HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410611Certificate No 169.pdf. ~-, :';~~1~~'tt:t( :~~. ~~tl)~;" .~":~:~~'~:' ;;r'l~~lfh~~t1~;~f~J:~~i:. - /(:,?r:t~i~:t-':'; .~~ BEFORE TilE PUBLIC UTILITIES CO1WISSIm~ OF TDE SThTE OF IDAHO In ths Jie.tter or the Application of Idaho Power Co~pany for a C~l~1flcat. of Co~enienca and Necessity in the Village of' Musing, Owyhee County,Idaho. CASB NO.F-1240 CERTUICATE NO.169 IT IS HmU!:BY CERTIFIED. That the public convenience and necessity requIres . and w111 require. the Idaho Power Company, a cor'poratlon, its successors and assigns.. to construct t :maintain and operate 6 general electr1- cal slst.. f'ortne supplying of electric1 ty for light, heat, power and other purposes to the Village of Marsing. Owyhee Cotmty, Idaho, and to the inhabit"illts thereof', and to exereis8 the rights and pr1Tileges the.t have bean or may here- after bet issued to tt..e Idr..ho Power Company, its successors and asslgI:.B. by the said Village of -raing, Owyhee County, Idaho. TillS CERTIFICATE is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the t1ndi~8 and order ot this Commission in the abaTe entitled matter made and. entered on the 11th day ot:lUD.8 A. D. 1941, to which reference 1s hereby made. DONE Ilf OP1iN SESSION at Bo1s8, Idaho. this 11th day June D.. 1941 ,r 11 '.:.QuAu t:ird-~o.:!JC'I R. H. Young i, "i"'f'VS'f' : , - v. W.. CQrnel1 Com!"" :c:t.~; !"\T1~"'~.