HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOC 2011_1_21_Watts_Happening.pdfINDUSTRY |COMMENT JANUARY 21, 2011 Watt's Happening? Notable Utility Events on the Horizon In this publication, we identify noteworthy upcoming events and potential catalysts relevant to our coverage universe. We also highlight the outcome of previously mentioned catalysts, but the focus of the piece is forward-looking. Heading into next week, the focus turns to earnings. In our coverage,SO and NEE report next week. Uncovered names reporting next week include AEP, D, NST and XEL. NEE Earnings Thoughts: Weather impacts on the utility and merchant plants should be neutral to slightly positive. We’re looking for sentiment on renewable development in the U.S. Guidance is likely to remain flat as FL sentiment hasn't moved much in the quarter. Read-throughs on FL economy for TE, on wind development climate for DUK. SO Earnings Thoughts: Heating Degree Days were 10-15% higher than normal in GA and AL for slightly positive expected EPS impact. We are looking for updates on major construction projects: Vogtle 3&4; and Kemper County IGCC. We also expect SO to issue 2011 guidance. We expect SO to earn $2.47 in 2011, reflecting higher rates in GA and AFUDC from Vogtle 3&4, offset by normalized weather relative to 2010. Read-throughs on the Southeast economy for DUK and TE, and on capex trends for the industry. Key Regulatory Items: The settlement deadline in DUK’s Edwardsport IGCC cost approval proceeding is 1/25. Given the high level of public scrutiny surrounding this issue, we expect this proceeding to go through the traditional, public litigated process as opposed to a settlement behind closed doors. Key Economic Items: Chicago Fed Midwest Manufacturing Index will release December results on 1/27. In our space, this data provides a useful read-through for DTE,DUK and CMS in terms of general trending as well as 4Q industrial consumption implications. S&P Case-Schiller November home price index will be released on 1/25. Housing starts data at the state-level is released on 1/27. We pay particular attention to the NV and FL housing markets with respect to TE,NEE and NVE. Other Items of Interest: The National Weather Service is expected to issue an updated river flow forecast for the Northwest on 1/27. This data primarily affects IDA in our space but can also be impactful for the California hydrology picture. Priced as of prior trading day's market close, EST (unless otherwise noted). All values in USD unless otherwise noted. RBC Capital Markets, LLC Emily Christy (Analyst) (212) 428-6970; emily.christy@rbccm.com Lasan Johong (Analyst) (212) 428-6462; lasan.johong@rbccm.com Ella Vuernick (Associate) (212) 428-6492; ella.vuernick@rbccm.com Companies Under Coverage: (Company, Ticker, Rating, 1/20/11 Price, Price Target, Risk Qualifier) O = Outperform; SP= Sector Perform; U= Underperform AVG = Average Risk Source: RBC Capital Markets For Required Conflicts Disclosures, see Page 4. 2 Exhibit 1: Earnings for the Week of 1/23-1/29 Ticker Report Date Estimates 4Q10E 2010E 2011E Dial-In NEE 1/25/11 RBC Estimate:$0.83 $4.32 $4.45 1/25/2011 - 9:00am Consensus Estimate:$0.89 $4.35 $4.46 Phone: 1-888-334-3037 (US) NEE Guidance: $4.25-$4.65 $4.25-$4.55 Passcode: 4294778 Thoughts & Read-Throughs -Weather impacts on the utility and merchant plants should be neutral to slightly positive.€ -Looking for sentiment on renewable development in the U.S. as it relates to PPA strength -Guidance likely to remain flat as FL sentiment hasn't moved much in the quarter. -Read-throughs on FL economy for TE, on wind development climate for DUK SO 1/26/11 RBC Estimate:$0.20 $2.36 $2.47 1/26/2011 - 1:00pm Consensus Estimate:$0.18 $2.37 $2.53 Phone: 1-800-708-7187 (US) SO Guidance: $0.16 $2.30-$2.36 NA Passcode: 35350389 Thoughts & Read-Throughs -Heating Degree Days up 8% in GA, but flat in AL relative to 4Q09 for minimal expected EPS impact -Looking for updates on major construction projects - Vogtle 3&4, Kemper County IGCC -Read-throughs on Southeast economy for DUK, TE, and on capex trends for the industry -We expect SO to issue 2011 Guidance. Our 2011 estimate includes higher rates in GA and higher AFUDC, offset by normal weather relative to 2010 Source: RBC Capital Markets, Company reports Uncovered Companies Reporting: 1/27/2011: XEL 1/28/2011: AEP, D, NST Regulatory Happenings: 1/25/2011: Settlement deadline in DUK’s Edwardsport IGCC cost approval proceeding Background: In light of the public scrutiny of DUK’s hiring practices in Indiana and resulting investigations, the previous Edwardsport settlement agreement was scratched. Parties have restarted negotiations with a “clean slate” approach. For more details on the previous settlement agreement and Indiana investigation, please see our DUK note published on 1/10/11, “Moving Past the Distractions.” Thoughts: At this stage, we view a settlement as unlikely. Given the public scrutiny surrounding this issue, we expect the matter to proceed through the public litigation process. Although DUK may get clipped a bit on this outcome as compared to the original settlement, we believe that the prior negotiation process, not the actual settlement terms, was the subject of contention. If no settlement is reached, the intervener filing deadline is 2/1/11 and hearings would begin on 3/25/11. 1/25/11: TE is on the FPSC agenda for approval of its Peoples Gas overearnings stipulation Background: Peoples Gas operates within an ROE band of 10.75%-11.75%. Due to extreme weather during 2010, the company projects to earn above the allowed ROE ceiling. To address this, TE and the Office of Public Counsel (OPC) reached a stipulation whereby TE will refund $3M to customers in March 2011. Overearnings above $3M are to be applied to Peoples’ depreciation reserve. On January 12, FPSC Staff recommended approval of the stipulation. Watt's Happening?January 21, 2011 3 Thoughts: Given the support of the OPC and Staff and the FPSC’s recent comments encouraging more stipulations amongst parties, we do not anticipate any significant challenges to this proposal. TE has deferred its overearnings thus far and there will be no EPS impact from the March refund if the stipulation is approved. Economic Happenings: • Chicago Fed Midwest Manufacturing Index (CFMMI) will release December results on 1/27. In our space, this data provides a useful read-through for DTE, DUK and CMS in terms of general trending as well as 4Q industrial consumption implications. • S&P Case-Schiller November home price index will be released on 1/25. Housing starts data at the state-level is released on 1/27. We pay particular attention to the NV and FL housing markets with respect to TE, NEE and NVE. Exhibits 2 & 3: CFMMI and Case-Schiller Indices Chicago Fed Midwest Manufacturing Index 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 20 0 0 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 0 9 20 1 0 '91 '93 '95 '97 '99 '01 '03 '05 '07 '09 0 100 200 300 Case-Schiller Indices Price (Indexed to 100) US National CS Index Tampa CS Index Miami CS Index Las Vegas CS Index Source: Chicago Federal Reserve, FactSet, RBC Capital Markets Other Happenings: National Weather Service Northwest River Flow Forecast on 1/27 Background: Since IDA derives approximately 50% of its power from hydroelectric generation, river flows have a significant impact on the utility. Pertinent flows are measured from the Brownlee Dam along the Snake River in ID. The prior release from 1/7/11 forecasted 7.2 Million-Acre-Feet (maf) for April – July, compared to the 30-year average of 6.3 maf. Although this forecast has varied from the actual flows by as much as 2.4 maf in recent years, this is the highest starting January forecast in the past five years. Forecasts are updated three times per month based on precipitation observations. Thoughts and Impact: Higher river flows create more hydroelectric generation and reduce the cost of electricity in ID. If flow projections remain favorable, IDA would require less power supply revenue from customers. This may create a more favorable cost environment for a potential base rate increase request. We expect IDA to file a rate case this year as its previous rate settlement will expire at year-end 2011. Watt's Happening?January 21, 2011 4 Required Disclosures Conflicts Disclosures This product constitutes a compendium report (covers six or more subject companies). As such, RBC Capital Markets chooses to provide specific disclosures for the subject companies by reference. To access current disclosures for the subject companies, clients should refer to https://www.rbccm.com/GLDisclosure/PublicWeb/DisclosureLookup.aspx?entityId=1 or send a request to RBC CM Research Publishing, P.O. Box 50, 200 Bay Street, Royal Bank Plaza, 29th Floor, South Tower, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2W7. The analyst(s) responsible for preparing this research report received compensation that is based upon various factors, including total revenues of the member companies of RBC Capital Markets and its affiliates, a portion of which are or have been generated by investment banking activities of the member companies of RBC Capital Markets and its affiliates. Distribution of Ratings For the purpose of ratings distributions, regulatory rules require member firms to assign ratings to one of three rating categories - Buy, Hold/Neutral, or Sell - regardless of a firm's own rating categories. Although RBC Capital Markets' ratings of Top Pick/Outperform, Sector Perform and Underperform most closely correspond to Buy, Hold/Neutral and Sell, respectively, the meanings are not the same because our ratings are determined on a relative basis (as described above). Distribution of Ratings RBC Capital Markets, Equity Research Investment Banking Serv./Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY[TP/O] 683 50.20 196 28.70 HOLD[SP] 613 45.00 131 21.37 SELL[U] 65 4.80 9 13.85 Conflicts Policy RBC Capital Markets Policy for Managing Conflicts of Interest in Relation to Investment Research is available from us on request. To access our current policy, clients should refer to https://www.rbccm.com/global/file-414164.pdf or send a request to RBC CM Research Publishing, P.O. Box 50, 200 Bay Street, Royal Bank Plaza, 29th Floor, South Tower, Toronto, Ontario M5J 2W7. We reserve the right to amend or supplement this policy at any time. 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