HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160524Land Conveyance.pdfIiilCEIVED ?8i5li,1Y ?3 PH h: 58 -'1 '-,1 l.*'i :, , i_l-.i-,l_lv::'1 ; . ,,.Lli;lioil$Sl0N 3Iffi* An loAcoRP company Lasa D. Nordstlom Lead Counsel lnordstrom@idahopower.com May 23, 2016 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary ldaho Public Utilties Commission 472 West Washington Street Boise, ldaho 83702 Re: ldaho Power Company Land Conveyanoe Dear Ms. Jewell: On October 1,2015, ldaho Power ('ldaho Power' or "Company") advised the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission') that the Company intended to sel! a 19,000 square-foot parcel of land and adjacent easements to the Ada County Highway District ('ACHD') for a road widening project in Boise. The property is located at the corner of the Franklin Road-Five Mile Road intersection and is part of a larger parce! owned by ldaho Power containing the Boise Operations Center and a warehouse. The Company determined that the conveyance of the land to ACHD did not require Commission approval per ldaho Code S 61-328. ln a letter dated October 27,2016, Donald L. Howell, ll, Deputy Attorney Genera! of the Commission, agreed that the conveyance of the land did not require Commission approval under ldaho Code S 61-328 and advised ldaho Power to file final accounting entries when the transaction was complete. Pursuant to Mr. Howell's request, ldaho Power hereby submits the final accounting entries for the land conveyance. lf you have any questions regading this filing, please contact Courtney Waites, Senior Regulatory Analyst, at 388-56 1 2 or cwa ites@ idaho power. co m. Sincerely, dr- c.7(r^t-fu-*-, LDN/CWKKI Enclosure Lisa D. Nordstrom Boise Operations Center - Land Sale Work Order 27?87229 42Ll9O Gain on Disposition of Property 101000 Electric Plant in Service To record retirement of land due to sale. 131201 Cash 42Ll9O Gain on Disposition of Property To record proceeds from sale - cash allocated to non-depreciable property. 42L1r9O Gain on Disposition of Property 131201 Cash To record selling costs associated with land sale. 131201 Cash 454101 Operating Revenue To record proceeds from sale of easements. 46,LM.93 53,881.75 5,418.49 46,LM.93 53,881.75 5,4L8.49 3L,L82.94 3L,L82.94 The total gain in account 42ll90 associated with the land conveyance is 52,318.33. Boise Operations Center-Site Work Work Order 274U561 108000 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation 101mO Electric Plant in Service To record retirement of improvements due to road widening project. 131201 Cash 107000 Construction Work in Progress To record proceeds - cash allocated to improvements due to road widening project. 107000 Construction Work in Progress 108000 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation 131201 Cash To record cost of improvements due to road widening project. 107000 Construction Work in Progress 101000 Electric PIant in Service 108000 Accu m ulated Provision for Depreciatio n CIAC allocation and close. 101000 Electric Plant in Service 107000 Construction Work in Progress Close work order costs to plant. 135,701.80 131,536.08 12,300.00 136,701.80 131,636.08 4,O92.O0 12,300.00 136,701.80 L35,728.O8 L32,580.4 4,L2L.36 131,536.08 To record permanent close of work order which is expected to occur in August 2016. Boise Operations Center - Warehouse Work Order 27432755 131201 Cash 107000 Construction Work in Progress To record proceeds - cash allocated to new shelving at the warehouse due to road widening project. 107000 Construction Work in Progress 131201 Cash To record cost of new shelving at the warehouse due to road widening project. 107000 Construction Work in Progress 101000 Electric Plant in Service CIAC allocation and close 101000 Electric Plant in Service 107000 Construction Work in Progress Close work order costs to plant. To record permanent close of work order Work Order 27359262 163815 Stores Expense - Relocation Expenses 163815 Stores Expense - Cash Received To record cost associated with relocation of materials and inventory at the warehouse due to the road widening project. 6,000.00 5,964.79 5,000.00 5,964.79 3,4L9.47 6,000.00 5,964.79 6,000.00 5,964.79 2,600.00