HomeMy WebLinkAbout19451017Certificate No 180.pdfBEroRE THE PUBLIO UtILITIES COMMISSION OF Tffii~ STATE or IDAHO IN THE 1-l';'TT~1t OF THE l~PLICA1'ION OF IDAHO POWER CaMP ANY FOR A CERTIFICATE or CONVENI~NCE AND ECE33ITY IN ern'I DA ~OUWl'Y (NCR'l'H- ERLY PORTION) t IN I'rlE 8'rAi1 ::': QF I DAao . CASE NO. '-1326 OERTIFICATE NO. 19o IT IS H.I:.'1EDY CERTI'IED thAt the ~Jubl1G oonven1enoe and necessity require , And will raqulr$, thRt Idaho Power Companl, a corporation, 1ts aucoeS80re and asBlgn., ~on9truct, own , malntsln, and operate eleoirlo rural dlatr1bu11on 11nee and s8"1o. exten8ionD therefrom southerly troll ita inter- connected system to oerta1n faralng area. in the northern portion of Oneld~ County, Id~1 said R~a~. be1ng. loo~ted pArt 1cularly 10 Township 13 South, nR~e 31 Eaet: Township 13 South, :o\l'1nge 32 East; Township 13 South, RAnge 33 EfJ.st; 9nd To~1nshlp 12 South, Range 33 EAst , Bo1ne Meridian , and to supply electric eerY1oe 1n Bald areas; and that eald Idaho fower Compeny, ita successors and asnlgns , exercise the rlRhts and "pr1v1leges thn.t hIlT. been, or may heredter ee, granted by 2."n7 franchise or tranotJ..s&s oover1r~ said d1strlbut1on linea ~~d sorTle. in One1da County, Idal~, which have been, cr rnf'\Y' hereafter be, 1ssued to said Idaho Power Company, it:! auoaaa~orq ~.n(l ~u'~igt1a . 'by "aid. County of Oneida , 3tnte ot Idaho" the exero1ee of such rights rmd privileges under ~uoh fI'8,nohlees to b~, i1CWi'~VdI", subJ~ct to the rules . orders and control ot th1s Commission f\S to rate9 , eerT1oe and faoilities. 'l'hla O,""U'loate 1. predlOale4 upon and l,wed pursuan' ta the t1n41ngs and ordlr of this Commiss1on 1n the ~bov. entitled aattar , made and entered on the 17th day ot October, 1945, to wh10h reference !s hereby made. Done in open ,eBelen at BOise, IJaho, th1a 11th day ot October, 1945. PUBLIC UTILITIES COM1-1I5SION OF IDAHO 131'1 resident t.:. AUGER OrmA oner JOY oner LOU!3E BRYANT eoret!' .!-,.