HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140819Land Conveyance.pdfPATRICK A. HARRINGTON Gorporate Secretary n c rt ; i\,'-: Lt \L-\./1*! Y '.' 20lq AUG l9 Pl{ 2: 02 uTrJr?ffL"#j'neiSsrcu SEHM. An IDACORP Company August 19,2014 Jean Jewell Commission Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ldaho 83720-007 4 Re: ldaho Power Company Land Conveyance Dear Ms. Jewel!: ldaho Power Company ("ldaho Powe/' or "Company") is providing this notice letter to the ldaho Public Utilities Commission ("Commission") regarding the Company's proposed sale of certain property interests at the Boardman coal-fired generation plant ("Boardman") in Morrow County, Oregon. While the ldaho statute governing utility property sales (ldaho Code S 61-328) only applies to the sale of utility property located within the State of ldaho, ldaho Power nonetheless wishes to inform the Commission of its proposed property transaction at Boardman as described in this letter. The current owners of Boardman are Portland General Electric ('PGE' - 80 percent owner), ldaho Power (10 percent owner), and Power Resources Cooperative('PRC'- 10 percent owner).1 The owners are parties to the Agreement for Construction, Ownership and Operation of the Number One Boardman Station on Carty Reservoir dated October 15, 1976, as amended ("Boardman Agreement"). The Boardman Agreement provides that one or more of the owners may construct additional generation projects at the Boardman site. ln such case, the owners are required to grant to the constructing owner, among other things, a partial ownership interest in certain facilities at Boardman that may be used in common for the operation of Boardman and the new generation project ("Shared Facilities"). Under the Boardman Agreement, the Shared Facilities may include such items as the project reservoir, pumping facilities, pipelines, roads, railroad spurs, docks, parking lots, fencing, and transmission facilities. ' PGE and PRC have negotiated an agreement pursuant to which PGE will acquire PRC's 10 percent ownership share of Boardman effective on December 31,2014, subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions precedent, including receipt of the Public Utility Commission of Oregon's approval (Docket No. uE 283). PO. Box 70 (83707) '1221 W. ldaho St. 8oise, lD 83702 ldaho Public Utilities Commission August 19,2014 Page 2 PGE is constructing a new natural gas-fired generation project on the Carty Reservoir ("Carty Project"), and has requested that ldaho Power and PRC grant a partial interest in the Shared Facilities to PGE for use at the Carty Project, as provided in the Boardman Agreement. PGE has identified the following facilities that it wishes to include as Shared Facilities for the Carty Project: Carty Reservoir, Columbia River Intake, Existing Water lntake Structure, Potable Water System, Tower Road Rights, Wastewater Ponds, and Communications Equipment and Housing. To provide for the conveyance of interests in the Shared Facilities to PGE, the owners of the Boardman Project have entered into an Asset Purchase Agreement dated April 14,2014 (.APA'- copy enclosed). Under the APA, PGE is to purchase a 50 percent ownership interest in the Shared Facilities for the Carty Project. The payment for each asset is based upon the Carty Project's expected usage percentage and the agreed upon asset value as summarized below: Asset Description Allocable Share Payable to ldaho Power Shared Facilities: Cartv Reservoir $ 489,365 Columbia River lntake $ 40,590 Existino Water lntake Structure $745 Potable Water System $ 12.295 Tower Road Riqhts $22,245 Wastewater Ponds $ 12.325 Communications Equipment and Housinq $42,580 Plant Real Prooertv Easement $70 Total $ 620,205 The allocable share payable to ldaho Power was determined based on ldaho Powe/s 10 percent ownership share in Boardman and will be paid in cash by PGE upon closing. Upon conveyance of the 50 percent ownership interest in the Shared Facilities to PGE, the Shared Facilities would be used in common by both Boardman and the Carty Project. The APA specifically provides that PGE will not use the Shared Facilities for the benefit of the Carty Project in a manner that will unreasonably interfere with the operation of Boardman. The APA also specifies that ownership interest grants by ldaho Power and PRC in the Shared Facilities will not diminish their respective ownership rights in Boardman, or their rights to the output and capacity of the Boardman Project, including without limitation the two transmission lines connected with Boardman. ldaho Public Utilities Commission August 19,2014 Page 3 ldaho Power believes that its conveyance of 50 percent of its ownership interest in the Shared Facilities to PGE as provided in the APA would be beneficial to the Company and its customers. The conveyance would not adversely affect the continued use of the Shared Facilities for Boardman, and ldaho Power would receive fair compensation of $620,205 for the grant of its 50 percent ownership interest in the Shared Facilities. The conveyance also would not impact ldaho Powe/s existing rights to the output and capacity at Boardman, including the use of the connecting transmission lines. ln addition, the conveyance would reduce ldaho Poweds depreciation expense and decommissioning costs for the Shared Facilities because (1) ldaho Power's ownership interest in the Shared Facilities would be reduced and (2) the Shared Facilities would not need to be fully depreciated and decommissioned as otherwise planned for the 2020 shutdown of the Boardman plant, due to the continued use of the Shared Facilities for the Carty Project. Also, because the conveyance would reduce ldaho Powe/s ownership share in the Shared Facilities, it would also reduce the amount of ldaho Powe/s obligations regarding future capital investments and operation and maintenance costs of the Shared Facilities. Finally, the Boardman Balancing Account would allow ldaho Power to transfer the benefits of reduced decommissioning costs to customers when the cunent decommissioning study is updated, while the next general rate case would provide Idaho Power the opportunity to transfer benefits associated with the reduction in plant investments to customers prior to the shutdown of Boardman in2020. Please let me know if the Commission has any questions related to ldaho Power's proposed conveyance of property interests at Boardman as described in this letter. After completion of the conveyance, ldaho Power will file final accounting entries with the Commission Secretary as part of the 2014 Boardman Power Plant Annua! Review which will be filed with the Commission in March 2015. ldaho Power is also filing a joint application with PGE to the Public Utility Commission of Oregon for approval of the conveyance of the property interests described herein, pursuant to Oregon revised statutes and administrative rules. Sincerely, Enclosures cc: Don Howell, IPUC Terri Carlock, IPUC Greg Said RA File Legal File ) , I ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) t ) ) I t ) ) t t ) I I I I I )I ) D D , , t t , t , , ) , ) , I ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS ASSET PURCIIASE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into effective Rf"J t+ ,2014 ("Effective Date"), by and among PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTzuC'COMPANY, an Oregon corporation ("PGE"); IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation ("IPC"); and POWER RESOURCES COOPERATIVE, an Oregon cooperative corporation ("PRC") (each of the foregoing parties is sometimes hereinafter referred to as a "Part5/" and all of the foregoing parties are sometimes hereinafler collectively referred to as the "Parties"). . RECITALS A. The Parties, as tenants-in-comrnon, own a coal fired generating facility located on land in Morrow County, Oregon, and certain associated equipment and facilities (collectively, "Number One Boardman Station" or "Boardman Project"). B. The Parties or their predecessors in interest entered into an Agreement for Construction, Ownership and Operation of the Number One Boardman Station on Carty Reservoir dated October 15, 1976, which was amended on September 30, 1977, October 31, 1977, January 23, 1978, February 15, 1978, Sep-temb.er l, 1979, March 15, 1994, and an Agreement and Seventh Amendment dated Agfl \ t4 2OI4 (collectively, the "Ownership Agreement"). Terms using initiaf "ult[t"t f"ttil i, this Agreement that are not otherwise defined shall have the meanings given to them in the Ownership Agreement. Certain additional defined terms are set forth in Exhibit 1 attached hereto and by referencc incorporated herein. C. PGE owns eightypercent (80o/o) of the Project IPC owns ten percent (10%) of the Project, and PRC owns ten percent (10%) of the Project. D. Section 19 of the Ownership Agreement provides PGE, either individually or jointly with other entities, public or private, with the right to construct and operate, on the Carty Reservoir, additional power generating units and, in connection therewith, to acquire (1) good and marketable fee title to the land that will underlie the additional generating plant and any additional related facilities that will not be used in common with the Project, (2) a proportionate undivided interest in common, in proportion to the numbet of generating units, in those facilities of the Project that may be used in common by the owners of the additional generating units, including, but not limited to, the reseraoir, pumping facilities, pipelines from the Columbia River, roads, railroad spurs, docks, parking lots, fencing and transmission facilities and (3) a nonexclusive easement over the remainder of the Plant Real Property, except for the land undcrlying the Generating Plant not to be used in common, for all purposes necessary or appropriate to the construction, operation and maintenance of the additional generating unit (the "Section 19 Right"). E. PGE is constructing a new power generating unit ("Carty Generating Station" or "Carty Project") on the Carty Reservoir, but not on the Plant Real Property, as described in Section 19 of the Ownership Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the convcyance and sale to PGE of certain Project components and common facilities necessary or Page I - ASSET PURCI-IASE AGREEMEN'I ftfItI DI fttIIIIII aItIII DI ;fIftII ; T D D D D D D D D D I convenient to the operation of the Carty Generating Station as detailed in and pursuant to subsections l9(a) and l9(b) of the Ownership Agreement. The interests in those Project components and common facilities (defined below as the Shared Facilities and the Plant Real Properry Easement) to be conveyed and assigned to Buyer hereunder are sometimes collectively referred to as the "Assets." F. For the pu(pose of this Agreemeng the term "Seller" means, collectively, PGE, IPC, and PRC, as tenants-in-common, the tetm "Buyer" means PGE, and the term "Non-PGE Seller" means each of IPC and PRC. AGREEMENT NOW, TFIEREFORE, based upon the foregoing Recitals and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the Parties agree as follows: l. Shared Facilities. The shared facilities consist only of the Carty Reservoir, Columbia River Intake, Existing Water Intake Structure, Potable Water System, Tower Road Rights, Wastewater Ponds, and Communications Equipment and Housing (all of the foregoing, collectively, the "Shared Facilities") as expressly deFrned in this Agreement. The Shared Facilities are described in Exhibit 1, attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, and certain of the Shared Facilities are further identified on the pictures attached hereto as Exhibits 2a and 2b and by reference incorporated herein- 2. Conveyance and Use of Shared Facilities. Pursuant to subsection l9(b)(2) of the Ownership Agreement, Seller agrees to convey and assign to Buyer, in Buyer's current capacity as the sole participant in the Carty Project an undivided fifty percent (50%) interest (computed in proportion to the number of generating units per subsection l9(b)(2) of the Ownership Agreement) as a tenant-in-comrnon in the Shared Facilities in accordance with the terms of the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement in the form of Exhibit 3 attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein ("Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement")- All Parties hereby state their intention, and so agree, that, at Closing, the Shared Facilities shall be deemed constructively severed from the land that underlies them and shall thereafter constitute personal property and, for avoidance of doubt, will be owned in the following percentages: PGE - 90 percent; IPC - 5 percent; and PRC - 5 petcent. Notwithstanding anything in such grant, transfer and assignment, the Parties acknowledge and agree that the grant, transfer and assignment to Buyer in Buyer's current capacity as the sole participant in the Carty Generating Station shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties to participate in the Construction and Operation of the Project (as that term is defined in the Ownership Agreement), and shall not diminish their respective entitlements to the Output (as that term is defined in the Ownership Agreement) and capacity of the Project, according to the Ownership Shares as set forth in Section 2(a) of the Ownership Agreement. The Parties acknowledge and agree that the grant, transfer and assignment contemplated herein pursuant to the Ownership Agreement, while transferring an undivided ownership interest in the Shared Facilities, does not transfer an Ownership Share in the Project and therefoqe, will not result in any reduction of entitlement of PRC and/or IPC to Output or capacity in and from the Projec! including without limitation the Boardman-Slatt Line Facilities and the Dalreed Line Facilities, under the Ownership Agreement. Buyer further covenants and agrees with the Non-PGE Sellers that" as long as Buyer owns any interest in the Page2 - ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMEN'I- I I I I I I I a t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I ! f l n Shared Facilities, Buyer will comply with the obligations of PGE under the terms of the Ownership Agreement and not use the Shared Facilities for the benefit of the Carty Project in a manner that will unreasonably interfere with the operation of the Project. 3. Plant Real Property Easement. Pursuant to subsection l9(b)(3) of the Ownership Agreement, Seller agrees to grant, convey and assign to Buyer a permanent, nonexclusive, irrevocable easement in, over and across the Plant Real Property, legally described in Schedule 4 to the Bilt of Sale and Easement Agreement, attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, in accordance with the terms of the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement. 4. Payment for Conveyance and Assignment of Shared Facilities and Plant Real Property Easemcnt. In consideration of the foregoing conveyances and assignments of the Assets, Buyer agrees to pay to the Non-PGE Sellers on the date of Closing (as hereinafter defined) the following sums, which shall be divided among the Non-PGE Sellers based on their Ownership Shares: Agreed Asset Value Allocable Slrarc Payable to'No;+G0 Sellers Shared Facilities: Cartv Reservoir $4,893,634 $978.730 Columbia River lntake $405.789 $8r.160 Existine Water Intake Structure $7,446 $1.490 Potable Water System $122,929 s24.590 Tower Road Riehts s222.431 $44.490 Wastewater Ponds $123,250 s24.650 Communications Equipment and Housins $425,80 t $85. l 60 Plant Real Prooertv Easement $706 $140 Total $6,201,987 s1.240.410 The total in the final column entitled Allocable Share Payable to Non-PGE Sellers shall be paid in cash upon Closing (as hereinafter defined) by Buyer to IPC (50%) and PRC (50%) based on their Ownership Shares in the Project. The foregoing percentages were determined based on IPC's and PRC's relative percentage of the 20o/othat they collectively hold in the Project (with Buyer holding the remaining 80%). 5. Allocation of Operation and Maintenance Costs of Sharcd Facilities between Carty Project and Boardman Project. As provided in subsection l9(b) of the Ownership Agreement, the cost to operate and maintain the Shared Facilities used for the benefit of the Number One Boardman Station and the Carty Generating Station will be divided and borne between Seller and Buyer on the basis of use as long as Buyer's use does not unreasonably interfere with the operation of the Boardrnan Projeot. The Parties agree to an initialallocation of Two Thousand F'ive Hundred l)ollars ($2,500) from the Carty Generating Station credited to each of PRC and Idaho for the annual operating and maintenance costs of the Shared F'acilities based on the assumed usage percentages set forth below in this Section 5. This amount will be Page 3 _ ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT tIrttr mcreased by Five Hundred Dollars ($500) on January I of each year after the Effective Date.t This allocation is based on tlre Parties' knowledge and understanding as of the Effective Date of I the planned and expected usages of the Shared Facilities by the Carty Project and the Boardman I Projec! and will remain in effect unless and until modified as provided below in this Section 5. - Within sixty (60) days of the written request of any Party, Buyer shall provide the Non-PGE - Sellers with Buyer's best estimate of the relative usage and operating and maintenance costs of I the Shared Facilities during the prior calendar year together with such supporting documentation t as the Non-PGE Sellers may reasonably request. Such estimates shall be binding unless objected I to by a Non-PGE Seller in wtiting within sixty (60) days. If a Non-PGE Seller does object and . the Parties canngt agree within sixty (60) days after the date of such written objection, the matterI wifl be resolved in accordance with the dispute resolution provision in Section 19(b) of the I Ownership Agreement. Any modification in allocations shall be implemented reftoactive to the I firstday ofthatyear: I Cartv Proiect Operating Cost Allocatiof Amount = (Boardman Shared Facilitv Operatine I Cost) times (Carly Projest Usage Percentage)-I Carty Projcct Usage Percentaget I L Car[y Reservoir I a. 12.9%: 1,628 acre feet Cafi I (1,628 + 11,000 acre feet Boardman) t 2. Cotumbia River IntakeI I a. 1.2.9%:1,628 acre feet Cafi l(1,528 + I1,000 acre feet Boardman) I 3. Existing Water Intake Structuret I a. 0.6 %: (1,150 gpm average water use by Carty / 202,800 gpm average seryice water and circulating water flow at Boardman)t I 4. Potable Water System t a. 12.7y.: (21 people at Cafi I 2l + 145 people at Boardman)I I 5. Tower Road fughts ; a. g.l % : (1440 feet!200l feet) x [21 people at Cafil ( 145 people at Boardman + 2 1)l I 6. Waste Water Pondst : a. 12.7% = (21 people at Carty I 2l + 145 people at Boardman) I 7. Communications Equipment and Housing D I a. 43.1%: (454 gross MW Cafi 1454 MW + 600 gross MW Boardman) D ; E Page 4 _ ASSET PTJRCFIASE AGREEME,NT ;I DIttt I I I D fIII Itt I I ; ; I II I II ItI D DI I D II IIItt!t D 6. Allocation of Costs of Capital Additions to Shared Facilities between Carty Project and Boardman Project. From and after the Effective Date, the Costs of Capital Additions to the Shared Facilitics will be allocated to the co-owners in the following percentages: PGE - 90 percent; IPC - 5 percent; and PRC - 5 percent. 7. Mutual Cooperation. (a) Each Party agrees to lend its full and timely cooperation to each of the other Parties to implement the transactions and perform the covenants allocated to that Party as set forth in this Agreement, including, but not limited to, obtaining all necessary approvals and authorizations, and to executing, acknowledging and delivering such additional documents and agreements as may reasonably be required to perfect title to the Assets in Buyer and maintain and operate the Shared Facilities as contemplated hereunder and consistent with the requirements of the Ownership Agreement. PGE agrees to record in the real property records of Morrow County, Oregon, all instruments of transfer of interests in real property that are contemplated by this Agreement and the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement and, after recording, to furnish copies of such instruments, as recorded, to the Non-PGE Sellers. (b) If any Party is legatly required to obtain approval of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission or any state regulatory authority for this transaction ("Regulatory Approvall'), then each such Parly shall promptly proceed with all due diligence to obtain such Regulatory Approval and shall notiff all other Parties, in writing, not less than one (l) time per week, following the Effective Date, as to the status of such Regulatory Approval. All Parties agree to fully cooperate in that approval process so as not to delay Closing and to make reasonable efforts to respond to any written request from a Party related thereto within three (3) business days so as not to delay the process. The Parties acknowledge and agree that PRC does not require Regulatory Approval and this Subsection 7(b) shall not impose any obligation, other than the obligation to cooperate, on PRC- (c) Each Party agrees that Buyer has the legally enforceable right, and each Non-PGE Party has the legally enforceable obligation, to enter into and perform this Agreement based on the Section 19 Right. 8. Repreentations and Warranties. Except as otherwise expressly provided, each Partry represents and warrants to each other Patty as follows: (a) The representing and warranting Parry has not received any uncured notice from any governmental agency having jurisdiction in the matter of any violation of any statute, law, ordinance, deed restriction, nde, or reguladon with respect to the existence, construction, maintenance or operation of the Assets, or the Boardman Project as a whole or any part thereof or otherwise that has not been disclosed to the ofher Parties in writing. (b) Each representing and warranting Seller, each only as to its own interest in the Assets, has not previously conveyed its right, title, and interest in the Assets to any other Party and each such Seller's interest in the Assets conveyed to Buyer pursuant to this transaction is free and clear of all claims, liens, security interests and encumbrances of any nature crcated or suffered by such Seller or persons claiming by or through such Seller and each such Seller will warrant and Page 5 _ ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT IIIIIIItt II tt I ; ; Dt lr I ll I I I I I I D I I E D t Dt DI I t ; ;t D D defend such title against flre claims, liens, security interests, and encumbrances of all persons lawfully claiming by, through or under each such Non-PGE Seller other tharr liens and encumbrances permitted by the terms of the Ownership Agreement and which liens are described in Schedule 6 to the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement attached hereto and by reference incoryorated herein. Except a-s described in Section 7, each Seller severally represents and warrants that all consents necessary to make its conveyances and assignments effective have been obtained by such Seller. (c) Except as otherwise provided in Section 7, each Party has the legal power, right and authority to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated herein. The individual executing this Agreement on behalf of each Party has the legal power, righg and actual authority to bind such Party to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The foregoing representations and warranties made by that representing a&d warranting Party are true and eorrect as of the Effective Date, shall be true and correct at Closing, and shall survive the Closing. Each Parly is making and is only responsible for irc own representations and warranties and not for the representations and warranties of any other Parly. [f a representing and wananting Party breaches a representation or warranty, the sole recourse of the damaged Parties shall be against the Party that breached the representation or warranty. Subject to the foregoing, any Party that breaches one or more of the foregoing representations, warranties, or covenants shafl defend, indemnifu, and hold the other Parties harmless from and against any liability, cause, claim, loss, damage, or expense, including attomey fees, that the other Parlies suffer as a result of a breach of the representations, warranties, or sovenants of such Party contained in this Agreement. 9. Closing. The Partics agree to close this transaction ("Closing") no later than the later of (a) June 30, 2014 or (b) five (5) business days following the date all Regulatory Approvals are obtained. At the Closing, Buyer shall pay to the Non-PGE Sellers the amount specified in Section 4 and the Parties (where indicated) shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver the Bill of Sale and Easement Agrcemenq bgethcr with a Memorandum of Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement in the form of Schedule 5 to the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement. The Memorandum of Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement shall be recorded in the real property records of Monow County, Oregon, and the cost for the recofding of the Memorandum of Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement shall be paid by Buyer. 10. General and Miscellaneous Provlsions. (a) Prior Agreements. This Agreement together with the Bilt of Sale and Easement Agreement and the Memorandum of Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement, is the entire, final and complete agreement of the Parties pe(aining to the conveyance and assignment of the Assets and supersedes and replaces all written and oral agreements heretofore made or existing by and among the Parties or their representatives insofar as this conveyance and assignment of the Assets is concerned. This Agreement is intended to implement the Ownership Agreement and shall be construed to affect only the conveyance and assignment of the Assets and the covenants related thereto as expressly addressed herein, and it shall not be construed to otherwise amend or modi$ in any way, or otherwise af[ect the construction by a court of, the Ownership Agreemenl This Agreement is intended to be limited to the transactions referenced herein and shall not Iimit the rights of the Parties with respect to the treatment of any similar transaction among the Parties in the Page 6 - ASSEI PURCH-ASE AGREEMENT IttIIIt ; , ; II : ftttI D ;I I ; I It It II I D D Dtt II I D It D i future, including without limitation the acquisition of additional land, easement rights, or interest in the Shared Facilities or other facilities pursuant to l.he terms and conditions of the Ownership Agreement. In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and the Ownership Agreement as to the conveyance and assignment expressly addressed herein, the terms of this Agreement shall control. (b) Time is of the Essence. Time is expressly made of the essence of each provision of this Agreement. (c) Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given as fbllows: (i) notice may be given by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the addressee at the address set forth below the name of the Party on the signature pages of this Agreement or at such other address as one Party may indicate by written notice to the other Parties, and shall be effective two (2) business days after having been deposited in the United States mail; delivery; and number set forth below the name of the Party on the signature pages of this Agreement or at such other facsimile number as one Party may indicate by written notice to the other Parties and shall be effective upon successful transmission. (d) Brokers. No person acting on behalf of Seller is or will be entitled to any brokerage fee, commission, finder's fee or financial advisory fee from Buyer in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreernent or the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement, and no person acting on behalf of Buyer is or will be entitled to any brokerage fee, commission, finder's fee or financial advisory fee from Seller in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement. (e) Nonwaiver. Failure by uny Party at any time to require performance by any other Pafi of any of the provisions hereof shall in no way affect the Party's rights hereunder to enforce the same nor shall any waiver by the Party of the breach hereof be held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver of this nonwaiver clause. (0 No Merger. The Parties expressly intend that the obligations of the Parties as set forth in this Agreement shall not merge with the transfer or conveyance of the Assets but shall remain in effect until fulfilled. (g) Arnendments. This Agreement may be amended, modified or extended without new consideration but only by written instrument executed by all Parties. (h) Governing Law. This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with and govemed by the laws of the state of Oregon. (iD (iii) notice may be given by personal delivery and shall be effective upon notice may be given by facsimile transmission to the facsimile PagcT - ASSET PURCFIASE AGREEMENT fIIfIIIII ; ; ; ;II ; ; ; ; ,t ;I ; ; ; ; , E , a B E D E D * * kp E E a k (i) Severability. [f any portion of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby provided that the remaining provisions preserves for each Party the material benefits, rights, and obligations of this Agreement. 0) Number, Gender and Captions. In construing this Agreement, it is understood ttrat if the context so requires, the singular pronoun shall be taken to mean and include the plural, the masculine, the feminine pnd the neuter, and that generally all grammatical changes shall be made, assumed and applied to individuals, Iimited liability companies and/or coqporations and partnerships. All captions and section headings used herein are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall in no way limit any of the provisions of this Agreement. (k) Binding Effect. The covenants, conditions and terms of this Agreement shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the Parties. (l) Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different Parties hereto on separate counterparts, each of which counterpart, when so executed and delivered, shall be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts, taken together, shall constitute but one and the same Agreement. (m) Statutory Notice. THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT MAY NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRTCT PROTECTING STRUCTURES. TTM PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS TIIAT, IN FARM OR FOR.EST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTT{ORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITING OF A RESIDENCE AND THAT LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING,OR FOREST PRACTICES, AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, IN ALL ZONES. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTTNG THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRTNG FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT TI{E PERSO}i'S RIGFMS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, I95.30I, AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SE,CTIONS 5 TO 1I, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND i7, CHAPTER 855, OREGON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2 TO 7, CHAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2OIO. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THTS INSTRUMENT, TIIE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COTINTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY TT{AT 1-I{E TINIT OF LAND BETNG TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISFIED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 2I5.OIO, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF TTIE LOT OR PARCEL, TO VERTFY THE EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTTIRES AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301, AND 195.305 TO 195.336 AND SECTIONS5 TO 11, CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007, SECTIONS 2 TO 9 AND 17, CI{APTER 855, ORECTON LAWS 2009, AND SECTIONS 2TO7, CIIAPTER 8, OREGON LAWS 2010. ITTTE BALANCE OF TIIIS PAGE HAS INTENTIONALLY BEEN LEFT BLAI{K; SIGNATTIRE PAGE FOLLOWSI Page 8 - ASSET PURCFIASE AGREEMENT ItIf ffffIt ;t ; ; tr , ;lr ; fttt ; ; ; ; D ; ; ; ;tII ; ; ; D Dt D Dt [SIGNATURB PAGB TO AGREEMENTI IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties executed this Agreement with the intent that it be effective as of the Effective Date. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, an Oregon corporation IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation By: Name: Title: Address: Facsimile: 1221 West ldaho Street Boise, ID 83702 By: Narne: Title: Address: Facsimile: Portland, OR97204 (s03) 464-2200 Marla M-Pope SRVP Power Suppty & POWER RESOURCES COOPERATIVE, an Oregon cooperative corporation By: Name: Title: Address: Facsimile: 711 NE Halsey Portland, OR97232 (s03) 288-2334 Page 9 _ ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT IItt ;It I I It tla ; f : I ;t ; I t I a ; I t It!tIII DIft E! '3! tl ISIGNATURE PAGE TO AGREEMENTI IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties executed this Agreement with thc intent that it be effective as of the Effective Date. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTzuC COMPANY, an Oregon corporation By: Name: Title: Address: Facsimile: 12l SW Salmon Street Portland, OR 97204 (s03) 464-2200 IDAHO POWER COMPAIIY, an ldaho corporation Address: Facsimite: 1221 West tdaho Street Boise,ID 83702 POWER RESOURCES COOPERATIVE, an Oregon cooperative corporation By: Name: Title: Address: Facsimile: 7l I NE Halsey Portlan4 OR97232 (503) 288-2334 Page 9 _ ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT TIII!IIIt II IIttItt ;t Tt D DII DII D D DtI B , B E B D B B B Iw [SIGNATURE PACE TO AGREEMENT] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tlie Panies executed this Agreement w,ith the intent that it be effectiVe as of the Effective Dxe. PORTLAND GET{ERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, an Oregon corporation By; Namq: Title: Address; Facsimile: I'21 SW SalmonStreet Portland, OR.97204 (si03) 464-2200 B),: Name; Title: Addrsss: Facsimile: 7ll NEHalsey Ponland OR97232 (soj) 28s-2334 IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho c,orporation By: Nanre: 'l'itle: Addrcss: Facsimile; l22l Wesr Idaho Street Boise,lD 83702 COOPERATME, an i, ,\pri\ t'.{r ?-o \1 Page 9 - ASSET PURCHASE AGEEEMENT IIfI Dtt Dt DttIIIItIItIIIItII ;ItIt ;I DtI ) ; ) ) D D n EXHIBIT 1 "Cartlr Reservoir" means the Carty water reservoir, including the dam and leakage collection system. "Columbia River Intake" means the intake rights from the Columbia River including pumps, intake, electrical, and piping to Carty Reservoir. Number One Boardman Station does not have an intake structure at the Columbia River. Number One Boardman Station made a'Contribution In. Aid of Construction (CIAC) payment to connect to the Boeing-Agri Pipeline and thus acquired the rights ofuse. aCommunications Equipment and Housing" means the Boardman Project equipment required for establishing primary and backup communication for data between the generating plants, substation and PGE corporate offrces, which shall be a rack installed by PGE in the Boardman Project communication room using existing Boardman Project infrasftucture. "Existing Water Intake Structure" means the Number One Boardman Station intake structure including the excavation, concrete structure, intake trash screens, traveling water screens, screen wash pumps, and auxiliaries, but not including the service water pumps or circulating water pumps, nor any of the Number One Boardman Station service water or circulating water piping. "Potable Water System" means the Boeing well, well pump, electric supply to the well pump area and well pump building but not any of the potable water distribution at the Number One Boardman Station. "Tower Road Rights" shall mean Tower Road from the end of the public road to the intersection with the entrance to Carty Cenerating Station. "Wastewater Ponds" means the existing settling ponds at the Number One Boardman Station. EXhibit I tO ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT 2a [,ocations of Shared Facilities I Exhibit 2 to AssET pURCSASE AGREEMENT I ; oLoc t-o t .([l^l EfoO c).C Boca oc U'ooo* C 0) Eoo o) oa(tr .Cot- J o_ oaa o $N .=s xul EXHIBIT 2b Locations of Shared Facilities Exhibit 2 to ASSET PURCHASE AGREEMENT fl, \;.,},; ",L oj< Ggc t-o t .go Efo'() 0) -C# =oca o C.a(t)oo* Co Eoo (I G) @$ -Co =o- (l)aa o -oN ,tss X UJ IIIII I EXHTBTT 3r I (See the attached form of Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement) Itr Tt I I I It ,I D D ; ,t ,tt ,IIIIt ,tttt D a a Exhibir 3 to ASSET puRCHASE AGREEMENT F 0 III I TIIIr D T I r.I I T I t Tt F T ;t ; ;p ; eI ; ; I : I I a F ! ; F t a a BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into effective , 2014 ("Effective Date"), by and among PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTzuC COMPANY, an Oregon corporation ("PGE,), IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho coqporation ('[PC"), and POWER RESOTIRCES COOPERATfVE, an Oregon cooperative corporation ("PRC") (each of the foregoing parties is sometimes hereinafter referred to as a "Part5/" and all of the foregoing parties are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties"). RE,CITALS A. The Parties, as tenants-in-common, own a coal-fired generating facility located on land in Morrow County, Oregon, and certain associated equipment and facilities (collectively, "Number One Boardman Station" or "Boardman Project"). The legal description of the land upon which the Number One Boardman Station is located is set fo(h in Schedule I attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. B. The Parties or their predecessors in interest entered into an Agreement for Construction, Ownership and Operation of the Number One Boardman Station on Carty Reservoir dated October 15, 1976, which was amended on September 30, 1977, October 31, 19'17, Jamtary 23, 1978, February 15, 1978, September l, 1979, March 15, 1994, and an Agreement and Seventh Amendment dated 2014 (collectively, the "Ownership Agreement"). Terms using initial capital letters in this Agreement that are not othenvise defined shall have the meanings given to them in the Ownership Agreement. Additional defined terms are set forth in Schedule 2 attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. C. PGE owns eighty percent (80%) of the Project, IPC owns ten percent (10%) of the Project, and PRC owns ten percent (10%) of the Project. D. Section 19 of the Ownership Agreement provides PGE, either individually or jointly with other entities, public or private, with the right to construct and operate additional power generating units on the Carty Reservoir and, in connection therewith, to acquire (l) Sood and marketable fee title to the land that will underlie the additional generating plant and any additional related facilities that will not b€ used in common with the Project, (2) a proportionate undivided interest in common, in proportion to the number of generating units, in those facilities of the Project that may be used in common by the owners of the additional generating units, including, but not limited to, the reservoir, purnping facilities, pipelines from the Columbia River, roads, railroad spurs, docks, parking lots, fencing and transmission facilities and (3) a nonexclusive easement over the remainder of the Plant Real Property, except for the land underlying the Generating Plant not to be used in common, for all purposes necessary or appropriate to the construction, operation and maintenance of the additional generating unit (the "Section 19 Right"). PAge I - BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREE,MENT I Dr TI ft ,ItfItIIIt Ip I n Dt ;t DII ;It a It I I T Id I I F I t a E. PGE is constructing a new power generating unit ("Cart5r Generating Station" or "Carty Project") on the Carty Reservoir, but not on the Plant Real Property, as described in Section 19 of the Ownership Agreement. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide for the conveyance and assignment to PGE of the Shared Facilities and the Plant Real Properly Easement which are necessary or convenient to the operation of the Carty Generating Station as described in subsections l9(a) and 19(b) of the Ownership Agreement. This Agreement is being entered into pursuant to the terms of an Asset Purchase Agreement ("APA") between the Parties datedeffectiue-,20l4,thetermsofwhichareincorporatedhereinbythisreference. F. For the purpose of this Agreement the term "Grantor" means, collectively, PGE, IPC, and PRC, as tenants-in-common, and the term "Grantee" means PGE. AGREEMENT NOW, TIDREFORE, based upon the foregoing Recitals and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the Parties agrce as follows: l. Shared Facilities. The shared facilities consist only of the Carty Reservoir, Columbia River Intake, Existing Water lntake Structure, Potable Water System, Tower Road Rights, Wastewater Ponds, and Communications Equipr,nent and Housing (all of the foregoing, collectively, the "Shared Facilities") as expressly defined in this Agreement. The Shared Facilities are described in Schedule 2, attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein, and further identified in the pictures attached hereto to as Schedules 3a and 3b and by reference incorporated herein. 2. Bill of Sale for Shared Facilities. At the Effective Date of this Agreement, the Carty Project, as proposed and being developed by PGE, contains one generating unit and the Boardman Project contains one generating unit. Subsection 190)(2) of the Ownership Agreement requires the Parties to convey to PGE, in its capacity as the sole participant in the Carty Project, an interest in the Shared Facilities in proportion to the number of generating units, that is, fifty percent (50%). Pursuant to subsection l9(b)(2) of the Ownership Agreement, this Section 2 shall constitute a bill of sale ("Bill of Sale"), and, pursuant to this Bill of Sale and the terms of this Agreement, the APA and the Ownership Agrcement, Grantor hereby grants, transfcrs and assigns to Grantee, in its current capacity as the sole participant in the Carty Project, a fifty percent (50yA undivided interest as a tenant-in-common in and to the Shared Facilities, separate and apart from the land upon which such Shared Facilities are located or affixed, including the right to access, use, improve and adapt at Grantee's sole expense and subject to the terms of Section 4, such Shared Facilities for use for the Carty Generating Station. AII such Shared Facilities shall be deemed constructively severed from the underlying land for the purpose of this grant, transfer and assignment and shall hereby constitute personal property owned in the following percentages: PGE - 90 percent; tPC - 5 percent; and PRC - 5 percent. Notwithstanding anything in such grant, transfer and assignmenf the Parties acknowledge and agree that the grant, transfer and assignment to Buyer in Buyer's current capacity as the sole participant in the Carty Generating Station shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties to participate in the Construction and Operation of, and be entitled to the Output and capacity of, the Project (as that term is defined in the Ownership Agreement), according to ilre Ownership Shares as set forth in Section 2(a) of the Ownership Agreement. fhe Parties Page}- BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT TI TI TIt ; ;I ;ItI I ;t , ; ;It T !rt Dtt ; ;t DII ; : n ;t ,II D ; acknowledge and agree that the grant, transfer and assignment contemplated herein, while transferring an undivided ownership interest in the Shared Facilities, does not transfer an Ownership Share in the Project, and therefore, will not result in any reduction of entitlement of PRC and/or IPC to Output or capacity in and from the Project (as that term is defined in the Ownership Agreement), including without limitation tlre Boardman-Slatt Line Facilities, and the Dalreed Line Facilitiesn under the Ownership Agreement. Buyer further covenants and agrees with the Non-PGE Sellers that, as long as Buyer owns any interest in the Shared Facilities, Buyer will comply with the obligations of PGE under the terms of the Ownership Agreement and not use the Shared Facilities for the benefit of the Caty Project in a manner that will unreasonably interfere with thE operation of the Project (as that term is defined in the Ownership Agreement). Each Party waives its common law and statutory rights to partition the Shared Facilities. The interests of the Parties as title holders in the Shared Facilities shall not merge with the Parties' fee title in the land that underlies the Shared Facilities. If any of the Shared Facilities are located on land held by Grantor under easements rather than held by Grantor by way of fee title, then for those Shared Facilities, this grant, transfer and assignment shall be deemed to be a grant, transfer and assignment of those Shared Facilities together with permanent, nonexclusive and irrevocable sub-easements necessary for access, use, operation and maintenance, subject to all of the terms, conditions and reskictions in the master easements and the APA. 3. Plant Real Property Easement. Pursuant to subsection 19(bX3) of the Ownership Agreement, Grantor hereby Brmb, conveys and assigns to Grantee a permanent, nonexclusive and irrevocable easement in, over and across the Plant Real Propefi described in Schedule I for all purposes necessary or-appropriate to (a) use, operate, improve, and maintain Grantee's interest in the Shared Facilities and (b) construct operate, and maintain the Carty Generating Station (the "Plant Real Property Easement"). This Plant Real Property Easement is appurtenant to and benefits the Carty Generating Station which is legally described in Schedule 4 attached hereto and by reference incorporated here. The interests of PGE as a fee title holder in the Plant Rea[ Property shall not merge with PGE's easement estate granted under this Section 3. 4. Noninterference. [n the exercise of its rights under this Agreement, each Party shall not materially impair or obstruct, or materially interf'ere with, the operations of any other Party, and Grantee's use of the Shared Facilities and Plant Real Property Easement shall not unreasonably interfere with the operations of the Number One Boardman Station. 5. Operation and Maintenance and Costs Thereof. The Shared Facilities and Plant Real Property Easement shall continue to be operated and maintained by PGE as the opcrator of the Number One Boardman Station in accordance with the terms of the Ownership Agreement. On and after the Effective Date, Grantee shall pay the percentages of the Costs of Operation and Costs of Capital Additions (but not Costs of Fuel) tbr the Shared Facilities as stated in the APA. All payments by Grantee to Grantor shall be paid according to the terms of the Ownership Agreement including Sections 9, 10, and 13 thereof. 6. Representations and Warranties. (a) Each Grantor hereby severally remakes the rcspective representations and warranties made by that Grantor, as oontained in Section 8 of the APA, to Grantee as applicable to Page 3 - BTLL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT IIIIttIt It ; f ; I ; I at III ;I Dt ; ; ; ; ;tt !}II D I I I ;Y t * w Q the transfer of the Shared Facilities and Plant Real Property Easement as contemplated hereby. Without intending to limit the preceding sentence, each Grantor hereby separately represents and warrants to Grantee, subject to the limitations stated in the APA, that title to that Grantor's tenancy- in-common furterest in the Shared Facilities and Plant Real Property Easement is free and clear of all claims, liens, security interesLs, and encumbrances of any nature created or suffered by that Grantor or persons claiming by or through such Grantor, and each Grantor warrants and will defend such title against the claims of all persons and entities lawfully claiming by or through such Grantor other than (i) liens and encumbrances permited by the terms of the Ownership Agreement, (ii) liens and encumbrances, if any, disclosed in the APA or in Schedule 6 attached hereto and made a part hereof, and (iii) the terms of the master easements where Grantor's estate in one or more of the Shared Facilities is an easement estate. Except as disclosed in the APA, each Grantor represents and warrants that all Regulatory Approvals (as defined in the APA) necessary to make such grants, transfers, and assignments effective have been obtained by such Grantor. (b) Except as otherwise provided in the APA with respect to that Parfy, each Party severally represents and warrants to the other Parties that (r) such Party has the legal power, righg and authority to enter into this Agreement and to consummate the transactions contemplated hereirU and (ii) the individual executing this Agreement on behalf of each such Pa(y has the legal power, right, and actual authority to bind such Party to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Each Pa4y is making and is only responsible for its own representations and warranties and not for the representations and warranties of any other Party. If a Party breaches a representation or wananty but another Party does not the damaged Parry's sole recourse is against the Party that breached the representation or warranty. Subject to the foregoing, any Party that breaches one of the foregoing representations, warranties, or covonants shall defend, indemniff, and hold the other Parties harmless from and against any liability, cause, claim, loss, damage, or experse, including attorney fees, that a Party suffers as a result of a breach of the representations, warranties, or covenants of such Party contained in this Agreement. 7. General and Miscellaneous Provisions. (a) After-Acquired Title. To the extent that any Grantor at any time hereafter obtains greater or additional rights and/or interests in the Shared Facilities or Plant Real Property Easement, thcn the rights and intcrests granted to Grantee by such Grantor shall be increased and enlarged to the extent necessary to enable Grantee to enjoy all the rights and benetits contemplated by Sections 2 and 3. (b) AS-IS Condition- 'fhe Shared Faoilities and the Plant Real Property Easement are granted, conveyed and assigned to Grantee subject to the present condition of the Shared Facilities and the Plant Real Property Easement and on an "as-is" basis, and Grantee hereby accepts the Shared Facilities and the Plant Real Property Easement in such condition and on such basis. Grantee acknowledges that except as sct forth herein and in the APA, no Grantor has made any representation or warranty as to the suitability of any of the Shared Facilities or the Plant Real Property Easement for the conduct of Grantee's operations at the Carty Generating Station- Page 4 - BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT IftttttttItt I I I I I T I I Itt ; ;I DI Dt ;II!I ; ; ; I Dt D *n (c) Prior Agreements. This Agreement the APA, and the Ownership Agreement are the entire, final, and complete agreement of the Parties pertaining to thc granl fransfer, and assignment of the Shared Facilities and the Plant Real Property Easement and supersede and replace all written and oral agreements heretofore made or existing by and among the Parties or their representatives insofar as the conveyance and assignment of the Shared Facilities and the Plant Rea[ Properly Easement is concemed. No Parly shall be bound by any promises, representations, or agreements, except as are herein expressly set forth or as set forth in the APA or the Ownership Agreement. (d) Memorandum of Easement Agreement. Concurrently with the execution and delivery of this Agreemen! the Parties shall execute and deliver a memorandum of bill of sale and easement agrcement placing of public record notice of the existence of this Agreement in the form attached hereto as Schedule 5. Grantee shall cause the memorandum of bill of sale easement agreement to be recorded in the Morrow County real property records and Grantee shall pay the recording cost. (e) Time is of the Essence. Time is expressly made of the essence of each provision of this Agreement. (0 Notices. Any notice required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be given as follows: (i) notice may be given by certified mail, return receipt requestd addressed to the addressee at the address set forth below the name of the Party on the signature pages of this Agreement or at such other address as one Party may indicate by written notice to the other Parties, and shall be effective two (2) business days after having been deposited in the United States mail; (ii) notice may be given by personal delivery and shall be effective upon delivery; and 0ii)notice may be given by facsimile transmission to the facsimile number set forth below the name of the Party on the signature pages of this Agreement or at such other facsimile number as one Parly may indicate by written notice to the other Parties and shall be effective upon successful transmission. (g) Brokers. No person acting on behalf of Grantor is or will be entitled to any brokerage fee, commission, finder's fee or financial advisory fee from Grantee in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or the APA. No person acting on behalf of Grantee is or will be entitled to any brokerage fee, commission, finder's fee or financial advisory fee from Grantor in connection with the transactions contemplated by this Agreement or thc APA. (h) Nonwaiver. Failure by any Party at any time to require performance by any other Pa(y of any of the provisions hereof shall in no way affect the Pa4y's rights hercundcr to Page 5 _ BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT IrI fIIIr T : ; ; ; ; ; ! ;t TII ItI ;tt *x * D ; ; D DtI ; ; ; ; *tt a enforce the same nor shall any waiver by the Parfy of the breach hereof be held to be a waiver of any succeeding breach or a waiver of this nonwaiver clause. (i) No Merger. The obligations set forth in this Agreement and in the APA shall not merge with the transfer or conveyance of the Shared Facilities and the Plant Real Property Easement but shall remain in effectuntil fulfilled. 0) Amendments. This Agreement may be amended, modified or extended without new considcration but only by written instrumcnt executed by all Parties. (k) Governing Law. This Agrcement shall be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the state of Oregon. 0) Severability. If any portion of this Agreement shall be held invalid or unenforceable to any extent, the validity of the remaining provisions shall not be affected thereby. (m) Number, Gender and Captions. ln construing this Agreemeng it is understood that if the context so requires, the singular pronoun shall be taken to mean and include the plural, the masculine, the feminine and the neuter, and that generally all grammatical changes shall be made, assumed and applied to individuals, limited liability companies and/or corporations and partnerships. All captions and section headings used herein are intended solely for convenience of reference and shall in no way limit any of the provisions of this Agreement. (n) Binding Effect. The covenants, conditions and terms of this Agreement touch and concern the land, run with the land and shall extend to and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and permitted assigns of the Parties and the current and future owners of the Number One Boardman Station, the Plant Real Property and the Carty Generating Station. (o) Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counteqparts and by different Parties hereto on separate counterparts, each of which counterpa( when so exgcuted and delivered, shall be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts, taken together, shall constitute but one and the samc Agreement. ITIIE BALAI\ICE OFTHIS PAGE TTAS INTENTIONALLY BEEN LEFT BLANK; SIGNATURtr PAGE FOLLOWSI Page 6 - BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT IIttI Tt ; ; ; ItIta I ; ; DIItIII 3 ; ; !t lrIIf !t D ; ; ; ; DI D D T [srcNATuRE PAGE TO AGREEMENT] IN WITNESS WI{EREOF, the Parties executed this Agreement with the intent that it be effective as of the Effective Date. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTzuC COMPANY, an Oregon colporation By: Name: Title: Address: Facsimile: 121 SW Salmon Street Portland, OR97204 (so3\ 464-2204 IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an ldaho corporation By: Name: Title: Address: Facsimile: l22l West ldaho Street Boise,ID 83702 POWER RESOURCES COOPERATfVE, an Oregon cooperative corporation By: Name: Title: Address: Facsimile: Tll NEHalsey Portland, OP.97232 (s03)288-2334 PAge 7 - BTLL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t Il I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCHEDULE I (Legal Description of the Plant Real Property) PAReEL 1,: (Trx {o6 1 14, I 15, 1 16, 117 rnd 10n ot JN 2a, lnd lrx tot 105 of ?t{ 2t} A Prrcrl ol |.nd loolcd ln Slction 13 enrJ tr{. Toqnrhlp ! North, Sugc 2{. Eirl of lltc Wlllanpt(o Horldlen, ln th6 Courty gl alo{rov/ 9nd Stile al oflgoll dd.albod rr follo*t: Ssilior 1{ and thr l^/rrren/ loc lb6r ol Seilon 35, orcag,ng lhrt rst6.r deHrh6d a5 tolr*a. Eqtmq A O." Safn*f Cotnt !.r:(r{fiori tr, S.Cs$t 17 tE. 33 t.d }lt lrr*rtt + 3 flodh.Rtu.zr Ern:Ihsr !ro4h ag' 4!.r' Esd. &o.E *r Hdfi l}E d rscJ Scdql y ! dsl.r)crd 1,82t 65 r..t lo lh. 1np 11s1 d B:l}nr{B l}rfrtr Scrih o'Oi 0f !rydr( i.m m 1..t. rtrno $a,|l f tOfy t',.i.'t, ?re 6, f.al uerrsr Sa"rtr ??i00 hot, ihailln Wtir 66 00 b.1. fi'.lca Sfi/n il7 t!ci. nrcll.! S{xrri f{€-l{f E&r. g!&.r3l.at. r'6rlqa !a*l 731,0C &et Ircror w'*l ?l7.9Okin. rrl'|(t S*u& !8mkd. [r.rr{[ErIl It7,5Ohrd. tr{n(! Sot lrS!"00 tb{t. Israc Gtr{ 3.?B 0C teir. }lerlcr Ndlh 3$s 0'l t€{, ,E r $1!i| t6l. 0O fcc( '|.ricilodl.[rr0?r $rat. r l8985locd.tf* (trNorol3??rltlodtorroaatdllh.No?trt6.otre Endan 3f. &orc. So.d! le'43{f We3r ald.o 6, S{r(,rdt t'a alocfdtt to tB por., ot 0tqrtlarr{ A160' A Prrr.l ol lr6d l*ltoo tn fownshlp I Nonh. R.noo Zl. Errt ol fh.lvilhmru. Mo(ldhn, ln lhr Cornry ol llorror' :nd Strt. o, Orrgon dri(nbrd aD lollo\yr: It,!. r{*ntrrsl Oust'f {d S.€iod 'i 1; rir, !l! t\ra rro,00tr.i Sl' $o.rfietrl ollerler pl Srctfrl 3. orrd {g f,lartn* O!el|f o{ Snd,o.t l0 a$ nc Sadrnrs{l Ouanfi d &*ri$ L lytrg abo1'6 afarttm 675 tcat e&r: ntc.n l.,l.!,t PARCEL2: (a"x lot102 ol 3N ?,(l { Pttrl of laFd locltod ln 9cct}on t l, fd*nstrlp 3 Ncrth, Frnlo lf , Errr o/'ri!6 ry[H,lrettoIlddlut in thq Cdity ot Oorolf rild St tr o, O."06d dctctlhod rt folloryr: 8o!fifB d Urc reon tromF,rylr{rt r ro 6!d6!', ?7 11 31 ottd !.1. IorrdF 3 Ha*r.fly{'1,r E:rt Txrr8{ t or$ 48" {gi{l f trr rfit th(' l*oan bla d i*ri scdo,r 31. &rbn06 d 1.t?0 56 t or 19 ft{ Iftr. po''l o, 8r!fir,r{ Th*r& g0rfi 0!06.0tr ltfc& I fiO 0O lalttlfirr gdslrr G'lct{f Wrrl. }4e68 iH. thcrq 56.6t t5 00lGGl,6!a7ra! Ur.rtfi 06 tc.r [riE6 torrn 377 rrd, t s€. Souln 7"19 lf g.6t $A ?3 tr.t, rtE rca 5!rrr 73t.001G.1. t Er6 $Jrfi 717 :'{I lr!t, lrE t(r S:..$ $ 0{ Lct. t!e.!cc E.e 717 56 tc"L tenac Sorh got mhlt thqrE g.tr t.t$i.oo loea, tha'6r l,lt{th 3!.fi} 0O t "t. $crco walt ?S34 ul ltrlt ,rri. f$filt1n?. 16?r $&ar, l.r00 E ll1rl 1116r$. t\iorth 3,? 1tr leu tn r pqAf ao tn. Noih }nr ,J il,{, s.dfun !.r, tm.6 316&1 4,-43 n:" \t;rd dor{ r:d 3r{irrr rilc 43.08 ffi t0 m! Fcflt 6t 6c0{rrrg Schedule 1 to BILL OF SALII AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT r J u a a T , ,. t a , , , ) t D D D D D D D D ; D I I I I t a I I I I I I I I t I I I ; SCITEDULE 2 Additional Delined Terms "Carty Reservoir" means the Carty water reservoir, including the dam and leakage collection system. "Columbia River Intake" means the intake rights from the Columbia River including pumps, intake, electrical, and piping to Carty Reservoir. Number One Boardman Station does not have an intake structure at the Columbia River. Number One Boardman Station made a Contribution In Aid of Construction (CIAC) payment to connect to the Boeing-Agri Pipeline and thus acquired &e rights of use. "Communications Equipment and Housing" means the Boardman Project equipment required for establishing primary and backup communication for data between the generating plants, substation and PGE corporate offices, which shall be a rack installed by PGE in the Boardman Project communication room using existing Boardman Project infrastructure. "Existing Water lntake Structure" means the Number One Boardman Station intake structure including the excavation, concrete structure, intake trash screens, traveling water screens, screen wash pumps, and auxiliaries, but not including the service water pumps or circulating water pumps, nor any of the Number One Boardman Station service water or circulating water piping. "Potable Water System" means the Boeing well, well pump, electric supply to the well pump area and well pump building but not any of the potable water distribution at the Number One Boardman Station. "Tower Road Rights" shall mean Tower Road from the end of the public road to the intersection with the entrance to Carty Generating Station. "Wastewater Ponds" means the existing settling ponds at the Number One Boardman Station. SChCdUIC 2 TOBILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT SCIIEDULE 3a Locationi of Shared Facilities Schedule 3 to BILL OF SAIE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT o o+,C t-o.z E. .q-oE =6o o.C+) =oc.U' oCaooo* +.,Co Eoot-(r, oa(0 .Cot- =o- oaa o N CO =.9 .C,x TU L L D D L D a ' ft I I tla ! a ! e tt e ! ! I a at ! It ! ! I DIt! n n F D * n n h SCHEDULE 3b Locations of Shared Facilities Schedule 3 to BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT CI.:zGfc t-o E. .(0-oE5Eo o-c+t =o-ga oEaooo* HCo Eoot-o oa(o ol- J(L +.,oaa o{-. -o(o .= €.Cxu III )III sIII I II I I ) I I I ) l I ) ) ) I t ) ) ) ) t ) ) ) ) ) l I ) I ) I SCIIEDULE 4 CARTY GENERATING STATION 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 OF PARTITION PLAT 2OII-3, SITUATED IN SECTIONS 32 &33, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 24 EAST, W.M., MORROW COUNTY, OREGON MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33 MONTIMENTED WITH A GENERAL LAND OFFICE SURVEYBRASS CAP STAMPED "1939";THENCE S 89"26'55"W,2635.86 FEET ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION TO THE NORTH ONE.QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33; THENCE S OO'54'29"E,200I.I2 FEET ALONG TI{E WESTLINE OF THENORTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION; THENCE S 50o49'00'W,1733.27 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY LINE (PROJECTED IiASTERLY) OF THE PGE TRANSMISSION LINE RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE S 89"59'I8"W,1278.27 FEET ALONG SAID RIGrf OF WAY TO THE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 33; TIIENCE S00"49'23"8, 337.53 FEET ALONG SAID WEST LTNE TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PGE RIGHT OF WAY; TT{ENCE LEAVING SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 33 AND ALONG SAID SOUTTI RIGHT OF WAY LINE, S 89"59' I8"W, 275.02 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON.TANGENT CTJRVE CONCAVE TO TTM NORTHWEST ON TI{E CENTERLINE OF AN EXISTING ACCESS ROAD; (THE RADIUS POINT OF SAID CURVE BEARS N82"05'28"W, 1993.1t FEET) THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY,573.47 FEET ALONG TI{E ARC OF SAJD CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16"29'08"; TIIENCE S 22'37'14"W,464.92 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST HAVING A RADruS OF 871.14 FEET; (THE RADruS POINT OF SAID CURVE BEARS S 67.18'04"E) TI{ENCE SOUTHERLY AIONG TTIE ARC OF SArD CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22"40'22" TO A POINT OF COMPOUND CTJRVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST W}IOSE RADIUS POINT BEARS N 86"33'51"8,747.63 FEET; TIIENCE SOUTIIEASTERLY, 636.71 FEET ALONG TI{E ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 48o47'44" TO Tlm END OF SAID CURVE; TIiENCE S 52o13'53"8, 88.05 FEET MORE OR LESS) TO TI{E SOUTHLINE OF SAID SECTION 32; TIIENCE N 89'26'48''E, 350.74 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO TI{E GLO BRASS CAP MARKING THE CORNER COMMON TO SECTIONS 32,33, 5 AND 4; TI{ENCE N 89"12'27" E, 3 14.86 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WI'[H CAP STAMPED *LS 02817"; TIIENCE N 34"24'51"8, 1595.26 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP STAMPED'LS 02817"; TIIENCE N 72o27'15"8,2859.52 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP STAMPED'LS 02817'lTIfiNCES 19"07'45"E,779.86FEETTOA 5/8"REBARWITHCAISTAMPED"LS028l7"; THENCE S 72"49'29',8. t 110.01 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 33;TFIENCE N00"52'56"W,IS96.49FEETALONGS{DEASTLINEOFSOUTHEASTQUARTEROF SAID SECTION TO THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTTON 33 MONUMENTED WI'TH A GENERAL LAND OFFICE SURVEY BRASS CAP STAMPED "1939"; TFIENCE N 00"52'56"E, 2655.92 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTTON 33 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO THE OREGON STATEPLANI] COORDINATE SYSTEI\4 NORTH ZONE AS SHOWN ON SAID PARTITIONPLAT 2OII-3 CONTAINS 335.0 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SChEdU[C 4 tO BILL OF SALE AND EASMENT AGREEMENT )tIItItII ,ItIIIttttIIIIltItIIlII II I I I I I ) ) ) ) I SCHEDULE 5 (See attached form of Memorandum of Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement) SChCdUIE 5 tO BILL OF SALE AND EASMENT AGREEMENT )t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I ! I e I ! ! ! ! ! !tt ! ! ? t ? ? t I AFTER RICORDING, RETTIRN TO: Portland General Electric Company PGE, IWTCI3O1 121 SW Salmon St Portland, OR 97204Attention: Loretta I. Mabinton Esq. Associate General Counsel MEMORANDUM OF BTLL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS MEMORANDUM OF BTLL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Memorandum") is made and entered into effective 2014 ("Effective Date"), by and among PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, an Oregon coryoration ("PGE"); IDAI{O POWER COMPANY; an Idaho corporation ('TPC"), and POWER RESOURCES COOPERATME, an Oregon cooperative coqporation ('PRC") (each of the foregoing parties is sometimes hereinafter referred to as a "Part5r" and all of the foregoing parties are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Parties"). RECITALS A. The Parties, as tenants-in-common, own a coal-fired generating facility located on land in Morrow County, Oregon, and certain associated equipment and facilities (collectively, "Number One Boardman Station"), the legal description of which is set forth in Appendix I attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. B. PGE is constructing a power generating unit ("Carty Generating Station") located on cerlain land, the legal description of which is set forth in Appendix 2 attached hereto and by reference incorporated herein. C. The Parties entered into an unrecorded bill of sale and easement agreement ("Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement") of approximately even date herewith wherein all Parties granted to PGE certain rights in Shared Facilities of the Number One Boardman Station and a nonexclusive easement over the Plant Real Properly, all for the benefit of the Carty Generating Station. Terms using initial capital letters herein that are not otherwise dcfined have the meanings given to them in the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement and in the Ownership Agreement as defined in the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement. D. For the purpose of this Memorandum, the term "Grantor" means, collectively, PGE, IPC, and PRC and the term "Grantee" means PGE. NOW, THEREFORE, based upon the forcgoing Recitals, the Parties place of public record notice that Grantor granted to Grantee (a) a proportionate undivided interesf in proportion PAge I _ MEMORANDUM OF BILL OF SAIE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT DIIItt Dt D T Dtt D D n Dt E ; I E E D I a EI D DtII! I IIt I I ! !t I to the number of generating units, as a tenant-in-common in the Shared Facilities, which Shared Facilities have been constructively severed from the land that underlies them by agreement and intention of the Parties, and (b) the Plant Real Property Easement. Both grants are made to and for the benefit of the Carty Generating Station and all successors in ownership thereof. The interests of PGE as a title holder or owner of the Shared Facilities and of the Plant Real Properly Easement shall not merge with PGE's fee title or ownership estate in the Shared Facilities or in the Plant Real Property. This Memorandum may be executed in any number of counterparts and by different Parties hereto on separrte counterparts, each of which counterpart, when so executed and delivered, shall be deemed to be an original and all of which counterparts, taken together, shall constitute but one and the same Memorandum. In the event of conflict or inconsistency between this Memorandum and the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement, the Bill of Sale and Easement Agreement will control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties executed this Memorandum with the intent that it be effective as of the Effective Date. PORTLAND GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, an Oregon corporation By: Name: Title: IDAHO POWER COMPANY, an Idaho corporation By: Name: Title: POWER RESOURCES COOPERATIVE,, AN Oregon cooperative corporation By: Name: Title: STATE OF OREGON Pzge? - MEMORANDUM OF BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT by by I! D nIIIIt ; ; ; Ittt ; ; ; ,t D , , ; ;II ; , ,IlIII ) ] ,ItIti ) ss. County of Multnomah ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on Electric Company, an Oregon coqporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public PrintName My commission expires STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss. County of Multnomah ) This instrument was acknowledged before me on 20t4, of Portland General 20_, of Power Resources Cooperative, an Oregon cooperative corporation, on behalf of the cooperative corporation. Notary Public Print Name My commission expires Page 3 _ MEMORANDLM OF BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT tIIltfItp IIt I)tI DI : ; ; ; ; Dt ; ;t ; ; , , IJtt ;tt t ) ) I I ) ) STATE OF IDAHO ) ) ss. )County of On this duy of in the year of 20_, before oe, personally appeared known or identified to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed,the same as the of Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary public for Idaho My commission expires: Page 4 _ MEMORANDUM OF BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT DI ,tI DI DIIt D D D D D I n I Ia I I I- , D D D D D EtI t t )l ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) APPENDIX I fiegal description of Plant Real Propertyl PARCEI t: (T6x lotr l14, 1 16, 116, 1 rl rnd 10{ ol Jlt 21, enal Tex tol 10S ot ?{ 14} A Prrcol of lrr( loeelcd ln Stctlm tr! cnd 9. ToHtrhlp ! llorth, Rrnga 24. Errt ot thcWlli{tolt0 (lorfdfen. l,! tha Coutrif Ol trIorror., ,r1o Stato ol Orogo.! doscdbod er lollorfa: Srt:,on 34. rr( ths l!{erl€ny i00 leu ot Soclk r 35. ercnp:h, lh.t po(tron rfu&rru:d sa hr}6 Segnrq er Oc Sc*ac (}ilE rfiIldr to 5.r{drr Z, 2C. 1rl ri 9t, Iginsrqr S Ndn.RzE 2.1 Ctfl. tltctr No.fit gf €.?" FrrL laaT &c t{lrfi EE d r.i{, 9cffr },t e 6star rx o{ 1.8?0 56 tr.l !0 th. rlrt dl d S{{t.!,I.te nra{t{. Sa.r}t 005001 wrrl. t,OOl 0O {orr,ilrcrle E$un i, lolf tl4*. 2&&f,|t, UHnorEr.Orr"SOo tu t. trr{r.n Wbrr (6 6 ts.t oi.rFr SilI$ trf tuqfi{rlq Ec/ll?"afiC Ar( trt.Il t.!r. rlcrl(. 3.rfr r3l 00,k.trlgq $rcrl ? 17.36 hlq 0Eird!.8!i!r lanp ht r'Gflcr at 7.r 7 30 rcd. ul.'lc ssnb ln t -rcrcd. rrl.nca €.( r.r6"ofud, [ti(r Nqft !st0.0o tlrt,.crE v1hi28]. m tlrt *lcfi,r{oot { f U?7 Warl 'l ,ltott hr( lhanc l{ortt g?.4i l..t rc . po|{ on [rc Norrh bx or s,o . Sdia{r! 3., fi({tor S0*{r afaS'{f We donC rd.t g!d*r ho {}fi le!:l ro fto For* d8a{t!*vn! AL$O- A P.rc.l of lmd ,ocrlrd ln ToqnrhlE 1 ttortt\ Rrn[d 2a, Er.r ol the Wt,l.mafle tile(ldtrn, tn thr Cqunly oI *loraolv ,ttd St.ia o, qlGooo dcrcrlt*{, rr ,otlowrl Illc *rtrtaQrllrla dget tt, md d 0lrt oorro.r olthe Sarth:ast r)rrbrter ol Sedbl l.d !!*(onha..l Otrl!, C eicao,l f0. .!d tho Sortltrqmt Ouencr ol Seclor 2. tyrE :itqy6cl*riot o75 ldai inn rur reehd. AtRpFL 2r (Tsr lot't0t ol.irN l{l A furEil of l.rd lo.st d lo Soclror g. Towndlfltr ilorrh, Rango 21. Eral of tho WllLlnctro Ua.idLn, ln fia Coar.rl, of tlo..oqr.nd Su(a ol Orogon daftdt,Gd ri ,ollo$.r: Brtrn 1! a fxr S{d*t,Cofir kin'rlm L sg{rron It, rt. s3 r"d !a, I offihp J N}rttRrng;&r€rd, Itl.'rqtllCliterf'tf €arL do.{l'!l{!rrr lrlad|'a EaUirJr e Caru or t.8!4.,53 fod 5 lla :t tl. ltildBf,;rho Th6nc€ Sor{h FGfof l^l€t l,m O forrttrE 3ofiG'roq:f W.*,:{OGtC.( UsoSa..Ot l:!!i.q}ri!l: fi.oc..Wcrt O0 txrr.crurr. 3ilrr 37, l.r{, trti Sorri fa8''{f E r( q18,73 b, rt .* $e.$t 73t.0c fa.l,n5rr wart ?t, S0 ,o.f, h6rar 8o.rn 36.0 H. t lcrc Earr , t7 50 tcct rtrcrr<c Sarfr tOl 0nfo4 frns Elrl t;?f6d0 trel firool Bo,rdt 3,509 0o k r thrnc4 Wnd 1f3t.00 l6.t tlxftrtli,go-.?. r(r?7 ti&{ar tJCgU, lr{. Si!{ !{ortl 3it? $ Gc to 6 pffir n $o ihrtr *r&ot rr{,Slcdfi ll. U!<|a 3&jln Gf rral' Wd foog dd Sder b!. ,.3 U, k to trr( Po{n o,8celfiE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT a Appendix I ro MEMORANDUM OF BIIJ, OI-'SALE )It Dt )tIttIt I I I I D D E D Dtt st E D ,tt , ,tI D l lI )IIItt APPENDIX 2 CARTY GENBRATING STATION 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 OF PARTITION PLAT 2AIb3, SITUATED IN SECTTONS 32 & 33, TOWNSHIP 3 NORTH, RANGE 24 EAST, W.M., MORROW COT]NTY, OREGON MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTTMAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33 MONUMENTED WITH A GENERAL LAND OFFICE SURVEY BRASS CAP STAMPED "1939"; THENCE S 89"26'55"W,2635.86 FEET ALONG TllE NORTH LINE.OF SAID SECTTON TO THE NOR'IH ONE-QUARTER CORNER OF SArD SECTION 33; TIIENCE S 00o54',29"E,2001.12 FEET ALONG TIIE WEST LINE OF THE NORTHEAST QUARIER OF SAID SECTION; TI{ENCE S 50"49'00"W,1733.27 FEET TO Trm NORTHERLY LINE (PROJECTED EASTERLY) OF THE PGE TRANSMISSION LINE RIGHT OF WAY; THENCE S 89'59'18"W,1278,27 FEET ALONG SAID RIGI{T OF WAY TO TFIE WEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 33; THENCE S00o49'23'E, 337.53 FEET ALONG SAID WEST LINE TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PGE RIGHT OF WAY; TTIENCE LEAVING SAID WEST LINE OF SECTION 33 AND ALONG SAID SOUIH RIGI{T OF WAY LINE, S 89'59'18"W,275.02 }'EET TO A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CI]RVE CONCAVE TO THE NORTHWEST ON T[M, CENTERLINE OF AN EXISTING ACCESS ROAD; (THE RADruS POINT OF SAJD CtiRVE BEARS N82'05'28"W, 1993.11 FEET) TIIENCE SOUTHWESTERLY, 573.47 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF SAID CTJRVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 16o29'08'; THENCE S 22"37'14"W,464.92 FEET TO A POINT OF NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE TO THE EAST I{AVING A RADruS OF 871.14 FEET; (T}IE RADIUS POINT OF SAID CURVE BEARS S 67"18',04"E) THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG TI{E ARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 22"40'22" TO A POINT OF COMPOT.IND CURVE CONCAVE TO TTIE EAST WHOSE RADTUS POINTBEARSNs6'33'51"8,747.63 FEET;THENCESOUTHEASTERLY,636.TI FEETALONGTI{EARC OF SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 48"47'44" TO TIIE END OF SAID CURVE; TTIENCE S 52"13'53"E, 88.05 FEET (MORE OR LESS) TO TTIE SOI-II}I LINE OF SAID SECTION 32; THENCE N 89O26'48"8,350.74 FEET ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE TO TTM GLO BRASS CAP MARKING TI{E CORNER COMMON TO SECTIONS 32, 33, 5 AND 4; TIIENCE N 89"12'27" 8,314.86 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WITH CAP STAMPED "LS 02817'; THENCE N 34"24'51"8,1595.26 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WIfiI CAP STAMPED"LS02817";THENCEN72"27'15"ts,2859.52FEETTOA 5/8"REBARWITIICAPSTAMPED"LS 02817"; TIIENCE S 19"07'45"E, 779.86 FEET TO A 5/8" REBAR WIT}{ CAP STAMPED "LS 02817"; TT{ENCE S 72o49',29',8, 1110.01 FEET TO TI{E EAST LINE OF SOUTI{EAS'r QUARTER OF SArD SECTION 33; TI{ENCE N 00'52'56"w,1596.49 FEET ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION TO THE EAST QUARTER CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33 MONUMENTED WITH A GENERAL LAND OFFICE SIIRVEY BRASS CAP STAMPED "1939"; THENCE N 00o52'56'E, 2655.92 FEET TO TI{E NORT}IEAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 33 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING. BEARINGS ARE REFERENCED TO TtM OREGON STATI] PLANE COORDTNATE SYSTEM, NORTII ZONE AS SHOWN ON SAID PARTITTON PLAT 2011.3 CONTAINS 335.0 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. Appendix 2 to MEMORANDLM OF BILL OF SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMEN'I )fI D ;p ;p IIII I ; ! I I I D I ! D '; D ;t , at a , D ; ;t )t , I , I ) , SCIIEDULE 6 Permitted LieJs l. The lien for current real property taxes not yet due and payable. 2. Mortgages and filings relating to the interest of Power Resources Cooperative, an Oregon cooperative (as to an.100 undivided interest) in favor of: (a) U. S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Utilities Service (b) National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation 3. Mortgage and filings relating to the interest of Idaho Power Company, an Idaho corporation (as to an .100 undivided interest) pursuant to Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated October l, 1937, as amended, in favor of Bankers Trust Company and R.G. Page, Trustees, their successors assigns. 4. Mortgage and filings relating to Portland General Electric Company, an Oregon corporation (as to an .800 undivided interest), pursuant to the lndenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust dated July 1, 1945, between the Portland General Electric Company and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association (as successor to HSBC Bank USA, National Association), a national banking association, in its capacity as trustee (together with any successors and assigns in such capacity), as amended and supplemented from time-to-time. 5. Liens and encumbrances jointly created by Grantor and Grantee subsequent to each Grantor's acquisition of its interest in the Property. SChCdUIE 6 tO BILL OF'SALE AND EASEMENT AGREEMENT