HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330705Certificate No 130.pdfBUOBJ: THI PUBLIC UTILITIES CCIAMIBSI÷ON OF 'mE STATE OF mAHO IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATIOR OF IDAHO POWER CCJ!PANY 1!'OR A CERT~I.. CA'l'E OF CONVENIENCE .AND NECESSITY IN mE CITY. C1B AMERIOAN FALLS POWER COUNTY, IDAHO. CASE NO. 1'-1048 CERTIFICATE No.130 IT IS HEBEBY C:a:RTIFIED, That the public co11Tenience end necessi ty reQ!lires, and .Ul require, the 148110 Power Company, a corporation, its successors and asm.gns to construct, maintain snd operate a general electri- oal system for the 81pplying of electricity for light, heat, power end other purposes to the City' of AJnerican Falla, Power County, Idaho, and to the in- habitants thereot, and to exercise the rights and privileges that have been, or may hereafter be, issued to the Idaho Power Company, its successors and asngns by the said City of AJnerican 1!'alls, Power County, Idaho. '!HIS CERTIFIOATE, is predicated upon and issued pursuant to the findings and order or thi s Commis si on in the a be ve en ti tled matter made and entered on the 5th day of JUly, A.D., 1933 , to which reterence is hereby made. OONE II OPEN SESSION at Boise, Idaho, this 5th day ot J"ulT, A.D.. 1933. ~~c:: -A.~Jf2AA Commi ss ioner