HomeMy WebLinkAbout20091125Exchange Agreement Clatskanie.pdfBARTON L. KLINE Lead Counsel bklinetâidahopower.com etlDA~PORCI An IDACORP Company November 24, 2009 VIA HAND DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Exchange Agreement between Clatskanie People's Utilty District and Idaho Power Company ("Exchange Agreement" Dear Ms. Jewell: This letter is written to advise the Commission that Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power" or "Company") has entered into the above-referenced Exchange Agreement. A copy of the Exchange Agreement is enclosed for the convenience of the Commission. Idaho Power is not seeking ratemaking approval of the Exchange Agreement as the Company believes this transaction wil be appropriately addressed in the ordinary course of the Company's power cost adjustment mechanism ("PCA"). Clatskanie People's Utility District ("Clatskanie") is headquartered in Clatskanie, Oregon, in the northwestern corner of Oregon. Clatskanie, along with five irrigation districts in southern Idaho, are developing the Arrowrock Hydroelectric Project (the "Project"). The Project is rated at 18 MW and is located at Arrowrock Dam, an existing USBR dam on the Boise River. Clatskanie contractually acquired the right to the net electrical output from the project. Pursuant to the Exchange Agreement, Idaho Power has agreed to take all of the output from the Project. A transmission line approximately 5.5 miles long wil connect the Project's electrical facilities with a substation on Idaho Power's electrical system. Since Arrowrock Dam is operated with a primary emphasis on flood control and irrigation, generation from the Project is anticipated to be highest in the irrigation months when Idaho Power's load service requirements are higher due to summer irrigation pumping and air conditioning loads. Energy wil be returned by the Company to Clatskanie generally in months when Clatskanie's loads are higher. P.O. Box 70 (83707) 1221 W. Idaho St. Boise. ID 83702 Jean D. Jewell, Secretary November 24, 2009 Page 2 The parties to the Agreement agreed to use an Energy Bank Account ("EBA") to account for the value of energy delivered under the Agreement. The Intercontinental Exchange index for Mid-Columbia Heavy Load Hours and Light Load Hours wil be used to establish the value of energy delivered to Idaho Power and returned to Clatskanie. The EBA does not create an obligation for dollar payment between the parties, but enables the parties to calculate the volume of energy to be exchanged. Idaho Power's obligation to return energy wil cease when the dollar balance in the EBA becomes zero. The initial term of the Agreement commences January 1, 2010, and provides Idaho Power renewal rights. Non-price terms and conditions for deliveries to Idaho Power wil be governed by Schedule B "Unit Commitment Service," of the Western Systems Power Pool Agreement ("WSPP"). Energy returned to Clatskanie wil be made pursuant to Schedule B or Schedule C of the WSPP depending upon the point of delivery. For PCA purposes, the Company will treat the Exchange Agreement as a purchase of energy when the Company is receiving power from the Arrowrock project and a surplus sale of energy when the Company is delivering energy to Clatskanie. The principal benefit of the Exchange Agreement is the avoidance of transmission expense by both Idaho Power and Clatskanie. Idaho Power requests that you bring this letter to the attention of the Commissioners. Respectfully submitted,(J~ Barton L. Kline BLK:csb Enclosure cc: James Thompson (w/encl.) Greg Said (w/encl.) f'r'\ EXCHANGE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CLATSKANI PEOPLE'S UTILITY DISTRICT AN IDAHO POWER COMPAN This Exchange Agreement ("Agreement"), dated September 11, 2009, is by and between Clatskanie People's Utility Distrct, 469 North Nehalem Street, P.O. Box 216, Clatskanie, Oregon 97016, an Oregon people's utilty distrct, ("Clatskane"), and Idaho Power Company, 1221 West Idaho Street, P.O. Box 70, Boise, Idaho 83707, an Idaho Corporation, ("IPC"). Each entity may be refered to hereafter individually as "Party" and collectively as"Pares." . In consideration of the Paries mutual promises, representations and undertkings, they covenant and agree as follows: 1. Resource: The Arowrock Hydroelectrc Power Project (the "Project") is an 18 MW hydroelectrc project now under constrction at the existing United States Bureau of Reclamation ("USBR") operated Arrowrock Dam on the Boise River in Ada County, Idaho. Pursuant to the Power Purchase and Sales Contract (the "Contract") effective August 1,2004, as amended, Clatskanie has contractually acquired the right to al of the net electrcal output to be produced from the Project from five irgation districts from Idaho and Oregon, namely Boise-Kuna, Nampa & Meridian, New York, Wilder, and Big Bend (the "Irgation Distrcts"). The anticipated completion date for the Project is December 2009. The Project is expected to produce an average of approximately 81,000 MW annually. 2. Preconditions For Effectiveness: The effectiveness of this Agreement shall be subject to: a. Approval of the Agreement, on satisfactory terms and conditions to Idaho Power, by the Idaho Public Utility Commission, and the Federal Energy Reguatory Commission. Idaho Power shall make the necessar filings with these Commssions. Clatskane agrees to cooperate in good faith to obtai necesary approval to implement the Agreement b. Acquisition of the r~uired transmssion to move the energy frm the Project to Idaho Power tranmission system. c. The Project achieving commercial operation status as determned by the tenns of the Contract. 3. Term and Termination: a. The Initial Term of the Agrement shall commence the earlier of Januar 1,2010, or such other date that power is delivered to Clatskane from the Project, though Page 1 of10 .~r'. December 31,2015. Provided, however, that commencement of the Intial Term shall be deferd until all of the preonditions for effectiveness listed in secon 2 hereof have been satisfied. b. IPC shall have the right to renew the Agreement for two additiona15 year ters. Should Idaho Power desire to renew the Agreement beyond its Intial Term or a subsequent renewal term (if any), Idao Power shall provide G:latskane written notice of its intent to renew at least 180 days,prior to the expiration of the Intial Term or a subsequent renewal term. c. This Agreement shall either be suspended or termated if Clatskanie's right to purchase Project output under the Contract is suspended or terminated for any reason. Clatskanie shall promptly advise Idao Power of developments or notices related to potential suspension or termtion of the Contrct. 4. Delivery Points: a. Deliveries to Idaho Power shal be at Idaho Power's 34.5 kV bench feeder located adjacent to the Lucky Peak Nurery south of Mores Creek Bridge, Ada County, Idaho ( "Idaho Power POR"). b. Deliveries to Clatskanie shall be made at either the Idaho Power interconnection with Bonnevile Power Admstration ("BPA") at LaGrande, or BPA's Slatt substation, or the Mid-Columbia ("Mid-C") power hub, or other unconstrained interconnection with BPA to be determned at Idaho Power's discretion. ("Clatskanie POR"). 5. Energy Ban Account: a. Deliveries to each Par puruant to ths Agreement shal be recorded in an Energy Ban Account ("EBA"). Idao Power shall account for all deliveries under the Agrement and sha issue monthy statements to Clatskane showing al transactions and balances in the account. These records shal be subject to audit by Clatskane upon reasonable advance notice. b. The EBA balance does not create an obligation for dollar payment betwee the Pares, but enables the Pares to calculate the volume of energy to be exchanged pursuant to values determined as follows: (i) Each MW delivered to Idaho Power durg Heavy Load Hours ("HLH") or Light Load Hours ("LLH"), as defined by the NERC and/or NAESB stdads or business practices, shal be multiplied by the correspondig Intercontienta Exchange ("ICE") Mid-C HLH or LLH daily average index for such day. The product wil be recorded as a positive value in the EBA. Page 2 of9 ,'~,r\ (ii) Each MW delivered to Clatskane durng HLH or LLH shall be multiplied by the correspondig ICE Mid-C HLH or LLH daily average index for such day. The product wi be recorded as a negative value in theEBA. (üi) Should the ICE index be materially revised or termted" at any tie durng the term of ths Agreement, such that it no longer reflects the average HLH or LLH price for the day, the Pares agree to promptly negotiate in good faith a replacement index to be used in lieu of ICE. The vaues of the energy to be exchaged via delivery from Clatskane to IPC and delivery from IPC to Clatskaie are equal and the Paries reasonably expect them to be equal over any thee (3) year period of exchange. The Paries do not intend that the balance of the EBA shall go below zero at any time. Once the value of the EBA falls below zero, then Idaho Power wil have the right to cease deliveries until the dollar balance value becomes positive. 6. Delivery of Energy to Idaho Power: a. Wee1dy Generation Schedule. To assist the Parties in maming the value of generation from the Project, Clatskaie wil provide Idaho Power a preliminar operating schedule prior to the begig of each caenda month. The preliminar schedule will indicate anticipated timng of water releases from the Project for the upcoming month. In addition, each week, Clatskane will tranmit to Idaho Power the weekly water budget ("Weekly Release Volume") that the Ingation Distrcts and USBR jointly determe for flows to be released from Arowrock Reseroir into Lucky Peak Reservoir for the upcomig Operatig Week (Sunday though Satuday). Clatskaie wi endeavor to trnsmit the Weekly Release Volume on Thurday or Friday of the week preceding the release. Idao Power shall endeavor to advise Clatskanie on Friday prior to the begig of each operatig week of Idaho Power's planed generation schedule for each day of that operating week. Idaho Power wil consider all hydrulic or other constrts when planng the weekly schedule and wi endeavor to plan consistent with the followig priciples and as ilustrated in Exhbit A to this Agreeent. Clatskane will use its best efforts to caue the Project opertors to accommodate the planed schedule if there is flexibilty in the Project, such as avaiabilty in plant generation capacity, water and trsmission capacity. (i) Clatskane wi use its best effort to cause the Project operators to schedule Project generation in a maner designed to max the generation durg HLHs durg the week. In order to better match Idaho Power load profiles, HLH perod is fuer divided into two sub-perods - - HLH-I and HLH-2. Page 3 of9 ,,,...~.. (ii) Clatskae will use its best effort to cause the Project operators to schedule Project generation in HLH-l periods as requested by Idaho Power durg HLHs ("HLH-1") in any given day. (ii) After maximizig generation in the HLH -1 periods of each day, any remaining generation will be scheduled in HLH ~2. (iv) If there is stil more water scheduled to be released that day, the generation wil be scheduled in the LLHs. b. Real-Time or Pre-Schedule Adjustments to Weekly Generation Schedule. Should Idaho Power request a change to the weekly schedule in pre-schedule or real-time, Idaho Power wil endeavor to give Clatskåe or its designated agent as much advance notice as possible. However, Idao Power may submit requests for changes in the generation schedule up to the firm scheduling deadline provisions as provided by the Idaho Power Delivery pursuat to its Open Access Transmission Tarff Clatskane or its designated agent wil allow such schedule change if there is flexibilty in the Project, such as availabilty in plant generation capability, water and transmssion capacity. c. Project Maintenance. On or before the end of November of each year during the term of ths Agreement, Clatskane wil provide Idaho Power a proposed Anual Maitenance Schedule for the Project for the upcoming year. Idaho Power and Clatskane wil mutuy agree on an Anual Maintenance Schedule to be submitted to the Project for approval, and both Paries shal use best efforts to propose a maintenace schedule that is designed to maximize the generating capabilty and/or value of the Project in HLH's. Clatskae shall give Idao Power as much advance notice as possible of any unplaned maintenace or repair work requi by the Project that may afect generating capabilty or availabilty. d. Meterig. Clatskae shal be responsible for acquiring and paying for any tranmission, meterig and communcations to enable deliveries to the Idaho Power POR. Clatske shall pay al costs to intal, and maintan the Meterg . Equipment as requied and defied by the Interconnection Agrement. If the plan for the Meterig Equipment under the Interconnection Agreement is determned not to meet the needs of ths Agreement by Idaho Power's sole discretion, Clatskane shal pay to install additional meterig equipment requid to measure, record and report the Net Energy at the Idao Power POR in a maner to provide Idaho Power adequate energy measurement data to admster ths Agrement. e. Tele-metering. Clatskae shall cause the Project operators to instal, operate and matai, at no expense to Idaho Power, meterig, communcations and telemetr equipment that will be capable of providig Idao Power with contiuous intantaeous telemetr of Project's Net Energy produced and delivered to the Idaho Power POR to Idaho Power's designated dispatch facilty, as required by Page40f9 0.1.,\ the Interconnection Agreement between Idaho Power and the Project. If Idaho Power requests telemetr equipment, information or servces of any natue beyond that expressly requied by the Interconnection Agreement, Idao Power and Clatskane shall mutually cooperate to make effcient use of Clatskane's and Idaho Power's telemetry equipment to provide the additional inormaton requested by Idaho Power in the most cost-effective maner. Idaho Power shall be responsible for any costs associated with the additional telemetr equipment, inormation, servces or requiements tht are beyond those expressly required by the Interconnect Agreement. f. Losses. Generation recorded at the meter wil be adjusted downward by the loss percetage (curently 3.6%) madated by Idao Power FERC OATT Transmission Tariffs. The .fina adjusted amount of energy received at Idao Power POR would be deemed as deliveries to Idao Power and be used to caculate the value of the energy to be deposited at EBA. g. No delivery ofRECs. The power delivered to Idaho Power from the Project pursuant to ths Agreement shall not include any renewable energy credits ("RECs") or other non-power attrbutes that may otherwse be associated with Project generation. The RECs shall remai the sole, exclusive and unencumbered property of Clatskane, which :aay hold or tranfer them freely to pares other than Idaho Power at Clatskae's sole discretion. 7. Delivervof Energy to Clatskane: a. Durig the month of June, July, August, November, December, and Janua durg the term of ths Agreement, Idaho Power shall not be obligated to deliver any retu energy. However, the Pares may upon mutua, wrtten agreement, arange deliveries of retu energy durg these months. The use of emai or Instant Messenger shall be sufcient for a wrtten record of these mutual wrtten agreements. b. Durg all other months of the year Clatskane wil, subject to section 7.c. below, have the right to request and Idao Power the responsibilty to deliver energy. Clatskane will request retu energy for each schedulg day in equa hourly volumes for each stdad HLH and equal hourly volumes for each standad LLH. When practical and as a matter of convenience, retu energy wil generay be scheduled in stadard 25 MW hourly volumes. By mutual agreement, any amount other th 25 MW ca be retued. A tyical retu energy schedule by month, subject to sufcient positive EBA, is shown below: Month Feb Mar Aur Mav Sen OctRetu252525252525 . Energy CM) Page 5 of9 r'r'. c. Idaho Power will use its best efforts to schedule deliveries of the energy to be retued in day-ahead. However, no energy deliveries wil be requied for those pre-schedule days for which Idao Power is not, in its sole determination, in an energy surlus position. If Idaho Power pre-scheduled daily deficits remai for more than 15 days in any given month selected as retung month, Idaho Power shal resume retug energy to Clatskae at Mid-C. d. In the event Idaho Power elects in pre-schedule to retu energy hereunder at the La Grande POD, but due to forces beyond Clatskanie's control, transmission constraints prevent Clatskanie's receipt of energy at LaGrande, then return energy deliveries wi be either: (1) postponed unti the trmission constrint is relieved; (2) made at a mutually agreed alternate POD; or (3) settled fiancially based upon a mutually agreed upon price. If the Pares ca not mutually agree to any of the above alterntives, deliveries wil then be deferred unti Clatskanie is able to receive energy at LaGrade. 8. Scheduling: All deliveries to Clatskane shall be scheduled on a day-ahead basis and in a timely manner in accordace with industr stada day-ahead scheduling practices. Additional deliveries may be made on real-tie, as requested by Clatskanie, but at the sole discretion of Idao Power. Ifrea-tie cuts occur, the pre-scheduled MW for those hours wil not be subtracted from the value of the ban (they will be treated as if they were never scheduled). 9. Incorporation of Term and Conditions: a. Deliveries to Clatskanie. Unless the Pares have agreed otherwse in this Exchange Agreement, the tens and conditions of the Western Systems Power Pool Agreement ("WSPP Agreeent') revision Effective Apri 1, 2008, and its Schedules Band C, sha apply to delivery of energy to Clatskae hereunder. Deliveries made at Mid-C wil be made pursuant to Schedule C. Deliveries made at the Idaho Power system border wil be mae pursuant to schedule B "Unit Connitment Servce". b. Deliveries to Idaho Power. Unless the Paries have agreed otherwe in ths Exchange Agreement, the terms and conditions of the WSPP Agreement and its Schedule B "Unit Commtment Servce," shall apply to delivery of energy to Idalo Power hereunder. Revisions to the WSPP Agreement subsequent to Apri 1, 2008, shall not be applicable to ths Agrement uness mutuy agreed to in wrting by the Paries. c. This Agreement Controllig. In the event tht there is a confct between the express term or stated intent of ths Agreement and any provision of the WSPP Agreement as incorporated above, then the express terms or stated intent of ths Agreement shall be controlling. Page 6 of9 ,~..~. 10. Miscellaneous: a. Representations. Each Par, with respect to itself, by its signatue to this Agreement, hereby represents to the other Par, as of the date of execution, as follows: (i) It is duly organed, validly existing and in good stadig under the laws ' of the jursdiction of its formtion; (ii) The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement are within its statutory and corporate powers; (ii) It has full legal right, power and authority to execute, deliver and perorm its obligations under this Agreement; it has taken al appropriate and necessar action to authorize the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, including without limitation, the approval by its Board of Commssioners or Board of Directors, as the case may be; and ths Agreement has been duly and validly executed and delivered by it; and ths Agreement does not violate any of the terms or conditions in its governg documents or any contract to which it is a par or any law, rue, regulation, order, wrt, judgment, decree or other legal or regulatory deternation applicable to it; (iv) Ths Agreement constitutes a legal, vald and binding obligation of such Par enforceable against it in accordance with its term; (v) Except for necessar approval of this Agreement as referred to herein no authorization, approval, exemption or consent by any governental or public body or authority is requied in connection with th authoriation, execution, delivery and carg out of the terms of ths Agrement, which has not been obtaned; (vi) There are no banptcy, insolvency, reorganation, receivership or other arangement or proceedigs pendig or being contemplated by it, or to its knowledge thateed agaist it; (vi) There are no actions, suits, proceedigs or investigations pendig or, to the Par's knowledge, theatened againt such Par or any of its Affates, at law or in equty which, if adversely detered. would individuay or in the aggregate have a material adverse effect on the business, propertes or assets or the condition, ficial or otherwse, of such Par, or result in any impaient of such Par's abilty to perform its obligations under ths Agreement; b. Assignent. Neither Part shall assign ths Agreement or its rights hereunder without the prior writtn consent of the other Par, which consent may not be Page 7 of9 (""~.'-" uneasonably witheld. Provided, however, that either Part may, without the consent of the other, pledge or encumber this Agrement or the accounts, revenues or proceeds hereof in connection with any fmancing or other financial arangements; c.Notification. All notices to be given puruant to this Agreement shall be given to the Par at their respective contact and address as follows: ..'\ Clatskane People's Utiity Distrct Power Manager P.O. Box 216 Clatskane, Oregon 97016 powerlclatskanepud.com Facsiie: (503) 128-2182 Idaho Power Company Manager, Power Supply Operation P.O. Box 70 Boise, Idaho 83707 trark(fidahopower.com Facsimle: (208) 388-5234 Notices may be properly given by US Mail, private courer, electronic mail or facsimle. Either Par may change the identity of the contact person or the address for notice for such Par by providig notice thereof to the other Par pursuant to ths Section of the Agreement. d. ! Bindig Effect. This Ágreement shall be bindig upon the Parties and their successors and peritted assigns; e. Headigs. Section and subsection headigs are included solely for the convenience of the Partes and do not constitute a par of ths Agreement. No meanng shall be imputed to such headgs nor shall they be relied upon tointerpret ths Agreement; . £ Execution. Ths Agreement may be executed on separte counterpar, each of which when so executed and delivered, shal be an origial, but all such counterpars shal together constitute but one and the same instrent. The Pares have executed ths Agreement as of the date first wrtten above. CLATSKA PEOPLES UTILITY DISTRCT~IDAHO POWER COMPAN By:~\ß~' Danel B. Mior, Sr. Vice-President, Delivery (For Greg Booth, General Manager) Joseph A. Taffe, Actig General Manager Page 80f9 r-: ./' EXHBIT A The Pares will attempt to maximize generation from the Project in the hours designated HLH-l in ths Exhbit A: For Jan, Feb, Max, Oct, Nov and Dec For Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug and Sep HEPPT HEPPT HLH-I HLH-2 HLH-Pea Hour HLH-Shoulder Hour Light Load Hour Hour Endig Pacific Prevailing Time LLH HE PPT Page 9 of9