HomeMy WebLinkAbout2Q13 Preview.pdf1 July 19, 2013 ENERGY: Electric Utilities / Multi-Utilities / Gas Utilities Industry Update / Estimates Change / Price Target Change KeyBanc Capital￿Markets Utilities 2Q13 Earnings Preview KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC Paul T. Ridzon: (216) 689-0270 Ð pridzon@key.com Matt Tucker: (917) 368-2203 Ð mtucker@key.com ACTION STATEMENT On average, we expect that the companies in our coverage universe will report lower 2Q13 quarterly earnings, down 8.0% compared to 2Q12. Our EPS growth expectations for our coverage universe are for average annual earnings growth of 20 basis points in 2013 and 5.2% in 2014. Our coverage universe currently trades at an average peer group 2014 P/E multiple of 15.8x compared to the broader market S&P 500 index P/E multiple of 14.4x. This quarter, we anticipate three potential earnings upside surprises [IDACORP Inc. (IDA-NYSE), NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE-NYSE), Pinnacle West Capital Corporation (PNW-NYSE)] and one potential earnings downside surprise [American Electric Power Company, Inc. (AEP-NYSE)] relative to current consensus expectations. We also highlight ALLETE, Inc (ALE-NYSE), Avista Corporation (AVA-NYSE) and Portland General Electric Company (POR-NYSE) as names to focus on around earnings releases or conference calls due to Company-specific issues that we feel bear watching. KEY INVESTMENT POINTS Preview Focus Names ± We anticipate three potential earnings surprises [IDACORP Inc. (IDA-NYSE), NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE-NYSE), Pinnacle West Capital Corporation (PNW-NYSE)] and one potential earnings downside surprise [American Electric Power Company, Inc. (AEP-NYSE)] relative to current consensus expectations. We also highlight ALLETE, Inc (ALE-NYSE), Avista Corporation (AVA-NYSE) and Portland General Electric Company (POR-NYSE) as names that may trade around specific issues likely to be discussed during their company's earnings conference calls. We discuss our focus names in the detailed sections that follow. Earnings Expectations ± We expect that companies in our coverage universe will generally report lower 2Q13 earnings, down 8.0%. Our EPS growth expectations for our coverage universe are for average annual earnings growth of 20 basis points in 2013 and 5.2% in 2014. This quarter, we believe that earnings will primarily be driven by milder weather impacts, merchant headwinds, and higher non-fuel operating and maintenance expenses, partially offset by rate increases or riders in effect, cost management efforts, and still sluggish core retail demand growth. Earnings conference calls this quarter may also be more concentrated on the following themes: spring/summer weather and storm impacts, low merchant power pricing and hedging updates; regulatory updates; cost management; retail sales trends (with particular focus on commercial and industrial customers); and the local economies of companies. Sector Thoughts ± Year-to-date, our sector has underperformed broader market indices, with the Philadelphia Utility Index (UTY) returning 11.0% compared to the S&P 500 (SPX) index's 18.0% return. More recently, during the quarter ended June 30, the UTY declined 3.9% vs. an increase of 2.4% for SPX. The recent 2Q underperformance was driven by weakness of larger regulated names. We attribute this underperformance of the safety plays to recent discussion that monetary policy may drive interest rates higher. Smaller cap regulated names were the best performing subsector in the quarter, which we believe is the result of the acquisition of NV Energy by Berkshire Hathaway subsidiary MidAmerican Power. We remain comfortable with our BUY rated names, but believe the sector as a whole is likely to display continued volatility around shifting views around FOMC policy direction. Recent Trading Trends Ð More recent (3Q-to-date) performance of the utilities appears to be driven predominately by how investors view the Fed's bond buying program. We believe the Fed's commentary around its monetary policy has led investors to believe that bond buying will remain intact until GDP growth stays around 2%. Within our coverage, smaller vertically integrated names have had average price appreciation of 5.2%, while larger regulated names have returned 4.8%. More merchant exposed names are up 3.1%. FOR IMPORTANT DISCLOSURES AND CERTIFICATIONS, PLEASE REFER TO PAGE 7 OF THIS NOTE. 2 The UTY is up 4.2%, compared to the SPX's 3.4% gain. We believe the out-performance is the result of gaining back ground lost around FOMC tapering discussions and subsequent language investors conveyed as more dovish. 2Q13 EARNINGS PREVIEW For 2Q13, we anticipate three potential upside surprises and one potential downside surprise, relative to current consensus expectations: Potential Upside Surprises IDACORP, Inc. (IDA-NYSE; BUY; 2Q estimate of $0.80 vs. $0.71 in 2Q12; consensus is $0.63) ± We have developed a proprietary model to predict irrigation load based on drought conditions. Our data indicates that 2Q13 was the driest in over 10 years. In addition to the drought and above normal temperatures, IDA will also benefit from new rates put into place in July 2012, when the Langley Gulch natural gas plant was placed in service. NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE-NYSE; BUY; 2Q estimate of $1.34 vs. $1.26 in 2Q12; consensus is $1.26) ± We expect rider recovery of growth projects at the Florida utility will more than offset a potential decline in earnings at NextEra Energy Resources (NEER, the unregulated generation segment). In 2Q12, NEER experienced weaker than normal wind conditions and the Seabrook nuclear plant was running at reduced capacity (85% of normal). Pinnacle West Capital Corporation (PNW-NYSE; HOLD; 2Q estimate of $1.18 vs. $1.12 in 2Q12; consensus is $1.07) ± We expect the 1Q trend of an improving Arizona economy combined with weather on par with a fairly hot 2Q12 will drive earnings above expectations. Combining a strong 1Q13 with our view for an earnings beat in 2Q13, we would not be surprised if management changed guidance upward. Our 2013 full-year estimate of $3.65 per share is above the top end of guidance of $3.45-$3.60. Potential Downside Surprise American Electric Power (AEP-NYSE; BUY; 2Q estimate of $0.73 vs. $0.77 in 2Q12; consensus is $0.81) ± We expect AEP to report a down quarter driven by more normal weather after a hot 2Q12, the roll-off of a low tax rate, Ohio customer switching and lower AFUDC. These negative items will be partially offset by new rates in several jurisdictions. ISSUES TO WATCH Company-specific issues that bear further watching include: ALLETE, Inc. (ALE-NYSE; $55.00 price target) Ð We will be focused on the call for color around the Bison 4 wind project. ALE has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for up to 200 MW of incremental wind capacity. We believe ALE's existing presence bodes well for a self-build project. We expect an update on any regulatory filings around the project on the 2Q call. Another opportunity for wind may exist at Allete Clean Energy (the unregulated energy focused subsidiary) to construct wind projects. Projects could be built for others or the output sold to others under long-term contracts. Additionally, Taconite customers' demand nominations for the balance of the year are due August 1. Under these nominations, customers indicate their demand under take-or-pay agreements. We expect demand will remain at or near full capacity, which could alleviate some concerns that steel softness could lead to load reductions. We continue to believe ALE's Taconite customers are among the low cost producers, and will be among the last to curtail production. Avista Corporation (AVA-NYSE; HOLD) Ð Throughout 2012 Avista experienced increased operating expenses to drive and support future business growth in the Ecova segment. As illustrated in 1Q13, AVA appears to have addressed issues. We believe investors will focus on 2Q13 results for assurance that management has the situation under control. Management has indicated it expects Ecovato to earn $0.10-$0.14 per share in 2013, with one-third earned in 1H13 and the balance in 2H13. Portland General Electric Company (POR-NYSE; HOLD) Ð POR issued an 8-K stating two coal-fired generating plants have been out of service since July 1, 2013 due to equipment failures. We will be focused during the call on commentary regarding the Boardman plant as POR owns 65% or 374 MWs of capacity and the Colstrip Unit 4 coal-fired plant as POR owns 20% or 148 MWs. Currently, the Boardman plant will be off-line for at least one month, while the Colstrip plant will be out of service for a minimum of 6 months. We view both issues negatively as POR jeopardizes crucial August load as well as from increased O&M expenses to get the plants back online. POR indicated it would revisit 2013 guidance when it reports earnings. Company NoteJuly 19, 2013 3 PRICE TARGET CHANGES Given multiple expansion in the group and a more constructive view on fundamentals, we have revisited price targets on some of our BUY-rated names. We are raising our price target on ALLETE, Inc (ALE-NYSE) from $51.50 to $55. We are raising our price target on IDACORP Inc. (IDA-NYSE) from $49.50 to $53. We are raising our price target on NextEra Energy, Inc. (NEE-NYSE) from $84 to $88. ANNUAL ESTIMATE CHANGES INCREASES Idacorp Inc. (IDA-NYSE; BUY) ± We are raising our 2013 EPS estimate to $3.30 from $3.25 per share. Our proprietary model indicates IDA will experience robust power demand from its irrigation customers. Farmers in Idaho pump water from the rivers up to the plains, where their farms are located. While 2Q12 saw strong irrigation demand, 2Q13 appears to have been somewhat hotter and dryer. NV Energy (NVE-NYSE; HOLD) ± We are increasing our 2013 earnings estimate to $1.30 from $1.25 per share. Our weather data shows Las Vegas experienced weather roughly equivalent to 2Q12, which was $0.05 above normal. Additionally, the first two weeks of July were hotter than normal. DECREASES Avista Corp. (AVA-NYSE; HOLD) ± We are lowering our 2013 EPS estimate to $1.75 from $1.80 due to the unplanned outage at the Colstrip Unit 4 coal plant. The outage is expected to increase AVA's purchased power costs. The plant tripped offline on July 1 and is expected to be out of service for roughly six months. AVA does not have a straight pass-through of power supply costs. Portland General Electric Company (POR-NYSE; HOLD) ± Similar to AVA, POR is exposed to the Colstrip 4 outage. Additionally, POR is a partial owner of the Boardman plant, which is expected to be out of service for one month after tripping offline on July 1. As such, we have reduced our 2013 estimate to $1.85 from $1.95 per share. Price Target Changes Company Ticker 2013E Current Price Target Prior Price Target Allete Inc.ALE $2.75 $55.00 $51.50 IDACORP IDA $3.30 $53.00 $49.50 NextEra Energy,Inc.NEE $4.95 $88.00 $84.00 Source:KeyBanc Capital Markets Estimates Valuation Table for Companies with Estimate or Price Target Changes Company Ticker Rating 2013E EPS 2013 P/E Price Tgt P/E Price Target Allete Inc.ALE Buy $2.75 19.2x 20.0x $55.00 Avista Corp.AVA Hold $1.75 16.3x N/A N/A IDACORP IDA Buy $3.30 15.7x 16.1x $53.00 NextEra Energy,Inc.NEE Buy $4.95 17.2x 17.8x $88.00 NV Energy NVE Hold $1.30 18.2x N/A N/A Portland General Electric POR Hold $1.85 17.3x N/A N/A KBCM Utility Peer Group Average Multiple =16.7x Source:KeyBanc Capital Markets Estimates INVESTMENT OPINION The following tables outline our 2Q13 operating earnings estimates and 2Q13 weather data with estimated EPS impacts for electric utility companies under coverage: 2Q13 EPS ESTIMATES See the end of our 2Q13 Earnings Preview for 2Q13 EPS estimates. Company NoteJuly 19, 2013 4 2Q13 COOLING DEGREE DAYS DEVIATION AND ESTIMATED EPS IMPACT 2Q13 weather data proved to be of somewhat limited value in predicting earnings impact. Heating degree days were generally higher early in the quarter, while cooling degree days late in the quarter tended to be lower than the prior year period. This made estimating the net impact of these opposing drivers rather challenging. As such, this quarter we have lower confidence than we generally have when estimating the earnings impact of weather. Company Ticker 2Q13 vs Normal 2Q13 vs 2Q12 Estimated Same Qtr YOY EPS Impact Ameren Corp.AEE 16.6 %(23.9)%($0.05) American Electric Power,Inc.AEP 24.0 %(15.1)%($0.05) CMS Energy Corp.CMS 25.7 %(29.5)%($0.03) Cleco Corp.CNL 4.2 %(14.9)%($0.01) Duke Energy,Inc.DUK 9.8%(13.9)%($0.03) Exelon Corp.EXC 19.3 %(28.7)%($0.03) Great Plains Energy GXP 1.1 %(37.0)%($0.13) Idacorp IDA 53.2%20.1%$0.08 NV Energy NVE 38.71%-0.21%($0.01) Northwestern Corp.*NWE 9.3%36.6%$0.03 Otter Tail Corp.*OTTR 4.5%32.7%$0.04 Pinnacle West Capital Corp.PNW 31.4 %0.7 %($0.02) Pepco Holdings,Inc.POM 52.2 %0.8 %$0.00 Southern Company SO 5.4 %(17.0)%($0.01) Wisconsin Energy Corp.WEC 7.7 %(49.5)%($0.02) Xcel Energy,Inc.XEL 27.4 %(27.5)%($0.01) *Data is Heating DegreeDays Data Source:National Oceanicand Atmospheric Administration(NOAA),KeyBancCapital Markets Est. Most companies give their earnings guidance using the assumption of normal weather in their territories. Temperature is an uncontrollable variable for utility companies and can have a material impact on earnings when the deviation from normal is significant. Our intention in developing this research product is to give investors a look at potential earnings variability so that they can adjust their expectations. We believe that this incremental information will allow investors to capture value by responding to potential market overreaction to earnings surprises induced by a factor beyond management control. Favorable weather in a peak month can materially raise a company©s earnings for a quarter, inflating the company©s perceived performance and presenting a sell opportunity. The reverse is true for poor weather, which can make an otherwise successful quarter end with lower earnings than expected. Year-over-year weather comparisons are also useful for noting where an earnings shortfall or uptick may take place for a utility. Our data is presented as a percentage differential between normal and the previous year©s heating or cooling degree-days. The magnitude of the numbers can be misleading, in our opinion, depending on the normal temperature of the territory. A 10% increase in cooling degree-days in a historically warm climate may be significant, while a 100% increase in heating degree-days in the same climate can, in fact, be very small. The data included in this report is an approximation, based on heating and cooling degree-day totals taken from cities within each company©s service territory. The weighting of the territories is based upon our assumptions of customer distribution within each company©s service territory and may differ from actual company data. The per share impact of weather is an estimate based on previous year impacts given by the company and our estimates on weather deviation from normal and prior-year periods. We continuously fine- tune and calibrate our models in an effort to maintain and improve the accuracy of our forecasts. BACKGROUND ON DEGREE DAYS A degree day is the variation of the daily average temperature from 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Heating degree days relate to temperatures below 65 degrees, while cooling degree days are for average temperature above this temperature. As an example, if the average temperature over the course of a 24- hour day were 70-degrees, this would equate to five cooling degree days. Conversely, an average 60- degree temperature day would be five heating degree days. Company NoteJuly 19, 2013 5 Cur Prv Cur Prv FC FC Current EPS Previous EPS Sym Rtg Rtg Target Target 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 2012 2013 2014 AEE HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.10 $2.29 $2.42 $2.10 $2.30 $2.42 $2.10 $2.30 AEP BUY BUY $51.50 $51.50 $3.15 $3.31 $3.09 $3.10 $3.30 $3.09 $3.10 $3.30 ALE BUY BUY $55.00 $51.50 $2.75 $3.06 $2.58 $2.75 $3.05 $2.58 $2.75 $3.05 AVA HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.80 $1.86 $1.40 $1.75 $1.85 $1.40 $1.80 $1.85 CMS BUY BUY $30.00 $30.00 $1.65 $1.75 $1.55 $1.65 $1.75 $1.55 $1.65 $1.75 CNL BUY BUY $49.00 $49.00 $2.52 $2.74 $2.46 $2.55 $2.75 $2.46 $2.55 $2.75 CNP BUY BUY $28.00 $28.00 $1.22 $1.31 $1.25 $1.22 $1.34 $1.25 $1.22 $1.34 D HOLD HOLD NA NA $3.35 $3.55 $3.05 $3.35 $3.55 $3.05 $3.35 $3.55 DTE HOLD HOLD NA NA $4.08 $4.29 $3.94 $4.00 $4.30 $3.94 $4.00 $4.30 DUK HOLD HOLD NA NA $4.33 $4.57 $4.32 $4.35 $4.55 $4.32 $4.35 $4.55 ED HOLD HOLD NA NA $3.79 $3.84 $3.73 $3.80 $3.85 $3.73 $3.80 $3.85 ETR HOLD HOLD NA NA $4.95 $5.06 $6.23 $4.85 $5.15 $6.23 $4.85 $5.15 EXC HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.49 $2.33 $2.85 $2.55 $2.35 $2.85 $2.55 $2.35 FE HOLD HOLD NA NA $3.01 $3.00 $3.34 $3.00 $3.05 $3.34 $3.00 $3.05 GXP HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.57 $1.63 $1.35 $1.60 $1.65 $1.35 $1.60 $1.65 IDA BUY BUY $53.00 $49.50 $3.30 $3.40 $3.37 $3.30 $3.40 $3.37 $3.25 $3.40 MDU BUY BUY $29.00 $29.00 $1.36 $1.49 $1.15 $1.42 $1.52 $1.15 $1.42 $1.52 NEE BUY BUY $88.00 $84.00 $4.94 $5.30 $4.57 $4.95 $5.30 $4.57 $4.95 $5.30 NI BUY BUY $32.00 $32.00 $1.55 $1.67 $1.46 $1.55 $1.65 $1.46 $1.55 $1.65 NVE HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.30 $1.36 $1.35 $1.30 $1.35 $1.35 $1.25 $1.35 NWE HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.51 $2.69 $2.22 $2.45 $2.70 $2.22 $2.45 $2.70 OTTR HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.41 $1.53 $1.31 $1.45 $1.53 $1.31 $1.45 $1.53 PNW HOLD HOLD NA NA $3.60 $3.72 $3.50 $3.65 $3.75 $3.50 $3.65 $3.75 POM HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.13 $1.24 $1.21 $1.15 $1.20 $1.21 $1.15 $1.20 POR HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.90 $2.08 $1.87 $1.85 $2.05 $1.87 $1.95 $2.05 PPL HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.31 $2.15 $2.42 $2.40 $2.15 $2.42 $2.40 $2.15 SO HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.76 $2.88 $2.68 $2.80 $2.90 $2.68 $2.80 $2.90 SWX HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.91 $3.05 $2.86 $2.85 $2.97 $2.86 $2.85 $2.97 TE HOLD HOLD NA NA $0.95 $1.13 $1.14 $0.95 $1.15 $1.14 $0.95 $1.15 VVC HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.98 $2.17 $1.96 $1.89 $2.17 $1.96 $1.89 $2.17 WEC HOLD HOLD NA NA $2.44 $2.56 $2.35 $2.45 $2.55 $2.35 $2.45 $2.55 XEL HOLD HOLD NA NA $1.90 $1.99 $1.82 $1.90 $2.00 $1.82 $1.90 $2.00 Company NoteJuly 19, 2013 6 KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC Electric Utility Research Second Quarter 2013 Earnings Estimates Exp.Cons. Report Est.(b,c) Company TKR Analyst Rtg P/T Date 13E 12A 13E 12A 2Q13E Old New Old New 2Q13 Expected Drivers Allete ALE Ridzon Buy $55.00 Buy 1-Aug $0.38 $0.39 $0.38 $0.39 0.41 (4)$2.75 $3.05 O&M timing drive lower results for quarter Ameren AEE Ridzon Hold Hold 1-Aug $0.50 $0.87 $0.50 $0.73 0.54 (4)$2.10 $2.30 Cooler weather and nuke refuel offset higher rates in Mo. American Electric Pwr.AEP Ridzon Buy $51.50 Buy 25-Jul $0.52 $0.75 $0.73 $0.77 0.81 (11)$3.10 $3.30 Milder weather, higher taxes and Ohio shopping partly offset by new rates Avista Corp.AVA Ridzon Hold Hold 7-Aug $0.40 $0.31 $0.40 $0.31 0.38 (5)$1.80 $1.75 $1.85 Return of plants closed in 2Q12 and BPA settlement drive higher earnings CenterPoint Energy CNP Tucker Buy $28.00 Buy 1-Aug $0.27 $0.29 $0.27 $0.27 0.28 (11)$1.22 $1.34 Cooler weather, first (partial) quarter of MLP operations, lower interest expense CMS Energy CMS Ridzon Buy $30.00 Buy 25-Jul $0.31 $0.37 $0.31 $0.40 0.35 (7)$1.65 $1.75 Milder weather, storms and roll-off of plant recovery partly offset by higher rates Cleco Corp.CNL Ridzon Buy $49.00 Buy 1-Aug $0.64 $0.77 $0.64 $0.77 0.67 (5)$2.55 $2.75 Rate increase offset by weather and higher costs Consolidated Edison ED Ridzon Hold Hold 1-Aug $0.56 $0.73 $0.56 $0.61 0.57 (8)$3.80 $3.85 Cost pressures without rate relief present challenging quarter DTE Energy DTE Ridzon Hold Hold 26-Jul $0.77 $0.86 $0.77 $0.86 0.78 (7)$4.00 $4.30 Cooler summer weather partly offset by new gas rates Dominion Resources D Ridzon Hold Hold 6-Aug $0.63 $0.45 $0.63 $0.59 0.66 (10)$3.35 $3.55 Millstone nuclear outage results in lower earnings Duke Energy DUK Ridzon Hold Hold 7-Aug $0.95 $0.99 $0.95 $1.02 0.97 (9)$4.35 $4.55 Milder weather, higher costs and commodity exposure offset Progress contribution Entergy ETR Ridzon Hold Hold 30-Jul $0.91 $2.06 $1.00 $2.11 1.37 (10)$4.85 $5.15 Prereleased 2Q results on July 16 Exelon EXC Ridzon Hold Hold 31-Jul $0.57 $0.33 $0.57 $0.61 0.54 (13)$2.55 $2.35 Commodity and capacity markets drive lower earnings First Energy FE Ridzon Hold Hold 6-Aug ($0.27)$0.45 $0.52 $0.60 0.53 (9)$3.00 $3.05 One fewer nuke outage offset by lower power and capacity pricing Great Plains Energy GXP Ridzon Hold Hold 8-Aug $0.39 $0.41 $0.39 $0.41 0.40 (6)$1.60 $1.65 New rates offset by more normal weather and higher share count IDACORP IDA Ridzon Buy $53.00 Buy 1-Aug $0.80 $0.71 $0.80 $0.71 0.63 (1)$3.25 $3.30 $3.40 Langley Gulch plant in rates and hot dry weather drive irrigation load MDU Resources MDU Tucker Buy $29.00 Buy 31-Jul $0.24 $0.29 $0.24 $0.18 0.25 (5)$1.42 $1.52 Higher oil prod. (impacted by weather?), Construction recovery, higher int. exp. NV Energy NVE Ridzon Hold Hold 26-Jul $0.28 $0.29 $0.28 $0.29 0.24 (7)$1.25 $1.30 $1.35 Comparable weather to strong 2Q12 NextEra Energy NEE Ridzon Buy $88.00 Buy 30-Jul $1.34 $1.45 $1.34 $1.26 1.26 (11)$4.95 $5.30 New regulated assets partly offset by weaker results at unregulated segment NiSource NI Ridzon Buy $32.00 Buy 31-Jul $0.24 $0.23 $0.24 $0.22 0.23 (6)$1.55 $1.65 New rates partly offset by dilution and sale of retail segment. 2H to show growth Northwestern Corp.NWE Ridzon Hold Hold 25-Jul $0.29 $0.31 $0.29 $0.31 0.31 (3)$2.45 $2.70 Lower costs and better weather offset by plant outage timing Otter Tail Corp.OTTR Tucker Hold Hold 5-Aug $0.29 ($0.48)$0.29 $0.19 0.26 (4)$1.45 $1.53 Weather benefit for Electric, improved Construction execution, lower int. expense PPL Corp.PPL Ridzon Hold Hold *29-Jul $0.49 $0.46 $0.49 $0.51 0.45 (10)$2.40 $2.15 Rate increases offset by share count and weaker merchant results Pepco Holdings POM Ridzon Hold Hold 7-Aug $0.24 $0.27 $0.24 $0.25 0.24 (6)$1.15 $1.20 Higher regulated on new rates, lower unregulated on closing LILO business Pinnacle West Capital Corp.PNW Ridzon Hold Hold 2-Aug $1.18 $1.11 $1.18 $1.12 1.07 (10)$3.65 $3.75 Hot weather and continued load growth drive earnings higher Portland General Electric POR Ridzon Hold Hold 2-Aug ($0.16)$0.34 $0.34 $0.34 0.35 (6)$1.95 $1.85 $2.05 Milder weather offset by lower debt costs Southern Company SO Ridzon Hold Hold 31-Jul $0.70 $0.71 $0.70 $0.69 0.68 (12)$2.80 $2.90 New Georgia rates partly offset by milder weather Southwest Gas Corp.SWX Tucker Hold Hold 6-Aug $0.12 ($0.08)$0.12 ($0.04)0.12 (3)$2.85 $2.97 Improved Construction execution, lower interest expense TECO Energy TE Ridzon Hold Hold 1-Aug $0.24 $0.34 $0.24 $0.34 0.26 (5)$0.95 $1.15 Lower Tampa Electric, coal pricing down and sale of Guatemala assets Vectren Corp.VVC Tucker Hold Hold 31-Jul ($0.03)$0.31 $0.30 $0.31 0.30 (6)$1.89 $2.17 Coal Mining losses, lower interest expense, ProLiance disposition Wisconsin Energy WEC Ridzon Hold Hold 31-Jul $0.47 $0.51 $0.47 $0.51 0.46 (8)$2.45 $2.55 Tax timing and lower AFUDC on pollution control equipment Xcel Energy XEL Ridzon Hold Hold 1-Aug $0.39 $0.38 $0.39 $0.38 0.38 (8)$1.90 $2.00 New rates in several states partly offset by higher expenses, storms n/e = not estimated (a) Excludes one-time nonrecurring extraordinary items (b) Source: FirstCall (c) Number of analyst estimates * Earnings expected during Week indicated Source: KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. Estimates Reported 2Q EPS Operating 2Q EPS (a)2014E2013E Annual EPS Company NoteJuly 19, 2013 7 KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc. Disclosures and Certifications Important disclosures for the companies mentioned in this report can be found at https://key2.bluematrix.com/sellside/ Disclosures.action. Please refer to the analysts© recently published reports for company-specific valuation and risks. Reg A/C Certification The research analyst(s) responsible for the preparation of this research report certifies that:(1) all the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect the research analyst©s personal views about any and all of the subject securities or issuers; and (2) no part of the research analyst©s compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed by the research analyst(s) in this research report. Rating Disclosures Distribution of Ratings/IB Services Firmwide and by Sector KeyBanc Capital Markets IB Serv/Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY [BUY]227 44.42 50 22.03 HOLD [HOLD]273 53.42 62 22.71 SELL [UND]11 2.15 4 36.36 ENERGY IB Serv/Past 12 Mos. Rating Count Percent Count Percent BUY [BUY]29 43.28 18 62.07 HOLD [HOLD]38 56.72 16 42.11 SELL [UND]0 0.00 0 0.00 Rating System BUY - The security is expected to outperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should consider adding the security to their holdings opportunistically, subject to their overall diversification requirements. HOLD - The security is expected to perform in line with general market indices over the next six to 12 months; no buy or sell action is recommended at this time. UNDERWEIGHT - The security is expected to underperform the market over the next six to 12 months; investors should reduce their holdings opportunistically. The information contained in this report is based on sources considered to be reliable but is not represented to be complete and its accuracy is not guaranteed. The opinions expressed reflect the judgment of the author as of the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. This report does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Our company policy prohibits research analysts and members of their families from owning securities of any company followed by that analyst, unless otherwise disclosed. Our officers, directors, shareholders and other employees, and members of their families may have positions in these securities and may, as principal or agent, buy and sell such securities before, after or concurrently with the publication of this report. In some instances, such investments may be inconsistent with the opinions expressed herein. One or more of our employees, other than the research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report, may be a member of the Board of Directors of any company referred to in this report. The research analyst responsible for the preparation of this report is compensated based on various factors, including the analyst©s productivity, the quality of the analyst©s research and stock recommendations, ratings from investor clients, competitive factors and overall Firm revenues, which include revenues derived from, among other business activities, the Firm©s performance of investment banking services. In accordance with industry practices, our analysts are prohibited from soliciting investment banking business for our Firm. Investors should assume that we are seeking or will seek investment banking or other business relationships with the company described in this report. Company NoteJuly 19, 2013