HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160628Terrace Hills PedestalTransfer.pdf3Iffi*. An TDACORP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I noldstrorn@idahopower.com $?ECEIVED ifii[ iiil{ 28 PH lr:22 ,:liit-iC :l"ii,4i,,llSSl0l.l June 28,2016 VIA HAND DELIVERY Daphne Huang Deputy Attorney General ldaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: Transfer of Title of Terrace Hi!!s Mobile Estates Meter Pedestals Dear Ms. Huang: ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company") intends to transfer title of 16 meter pedestals located in the Terrace Hills Mobile Estates mobile home park ("Terrace Hills") in Cascade, ldaho, to the joint owners of the property, Richard Stones and Marcus Grant Stones (collectively the "Stones"). Priorto March 31,1981, ldaho Power installed, owned, and maintained mobile home pedestals as part of the facilities for electric service to most mobile homes. These pedestals are comparable to meter bases attached to buildings. Since March 31, 1981, new mobile homes have been served by pedestals owned and maintained by customers as per ldaho Power's Rule H, Section (ZXg) under General Provisions, which states "Owners of mobile home courts will install, own, operate, and maintain all termination poles, pedestals, meter loops, and conductors from the Point of Delivery." Because Company-owned pedestals pre-date 1981, they and their replacement parts are no longer manufactured. When ldaho Power is required to perform repairs, replacement parts must be made by the Company. Due to the expense in maintaining and repairing the pedestals and to promote consistency of ownership among customers, ldaho Power seeks to transfer title of Company-owned pedestals to the customer whenever possible. ldaho Power intends to update all 16 pedestals located within the mobile home park. The Company will not, however, warrant the upgrades or the pedestals to any degree. The Stones wil! inspect the pedestals and satisfy themselves as to the pedestals' physical and environmental conditions following the upgrades by ldaho Daphne Huang Idaho Public Utilities Commission June 28,2016 Page 2 Power. Terrace Hills has agreed to then take title to the meter pedestals. The Transfer of Title Agreement between ldaho Power and Terrace Hills is attached to this letter. ldaho Power has previously filed applications for the transfer of title of meter pedestals pursuant to ldaho Code S 61-328. ldaho Code S 61-328 requires that electric public utilities in ldaho obtain ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") approval for the sale or transfer of property in ldaho "which is used in the generation, transmission, distribution or supply of electric power and energy to the public or any portion thereof." However, the Company has reconsidered this practice in light of the Commission's recent determination that the "any portion thereof' language in Section 61-328 "contemplates the transfer of property that is already devoted to the public service, not a transfer of property that serves only a single customer." Order Nos. 33514 at 8-9 and 33546 at 3. ln light of this Commission interpretation of ldaho Code S 61-328, and because transfer of the 16 meter pedestals to the single customer served by them will not impact the rates of other customers, ldaho Power is issuing this letter to notify the Commission of the transfer of title of 16 meter pedestals located within the Terrace Hills Mobile Estates mobile home park. lf you agree with ldaho Power's assessment that the proposed transfer of title as described above would not require formal Commission process and approval, please provide confirmation to my attention at the address above. Sincerely, fi,r-f,.fl^t-rr',"*, Lisa D. Nordstrom Enclosure cc: Terri Carlock, IPUC TRANSFER OF TITLE AGREEMENT This Transfer of Title Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by and among Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation, with principal o{fices at 122'1. West Idaho Street, Boise, Idaho 83702 ("Wc"),Richard Stones, an individual residing at SbO I F"otRuvr, N€r,tr {f4eqA.wSl and Marcus Grant Stones, an individual residing at 5L60 Southbend Dr. SE Salem, OR 97306 :Lb 636S (collectively, the "Stones" who are the joint owrlers of the properly described herein) as of this 3-Ot\ day of Apnl 2016, subject to the authorization of the Idaho Pubtic Utilities Commission ("WUC" or "Commission") as required by I.C. S 61-328. IPC and the Stones may be referred to individually as a"Party" or collectively as the "Parties." WHEREAS, prior to 1981, IPC installed, owned, and maintained meter pedestals in mobile home parks; since March 31, 1981, meter pedestals have been provided and owned by mobile home homeowners or park owners; WHEREAS, the meter pedestals installed by IPC prior to 1981. are no longer manufacfured and replacementparts mustbe made to provide repairs; WHEREAS, due to the expense involved in maintaining and repairing meter pedestals, IPC desires to transfer ownership of said pedestals to mobile home owners; and WHEREAS, IPC agrees to convey and, in exchange for the upgrade of existing meter pedestalq the Stones agree to accept tifle of all meter pedestals within the Terrace Hills Mobile Estates mobile home park; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements, md benefits hereinafter set forth, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficienry of which are hereby recognized IPC and the Stones hereby mutually agree as follows: 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The above-stated recitals are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement by this reference to the same extent as if these recitals were set forth in fulIat this point. 2. Commission Approval Required. This Agreement for kansfer of IPC assets is contingent upon the approval and authorization of the IPUC as required in I.C. $ 61-328. The Agreement shall be executed by the Parties and submitted to the IPUC for approval. The transfer of title described herein shall go into effect one hundred twenty (120) calendar days following IPUC approval and authorization of the transaction. If such IPUC approval is not obtained, this Agreement shall not take effect. Transfer of Title Agreement Page 1 of6 3. Transfer of Title. In consideration of the reduced maintenance and expense to Idaho Power and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficienry of which are hereby acknowledged, IPC, effective one hundred twenty (L20) calendar days following approval of the Commission, hereby bargains, sells, assigns, transfers, Sants, and conveys unto the Stones all of IPC's title and interest (subject to the limitations set forth below) in and to the meter pedestals owned by IPC as hereinafter described (the "Pedestals"). The Pedestals are electro-mechanical free-standing, partrally buried, one-piece units that house IPC's meter and cable terminations, the customer's main circuit breakers, and the service terminations for service to the manufactured home. Idaho Power owrrs and maintains a junction box adjacent to each Pedestal and a service wire up to the point where said wire connects to each Pedestal. The Pedestals transferred, conveyed, and assigned herein are all meter Pedestals contained within the Terrace Hills Mobile Estates mobile home park located at 415 W. Patterson Street, Cascade, ID. The Terrace Hills Mobile Estates mobile home park is approximately 4.4032 affes of land, more or less, located in Section 26, Township L4 North, Range 3 E.B.M., Valley County, Idaho, described as follows: Commencing at Point on the East Line of Section 26, Township 14 North, Range 3 E.B.M., Valley County, Idaho; which point is North 724.7 f.eet from the Southeast corner of Said Section 26; Thence South 54"42'00' West24'a feet along the North line of the 4'h Addition to the City of Cascade, Valley County, Idaho to the Real Point of Beginning; Thence continue South 54"42'00" West, 188.58 fee! Thence South 35"17'00' East,2'14.15 feet along the West line of said Addition; Thence West 60.3 feeU Thence South 406eet; Thence West257. feet; Thence North 609 feet to the South line of the public highway; Thence South 210feet; Thence North 66"30'00' East 51 fee! Thence in a Souther$ direction in a straight line to the real Point of Beginning. 4. Unwarranted "As Is" Condition. Within one hundred twenty (120) days following Commission authorization and approval of the transfer of titlg IPC shall update sixteen non-updated Pedestals within Terrace Hills Mobile Home Park, which will include but is not be lirrrited to the following work items: (1) remove sixteen existing non-updated meter Pedestals; and (2) install sixteen new replacement meter Pedestals. Idaho Power will not update or remove any items from the one meter Pedestal location that is abandoned, and is not connected to Idaho Powels system. IPC does not warrant the upgrades or the new Pedestals to any degree. It is understood and agreed that the Stones will inspect the Pedestals and satisfy themselves as to the Pedestals' physical and environmental condition following the upgrades and that the Stones, at the point of transfer of title, hereby accepts all of the Pedestals in " AS IS" and "WITH ALL FAULTS" condition and that IPC has not made, does not make, and will not make any warranty or representatiory whether express or implied, about the performance capability of the Pedestals or their present state of repair, condition or maintenance, ability to function i^ aoy respect, or merchantability or fitress for a particular purpose. IPC makes no warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of any data, informatiorL or materials heretofore or hereafter furnished to the Stones in connection with the Pedestals. Any and all such dat4 information, and other materials furnished by IPC is provided to the Stones as a convenience and any reliance on or use of the same shall be at the Stones' sole risk and responsibility. IPC and the Stones agree that to the extent required by *y applicable law to be operative, the disclaimers of warranties contained in this paragraph are "conspicuous" disclaimers for the purposes of any applicable law, rule or order. THE PEDESTALS ARE BEING TRANSFERRED BY IPC TO THE STONES WITFIOUT RECOURSE (EVEN AS TO THE RETURN OF THE PTIRCHASE PRICE), COVENANT, OR WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AND IPC IS CONVEYING THE PEDESTALS COVERED HEREBY ,,,{S IS, AND ,WM.I ALL FAULTS," AND WTIHOUT REPRESENTATION OR WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, (ALL OF WHICH IPC FIEREBY DISCLAIMS AND NEGATES) AS TO FMNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE, CONFORMITY TO MODELS OR SAMPLES OR MATERIALS, MERCHANTABILITY, DESIGN QUALITY, CONDITION OPERATION COMPLIANCE WTIH SPECIFICATION, ABSENCE OF LATENT DEFECTS, OR COMPLIANCE WTTFI LAWS AND REGULATIONS (INCLTIDING, WTII{OUT LIMITATION THOSE RELATING TO HEALTH, SAFETY, AND THE ENVIRONMENTD, TO TFIE EXTENT APPLICABLE AND PERMITTED BY LAW. 5. Release and Indemnification. The Stones hereby releases IPC and the employeeg officers, directors, and agents of IPC and/or its affiliates from and against all claims, actions, damages,losset penalties, and expenses, including reasonable attomey fees and disbursements, of any kind or nafure whatsoever arising out of IPC's acts or omissions or the acts or omissions of the Stones or any third party related to the transfer of Pedestals hereunder. This release and transfer does not impact any remedies available, at law or in equity, relating to the installation of the pedestals. 6. Entire Agreement. This Agreement including its Exhibits, constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties with respect to its subject matter and supersedes all prior communications, contracts, and agreements, both oral and written between them. This Agreement may not be modified, and no tights will be waived, except by * instrument in writing signed by a duly authorized representative of the Parties. 7. Section Numbering and Headings. Section headings are for the convenience of reference only and shall not be construed to limit or extend the meaning of any provision and will not be relevant in interpreting this Agreement. As used in this Agreement the term "including" means by way of example and not limitation. Transfer of Title Agteement Page 3 of 6 8. Severability. If *y provision of this Agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable it will be deemed to be modified to the minimu:n extent necessary to be valid and enforceable. If it cannot be so modified, it will be deleted and the deletion will not a{fect the validity or enforceability of any other provision unless, as a result the rights of either Party are materially diminished or the obligations and burdens of either Party are materially increased so as to be unjust or inequitable. [Signature Page Follows] MARCUS GRANT STONES IN WTINESSETH ITHEREOF, the Parties hereto execute this Agreement as of the date and year first above written, and the assets are hereby conveyed, AS IS, WHERE I$ one hundred twenty (120) days following Couunission approval. county or [qiJ*,o|""' on this -Lday of l4y in the year of.Zl7;,personatty appeared before me f4 arc"s StnoS*rr"rffy mo*n ,o *% the person whose name is zubscribed to the within instrument, and ad<nowledged to me thathe e<ecuH the sarne. @ rY OFFIC'AI SEAL SIIIOY GAflIL BOTROUS T{OTARY PUEUC - OREGON coMMlsstoN N0. 475558 tollil$t0lt rxPriEl Estut[T RICFIARD STONES Name: State of Idaho County of ) ) ss. ) On this dav of in the year of 2018 personally appeared before me personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscdbed to the within instrument, ard acknowledged to me thathe execuEd the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing at: My com:nission ocpires on:- NoiaryPublic Transfer of Title Agreement Page 5 of6 IN WITNESSETH WHEREOF, the Parties hereto execute this Agreement as of the date and year first above writtery and the assets are hereby conveyed AS IS, Uru{ERE IS, one hundred twenty (120) days following Commission approval. MARCUS GRANT STONES Name: State of Idaho County of ) ) ss. ) On this dav of personally known to me to be the person and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. State of Idaho ) ) ss. Countyof \Ae-^r5 ) the year of 2016, personally appeared before me whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, Notary Public for ldaho Residing at: My commission expires on: n On this Q^L auy of Jh r*a , in the year of 2016, personally appeared before me Kt chalA !\n.hlrror,Itty t no,"" a *" 4 u5ar,," p"*on *hos" name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. A*G[L[,cyT,XltTo State 01 ldano Residing at: lA-{' l1 Transfer of Title Agreement Page 5 of 6 My commission expires on:_ Name: Vem Porter Title: V.P. of Customer Operations State of Idaho ) ) ss- County of ) on this l{-pth our"r fu\At-i- . in the year of.20t6,personally appeared before me vem Potter, personally known to me to bedre person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Notary Public for Idaho Residing "t' Rn i.q€, Tela hO My commission expires ot-eqQ:il] CZ { t:."a- 'at r(