HomeMy WebLinkAbout19410529Certificate No 167.pdf../.0 BD'ORK 'rBE PUBLIC UTILl'fI~ COMifiSSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO In the Matter of the Application Idaho Power Company tor a Certiticate ot ConTenience and NeCessity in the Vll1.Etge ot Csstle1'ord. 'rwin :rails County. Idaho. Cmm:FICATX NO. 167 CASE NO. F-1239 IT IS RER.EBY CIR'fIFIED. 'l'bat the public coJIYenience and nee.ssi t7 requires, and will require, the Idaho Power Company. a corporation, 1ts successors and assigns . to eonstr'J.ct, maintain and operate a general el..tri- cal system. for the supplying ot e1eetrie1ty tor light. heat.. power and other parposes to the Village ot Castletord. Twin Falls County. Idaho, and to the iDhabi tents thereot, and to exercise the rights ana priTileges tbat haTe bHl1. or may hereafter ba, issued ta the Idaho Power Cosp8J11', 1t8 8U8Cesson and assigns, by the said Village ot Castletord, Twin J'alls Couaty. Idaho. 'fHIB CERTIFICAn 1s predicated upon and issued pur8Uant to the :t1nd1ngs and order of this Commission in the abaTe entitled matter made and entered on the ~ ~ ~ day ot D. 1941. to which reference is hereby made. DONE IN opm SESSION at Boise. Idaho, this ,.1 'i dayot Ivt D., 1941. ATTES'1': //' . / ) Cl(/ g.. Secretaryl/ ~ C\ 1k~f' Commissioners.