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Senior Attorney
March 30, 2007
Ms. Jean D. Jewell
Commission Secretary
Idaho Public Utilities Commission
PO Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0074
RE:Report of 2006 Weatherization Assistance for
Qualified Customers Program
Filed in Compliance with Order No. 29505 - Case No. IPC-03-
Dear Ms. Jewell
Enclosed please find eight copies of Idaho Power Company s report on the 2006
activity for the Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers Program. If you have
questions regarding the content of the report, please direct them to Mr. Pete Pengilly at 388-
Barton L. Kline
Ric Gale
Pete Pengilly
Theresa Drake
P&RS Files
Legal Files
Weatherization Assistance
for Qualified Customers
2006 Annual Report
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Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers (WAQC) is a program that provides financial
assistance to regional Idaho Community Action Partnership (CAP) agencies throughout Idaho Power
service territory to help cover the cost for weatherization of electrically heated homes of qualified
customers with limited income. The WAQC program also provides a limited pool of funds for
weatherization of buildings occupied by non-profit organizations serving primarily special needs
populations regardless of heating source, with priority given to those buildings with electric heat.
Weatherization improvements enable residents to maintain a more comfortable, safe, and energy efficient
home and reduce their monthly electricity bills. Improvements are available at no cost to qualifying
applicants who own or rent their homes. These customers also receive educational materials and
efficiency ideas for reducing energy use in their homes. Interested customers are qualified by local CAP
agencies that use federal and state guidelines annually to qualify residents for energy assistance.
Idaho Power Company (the Company) began offering Weatherization Assistance in 1989 in conjunction
with the State of Idaho Weatherization Assistance Program. Through the WAQC program , the Company
provides supplementary funding to state designated CAP agencies for the weatherization of electrically
heated homes occupied by qualified customers and buildings occupied by non-profit organizations. Each
year, Idaho Power enters into an annual agreement with each CAP agency in which the funding
allotment, billing requirements, and program guidelines are detailed. Currently, the Company administers
the program in Idaho through five regional CAP agencies including Canyon County Organization on Aging
and Community Services (CCOA), Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership (EICAP), EI- Ada
Community Action Partnership (EI - Ada), South Central Community Action Partnership (SCCAP), and
South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency (SEICAA).
WAQC has gone through significant changes since its inception in 1989. Most recently, significant
program modifications were made in 2004 following the issuance of the Idaho Public Utilities
Commission s Order No. 29505 in May, 2004 . These program changes more closely aligned the WAQC
program with the State of Idaho s Weatherization Assistance Program specifications and allowed the CAP
agencies to more effectively administer the program. In 2006 the WAQC program was again revised to
include the installation of Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) bulbs as an additional energy savings
measure. In addition, in order to align the Company s WAQC program with changes made to the State of
Idaho Weatherization Program , and at the request of the CAP agencies, Idaho Power increased the
annual average job payment twice, first on January 1 and again on October 1.
This report responds to the Commission s annual reporting directive with the following sections:
Review of Weatherized Homes by County
Review of Measures Installed
Overall Cost-Effectiveness
Customer Education and Advocacy
Plans for 2007
Review of Weatherized Homes by County
In 2006, the Company provided a total of $1 344 050 to Idaho CAP agencies with $1 186,191 directly
funding energy efficient and health and safety measures for qualified customers' homes (production
costs), $35,673 directly funding energy efficient measures for non-profit buildings, and $122 186 funding
the administration costs incurred by the CAP agencies. The total number of homes weatherized during
the year was 538. Two non-profit buildings were also weatherized during 2006. EI-Ada Community
Action Partnership Agency completed the most jobs by weatherizing 259 homes of which 242 were
located in Ada County. The average cost per home of the 242 homes weatherized in Ada County was
311. South Central Community Action Partnership completed the second most jobs by weatherizing
68 homes in Twin Falls County at an average cost per home of $1 863. Camas, Minidoka, and Lincoln
Counties all benefited from the program this year with one home each from Camas and Minidoka
Counties and two homes from Lincoln County being weatherized. In Canyon County, CCOA
weatherized 67 homes with an average production expense of $2 399.
1 See "2004 & 2005 Annual Report: Weatherization Assistance for Qualified Customers" dated April 1
2006 for details on the program changes made in 2004 and 2005.
Table 1 reviews the number of projects, production costs, average cost per home, administration
payments , and total payments made by county.
Table 1. 2006 Weatherization Activity - Customer Dwellinas and Non-Profit Agencies
Weatherization Activities and Expenditures By Agency and County
Total Payment Cost per Total Payment
# of without Home Administration Including
Jobs Administration Costs Served Payment Administration Costs
Customer Dwellinq Units
Agency County
CCOA Adams 332 666 $533 865
Boise $14 903 129 $1,490 $16 394
Canyon $160 753 399 $16 075 $176 828
Gem $17 513 502 751 $19,264
Payette $29 766 706 977 $32,743
Valley 774 387 $477 $5,251
Washington 846 423 $285 131
CCOA TOTAL $235,888 $2,407 $23,589 $259,476
EICAP Lemhi $20 716 302 072 $22 788
EICAP TOTAL $20 716 302 072 $22,788
EI - ADA Ada 242 $559 240 311 $55,924 $615,164
Elmore $15 755 626 575 $17 330
Owyhee $25 960 360 596 $28 556
EI - ADA TOTAL 259 $600,955 320 $60 095 $661 ,050
SCCAP Camas 246 246 $225 $2,470
Cassia 607 607 $461 068
Gooding $26,059 $841 606 $28 665
Jerome $53 600 680 360 $58 960
Lincoln 036 018 $804 840
Minidoka $3,846 846 $385 231
Twin Falls $126 658 863 $12 666 $139,324
SCCAP TOTAL 124 $225 052 815 $22 505 $247 557
SEICAA Bannock $59 128 112 913 $65 041
Bingham $30 181 744 $3,018 $33 199
Power $14 271 $1 ,586 427 $15,698
SEICAA TOTAL $103,580 $2,158 $10,358 $113,938
Total Dwelling Units 538 186,191 $2,205 $118,619 $1,304,811
Non-Profit Units
Twin Falls $35 673 567 $39 241
Total Non-Profit Units $35,673 $3,567 $39,241
GRAND TOTAL 2006 540 221,865 $122,186 344 051
Note: Numbers presented in the tables may not sum due to rounding.
In an effort to help the CAP agencies maximize the number of customers served under WAQC, the
Company includes a provision in each of its contracts with the agencies specifying an annual average
project or job cost maximum. The Company aligns the job cost maximum with the State of Idaho
Weatherization Program. The CAP agencies are required to have a year-end job cost average that is less
than , or equal to, the average job cost maximum stated in the agreement. The average job cost is
calculated by dividing the total annual production costs of homes weatherized per agency by the total
number of jobs completed during the year by that agency. There is no job average limit for
weatherization of non-profit buildings. In 2006, the contracted maximum average job cost for the first nine
months was $2 304 per home. In October the annual average amount allowed per home was increased
to $2 826. During the first 9 months of 2006, where an average of $2 304 per job was allowed, the
agencies together averaged $2 193 per job. After October when the average was increased to $2 826
per job , the agencies together averaged $2 278 per job. For the year, the average production cost per
home was $2 205.
Prior to program restructuring in 2004, the Company paid $75 per job to help offset the administration
costs incurred by the CAP agencies. As part of the program restructuring, the Company agreed to pay all
CAP agencies an administration cost equivalent to 10% of the amount funded by the Company for each
job. The average administration cost per project in 2006 was $220.
In compliance with the Commission s Order No. 29505, weatherization assistance funds are tracked and
unspent funds carried over and made available to CAP agencies in the following year. Funds may also
be transferred from one agency to another to fund shortfalls in allotted funds. In 2006, a total of $215,354
was carried forward from 2005 and a total of $80,000 was transferred between agencies. Table 2 details
the contract funding base amount, any carryover funding, the total amount of annual funding available,
and interagency fund transfers, for 2004 through 2006 by agency. Table 2 also details the funding levels
available to the agencies for 2007 (the funding levels detailed assume continued funding at the level
approved by the Commission effective June 1 2004).
Table 2. Base and Carryover Funding
2004 CONTRACT YEAR (111/04-
2004 BASE
$198 551
$367 709
$795 868
TOTAL 2004 2004
$176 551* $150 945
$8,439 $8 439
$367 709 $142 569
$132 449* $109 776
$74,470 $67 651
$36.250 284
$795,868 $495,665
$22 000
CCOA)$302 259 $25 606 $327 865 $237 578
EICAP $12 788 $12 788 $12 788
EL-ADA $568,479 $225 140 $793 619 $701 048
SCCAP $167,405 $22 673 $190 078 $175 501
SEICAA $111 603 $6,819 $118 422 $116,087
NON PROFIT 000 965 965 382
$1 212 534 $300,203 512 737 $1,297 383
CCOA $302 259 $90 287 $312 546*$259 477 (S;80,OOO)
EICAP $12 788 $22 788*$22 788 $10 000
EL-ADA $568 479 $92 571 11:""1 r,,':n $661 050"'vv, ,v~v
SCCAP $167,405 $14 577 $251 982*$247 557 $70 000
SEICAA $113 938 $113 938
NON PROFIT 583 240
427 888 344 050
$302 259 $53 069 $355,328
$12 788 $0 $12 788
$568 479 $0 $568,479$167,405 $4,425 $171 830
$111 603 $0 $111 603
000 343 343
Totals $1 212 534 $83,837 $1 296 371
Total Allotment includes the addition of CAP Agency Dollar Transfer amounts.
Review of Measures Installed
Table 3 details the number of jobs, the average cost per building weatherized , and the kilowatt-hour
(kWh) savings by measure during 2006. Consistent with the State of Idaho Weatherization Assistance
Program , the Company offers several measures that have costs but do not save energy. Included in this
category are such elements as health and safety, vents, furnace repair, and audits. Health and safety
5 '
measures are necessary to ensure weatherization activities do not cause unsafe situations in a client's
home or compromise a household's existing indoor air quality. The other non-energy savings measures
are allowed under this program in order to help facilitate the effective performance of those measures
yielding energy savings.
The total kWh savings for weatherized homes was 883 097 and 74 927 kWh savings for the two non-
profit jobs completed during the year. The total energy savings within Idaho from Weatherization
Assistance for Qualified Customers during 2006 was 958,024 kWh.
Table 3. 2006 kWh Savings and Measure Expense (excluding Administration)
Measure Cost and kWh Savings
January 1, 2006 - December 31, 2006
Number of Measure Cost Without
Home Measures Jobs Administration kWh Savinas
Windows 302 $330 849 193 828
Doors 252 $129 849 458 307
Walls 041 231
Ceilings 299 $178 087 288 510
Vents 320
Floors 189 $146 852 231 641
Infiltration 369 $104 773 239 821
Ducts $16 469 007
Health & Safetv 117 $16 346
Other 131
Water Heater 225 663 61,457
Pipes 157 369
Refrigerator $864 856
Furnace Tune 160 681
Furnace Modify $11 832 29,971
Furnace Repair $18 040
CFL $1,497 448
Furnace Replace 118 $155,597 290,971
Audit Investment 520 $48 664
TOTAL HOME JOBS 538 $1,186,191 883,097
Number of Measure Cost Without
Non Profit Measures Jobs Administration kWh Savings
Windows 376 721
Doors 070 222
Walls $19,996 45,362
Ceilings $1,410 746
Infiltration 282 876
Health & Safetv $641
Pipes $227
Furnace Repair $47
Audit Investment $624
JOBS 540 $1,221 865 958,024
Overall Cost-Effectiveness
Idaho Power monitors overall cost-effectiveness by requiring each CAP agency to ensure that each
efficiency measure as well as each total job has a Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR) of 1.0 or better. The
total job SIR reflects all the measure costs associated with the job, including measure costs that have no
kWh savings, and compares that total cost to the benefit of the total kWh savings of that job. Under this
standard, those jobs with an SIR greater than 1.0 are deemed to be cost-effective. In 2006, all jobs met
this cost-effective criterion.
Figure 1 shows the frequency distribution of the 2006 jobs funded through WAQC. The frequency
observations are presented in 0.25 increments and the SIR values have been rounded to two significant
digits. The SIR values for these jobs ranged between 1.03 and 9.24.
Frequency Distribution
2006 Idaho SIR Values
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.
"iI-'" O
1" .",
SIR Value
II/lax 9.2.1
Figure 1. 81 R Frequency Distribution
The figure shows the minimum (1.03) and maximum (9.24) SIR values as well as the mean (2.45),
median (2.12), and mode (1.75) of the distribution. The distribution , as expected , is skewed toward the
measures of central tendency. However, the close relationship between the median of 2.12 and the
mean of 2.45 indicate a fairly compact distribution of SIR values that are not overly influenced by the
higher scores in the distribution. Given the required SIR of at least 1., the minimum value of 1.03 in the
distribution and the mean of 2.45 indicate the projects conducted by the program continue to exceed the
cost effectiveness threshold.
In addition to the costs shown on Table 1 , Idaho Power incurs costs for administering this program. In
2006, Idaho Power incurred an additional $111 323 for labor, marketing, and support costs on this
program. The totallevelized cost of energy for this program is $0.037/kWh on a Utility Cost basis and
$0.056/kWh on a Total Resource Cost basis (including CAP agency and private participant costs)
Customer Education and Advocacy
The Company provides materials to each CAP agency to assist in the education of special needs
customers who receive weatherization assistance. Included in this material is the brochure "Practical
Ways to Manage Your Electricity Bill , and Energy Saving Tips" which describes energy conservation tips
appropriate for both the heating and cooling seasons. Included in the materials recently is a two-sided
card describing savings from the use of CFL bulbs and helpful hints about the bulbs. Stickers are
included to remind customers where they can save energy in their home. The educational information is
printed in Spanish as well as in large print for ease in reading by seniors. In addition to the materials
provided to the CAP agencies, the Company distributes Energy Assistance brochures to all customers
each fall describing the program including qualification and application guidelines. Idaho Power also
actively informs customers about this program each year through energy, health , and senior fairs.
Idaho Power takes an active role in advocating energy efficiency for special needs customers. The
Company periodically sponsors Energy Assistance Resource Symposiums where non-profit agencies are
encouraged to exchange ideas with utilities and CAP agencies on energy assistance available to
customers with limited income. In order to stay up-to-date with new energy assistance programs and
services, the program specialist overseeing W AQC attends state and federal energy
assistance/weatherization meetings and other weatherization specific conferences such as "Energy Out
West" and "Joint Low Income Energy Conferences . Idaho Power is also active in the Policy Advisory
Council helping advise and direct Idaho s state weatherization application to the United States
Department of Energy.
Plans for 2007
The Company will continue working in partnership with the Community Action Partnership Association of
Idaho, Inc. (CAPAI)2 as well as individual CAP agency weatherization personnel to maintain the targets
guidelines, and cost effectiveness of the WAQC program. In so doing Idaho Power will provide a
valuable service to the Company s special needs population. In order to maintain the current level of
funding, the Company plans to file a joint application with CAPAI in early 2007 requesting the
Commission authorize the continuation of the increased funding for WAQC, as initially approved in May,
2004 through Order No. 29505, beyond June 2007.
Based on historical averages , the Company estimates 467 homes and five non-profit buildings will be
weatherized in 2007. In total, the Company expects to fund $1 296,371 in weatherization measures and
administrative fees for 2007. The Company plans to continually evaluate the need for additional program
changes. As in years past, a minimum of five percent of all weatherization jobs submitted for
reimbursement will be audited. In addition , plans are underway for the Company to sponsor the 2007
Energy Assistance Resource Symposium this fall in partnership with CAPAI , state agencies, and other
2 CAPAI is a non-profit organization that sponsors trainings and conferences and serves as an advocate
for CAP agencies before the Idaho Legislature.