HomeMy WebLinkAbout19391017Certificate No 152.pdfBIIOII !BE PUBLIC UTILItIES COIIIIBSIOI Of THE STATE OF IDAHO In the Matter of the Application of Idaho Power CoIlp8l1y tor a Cert1tloa~ ) ot Conveleac. aDd leeeali V in the Vtll8.,8 of llurtauch, T.1n I'all. County, Idaho. CASI 10.1204 CERTInCATE NO. 152 IT IS HEREBY CER1'InD, ,bat the public OOl1vclence and nece8111 ty require., and 1d1l require, the Idabe Power co.~., . corporation, it. 8UC0e880rl and assigns, to construct, u1nt.a1D and operate a genen.l electri- au sy'8t- tor ~. supplyiAg of electricl ty for light. heat, 'PO-V 8I1d other purposea to the Vill..e of Vurtaugh, Twin Fall, County. Idaho. and to the Inhabi- tents theri!!ot, and to exercis8 the right. ud prin1.- that bav. be.., OJ' IUJ' hena.tter be, leG" to the Idaho Power COIIp8D.7, ita successors 8.114 .aaip., bJ the Mid V11l... ot Murtauah,1'wll1 'alls CountT, Idaho. !BIB CERTIFICATE!. pretl1cated upoa ... 18a84 P'lrBU88t to the tindiap &4 o1'l!ler ot thi. 00881..108 ia the above entitled matter made and entered. 011 the 17th day of October . 1959, to which reference is !HtrebJ' aade. DOB! II OPEl 8ESSIOII at. Boise, Idaho, thi. . 17th 181 of October ., 19~9. J. W. CO~.NELL ATTEST: M. REESE HATTABAUGH W. B. JOY Secretary R. H. YOUNG Collini s sione ra .