HomeMy WebLinkAbout19360423Certificate No 134.pdfBIlOU Tal\. PtmLIC UTILITIES CODISSION 01 THI STATE C'l IVAI!)
la the ..ttel' of the Applioation Idafto PoWI" CosP8D7 tor a Cert1t1cate
of Coanni."oe and lece..i t1 111 th-
'111&'8 of hftdlem, Ada Coati, Idaho.
CAS. 00,F-l09'
CER'tIfiCATI 10.
IT IS HE~I CERTI'!!D, That the public conY8n1oooe and nece.aity
rBCIuS.re8. aDd ,,1U require, the Idaho Po'",rn" Comparq, a OOI'p8ftt1()B;:.""~~;~;~C0;
. '.. ~;::,
81100."'01"1 and assign. to oonatruat, ma1nta1n a.'1d oper",te a get1ent'
0&1 ."tea for the lupplyiac ot e18ctrio1 tT for Upt, heat, po918,. and other
purpG/JOI to the V11la,;e ot lend1a, Ada Co-V. Idaho, and to the 1IIba1d.-
tut. thereof', and t exercise the rights SAd pr1vU.,es thHt baY. be_,ol'
887 heMtattel" be, 1~8Ued to the Idaho rO'll'8r Company, i to.! auo08s8ora and
.,.1tn' b7 the nidi1lla,. ot lIer1d1an, Ada County, IdallO,
THIS CERTIfICATE 18 pred1eated upon and 138\2.ed pU1"8\18ftt to the
t1ndlnia and orde. of tn1. Co..18s1eD in the above entitled DAttar made
and .ntered on the 2!rcI dtt:y of April, A.D. 19M, to which. reference 18 hereby
:~t~'SESSIOW lot 9010., Ideho, t!1i1 2S,"" 1"IT or April, A.D..