HomeMy WebLinkAbout20170315DSM 2016 Annual Report Corrected Page 175.pdfIdaho Power Company Appendices Demand-Side Management 2016 Annual Report Page 175 Appendix 3. 2016 DSM program activity—corrected Total Costs Savings Nominal Levelized Costs a Program Participants Utility b Resource c Annual Energy (kWh) Peak Demand d (MW) Measure Life (Years) Utility ($/kWh) Total Resource ($/kWh) Demand Response A/C Cool Credit1 ............................................................ homes $ 1,103,295 $ 1,103,295 n/a 34 n/a n/a n/a Flex Peak Program1 ....................................................... sites 767,997 767,997 n/a 42 n/a n/a n/a Irrigation Peak Rewards1 ............................................... service points 7,600,076 7,600,076 n/a 303 n/a n/a n/a Total ................................................................................................................................................... $ 9,471,367 $ 9,471,367 n/a 378 Energy Efficiency Residential Easy Savings ................................................................. kits $ 127,587 $127,587 402,961 9 $0.035 $0.035 Educational Distributions ............................................... kits/lightbulbs 2,392,884 2,392,884 15,149,605 10 0.016 0.016 Energy Efficient Lighting ................................................ lightbulbs 3,080,708 10,770,703 21,093,813 11 0.014 0.049 Energy House Calls ....................................................... homes 206,437 206,437 509,859 18 0.029 0.029 ENERGY STAR® Homes Northwest .............................. homes 142,158 297,518 150,282 36 0.051 0.107 Fridge and Freezer Recycling Program (See ya later, refrigerator®) ............................................ refrigerators/freezers 257,916 257,916 632,186 6 0.062 0.062 Heating & Cooling Efficiency Program ........................... 48 projects 594,913 1,404,625 1,113,574 20 0.036 0.085 Home Energy Audit ....................................................... audits 289,812 289,812 207,249 11 n/a n/a Home Improvement Program ......................................... projects 324,024 1,685,301 500,280 45 0.034 0.178 Multifamily Energy Savings Program ............................. projects 59,046 59,046 149,760 10 0.040 0.040 Oregon Residential Weatherization ............................... homes 3,930 5,900 2,847 30 0.079 0.118 Rebate Advantage ......................................................... 6 homes 111,050 148,142 411,272 25 0.016 0.022 Simple Steps, Smart Savings™ ...................................... appliances/showerheads 153,784 379,752 577,320 11 0.025 0.063 Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers ....... homes/non-profits 1,289,809 1,934,415 746,162 25 0.105 0.158 Weatherization Solutions for Eligible Customers ............ homes 1,323,793 1,323,793 621,653 25 0.130 0.130 Sector Total ..................................................................................................................................... $ 10,357,850 $21,283,831 42,268,823 8 $ 0.029 $ 0.059 Commercial Custom Projects (Custom Efficiency) ............................. projects $ 7,982,624 $ 16,123,619 47,518,871 11 $ 0.013 $ 0.026 Green Motors—Industrial ............................................... motor rewinds 123,700 16 n/a n/a New Construction (Building Efficiency) .......................... projects 1,931,222 4,560,826 12,393,249 12 0.014 0.033 Retrofits (Easy Upgrades) ............................................. projects 5,040,190 8,038,791 28,124,779 11 0.016 0.026 Sector Total ..................................................................................................................................... $ 14,954,036 $ 28,723,235 88,160,599 14 $ 0.014 $ 0.026 Appendices Idaho Power Company Page 176 Demand-Side Management 2016 Annual Report Appendix 3. 2016 DSM program activity (continued)—corrected Total Costs Savings Nominal Levelized Costs a Program Participants Utility b Resource c Annual Energy (kWh) Peak d (MW) Measure Life (Years) Utility ($/kWh) Total Resource ($/kWh) Irrigation Green Motors—Irrigation ............................................... motor rewinds 73,617 11 n/a n/a Irrigation Efficiency Reward ........................................... projects $ 2,372,352 $ 8,162,206 15,673,513 8 $ 0.018 $ 0.063 Sector Total ................................................................................................................................... $ 2,372,352 $ 8,162,206 15,747,130 8 $ 0.018 $ 0.062 Energy Efficiency Portfolio Total ................................................................................................. $ 27,684,239 $ 58,169,272 146,176,552 12 $ 0.017 $ 0.036 Market Transformation Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance .............................................................................................. $ 2,676,387 $ 2,676,387 24,615,600 Other Programs and Activities Residential Residential Energy Efficiency Education Initiative ....................................................................... $ 290,179 $ 290,179 Shade Tree Project ........................................................ trees 76,642 76,642 Commercial Oregon Commercial Audits ............................................ audits 7,717 7,717 Other Energy Efficiency Direct Program Overhead ............................................................................... 293,039 293,039 Total Program Direct Expense $ 40,499,570 $ 70,984,603 170,792,152 378 Indirect Program Expenses ............................................................................................................. 2,263,893 Total DSM Expense ...................................................................................................................... $ 42,763,464 a Levelized Costs are based on financial inputs from Idaho Power’s 2013 IRP, and calculations include line-loss adjusted energy savings. b The Total Utility Cost is the cost incurred by Idaho Power to implement and manage a DSM program. c The Total Resource Cost is the total expenditures for a DSM program from the point of view of Idaho Power and its customers as a whole. d Demand response program reductions are reported with 9.7-percent peak loss assumptions. 1 Peak demand is the peak performance of the program during summer 2016. 2