HomeMy WebLinkAbout19430517Certificate No 173.pdfBErOU THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION or THE STATE or IDAHO In 'the J(att,er of the Application of Idaho Power Comp&ny' tor a Certificate 01 ConTen1_ce and Necessit,. in Valley County (Stibnite Area). in the State of Idaho. CASE NO. P-l29J CERTIFICATE NO. 173 IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the public convenience and necessity require, and nil require, that Idaho Power Company-, a corporation, its successors and assigns, construct, own, maintain, and operate a high voltage said areal and that said Idaho Power Company, its succe~sor~ ~d assigna, transmission line extending trom its inter-connected system at a. point near Emmett, in Gem County, in a. northerly- Md northeaeter13' direction, a distance' ot approximately ilO miles through Gem and Valley counties to the so-CAlled St.1bnite Mining Area in Valley County, Idaho, and supply elee\ric service in exercise the rights and privileges that have been, or maY' hereafter be; granteeS by any franchise or franchises covering said transmission line and 8ernce in Valley County, Idaho, which have been, or may hereafter be, issued to said Idaho Power Com,any, it s successors and assigns, by said County of Vall.,., State of Idaho , the exercise of such rights and priYileges under such franchi.e. to be, however) subject to the rules, orders and control"" ot this Commis8ioa ae to rates, service and facilities. This certificate is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and order of this Commission in the above entitled matter, made and entered on the day ot May, 1943, to which reference is hereby made. Done in open 8es8ion at Boise , Idaho, this day ot Jla;r, 194'. ( SEAL) President. A'lTESTa ~~ ~t/ C/ Secret . ,