HomeMy WebLinkAbout200912282009 IRP Appendix A - Sales, Load Forecast.pdfiPC- E-09-33 orr ;0(" mN 000 tT -0:x r.wN '* An IOACORP Company .~\.~ This document printed on recycled paper. -Load Plan -2009 (1) An ¡DAtOR!' Compunv Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Sales and Load Forecast TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables .... .... .... .... ................ ........................ ............................ ............................... ............ ..... .......... ii List of Figues... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. ii List of Appendices.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ . iii Introduction............... ............................................................ ..................................................... ............... ...1 2009 IRP Sales and Load Forecast ..............................................................................................................3 Average Load...... ........ ............ .................... ............................................ .... .... .... .... .... .................... .... ...3 Peak-Hour Demands ....... .................................... ........ ........ .... .................... .................... ........ .... .... .... ...4 Overvew of the Forecast.............................................................................................................................5 Fuel Prices... ............................ ........ ............ ................ .... ............ ............................ ............................ ...5 Forecast Probabilities.............................................................................................................................7 Load Forecasts Based on Weather Varabilty.................................................................................7 Load Forecasts Based on Economic Uncertainty ............................................................................9 Residential. .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ............ .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ ........ .13 CommerciaL. .. .. .. ... . . .. . .. .. .... . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . .. .. .. .. .15 Irrigation... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .17 Industral............................... ........................ .... ................ ........ ........ .................... ........ ............ ................ .21 Additional Firm Load........... ................................................................................ .... ........ ........................ .23 Micron Technology..............................................................................................................................23 Simp10t Fertlizer ........ ........ ............................ ........................................ ............ ................ .... ............ .24 Idaho Nationa Laboratory...................................... ................ .................................... ........................ .24 Hoku Materials.....................................................................................................................................24 Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative ........................ .........................................................................24 Company Firm Load................................................................. ................................................................ .25 Company Firm Peak ..................................................................................................................................27 Company System Load........ ..... ........................ .................................................... .................................... .29 Contract Off-System Load.........................................................................................................................31 Total Company Load .................................................................................................................................33 Demad-Side Management....... ........ .... ............ .... ........ .................................... ........ .... ................ .... .... .... .35 Energy Effciency Programs.. ..... ... ............. .... .................... ........ ............ ............ ............ .... .... .... .... .... .35 Demand Response Programs...................................................................... ........................................ .36 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Pagei Appendix A-Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Table 1. Table 2. Table 3. Table 4. Table 5. Table 6. Table 7. Table 8. Table 9. Table 10. Table 11. Table 12. Table 13. Table 14. Table 15. LIST OF TABLES Residential Fuel-Price Escalation (2009-2029).. ................ .................... ............ .................... ...6 Average Load and Peak-Demand Forecast Scenarios ...............................................................8 Forecast Probabilities...............................................................................................................10 SysterrFirm Load Growt..... ........................ ........ .................................................................10 Residential Load Growt .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... ........ .13 Commercial Load Growt .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ ........ .... .... ... .... ..... ........ .15 Irrgation Load Growt ... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .17 Industral Load Growt............................................................................................................21 Additiona Firm Load Growt ............................................ .....................................................23 Firm Load Growt ...................................................................................................................25 Firm Sumer Peak-Load Growt............................................................................................27 Firm Winter Peak Load Growt......................................................... .................................... .28 System Load Growt .......................................................................................................... .... .29 Total Company Load Growt. .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ............ .33 DSM Programs............................................................................ ................ .................... ........ .35 LIST OF FIGURES Figue 1. Forecasted Electrcity Prices......................................................................................................6 Figue 2. Forecasted Residential Natual Gas Prices ................................................................................7 Figue 3 . Forecasted Firm Load............................................................................................................. .11 Figue 4. Forecasted Residential Load....................................................................................................13 Figue 5 . Forecasted Residential- U se- Per-Customer. .... ........ ................ ........ .... .... .... .... .... ............ ........ .14 Figue 6. Forecasted Commercial Load................................................................................................. .15 Figue 7. Forecasted Commercia1-Use-Per-Customer ............................................................................16 Figue 8. Forecasted Irrigation Load.. ............ .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... ................ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .17 Figue 9. Forecasted Industrial Load.......................................................................................................21 Figue 10. Industral Electrcity Consumtion by Industry Group .. .... .... ............ .... .................... .... .... .... .22 Figue 11. Forecasted Addtional Firm Load ............... .................... ............................ .................... .... .... .23 Figue 12. Forecasted Firm Load..... ........................ .... .................... ........ .................... .... .... .... ........ ........ .25 Figue 13. Forecasted Firm Summer Peak ................................... .... .... .................... .... .... .... .... .... .............27 Figue 14. Forecasted Firm Winter Peak...................................................................................................28 Figue 15. Forecasted System Load................. .... .... ............ .... ........ .... .... .................... .... .... .... ........ ........ .29 Pageii 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Sales and Load Forecast Figue 16. Forecasted Contract Off-System Load by Customer.......... ........ .................... ........ ............ .....31 Figue 17. Forecasted Total Load..............................................................................................................33 Figue 18. Composition of Electricity Sales............................................................................ ............ .....34 LIST OF ApPENDICES Appendix AI. Historical and Projected Sales and Load............................... .............. ............................. .37 Residential Load..................... ....................................................................... ..................................... .37 Historical Residential Sales and Load, 1970-2008.......................................................................37 Projected Residential Sales and Load, 2009-2029.......... .... ................................ ........ .... .... ........ ..38 Commercial Load........................................................................ ............................ ........................ .... .39 Historical Commercial Sales and Load, 1970-2008......................................................................39 Projected Commercial Sales and Load, 2009-2029 ..... ..... ....................... .... ................ ........ .........40 Irrigation Load............................ .... ............ .... .... .... .... .... ........ .................... ................ .... .... .... ............ .41 Historical Irrgation Sales and Load, 1970-2008 ......... .... .................... .... ................ .... .... .... .........41 Projected Irrgation Sales and Load, 2009-2029.. ................ .................... ........ .... ........ ........ .........42 Industral Load .... ........ ........ ........ .... ............................................ ............................ .:.................. ........ .43 Historical Industral Sales and Load, 1970-2008............................. .............................................43 Projected Industral Sales and Load, 2009-2029...... ........ ................ ........ .... ........ .... ........ .............44 Additiona Firm Sales and Load ..........................................................................................................45 Historcal Additional Firm Sales and Load, 1970-2008...............................................................45 Projected Additiona Firm Sales and Load, 2009-2029 ....................................................... .........46 Company Firm Load....................... ................ .................................................................................... .47 Historical Compay Firm Load, 1970-2008 .................................................................................47 Projected Company Firm Load, 2009-2029................................. ............ .... .................................48 Astaris Load................ ........ ................ ................ ........ ................................ ........................................ .49 Historical Astars Sales and Load, 1970-2008............ .... ........................ .................................... ..49 Projected Astars Sales and Load, 2009-2029..... ........................................................ .... ............ ..50 Company System Load........................................................................................................................51 Historical Compay System Sales and Load, 1970-2008... .... .................................... .... .... .... ......51 Projected Company System Sales and Load, 2009-2029.... .... .... .... .................... ........ ............ .... ..52 Contract Off-System Load...................................................................................................................53 Historical Contract Off-System Sales and Load, 1970-2008....... .... ................................ ........ .....53 Projected Contrct Off-System Sales and Load, 2009-2029........... ................ ............ ......... .........54 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page iii Appendix A-Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Total Company Load ...........................................................................................................................55 Historical Total Company Sales and Load, 1970-2008 ...... ........ ........ ........ ............. ............ .........55 Projected Total Company Sales and Load, 2009-2029.................................................................56 Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Program Impacts ...................................................................57 Energy Effciency Programs....................................................................... ............................ .... ........ .57 Energy Reductions............................................................................ ................ ............ ................ .57 Residential Programs .......... .....................................................................................................57 Commercial Building Effciency................. ........................................................... ................ .57 Industral Program ...................................................................................................................58 Irrigation Effciency Program................................. ..... ....... .................................................... .58 Energy Effciency Programs-Total... ........ .... ................ .... ............ ........ ................ ........ .........59 Peak Demand Reductions............................................................................................................. .59 Residential Programs...................... ........................ ........................................ ........................ .59 Commercial Programs .... .... ................ ................................................ ........................ ............ .60 Industral Program ...................................................................................................................60 Irrigation Effciency Program................. .................... ................ .................... ........................ .61 Energy Effciency Programs-Total................... ........ ........ ............................ ............ ............ .61 Pageiv 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Introduction INTRODUCTION Idaho Power has preparedAppendix A-Sales and Load Forecast as an appendix to its 2009 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP). The sales and load forecast is Idao Power's best estmate of the fue demand for electricity withn the company's service area. The forecast covers the 20-year period from 2010 though 2029. For planng puroses, the futue demand for electrcity by customers in Idaho Power's servce area is represented by thee load forecasts: 1) a 50th percentile or expected-case load forecast, 2) a 70th percentile load forecast, and 3) a 90th percentile load forecast. These forecasts define thee possible load conditions based on varable weather evaluated in th 2009 IRP. The expected-case tota load growt rate is 0.7 percent per year over the 20-year planng period. This is Idao Power's estimate of the most probable outcome for load growt during the plang period and is based on the most recent economic forecast for Idaho Power's service area. Two additional load forecasts for Idaho Power's service area were prepared. These forecasts provide a range of possible load growt for the 2010-2029 planng period due to varable economic and demographic conditions. The high economic growt and low economic growt scenaros were prepared based on statistical analyses to empirically reflect uncertainty inerent in the load forecast. The expected-case load forecast assumes median temperatues and median raialL. Sirice actu loads can vary signficantly, dependent on weather conditions, two alternative scenos were considered to address the load varability due to weather. A 70tl percentile average load forecast and 90th percentile average load forecast were prepared to ilustrate the weather-related uncertainty inherent in forecasting electrcal loads. The 70th percentile load forecast assumes monthy loads that can be exceeded in thee-out-of-ten years (30 percent of the time). The 90th percentile load forecast assumes monthy loads that can be exceeded in one-out-of-ten years (10 percent of the time). In the expected-case scenaro, Idaho Power's total load is forecast to increase to 2,015 average megawatts (aMW) in the year 2029 from the 2010 forecast load of 1,797 aMW. The expected-case forecast total load growth rate averages 0.7 percent per year over the 20 year of the planng period (2010-2029). The number ofIdaho Power retail customer increased from the December 20081eve1 of 485,655 customers to over 682,000 customers at year-end 2029. Idaho Power system peak load is forecast to grow to 4,445 megawatt (MW) in the year 2029 from the 2008 actu system peak of 3,214 MW. The highest system peak on record was 3,214 MW and occured on Monday, June 30, 2008, at 3:00 p.m. In the expected-case scenaio, Idao Power system peak increases at an average growt rate of l.5 percent per year over the 20 years of the planng period (2010-2029). Ths year's economic forecast was based on a forecast of nationa and regiona economic activity developed by Moody's Anytcs, a national econometric consulting firm. Moody's Analytcs Jun 2009 macroeconomic forecast strongy infuenced Appendix A-8ales and Load Forecast. The national, state, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and county econometrc projections are taored to Idao Power's service area using an economic database developed by an outside consultat. Specific demogrphic projections are also developed for the service area from national and local census data. National economic drvers from Moody's Analytcs were also used in development of Appendi A-8ales and Load Forecast. Economic growt assumptions infuence several of the individua class of service growt rates. The number of households in Idaho is projected to grow at an anua average rate of 1.3 percent durng the forecast period. Growt in the number of households withn individual counties in Idaho Power's service area differs from statewide household growt patterns. Service area households are derived from county-specific household forecasts. The number of households, incomes, employmen projections, 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 1 Appendix A-Introduction Idaho Power Company economic outut, real retal electrcity prices, and customer consumption patter are usd to form load projections. In addition to the economic assumptions used to drve the expected-case forecast scenario, several specific assumptions were incorprated in the forecasts of the individual sectors. Furer discussion of the assumptions is presented in the sections of ths report pertaining to the individu sectors. The futue load impacts of implemented and committed Idao Power energy effciency demand-side management (DSM) progras are considered withn Appendi A-8ales and Load Forecast. These programs and their expected impacts are addressed in more detail in Idao Power's Demand-Side Management 2 008 Annual Report. This report is Appendix B to the 2009 IRP. The expected-case load forecast represents Idao Power's most probable outcome for load growt durng the planng period. However, the actual path of fue electrcity sales will not follow exactly the path suggested by the expected-case load forecast. Therefore, four additiona load forecasts were prepaed, two that provide a range of possible load growt due to economic uncertainty, and two tht address the load varability associated with abnormal weather. The high- and low-growt scenaros provide boundares on each side of the expected-case scenaro and historical load varability potential on futue load due to demographic, economic, and other non-weather-re1ated influences. The 70th percentile and 90th percentile load forecast scenaios were developed to assist Idaho Power in reviewing the resource requiements that would result from higher loads due to more adverse weather conditions. During the 20-year forecast horizon" there could be major chages in the electrc utility industry, such as carbon legislation and fossil fuel market disequilibrium. The high degree of uncertainty associated with such chanes is assumed to be reflected in the economic high and low load growt scenaros described above. However, due to the increasing probability of imending carbon legislation becoming law, the impact of carbon legislation on the load forecast was reflected in the forecast of retail electrcity prices, which is a drver in the major sector sales forecastig models. The alternative sales and load scenaios of Appendix A-8ales and Load Forecast were prepared under the assumption that Idaho Power will continue to serve all customers in its franchised servce area durng the plan period. Data describin the historical and projected figues for the sales and load forecast is presented in Appendix Al of ths report. Page 2 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Sales and Load Forecast 2009 IRP SALES AND LOAD FORECAST Average load The 2009 IRP average system load forecast is lower th the 2006 IRP average system load forecast in all years of the forecast period. The slowdown in the national and service-area economy caused load growt to slow dramatically. In addition" the signficant increase in energy effciency and demand response measures, combined with retai electrcity prices that incorporate estiates of proposed carbon legislation" result in a decrease of forecast average loads. Signficant factors and considerations that influenced the outcome of the 2009 IRP load forecast include the following. · For the first time, the sales and load forecasts are inuenced by the estimated impact of proposed carbon legislation on retail electrcity prices. The carbon-impacted retai electrcity prices move significantly higher thoughout the forecast period, reducing futue electrcity sales. · Existing energy effciency program performance is estimated and included in the sales and load forecast base, lowering the energy and peak demand forecast. However, the impact of demand response programs is accounted for in the load and resource balance. The amount of committed and implementedDSM programs for each month of the plang period is shown in the load and resource balance inAppendix C-Technical ApPendix. · The sales and load forecast reflects the increased expected demand for energy and peak capacity of Idaho Power's newest special contract customer, Hoku Materials, located in Pocatello, Idaho. Hoku Materials plans to begin operation in December 2009 and will reach ful capacity by October 2010. The current sales and load forecast assumes that Hoku Materials will consume 74 aMW of energy each year and have a peak demand of 82 MW (each measure excluding line losses) once continuous operation is reached in 2012. · A collapse in the housing sector dramatically slowed the growt in the number of new households and residential customers being added to Idaho Power's service area. The number of commercial customers being added has also slowed dramatically as a result of the economic downtu. Both the residential and commercial customer forecasts were adjusted downward in the near-term to reflect the curent housing slowdown and credit crisis. However, by 2012, residential and commercial customer growt is expected to recover, and customer addtions are expected to be similar to th growt that occurred prior to the housing bubble in the 1993-2003 timeframe. · The irrgation sales forecast is somewhat higher due to a substantial increase in weather-adjusted irrgation sales over the last two years (6 percent in 2007 and 8 percent in 2008). Higher far commodity prices seem to be the primar reason behind the irrigation sales increase. Irrigators appear to have taken advantage of the commodities market by planting all available acreage. In addition, the conversion of had line to electrcally operated pivot irrigation systems may explain a par of the increased energy consumption. In recent years, the increased labor costs associated with moving hand lines and increased concern for water conservation ha trggered the substituon of labor with electrcally operated pivots. · There is uncertaity associated with the growt of new industral and special contract customers. The forecast lDcertnty is associated with the increasing number of entities that have contacted Idaho Power and expressed interest in locating their operations withn Idaho Power's service area in conjunction with the uncertain magntude of associated energy and peak-demand requrement. The curent sales and load forecast reflects Oiùy those customers tht have a very high probability of relocating to the service area or have made financial commitmen and whose facilities are actually being constrcted at ths time. Therefore, the number of lare customers that have contacted 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 3 Appendix A-Sales and Load Forecast Idaho Power Company Idao Power and shown interest, but have not made commitments, are not included in th curent sales and load forecast. Peak-Hour Demands Peak day temperatues and the growt in average loads drve the peak forecasting model regressions. The peak forecast results and comparsons with previous forecasts differ for a nuber of reasons tht include the following: · The 2009 IRP peak forecast reflects the increased expected peak demand ofIdaho Power's newest special contrct customer, Hoku Materials, located in Pocatello, Idaho. · The 2009 IRP peak-demand forecast was adjusted downward to reflect the estimated impact of energy effciency DSM programs tht were selected for implementation since 2006. Energy effciency programs are incorporated into the peak-demand forecast as the programs are commtted and implemented. · The 2009 IRP peak-demand forecast model no longer considers or adjusts for the impact of demand response programs. The demand response programs are included in the load and resource balance as a reduction in peak demand. . The peak model allows peaks to be calculated at 0, 10th, 20th, 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th, 95th, and 100thpercenti1es of peak day temperatues for each mont of the year. · Recent historical peak data is added to the peak model regressions. The July 2002, July 2003, Jlle 2005, and July 2005 peak day temperatues were near the 1 00thpercenti1e, and thei addition to the regression models impacted forecast results. In addition" new system peaks were reached in July 2007 and again in June 2008 and were incorporated into the peak forecast modeL. · Idaho Power continues to use a median peak day temperatue drver in lieu of an average peak day temperatue drver. The median peak day temperatue has a 50 percent probability of being exceeded. Peak day temperatues are not normally distrbuted and can be skewed by one or more extreme observations; therefore the median temperatue better reflects expected temperatues. The weighted average peak day temperatue drvers are calculated over the 1978-2007 time period (the most recent 30 years). Page 4 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-overview of the Forecast OVERVIEW OF THE FORECAST The sales and load forecast is constrcted by developing a separate forecast for each indvidua saes category. Independent sales forecasts are prepared for each of the major customer classes: residential, commercial, irrigation" and industral. Individual energy and peak-demand forecasts are developed for Micron Teclio1ogy, Inc, (Micron Teclio1ogy), Simp10t Fertlizer Company (Simp1ot Fertlizer), Idaho Nationa Laboratory (INL), Hoku Materials, and Raft River Rural Electrc Cooperative, Inc. (Raft River)-the electrc distrbuton utility serving Idaho Power's former customers in Nevada. These five special-contract customers are combined into a single forecast category labeled Additiona Firm Load. Lastly, the contract off-system category represents long-term contracts to supply firm energy and demand to off-system customers. The assumptions for each of the individual categories are described in greater detail in the respective sections. Since the residential, commercial, irrigation, and industral sales forecasts provide a forecast of sales as they are biled, it is necessary to adjust these billed sales to the proper timeframe to reflect the required generation needed in each calenda month. To determine calenda-month sales from billed sales, the biled sales must first be allocated to the calenda months in which they are generated. The calenda-month sales are then converted to calenda-month load by adding losses and dividing by the number of hours in each month. Loss factors are determined by Idao Power's Distrbution Planng deparment. The anual-avere energy loss coeffcients are multiplied by the calenda-month load, yielding the system load, including losses. The peak-load forecast was prepared in conjmction with the 2009 sales forecast. Idao Power has two distinct peak periods: a winter peak, resulting from space heating demand tht normally occurs in December, Janua, or Februar, and a larger summer peak that normally occurs in June or July. The summer peak generally occurs when extensive air conditioning usage coincides with signficant irrgation demand. Peak loads are forecast using 12 regression equations and are a fuction of temperatue, space heating satuation (winter ony), air conditioning satuation (sumer Oiùy), historical average load, and precipitation (suer only). The peak forecast uses statistically derived peak day temperatues based on the most recent 30 years of climate data for each month. Peak loads for the INL, Micron Technology, Simp10t Fertlizer, Hoku Materials, and Raft River are forecast based on historical analysis and contractual considerations. The primary exogenous factors in the forecas are macroeconomic and demogaphic data. Moody's Analytcs provides the macroeconomic forecasts. The nationa, state, MSA, and county economic and demographic projections are talored to Idao Power's service area using an economic database developed by an outside consultant. Specific demographic projections are also developed for the service area from national and local census data. Fuel Prices Fuel prices, in combination with service area economic drvers, impact long-term trends in electrcity sales. Chages in relative fuel prices can also have signficant impacts on the futue demand for electrcity. For the first time, the sales and load forecast is influenced by the estimated impact of proposed carbon legislation on retai electrcity prices. The carbon-impacted retail electricity prices move signficantly higher thoughout the forecast period, reducing futue electrcity sales. Class level and economic-sector level regression models were used to identify the relationships between real 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 5 Appendix A-0verew of the Forecast Idaho Power Company historical electrcity prices and historical electrcity sales. The estimated coeffcients from these models were used as drivers in the individual sales forecast models. Short-term and long-term nominal electrcity price increases are generated internly from Idaho Power financial models. Moody's Analytcs provides the forecasts oflong-term chanes in nomina natual gas prices. The nominal price estimates are adjusted for projected infation by applying the appropriate economic deflators to arve at real fuel prices. The projected average anual growt rates of fuel prices in nominal and real terms (adjusted for infation) are presented in Table 1. The growt rates shown are for residential fuel prices and can be used as a proxy for fuel-price growt rates in the commercial, industral, and irrigation sectors. Table 1. Residential Fuel.Price Escalation (2009-2029) (averge annual percent chang) Nominal 5.1% 3.4% 2.3% Real'" 3.3% 1.6% 0.5% Electricity-Carbon. ..... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... ..... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... .. Electricity-No Carbon............. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ .... .... .... .... .... .., .... ........ .... ..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. Natural Gas ........................ ................................... .... ................ .... .... ............ .... ........ ........................ ........ ... 'adjusted for inflation Figue 1 illustrates the average electrcity price paid by Idaho Power's residetial customers over the historical period 1970-2008 and over the forecast period 2009-2029. Both nomina and real prices are shown. In the carbon scenao, nomina electrcity prices are expected to slowly climb to 20 cents per kWh by the end of the forecast period in 2029. Real e1ectrcityprices (ination-adjusted) in the carbon scenaio are expected to increase over the forecast period at an average rate of 3.3 percent each year. Figure 1. Forecasted Electricity Prices (cents per kWh) 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 o 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 _Nominal tllI II II II Nominal-No Carbon -Real - Real-Carbon - Nominal-Carbon .. II...... Real-No Carbon Electrcity prices for Idaho Power customers moved signficantly higher beginnng in 2001 because of th Power Cost Adjustment (PCA) impact on rates. Prior to 2001, Idao Power's electricity prices were Page 6 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A~verview of the Forecast historically quite stable. Over the 1990-2000 period, electrcity prices rose only 8 percent overall, an anua average compound growt rate of 0.8 percent each year. Figue 2 ilustrates the average natual gas price paid by Intermountan Gas Company's residential customers over the historical period 1970-2008. Natual gas prices remained stable and flat thoughout the 1990s before moving sharly higher in 2001. Since 2001, natual gas prices moved downward for a couple of years before again moving shaly upward in 2004, 2005, and 2006. Natual gas prices are expected to move downward in 2009 and 2010, reflecting the collapse in natual gas prices in 2009. After bottoming in 2010, nomina natual gas prices are expected to rise rapidly though 2013 and then slowly rise though the remainder of the forecast period. Natual gas prices at the end of the forecast period are expected to be about 40 percent higher than 2008, growing at an average rate of2.3 percent per year over the forecast period (2009-2029). Real natual gas prices (adjusted for infation) are expected to increase over the same period at an averge rate of 0.5 percent each year. Figure 2. Forecasted Residential Natural Gas Prices (dollars per thern-n $1.80 ~. $1.60- $1.40 $1.20 $1.00 $0.80 $0.60 - $0.40 $0.20 $0.00 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 .. Nominal Actual .. Nominal Forecast -Real If futue electrcity price increases continue to outpace natual gas price increases, as expected in ths forecast, the operating costs of space heating and water heating with natu gas will become even more advantageous when compaed to tht of electrcity. Ths could result in lowering the winter demad for electricity. Forecast Probabilities Load Forecasts Based on Weather Variability The futue demand for electrcity by customers in Idao Power's servce area is represented by thee load forecasts reflecting a range ofload uncertainty due to weather. The expected-case load forecast represents the most probable projection of system load growt during the planng period and is based on the most recent nationa, state, MSA, and county economic forecasts from Moody's Analytcs and the resulting derived economic forecast for Idaho Power's service area. 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 7 Appendix A-overvew of the Forecast Idaho Power Company The expected-case load forecast assumes median temperatues and median precipitation, i.e., there is a 50 percent chace that loads will be higher or lower th the expected-case loads due to co1der-th-median or hotter-th-median temperatues, or wetter-thn-median or drer-thn-median precipitation. Since actual loads can vary signficantly depending on weather conditions, two alternative scenaios were considered tht address load variability due to weather. Maxmum load occurs when the highest recorded levels of heating degree days (HDD) are assumed in winter and the highest recorded levels of cooling and growing degree days (CDD and GDD) combined with the lowest recorded level of precipitation are assumed in summer. Conversely, the minimum load occurs when the lowest recorded levels of HDD are assumed in winter and the lowest recorded levels of CDD and GDD, combined with the highest level of precipitation, are assumed in sumer. For exaple, at the Boise Weather Service offce, the median HDD in December over the 1978-2007 time period (the most recent 30 years) was 1,035. The 70th percentile HDD is 1,074 and would be exceeded in thee-out-of-ten years. The 90th percentile HDD is 1,291 and would be exceeded in one-out-of-ten years. The 100thpercenti1e HDD (the coldest December over the 30 years) is 1,619 and occured in December 1985. This same concept was applied in each month thoughout the year in only the weathr-sensitive customer classes: residential, commercial, and irrgation. In the 70th percentile residential and commercial load forecasts, temperatues in each month were assumed to be at the 70th percentile of HDD in wintertime and at the 70th percentile of CDD in summertime. In the 70th percentile irrigation load forecast, GDD were assumed to be at the 70th percentile and precipitation at the 30th percentile, reflecting drier-than-median weather. The 90th percentile load forecast was similarly constrcted. Idaho Power loads are higlùy dependent on weather, and these two scenaos allow careful exaination of load varability and how it may impact fute resource requrements. It is important to unerstand that the probabilities associated with these forecass apply to any given month. To assume that temperatues and precipitation would maintain a 70th percentile or 90th percentle level contiuously, month after month thoughout an entire year, would be much less probable. It is the monthy forecast numbers that are being evaluated for resource planng, an caution should be used in interpreting the meanng of the anua average load figues being reported an graphed for the 70tlpercentile or 90th percentile forecasts. Table 2 summarzes the load scenaros prepared for th 2009 IRP. Three average load scenaros were prepared based on a statistical analysis of the historical monthy weather varables listed. The probability associated with each individua average-load scenao is also indicated in the table. In addition, thee peak-demand scenaros were prepared based on a statistcal anysis of historical peak day temperatues. The probability associated with each individua peak-demand scenaio is also indicated in Table 2. Table 2. Average Load and Peak-Demand Forecast Scenarios Scenario Weaher Probability Forests of Avera Lo 90th Perentile .... ..... ........ ........ .... ........ .... ........... 90% 70th Percentile.................................................... 70% Expected Case................................................... 50% Foreasts of Peak Demand 95th Percentile .... ..... ........ ................ .... ........ .... ... 95% 90th Percentile .... ..... .... .... .... .... ..... ... .... .... .... .... ... 90% 50th Percentile .... ..... .... .... ........ ................ .... ....... 50% Probabll ity of Exceeding Weater Driver 1-in-10 years 3-in-10 years 1-in-2 years HOD, COD, GOD, Precipitation HOD, COD, GOD, Precipitation HOD, COD, GOD, Precipitation 1-in-20 years 1-in-10 years 1-in-2 years Peak Day Temperatures Peak Day Temperatures Peak Day Temperatures PageS 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-overview of the Forecast The anysis of resource requirements is based on the 70th percentile average-load forecast coupled with the 95th percentile peak-demand forecast to provide a more adverse representation of average load and peak demand to be considered. In other Idaho Power planng, such as the preparation of the financial forecast or the operating plan, the expected-case (50ilpercenti1e) average-load forecast and th 90th percentile peak-demand forecast are tyicaly used. Load Forecasts Based on Economic Uncertainty The expected-case load forecast is based on the most recent economic forecast for Idaho Power's service area and represents Idao Power's most probable outcome for load growt durng the planng period. The expected-case load forecast reflects the ful integration of existing energy effciency DSM program effects as a reduction to the average-load forecast. In addition" higher retal electricity prices resulting from carbon legislation also serve to slow the growt in electrcity sales long term. Two additional load forecasts for the Idao Power servce area were prepared. The forecasts provide a range of possible load growt for the 2010-2029 planng period due to varable economic and demographic conditions. The high economic growt and low economic growt scenaros were prepared based on statistical analysis to empirically reflect lDcernty inherent in the load forecast. The average growt rates for the high- and low-growt scenaos were derived from the historical distrbution of one-year growt rates over the past 25 years (1984-2008). The estimated probabiities for the thee different load scenarios are reported in Table 2. The probability estimates are calculated using the anual growt rates in weather-adjusted firm sales observed between 1984 and 2008. The standad deviation observed durng the historical time period is used to estimate the dispersion around the expected-case scenaio. The probability estimates assume that the expected forecast is the median growt path, i. e., there is a 50 percent probability tht the actual growt rate will be less th the expected-case growt rate, and a 50 percent chace that the actu growt rate will be greater than the expected-case growt rate. In addition" the probability estimates assume that the variation in growt rates will be equivalent to the variation in growt rates observed over the past 25 years (1984-2008). The high- and low-case load forecasts also reflect the ful integration of existi energy effciency DSM program effects as a reduction to the average load forecasts. However, impacts from carbon legislation do not infuence the high- and low-case load forecasts at ths time. Two tyes of probability estimates are reported in Table 3. The first probability, the probabity of exceeding, shows the likelihood that the actu load growt will be greater than the projected growt rate in the specified scenaro. For example, over the next 20 years, there is a 10 percent probability that the actu growt rate will exceed the growt rate projected in the high scenaro, and conversely, there is a 10 percent chance tht the actual growt rate would fall below tht of the low scenaro. In other words, over a 20-year time period, there is an 80 percent probability that the actual growt rate of fi load will fal between the growt rates projected in the high and low scenaros. The second probability estimate, the probability of occurence, indicates the likelihood that the actu growt will be closer to the growth rate specified in tht scenaro th to the growt rate specified in any other scenao. For exaple, there is a 26 percent probability that the actual growt rate wil be closer to the high scenao than to any of the other forecast scenaros for the entire 20-year planng horizon. Probabilities for shorter one-year, five-year, and lO-year time periods are also shown in Table 3. 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 9 Appendix A-Qervew of the Forecast Idaho Power Company Table 3. Forecast Probabilties Probability of Exceeding Scenario Low Growth ................................................................................................................ Expected Case... .................... .... ............ ................ ........ .... .... .... ....................... .... ..... High Growh ............................................................................................................... Probabilty of OCcurrence 1-year 5-year 10-year 20-year 90%90%90%90% 50%50%50%50% 1 ()Ái 10%10%10% 1-year 5-year 1D-year 2D-year 26%26%26%26% 4SOÁi 48%48%48% 26%26%26%26% Scenario Low Growth ................................................................................................................ Expected Case................... .... ........ ............ ............ .................... ....... ......................... High Growh ............................................................................................................... Firm load includes the sum of residential, commercial, industral, irrigation" as well as special contrcts (excluding Astars), and Raft River. Idao Power fi load projections are reported in Table 4 and pictued in Figue 3. The expected-case firm load forecast growt rate averages 0.7 percent per year over the 20 years of the plang period. The low scenaio projects tht firm load will increase at an average rate of 0.6 percent per year thoughout the forecast period. The high scenario projects load growt of 1.6 percent per year. Idaho Power has experienced both the high and low growt rates in the past. These scenaio forecasts provide a rane of proj ected growt rates that cover approximately 80 percent of the probable outcomes as measured by Idao Power's historical experience. Table 4. SystemlFirm Load Growth (aMW) Growth High..................................................................................................... Expected............................................................................................. Low...................................................................................................... Growt Rate 2009 2014 2019 2029 (per year 2009-2029 1,752 2,020 2,105 2,389 1.6% 1,752 1,857 2,002 2,015 0.7% 1,752 1,876 1,862 1,991 0.6% Page 10 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-overview of the Forecast Figure 3. Forecasted Firm Load (aMW) 2,600 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 , , , 1983 , , ,¡ 'ii' 'ii' ii" 'ii' ii" i'" ii' i '" i ". 1988 1993 1998 2003 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Weather Adjusted -Expected -70th Percentile -High -Low 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 11 Appendix A-overvew of the Forecast Idaho Power Company This page left blan intentionaly. Page 12 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Residential RESIDENTIAL The expected-case residential load is forecast to increase from 590 aMWin 2009 to 670 aMWin 2029, an average anua compound growt rate of 0.6 percent. In the 70th percentile scenao residenal load is forecast to increase from 608 aMW in 2009 to 694 aMW in 2029, nearly matching the expected-case residential growt rate. The residential load forecasts are reported in Table 5 and shown graphically in Figue 4. Table 5. Residential Load Growth (aMW) Growth 90th Percentile.................................................... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. 70th Percentile .................................................................................. Expcted Case...... ........................ ............................ .... .... ........ ....... Grow Rate 2009 2014 2019 2029 (per year 2009-2029 645 687 725 747 0.7% 608 647 681 694 0.7% 590 627 659 670 0.6% Figure 4. Forecasted Residenial Load (aMW) 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 o iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii i i 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Weather Adjustd -Expected Case -70th Percentile -90t Percentile Sales to residential customers made up 24 percent of Idao Power's system sales in 1970 and 36 percent of system sales in 2008. The residential customer proporton of system sales is forecast to be approximately 36 percent in 2029. There were 404,373 residential customers as of December 200K The number of residential customers is projected to increase to approximately 563,000 by December 2029. The relative customer proportons of the total Idao Power electrcity sales are shown in Figure 18. The average sales per residential customer were about 10,000 kWh in 1970. Average sales increased to nearly 14,800 kWh per residential customer in 1979 before declining to 13,150 kWh in 2001. In 2002 and 2003, residential-use-per-customer dropped dramatically-over 500 kWh per customer from 2001-the result of two years of signficantly higher electrcity prices combined with a weak nationa an service-area economy. The reduction in electrcity prices in June 2003 and a recovery in the servce-area economy caused residential-use-per-customer to stabilize and rise though 2007. However, 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 13 Appendix A-Residential Idaho Power Company the recession in 2008 and 2009 slowed the growt inresidential-use-per-customer. The average sales per residential customer are expected to decline to approximately 10,500 kWh per year in 2029. Average anual sales per residential customer are shown in Figue 5. Figure 5. Forecasted Residential-Use-Per-Customer (Viather-adjusted kWh) 16,000 15,500 15,000 14,500 14,000 13,500 13,000 12,500 12,000 11,500 11,000 10,500 10,000 9,500 9,000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 The residential-use-per-customer forecast is based on a forecast of the number of residential customer and an econometrc anysis of residential-sector sales. The number of residential customers being added each year is a diect function of the number of new service area households as derved from Moody's Analytcs May 2009 forecas of county housing stock and demographic data. The customer forecast for 2010-2029 shows an average anual growt rate of 1.7 percent. The residential-sales forecast equation considers several factors affecting electrcity sales to the residential sector. Residential sales are a fuction ofHDD (winterme), CDD (summertme), the number of service area households as derived from Moody's Analytcs forecasts of county housing stock, the real prce of electrcity, and the real price of natual gas. The forecast of residential-use-per-customer is arrived at by dividing the residential sales forecast, which includes the impact of forecasted DSM, by the residential-customer forecast. Page 14 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Commercial COMMERCIAL The commercial category is primarly made up of Idao Power's Small General Servce and Large General Service customers. Other schedues that are considered part of the commercial category are Unmetered General Service, Street Lighting Service, Traffc Control Sign Lighting Service, and Dusk-to-Dawn Customer Lighting. In the expected-case scenaro, commercial load is projected to increase from 437 aMW in 2009 to 500 aMW in 2029. The average anua compound growt rate of commercial load is 0.7 percent durg the forecast period. As sumarzed in Table 6, the commercial load in the 70th percentile scenaro is projected to increase from 442 aMW in 2009 to 509 aMW in 2029. The commercial load forecasts are ilustrated in Figue 6. Table 6. Commercial Load Growth (aMW) Growth 90th Percentile .................................................................................. 70th Percentile .................................................................................. Expected Case...... .... ............................ .... .... ................................... Growt Rate 2009 2014 2019 2029 (per year) 2009-2029 453 488 507 526 0.7% 442 475 492 509 0.7% 437 469 486 500 0.7% Figure 6. Forecasted Commercial Load (aMW) 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 o iii" iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii' , iii iii iii iii iii iii i 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Weather Adjusted _w_ Expected Case -70t Percentile -901l Percentile As of December 2008, Idao Power had 64,125 commercial customers. The number of commercial customers is expected to increase at an average anua growt rate of 2.1 percent, reachi 96,500 customers by 2029. Commercial customers consumed nearly 17 percent of Idaho Power system sales in 1970 and 27 percent of system sales in 2008. The commercial customer proporton of system sales is projected to increase to 27 percent of system sales by 2029. The relative customer proportons of Idaho Power's total electrcity sales are shown in Figue 18. 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 15 Appendix A-Commercial Idaho Power Company The average consumption per commercial customer increased to a record 67,400 kWh in 2001. However, two years of signficantly higher electricity prices combined with a weak national and service area economy caused a setback in the growt of commercial-use-per-customer beginnng in 2002. The reduction in electricity prices in June 2003 and a recovery in the service area economy slowed the rate of decline in commercial-use-per-customer though 2007. However, a severe recession in 2008 and 2009 caused commercial-use-per-customer to drop considerably. After flattening over the time period from 2009-2012, commercial-use-per-customer is projected to continue its downward trend. The primary reasons for the decline are higher retail electrcity prices due to generating plant additions, carbon reguation" and signficant DSM impacts on energy sales. The average consumption per commercial customer is expected to decrease to approximately 46,000 kWh per customer in 2029. Average anua use per commercial customer is shown in Figue 7. Figure 7. Forecasted Commercial-Use-Per-Customer (Viather-adjusted kWh) 70,000 67,000 64,000 61,000 58,000 55,000 52,000 49,000 46,000 43,000 40,000 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 The commercial-use-per-customer forecast is based on a forecast of the number of commercial customers and an econometrc anysis of commercial sector sales. The number of commercial customers being added each year is a direct fuction of the number of new residential customers being added. Additionaly, the number of residential customers being added is a diect fiction of the number of new servce area households as derived from Moody's Analytcs May 2009 economic forecast of county housig stock and demographic information. The commercial-customer forecast for 2010-2029 shows an average anua growt rate of 2.1 percen. The commercial-sales forecast equation considers several factors affecti electrcity sales to the commercial sector. Commercial sales are a fuction ofHDD (winterme), CDD (summere), the number of service area households and service area employment as derived from Moody's Analytcs forecasts, and the real price of electricity. The commercial-use-per-customer forecast is arved at by dividing the commercial sales forecast, including the impacts of DSM, by th commercial customer forecast. Page 16 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Irrigation IRRIGATION The irrgation category is made up of agricultual irrgation service customers. Service under ths schedule is applicable to power and energy supplied to agrcultual-use customers at one point-of-de1ivery for operating water pumping or water delivery systems to irrgate agricultual crops or pastuage. Throughout the forecasted period, the expected-case irrgation load is forecast to slowly decline from 203 aMW in 2009 to 184 aMW in 2029, an average anual compound growt rate of -0.5 percent. The expected-case, 70th percentile, and 90th percentile scenaros forecast declining growt in irrgation load over the 2009-2029 time period. In the 70th percentile scenaro, irrgation load is projected to be 219 aMW in 2009 and 201 aMWin 2029. The individual irrigation load forecasts are reported in Table 7 and shown in Figure 8. The figue illustrates the poorer economic conditions and the drop-off in land being put into production tht was experienced by the agricultual economy in the mid-1980s. Table 7. Irrigation Load Growth (aMW) Growth 90th Percentile ............................................................................... 70th Percentile ............................................................................... Expected Case.. ............................................ .... ........................ .... Growth Rate (per year) 2009 2014 2019 2029 2009-2029 241 230 231 223 -0.4% 219 208 209 201 -0.4% 203 192 193 184 -0.5% Figure 8. Forecasted Irrgation Load (aMW) 300 275 250 175 225 200 150 125 100 'i iii iii iii iii iii iii ii' ii' , iii iii iii iii iii i , , , iii iii. iii. 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Weather Adjusted -"'Expected Case -70th Percentile -90th Percentile It is important to understand that anual average-load figues being reported in Table 7 and graphed in Figue 8 are calculated using the 8,760 hours of a tyical year. In the highly seasonal irrgation sector, over 97 percent of the anua energy is biled durng the six month from May though October, and nearly haf of the anual energy is biled in just two month, July and Augst. Durng the summer, hourly irrigation loads can exceed 900 MW. In a normal July, irrgation pumping accounts for roughly 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 17 Appendix A-Irrigation Idaho Power Company 25 percent of the energy generated during the hour of the anua system peak and 30 percent of the energy generated during the July calenda-month for general business sales. Note that it is the monty forecast load figues that are being evaluated for resource planng purposes, not the anual average loads. In early 2001, wholesae electrcity prices reached unprecedented levels, and Idaho Power, in an attempt to minize reliance on the market, developed a voluntar load-reduction program tht paid irrgators to not use electrcity in 2001. The voluntary load-reduction program was effective and resulted in a 30 percent, or approximately 500,000 megawatt-hours (MWh) reduction in 2001 irrgation sales. The 2001 irrigation sales and corresponding loads have been adjusted upward by 499,319 MWh to reflect a more normal 2001 irrigation season. In the fue, Idaho Power does not anticipate tht it will be necessary to implement similar load-reduction programs to irrgators. Any futue reductions to irrgation load are assumed to occur though DSM programs or other natual economic pressures. The 2009 irrigation sales forecast model considers several factors affecting electrcity sales to the irrgation class, including temperatue, precipitation" spring rainfall, Moody's Gross Produce: Farms, for Idaho, and the real price of electricity. Considerations were made for the unusualy low electrcity consumption in the 2001 crop year due to the voluntar load-reduction program. Actu irrgation electrcity sales have grown from the 1970 level of816,000 MWh to a peak amount of 1,990,000 MWh in 2000. Durng the period 1970-1996, Idaho Power experienced an increase in electrcity-using irrigated acres of 1,179,000 acres. This growt in total electrcity-using irrigated acres represented approximately a 2.8 percent average anua compound rate of growt. Idao Power projects no growt in irrgated acres in the servce area and liited growt in sprinker irrgation or conversion to sprinker irrgation. Irrigation sales represented over 15 percent of weather-normalized Idao Power system sales in 1970. Irrigation sales reached a maxum proporton of nearly 20 percent of Idaho Power system sales in 1975-1977. In 2008, the irrigation proporton of system sales was 13 percent due to the very rapid growt in other customer classes. By 2029, irrgation customers are projected to consume 10 percent of Idaho Power system sales. The customer load proporton are shown in Figue 18. In 1970, Idao Power had about 7,300 active irrigation accounts. By 2008, the number of active irrgation accounts had increased to 17,428 and is projected to be over 23,000 irgation accounts at the end of the planng period in 2029. Since 1988, Idaho Power has experienced some growt in the number of irrigation customers, but very litte, if any, growt in total electrcity sales to ths sector. The number of customers has increased because customers are convertng previously furow-irrgated land to sprinkler-irrgated land. However, the conversion rate is low, and the kWh use-per-customer for these customers is substantially less th the average existing Idaho Power irrigation customer. Ths is due to the fact tht water for furow irrgation is gravity-drawn from cans and not pumped from deep groundwater wells. In 2007 and 2008, electrcity sales (weather-adjusted) increased by 6 percent and over 8 percent, respectively, over each prior year. However, ths is not completely unexpected because both 2007 and 2008 irrigation sales were below the anua sales numbers for years 1992 and 2000. Par of the increase can be explained by the gradua increase in the planting of more water-intensive crops, such as alfalfa and corn" to meet the higher demand for feed associated with the growing dary industr in Idao. Also, 2008 saw unprecedented crop prices for almost all crops, causig customers to irrgate all of the acreage tht was available in 2008. Bell Rapids, a large high-lift cooperative irrigation company tht irrigated about 25,000 acres from 1970 to 2004, was Idaho Power's largest irrigation customer. The Bell Rapids combined accounts included more than 40 individua irrgation servce points that accounted for approximately 3 to 4 percent of Page 18 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Irrigation Idaho Power's anual irrgation sales. In early 2005, the State ofIdao purchased the water rights from Bell Rapids, which resulted in the loss of Bell Rapids as an irrgation customer. Prior to 2005, Bell Rapids has consumed, on average, 55,000 MWh each year. In the futue, factors related to the conjunctive management of ground and surface water, and the possible litigation associated with the resolution, will require consideration. Depending on the resolution of these issues, irgation sales may be impacted. 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 19 Appendix A-Irrigation Idaho Power Company This page left blan intentionaly. Page 20 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Industrial INDUSTRIAL The industral category is made up ofIdao Power's Large Power Service (Schedue 19) customers with metered demands exceeding 1,000 kilowatts (kw). In 1970, Idaho Power had about 50 industral customers which represented 8 percent of Idaho Power system sales. By December 2008, the number of industrial customers had risen to 122, representing approxiately 16 percent of system sales. Special contracts are addressed in the Additional Firm Load section of ths document. In the expected-case forecast, industral load grows from 251 aMW in 2009 to 306 aMW in 2029, an average anua growt rate of 1.0 percent (fable 8). As a general rue, industrial loads are not weather sensitive, and the forecasts in the 70th and 90th percentile scenaos are identical to the expected-case industral load scenaro. The industrial load forecast is pictued in Figure 9. Table 8. Industrial Load Growth (aMW) Growth 2009 2014 2019 Expected Case.............................................................................. 251 297 300 Growth Rate (per year) 2029 2009-2028 306 1.0% Figure 9. Forecasted Industrial Load (aMW) 400 350 300 150 250 200 100 50 o iii iii i i iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii Ii iii ¡ ¡ iii iii i i 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Actual -Expected Case The industral energy forecast is based on the most recent (June 2009) nationa, state, MSA, and county economic forecasts from Moody's Anytcs and the resulti derived economic forecast for Idaho Power's service area. Since rate taiff definitions do not correspond with economic activity tyes, Idaho Power's Schedule 19 customers were categorized, and their historical electrcity sales were summarzed by economic activity. This is also true for the large commercial loads, so Schedule 9 Primary and Tranmission customers' energy sales were also included for forecasting purposes and later recombined with the commercial sector sales forecast. The appropriate employment series (or population time series) were matched to 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 21 Appendix A-Industrial Idaho Power Company each economic sector or industr group. Regression models were developed for 17 industr groups to determne the relationship between historical electrcity sales and historical employment or population and other relevant explantory variables. The estmated coeffcients from the indutr group regression models were then applied to the appropriate employment or population drvers, which resulted in the escalation of electrcity sales to the various industr groups over time. Figue 10 illustrates the 2008 industral electrcity consumtion by industry group. By far the largest shae of electrcity was consumed by the Food and Kindred Products sector (44 percent), followed by Electronic/Electrcal Equipment and Industral/Commercial Machiery (9 percent); Educationa Services (6 percent); and Health Services, Wholesale and Retail Trade, and Stone, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Products (each representing 5 percent). As Figue 10 shows, several other industry groups make up the remaining share of the 2008 industral electricity consumption. Figure 10. Industrial Electricity Consumption by Industry Group (based on 2008 figre) Oth er In dustries, 17 .0% Electro nicÆlectrical Equipment and ndustriaVCommen:lal Machinery, 8.8% ucational Services, 5.6% ealth Serices, 5.3% Wholesale and RetaH Trade, 5.3% Ston e, Clay, Glass, and Concrete Pro duds, 5.3% Moto r Freigtt Tran s port at ion an d Warehousing, 3.5% Other Manufacti.iig, 4.8% Page 22 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Additional Firm Load ADDITIONAL FIRM LOAD Special contracts curently exist for five large customers that are recognzed as firm load customers. These customers are Micron Technology, Simp10t Fertizer, INL, Hoku Materials, and Raft River. Together, these customers make up the additiona firm load category. Historically, a long-term firm sales contract existed with the City of Weiser. However, the contract with the City of Weiser expired as of December 31, 2006 and was not renewed. In th expected-case forecast, additional firm load is expected to increase from 115 aMW in 2009 to 180 aMWin 2029, an average growt rate of2.3 percent per iear over the planng period (Table 9). The additional firm load energy and demand forecasts in the 70 and 90th percentile scenarios are identical to the expected-load growt scenaro. The scenario of projected additiona firm load is ilustrated in Figue 11. Table 9. Additional Firm Load Growth (aMW) Growth 2009 Expected Case........................................................... ........ .... .... ... 115 2014 2019 193 189 Growth Rate (per year) 2029 2009-2029 180 2.3% Figure 11. Forecasted Additional Firm Load (aMW) 250 225 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 o "'ii"""""'", i' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , i' , , , , , , i , , , , , , , , , 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Actual --Expected Case Micron Technology Micron Technology is curently Idao Power's largest individua customer and employs approximately 9,000 workers in the Boise area. In ths forecast, electrcity sales to Micron Technology are expected to move downward in 2009 as Micron phases out 200-milimeter (mm) dynamc random access memory (DRAM) operations at its Boise facility. The company will continue to operate its 300-mm research and development fabrication facilty in Boise and perform a varety of other activities, including product 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 23 Appendix A-Additional Firm Load Idaho Power Company design and support, quaity assurance, systems integration and related manufactung, corporate, and general servces. Once establishing a new floor for energy consumption at the facility at about a quter less energy use than in recent years, Micron Technology's electrcity use is expected to increase based on new product development and market demand reflected in Moody's Analytcs forecast of manufactung employment in the Electronic and Electrcal sector for the Boise MSA. Simplot Fertilizer The Simp10t Fertilizer plant is the largest producer of phosphate fertilizer in the western United States. The futue electrcity usage at the plant is expected to grow at a slow pace thoughout the planng period (2010-2029). The priary drver oflong-term electrcity sales growth at Simp10t Ferlizer is Moody's Analytcs forecast of gross product in the Pesticide, Fertlizer, and Other Agrcultual Chemical Manufactung for the Pocatello M SA. Idaho National laboratory The United States Deparent of Energy (DOE) provided an energy-consumption and peak-deman forecast though 2029 for the INL. The forecast calls for loads to increase though 2012, remain flat for six years, and then slowly decline thoughout the remainder of the forecast period. Looking back well over a decade ago, the anual loads at the INL were quite volatile due to operationa constraints affecting the availability of an on-site nuclear reactor to generate electrcity. However, as of October 1994, the INL nuclear reactor no longer generates electrcity and, consequently, the amount of electrcity provided by Idao Power increased considerably. Hoku Materials The sales and load forecast reflects the increased expected demand for energy and peak capacity of Idaho Power's newest special-contract customer, Hoku Materials, located in Pocatello, Idaho. Hoku Materials plan to begin operation in December 2009 and reach ful capacity by October 2010. The current sales and load forecast assumes tht Hoku Materials will consume 74 aMW of energy each year and have a peak demand of82 MW (each measure excluding line losses), once contiuous operation is reached in 2012. Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative A term sales contract with Raft River was established as a ful-requiements contact after bei approved by the Federal Energy Reguatory Commission (FERC) and the Public Utility Comssion of Nevada. Raft River is the electrc distrbution utlity servng Idao Power's former customers in Nevada. Idaho Power sold the transmission facilities and rights-of-way that serve about 1,250 customers in nortern Nevada and 90 customers in southern Owyhee County to Raft River. The closing date on the transaction was Apri12, 2QOl. Raft River is also located entirely withn Idao Power's load control area. The contract with Raft River expired on September 30,2009. However, Raft River may renew the agreement on a year-to-year basis for two additiona one-year terms, which would extend servce unil September 30, 2011. The load forecasts in the 2009 IRP assume that Idaho Power wil continue to provide service to the Raft River area by extending contracts each year though September ~O, 2011. Page 24 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Company Firm Load COMPANY FIRM LOAD Firm load is th sum of the individual loads of the residential, commercial, industral, and irrgation customers, as well as special contracts (excluding Astars), past sales to the City of Weiser, and Raft River. Firm load excludes not only Astars, but also all contracts to provide firm energy to off-system customers. Without the dampening effects of Astas and expiring off-system contracts on load growt, firm load more accurately portys the underlying growt trend withn the servce area th total load, which includes both Astars and off-system commitments. In the expected-case forecast, total firm load is expected to increase from 1,752 aMWin 2009 to 2,015 aMW by 2029, an average growt rate of 0.7 percent per year over the planng period (fable 10). In the 70th percentile forecast, total firm load is expected to increase from 1,796 aMW in 2009 to 2,070 aMW by 2029, an average growt rate of O. 7 percent per year over the planng period (fable 10). The thee scenaros of projected firm load are ilusated in Figure 12. Table 10. Firm Load Growth (aMW) Growt 90th Percentile ................................................................................ 70th Percentile ................................................................................ Expected Case...................... .... ............ .... ........................ ............. Growt Rate (per year 2009 2014 2019 2029 2009-2029 1,875 2,078 2,141 2,172 0.7% 1,796 1,994 2,051 2,070 0.7% 1,752 1,947 2,002 2,015 0.7% Figure 12. Forecasted Firm Load (aMW) 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii i I. iii 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Weather Adjusted -Expected Case -70th Percentile -90lh Percentile 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 25 Appendix A-Company Firm Load Idaho Power Company This page left blan intentionaly. Page 26 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Company Firm Peak COMPANY FIRM PEAK As defined here, firm peak load includes the sum of the individua coincident peak demands of residential, commercial, industral, and irrigation customers, as well as special contracts (excluding Astars), and Raft River. The all-time firm summer peak demand was 3,214 MW, recorded on Monday, June 30,2008, at 3:00 p.m. The previous year's summer peak demand was 3,193 MW and occured on Friday, July 13, 2007, at 4:00 p.m. The summer firm peak load growt has accelerated over the past ten years as air conditioning has become standad in nearly all new residential home constrction and new commercial buildings. The 2001 summer peak was dapened by the nearly 30 percent curaiment in irrgation load due to the 2001 vohintar load-reduction program. In the 90th percentle forecast, total firm summer peak load is expected to increase from 3,310 MW in 2009 to 4,445 MW in the year 2029, an average growt rate of 1.5 percent per year over the planng period (fable 11). In the 95il percentile forecast, total firm summer peak load is expected to increase from 3,330 MWin 2009 to 4,475 MW in the year 2029. The thee scenarios of projected fi summer peak load are illustrated in Figue 13. Table 11. Firm Summer Peak-Load Growth (MIN Growth 2009 95th Percentile............ .................................................................... 3,330 90th Percentile ................................................................................ 3,310 50th Percentile........ .................................................... .... ................ 3,154 Growth Rate (per year 2014 2019 2029 2009-2029 3,789 4,060 4,475 1.5% 3,766 4,034 4,445 1.5% 3,592 3,842 4,216 1.5% Figure 13. Forecasted Firm Summer Peak (MI 4,700 4,400 4,100 3,800 3,500 3,200 2,900 2,600 2,300 2,000 1,700 1,400 iii iii iii iii iii' iii iii i.1 , iii ¡ iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii iii 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Actual plus Demand Response -Actual -50th Percentile -90th Percentile-95th Percentile 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 27 Appendix A-Company Firm Peak Idaho Power Company The maxmum firm winter peak demand was 2,527 MW, reached on Thursday, December 10, 2009, at 8:00 a.m. As shown in Figure 14, historical firm winter peak load is much more varable th summer firm peak load. This is because the varability of peak day temperatues in winter months is far greater than the varability of peak day temperatues in summer mont. The wider spread of the winter peak forecast lines in Figue 14 illustrates the higher varability associated with winter peak day temperatures. In the 90tl percentile forecast, tota firm winter peak load is expected to decrease from 2,466 MW in 2009 to 2,376 MWin 2029, an average growt rate of -0.2 percent per year over the planng period (Table 12). In the 95th percentile forecast, total firm winter peak load is expected to decrease from 2,565 MW in 2009 to 2,493 MW in 2029, an average growt rate of -0.1 percent per year over the planng period (Table 12). The thee scenaros of projected firm winter peak load are illustrated in Figue 14. Table 12. Firm Winter Peak Load Growth (MW) Growth 2009 95th Percentile ................................................................................ 2,565 90th Percentile ................................................................................ 2,466 50th Percentile ................................................................................ 2,270 Growt Rate (per year 2014 2019 2029 2009-2029 2,748 2,773 2,493 -0.1% 2,637 2,654 2,376 -0.2% 2,385 2,370 2,250 0.0% Figure 14. Forecasted Firm Winter Peak (MW) 3,200 3,000 2,800 2,600 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 . ¡ , iii iii iii iii iii iii iii i , , , , iii iii ¡ iii iii ii' iii iii iii i 1975-76 1981-82 1987-88 1993-94 1999-00 2005-06 2011-12 2017-18 2023-24 2029-30 -Actual -50th Percentile -90th Percentile -95th Percentile Page 28 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Company System Load COMPANY SYSTEM LOAD System load historically is made up of firm load plus Astars load, but excludes long-term, off-system contracts. The Astaris elemental phosphorous plant (previously FMC) was located at the western edge of Pocatello, Idaho. Although no longer a customer ofIdaho Power, Astaris was Idaho Power's largest individua customer and, in some past years, averaged nearly 200 aMW each month. In April 2002, the special contract between Astaris and Idaho Power was ternated. Since Astars ceased production in April 2002, system load and firm load are identical. The expected-case system load forecast is based on the most recent Moody's Anytcs economic forecast for the nation and the service area and represents Idaho Power's most probable load growt durng the planng period. The expected-case forecast system load growt rate averages 0.7 percent per year over the 2009-2029 time period. Company system load projections are reported in Table 13 an shown in Figue 15. Table 13. System Load Growth (aMW) Growth 90th Percentile ................................................................................ 70th Percentile ................................................................................ Expected Case.. .... ............ ........ ............................ .... ........ ............. Grow Rate (per year 2009 2014 2019 2029 2009-2029 1,875 2,078 2,141 2,172 0.7% 1,796 1,994 2,051 2,070 0.7% 1,752 1,947 2,002 2,015 0.7% Figure 15. Forecasted System Load (aMW) 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 'i iii iii iii iii ¡ iii iii iii ¡ iii iii ¡ i , iii ii' iii iii ii' iii iii . 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Weather Adjusted -90th Percentile-Expected Case -70th Percentile In the expected-case forecast, company system load is expected to increase from 1,752 aMW in 2009 to 2,015 aMW in 2029. In the 70th percentile forecast, compa system load is expected to increase from 1,796 aMW in 2009 to 2,070 aMW by 2029, an average growt rate of 0.7 percent per year over the planng period (fable 13). Page 292009 Integrated Resource Plan Appendix A-Company System Load Idaho Power Company This page left blan intentionaly. Page 30 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Contract Off-System Load CONTRACT OFF-SYSTEM LOAD The contract off-system category represents long-term contracts to supply firm energy to off-system customers. Long-term contracts are contracts effective during the forecast period lasting for more than one year. At ths time, there are no long-term contracts. As illustrated in Figue 16, the historical consumption for the contract off-system load category was considerable in the early 1990s; however, after 1995, off-system loads declined though 2005. As intended, the off-system contracts and their corresponding energy requiements expired as Idao Power's surlus energy diminished due to retai110ad growt. In the fute, Idao Power may enter into additiona long-term contracts to supply firm energy to off-system customers if surlus energy is available. Figure 16. Forecasted Contract Off-System Load by Customer (aMW) 250 50 200 150 100 o '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 'OS '06 II Colton IIWashington City Elko IIOTECC II Sierra Pacific mUAMPS DMontana 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 31 Appendix A- Contract Of-System Load Idaho Power Company This page left blan intentionaly. Page 32 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Total Company Load TOTAL COMPANY LOAD Accompaned by an outlook of moderate economic growt for Idaho Power's service area thoughout the forecast period, Appendix A-Sales and Load Forecast projects continued growt in Idao Power's total load. Total load is made up of system load plus long-term firm off-system contracts. At ths time, there are no contracts in effect to provide long-term firm energy off-system. Total company load projections are listed in Table 14 and illustrated in Figue 17. The expected-case scenaio average growt rate of 0.7 percent per year represents the most probable outlook expected by Idaho Power. In the 70th percentile forecast, company total load is expected to increase from 1,796 aMW in 2009 to 2,070 aMW by 2029. Table 14. Total Company Load Growth (aMW) Growth 90th Percentile................................................................................ 70th Percentile ..............................................................................., Expected Case.. .................................................... ............ ............. Growh Rate (pr year 2009 2014 2019 2029 2009-2029 1,875 2,078 2,141 2,172 0.7% 1,796 1,994 2,051 2,070 0.7% 1,752 1,947 2,002 2,015 0.7% Figure 17. Forecasted Total Load (aMW) 2,400 2,200 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 'i iii ¡ ¡ iii iii iii iii i , iii i , iii iii ii' iii iii iii iii i , ¡ ¡ iii i i 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 -Weather Acusted - Expected Case -70t Percentile -90th Percentile The composition of total company electrcity sales by year is shown in Figure 18. Residential sales are forecast to be over 13 percent higher in 2029, gaining nearly 0.7 milion MWh over 2009. Commercial sales are expected to be nearly 15 percent higher or nearly 0.6 milion MW above 2009 followed by industral (22 percent higher or nearly 0.5 million additiona MWh) and irrigation (nearly 10 percent lower th 2029). Electricity sales to Astars ended in Apr12002. 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 33 Appendix A-Total Company Load Idaho Power Company Figure 18. Composition of Electricity Sales (thousands of MWh) 20,000 18,000 w- 16,000 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 o 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 II Residential II Commercial II Industrial IIlrrigation ru Additional Firm Sales li Firm Off-System II Astaris The additional firm sales category (which represents sales to Micron Technology, Simp10t Fertzer, INL, Hoku Materials, and Raft River) is forecast to grow by nearly 57 percent over the 2009-2029 time period, largely due to the addition ofHoku Materials as a special contract customer. Page 34 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A-Demand-Side Management DEMAND-SIDE MANAGEMENT DSM consists of energy effciency programs which reduce customer energy use year-round and demand response programs that are targeted at reducing load durng specific periods of high demand. The impact of energy effciency programs are integrated into Appendix A -Sales and Load Forecast; however, demand response programs are accounted for in the 2009 IRP load and resource baance. The saes and load forecast, adjusted for existing and commtted energy effciency programs, seres as the basis for establishing the baseline forecast for surluses and deficits which are used to develop portfolios for the IRP. Table 15 shows the existing and committed energy effciency program included in the curent sales and load forecast. Table 15. DSM Programs DSM Program Customer sector Building Effciency .....................................................................................................................................Commercialllndustrial Custom E ffcien cy....... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... .... . ........ .... .... .... .... ........ ....... Commercial/Industrial Easy Upgrades.................. .................................................................... ........ ......................... .... .... .... ....... Commercial/Industrial Energy House Calls........... .... ............. .... ............ ................ ........ ....... ............ ........ ................. ................... Residential Home Products Program........................................................................................................................... Residential ENERGY STAR(B Homes Northwest .........................................................................................................Residental Energy Efficient Lighting..... ........................ .... .... ............ ........ ................ ............... ........ ........ ................ .... Residential Heating & Cooling Effciency Program ... ........................ ........ ................ .... ........ ....................... .... ........ .... Residential Irrigation Eff ciency Rewards.................................................................................................................... . Irrigation Oregon Residential Weatherization................ .................... ................ ................................... .................... Residential Rebate Advantage.................................. .... ................................ .... .... ........... .... ..................... ................... Residental Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Custmers N\AQC) .... .... .... .... ................................................... Residental Energy Efficiency Programs In developing data for the forecasting regression models, historical energy sales are adjusted for program performance in past years (which is added to the sales history) in order to isolate sales relationships to the causative indepndent drvers (economic, demographic, weather, price, et al.) from the impact of energy effciency programs. The forecast resulting from the adjusted history is designed to reflect sales without the impact of energy effciency progrs. The results from the regression models are subsequently adjusted downward to account for fue energy effciency program performance. The reduced energy use for each customer class associated with each of the existing energy effciency programs is shown in Appendix A2. Energy savings from energy effciency programs are tyically measured and reported at the point of delivery (customers' meter). Therefore, energy effciency savings are increased by the amount of energy lost in transmittng the electrcity from the generation source to the customers' meter. Because the sales and load forecast is prepared before new energy effciency progams are determined, new energy effciency programs are not included in the sales and load forecas. The impact of the new programs is accounted for in the IRP load and resource balance prior to determni the need for additiona supply-side resources. The forecast pedormance of both existing and new energy effciency and demand response programs are shown in the load and resource balance inAppendix C- Technical Appendix. In the next planng cycle, the impact of new committed progrms will be accounted for in the updated sales and load forecast. 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 35 Appendix A-Oem and-Side Managem ent Idaho Power Company Demand Response Programs Prior to the 2009 IRP, demand response program performance was accounted for in the sales and load forecast. Beginnng with the 2009 IRP, demand response programs are accounted for in the load and resource baance. Demad response programs are described in greater detail in Chapter 4 of the 2009 IRP and in Appendix C-Technical Appendix. Demand response programs are treated as supply-side resources in the IRP and are not incorporated into the sales and load forecast. In the load and resource balance, th forecast pedormance of existing demand response programs is subtracted from the peak-hour load forecast prior to accounting for existi supply-side resources. Likewise, the performance of new demand response programs is accounted for prior to determining the need for additiona supply-side resources. Because energy effciency programs tend to result in reduced load year-round, there is a component of peak-hour load reduction due to energy effciency programs that is integrated into the sales and load forecast. This provides a consistent treatment of both tyes of programs as all energy effciency programs are integrated into the sales and load forecast, while all demand response programs are included in the load and resource balance. A thorough description of each of the energy effciency and demand response programs is included in Appendix B-Demand-Side Management 2 008 Anal Report. Page 36 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Appendix Ai. Historical and Projected Sales an Load Historical Residential Sales and Load, 1970-2008 (weather-adjusted) Percent kWh per Billed Sales Percent Average Load Year Customers Change Customer (thousands of MWh)Change (1M) 1970 132,135 9,983 1,319 152 1971 138,071 4.5%10,539 1,455 10.3%167 1972 145,208 5.2%10,955 1,591 9.3%184 1973 152,957 5.3%11,525 1,763 10.8%202 1974 160,151 4.7%12,057 1,931 9.5%223 1975 167,622 4.7%12,939 2,169 12.3%250 1976 175,720 4.8%13,445 2,363 8.9%271 1977 184,561 5.0%13,673 2,524 6.8%290 1978 194,650 5.5%14,256 2,775 10.0%321 1979 202,982 4.3%14,766 2,997 8.0%342 1980 209,629 3.3%14,580 3,056 2.00Ái 348 1981 213,579 1.9%14,346 3,064 0.2%349 1982 216,696 1.5%14,393 3,119 1.8%356 1983 219,849 1.5%14,334 3,151 1.00Ái 362 1984 222,695 1.3%14,145 3,150 O.OOÁi 357 1985 225,185 1.1%14,055 3,165 0.5%362 1986 227,081 0.8%14,168 3,217 1.7%367 1987 228,868 0.8%14,068 3,220 0.1%366 1988 230,771 0.8%14,326 3,306 2.7%377 1989 233,370 1.1%14,342 3,347 1.2%384 1990 238,117 2.0%14,300 3,405 1.7%393 1991 243,207 2.1%14,488 3,524 3.5%401 1992 249,767 2.7%14,135 3,531 0.2%407 1993 258,271 3.4%14,173 3,660 3.7%413 1994 267,854 3.7%14,001 3,750 2.4%434 1995 277,131 3.5%13,973 3,872 3.3%437 1996 286,227 3.3%13,743 3,934 1.6%456 1997 294,674 3.0%13,681 4,031 2.5%463 1998 303,300 2.9%13,713 4,159 3.2%475 1999 312,901 3.2%13,583 4,250 2.2%487 2000 322,402 3.0%13,383 4,315 1.5%499 2001 331,009 2.7%13,163 4,357 1.0%476 2002 339,764 2.6%12,620 4,288 -1.6%488 2003 349,219 2.8%12,645 4,416 3.00Ái 507 2004 360,462 3.2%12,689 4,574 3.6%525 2005 373,602 3.6%12,650 4,726 3.3%541 2006 387,707 3.8%12,842 4,979 5.3%566 2007 397,286 2.5%12,885 5,119 2.8%583 2008 4021520 1.3%12,823 5,161 0.8%590 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 37" Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Residential Sales and Load, .2009-2029 Percent kWh per Biled Sales Percent Average Load Year Customers Change Customer (thousands of MW)Change (MI) 2009 404,916 0.6%12,779 5,174 0.3%590 2010 406,743 0.5%12,707 5,168 -0.1%591 2011 409,192 0.6%12,84 5,256 1.7%601 2012 414,346 1.3%12,984 5,380 2.3%614 2013 422,101 1.9%12,737 5,376 -0.1%615 2014 430,667 2.0%12,746 5,489 2.1%627 2015 439,230 2.0%12,592 5,531 0.8%632 2016 447,681 1.9%12,480 5,587 1.0%638 2017 456,082 1.9%12,379 5,646 1.0%645 2018 464,527 1.9%12,274 5,701 1.0%651 2019 473,04 1.8%12,197 5,770 1.2%659 2020 481,587 1.8%12,129 5,841 1.201ó 667 2021 490,126 1.8%11,918 5,841 0.0%667 2022 498,618 1.7%11,824 5,895 0.9%673 2023 507,071 1.7%11,714 5,940 0.8%678 2024 515,508 1.7%11,427 5,891 -0.8%673 2025 523,994 1.6%11,365 5,955 1.1%680 2026 532,612 1.6%11,260 5,997 0.7%684 2027 541,310 1.6%11,006 5,957 -0.7%680 2028 550,147 1.6%10,830 5,958 0.0%680 2029 559,091 1.6%10,494 5,867 -1.5%670 Page 38 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Commercial Sales and Load, 1970-2008 (weather-adjusted) Percent kWh per Billed Sales Percent Average Load Year Customers Change Customer (tousands of MWh)Change (MI) 1970 21,375 42,768 914 105 1971 22,077 3.3%45,386 1,002 9.SOk 115 1972 22,585 2.3%46,141 1,042 4.0%120 1973 23,286 3.1%48,142 1,121 7.6%128 1974 24,096 3.5%49,025 1,181 5.4%136 1975 25,045 3.9%51,217 1,283 8.6%147 1976 26,034 3.9%52,509 1,367 6.6%157 1977 27,112 4.1%52,415 1,421 4.0%162 1978 27,831 2.7%52,467 1,460 2.8%169 1979 28,087 0.9%56,394 1,584 8.5%180 1980 28,797 2.5%54,135 1,559 -1.6%178 1981 29,567 2.7%54,278 1,605 2.9%184 1982 30,167 2.0%54,126 1,633 1.7%186 1983 30,776 2.0%52,64 1,620 -0.8%186 1984 31,55 2.5%53,312 1,682 3.8%191 1985 32,417 2.7%53,944 1,749 4.0%200 1986 33,208 2.4%53,590 1,780 1.8%203 1987 33,975 2.3%53, 126 1,805 1.4%205 1988 34,723 2.2%54,319 1,886 4.5%215 1989 35,638 2.6%55,327 1,972 4.5%226 1990 36,785 3.2%55,922 2,057 4.3%236 1991 37,922 3.1%56,027 2,125 3.3%243 1992 39,022 2.9%56,292 2,197 3.4%253 1993 40,047 2.SOk 57,764 2,313 5.3%262 1994 41,629 4.0%58,187 2,422 4.7%280 1995 43,165 3.7%58,523 2,526 4.3%287 1996 44,995 4.2%61,940 2,787 10.3%322 1997 46,819 4.1%62,007 2,903 4.2%333 1998 48,404 3.4%62,771 3,038 4.7%348 1999 49,430 2.1%64,085 3,168 4.3%363 2000 50,117 1.4%66,079 3,312 4.5%383 2001 51,501 2.8%67,424 3,472 4.9%383 2002 52,915 2.7%64,650 3,421 -1.5%389 2003 54,194 2.4%64,268 3,483 1.8%399 2004 55,577 2.6%63,972 3,555 2.1%407 2005 57,145 2.8%63,472 3,627 2J1'k 414 2006 59,050 3.3%63,320 3,739 3.1%425 2007 61,640 4.4%63,233 3,898 4.2%444 2008 63,492 3.0%62,122 3,94 1.2%449 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 39 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Commercial Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Percent kWh per Biled Sales Percent Average Load Year Customers Change Customer (thousands of MWh)Change (I\ 2009 64,261 1.2%59,445 3,820 -3.2%437 2010 64,925 1.0%58,988 3,830 0.3%438 2011 65,712 1.2%59,205 3,890 1.6%445 2012 67,085 2.1%59,330 3,980 2.3%455 2013 68,768 2.5%58,863 4,048 1.7%463 2014 70,486 2.5%58,172 4,100 1.3%469 2015 72,191 2.4%57,262 4,134 0.8%472 2016 73,883 2.3%56,354 4,164 0.7%476 2017 75,568 2.3%55,480 4,193 0.7%479 2018 77,249 2.2%54,64 4,221 0.7%482 2019 78,930 2.2%53,842 4,250 0.7%486 2020 80,608 2.1%53,054 4,277 O.SOk 489 2021 82,282 2.1%52,180 4,293 0.4%490 2022 83,952 2.0%51,378 4,313 0.5%493 2023 85,621 2.0%50,56 4,330 0.4%495 2024 87,288 1.9%49,653 4,334 0.1%495 2025 88,956 1.9%48,907 4,351 0.4%497 2026 90,628 1.9%48,165 4,365 0.3%499 2027 92,301 1.8%47,350 4,370 0.1%499 2028 93,980 1.8%46,599 4,379 0.2%500 2029 95,661 1.8%45,780 4,379 0.0%500 Page 40 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Irrigation Sales and Load,1970-2oo8 (weather-adjused Percent kWh per Billed sales Percent Average LoadYearCustomersChangeCustomer(thousands of MWh)Change (II) 1970 7,319 117,492 860 98 1971 7,518 2.7%132,445 996 15.8%114 1972 7,815 4.0%126,555 989 -0.7%113 1973 8,341 6.7%134,540 1,122 13.5%128 1974 8,971 7.6%143,892 1,291 15.0%147 1975 9,480 5.7%153,349 1,454 12.6%166 1976 9,936 4.8%153,080 1,521 4.6%173 1977 10,238 3.0%156,073 1,598 5.1%182 1978 10,476 2.3%152,167 1,594 -0.2%183 1979 10,711 2.2%158,121 1,694 6.2%193 1980 10,854 1.3%154,113 1,673 -1.2%190 1981 11,248 3.6%163,787 1,842 10.1%210 1982 11,312 0.6%148,385 1,679 -8.9%192 1983 11,133 -1.6%143,103 1,593 -5.1%182 1984 11,375 2.2%130,822 1,488 -6.6%169 1985 11,576 1.8%129,069 1,494 0.4%171 1986 11,308 -2.3%132,200 1,495 0.1%171 1987 11,254 -0.5%124,128 1,397 -6.SOÁi 160 1988 11,378 1.1%131,448 1,496 7.1%170 1989 11,957 5.1%136,351 1,630 9.0%186 1990 12,340 3.2%141,532 1,747 7.1%199 1991 12,484 1.2%134,476 1,679 -3.9%192 1992 12,809 2.6%134,469 1,722 2.6%196 1993 13,078 2.1%128,681 1,683 -2.3%192 1994 13,559 3.7%125,547 1,702 1.2%194 1995 13,679 0.9%126,417 1,729 1.6%197 1996 14,074 2.9%122,219 1,720 -0.5%196 1997 14,383 2.2%111,783 1,608 -6.5%184 1998 14,695 2.2%112,347 1,651 2.7%188 1999 14,912 1.5%115,126 1,717 4.0%196 2000 15,253 2.3%121,883 1,859 8.3%212 2001 15,522 1.8%110,306 1,712 -7.9%195 2002 15,840 2.0%105,996 1,679 -1.9%192 2003 16,020 1.%106,160 1,701 1.3%194 2004 16,297 1.7%103,886 1,693 -0.4%193 2005 16,936 3.9%97,135 1,645 -2.8%188 2006 17,062 0.7%94,015 1,604 -2.5%183 2007 17,001 -0.4%100,043 1,701 6.0%194 2008 17,428 2.5%105,738 1,843 8.3%210 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 41 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Irrigation Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Percent kWh per Billed Sales Percent Average Load Year Cusomers Change Customer (thousands of Mlh)Change (MI) 2009 17,705 1.6%100,269 1,775 -3.7%203 2010 17,982 1.6%94,477 1,699 -4.3%194 2011 18,261 1.6%93,557 1,708 0.6%195 2012 18,537 1.5%91,454 1,695 -0.8%193 2013 18,812 1.5%89,510 1,684 -0.7%192 2014 19,090 1.5%87,891 1,678 -0.4%192 2015 19,367 1.5%86,947 1,68 0.4%192 2016 19,644 1.4%85,637 1,682 -0.1%192 2017 19,921 1.4%84,516 1,684 0.1%192 2018 20,199 1.4%83,465 1,686 0.1%192 2019 20,474 1.4%82,524 1,690 0.2%193 2020 20,755 1.4%81,683 1,695 0.3%193 2021 21,031 1.3%80,425 1,691 -0.2%193 2022 21,308 1.3%79,093 1,685 -0.4%192 2023 21,583 1.3%78,135 1,686 0.1%193 2024 21,861 1.3%76,541 1,673 -0.8%190 2025 22,140 1.3%75,146 1,664 -0.6%190 2026 22,415 1.2%74,420 1,668 0.3%190 2027 22,691 1.2%73,007 1,657 -0.7%189 2028 22,967 1.2%71,35 1,639 -1.1%187 2029 23,244 1.2%69,359 1,612 -1.6%184 Page 42 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Industrial Sales and Load, 1970-2008 (weather-adjusted Percent kWh per Biled Sales Percent Average Load Year Customers Change Customer (thousands of MWh)Change (IV) 1970 49 9,173,784 445 52 1971 50 3.3%10,474,941 525 17.9%60 1972 56 12.1%10,94,714 615 17.2%71 1973 63 12.3%10,889,056 687 11.7%79 1974 65 2.2%11,464,249 739 7.6%84 1975 71 10.5%11,014,121 785 6.1%91 1976 73 3.0%11,681,540 858 9.3%99 1977 85 15.1%10,988,826 929 8.3%106 1978 99 17.6%9,786,753 972 4.7%111 1979 109 9.6%9,989,158 1,087 11.8%126 1980 112 2.7%9,894,706 1,106 1.7%125 1981 118 5.7%9,718,723 1,148 3.9%132 1982 122 3.5%9,504,283 1,162 1.2%133 1983 122 -0.3%9,797,522 1,194 2.7%138 1984 124 1.5%10,369,789 1,282 7.4%147 1985 125 1.2%10,844,888 1,357 5.9%155 1986 129 2.7%10,550,145 1,357 -0.1%155 1987 134 4.1%11,006,455 1,474 8.7%169 1988 133 -1.0%11,660,183 1,546 4.9%177 1989 132 -0.6%12,091,482 1,594 3.1%183 1990 132 0.2%12,584,200 1,662 4.3%191 1991 135 2.5%12,699,665 1,719 3.4%196 1992 140 3.4%12,650,945 1,770 3.0%203 1993 141 0.5%13,179,585 1,854 4.7%212 1994 143 1.7%13,616,608 1,948 5.1%223 1995 120 -15.9%16,793,437 2,021 3.7%230 1996 103 -14.4%18,774,093 1,934 -4.3%221 1997 106 2.7%19,309,50 2,042 5.6%235 1998 111 4.6%19,378,734 2,145 5.0%244 1999 108 -2.3%19,985,029 2,160 0.7%247 2000 107 -0.8%20,433,299 2,191 1.5%250 2001 111 3.5%20,618,361 2,289 4.4%260 2002 111 -0.1%19,441,876 2,156 -5.8%246 2003 112 1.0%19,950,866 2,234 3.6%255 2004 117 4.3%19,417,310 2,269 1.5%259 2005 126 7.9%18,645,220 2,351 3.6%270 2006 127 1.0%18,255,385 2,325 -1.1%265 2007 123 -3.6%19,275,551 2,366 1.8%270 2008 119 -3.1%19,415,391 2,308 -2.4%261 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 43 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Industrial Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Percent kWh per Biled Sales Percent Average Load Year CUstomers Change Cusomer (thousands of MWh)Chane (IV) 2009 123 3.2%17,962,012 2,203 -4.6%251 2010 123 0.3%17,854,906 2,196 -0.3%252 2011 125 1.6%19,535,073 2,442 11.2%281 2012 128 2.4%20,058,798 2,568 5.1%293 2013 128 0.0%20,226,984 2,589 0.8%296 2014 130 1.6%19,997,345 2,600 0.4%297 2015 131 0.8%19,881,653 2,604 0.2%297 2016 134 2.3%19,485,326 2,611 0.3%297 2017 134 0.0%19,527,376 2,617 0.2%299 2018 136 1.5%19,281,769 2,622 0.2%299 2019 136 0.0%19,327,437 2,629 0.2%300 2020 138 1.5%19,089,792 2,634 0.2%300 2021 140 1.4%18,842,449 2,638 0.1%301 2022 141 0.7%18,758,363 2,645 0.3%302 2023 141 0.0%18,812,300 2,653 0.3%303 2024 145 2.SOÆi 18,316,503 2,656 0.1%302 2025 146 0.7%18,230,053 2,662 0.2%30 2026 147 0.7%18,153,540 2,669 0.3%305 2027 148 0.7%18,053,489 2,672 0.1%305 2028 150 1.4%17,857,001 2,679 0.2%305 2029 151 0.7%17,741,963 2,679 0.0%306 Page 44 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Additional Firm Sales and Load, 1970-2008 Billed Sales Percent Average LoadYear (thousads ofMWh) Change (MW1970 319 361971 295 -7.5% 341972 284 -3.7% 321973 290 2.2% 331974 282 -2.7% 321975 314 11.1% 361976 277 -11.9% 311977 311 12.4% 351978 357 14.8% 411979 373 4.6% 431980 360 -3.6% 411981 376 4.5% 431982 368 -2.2% 421983 425 15.5% 481984 466 9.8% 531985 473 1.3% 541986 482 2.0% 551987 503 4.3% 571988 531 5.6% 601989 671 26.5% 771990 626 -6.8% 711991 661 5.7% 751992 681 3.0% 771993 689 1.3% 791994 741 7.5% 851995 877 18.4% 1001996 988 12.6% 1121997 1,048 6.0% 1201998 1,112 6.2% 1271999 1,121 0.8% 1282000 1,143 1.9% 1302001 1,118 -2.1% 1282002 1,139 1 .9% 1302003 1,120 -1.7% 1282004 1,157 3.3% 1322005 1,175 1 .6% 1342006 1,189 1 .2% 1362007 1,142 -4.0% 1302008 1,114 -2.4% 127 'Includes Micron Technology, Simplot Fertilizer, INL, and Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 45 Appendix A 1 . Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Additional Firm Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Biled Sales Percent Average Load Year (thousands of MWh)Change (MW 2009 1,004 -9.9%115 2010 1,429 42.3%163 2011 1,605 12.3%183 2012 1,621 1.0%185 2013 1,687 4.1%193 2014 1,690 0.2%193 2015 1,689 0.0%193 2016 1,684 -0.3%192 2017 1,678 -0.3%192 2018 1,676 -0.1%191 2019 1,657 -1.1%189 2020 1,657 0.0%189 2021 1,652 -0.3%189 2022 1,650 -0.1%188 2023 1,637 -0.8%187 2024 1,638 0.1%186 2025 1,633 -0.3%186 2026 1,619 -0.8%185 2027 1,606 -0.9%183 2028 1,595 -0.6%182 2029 1,579 -1.0%180 -Includes Micron Technology, Simplot Fertilizer, INL, City of Weiser, and Raft River Rural Electric Cooperative, Inc. Page 46 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Company Firm Load, 1970-2008 (weather-adjusted Biled Sales Percent Year (thousands of MWh) Change 3,857 4,272 4,521 4,983 5,425 6,004 6,385 6,782 7,158 7,735 7,753 8,035 7,960 7,983 8,069 8,238 8,330 8,398 8,764 9,215 9,496 9,707 9,900 10,200 10,564 11,026 11,363 11,632 12,106 12,416 12,820 12,948 12,683 12,954 13,247 13,525 13,835 14,225 14,370 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 10.8% 5.8% 10.2% 8.9% 10.7% 6.3% 6.2% 5.5% 8.1% 0.2% 3.6% -0.9% 0.3% 1.1% 2.1% 1.1% 0.8% 4.4% 5.1% 3.1% 2.2% 2.0% 3.0% 3.6% 4.4% 3.1% 2.4% 4.1% 2.6% 3.3% 1.0% -2.0% 2.1% 2.3% 2.1% 2.3% 2.8% 1.0% Average Load (MW 487 539 571 628 685 759 805 854 907 972 971 1,011 1,000 1,008 1,008 1,036 1,045 1,051 1,098 1,159 1,198 1,215 1,247 1,271 1,335 1,373 1,434 1,464 1,516 1,558 1,618 1,582 1,586 1,627 1,663 1,697 1,729 1,780 1,798 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 47 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Company Firm Load, 2009-2029 Biled Sales Percent Averae Load Year (thousands of MWh)Change (MW 2009 13,977 -2.7%1,752 2010 14,322 2.5%1,797 2011 14,902 4.0%1,869 2012 15,244 2.3%1,906 2013 15,384 0.9%1,926 2014 15,557 1.%1,947 2015 15,642 0.5%1,957 2016 15,728 0.5%1,967 2017 15,817 0.6%1,979 2018 15,907 0.6%1,991 2019 15,995 0.6%2,002 2020 16,105 0.7%2,013 2021 16,116 0.1%2,017 2022 16,189 0.5%2,026 2023 16,245 0.3%2,032 2024 16,192 -0.3%2,024 2025 16,264 0.4%2,035 2026 16,318 0.3%2,041 2027 16,262 -0.3%2,034 2028 16,250 -0.1%2,030 2029 16,116 -0.8%2,015 Page 48 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Astars Sales and Load, 1970-2008 Billed Sales Percent Averae Load Year (thousands of MWh)Change (MW 1970 1,657 189 1971 1,508 -9.0%172 1972 1,819 20.6%207 1973 1,645 -9.6%188 1974 1,643 -0.1%188 1975 1,557 -5.3%178 1976 1,575 1.2%179 1977 1,418 -10.0%162 1978 1,542 8.8%176 1979 1,395 -9.6%159 1980 1,513 8.5%172 1981 1,634 8.0%186 1982 1,554 -4.9%177 1983 1,610 3.6%184 1984 1,701 5.7%194 1985 1,614 -5.1%184 1986 1,554 -3.7%177 1987 1,692 8.9%193 1988 1,635 -3.4%186 1989 1,703 4.2%194 1990 1,604 -5.8%183 1991 1,609 0.3%184 1992 1,570 -2.4%179 1993 1,437 -8.4%164 1994 1,420 -1.2%162 1995 1,567 10.4%179 1996 1,689 7.8%192 1997 1,628 -3.6%186 1998 1,273 -21.8%145 1999 1,051 -17.4%120 2000 1,054 0.3%120 2001 658 -37.5%75 2002 11 -98.3%1 2003 0 -100.0%0 2004 0 0.0%0 2005 0 0.0%0 2006 0 0.0%0 2007 0 0.0%0 2008 0 0.0%0 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 49 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Astaris Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Biled Sales Percent Average LoadYear (thousands of MWh) Change (I\)2009-2029 0 0.0% 0 Page SO 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Company System Sales and Load, 1970-2008 (weather-adjusted Biled Sales Percent (thousand of MWh) Change 5,515 5,781 6,340 6,628 7,068 7,561 7,960 8,200 8,701 9,130 9,266 9,669 9,514 9,593 9,770 9,851 9,884 10,090 10,400 10,918 11,101 11,316 11,470 11,637 11,984 12,593 13,051 13,260 13,378 13,467 13,874 13,607 12,695 12,954 13,247 13,525 13,835 14,225 14,370 Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 4.8% 9.7% 4.5% 6.6% 7.0% 5.3% 3.0% 6.1% 4.9% 1.5% 4.3% -1.6% 0.8% 1.9% 0.8% 0.3% 2.1% 3.1% 5.0% 1.7% 1.9% 1.4% 1.5% 3.0% 5.1% 3.6% 1.6% 0.9% 0.7% 3.0% -1.9% -6.7% 2.0% 2.3% 2.1% 2.3% 2.8% 1.0% Average Load (MW 686 719 789 825 882 945 994 1,024 1,092 1,139 1,152 1,207 1,186 1,201 1,212 1,229 1,231 1,254 1,293 1,363 1,390 1,408 1,435 1,44 1,505 1,561 1,636 1,659 1,668 1,684 1,744 1,661 1,587 1,627 1,663 1,697 1,729 1,780 1,798 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 51 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Company System Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Biled Sales Percent Average Load Year (thousand of MWh)Change (M 2009 13,977 -2.7%1,752 2010 14,322 2.5%1,797 2011 14,902 4.0%1,869 2012 15,244 2.3%1,906 2013 15,384 0.9%1,926 2014 15,557 1.1%1,947 2015 15,642 0.5%1,957 2016 15,728 0.5%1,967 2017 15,817 0.6%1,979 2018 15,907 0.6%1,991 2019 15,995 0.6%2,002 2020 16,105 0.7%2,013 2021 16,116 0.1%2,017 2022 16,189 0.5%2,026 2023 16,245 0.3%2,032 2024 16,192 -0.3%2,024 2025 16,264 0.4%2,035 2026 16,318 0.3%2,041 2027 16,262 -0.3%2,034 2028 16,250 -0.1%2,030 2029 16,116 -0.8%2,015 Page 52 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Historical Contract Off-System Sales and Load, 1970-2008 Biled Sales Percent A verage LoadYear(thousands of MWh)Change (MW 1970 386 44 1971 439 13.6%50 1972 448 2.0%51 1973 489 9.3%56 1974 501 2.3%57 1975 568 13.5%65 1976 613 7.9%70 1977 659 7.5%75 1978 684 3.7%78 1979 759 11.1%87 1980 762 0.3%87 1981 752 -1.2%86 1982 736 -2.2%84 1983 710 -3.5%81 1984 747 5.2%85 1985 779 4.3%89 1986 670 -13.9%,77 1987 64 -4.0%73 1988 675 4.9%77 1989 740 9.7%84 1990 968 30Jl'Æi 111 1991 1,537 58.8%175 1992 1,34 -12.3%154 1993 1,557 15.5%178 1994 1,811 16.3%207 1995 1,583 -12.6%181 1996 1,285 -18.8%146 1997 674 -47.5%77 1998 716 6.2%82 1999 568 -20.6%65 2000 587 3.3%67 2001 538 -8.4%61 2002 454 -15.7%52 2003 346 -23.6%40 2004 19 -94.4%2 2005 10 -47.0%1 2006 0 -100.0%0 2007 0 0.0%0 200S 0 0.0%0 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 53 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Contract Off-System Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Biled Sales Percent Average LoadYear (thousands of MWh) Change (MI)20092029 0 0.0% 0 Page 54 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 5.4% 9.1% 4.9% 6.3% 7.4% 5.5% 3.3% 5.9% 5.4% 1.4% 3.9% -1.6% 0.5% 2.1% 1.1% -0.7% 1.7% 3.2% 5.3% 3.5% 6.5% -0.3% 2.9% 4.6% 2.8% 1.1% -2.8% 1.1% -0.4% 3.0% -2.2% -7.0% 1.2% -0.3% 2.0% 2.2% 2.8% 1.0% Average Load(M 732 771 841 883 941 1,012 1,066 1,101 1,173 1,229 1,242 1,296 1,273 1,285 1,300 1,321 1,310 1,330 1,373 1,451 1,504 1,590 1,594 1,628 1,719 1,748 1,787 1,738 1,753 1,752 1,813 1,725 1,641 1,668 1,665 1,698 1,729 1,780 1,798 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 55 Appendix A 1. Historical and Projected Sales and Load Idaho Power Company Projected Total Company Sales and Load, 2009-2029 Biled Sales Percent Average Load Year (thousands of MWh)Change (MW 2009 13,977 -2.7%1,752 2010 14,322 2.5%1,797 2011 14,902 4.0%1,869 2012 15,244 2.3%1,906 2013 15,384 0.9%1,926 2014 15,557 1.1%1,947 2015 15,642 0.5%1,957 2016 15,728 0.5%1,967 2017 15,817 0.6%1,979 2018 15,907 0.6%1,991 2019 15,995 0.6%2,002 2020 16,105 0.7%2,013 2021 16,116 0.1%2,017 2022 16,189 0.5%2,026 2023 16,245 0.3%2,032 2024 16,192 -0.3%2,024 2025 16,264 0.4%2,035 2026 16,318 0.3%2,041 2027 16,262 -0.3%2,034 2028 16,250 -0.1%2,030 2029 16,116 -0.8%2,015 Page 56 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Program Impacts Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Progra Impacts Energy Efficiency Programs Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 2010 2,058 1,871 2,075 2,007 2,049 1,852 1,913 1,913 1,999 2,067 1,999 2,067 23,871 2011 3,410 3,100 3,437 3,325 3,397 3,104 3,199 3,208 3,311 3,424 3,311 3,437 39,663 2012 4,544 4,114 4,563 4,394 4,525 4,146 4,281 4,289 4,375 4,563 4,394 4,525 52,712 2013 5,662 5,125 5,662 5,498 5,662 5,188 5,370 5,370 5,453 5,684 5,475 5,639 65,786 2014 6,781 6,138 6,781 6,584 6,781 6,244 6,454 6,446 6,558 6,807 6,532 6,781 78,886 2015 7,711 6,980 7,711 7,487 7,682 7,131 7,370 7,360 7,487 7,740 7,428 7,711 89,798 2016 8,613 7,828 8,682 8,397 8,578 8,023 8,268 8,293 8,363 8,647 8,363 8,682 100,736 2017 9,587 8,680 9,627 9.271 9,547 8,914 9,186 9,214 9,271 9,587 9,271 9,547 111,703 2018 10,525 9,530 10,570 10,179 10,481 9,797 10,116 10,137 10,135 10,570 10,179 10,481 122,699 2019 11,461 10,375 11,461 11,129 11,461 10,681 11,056 11,056 11,038 11,506 11,084 11,415 133,723 2020 12,396 11,220 12,396 12,035 12,349 11,592 11,980 11,963 12,035 12,443 11,942 12,396 144,748 2021 13,292 12,085 13,404 12,964 13,236 12,486 12,896 12,896 12,908 13,348 12,908 13,348 155,772 2022 14,225 12,929 14,339 13,869 14,168 13,388 13,795 13,838 13,812 14,282 13,812 14,339 166,796 2023 15,230 13,789 15,293 14,728 15,166 14,283 14,717 14,763 14,728 15,230 14,728 15,166 177,819 2024 16,163 14,632 16,163 15,695 16,163 15,147 15,680 15,680 15,566 16,227 15,631 16,098 188,843 2025 17,095 15,474 17,095 16,598 17,095 16,062 16,604 16,582 16,534 17,160 16,469 17,095 199,865 2026 18,035 16,325 18,035 17,511 17,967 16,959 17,528 17,502 17,511 18,104 17,374 18,035 210,887 2027 18,913 17,195 19,072 18,446 18,833 17,854 18,439 18,439 18,367 18,992 18,367 18,992 221,910 2028 19,856 18,059 20,031 19,286 19,856 18,758 19,328 19,389 19,286 19,943 19,286 19,856 232,931 2029 20,873 18,899 20,961 20,186 20,786 19,632 20,271 20,314 20,098 20,961 20,186 20,786 243,952 Commercial Buildina Effciencv (MWh including lose) EnergRêdüCtlons Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 2010 3,898 3,481 3,84 3,722 3,926 3,884 4,014 4,014 3,750 3,870 3,750 3,870 46,024 2011 8,157 7,283 8,037 7,786 8,217 8,121 8,388 8,392 7,846 8,097 7,846 8,037 96,206 2012 12,679 11,405 12,588 12,285 12,770 12,725 13,147 13,152 12,376 12,588 12,285 12,770 150,769 2013 17,282 15,543 17,282 16,617 17,282 17,323 17,911 17,911 16,872 17,154 16,745 17,409 205,331 2014 21,893 19,688 21,893 21,047 21,893 21,937 22,671 22,661 21,213 21,726 21,380 21,893 259,894 2015 26,489 23,821 26,489 25,465 26,691 26,540 27,424 27,428 25,465 26,287 25,869 26,489 314,457 2016 31,288 27,934 30,829 29,86 31,518 31,151 32,173 32,191 30,093 31,058 30,093 30,829 369,020 2017 35,621 32,042 35,366 34,514 35,877 35,757 36,930 36,950 34,514 35,621 34,514 35,877 423,583 2018 40,210 36,170 39,921 38,959 40,499 40,355 41,695 41,710 39,248 39,921 38,959 40,499 478,145 2019 44,835 40,325 44,835 43,111 44,835 44,944 46,469 46,469 43,774 44,503 43,442 45,167 532,708 2020 49,470 44,488 49,470 47,558 49,846 49,565 51,216 51,224 47,558 49,093 48,311 49,470 587,271 2021 54,363 48,552 53,588 51,909 54,750 54,170 55,979 55,979 52,297 53,975 52,297 53,975 641,834 2022 59,045 52,716 58,178 56,357 59,479 58,786 60,715 60,749 56,791 58,612 56,791 58,178 696,397 2023 63,152 56,807 62,699 61,188 63,606 63,392 65,472 65,508 61,188 63,152 61,188 63,606 750,959 2024 67,796 60,976 67,796 65,189 67,796 67,961 70,267 70,267 66,191 67,295 65,690 68,297 805,522 2025 72,451 65,155 72,451 69,651 72,451 72,597 75,027 74,994 70,203 71,900 70,754 72,451 860,085 2026 77,047 69,288 77,047 74,070 77,634 77,195 79,767 79,779 74,070 76,461 75,243 77,047 914,648 2027 82,091 73,316 80,921 78,386 82,677 81,800 84,532 84,532 78,971 81,506 78,971 81,506 969,211 2028 86,628 77,394 85,430 83,350 86,628 86,422 89,258 89,307 83,350 86,029 83,350 86,6281,023,773 2029 90,683 81,571 90,032 87,863 91,334 91,010 94,032 94,066 88,514 90,032 87,863 91,3341,078,336 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 57 Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Program Impacts Idaho Power Company Industrial Program (MWh including lose) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OCt Nov Dec Total 2010 3,663 3,272 3,611 3,498 3,689 3,650 3,772 3,n2 3,524 3,637 3,524 3,637 43,251 2011 7,240 6,46 7,134 6,911 7,293 7,208 7,445 7,449 6,964 7,187 6,964 7,134 85,393 2012 10,445 9,396 10,370 10,120 10,520 10,483 10,831 10,835 10,195 10,370 10,120 10,520 124,208 2013 13,721 12,341 13,721 13,193 13,721 13,754 14,221 14,221 13,396 13,619 13,294 13,822 163,023 2014 17,002 15,290 17,002 16,345 17,002 17,037 17,607 17,599 16,475 16,873 16,604 17,002 201,838 2015 20,272 18,230 20,272 19,489 20,426 20,311 20,987 20,991 19,489 20,118 19,797 20,272 240,653 2016 23,695 21,155 23,347 22,617 23,869 23,591 24,365 24,379 22,790 23,521 22,790 23,347 279,468 2017 26,766 24,077 26,574 25,934 26,958 26,868 27,750 27,765 25,934 26,766 25,934 26,958 318,283 2018 30,030 27,013 29,815 29,096 30,246 30,139 31,139 31,151 29,312 29,815 29,096 30,246 357,098 2019 33,322 29,970 33,322 32,040 33,322 33,403 34,536 34,536 32,533 33,075 32,287 33,568 395,913 2020 36,620 32,932 36,620 35,205 36,899 36,691 37,913 37,918 35,205 36,341 35,763 36,620 434,728 2021 40,109 35,821 39,537 38,298 40,395 39,967 41,301 41,301 38,584 39,823 38,584 39,823 473,543 2022 43,441 38,784 42,803 41,464 43,760 43,251 44,670 44,694 41,783 43,122 41,783 42,803 512,358 2023 46,351 41,694 46,018 44,910 46,684 46,527 48,054 48,080 44,910 46,351 44,910 46,684 551,173 2024 49,656 44,661 49,656 47,746 49,656 49,776 51,466 51,466 48,481 49,289 48,113 50,023 589,988 2025 52,968 47,634 52,968 50,922 52,968 53,075 54,852 54,828 51,325 52,565 51,728 52,968 628,803 2026 56,238 50,575 56,238 54,065 56,666 56,346 58,223 58,232 54,065 55,810 54,921 56,238 667,618 2027 59,834 53,439 58,981 57,134 60,261 59,622 61,613 61,613 57,560 59,408 57,560 59,408 706,433 2028 63,060 56,338 62,188 60,674 63,060 62,910 64,974 65,010 60,674 62,624 60,674 63,060 745,248 2029 65,936 59,311 65,463 63,886 66,410 66,174 68,371 68,396 64,359 65,463 63,886 66,410 784,063 Irrigation Effciency Program (MWh including Ios6$) édü Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OCt Nov Dec Tota 2010 0 0 0 499 1,831 2,486 2,659 2,244 1,146 225 0 0 11,090 2011 0 0 0 998 3,662 4,973 5,319 4,487 2,291 450 0 0 22,180 2012 0 0 0 1,447 5,310 7,210 7,712 6,506 3,322 653 0 0 32,161 2013 0 0 0 1,846 6,775 9,200 9,840 8,301 4,239 833 0 0 41,033 2014 0 0 0 2,196 8,056 10,940 11,701 9,871 5,041 991 0 0 48,796 2015 0 0 0 2,455 9,008 12,233 13,084 11,038 5,636 1,108 0 0 54,563 2016 0 0 0 2,715 9,960 13,526 14,467 12,205 6,232 1,225 0 0 60,330 2017 0 0 0 2,974 10,913 14,819 15,850 13,371 6,828 1,342 0 0 66,096 2018 0 0 0 3,234 11,865 16,112 17,233 14,538 7,423 1,459 0 0 71,863 2019 0 0 0 3,493 12,817 17,405 18,616 15,705 8,019 1,576 0 0 77,630 2020 0 0 0 3,753 13,769 18,698 19,999 16,871 8,615 1,693 0 0 83,397 2021 0 0 0 4,012 14,721 19,990 21,381 18,038 9,211 1,810 0 0 89,164 2022 0 0 0 4,272 15,673 21,283 22,764 19,204 9,806 1,927 0 0 94,930 2023 0 0 0 4,531 16,625 22,576 24,147 20,371 10,402 2,044 0 0 100,697 2024 0 0 0 4,791 17,577 23,869 25,530 21,538 10,998 2,161 0 0 106,464 2025 0 0 0 5,050 18,529 25,162 26,913 22,704 11,593 2,278 0 0 112,231 2026 0 0 0 5,310 19,481 26,455 28,296 23,871 12,189 2,395 0 0 117,998 2027 0 0 0 5,569 20,434 27,748 29,679 25,038 12,785 2,512 0 0 123,764 2028 0 0 0 5,829 21,386 29,041 31,062 26,204 13,381 2,629 0 0 129,531 2029 0 0 0 6,088 22,338 30,334 32,444 27,371 13,976 2,747 0 0 135,298 Page 58 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Program Impacts Energy Effciency Programs-Total (MWh including lose) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Total 2010 9,620 8,624 9,529 9,727 11,496 11,873 12,359 11,943 10,418 9,799 9,273 9,574 124,236 2011 18,807 16,846 18,609 19.019 22,569 23,406 24,351 23,536 20,412 19,158 18,121 18,609 243,442 2012 27,668 24,915 27,521 28,246 33,125 34,564 35,972 34,782 30,268 28,174 26,799 27,815 359,849 2013 36,664 33,009 36,664 37,154 43,438 45,465 47,342 45,803 39,960 37,290 35,514 36,870 475,173 2014 45,676 41,116 45,676 46,171 53,732 56,157 58,434 56,578 49,287 46,396 44,516 45,676 589,415 2015 54,472 49,032 54,472 54,896 63,807 66,215 68,866 66,817 58,077 55,253 53,094 54,472 699,471 2016 63,596 56,917 62,857 63,592 73,925 76,291 79,274 77,067 67,479 64,451 61,247 62,857 809,553 2017 71,975 64,799 71,567 72,693 83,295 86,357 89,715 87,300 76,546 73,316 69,719 72,382 919,665 2018 80,766 72,712 80,305 81,468 93,090 96,402 100,183 97,535 86,118 81,764 78,234 81,226 1,029,805 2019 89,617 80,670 89,617 89,773 102,434 106,432 110,677 107,766 95,364 90,661 86,812 90,1501,139,974 2020 98,486 88,641 98,486 98,552 112,863 116,545 121,108 117,976 103,414 99,571 96,016 98,486 1,250,144 2021 107,764 96,458 106,529 107,184 123,102 126,614 131,557 128,213 113,000 108,956 103,789 107,146 1,360,313 2022 116,711 104.429 115,320 115,962 133,080 136,708 141,945 138,485 122,192 117,943 112,385 115,320 1,470,481 2023 124,733 112,289 124,011 125,357 142,081 146,778 152,391 148,723 131,228 126,777 120,826 125,455 1,580,649 2024 133,615 120,269 133,615 133,421 151,192 156,753 162,943 158,950 141,236 134,972 129,434 134,419 1,690,817 2025 142,515 128,264 142,515 142,222 161,044 166,897 173,396 169,108 149,655 143,903 138,951 142,515 1,800,984 2026 151,321 136,188 151,321 150,956 171,748 176,956 183,814 179,383 157,835 152,770 147,538 151,321 1,911,151 2027 160,839 143,950 158,974 159,536 182,204 187,025 194,262 189,621 167,683 162,419 154,898 159,9062,021,318 2028 169,544 151,791 167,648 169,139 190,929 197,130 204 ,622 199 ,909 176,691 171,226 163,310 169,5442,131,484 2029 177,493 159,781 176,456 178,023 200,868 207,150 215,119 210,147 186,948 179,202 171,935 178,5302,241,649 Residential Programs (MW including losses) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Max 2010 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2011 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 2012 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 2013 8 8 8 8 8 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 2014 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2015 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2016 12 11 12 12 12 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 2017 13 13 13 13 13 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 2018 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 2019 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 2020 17 16 17 17 17 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 2021 18 18 18 18 18 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 2022 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 2023 20 21 21 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 2024 22 21 22 22 22 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 2025 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 2026 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 2027 25 26 26 26 25 25 25 25 26 26 25 26 26 2028 27 26 27 27 27 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 2029 28 28 28 28 28 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 59 Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Program Impacts Idaho Power Company Commercial Programs (MW including losses) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Max 2010 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2011 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2012 17 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 17 17 17 17 18 2013 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 24 2014 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 29 29 30 29 30 2015 36 35 36 35 36 37 37 37 35 35 36 36 37 2016 42 40 41 41 42 43 43 43 42 42 42 41 43 2017 48 48 48 48 48 50 50 50 48 48 48 48 50 2018 54 54 54 54 54 56 56 56 55 54 54 54 56 2019 60 60 60 60 60 62 62 62 61 60 60 61 62 2020 66 64 67 66 67 69 69 69 66 66 67 66 69 2021 73 72 72 72 74 75 75 75 73 73 73 73 75 2022 79 78 78 78 80 82 82 82 79 79 79 78 82 2023 85 85 84 85 85 88 88 88 85 85 85 85 88 2024 91 88 91 91 91 94 94 94 92 90 91 92 94 2025 97 97 98 97 97 101 101 101 98 97 98 97 101 2026 104 103 104 103 104 107 107 107 103 103 104 104 107 2027 110 109 109 109 111 114 114 114 110 110 110 110 114 2028 116 111 115 116 116 120 120 120 116 116 116 116 120 2029 122 121 121 122 123 126 126 126 123 121 122 123 126 Industnal Program (MW including los) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep OCt Nov Dec Ma 2010 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2011 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2012 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 15 2013 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 18 18 19 19 2014 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 24 2015 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 27 27 27 27 28 2016 32 30 31 31 32 33 33 33 32 32 32 31 33 2017 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 36 36 36 36 37 2018 40 40 40 40 41 42 42 42 41 40 40 41 42 2019 45 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 45 44 45 45 46 2020 49 47 49 49 50 51 51 51 49 49 50 49 51 2021 54 53 53 53 54 56 56 56 54 54 54 54 56 2022 58 58 58 58 59 60 60 60 58 58 58 58 60 2023 62 62 62 62 63 65 65 65 62 62 62 63 65 2024 67 64 67 66 67 69 69 69 67 66 67 67 69 2025 71 71 71 71 71 74 74 74 71 71 72 71 74 2026 76 75 76 75 76 78 78 78 75 75 76 76 78 2027 80 80 79 79 81 83 83 83 80 80 80 80 83 2028 85 81 84 84 85 87 87 87 84 84 84 85 87 2029 89 88 88 89 89 92 92 92 89 88 89 89 92 Page 60 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Idaho Power Company Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Program Impacts Irrigation Effciency Program (MW including loses) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Ma 2010 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 3 2 0 0 0 4 2011 0 0 0 1 5 7 7 6 3 1 0 0 7 2012 0 0 0 2 7 10 10 9 5 1 0 0 10 2013 0 0 0 3 9 13 13 11 6 1 0 0 13 2014 0 0 0 3 11 15 16 13 7 1 0 0 16 2015 0 0 0 3 12 17 18 15 8 1 0 0 18 2016 0 0 0 4 13 19 19 16 9 2 0 0 19 2017 0 0 0 4 15 21 21 18 9 2 0 0 21 2018 0 0 0 4 16 22 23 20 10 2 0 0 23 2019 0 0 0 5 17 24 25 21 11 2 0 0 25 2020 0 0 0 5 19 26 27 23 12 2 0 0 27 2021 0 0 0 6 20 28 29 24 13 2 0 0 29 2022 0 0 0 6 21 30 31 26 14 3 0 0 31 2023 0 0 0 6 22 31 32 27 14 3 0 0 32 2024 0 0 0 7 24 33 34 29 15 3 0 0 34 2025 0 0 0 7 25 35 36 31 16 3 0 0 36 2026 0 0 0 7 26 37 38 32 17 3 0 0 38 2027 0 0 0 8 27 39 40 34 18 3 0 0 40 2028 0 0 0 8 29 40 42 35 19 4 0 0 42 2029 0 0 0 8 30 42 44 37 19 4 0 0 44 Energy Effciency Programs-Total (MW including losses) Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Max 2010 13 13 13 14 15 16 17 16 14 13 13 13 17 2011 25 25 25 26 30 33 33 32 28 26 25 25 33 2012 37 36 37 39 45 48 48 47 42 38 37 37 48 2013 49 49 49 52 58 63 64 62 56 50 49 50 64 2014 61 61 61 64 72 78 79 76 68 62 62 61 79 2015 73 73 73 76 86 92 93 90 81 74 74 73 93 2016 85 82 85 88 99 106 107 104 94 87 85 84 107 2017 97 96 96 101 112 120 121 117 106 99 97 97 121 2018 109 108 108 113 125 134 135 131 120 110 109 109 135 2019 120 120 121 125 138 148 149 145 132 122 120 121 149 2020 132 127 133 137 152 162 163 159 144 134 133 132 163 2021 145 144 143 149 165 176 177 172 157 146 144 144 177 2022 157 155 155 161 179 190 191 186 170 159 156 155 191 2023 168 167 167 174 191 204 205 200 182 170 168 169 205 2024 180 173 180 185 203 218 219 214 196 181 180 181 219 2025 192 191 192 198 216 232 233 227 208 193 193 192 233 2026 203 203 204 210 231 246 247 241 219 205 205 203 247 2027 216 214 214 222 245 260 261 255 233 218 215 215 261 2028 228 218 226 235 257 274 275 269 245 230 227 228 275 2029 239 238 237 247 270 288 289 282 260 241 238 240 289 2009 Integrated Resource Plan Page 61 Appendix A2. Demand-Side Management Program Impacts Idaho Power Company This page left blan intentionaly. Page 62 2009 Integrated Resource Plan