidance, but which we believe is conservative particularly regarding gross margins). While we expect continued weak sales growth (we are projecting 1% volume growth and a pricing decline of 0.1%), and while we have been surprised by the extent and persistence of the price competition that has taken place in the bread industry over the past few months, we think FLO could top our and consensus estimates over the next four quarters (particularly in 2H10, by which point we expect bread price deflation to have abated) owing to higher than expected gross margins. Guidance of 10-15% EPS growth could prove conservative.FLO's DSD segment continued to be adversely impacted by heavy promotional activity at retail (the Company has experienced more of the same in 1Q10), and its warehouse delivery segment remained adversely impacted by weak food service sales in the broad economy. However, despite the heavy promotional activity and food service weakness, we believe FLO's 2010 gross margin guidance (and thereby EPS guidance) could prove conservative given that its gross margin guidance assumes flat sales. As a reminder, the Company is guiding to 2.5-4.5% sales growth. COGS should be down by roughly 5% in 2010, driven by a decline of roughly 8-9% in input costs.The price of wheat has declined substantially since 2008, but FLO did not benefit in 2009 because of hedges it put in place in 2008: its input costs were up 7% (excluding acquisitions) in 2009. We expect the benefits to accrue to FLO in 2010: the Company said that its input costs (ingredients, packaging and natural gas) will be down 8-9% (excluding acquisitions) this year. Most of the projected decline is a result of lower wheat/flour-related costs (represents ~26% of COGS). Given that the Company is not fully hedged for 2010 (hedged 6-9 months out) and our expectation for lower wheat prices over the next 12 months (see detailed wheat section in note), FLO's ingredient costs could end up being down more than currently projected. While the Company expects other COGS (~40% of COGS) to be up 3-4%, its COGS should still be down by roughly 5% (~$70 million) in 2010, which is equivalent to 2.5% of estimated 2010 sales. Increased rate of promotional activity could be a 50 bp drag on margin.In our view, the important question to consider is to what extent FLO will invest its savings from lower wheat costs into higher promotions. The Company did not disclose what it expects its promotional activity will be, but assuming promotions account for 5.5% of FLO's DSD sales in 2010 (roughly 50 bps higher than they were in 2009, and 1.5-2.0% of DSD sales higher than FLO's historical average), FLO's net gross margin benefit could end up ~2% of sales (200 bps). If this assumption regarding promotional activity in 2010 proves accurate, we believe FLO's gross margins could be up significantly more than the 50 bp improvement guidance suggests. However, if promotional activity proves even heavier than we expect, we believe our gross margin estimate of up 50 bps would prove reasonably accurate. February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 5 FLO's sales guidance (and our estimates) assumes 0-1% price increases in 2010, which we believe is sufficiently conservative.The Company's latest 2010 sales guidance (growth of 1.8-3.3%) is comprised of 1.5-2.6% volume growth and 0.25-0.65% price increases (most of the projected price increase will be mix related). Given what we see as a robust new product pipeline (bagel thins and sandwich rounds), easy comps in 2H10 and record high promotion levels (foodservice volume were down 6% in 2009), we believe FLO's top-line guidance is fairly conservative. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, bread CPI was up 1% in 2009 despite the heavy promotions in the 2H09 (bread CPI down 2.1%). If we assume bread prices remain at December 2009 levels (Bread CPI down 3.5% in December) for all of 2010, then bread prices would fall by another 2% in 2010. FLO's DSD price increases tend to track bread CPI (~90% correlation). Both bread CPI and FLO's pricing guidance indicate a significant slowdown in growth from 2009 (prices down 300 bps in 2010), which we believe suggests that FLO's guidance is appropriately conservative. Our 2010 estimates also incorporate what we believe are conservative assumptions on volume and pricing: 1% volume growth and flat prices. Our expectation for flat pricing in 2010 is predicated on our belief that pricing promotions will continue at historically high levels as wheat costs remain low and bread demand remains weak. Valuation At 7.7x our forward 12-month EBITDA estimate of $313 million, FLO stock trades at a 18% discount to its historical multiple of 9.1x. On an EV/EBITDA basis, the stock currently trades at a 15% discount (on our numbers) to its large cap peers compared to a premium of 4% historically (9.1x vs. 8.7x). Given FLO's higher growth (15% projected 2010 EPS growth vs. 7% projected EPS growth for large cap packaged food peers), positive ROIC spread and consistent performance, we believe the stock should trade at a premium to its large cap peers. Our new price target of $27 implies than FLO trades at 8.3x our forward 12-month EBITDA projection of $317 million compared to 8.8x for its large cap peers. Furthermore, we see the risk/reward equation as being favorable. Our upside case points to 30% gains while our downside case points to a 16% decline. Risks Risks that could impede the shares from achieving our price target include: •Volume growth continues to decline owing to either a further slowdown in bread category volume growth or market share loss. •Wheat and other commodity prices increase more than anticipated, and the Company is unable to pass on these costs to consumers. •Lack of pricing power as a result of competitive pressures causes a deceleration in sales growth. •Wal-Mart represented 20.5% of sales in FY08. Loss of this customer would severely negatively impact earnings. •If the government passes legislation that makes it easier to organize labor unions, FLO's labor costs would increase more than its peers would, given that only 9% of its labor force is unionized. February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 6 Air Products and Chemicals Inc. (APD) — Michael J. Sison (216) 689-0276 msison@keybanccm.com, Douglas Chudy, CFA (216) 689-0296 dchudy@keybanccm.com Given Air Products and Chemical Inc.'s (APD-NYSE) stock weakness on Friday due to its offer to acquire ARG, we are reiterating our BUY rating on APD as we believe valuation is attractive whether the Company acquires ARG or not. If APD is successful assuming its bid will have to rise, we believe the transaction will be accretive to "cash" EPS and neutral to slightly dilutive on a "GAAP" EPS, makes very good strategic sense, will not overly stretch APD's balance sheet and can generate more integration savings than initially expected. We see upside to $96 based on an estimated FY10 EV/EBITDA multiple of 10.0x. Rating BUY Price $68.64 12-Mo. Price Target $96.00 Market Cap $14,894.9 Trading Volume 1,253 Revenues(mm)$8,256.2 2010E $4.85 2010 P/E 14.2x 2009A $4.06 2009 P/E 16.9x 2008A $4.97 Book Value/Share $21.85 Next Quarter March Next Quarter E $1.20 FC Mean Quarter $1.20 FC Mean 2010E $4.92 FC Mean 2009A $4.06 Yield 2.6% •Offering Details:APD announced an unsolicited bit to acquire ARG for $60 per share. Total transaction value is estimated to be approximately $7.0 billion, including $5.1 billion of equity and $1.9 billion of assumed debt. It represents a 38% premium to ARG's closing price on February 4, 2010 of $43.53 and an 18% premium to ARG's 52-week high in October 2009. •Thoughts on the Offer Price? - Good But Not Great:At roughly $61, ARG would trade at an estimated FY11 EV/EBITDA of 9.1x and an estimated FY11 P/E of 19.7x. ARG has traded at an EV/EBITDA multiple high on average over the last 10 years of 10.0x or a P/E of 23.0x. We believe APD's offer is a 10-15% discount to a level that better reflects ARG's growth potential. •Strategic Fit? - YES:We believe acquiring ARG would be an excellent way for APD to re-enter the U.S. packaged gas industry with the #1 market position and market share of around 25%. •Integration Synergy - Conservative:APD noted that integration synergies would be around a $250 million run rate by the end of year two, which is roughly 6% of ARG's sales. Dow is generating synergies of almost 15-16% of ROH's pro forma sales by our analysis. We believe there is good upside here. •Balance Sheet? - No Problem:At $60, APD's total debt/total cap would increase to nearly 70% vs. 43% at the end of fiscal 1Q10 and APD should remain investment grade (BBB+ minimum). •EPS Accretive in Year 1:At $60, the acquisition would be accretive to "GAAP" EPS and "Cash EPS" by our analysis. We believe the deal would be still accretive to "GAAP" EPS in the high $60s and to "CASH EPS" well into the $70s. Valuation Our 12-month $96 price target is based on an estimated FY10 EV/EBITDA multiple of 10.0x. Over the last seven years, APD has traded in an average EV/EBITDA multiple range of 7.4-10.0x and a P/E range of 14.8-21.1x. At current levels, APD is trading at an estimated FY10 EV/EBITDA multiple of 8.6x and an estimated FY10 P/E of 16.6x, near the middle of historical average multiples. Risks Risks that could impede the stock from reaching our price target include a "double-dip" economic scenario playing out over the next year, no recovery in industrial production-related markets, rapidly rising energy costs, the major gas players reversing their focus on capital discipline and acquisition execution risk as large acquisitions in specialty chemical land have historically come with some bumps on the road. February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 7 KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc.Disclosures And Certifications During the past 12 months, Airgas, Inc. has been a client of the firm or its affiliates for non-securities related services. During the past 12 months, Flowers Foods, Inc. has been a client of the firm or its affiliates for non-securities related services. During the past 12 months, IDACORP, Inc. has been a client of the firm or its affiliates for non-securities related services. For the three-year history represented in this chart, this stock has been rated HOLD. IDACORP, Inc. is an investment banking client of ours. On 4/1/08, KeyBanc Capital Markets changed its rating scale from a 5-tiered system to a 3-tiered system. The rating change from Aggressive Buy to Buy on 4/1/08 reflects this transition, and not a rating downgrade or change in opinion. We expect to receive or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from Airgas, Inc. within the next three months. We expect to receive or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from Air Products and Chemicals Inc. within the next three months. We expect to receive or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from Flowers Foods, Inc. within the next three months. We expect to receive or intend to seek compensation for investment banking services from IDACORP, Inc. within the next three months. We have received compensation for investment banking services from IDACORP, Inc. during the past 12 months Reg A/C Certification The research analyst(s) responsible for the preparation of this research report certifies that:(1) all the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the research analyst's personal views about any and all of the subject securities or issuers; and (2) no part of the research analyst's compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the research analyst(s) in this research report. Three-Year Rating and Price Target History February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 8 February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 9 Rating Disclosures Distribution of Ratings/IB Services KeyBanc Capital Markets IB Serv./Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY [BUY]0 0.00 35 0.00 HOLD [HOLD]0 0.00 51 0.00 SELL [UND]0 0.00 1 0.00 Rating System BUY - The security is expected to outperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should consider adding the security to their holdings opportunistically, subject to their overall diversification requirements. HOLD - The security is expected to perform in line with general market indices over the next six to 12 months; no buy or sell action is recommended at this time. UNDERWEIGHT - The security is expected to underperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should reduce their holdings opportunistically. February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 10 The information contained in this report is based on sources considered to be reliable but is not represented to be complete and its accuracy is not guaranteed. The opinions expressed reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. This report does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Our company policy prohibits research analysts and members of their families from owning securities of any company followed by that analyst, unless otherwise disclosed. Our officers, directors, shareholders and other employees, and members of their families may have positions in these securities and may, as principal or agent, buy and sell such securities before, after or concurrently with the publication of this report. In some instances, such investments may be inconsistent with the opinions expressed herein. One or more of our employees, other than the research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report, may be a member of the Board of Directors of any company referred to in this report. The research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report is compensated, based in part, on investment banking revenue which may include revenue derived from the Firm's performance of investment banking services for companies referred to in this report, although such compensation is not based upon specific investment banking services transactions for these or any other companies. In accordance with industry practices, our analysts are prohibited from soliciting investment banking business for our Firm. Copyright 2010, KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. All rights reserved. Securities, mutual funds and other investment products are: •Not Insured by the FDIC. •Not deposits or other obligations of, or guaranteed by KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., KeyBank, N.A. or any of their affiliates. •Subject to investment risks, including possible loss of the principal amount invested. February 8, 2010 Morning Call Summary - First Edition Page 11