HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013-07-03KeyBanc Capit Electric Utilities Quarterly 1Q136378.pdfI Energy Industry Research Electric Utilities Quarterly 1Q13 1Q13 Solid Earnings Offset by Merchant Power Prices Near Term, We Expect the Sector Could Come Under Pressure Around Interest Rate Concerns Long Term, We Believe the Sector Is Positioned for Stable Earnings Growth with Economic Recovery June 2013 Paul T. Ridzon (216) 689-0270 pridzon@key.com For important disclosures and certifications, please refer to page 68 of this document. KeyBanc Capital Markets Inc., Member NYSE/FINRA/SIPC June Co Elect In 1Q13 E E E St W 1Q13 R Pr R SEC Hi GRO INDU L H St C Ja C M&A P P R SHO Utiliti POR NVE NWE TE – Elect CMS olta AVA PNW 1Q13 Ener Ener Ener ALE: Elect AEE: NEE: ALE: Elect Elect POR SO: D – Q ALE: APP KeyB Equit 2013 ntents ic Utilities Qua dustry Update RESULTS — B arnings Comp rnings Surpris rnings Adjust ck Price Perf ather ............ RATINGS, PRI ating Changes ice Target Ch search Cover TOR OUTLOOK storical Valuat UP INVESTMEN TRY THEMES ow Commodity ightened Imp ck Performa mprehensive pan Nuclear st Escalation ACTIVITY ON T ossible Acquir ssible Acquir cent M&A Act RT INTEREST O s – Quick Aler Quick Alert: Quick Alert: Quick Alert: I uick Alert: TE ic Utilities – Q Quick Alert: e Optimizatio Outlook Impr Strong 1Q R Earnings Previ y – Michigan y – Quick Aler y – Quick Aler Investor Meeti ic Utilities: Up Merchant Asse Solid Story Tra Investor Meeti ic Utilities: Rai ic Utilities – Q Quick Alert: uick Alert: Ke uick Alert: Bal Fiscal Fix Pres NDIX ................ anc Capit Researc terly 1Q13 ...... ....................... Y THE NUMBE arison .............. es .................. ents .............. rmance ......... ...................... CE TARGET AN ....................... nges .............. ge Changes . .......................... ions Remain I T THESIS ......... ......................... Prices and Av rtance of Reg ce Divergenc nergy Refor risis Highlight n New Gener HE RISE ........... ees .................. rs ................... ivity Update .... VERVIEW ........ : More MLP A ew Projects U r. Buffett Bets cremental Ga to Acquire Ne ick Alert: Cap ichigan Case Technology – ves; Raising 2 ported; Raisin w - reprinted Meetings Takea : Michigan Co : IRS Wind Tax g Takeaways ating Price Ta s Sold, Adjust des at Meaning g Takeaways - sing Price Targ : Michigan Le ompany Wins per County Pl nced Deal Rea nts Wind Opp ......................... l Markets .......................... ....................... RS ...................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... ....................... 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COVERAGE CH ...................... ...................... ...................... .......................... ...................... .......................... .......................... ty Heat Up Co s .................... modity Expo ; EPA Emissi ar Power Ind ...................... .......................... ...................... ...................... ...................... .......................... ucture Space - utcome – excer inted from 05/3 uired - reprinte ompany - repri argely Disappoi unced- reprin wind to Load Gr eprinted from 0 - reprinted fro .......................... ive Outlook Int Infrastructur e Viewed Favo ting - reprinte from 03/26/20 inted from 03/ pgrade to BUY 02/24/2013 ....... Multiple Expa ears Watchin waiting Other nnounced - re centive Adder te BUY Rating .......................... er NYSE/ ......................... ....................... ......................... ....................... ...................... ...................... ...................... ...................... 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Ridzon: (216 3 RESUL K results reflect co earnings and est Q12A of $0.24 as : KeyBanc Capital pan ETE Inc. en Corp. ican Electric P Corp. Energy, Inc. Corp. olidated Ediso Energy Co. nion Resource Energy Corp.a gy Corp. n Corp. nergy Corp Plains Energy ORP, Inc. nergy, Inc. ra Energy, Inc rce, Inc. western Corp. orp. o Holdings, Inc cle West Capi nd General El ern Company Ener , Inc.c nsin Energy C Energy Inc. anc Capit Researc ties Qu TE 689-0270 — pri TS — BY T mpleted merger wi mates reported as originally reported Markets Inc. and Ti A A wer, Inc. A A C C , Inc E D , Inc. D D E E F Inc.b G I N N N N P P al Corp. P ctric Co. P S T orp. X Average l Markets rterly 1 dzon@key.com HE NUMB T th Progress Energ GAAP net income was revised for T ompany reports cker LE E P A MS NL E UK R C XP A E EE I E L M W R EC L 1 Inc., Mem 13 RS ble 1. Ea y. Guatemala segm 0.78 0.8 .33 0.2 .80 0.8 .70 0.7 .49 0.5 .45 0.4 .02 1.0 .15 1.3 .86 0.8 .03 1.0 .93 0.9 .66 0.7 .69 0.7 .13 0.1 .55 0.6 .08 0.0 .06 1.1 .70 0.6 .98 1.0 .67 0.7 .23 0.2 .13 0.2 .66 0.6 .51 0.4 .17 0.1 .72 0.7 .46 0.4 Q13E 1Q1 er NYSE/ nings Co ent moving to disc 3 0.66 0.15 0.80 1 0.65 0.37 0.42 1.00 0.91 0.85 1.17 0.44 0.85 0.82 -0.07 0.50 0.05 1.02 0.69 1 0.88 1 0.70 0.22 -0.07 0.65 0.42 0.23 0.74 0.38 3A 1Q12A FINRA/SI parison ontinued operation Actual Cha 25. 46. 9. 43. 4. 8. 47. -2. -12. 113. -17. -7. 342. 34. 80. 9. 14. 1. 9. 414. 16. -17. 2. 26. 49 C ns. 1Q nge 8% 2.7 7% 2.1 /M 3.1 2% 1.8 2% 1.6 8% 2.5 0% 3.8 3% 4.0 4% 3.3 8% 4.3 6% 4.8 6% 2.5 3% 3.0 9% 1.6 0% 3.2 0% 1.2 8% 4.9 /M 1.5 8% 2.4 4% 2.4 1% 1.1 3% 3.6 /M 1.9 7% 2.8 4% 0.9 7% 2.4 3% 1.9 .7% FY1 5 3.05 2.30 3.30 1.85 1.75 2.75 3.85 4.30 3.55 4.55 5.15 2.35 3.05 1.65 3.40 1.35 5.30 1.65 2.70 2.15 1.20 3.75 2.05 2.90 1.15 2.55 2.00 3E FY14E Page 3 of 6 F Chang 10.9 9.5 6.5 2.8 6.1 7.8 1.3 7.5 6.0 4.6 6.2 -7.8 1.7 3.1 4.6 8.0 7.1 6.5 10.2 -10.4 4.3 2.7 5.1 3.6 21.1 4.1 5.3 5.1 Y e % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % June EA Over more Mark than EA On expe cons our e expe a los relati On t our e impai Addit Ener exce $0.9 Ame as di EA Head also thes Previ After Corp diffic Corp intro Plea Prior for E TEC and Tabl KeyB Equit 2013 NINGS COM all, companies normal weat ts Inc. Electri ur expectatio RNINGS SUR an individual tations for th nsus was $1. xpectations. I tations as ne of $0.07 in e to our estim e downside, arnings expec rment) into dis onally, we co y Company ded consens ) came in bel en Corporatio cussed abov RNINGS ADJ ing into the 1 ecreased our estimate cha ew”. digesting 1Q ration (AVA- lties in 2012. ration to $3.6 uced a 2014 e see pages to 1Q earning tergy Corpor Energy, Inc. ricing in 2013, 1 lists our cu anc Capit Researc PARISON within our ele er after a ver c Utility Index s for a 7.1% PRISES company basi quarter. On 7) beat our e ACORP, Inc. rates combin 1Q12; our est ate. meren Corpo ations as the continued ope rectly called nd NextEra E s views, and w consensus we incorrect . USTMENTS Q13 earnings r 2013 estimat ges, please arnings repo YSE) to $1.8 We initiated from $3.50 p stimate of $3. 0-33 for our p reports, we l tion (ETR-NY (TE-NYSE), w as well as hig rent 2013 and al Markets tric utilities c mild 1Q12. rose by nearl ecrease on a , there were he upside, D pectations as (IDA-NYSE; $ ed ith cold w imate was $0 ation (AEE-N improvements ations. ll but one of nergy, Inc. (N ominion Res xpectations. called as an eporting seas s for Consolid ee page 34 f ts, earnings c from $1.75 p 2014 estima er share after 5 per share f blished report wered 2013 e E) to $5.20 fr lowered our er costs at T 2014 earning Inc., Mem overage univer s indicated i 49.7% on a erage quarterl three notable E Energy Co weather and 0.67 vs. $0.5 eather drove r 13, consensu SE; $0.22 vs. at the regula ur earnings s E-NYSE; $1. urces, Inc. (D- upside surpri n, we raised ted Edison, I r our April 2 nference call er share give e of $1.85 fo ustomer gro r Pinnacle We on the abov stimates for D m $5.30 per 013 estimate mpa Electric estimates for ber NYSE/ se reported st Table 1, ag erage compar earnings, ba upside surpri pany (DTE- xpense contr in 1Q12; our sults. Lastly, was $0.14) $0.15 in 1Q1 ed utilities we rprises headi 12 vs. $1.02 i NYSE; $0.83 e. Accountin ur 2013 esti c. (ED-NYSE , 2013 publis and investor an outlook fo Avista. We th in Arizona st Capital Cor -mentioned e ke Energy C hare both for to $1.10 from tility. companies cu FINRA/SI rong 1Q13 qu regate 1Q13 d to the sam ed on our est ses and one YSE; $1.34 l benefited th estimate was innacle West aw customer ; our estimat e offset by p g into the qu n 1Q12; our s. $0.85 in 1 differences, i ate for Wisco and Exelon ed report title analyst meeti r stabilization lso raised ou xceeded exp oration. timate chang rporation (DU hallenging m $1.20 per sha rently under c PC rterly results, arnings for s e quarter a y mates. notable dow s. $0.91 in 1 utility and tra $0.55, consen Capital Corp growth, weat was $0.33, tting the mer rter in our 1 stimate was 12; our estim ncluding an i sin Energy C orporation (E d “Electric Uti ngs, we raised f earnings at 2013 estima ctations for th s. K-NYSE) to $ rchant margi e for expecte verage. primarily drive ocks in the K ar ago, and s side surprise 12; our esti ding results c sus was $0.5 ration (PNW- er and lower onsensus wa hant operatio 13 earnings 1.06, consen te was $0.86, pairment, ske rporation (W C-NYSE). Fo lities Industry: our 2013 esti the Ecova bu es for Pinnacl second quar .35 from $4.5 s and higher lower coal s Page 4 of 6 n by a return t eyBanc Capit mewhat bett relative to o ate was $1.1 me in ahead ) also beat o YSE; $0.22 v property taxe $0.28) misse s (including a review as DT us was $1.0 consensus wa ed the resul C-NYSE). W a summary o 1Q1 Earnin mate for Avist iness unit aft e West Capit er in a row. W per share an osts. Lastly, f gment volume 8 o l r r , f r . ) s a r l r June STO As s Utilit bette whic sect mark Fed KeyB Equit 2013 CK PRICE hown in Table Index impro than the Phil was up 10.0 r (UTY) increa ts as investo hairman Bern Note: Pas Source: Fa Compan Allete In Ameren America Avista C CMS En Cleco C Consoli DTE En Dominio Duke En Entergy Exelon FirstEne Great Pl IDACOR MDU Re NV Ener NextEra NiSourc Northwe Otter Tai PPL Cor Pepco H Pinnacle Portland Souther TECO E Wiscons Xcel Ene KBCM Benchm Philadel S&P 500 anc Capit Researc ERFORMAN 2, stock price ed greatly, wi adelphia Utilit for the quart se of 4.2%. W s have an inc anke adopted t results cannot anctSet y c. orp. Electric Pow rp. rgy, Inc. rp. ated Edison, rgy Co. n Resources, rgy Corp. orp. orp gy Corp ins Energy, I , Inc. ources Grou y, Inc. nergy, Inc. , Inc. tern Corp. Corp. . ldings, Inc. West Capital General Elect Compan ergy, Inc. in Energy Cor rgy Inc. Electric Utility rks: phia Utility Ind Inde al Markets CE performance d h the index s Index (UTY), r. Year-to-dat believe the s eased appetit less accommo T d should not be vie er, Inc. nc Inc. c. , Inc. Corp. ric Co. . Index Averag ex Inc., Mem uring 1Q13 for owing a 12. which was u 2013 perfor trength in the for risk. Addi dating langua Table 2. wed as indicators Ticker ALE AEE AEP AVA CMS CNL ED DTE D DUK ETR EXC FE GXP IDA MDU NVE NEE NI NWE OTTR PPL POM PNW POR SO TE WEC XEL e UTY SPX ber NYSE/ companies u % price incre 11.7% in 1Q ance has see roader marke tionally, intere e. rice Perfo of future performa Price 12/31/2012 40.98 30.72 42.68 24.11 24.38 40.01 55.54 60.05 51.8 63.8 63.75 29.74 41.76 20.31 43.35 21.24 18.14 69.19 24.89 34.73 25 28.63 19.61 50.98 27.36 42.81 16.76 36.85 26.71 458.63 1426.19 FINRA/SI nder coverage se on avera 13, and outpe broader mar t is attributabl t rate concer rmance nce. Price /31/2013 6/2 49.02 35.02 48.63 27.4 27.94 47.03 61.03 68.34 58.18 72.59 63.24 34.48 42.2 23.19 48.27 24.99 20.03 77.68 29.34 39.86 31.14 31.31 21.4 57.89 30.33 46.92 17.82 42.89 29.7 512.27 1569.19 1 PC in the KeyBan e. Our cover rformed the b et (SPX) stre to continued s appear to b Price 1 /2013 Ch 48.12 1 32.79 1 43.57 1 26.43 1 26.6 1 44.71 1 56.29 64.31 1 55.2 1 65.46 1 68.11 - 30.62 1 36.41 22.17 1 47.01 1 24.75 1 23.47 1 78.38 1 27.69 1 38.94 1 27.29 2 29.08 19.73 52.48 1 29.69 1 42.94 16.74 39.82 1 28.02 1 1 477.68 1 73.09 1 Capital Mar ge group’s p oader S&P 5 gth up 10.3% nflows into th e weighing on Q13 6/24/ nge YTD Ch 9.6% 1 .0% .9% .6% .6% .5% 1 .9% .8% .3% .8% .8% .9% .1% -1 .2% .3% .7% 1 .4% 2 .3% 1 .9% 1 .8% 1 .6% .4% .1% .6% .9% .6% .3% - .4% .2% 2.7 1.7% .0% 1 Page 5 of 6 kets Inc. Electri rformance wa 0 Index (SPX compared to broader equi the group aft 2013 nge 7.4% .7% .1% .6% .1% .7% .4% .1% .6% .6% .8% .0% .8% .2% .4% .5% .4% .3% .2% .1% .2% .6% .6% .9% .5% .3% .1% .1% .9% 7.2 4.2% .3% 8 c , r June WE Tabl KeyB Equit 2013 THER e 3 shows the i Com Allet Amer Amer CMS Clec DTE Domi Exelo Grea IDAC NV E NiSo North Pepc Portl Wisc Xcel * Data i Source Sout Pinna anc Capit Researc mpact of the Tab pany e Inc. en Corp. ican Electric Po nergy Corp. Corp. nergy Co. ion Resources, n Corp. Plains Energy, RP, Inc. ergy, Inc. rce, Inc. estern Corp. Holdings, Inc. nd General Elec nsin Energy C nergy, Inc. s Cooling Degree Da National Oceanic an hern Company cle West Capita al Markets eather temper le 3. 1Q1 T w er, Inc. Inc. nc. tric Co. rp. ys Data Atmospheric Admin l Corp. Inc., Mem atures (primari 3 Weather icker ALE AEE AEP CMS CNL DTE D EXC GXP IDA NVE NI NWE POM POR WEC XEL istration (NOAA), Ke SO PNW ber NYSE/ ly on retail deli Impact — 1Q13 vs Normal (0.1)% (2.3)% (7.5)% (3.4)% (13.0)% (3.8)% (0.2)% (3.4)% (0.2)% 9.7% (10.5%) (0.3)% (4.3)% (2.5)% (6.3)% 30.0%* (0.1)% (5.8)% (5.4)%* 0.4% (1.1)% yBanc Capital M arket FINRA/SI ivery) in the qu Heating D 1Q13 vs 1Q12 S 29.9% 43.7% 34.2% 28.4% 58.2% 28.0% 35.6% 31.1% 42.4% 28.3% 13.1% 30.9% 18.1% 26.9% 52.3% (2.9)%* (0.6)% 49.1% (38.4)%* 34.2% 28.0% s Est. PC arter compare egree Day Estimated ame Qtr YOY EPS Impact $0.05 $0.08 $0.10 $0.14 $0.04 $0.16 $0.11 $0.05 $0.05 $0.03 $0.01 $0.09 $0.09 $0.03 $0.00 $0.13 $0.05 $0.04 $0.06 to our predic s Actua Same Qtr YO EPS Impac $0.07 $0.10 $0.10 $0.16 $0.05 $0.22 $0.09 $0.04 $0.07 $0.10 $0.02 $0.09 $0.09 $0.03 $0.00 $0.10 $0.06 $0.06 $0.05 Page 6 of 6 tions. l June 1Q1 RAT Durin upgr whic Our publi PRI We r busin RES On A Tuck SE In th year, signa rotati grou movi we a off hi deliv calle volati inter multi supp A slo resid the e indu outlo level KeyB Equit 2013 3 RATING ING CHANG g 1Q13, we r de report title management urrent resear ation is provi CE TARGET egularly revisi ess and econ EARCH CO pril 29, 2013, r. This transf CTOR OU e near term we utilities have ls, while still n as investor , more regula g away from i tribute to inve ghs after a ra ry years were for pricing to lity in the gro ationally. An le fronts thro rt of renewab economy ba ntial/commer conomy stabil trial customer k, however, and the delic anc Capit Researc S, PRICE S aised our ratin “NEE: Solid laid out a gro h for compan ed on pages CHANGES t and adjust o mic outlook. Sourc VERAGE CH research cove r was consist TLOOK expect utilitie ulled back. W ixed, continu leave the rel ed names ha ts extended p tors acceptin lly that peake quite disappo be down fro p around FO additional fac gh conservat es through bo ck in 2009 im ial customer izing with gen classes. 2011 s earnings c te state of th Sy AE ALE CM CN IDA NE NI l Markets TARGET g on NextEra Story Trades a wth story we fo es under cov 0-62. r price targe ur current pri T e: KeyBanc Capita ANGES rage of MDU nt with his pre will face hea e attribute this to show grad tive safety of e likely suffer riod of being that recover in late Mar nting, generall the prior ye C language, or we believ on, demand r h tax policy (t acted electrici lasses adjust erally improvi and 2012 con nference call economy Cu bol Ra B B B B B B B Inc., Mem ND RESE Energy, Inc. to t Meaningful und credible a rage publishe s on BUY-rat e targets on al able 4. Pri l Markets Inc. Resources Gro ious research winds relative pullback to s al improvem he group to p d from this rot omewhat acc of power ma h to early Ap y coming in at r auction resu natural gas p bears watchi sponse and x credits) and y sales and p d their spendi g electricity s inued the gen continue to rrent Curr ing Targ Y $51. Y $51. Y $30. Y $48. Y $49. Y $84. Y $32. er NYSE/ RCH CO BUY from HO Discount; Upgr nd compelling. d since our p d stocks give l of our BUY-r ce Target up Inc. and Ot coverage of t to the broade veral factors. nt. As such, sition themsel tion as well a mmodating. kets ma be l il this year. S half the pricin lts). Looking f icing and hea ng is electric verall efficien renewable po icing as indust g accordingly. ales compara eral trend of fl aution slow t ent Previo et Ratin 0 BUY 50 BUY 00 BUY 50 BUY 50 BUY 00 BUY 00 BUY FINRA/SI ERAGE LD on March 1 ade to BUY”). evious Electri n changes in ted stocks un Changes ter Tail Corpo e Engineerin market. After Looking at the e believe the es more aggr s increasing i erchant pow nger-dated th econdly, PJM relative to m rward at the lines around demand grow cy gains. Exa tfolio standard rial customers Year-end 201 les to the sa at to modest moderating us Previous Target $49.50 $50.50 $29.50 $46.50 $48.00 $80.00 $30.50 PC CHANGES 9, 2013 (see This upgrade Utilities Qua peer group a er coverage ation as tran and Constru outperformin entire utility s roup may be essively. Look vestor concer r generators an expected. capacity mar rket expectati near to interm economic indi h. Demand g erbating tepi s. saw reduced 0 results sho me periods a rowth. We re load growth, Date Changed 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 3/26/2013 4/23/2013 4/23/2013 ages 50-52 f ollowed NEE’ terly through erage P/E m re outlined in sferred to KB tion sector. the broad ma gment, we b on the wrong ing at subsets that monetar ave weakene atural gas pr et results for ons (with exp ediate term, ators, both d owth is being demand is emand for th ed continued year ago, pa ain guarded i iven ongoing Page 7 of 6 or our publishe analyst day he date of thi ltiples and o able 4. M analyst Ma rket early in th lieve economi ide of a sect within the utilit policy may b as well, whic cing has pulle the 2016-201 ctations havin e expect som mesticall an challenged o ontinued poli ir products an odest signs ticularly for th our near-ter unemployme 8 d t r t r f t June In th predi fores trans cont Addit bear can Muc withi Ame Corp (XEL We c utiliti could man proje the n condi effec main We mon gene by in unre Pow NYS pricin pricin even weat our e incre be d conc grou appe symb KeyB Equit 2013 e intermediate table steady e include in ission, new mplated unde onally, we bel watching is e meaningfull of the interm our group o en Corporati ration; NextE NYSE). ntinue to see s attempting be a surge in companies t ts, as oppos ed for growth tions persiste iveness of ru enance and c xpect the gro tary policy (or ators with nu reasing shale ulated gener r Company, I ); NextEra E g could event g lifted the st s). Strategical er or another ntire sector, sed demand iven around i rn that inevit reacted neg ite for yield h ols on the stre anc Capit Researc to longer term growth oppor remental gen transmission r the previou eve there is a oltage optimiz reduced. We diate to long- covered co n; CMS Ene a Energy Inc. a large numb o take advant issuances to t revisit capital d to outright c -related capita , the cuts g ning older in pital spendin p’s stock per at least discu lear assets a gas supplies tors. In our vi nc. (AEP-NY ergy, Inc.; an ally erase so cks of merch y, we await a emporary eve ith regulated bsorbs exces vestor sentim ble tightening tively to the s turned to u ngth of the rec C So Re t u r n % al Markets we believe th unities aroun ration capaci o more easil , more balka opportunity t tion. By redu view the tech erm growth i panies that h gy Corporatio NorthWester r of new bond ge of record l y to get ahea spending pla ncellation. Ini l spending on rew more ex fficient power has ceased a ormance in 2 ssion about d coal-fired pl hould keep w w, the comp E); Dominion PPL Corpora e of the neg nt exposed c stronger sign nt. Signs of a l ames benefiti s capacity. Fi nt about whe may be close ecent subtle derperforman overy and the Chart 1. 2 urce: FactSet Ja n - 1 3 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 UTY vs. S Indexed Pri S&P 500 PHLX / Ut Inc., Mem e group will a the meaning y (which we move powe ized industry deploy capit ing distributio ology as a co the sector is ve focused n (CMS-NYS Corporation issuances, lo ow long-term of further incr s and reasse tially, reductio tems such as ensive, with plants and p nd programs 13 will be a onetary policy nts (with firm olesale electri nies with the Resources, I ion (PPL-NYS tive sentimen mpanies, onl l that natural onger-dated f g from increa ally, and for t re monetary p than previou hift in body l ce. We expec ultimate timing 013 YTD (December 31 Fe b - 1 3 &P 500 ce Performance - SPX) ility (UTY) ber NYSE/ ppeal to pocke ul capital the envision as p between re construct, an l around ener n line voltage, pelling rate b tied to large c trategies on r ); Dominion NWE-NYSE); g-term refina reasury rate asing interes s operational s in capital p line extension eferrals in n rsuing compa re on a more unction of thr ). Retreating intermediate t city prices at a most leverage c.; Entergy E). We believ around unreg to be relinq as pricing gai ndamental ec sed demand e short term, l olicy is heade ly expected. nguage. Earl the group to of shifts in Fe Performan , 2012 – June Ma r - 1 3 Ap r - 1 3 013 YTD FINRA/SI ts of investors group will b redominantly ions that the transmission y conservatio losses on bo se opportunit apital growth ate base gro Resources, I Pepco Holdin cing and the t . With the rec rates. Credit efficiencies. T ograms were and new sub on-core main ny restructuri ormal run rat e primary dri igh commodit o long-term c depressed le to unregulat orporation; E any early ind ulated genera ished as gas ns are sustain nomic recove nd merchant ikel most im d. Recent lan iven the fact 2013 outperf show continu d policy. ce of UTY 24, 2013) Ma y - 1 3 PC seeking relati spending. T atural gas fi existing tran to move ren n initiatives. O h the custom . rograms earn th (not includ c.; DTE Ene s, Inc. (POM erming out of nt bump up i nd liquidity c e primary re function of l stations. How enance spen gs or merger . ers: commod prices weigh al contracts). el, further exa d commodity xelon Corpor ications for po ors. Indeed, prices retreat able and not ry, however, c ames even ortantly, we b uage by the that utilities ar rmance that d volatility as vs. SPX Ju n - 1 3 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 Re t u r n % e yield, earni e spending o ed), rebuildin mission syst wable gener ne technology r and utility si ing regulated ing current p rgy Company NYSE); and igher cost sh treasuries, ncerns a few ponse was ge wer growth, ver, as challe ing, re-evalu . We believe ity pricing; th most heavily Low natural g cerbating the ricing are: A tion; FirstEne entially impro brief early M d (as ell as erely a resp uld lift earnin ore leveraged lieve trading i ederal Reser e often a bon e believe w investors gra Page 8 of 6 ngs stability an pportunities w existing age m never reall tion to marke that we believ e of the met returns. Name ojects) includ Duke Energ cel Energy In rt-term debt b e believe ther ears ago drov nerally to dela hich eliminate ging economi ting the cos that deferral economy; an on unregulate s prices drive argin woes f erican Electri rgy Corp. (F ing natural ga rch rally in ga other negativ nse to extrem s prospects f to recovery a n the group w e has sparke surrogate, th s driven by a ple with mixe 8 d . r : . - f r c - r ll June Char From On a Bush 500 great yieldi assu C S Char Rece show down suppl KeyB Equit 2013 t 1 shows the a 2014E P/E relative basis, tax cuts). We /E multiple if r potential up g sectors su ing tightenin Chart 2. P Ja n - 9 7 Ap r - 9 7 Ju l - 9 7 - -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 130% 140% 150% S& P E l e c t r i c U t i l i t y I nd e x R e t u r n % UT Ind ource: FactSet t 2 is provide ntly, this app n in the chart, on occasions y tightness an anc Capit Researc sector index ( erspective, th the group is a believe our s investors hav ide in a more h as utilities of policy is w rice Perfo Oc t 9 7 Ja n - 9 8 Ap r - 9 8 Ju l - 9 8 Oc t - 9 8 Ja n - 9 9 Ap r - 9 9 Ju l - 9 9 Oc t - 9 9 - Y vs. S&P 50 exed Price Pe S&P 500 / Electr United States Tr to show hist ars to suppor there is a hist such as the e historically hi al Markets UTY) has rise group now t round a 10% ctor’s current broader ma normal econo nd REITS. H ll considered. rmance of Ja n 0 0 Ap r - 0 0 Ju l - 0 0 Oc t - 0 0 Ja n - 0 1 Ap r - 0 1 Ju l - 0 1 Oc t - 0 1 Ja n - 0 2 0 formance ic Utilities -IND ( easury Bond (3 rical price pe a more attra orical inverse rly to mid-20 gh natural gas Inc., Mem n 4.2% year-t ades at a 14.2 remium to th premium valu ket confidenc y. Implicatio igher interest However, we S&P Elect (December 31 Ju l - 0 2 Oc t - 0 2 Ja n - 0 3 Ap r - 0 3 Ju l - 0 3 Oc t - 0 3 Ja n - 0 4 Ap r - 0 4 TY) Y) Yield rformance of tive safety pl orrelation wit 0s when the pricing. ber NYSE/ o-date, underp x P/E multiple, S&P 500, co tion could ra in a robust s for interest rates are likel elieve these ric Compa , 1996 – June - Oc t - 0 4 Ja n - 0 5 Ap r - 0 5 Ju l - 0 5 Oc t - 0 5 Ja n - 0 6 Ap r - 0 6 Ju l - 0 6 &P electric c y into our se bond yields tilities experie FINRA/SI performing the compared to pared to mor idly converge U.S. economy ates only serv to present igher yielding anies and 24, 2013) - Ja n - 0 7 Ap r - 0 7 Ju l - 0 7 Oc t - 0 7 Ja n - 0 8 Ap r - 0 8 Ju l - 0 8 Oc t - 0 8 ompanies co ctor during p nd utility sect ced growth d PC 10.3% return 13.20x P/E historical dis even closer t , driving inve e to exacerba short-lived h sectors will fe 30-Year Tr Jan - Ap r - 0 9 Ju l - 0 9 Oc t - 0 9 Ja n - 1 0 Ap r - 1 0 Ju l - 1 0 Oc t - 1 0 Ja n - 1 1 pared to the riods of heigh or performanc iven by the m in the broade ultiple on the ounts of 25-3 or at a disc tment into ot e the downsid adwind to th l a more lasti easury Bo Apr - Ju l - 1 1 Oc t - 1 1 Ja n - 1 2 Ap r - 1 2 Ju l - 1 2 Oc t - 1 2 Ja n - 1 3 Ap r - 1 3 30-year Trea tened market . The correla rchant subset Page 9 of 6 r market (SPX S&P 500 inde 5% (prior to th unt to the S& er sectors wit risk of highe entire marke g impact. nd Yield Ju- 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 30 - Y r T - B o n d Y i e l d % ury bond yiel uncertainty. ion has broke benefiting fro 8 ). . - , . June 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 12 - m o F o r w a r d P / E HIS Cha Sourc Alter treas to lo belie reco thes treas and We for t view, toler there utility sugg we p KeyB Equit 2013 .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x .0x De c - 0 5 Ma r - 0 6 Ju n - 0 6 Se p - 0 6 De c - 0 6 Ma r - 0 7 TORICAL VA rt 3. P/E a (De e: Bloomberg and natively, from ries) perspec k rather attra e this is nition and ac are truly e ry yields ha nsustainably l ave been as e group if yi there would nce for treas was a corre group. sts this band eviously belie anc Capit Researc Ju n - 0 7 Se p - 0 7 De c - 0 7 Ma r - 0 8 Ju n - 0 8 Se p - 0 8 P/E UTY UTY Index LUATIONS d Relative cember 31, 20 KeyBanc Capital a yield spread ive, the group tive (see Ch function o eptance of th traordinary t e been held w. ed about the lds start to ri likely be a ry yields to r ponding sell- ecent mark may be narr ed. al Markets - Ma r - 0 9 Ju n - 0 9 Se p - 0 9 De c - 0 9 Ma r - 1 0 Ju n - 1 0 Date and Relative P/E vs. S&P 500 Indic S&P500 REMAIN INC P/E of UTY 05 – June 24, Markets Inc. resear (vs. U.S. continues rt 4). We investor fact that mes and artificially prospects e. In our band of se before off of the t activity wer than Sou Inc., Mem Se p - 1 0 De c - 1 0 Ma r - 1 1 Ju n - 1 1 Se p - 1 1 De c - 1 1 - of s Relative P/E ONCLUSIVE vs. S&P 5 2013) ch Chart 4. Yi rce: Bloomberg a ‐400 ‐300 ‐200 ‐100 0 100 200 300 400 6/ 1 / 1 9 9 3 6/ 1 / 1 9 9 4 Yi e l d  Sp r e a d  (b p s ) ber NYSE/ 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 Ju n - 1 2 Se p - 1 2 De c - 1 2 Ma r - 1 3 Ju n - 1 3 00 Indices ld Spread ( nd KeyBanc Capit 6 1 19 9 5 6/ 1 / 1 9 9 6 6/ 1 / 1 9 9 7 6/ 1 / 1 9 9 8 Yield Spre FINRA/SI Re l a t i v e P / E The two have pa relative ( group, u driven b subset o this outp in respo domestic earnings been so 10-Yr U.S. June 1, 1993 al Markets Inc. res 6/ 1 / 1 9 9 9 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 1 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 2 D ad Between 10 Y 10 Yr Spread PC rimary valuati nted two co to the broad til recently, l outperform the utility se rformance w nse to heig and global e estimates for ewhat volatile Treasury v – June 24, 201 earch 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 3 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 4 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 5 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 6 Date ar Treasury and U Average Spread on metrics us tradictory pi market) P/E ooked some nce of the tor (see Chart s a flight to s tened conce onomies. We he S&P 500 . . S&P Ele 3) 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 7 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 8 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 9 6/ 1 / 2 0 1 0 UTY Page 10 of 6 ed for the grou tures. From standpoint, th hat expensiv ore regulate 3). We believ fety (and yiel ns about th also note th ave historicall ctric Utilitie 6/ 1 / 2 0 1 1 6/ 1 / 2 0 1 2 6/ 1 / 2 0 1 3 8 p , ) t s June GR Broa tight retire meet long- This servi In an neve their price shar retur regul shar insp The comi      To s accu rece rate inves retur 2011 KeyB Equit 2013 UP INVE dly speaking, power market ents and th more environ erm growth p emand growt e economy h industry that 100% assur osts and ear will draw en holder at risk. s on equity, tory outcome holders to fe ctions as a re onfluence of g years. Thes  Potential as higher view elect always ris  Environm stringent e  Aggressi players m  Additiona materials  Potential regulatory me degree, ulate. In the tly, however, ase proceedi tments for an s authorized and for gas u anc Capit Researc TMENT T we believe the (with an outl potential to r entally frien ojections, as has decreasi ve altered co ust continue d and compa a return on i ugh public a We believe t xtending depr had precede l some of th ult of the rece everal factor e factors inclu for Populist electricity (and icity pricing a s to timely an ental Capital nvironmental r ve Rate Base ay look for a tai l Cost Pressu have increased for Continue commissions our concerns hort term, we he U.S. econ gs in Maryla move towar y state comm ilities was 12. S al Markets HESIS long-term fun ok for pricing te base nee ly portfolio st he sector hist ngly tracked sumption patt to spend mon ies must see vestment on d political att e levers in th ciation rates, ce in the 197 pain. Additio t Japan nucle highlighted b e: Regulatory Se overall energ being far mo fair recovery Expenditures. egulations tha Growth as an lwind by growi re Driven by the rate risk o d Low Intere often use a spr are longer-d believe that n mic sluggishn d for Pepco restrictive ou ssions; avera % in 1990 co Chart 5. Source: Regulator 9.00% 10.00% 11.00% 12.00% 13.00% 19 9 0 RO E % Inc., Mem damentals in t to improve a ed capacit ) ndards and s rically lags a DP growth as rns. y to make m advanced or e the asset is ention that re e regulatory t reviewing cos s, as high oil ally, U.S. nu r crisis. low leaves u ntiment. We b ) pricing beco e exposed to l f investment On a consoli can be subje Earnings Dri ng the rate ba Inflation. We n the propose st Rates. We ad over treas ted as the c cessary infra ess has provi oldings, Inc. tcomes. Chart e return on e pared to 9.9 Average (January y Research Associ 19 9 1 19 9 2 19 9 3 19 9 4 19 9 5 19 9 6 ber NYSE/ he electric utilit the econom eeding to mo rve growing d experience conservation, ney, regulato later regulator placed into s ulators will b olbox that m s of debt and ricing and co lear energy i concerned a elieve investo es more scr ocal politics th ollars, despit ated basis, th t to changing ver. Given the l e as aggressi believe a wea capital spen believe regul uries as an in nfluence of tructure inves ed support fo e emphasiz 5 illustrates t uity (ROE) fo in 2011. Authorized 1990 – June ates, KeyBanc Ca 19 9 7 19 9 8 19 9 9 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 Electric Gas , FINRA/SI ty sector remai recovers an ernize aging emographics. lower dema efficiency imp y risk is ever- blessing on rvice. Our co pressured t y be pulled t reassessing a tinued nuclea likely to be out increasin s must height tinized, espec an the pricing prior preced sector must olitical winds. ow organic gr ely as possibl dollar and lo , as projects h atory risk is i icator of appr egulatory ris ments should r our more ca that investor he longer-ter electric utiliti d Equity R 2013) pital Markets Inc. r 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 PC n essentially i EPA regulati transmission We are gene d growth co ovements an present as re large capital e cern is that, ease the sti lower rates i ppropriate ca r cost overrun urther impact regulatory ri n awareness ially during pe of other ener nts or assuran pend tens of wth inherent i e. ng-term globa ave an ever-e ncreased by priate equity r factors highl and will be en tious view as s should mon trend toward s was 12.7% i eturns esearch 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 tact, as oppo ns force so nd distributio ally more con pared to the a shift from a overy of capit xpenses to ul t some point, g on ratepay nclude reasse ital structure. prompted re d by increas k impacting t to political an iods of a wea y commoditie ces. billions of dolla n the sector, competition f calating price low treasury turn levels. ighted above couraged by r evidenced by tor local regul lower regulat n 1990 comp Page 11 of 6 rtunities exist i e level of pla infrastructur ervative in o roader marke n industrial to l investment i imately recov rising electrici rs, putting th sing allowabl hese negativ ulators to forc d scrutiny an e sector in th regulatory ris economy. W , and there ar s to meet mor e believe som r infrastructur tag. ields, as stat needs time t gulators. Mor politicization ation impactin ed utility equi red to 10.2% i 8 n t , r . r k f June IND LO Natu mark rema as ut suppl begu oppo HEI The busin great com new able will li expo Plain fuel/ in ov STO The as th wors perio How on th KeyB Equit 2013 USTRY T COMMODI ral gas pricing ts (see Chart n vigilant ove lities had prev y at current lo to pursue a tunity or risk t Ch Source: Bl GHTENED IM major focus o esses were di deal to mitig anies had pur ra of focus o o craft innova kely set the ure to regula Energy Inco ommodity and rall customer CK PERFO strong (if not v y have typic in the econo of outperfo ver, the unreg existing coal $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $/ M M B T U anc Capit Researc EMES Y PRICES , remaining st 6). Given avai the potential iously procure pricing to o gregation of s suppliers. art 6. Co oomberg PORTANCE f many utilitie ested or shu te risk and e ued diversifie the core regu ive solutions tage for futur ory developm porated (GXP construction lectric bills, e RMANCE DIV olatile) commo lly outperform ic downturn, mance in spr ulated genera fleet. This ent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 De c - 0 3 Ma r - 0 4 Ju n - 0 4 Se p - 0 4 D - 4 al Markets AND A AILA ubbornly in a t lable capacity r competitive supply durin er customers upply to nego mparison F REGULA s over the p tered, and the posure to vol d opportunitie lated utility, th o issues, suc growth of th nts are Amer NYSE), IDAC aterials prici en at the exp ERGENCE B dity cycle had d the rest of as natural ga ng 2009, an ors had recen usiasm has Ma r - 0 5 Ju n - 0 5 Se p - 0 5 De c - 0 5 Ma r - 0 6 Inc., Mem LE C PACI hin trading ba and the sharp marketers to periods of si a more attrac iate lower ge f Spot, 12 (December 31 TORY SUCC ast few years business foc atile market c to provide a importance as quick rec e regulated b n, American ORP, Pepco g will likely in nse of shareh ASED ON C for years bee he group, as , coal and po investor ent ly started to a aned somewh - Se p - 0 6 De c - 0 6 Ma r - 0 7 Ju n - 0 7 Se p - 0 7 Spot ber NYSE/ Y HEAT U nd, continues decline in wh ndercut pricin nificantly hig ively priced al eration costs -Month an , 2003 – June ESS has been the s returned to onditions, futu ditional growt f regulatory su very of enviro siness. We lectric Power oldings and rease regulat olders. OMMODITY n favorable for epicted in Ch er prices hav usiasm in th tract interest t as economi De c - 0 7 Ma r - 0 8 Ju n - 0 8 Se p - 0 8 De c - 0 8 - Date 12 Mo FINRA/SI COMPETIT to drive the m lesale power in deregulat er pricing. We ernative. Man n behalf of t d 24-Mont 24, 2013) “back-to-basi he core utility re growth pla to offset slo ccess has co nmental or dis elieve the co , CMS Energ cel Energy In ry risk as reg EXPOSURE companies th art 7. Since 2 e fallen with a commodity s investors st concerns ha Ju n - 0 9 Se p - 0 9 De c - 0 9 Ma r - 1 0 Ju n - 1 0 24 Mo PC ION arginal clearin ricing as nat d markets, su believe comp y local govern eir residents, h Natural cs” approach, operations. s have also er growth in t e back to the tribution syste mpanies that , DTE Energy . (XEL-NYSE lators seek w t have expos 09, the com sluggish eco ubgroup has rted to weigh e intensified. ep - De c - 1 0 Ma r - 1 1 Ju n - 1 1 Se p - 1 1 De c - 1 1 price of pow ral gas prices h as Ohio an titive market ment municip providing anot Gas Prices through whic hile this scen ome into foc he regulated forefront. Co improveme currently hav Duke Energ . We believe ys to minimiz re to natural odity subgrou omic outlook. remained so the impact of Ma r - 1 2 Ju n - 1 2 Se p - 1 2 De c - 1 2 Ma r - 1 3 Page 12 of 6 er in wholesal remain low, w Pennsylvani rs could lock i lities have als her competitiv ch non-strategi rio has done s. In the pas usiness. In thi panies that ar t expenditure high levels , Exelon, Gre return of hig e the increase as and or coa p has fared th Despite a bri ewhat mute PA regulation - 8 e , , , f t l, f . June We b liquid majo world reali beha The risk- econ whic Cent year- asse Early mark slowi inves finall KeyB Equit 2013 elieve that the ation of long importer); vo ; opening of ation that any iors (conserv Source: FactSe 2011 performa verse investo mic concerns we attribute al Vermont, r nd as invest sing the stren 2012 saw th t recovery, o g growth in t tors hope for resolve its so -55% -50% -45% -40% -35% -30% -25% -20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% De c - 0 6 Re t u r n anc Capit Researc rapid and pro ommodity po latility arising ew unconven economic rec tion). Char t nce for comm s avoided the continued thr to any enthu spectively. T rs took profit th of global e broader mar ly to see that e United Sta nother round ereign debt i Ma r - 0 7 Ju n - 0 7 Se p - 0 7 De c - 0 7 al Markets ounced price itions; reduce rom marketpl ional natural overy may be t 7. Price odity-focused e generators ughout the y iasm around e broader ma amid marke onomic recov et outperform enthusiasm p es. A late su of quantitativ sues, despite - Ju n - 0 8 Se p - 0 8 De c - 0 8 - Inc., Mem declines were demand in l ce assumptio as plays (wit longer-dated Performan (December 31 uclear names Commodity-f ar. Smaller, &A activity rket index out turmoil and ry. all electric ut ll back mid-y mer broader easing by th igns of slowin Ju n - 0 9 Se p - 0 9 De c - 0 9 Ma r - 1 0 Dat er NYSE/ driven by sev ight of a slow s on the effe improving pr nd that dem ce of Diff , 2006 – June took a sever cused name ertically integ nd the April erformance ought safety lit segments ar due to rea market rally a Federal Res g growth in th Ju n - 1 0 Se p - 1 0 De c - 1 0 Ma r - 1 1 e FINRA/SI eral factors: th ng global eco cts of various duction tech nd is down d erent Utilit 24, 2013) drop in mid- never truly r ated names s nd May anno arly in 2011 l in our sector (see Chart 8) ppearing Euro pears to be erve of the U United State Ju n - 1 1 Se p - 1 1 De c - 1 1 Ma r - 1 2 PC collapse of nomy (especi government ology) expan e, in part, to y Subgrou March during t covered as owed meani uncements of st its ground in names off as investors pean sovereig ue to sector ited States a . - Se p - 1 2 De c - 1 2 Ma r - 1 3 Ju n - 1 3 ajor banks lik lly China, wh timulus progr ing gas supp a shift in cha ps he Japanese eak power pr gful outperfor the acquisitio against integr ring liquidity ained confid n debt concer otation away d that Europ T&D O Large Small S&P 5 Comm Page 13 of 6 ely drove force ch had been ms around th y; and invest ging consum uclear crisis a ces and glob ance in 201 ns of DPL an ated utilities b nd yield whil nce in broad s and signs rom utilities a will be able t nly ertical ertical 0 dity 8 d r r l , r f June CO Desp trade offsh reco atte carb In th Lega belie as A Cour polic requi agre We f each stan ener state KeyB Equit 2013 Chart Source: MPREHENSI ite several leg , climate cha re drilling to l ery is likely to pts by Repub n, although g near term, th challenges e the dynami gust 21, 201 ruled that th benefits. We ements as th d to hear whe el it is still im state, consid ards, and und y/climate-rela and their ren Re t u r n anc Capit Researc 8. Year-t FactSet VE ENERGY islative bills o ge, federal R ssen the U.S. prevent the is icans in Cong tting past a D e EPA contin dd uncertaint of how a ne , the District EPA exceed believe this d EPA reworks her the EPA portant for ele r the busine erstand the p ed (carbon) le wable portfoli -12% -10% -8% -6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% De c - 1 2 - al Markets o-Date S& EFORM AT ffered over th newable Por reliance on f ue from gaini ress to legisla mocratically-c es to advanc around timel Congress, th ourt of Appe d its statutor cision will onl the rules and xceeded its a tric utility inv s impact as ssible implica islation, if en standards. Ja n - 1 3 Fe b - 1 3 Inc., Mem 500 vs. (December 3 AN IMPASS e past several folio Standard reign oil] is un g traction ov e, restrict or ntrolled Sen its rules on a ines and ho EPA and th ls for Washin authority in y serve to furt process to co thority in crafti stors to beco to how an in ions (favorabl cted, may ha Ma r - 1 3 Ma r - 1 3 ber NYSE/ BCM Elec 0, 2011 – June E; EPA EMI years, we bel s (RPS), ren likely to gain r the next few elay EPA aut te and overridi host of polluti aggressively industry wor gton, D.C. ne ow the rules her delay impl ply within its ng CSAPR. e aware of t estor-owned and unfavor e on their utilit Ma r - 1 3 Ap r - 1 3 Date FINRA/SI tric Utility 24, 2013) SSIONS RU ieve that com wable energy assage this y years, in our hority or fundi ng a Presiden n criterion un environmenta together pos ated the Cro were crafted ementation of statutory auth e renewable utility would ble) that a p y investments. pr - Ma y - 1 3 Ma y - 1 3 PC Segment ES MOVE F prehensive en qualifying so ar. An outloo iew. We do b g to regulate ial veto would der the Clean l regulations -election is so s State Air P nd applied to pollution cont rity. On June nergy resour ddress any tential federal Our appendix Ju n - 1 3 Performa ORWARD ergy reform [c rces and pro for continued lieve there mi greenhouse prove difficult. Air Act and C ill be imple mething to wa llution Rule ( the states, r ols intended t 24, 2013, the es available t tate mandate RPS, EPA m provides mor Small Vertical Large Vertical S&P 500 T&D Only Commodity Page 14 of 6 ce arbon cap-an osals such a slow economi ht be renewe ases, includin ean Water Ac ented, and w ch. As recentl SAPR) as th gardless of th meet CSAP Supreme Cou o each utility i or renewabl ndate or oth information o 8 d- c . t r June JAP A sh at th earth State and The Mile and rene New will a occu drive volati An A expo desig fleet. On F appr majo the p natio most In M inclu safet cont resp CO Whil long- gene and abilit parti diffic Sout allow rece The l Prog metri som KeyB Equit 2013 N NUCLEA arp decline oc Fukushima uake and tsu s to impact nu onsiderations ituation is als sland is consi ost overruns. als could fac nuclear const gue that mod rence of an e incremental lity. Public an ugust 23, 201 ure saw a b ned, market c ebruary 9, 20 ved by the U. reactor comp lant as a res ’s nuclear pl expensive an rch 2012, th e reassessin of spent fu inments. In e nded that the ST ESCALAT e recent prices erm trend of ation remains omponents (t to hedge co ular, on the r lt as receivin ern Compan the Commissi tly, Southern ong-term tren ess (CWIP), t s. Additional rate relief. anc Capit Researc CRISIS HI curred in mid- uclear power nami. With 20 lear power. H f specific rea likely to fuel ered to have Existing plant further public uction, which rn plants are ent that desig eneration ca political perc 1 earthquake ief sell-off. H oncerns were 2, Southern S. Nuclear R nents. In a fo lt of lessons l nts in respon complicated NRC manda the nuclear l pools and t rly June 201 ew regulation ION IN NEW have come of rising constru a moving tar rbines and bo ts. We believ gulated side, regulatory pr subsidiary Mi on to protect ompany indic of rising co allow utilitie ost pressure al Markets GHLIGHTS March 2011 for complex in J of U.S. po owever, we d tor designs, a increased op been a major on the publi scrutiny. as already b impler in desi redundancie acity decision ptions around on the U.S. wever, as ne alleviated. Nu ompany’s co gulatory Com r-to-one vote, earned at Fu e to Fukushi f the changes ed new regul ower industry improving v , NRC issue s were manag GENERATI f of their earli ction material et, as worldwi lers) would re this presents there exists -approval wit ssissippi Pow nd assure cu ted it would e ts increasingl to undertake on ratepayer Inc., Mem ISKS TO N all equity seg pan that was er derived fro believe U.S. well as the s osition to nucl factor in the e safety perce en delayed b n and design would suppo making to fa nuclear energ ast Coast dr ws started to lear propone bined constr ission (NRC dissenting for ushima and i a should be s tions for “les for protection nting system new guidelin eable from bot ON BUILD er highs due to costs could e demand fo ain fundame challenges to chicken-and out firm pricin r agreed to a tomers again xceed its cost necessitates construction pose the risk ber NYSE/ CLEAR PO ments, includin severely dam nuclear ene uclear energ fficiency of b ar power, as nd of U.S. nu tion bubble ( the recessio d to shut the sedly prevent or natural g will contribut ve a short-liv flow that the ts touted the ction and op , clearing the er Chairman general feel ped up, partic ons learned” against eart in boiling-wa es for harden h technical an the global ec resume as t construction tally volatile. both unregula egg problem g. For exampl cost cap on i t uncontrolled cap by over $ the need for ithout signific of regulators FINRA/SI ER INDUST g the broader aged and lea rgy, we do no is likely to be ckup systems did the Three lear construct ermont Yank , is likely to s selves down rom happenin s, which coul to policy disc d negative in plants suffer incident as a rating licens way for the C Gregory Jacz that the imp larly for seis rom Fukushi quakes, flood ter reactors ed venting an cost perspec nomic crisis s e global eco materials com This is exacer ed and regul in that securi , in order to ts 582MW Ke cost increase 00 million and rate-making ntly weakeni uthorizing lo PC RY market, as co ing radiation envision a k impacted by i in the event o Mile Island a ion already hi e, for exampl e higher opp in emergencie g. The Japan impact dive ussions. vestor reactio d no damage example of t for Vogtle 3 mpany to pr o favored saf lementation ti ic risks, whic a, to be in e s or station bl ith General E d other safet tives. lowing constr omy reboun modities (stee bated by long ted investme g pricing wit ecure the pro mper County from its origi took a 1Q13 echanisms, s g their balan er ROEs in f cerns arose fr ue to the co ee-jerk reacti creased scrut station black d Chernobyl i dered by con ) and others sition. Propo s. Opponents se accident is sity and driv as compani and all syst he safety of t nd 4 new nu ceed with full ty enhancem eline for co have the po ect by the en ckout events, lectric Co. M improvement ction demand, s. The cost , concrete an construction ti t in new gene out a regulat ect’s expecte GCC plant at al $2.7 billion harge. uch as Const e sheet, cash ture rate proc Page 15 of 6 rom the disast bination of a n in the Unite iny, inspection ut conditions. cidents. Thre truction dela up for licensin ents of nucle ill cite anoth likely to furth power pricin s with nucle ms reacted a e U.S. nucle clear units wa construction nts be made pliance for th ential to be th d of 2016, th enhancing th rk I or Mark . The indust we believe th f building ne copper), lab es and limite ation plants. I ry buy-in is a final approva $2.88 billion t estimate. Mor uction Work I flow and cred edings to off 8 er r r r r r f t t I r l, it r June M&A We e partic be ab gener the lo larger prese make POS C A p N W C c e POS D D h b E In m w e REC T O p C 5 M O ( to to D O c in Im d o C a w KeyB Equity 2013 A ACTIVITY xpect that man cularly with the ble to realize th rally repaired (a ong term. The o r players to loo ence or through e attractive targ SSIBLE ACQU Cleco Corpora As a small, sin potential acquis NiSource, Inc. We believe NiS Company (SUG considerable ris executing on its SSIBLE ACQU Dominion Res Dominion was has stated that believe that the Exelon Corpor n our view, EX merchant elect would be cons earnings drop a CENT M&A A TECO Energy, On May 28, 20 privately held N Company had t 509,000 custom MidAmerican a On May 29, 20 NVE-NYSE) fo o weak utility p o 10%, more in Duke Energy C On July 2, 2012 country’s larges n the six states mmediately fo directors) voted of the combine CEO switch. O as an initial fir watching for sig anc Capita y Research Y ON THE ny utility execut recent pick-up e greatest amo and the potent outlook for an e ok for opportu h the addition gets. UIREES ation (CNL-NY ngle-state regu sition target. W (NI-NYSE) Source, Inc. is G-NYSE) have sk of achieving s strategic initia UIRERS ources, Inc. (D rumored to hav t it continues t e Company wou ration (EXC-NY XC may seek ric generation istent with wha as favorable he ACTIVITY UP Inc. (TE-NYS 013, TECO E New Mexico G trailing 12-mon mers. and NV Energ 013, Berkshire or an all cash c performance, th n line with utility Corporation (D 2, Duke Energ st utility, having s of North Caro ollowing the m d out incoming ed company. T n December 3 st step in repa gns that regulat al Markets h RISE tives are lookin p in M&A activi ount of synergi ial for all-stock extended period nities to gain s of more stable YSE) lated utility in We expect forec perceived as e served to fue g reasonable ap atives. D-NYSE) ve been intere o focus on its uld consider an YSE) through acqu fleet. This cou at we saw PP edges started e PDATE E) and New M nergy, Inc. (TE Gas Company nth EBITDA of y, Inc. (NVE-N Hathaway sub consideration of he premium ap y deal premium DUK-NYSE) an y Corporation g about 57 GW olina, South Ca erger close, t Progress Ene The North Caro , 2012, the NC airing relations tion is moving f Inc., Memb ng at the poten ty (see Table 6 es, as these sa k deals to offer d of low power scale to endur e regulated ope Louisiana with asted free cash an acquisition el this view. H pprovals across ested in acquiri organic growt ny opportunities uisition a more uld be accomp PL Corporation expiring. Mexico Gas Co E-NYSE) anno for $950 millio $86 million for NYSE) bsidiary MidAm f $23.75 per sh ppears to be ex ms. nd Progress E (DUK-NYSE) a W of domestic g rolina, Florida, he new comb rgy CEO Bill Jo olina Utilities C CUC agreed to ships with regu forward in a po ber NYSE/ tial synergies o 6). Companies avings are gen further improve r prices may ac re weakened m erations. On th h a service ter h generation co target. The an However, we b s the board. Fu ng Progress E th plan and on s that were acc e stable earnin plished through (PPL-NYSE) ompany ounced its inte on, including th the period end merican Energy hare. This repre xaggerated. Ba Energy, Inc. and Progress E generating cap Indiana, Kentu bined company ohnson and re Commission (N a settlement w ulators. We ar ositive manner. FINRA/SIP of a strategic a s with substant nerally outside t ement), we co ccelerate M&A markets and ca he regulated s rritory next to E ould be attracti nnounced acqu believe a prese urther, we belie Energy away fro n achieving a 5 cretive to earni ngs and cash h the acquisitio do earlier whe ention to acqu he assumption ding January 3 y announced t esented a 23% ased on a more Energy, Inc. (P pacity serving a ucky and Ohio. y Board (10 le einstalled outgo NCUC) began with Duke Ener re mindful of u . PC and well-execut ial unregulated the reach of re nsider addition to achieve cos apital needs th ide, we believe Entergy, we be ive to acquirers uisition and bid ence in severa eve current ma om Duke Ener 5-6% long-term ngs and share flow stream to on of a more re en faced with uire from Cont n of $200 millio 31, 2013. New he proposed a % premium to th e recent closin PGN) complete approximately . egacy DUK di oing Duke Ene investigative h rgy to resolve upcoming rate ted merger with d operations wo egulators. With nal consolidatio st synergies. W hrough a grea e smaller, sing elieve Cleco C s. dding war for S al jurisdictions anagement is k rgy. Since then m earnings gro holder value. o dampen the egulated entity the prospect o inental Energy on of debt. Ne Mexico Gas C acquisition of N he previous clo g price, the pre ed their merger 7.1 million ele irectors vs. fiv rgy CEO Jim R hearings into t the investigatio e case proceed Page 16 of 6 h great interest ould most likel balance sheet on to be likely i We would expec ter unregulate gle-state utilitie Corporation is a Southern Unio would presen keen to continue n, the Compan owth target. We volatility of it y. This strateg of a precipitou y Systems LLC ew Mexico Ga Company serve NV Energy, Inc osing price. Due emium is close r to become the ectric customer ve legacy PGN Rogers as hea he post-merge on. We see thi dings that bea 8 t, y s n ct d s a n nt e y e s y s C s s c. e er e s N d er s ar June Date Anno 5/29/ 7/22/ 2/21/ 7/12/ 4/28/ 4/20/ 3/2/2 1/10/ 12/7/ 10/18 8/13/ 4/28/ 4/21/ 4/11/ 2/11/ 10/20 10/26 6/25/ 2/26/ 2/7/2 7/8/2 7/5/2 4/25/ 12/19 Notes: Deal 1) De 2) 1- 3) [2 4) Pri Sourc KeyB Equit 2013 nced Acqui 2013 Berksh MidAm 2012 NRG E 2012 Fortis I 2011 Gaz M 011 Exelon 011 ES C 11 PPL C 011 Duke 010 GL R 2010 Northe 010 Blacks 010 PPL C 010 Calpin 010 Mirant 010 FirstEn 2008 Exelon 2007 Macqu 007 Iberdro 007 KKR 07 Great 06 MDU 06 Macqu 006 Babco 2005 FPL G currently pending al transaction valu ay closing stock p -day average clos r to previous agr : Company data, anc Capit Researc er ire Hathaway's rican Unit nergy Inc. nc. etro L.P Corporation rporation rporation nergy Corporati sources Inc. st Utilities one Group, L.P. rporation Corporation orporation ergy Corporatio Corporation rie Consortium la SA lains Energy In esources Grou rie Consortium k & Brown oup, Inc. in italics (includes debt a ice premium ng stock price pre ement announced eyBanc Capital M al Markets Tabl Acquiree NV Energy GenOn En CH Energy Central Ve Service Co Constellati Inc. DPL Inc. Central Ne E.ON UK p n Progress E Nicor Inc. NSTAR Dynegy In E.ON U.S. Electric an Utilities) Conectiv E Co. RRI Energ llegheny NRG Ener Puget Ene Energy Ea TXU Corp. . quila Inc. Cascade N Duquesne Inc. NorthWest Constellati Inc. ssumed) ium] on May 30, 2011 rkets Inc. estimat Inc., Mem 5. Rece ergy Inc. Group rmont Public p. n Energy Grou works (from lc) nergy, Inc. . (Louisville Gas Kentucky ergy Holding , Inc. nergy, Inc. y, Inc. gy, Inc. t Corporation tural Gas Corp ight Holdings rn Corporation n Energy Grou es ber NYSE/ t Utility Consideration 100% Cash 100% Stock 100% Cash 100% Cash , 100% Stock 100% Cash 100% Cash 100% Stock 40% Cash and Stock 100% Stock 100% Cash (Failed) 100% Cash 100% Cash 100% Stock 100% Stock 100% Stock (Failed) 100% Cash 100% Cash 100% Cash 55% Cash and Stock 100% Cash 100% Cash 100% Cash (Failed) , 100% Stock (Failed) FINRA/SI &A Activi Offer P Share $23.75 0.1216 $65.00 $35.25 0.930 s $30.00 N/A 2.6125 60% $21.20 0.8382 1.312 s $4.50 a ($5.00 N/A N/A 0.353 s 0.667 s 0.485 s $30.00 $28.50 $69.25 45% $1.80 a 0.0856 $26.50 $20.00 $37.00 $62.02 PC ty rice Per Imp Ann shares ares shares and shares ares annc. inal) ares ares ares nd shares lied Value at ouncement1 $5.6 billion $3.9 billion $1.5 billion $704.1 million $10.6 billion $4.7 billion $6.40 billion N $25.7 billion $3.1 billion $7.56 billion $4.6 billion $7.63 billion $1.65 billion $1.63 billion $8.5 billion $6.15 billion $7.4 billion $8.50 billion 44.16 billion $2.8 billion 471.2 million $2.59 billion $2.23 billion 14.42 billion 0 Page 17 of 6 Premium at nnouncement2 23.18% 20.60% 10.50% 44.9%4 12.50% 8.70% /A – Subsidiary .9%; [6.4%] 3 13.30% 1.90% 61.80% N/A - Private /A - Subsidiary 4.40% 31.60% 36.70% 25.30% 27.40% 15.40% -2.70% 23.50% 21.70% 15.30% 65%; [15.0%] 3 8 June SH Tow by s all co com defe sect debt mark econ senti Histo short Augu short risk KeyB Equit 2013 RT INTE ard the end of me companie ntributed to th any manage sive play ami r became pre ssues appear t declines in mic concern ent. Ch Source: FactSet rically, underp interest for th st, largely attri interest has c n appetite and 10.5x 11.0x 11.5x 12.0x 12.5x 13.0x 13.5x 14.0x 14.5x 15.0x 15.5x 16.0x 16.5x 17.0x D -1 12 m o F w r d P / E anc Capit Researc EST OVE 2010, sector c heading into group tradin ents during t broader mar ium to the b d to dampen July 2011. In drove reliabl art 9. For erformance in e group had butable to the rept up as the interest rate Ja n - 1 1 Fe b - 1 1 Ma r - 1 1 Ap r - 1 1 al Markets RVIEW oncerns of a lo new year, c at a discoun e 1H11 earni et concern of oader market ny enthusias late 2012 an outperforma ward P/E our sector ha growing bias close of DUK group outperf orries negativ Ma y - 1 1 Ju n - 1 1 Ju l - 1 1 Au g - 1 1 KB Inc., Mem nger-dated U. allenged pow to the S&P 5 gs seasons, a slower glo A pick-up in for a quicke into 2013, ce. Recent F Compariso (December 3 provided opp as the sector s acquisition rmed with in ly impacted t - Oc t - 1 1 No v - 1 1 De c - 1 1 Ja n - 1 2 M Utility Index ber NYSE/ S. economic r r prices for m 0. We believ eading to ren al economic r M&A activity, or stronger th n outlook for d commentar n of KBC 1, 2010 – June rtunities for i outperformed f Progress E estors looking e utilities. Fe b - 1 2 Ma r - 1 2 Ap r - 1 2 Ma y - 1 2 S&P50 FINRA/SI ecovery (damp rchant gener that many of wed confide covery, as s double-dip U. an expected continued ac y has driven M Utility C 24, 2013) vestors to co . The short in ergy, as arbit for yield. Cov Ju n - 1 2 Ju l - 1 2 Au g - 1 2 Se p - 1 2 Rel PC ning electric tors and ques these topics ce in the sta en in Chart 9 . recession f conomic reco ommodative nderperforma overage v ver their short erest fell pre ageurs unwo ering appears No v - 1 2 De c - 1 2 Ja n - 1 3 Fe b - 1 3 tive P/E emand), wea ions around d f concern wer ility of our in where the rel ars and Euro ery, and led t onetary polic nce around a s. S&P 500 positions. Thr ipitously from nd positions. to have begu 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ma r - 1 3 Ap r - 1 3 Ma y - 1 3 Ju n - 1 3 Page 18 of 6 k initial outloo ividend securi addressed b ustry and as tive P/E of th ean sovereig sharp broad y and lingerin reversal of thi ough early 201 May 2012 un ince that tim in March as .88 .92 .96 .00 .04 .08 .12 .16 .20 .24 .28 .32 Re l a t i v e P / E s r il , June Not Sour Com Allete Amer Ameri Avist CMS Cleco Cons DTE Domi Duke Enter Exelo FirstE Great IDAC NV En NextE NiSou North PPL Pepc Pinna Portla South TECO Wisco Xcel E Total KeyB Equit 2013 es: 1) ALE resea 2) OTTR res 3) NVE resea 4) POR rese e: Bloomberg, as pany Inc. n Corp. an Electric Power C Corp. nergy Corp. Corp. lidated Edison, Inc nergy Co. ion Resources, Inc. nergy Corp. y Corp. Corp. ergy Corp lains Energy, Inc. RP, Inc. ergy, Inc. a Energy, Inc. rce, Inc. estern Corp. orp. Holdings, Inc. le West Capital Corp nd General Electric C rn Compan Energy, Inc. nsin Energy Corp. nergy Inc. anc Capit Researc rch coverage initia arch coverage init ch coverage initia rch coverage initia f June 24, 201 Share Ticker O ALE 39. AEE 242. . AEP 486. AVA 59. CMS 266. CNL 60. ED 292. DTE 173. D 577. DUK 706. ETR 178. EXC 855. FE 418. GXP 153. IDA 50. NVE 235. NEE 424. NI 312. NWE 37. PPL 592. POM 248. . PNW 109. . POR 77. SO 870. TE 217. WEC 229. XEL 497. 84 l Markets T ted December 4, 2 ated January 17, ed June 28, 2012. ted December 4, (days) s Current t Short Ratio 92 5.6 3 1.4 5 0.9 2 3.5 3 4.2 4 5.8 9 3.1 5 1.0 8 2.2 0 1.9 19 2.8 5 2.6 2 3.1 3 1.0 14 3.8 5 0.2 4 4.7 4 2.9 8 3.7 4 2.4 8 6.1 5 2.8 4 1.7 9 2.5 8 5.0 01 4.5 4 1.1 15 Inc., Mem ble 6. Mo 012. Historical info 012. Historical inf Historical informa 012. Historical inf Jun M ay Apr 0.8 0.7 1.0 3.6 2.8 2.8 3.3 3.0 4.3 1.3 1.2 1.1 0.6 9.8 9.4 1.3 1.2 1.2 6.4 7.3 7.1 1.5 1.4 1.5 9.9 7.0 7.4 5.8 5.4 6.8 3.2 3.7 3.8 7.6 18.4 15.6 7.9 9.2 10.5 1.0 0.8 0.7 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.1 0.8 2.3 11.3 9.4 9.4 5.3 4.9 3.9 0.7 0.7 0.8 4.3 13.7 14.2 4.0 13.9 9.0 1.8 1.7 2.2 2.2 1.5 1.6 2.2 11.8 12.0 9.6 9.1 10.9 4.5 4.7 5.1 6.4 5.8 6.6 159 151 152 2013 er NYSE/ nthly Sho rmation provided f rmation provided ion provided for c rmation provided M ar Feb Jan D 1.1 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.9 1.9 4.4 4.8 3.7 1.1 1.2 1.3 11.8 12.6 11.9 1.2 1.2 1.1 7.0 6.5 5.7 1.8 2.1 1.3 6.9 7.8 5.0 7.8 8.6 9.6 3.9 3.1 3.1 18.4 15.2 10.4 7.9 5.1 5.7 0.4 0.6 0.5 1.0 1.2 1.1 3.8 2.5 2.4 10.1 9.7 10.2 3.7 3.5 5.6 0.7 0.9 0.9 21.8 24.5 21.1 8.9 7.3 23.6 1.6 1.2 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.9 12.4 11.8 10.6 11.0 11.6 11.3 4.3 4.3 3.2 5.9 7.9 7.4 163 160 163 1 FINRA/SI t Interest or comparison pur or comparison pu mparison purpos or comparison pur ec Nov Oct S 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.9 2.0 2.3 4.0 4.1 6.5 1.3 1.4 1.3 2.2 13.2 9.2 1.2 1.6 1.4 8.1 8.1 6.7 1.4 2.0 1.4 5.2 4.9 3.6 8.8 6.9 6 2.7 2.9 3.7 9.7 9.1 7.7 6.6 7.1 7.1 0.7 1.4 1.7 1.1 1.3 1.3 2.9 3.7 1.8 11.4 11.1 10.7 1 3.7 3.8 3.3 0.9 1.0 0.8 1.4 20.6 19.8 1 3.8 24.6 23.8 1.3 1.7 1.4 1.9 2.1 1.7 11.3 10.5 10.6 11.4 10.5 10 3.0 3.1 2.4 7.3 7.9 6.1 66 167 153 1 (shares in C poses. oses. s. oses. ep Aug Jul Ju 1 1.1 1.1 1. 1.7 1.7 2.4 2. .2 7.1 6.6 5. 1.4 1.7 2 2. .4 6.3 4.5 5 1.4 1.7 2.1 2. .5 6.7 7.3 7 1.4 1.1 1 1. .3 3.9 3.4 5. .4 5.8 5.5 24. .7 3 2.2 2. 9 8.9 8.4 8. 5.1 4.3 5.9 5. .2 2.9 3.4 3. 1.2 1.2 1.5 1. 1.2 1.4 1.3 1. .2 7.1 8.5 8. 4.1 3.5 3.1 3. 1 0.9 1.1 1 .4 19.8 18.9 18. 22 22.5 22.8 2 1.6 1.6 1.3 1. 1.8 2.2 2.4 2. .6 8.8 9.8 8. 10 9.7 8 7. .2 5.5 7.6 7. .6 6.1 6.6 6. 49 147 149 17 2012 millions) M ay Apr M a 3 1.1 1.1 3.9 4.3 4. 5.5 4.4 3. 2.3 2.2 1. 1 5.9 4.2 9. 2.9 2.5 2. 1 7.2 7 1.6 1.9 1. 5.5 4.1 4. 26.2 26.4 23. 2.6 3.1 2. 9.6 10.1 9. 7.7 7.4 6. 10 8.3 7. 1.5 1.3 1. 2.3 2.4 2. 9.9 6.9 5. 4.1 4.9 4. 1 1.2 0.9 0. 19.3 17.4 8. 22.6 22.9 23. 1.9 1.1 0. 2.5 2.2 1. 11 12.4 10. 8.7 8 9. 7.4 6 6. 6.9 4.2 3. 2 191 178 16 Page 19 of 6 2011 F eb Jan Dec 1 1 1 1.2 3.5 3.2 3.7 4.1 4.9 5.6 1.9 2.2 2.4 10.1 13.5 11.4 3 2.5 2.7 7.2 8.2 11.3 1 1 1.6 5 4.6 5.4 1 18.7 17.1 17.3 2.8 3.1 3.5 43.2 40.4 38.3 5.9 7.4 4 6.3 5.9 5.8 1.2 1.4 1.5 4.8 1.2 2.2 6.1 8.1 11.2 6.6 4.1 4.5 0.8 1 1.1 8.6 8.1 9.8 1 8.8 8.6 9 1 1.1 1.4 2.2 2.4 2.6 10.6 11.7 13.7 8.7 8.5 7.8 4.1 4.3 5.9 3.3 3.6 4.3 6 181 179 189 June EN Util KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: MU ties – Qui anc Capit Researc TI- UTILI k Alert: l Markets TIES ore MLP Inc., Mem ctivity in er NYSE/ Infrastruc FINRA/SI ure Spac C e - reprinte d from 06/1 Page 20 of 6 2/2013 8 June PO PO KeyB Equit 2013 TLAND – Quick anc Capit Researc ENERAL lert: New l Markets ELECTRIC Projects Inc., Mem COMPAN pdate; Mi er NYSE/ xed Outc FINRA/SI me – exc PC erpt reprint d from 06 Page 21 of 6 /04/2013 8 June NV NV KeyB Equit 2013 NERGY, – Quick anc Capit Researc NC. lert: Mr. l Markets Buffett Bet Inc., Mem on Vega er NYSE/ - reprinte FINRA/SI d from 05/ PC 30/2013 Page 22 of 6 June NO NW KeyB Equit 2013 THWEST – Quick anc Capit Researc RN COR lert: Incr l Markets PORATIO mental G Inc., Mem as Reserv er NYSE/ s Acquir FINRA/SI d - reprint PC ed from 05 29/2013 Page 23 of 6 June TE TE KeyB Equit 2013 O ENER Quick Al anc Capit Researc Y, INC. rt: TE to l Markets Acquire N Inc., Mem w Mexico er NYSE/ Gas Com FINRA/SI any - rep PC rinted from 05/28/201 Page 24 of 6 3 June EN Ele KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: EL tric Utiliti anc Capit Researc CTRIC U s – Quic l Markets TILITIES Alert: Ca Inc., Mem acity Au er NYSE/ tion Larg FINRA/SI ly Disapp C oints - rep inted from Page 25 of 6 05/28/201 8 3 June CM CM KeyB Equit 2013 ENERG – Quick anc Capit Researc CORPO lert: Mic l Markets RATION igan Cas Inc., Mem Settleme er NYSE/ t Annou FINRA/SI ced- repri PC nted from 5/08/2013 Page 26 of 6 June EN ol 05/ KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: EL age Opti 07/2013 anc Capit Researc CTRIC U ization T l Markets TILITIES chnology Inc., Mem – Another er NYSE/ Headwin FINRA/SI to Load C Growth - r printed fro Page 27 of 6 m 8 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 28 of 6 8 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 29 of 6 June AVI AV KeyB Equit 2013 TA COR – Outloo anc Capit Researc ORATIO Improve l Markets N ; Raising Inc., Mem 2013 Esti er NYSE/ ate- repri FINRA/SI nted from PC 05/05/2013 Page 30 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 31 of 6 June PIN PN KeyB Equit 2013 ACLE W – Stron anc Capit Researc ST COR 1Q Repo l Markets PORATION ted; Raisi Inc., Mem g 2013 E er NYSE/ timate- re FINRA/SI eprinted fro PC m 05/03/2 13 Page 32 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 33 of 6 June EN 1Q1 KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: EL 3 Earning anc Capit Researc CTRIC U Preview l Markets TILITIES - reprinted Inc., Mem from 04/2 ber NYSE/ 2/2013 FINRA/SI C Page 34 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 35 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 36 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 37 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 38 of 6 8 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 39 of 6 June EN En KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: MU rgy – Mic anc Capit Researc TI- UTILI igan Mee l Markets TIES ings Take Inc., Mem ways, C er NYSE/ nstructiv FINRA/SI Outlook I C ntact - rep inted from Page 40 of 6 04/19/2013 8 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/ FINRA/SI C Page 41 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 42 of 6 June EN En 04/1 KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: MU rgy – Qui 7/2013 anc Capit Researc TI- UTILI k Alert: M l Markets TIES ichigan C Inc., Mem mmissio er NYSE/ Allows I FINRA/SI frastructu C re Tracke - reprinted Page 43 of 6 from 8 June EN En 04/1 KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: MU rgy – Qui 6/2013 anc Capit Researc TI- UTILI k Alert: I l Markets TIES S Wind T Inc., Mem x Credit er NYSE/ uidance FINRA/SI iewed Fa C vorably - r printed fro Page 44 of 6 m 8 June AL AL KeyB Equit 2013 ETE, INC. : Investor anc Capit Researc Meeting l Markets Takeaways Inc., Mem Support er NYSE/ UY Ratin FINRA/SI - reprinte PC d from 04/1/2013 Page 45 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 46 of 6 June EN Ele KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: EL tric Utiliti anc Capit Researc CTRIC U s: Updati l Markets TILITIES g Price T Inc., Mem argets - re ber NYSE/ printed fro FINRA/SI m 03/26/2 PC 013 Page 47 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 48 of 6 June AM AE KeyB Equit 2013 REN CO : Mercha anc Capit Researc PORATI t Assets l Markets ON old, Adju Inc., Mem ting 2013 er NYSE/ E - reprint FINRA/SI ed from 03 PC /19/2013 Page 49 of 6 June NE NE KeyB Equit 2013 TERA EN : Solid St anc Capit Researc RGY, IN ry Trade l Markets C. at Meani Inc., Mem gful Disc er NYSE/ unt; Upg FINRA/SI ade to BU C Y - reprint d from 03 Page 50 of 6 /19/2013 8 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 51 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 52 of 6 June AL AL KeyB Equit 2013 ETE, INC. : Investor anc Capit Researc Meeting l Markets Takeaways Inc., Mem - reprinte ber NYSE/ d from 02/2 FINRA/SI 4/2013 C Page 53 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 54 of 6 June EN Ele 02/ KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: EL tric Utiliti 18/2013 anc Capit Researc CTRIC U s: Raisin l Markets TILITIES Price Ta Inc., Mem gets Afte er NYSE/ Group M FINRA/SI ltiple Ex C pansion - r printed fr Page 55 of 6 om 8 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 56 of 6 June EN Ele KeyB Equit 2013 RGY: EL tric Utiliti anc Capit Researc CTRIC U s – QA: l Markets TILITIES ichigan L Inc., Mem gislative er NYSE/ Noise Bea FINRA/SI rs Watchi C ng - reprin ed from 0 Page 57 of 6 2/01/2013 8 June PO PO fro KeyB Equit 2013 TLAND – Quick m 2/01/201 anc Capit Researc ENERAL lert: Co 3 l Markets ELECTRIC pany Win Inc., Mem COMPAN Capacit er NYSE/ RFP; Aw FINRA/SI iting Oth C er RFP Ou comes - r Page 58 of 6 eprinted 8 June SO SO: KeyB Equit 2013 THERN Quick Al anc Capit Researc OMPANY rt: Kempe l Markets r County Inc., Mem lant Settl er NYSE/ ment An FINRA/SI ounced - PC reprinted f rom 01/25/ Page 59 of 6 2013 June DO D – KeyB Equit 2013 INION R Quick Ale anc Capit Researc SOURCE t: Balanc l Markets S, INC. d Deal R Inc., Mem ached on er NYSE/ ROE Ince FINRA/SI tive Add C ers - reprin ed from 01 Page 60 of 6 /16/2013 8 June AL AL KeyB Equit 2013 ETE, INC. : Fiscal F anc Capit Researc x Present l Markets s Wind Op Inc., Mem portunity; er NYSE/ Reiterate FINRA/SI BUY Rati C ng - reprint d from 01 Page 61 of 6 /03/2013 8 June KeyB Equit 2013 anc Capit Researc l Markets Inc., Mem er NYSE/FINRA/SI C Page 62 of 6 June AP Using on a r early s or Ro redic who m s a s and ID variabl numb reality, variabl KeyB Equit 2013 ENDIX observed and esti ver stream, typica ring becomes th ky Mountains, ho ion or model is pe ke decisions bas rvice to our clien CORP) that hav e of earnings for t r listed in the tabl water is stored i es, uncertainty in t Runoff Period (A S Idaho Upper Snake Riv Panhandle Regi Oregon Upper John Day Upper Deschute Clackamas Basi Washington Spokane River P r Idaho Upper Snake Riv Panhandle Regi Oregon Upper John Day Upper Deschute Hood and Lowe Washington Spokane River Rese Idaho Upper Snake Riv Panhandle Regi Oregon Upper Deschute Hood and Lowe Washington Spokane River St Avista Corp. ( Clark Fork Rive Spokane River ( Idacorp (IDA) Snake River-Bro P ortland Gene Clackamas River NA - not available *AVA-owned hydro Sources: Northwest anc Capit Researc mated sample data ly during the spri source of much o ever, future prec fect, streamflow f d on projected riv s, we track the A large exposure to e year, offset by above is only a " reservoirs as it e regression mo pril - Sept.) Sno wpack er Basin n Basin asin Basin n asin ecipitatio n er Basin n Basin asin Basin Deschutes Basin asin rvoir Sto rage er Basin n Basin Basin Deschutes Basin asin ream Flo w VA)* r (75%) - Whitehorse R 5%) wnlee Reservoi ral Electric (P OR) - Estacada electric generation is split iver Forecast Center (N al Markets T input into statistic g and summer se f the water run-off pitation may be recasts can be i r conditions. ril through Septe hydrological river ny fuel/power sup robable" forecast lows down the ri els, and unforese Jan Feb 129 113 91 95 143 98 149 101 111 53 91 89 86 76 126 107 85 87 76 84 98 89 140 110 100 98 121 113 112 111 103 107 182 60 pids 102 108 101 101 112 99 106 NA approximately 75%/25% FC), National Water an Inc., Mem ble 7. Wa ( al regression mod sons. In the wes into riverstreams more dominant portant to operati ber streamflow fo onditions through ly cost adjustme within a forecaste er basin, where t n changes are oth M ar Apr M ay 106 119 161 105 112 142 79 125 217 109 137 164 68 93 222 96 114 167 163 201 158 165 244 138 160 135 208 169 141 144 127 190 115 167 241 147 98 89 85 111 91 77 106 108 113 116 125 132 105 81 155 113 124 140 109 126 151 91 115 133 95 100 110 along Clark Fork/Spokan Climate Center (NWCC 2013 Wa ( 2011 er NYSE/ er Supply % of Average) els, a water supply ern United States uring the spring a river of actual str nal river users (s ecast issued by t ut the year. We b t mechanisms ea range assuming e force of falling r factors to consi Jun July Jan 283 NA 73 200 NA 84 NA NA 44 273 NA 49 696 NA 50 277 NA 68 149 77 110 107 40 95 138 35 117 356 107 140 70 97 66 125 28 101 104 136 115 105 102 80 121 132 121 NA NA 130 97 104 43 157 159 86 170 176 99 159 153 84 126 NA 86 e rivers , U.S. Dept. of Agricultu ter Supply For % of Average) FINRA/SI Forecast forecast attempts snowfall accumu d summer snow amflow than sno ch as hydroelectr e Northwest Rive lieve investors m h utility may have unobstructed upst water is used to er that could affec Feb M ar Apr 86 89 83 97 96 118 81 72 81 67 74 106 76 79 133 79 92 117 94 98 100 96 230 141 62 150 123 78 183 101 100 189 102 108 215 139 114 116 122 71 108 148 114 113 113 133 151 163 57 179 196 88 98 108 108 133 143 83 102 99 96 97 117 re Natural Resources and ecast 2012 C to predict a volum ation (or snowpa elt season. On ce melt, thus maki c dam o erators, Forecast Center y find incrementa to address hydrol eam influences t enerate electricit t the accuracy of t May Jun July 64 63 NA 112 131 NA 17 NA NA 89 69 NA 136 179 NA 107 105 NA 95 33 98 98 263 115 61 143 105 92 180 39 105 190 75 100 253 89 109 93 83 89 100 100 114 120 124 173 NA NA 76 97 99 110 97 NA 139 161 160 86 89 90 115 115 NA Conservation Service(N of streamflow th k) in the mountai tain mountain slo g forecasting mo ishermen or even or companies un value in these for gy variability. Th the natural seaso . Unknown or un e water supply fo Jan Feb M ar 108 97 88 109 96 94 88 85 81 105 99 89 101 90 94 91 83 87 66 49 82 65 74 86 91 56 47 63 53 58 66 83 71 71 70 85 96 100 103 114 107 108 117 110 110 207 166 150 69 51 83 110 102 98 112 104 84 90 79 78 104 99 98 RCS) 2013 Page 63 of 6 at might pass a poi s during winter a es in the Cascad e difficult. While white-water rafter er coverage (Avis casts as a possib percent-of-avera nal flow of water. redictable weath ecast. Apr M ay 85 91 96 107 56 NA 83 86 91 82 90 95 105 73 144 78 69 90 92 97 125 139 139 60 104 92 97 93 108 102 152 126 87 87 98 105 80 90 82 95 96 88 8 nt d s o ) a e e n r June Comp Allete Amer Ameri Avista CMS Cleco Cons DTE Domi Duke Enter Exelo FirstE Great IDAC MDU NV E NextE NiSou North Otter PPL Pepco Pinna Portla South TECO Wisco Xcel Total Owne Note: Sourc KeyB Equit 2013 Ta ny Inc. n Corp. an Electric Power, Corp. nergy, Inc. Corp. lidated Edison, Inc nergy Co. ion Resources, Inc. nergy Corp. y Corp. Corp. ergy Corp Plains Energy, Inc. RP, Inc. esources Group, I ergy, Inc. a Energy, Inc. ce Inc. estern Corp. ail Corp. orp. Holdings, Inc. le Wes d General Electric rn Company Energy, Inc. nsin Energy Corp. nergy Inc. Capacity & Fuel Mi d % = Operating Ca ata as of 2011 bas : SNL Power; Com anc Capit Researc le 8. Do Tic AL A nc. A A C C E D D D ET E FE G ID c. M N N NI N O P P P o. P S TE W X x Averages pacity (MW); Used d on current owner any data, KeyBanc al Markets mestic Ge Oper. Ca e (M E E P A S L E K R C P U E E E TR L M W R C L 4 % = Net Generation ( hip, rounded to ne Capital Markets Inc. Inc., Mem eration C pacity ) 1,559 Owned: Used: 17,256 Owned: Used: 40,127 Owned: Used: 1,931 Owned: Used: 7,875 Owned: Used: 4,624 Owned: Used: 831 Owned: Used: 12,390 Owned: Used: 27,737 Owned: Used: 38,684 Owned: Used: 31,293 Owned: Used: 27,028 Owned: Used: 19,467 Owned: Used: 6,757 Owned: Used: 3,537 Owned: Used: 576 Owned: Used: 6,581 Owned: Used: 45,453 Owned: Used: 3,334 Owned: Used: 710 Owned: Used: 754 Owned: Used: 19,143 Owned: Used: 803 Owned: Used: 6,463 Owned: Used: 2,825 Owned: Used: 45,049 Owned: Used: 4,720 Owned: Used: 6,867 Owned: Used: 18,811 Owned: Used: 403,188 Owned: Used: MWh) rest whole ercent ber NYSE/ pacity fo Coal Nuc 80% 91% 59% 84% 1 65% 78% 1 11% 20% 39% 73% 24% 64% 0% 0% 60% 76% 1 30% 1 38% 44% 1 57% 8% 12% 5% 3% 60% 63% 57% 83% 1 29% 33% 69% 91% 14% 23% 2% 1 3% 77% 85% 61% 89% 72% 85% 55% 1 71% 1 0% 0% 27% 1 46% 24% 47% 47% 51% 1 38% 60% 60% 86% 42% 61% 1 40% 54% age. Totals may not FINRA/SI KBCM U Generating Pl lea Gas 0% 0% 0% 0% 7% 27% 2% 1% 6% 26% 0% 11% 0% 30% 0% 10% 0% 46% 0% 18% 0% 76% 0% 36% 0% 46% 0% 73% 9% 20% 9% 1% 5% 31% 3% 23% 4% 29% 8% 10% 3% 58% 3% 25% 4% 12% 1% 1% 3% 6% 5% 0% 8% 25% 3% 1% 0% 13% 0% 1% 0% 21% 0% 1% 0% 85% 0% 77% 3% 48% 3% 54% 0% 23% 0% 15% 0% 32% 0% 11% 0% 6% 0% 1% 2% 18% 8% 5% 0% 0% 0% 0% 8% 54% 4% 21% 0% 41% 0% 25% 8% 34% 6% 30% 0% 61% 0% 40% 0% 29% 0% 11% 9% 42% 6% 19% 8% 32% 4% 18% sum to 100% due to PC tilities Co nts by Fuel Type Oil Hydro 0% 8% 0% 5% 3% 5% 0% 3% 0% 2% 0% 1% 0% 56% 0% 65% 0% 13% 0% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 54% 0% 27% 0% 3% 7% 0% 2% 14% 9% 2% 4% 2% 9% 0% 3% 0% 0% 0% 0% 9% 6% 0% 3% 1% 11% 0% 3% 8% 0% 0% 0% 0% 57% 0% 66% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 17% 1% 4% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 7% 0% 0% 0% 9% 1% 0% 1% 10% 5% 1% 5% 99% 0% 77% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 2% 17% 0% 23% 5% 6% 0% 3% 1% 0% 0% 0% 5% 1% 0% 1% 1% 3% 0% 2% 9% 8% 4% 7% rounding. verage Lis Wind O 4% 2% 0% 0% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 3% 2% 0% 0% 3% 1% 0% 0% 2% 2% 0% 0% 9% 6% 0% 0% 19% 14% 0% 0% 0% 0% 12% 13% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 16% 6% 0% 0% 0% 0% 5% 2% 2% 1% 3% 2% Page 64 of 6 Capacity the Reported 7% 100% 3% 0% 100% 0% 0% 97% 0% 3% 100% 4% 1% 100% 1% 0% 100% 0% 0% 97% 0% 1% 99% 1% 0% 92% 0% 0% 99% 0% 0% 99% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 89% 0% 0% 99% 0% 0% 100% 0% 1% 100% 2% 0% 100% 0% 0% 98% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 1% 100% 3% 1% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 99% 0% 1% 100% 1% 1% 1% June KeyB Equit 2013 Compan Ameren American DTE Ener Dominion Duke Ene Entergy Exelon C First Ene Great Pla NextEra PPL Corp Pinnacle Progress Southern Xcel Ene Other Co Total Source: U anc Capit Researc y Corporation Electric Pow er y Company Resources, Inc. rgy Corporation orporation rporation gy Corp. ns Energy nergy, Inc. ration est Capital Co Energy Company gy Inc. panies Not Co S Nuclear Regulato al Markets Table 9. Company, Inc. p. ered ry Commission, as Inc., Mem Nuclear Ticker AE AE DTE D DUK ET EX F GX NEE PPL PNW -- S XEL -- of as of Mar 31, 20 Nuclear Out er NYSE/ utage Da nits To 1 2 1 1 7 2 7 2 11 10 22 16 4 1 7 8 14 2 3 2 5 20 6 5 3 4 21 39 104 1,28 13; KeyBanc Capit 1Q12 ge Days By C FINRA/SI s by Co al Units 1.0 1 .6 2 7.3 1 .1 7 .2 12 .3 11 .7 22 7.4 4 .5 1 .0 8 .7 2 1.5 3 .0 0 1.1 6 .5 3 .5 21 0.4 104 al Markets estimat 1 ompany C mpany Total 1.7 8.3 51.3 10.6 189.6 178.3 127.6 23.5 56.0 175.8 19.1 5.1 0.0 90.4 64.0 531.4 1,532.7 es 1Q13 Units To ( 4 ( 5 1 5 ( ( ( (5) (2 (5) 1 0 2 Difference Page 65 of 6 tal 0.7 5.4) 4.0 3.5) 6.4 5.1 7.1) 6.1 9.5) 7.8 5.4 6.4) 2.0) 9.2 0.6 0.9 52.3 June STA Thirt effici facto capa vs. g targe In Ta Sout man capa KeyB Equit 2013 E RENEW y-six states an ncy and ren s, including: t ity installed v ins from effici s being set ar ble 10, every Dakota, Uta atory target. ity by the 201 anc Capit Researc BLE PORTF d the District wable resour he ultimate a . generation ency; which r voluntary or tate with a da h, Vermont a urrently, Lou -2013 time fr al Markets OLIO STAN of Columbia h es. The resu ount or level utput); timelin newable reso andatory. te listed has a d Virginia) h isiana has a me. Inc., Mem ARDS ave adopted s t is a patch to be targete e for impleme rces are to b opted an RP ve set volun ilot renewabl ber NYSE/ tate RPSs to f ork of differe ; how to me ntation; balan included in t into law. Six ary renewabl program tar FINRA/SI oster electricit t state stand sure the initi e between re e RPS; and e states (Indian portfolio go geting 350 M PC investments rds on seve tive (percent ewables usa ven whether t , North Dako ls instead of of renewa in al of e e a, a le Page 66 of 6 June KeyB Equit 2013 * Denotes states tSources: http://w Company State original RPS law ado tion date A Arizona2/26/06 15 California 9/12/02 33 Colorado11/2/04 30 Connecticut 7/1/98 27 District of Columbia 1/19/05 11 Delaware 7/21/05 25 Florida Hawaii6/2/04 25 Iowa 10/21/83 10 M Illinois 8/28/07 25 Indiana* 5/1/11 10 Kansas 5/22/09 20 Maine9/28/99 10ne Maryland5/26/04 20 Massachusetts7/2/08 15 Michigan10/6/08 10 Minnesota 2/22/07 25 Missouri11/4/08 15 Montana 4/28/05 15 anc Capit Researc hat have set volunw.eere.energy.godata, KeyBanc Ca mt Year Comments %2025 2.5% of total electr 2025. 5% of the rea 30% "distributedfrom facilities insta 2020 Renewable energy geothermal, small Governor signed a 2010 to 33% by 20approved bill X1-2 relying on Californi 2020 On 3/22/10 HB 10 investor-owned util12% of their retail wind, geothermal, 2015, and 30% by electric technolo i 2020 On 6/4/07 HB 743(solar, wind, sustaifrom "Class I" or " and 4% from "Clas 2022 Two-tiered system:treatment gas, geo"Tier 2" includes h district’s renewabl18-0223 amended used to meet more solid waste will no 2025 18% from renewab renewable fuels, 3digestion, and land n Executive Orderules. On Jan. 30, the state Legislatu Other target dates: Le islature did not 2020 10% of net electric(wind, solar, oceanincreased to 25% efficiency savings. 5 Not an official RPS investor-owned utilcontract for 105 Mhydro, municipal s of wind capacity b 2025 10% by 2015 and come from wind pEligible renewableimplement energy 2015. 2025 SB 251 sets a volu10% clean energy utilities) must appl eligible for incentiv 2019 - 2024: at leaclean energy. 2020 Generate or purch 2020 and beyond. sources include wiwaste, untreated MW or less. 2017 Original standard additional 10% by wind, geothermal, service after 9/1/0 2022 On 4/24/08 the RPfrom renewable so7.5% from other re gas, geothermal, o hydro) by 2022. 2020 New law updates generation by 202Renewables includbiomass, marine, 2015 Qualifying sources and cogeneration. be used to cover s 2025 Xcel Energy (gene from renewable so include solar, windresources, and bio 2021 Voters passed prostandard. Investor- energy credits (2% 2015 Utilities can meet t electricity bundled limit the additional wind, solar, geothewastewater-treatm al Markets Table 10. tary goals for adop/states/maps/reneital Markets Inc. r icity sold from renewable en ewables to come from solar energy technology requireled before 1/1/1997 are not resources include biomass, ydropower, and ocean-gen executive order increasing 20. On 3/29/11, the Californistablishing the 33% by 202 Air Resources Board regul 1 increased the RPS standa ities serving 40,000 or more lectric sales from eligible reiomass, and small hydroele2020. 3% of these amounts s. RECs ma be used to sat increased the RPS standarable biomass, ocean-generlass II" (trash-to-energy, hy III" (distributed heat, conse "Tier 1" includes solar, windthermal, ocean-generating, dropower and municipal soli energy to come from solar the RPS so that municipal sthan 20% of a Tier 2 requireonger be eligible to generat le resources by 2019 (wind, MW hydroelectric facilities, fill gas). 3.5% of state electri from July 13, 2007 directed 009 the Florida Public Servi e requiring 20% generation 7% by 2013, 12% by 2016 act on or ratif the le islatio ty sales to come from renew thermal, wave, and biomasy 2020 and 40% by 2030. 3 , but 1983 Alternative Energ ities (Mid-American and Inte of renewable power (photlid waste, and anaerobic dig 2010. 5% by 2025. 75% of the ele wer generation, 6% from ne include solar, biomass, andfficiency standard to reduce ntary Clean Energy Portfolio y 2025, based on 2010 lev to the Indiana Utility Regula s in order to pay for project st 7% average; 2025 - 2025: se renewable energy of 10 enerated energy counts as d, solar thermal and photovood, fuel cells, existing hydr f 30% by the year 2000. RP017 for new renewable souydro, biomass, or municipal . was accelerated to 20% of rces by 2022. At least 2% ewable sources (wind, bio ean-generated, fuel cells fr revious RPS of 4% in 2009 t with 1% increase each sube solar, wind, ocean, fuel celnd geothermal. include wind, solar, hydropo dvanced fossil fuel technolme of a utility's obligation. ates about half of the state’ rces by 2020. "Eligible Ren small (<100MW) hydroelecass. osition C for state-wide RPowned utilities qualify with th from solar sources). 2% by e standard by entering into ith renewable energy credit ost utilities must pay for renrmal, existing hydro, landfill nt gas, nontoxic biomass, a Inc., Mem State Ren ting renewable enwable_portfolio_stsearch ergy sources by 2010 and 15 power in 2007, and will rament by 2011. Renewable enligible. solar thermal, photovoltaics, rated power. On 9/15/09 the the original requirement of 2 Assembly passed Senate- standard into law rather thtions. rd to 30% by 2020. Require ustomers to generate or puewable energy resources (stric) by 2010, increasing to ust come from distributabl isf standard to 20% renewables from "ted, landfill gas, 5MW hydrro facilities, and other bioma rvation, waste recovery prog , biomass, landfill gas, wastnd fuel cells from renewable waste. Additional 0.386% nergy by 2022. On 7/2/10 Dlid waste incineration may nment. Beginning 2013 muni Tier 2 RECs. cean-generated, fuel cells f ustainable biomass, anaeroity supply from solar PV by the state commission to drace Commission proposed a rom renewable resources b nd 18% by 2019. The Florid in 2009 or 2010. able sources by 2010, 15% ). On June 25, 2009, RPS w0% by 2030 to come from e Production state law mand state Power/Light) to own or voltaics, landfill gas, wind, bestion). Voluntary goal of 1, tricity used to meet the RP solar photovoltaic by 6/1/2 existing hydropower. Utilitie electric usage by 2% of de Standard (CPS) program gols. Qualifying electric utilitiestory Commission (IURC) to . 2013 - 2018: at least 4% a at least 10% average qualif by 2011, 15% by 2016 and 1.1 MW for each MW. Eligibltaic, dedicated agricultural power and new hydropower was increased in June 200ces (fuel cells, tidal power, ssolid waste recycling) place state’s electricity supply muust come from solar sourceass, anaerobic digestion, la m renewable fuels, and sm 15% new renewable electriequent year, with no set exls from renewable fuels, lan er, landfill gas, waste com gies and efficiency measur electricity) required to prod wable Energy Technologies ric, hydrogen from renewabl repealing current voluntary ir own generation or renew 2011; 5% by 2014; 10% by ong-term purchase contract s. The law includes cost cap ewable energy. Resources ir farm-based methane gas, d fuel cells from renewable ber NYSE/ wable P ergy standards insttes.cfm; http://ww State original RPS la ado tion date % by up to rgy Nevada3/15/07 wind, % by n New Hampshire 5/11/07 large chase lar, 0% by solar- New Jersey2/9/99 lass I" ), 3% ss), ams). New Mexico 3/5/07 water-fuels. f the Law t be ipal New York 9/22/04 om bic 025. North Carolina 8/20/07 t RPS PS to 2020. a North Dakota*3/21/07 y 2015 s ergy Ohio5/1/08 tes two omass, 00 MW Oregon 6/6/07 must 15. to and by Pennsylvania 12/16/04 l of (public e erage; ing Rhode Island 6/29/04 20% by le r plant of 10 South Dakota* 2/21/08 an lar, into Texas6/18/1999 t come and dfill ll Utah*3/18/08 city iration. fill gas, Vermont*6/14/05 ustion s may Virginia*4/11/07 ce 30% Washington 11/7/06 ble 018. West Virginia6/17/09 for that clude uels. Wisconsin 10/27/99 FINRA/SI rtfolio Sta ead of mandatory w.pewclimate.org/ w Amt Year Comme 25% 2025 SB 395 ofrom solaenergy ef solar, hy from sola 25% 2025 25% of stgeothermsmall hyd 22.5% 2021 B 3520 generatorequiremwind, waanaerobi facilit a 20% 2020 20% of ainclude squalifying encourag 29% 2015 On 1/8/1from exisTier", roubiofuel, f Sited Tie resource 12.5% 2021 By 2021, efficiency municipal 10% 2015 Voluntarrenewabl 25% 2025 12.5% elhydropoOther 12. fuel cells, buy, sell, from ene1% in 20 25% 2025 25% of u wind, sol facilities. photovolt 18% 2020 Two-tieresmall hyd side man must be 16% 2019 3% of ret1% a yeamust be f wind, oce biomass, schedule 10% 2015 Voluntar 5,880 MW 2015 On 8/1/0built in stMW in reresource 20% 2025 Voluntareffective 10% 2013 Voluntarwill beco hydropofacilities of state temphasi PSB to c report du 15% 2025 Voluntar sales (exwind, gereceive a Investor- percenta 15% 2020 ll utilitie energy u geothermfacilities, 25% 2025 10% by 2Eligible astorage, methane, synthetic and recybiomass, 10% 2015 On 3/17/and wav technolo outside o PC ndards targets. hat_s_being_do nts n 6/8/09 increased RPS to: energy. Utilities can also eiciency measures. Resourc ro, and wind. On June 8, 20 by 2016). ate's electricity from renewaal, hydrogen fuels, methane roelectric sources). n 1/17/10 required 5,316 M s by 2025. SB 2036 on 8/19nt calling for 1,000 MW of ce, tidal, geothermal, landfill digestion of food waste and d h dro ower. electric utility’s power must lar, wind, hydropower, geot biomass. Performance-bas e utilities to exceed annual s NY SPC increased RPS to ing facilities and 8.3% from hly 93% of incremental renel cells, hydroelectric, solar, " 7% of incremental renewa ). An additional 1% to come 12.5% of retail sales must c for investor-owned utilities. utilities. RPS passed by legislature s by 2015. ctricity sold in the state to cer, geothermal, or biomass), 5% may come from alternati energy-efficiency, and cleaand trade renewable energy gy efficiency savings. Electri9, and an additional 0.75% ility electric load from new re r, wave, geothermal, bioma n 6/25/09 HB 3039 requireic. resources to meet RPS: 8ropower, geothermal, and bi gement, large hydropower, olar-provided generation (p il electricity sales must comr through 2020. Existing renom new renewable producti an-generated, the heat of th and fuel cells using renewaafter 2013. RPS of 10% retail electricity SB 20 increased RPS to 5,te (about 5% of the state's ewable generation capacity . RPS goal of 20% of adjusteenewable energy. goal of 10% of 2005 total ele mandatory in 2013. Rene er, landfill methane gas, anxcluding municipal solid wa comply with RPS. On 3/20/ing use of Vermont's farms nsidering changing state's 10/1/11. RPS goal (updated 4/2/10) luding average nuclear powthermal, hydropower, wave, double credit toward RPS gwned utilities are incentivize e of the power sold in VA fr in WA serving more than 2 ing renewable sources by 2 al, landfill gas, wave, ocean, iodiesel fuel not from defor 015 and 15% by 2020 from ternatives include advanced ltra/supercritical and pressunatural gas, coal gasificatio gas, IGCC, waste coal, tire-led energy. Eligible renewabiofuels, and fuel cells. 6 RPS was increased to 10 action, fuel cells using rene y, and hydropower less than Wisconsin is eligible. ne/in_the_states/rp 20% by 2015, at least 5% murn credit for up to 25% of ths include biomass, fuel cells 9 RPS was updated to 25% le resources by 2025 (inclugas, ocean-generated, biom to be generated from in-st 10 is nation's first carve-out pacity, details TBD. Resourethane gas, fuel cells from sewage sludge at a biomas come from renewable sourcermal, fuel cells from renewd financial or other incentive andards. 9% of renewables by 2015. ew sources categorized intwables generation (biogas, ocean or tidal power, and wi les generation (fuel cells, so through voluntary power sal me from renewable energy 0% by 2018 for electric coo f 10% retail electricity sold t me from renewables (wind, half of which must be genere energy resources (nuclea carbon capture technology)credits to comply. 22.5% by utilities must reduce peak ach year through 2018. newable sources by 2025. R s, new hydro or upgrades to 20 MW by 2020 to come fr from Tier 1 (wind, solar, comass), 10% from Tier 2 (wa municipal solid waste, and I rt of Tier 1) by 2020. from renewable energy by wables count for only 2% of n. Resources include direct earth, small hydroelectric f le fuels. The PUC will revie sold to come from renewabl 80 MW of new renewable glectricity demand) by 2015. by 2025. 500 MW by 2025 f retail sales by 2025. Utilitie ctric sales to be achieved bable resources include win erobic digesters, and sewagte. Vermont utilities can buil8, new renewable goal of 2nd forests. On 6/4/10 HB 78 PS goals to a full-fledged R f 15% of 2007 base year uti r supply) by 2025. Resourcidal, and biomass energy. als. Offshore wind receive a d with increased rate of retu m eligible renewable energy ,000 people must produce 1 20. Resources include wate tidal power, gas from sewagsted land and biomass. lternative or renewable enercoal technology (e.g., carboized fluidized bed technolog or liquefaction facility-prod erived fuel, pumped storage les are solar, wind, hydropo by 2015. Qualifying renewable fuels, solar, wind, bio 60 MW. Renewable energy Page 67 of 6 s.cfm st be generated RPS through , geothermal, by 2025 (6% es wind, solar, ss, and existing te solar ffshore wind es include solar, enewable fuels, generating s. Resources ble fuels, and s are used to 20.7% of target two-tiers. "Main iomass, liquid d). "Customer- lar, and wind s. r energy eratives and come from olar, ted in Ohio. power plants, Utilities may 2025 to come nergy demand esources include existing hydro m solar lmine methane, ste coal, demand CC), and 0.5% 006, increasing RPS, the rest solar radiation, cilities, eligible /revise the s by 2015. neration to be oal of 10,000 om non-wind s to pursue cost- 2012, else RPS , solar, large -treatment generation out % by 2025 1 required the S standard. PSB ity electricity s include solar, ind and solar triple credit. n to procure a sources. 5% of their , wind, solar, e treatment y sources. capture and es), coal bed ced fuel, hydroelectric, er, geothermal, bles include tidal ass, geothermal generated 8 June Ke Impo Reg The r reflec comp resea Ratin BUY oppor HOL this ti UND oppor The i guara report of the other befor herei Direct factor factor servic Inves Pleas Ratin Rati BUY HOL SELL KeyB Equit 2013 Banc tant disclosur /C Certificatio esearch analyst( the research nsation was, i ch report. g System: - The security is unistically, subj - The security i e. RWEIGHT - T unistically. formation cont teed. The opi does not consti r families from employees, an , after or concu . One or more ors of any comp , including the and overall Fir es. In accordan ors should assu refer to the an g Disclosures g [BUY] D [HOLD] [UND] anc Capit Researc apital s for the comp s) responsible f nalyst's perso , or will be dire expected to out ct to their over s expected to p e security is e ined in this rep ions expressed ute an offer to s wning securitie members of th rrently with the f our employee any referred to i nalyst’s produ revenues, wh e with industry e that we are lysts' recently p KeyBanc Cap Count 226 266 11 al Markets Markets nies mentione or the preparatio al views about tly or indirectly erform the mar ll diversification rform in line wit pected to und rt is based on reflect the judg ell or a solicitati of any compa ir families may ublication of thi , other than th this report. T tivity, the qualit ch include reve ractices, our a eeking or will s ublished reports Distribution tal Markets Percent 44.93 52.88 2.19 Inc., Mem Inc. Di in this report n of this researc any and all o related to the et over the nex requirements. h general mark rperform the ources consid ment of the aut n of an offer to y followed by t have positions s report. In so research analy e research anal of the analyst’ ues derived fro alysts are prohi ek investment b for company-sp of Ratings/IB B Serv./Past 12 Count Perc 52 23. 62 23. 4 36. ber NYSE/ closur can be found a h report certifies the subject s pecific recomm six to 12 mont t indices over th arket over the red to be reliab or as of the da uy any securiti at analyst, unle in these securit e instances, su t responsible fo st responsible research and , among other ited from solicit nking or other cific valuation Services Fir os. nt 01 1 6 Rating BUY [BUY] HOLD [HO SELL [UND FINRA/SI s and t https://key2.b that:(1) all the curities or iss endations or vi s; investors sh e next six to 12 next six to 12 le but is not re te of publicatio s. Our compan s otherwise dis ies and may, a ch investments r the preparatio or the preparati tock recommen business activiti ing investment usiness relatio nd risks. mwide and by LD] ] PC Certifica luematrix.com/ views expressed ers; and (2) n ws expressed uld consider ad months; no buy months; invest resented to be and are subje y policy prohibit closed. Our off principal or ag may be inconsi of this report, n of this report dations, ratings s, the Firm’s p anking busines ships with the c Secto ENERGY Count Pe 29 38 0 tions ellside/Disclo in this research part of the r y the research ding the securit or sell action is rs should redu complete and it t to change wit research anal cers, directors, ent, bu and s tent with the o ay be a memb s compensated from investor cl rformance of in for our Firm. mpany describ IB Serv./ cent Cou 43.28 1 6.72 1 0.00 Page 68 of 6 ures.action. report accurate search analyst analyst(s) in th to their holdin recommended ce their holdin accuracy is n out notice. Th sts and membe hareholders an ll such securiti inions expresse r of the Board based on vario ents, competiti estment bankin d in this report. Past 12 Mos. nt Percent 8 62.07 7 44.74 0 0.00 8 y s s s t s t s s s f s