HomeMy WebLinkAbout19450602Certificate No 177.pdfBDOR:! '1BI R1BLIC TJ'l'ILrtIES OOIIUSSICIt 0" 'lRI SfA'r 0., IlIUIO Ia the llatter of the Appl1oat1oa ) of Idaho Power OaRpaJQ' tor a Cert1t1oat. ot 0Qa~en1.a.. and Ne....1 tl 1D. Idaho COWlt7 (aouth aouat7 l1De-Ri18tu area). in the State of Idaho. CABI NO. 1-l3a1 CERTI1ICATB NO. 1'7'7 IT IS HEREBY cm-rmED that the pub1io oonTeai.aoe aDd neoe81111t7 requ1re. and will require. that Idaho Power Compuy. . corporat10n. its suooe8sor. and assigna, construct. 0101, maintain, and operate an el.otr10 power line, distribution &ystem and iDOident.1 faoi1it1.s, together w1th senioe. and .ervioe erteMione theretr_. from its interooDneote4 81.t. at or near N~ Meadow. in Adams Countl, Idaho. 1Ja a northerll direction, cenerallJ' following the route ot the North and South H1sJ8a7, aloq the 1.1 tt1e Balmoa RiTer, throqh Adaa8 and Idaho Countie., to the oCJlDm\Ui1t7 ot Rigiu au. area. coaUcuoU8 thereto, in Idaho Count)". Idaho, an4 to auPP17 e1eotrio .enioe 1a ..i4 ar...; and that 8a1d Idaho PowU' ~, u. naoe.eor. an4 a..ips, exercise the right. and priTilege. that have beea, or .., hereafter be.granted 8Dl' trenohi.. or tranohi... coveriJ18 s8i4 t1'lU18la1.81oa lin. and HmO. 1Ja Idaho Count7, Idaho, which have been, or -7 hereaner be, i.sued to ..i4 Idaho Power Co~, its suoce.sor. and assip., b7 88i4 00uBt)" of Idaho, State Idaho, the exerc1se ot suoh right. and privilege. under suoh franchises to be, hO1f~ver, subject to the rule.. ordere and oontro1 ot thi. CODID1i.81on a8 rat.., serv108 and faoilit1... Thi. oenitieste 18 predicated upon and iasued pursuant to the t1nding. and order ot this CaIIm1s81on in the aboTe entitled matter, made and entered on the 2nd day ot .Tune, 1945, to which retereaoe 18 herebJ 1'fJlde. Done in open 8ession at Boise, Idaho, thi. 2nd 4&1 ot .Tune, 1945. 1. W. COmmLL Pre.ident B. AUGER w. B. loY 00mm1. si oner. LOUISE BRY.AJrl'