HomeMy WebLinkAbout19190815Certificate No 78.pdfBEFORE, THE PUBLIC UT ItaIT IES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO In the Matter of the Application of ) " Case No. F-290 the Idaho Power Company for a Certit- icate ot Convenience ani. Necessity Certificate No. 78. Relative to the Village ot Wilder Canyon County, Idaho~ and necessi t;y IT IS HEHEBY CERT1FIED , That the present and. future convenience / at the public require and will require that the Idaho Power Cozu.pa.ny operate am naintain its electrical system wi thin the Vill~-:e of Wild.er aDd the district immediately contiguous thereto , and construct , operate and maintain such extensions thereof as the service tor sajd village and tb& i1Jha.bi tants thereat may require , and lipply for and receive a.rry franchise which hereafter be grauted to said applicant by said village for s1.1Ch service. The exercise ot such rights and privileges under such franchise are to be , however , subject to the rules , orders am control of the Oonmission as to the reasonableness 0 f the rates and charges and the adequacy- and reasonableness of the service rendered. Done in open session at Boise , Idaho , on the 15th d~ of August 1919. -1J A. '1t f: