HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018Annual Report.pdf3Effi* An TDACORP Company LISA D. NORDSTROM Lead Counsel I nordstrom@idahopower.com April24,2019 Ms. Diane Hanian, Secretary ldaho Public Utilities Commission PO Box 83720 Boise, lD 83720-0074 Re: ldaho Power Company's 2018 Annual FERC Form 1 Report Dear Ms. Hanian Enclosed forfiling are two copies of ldaho Power Company's FERC Form 1 report and ldaho supplement for the year ending December 31,2018. One bound and one unbound copy are being provided as requested by the ldaho Public Utilities Commission. Also included is the !DACORP 2018 Annual Report. lf you have any questions, please contact Regulatory Analyst Kelley Noe at 208- 388-5736 or knoe@idahopower.com. Very truly yours, lzt-,e.(-,^lrt'r',,* ordstromLisa D. N LDN:kkt Enclosures THIS FILING IS Form 1 Approved OMB No.1902-0021 (Expires 1213112019) Form 1-F Approved OMB No.1902-0029 (Expires 1213112019) Form 3-Q Approved OMB No.1902-0205 (Expires 1213112419) (J FERC FINANCIAL REPORT FERC FORM No. 1: Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others and Supplemental Form 3-Q: Quarterly Financia! Report These reports are mandatory under the Federal PowerAct, Seclions 3, 4(a), 304 and 309, and 18 CFR 141.1 and 141.400. Failure to report may result in criminal fin€s, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does not consider these reports to be of confidential nature Item 1: [] An lnitial (Original) Submission OR ! Resubmission No. _ Exact Legal Name of Respondent (Gompany) ldaho Power Company Year/Period of Report End of 20',81Q4 FERC FORM No.ll3-Q (REv. 02-o4l THIS FILING IS Item 1: E An lnitial (Original) Submission OR tr Resubmission No. _ Form 1 Approved OMB No.1902-0021 (Expires 1213112019) Form 1-F Approved OMB No.1902-0029 (Expires 1213112019) Form 3-Q Approved OMB No.1902-0205 (Expires 1213112019) FERC FINANCIAL REPORT FERC FORM No. 1: Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others and Supplemental Form 3-Q: Quarterly Financial Report These reports are mandatory under the Federal PowerAct, Sections 3, a(a), 304 and 309, and 18 CFR 141 .1 and 141 .400. Failure to report may result in criminal fines, civil penalties and other sanctions as provided by law. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission does not consider these reports to be of confidential nature Exact Legal Name of Respondent (Company) ldaho Power Company Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 FERC FORM No.1/3-Q (REV. 02-041 Deloitte,,Deloittc & Touche LLP 800 West Main Street Suite 1400 Bolse, ID a37O2-7734 USA Tel: +1 208 342 9361 www, deloitte.com INDEPENDENT AU DITORS' REPORT Idaho Power Company Boise, Idaho We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Idaho Power Company (the "Company"), which comprise the balance sheet - regulatory basis as of December 31,2018, and the related statements of income - regulatory basis, retained earnings - regulatory basis, and cash flows - regulatory basis for the year then ended, included on pages 110 through 723 of the accompanying Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Form 1, and the related notes to the flnancial statements. Management's Responsibility for the Financia! Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the accounting requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of interna! control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Audators' Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financia! statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. [n making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the Company's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Company's internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the regulatory-basis financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the assets, liabilities, and proprietary capital of Idaho Power Company as of December 31, 2018, and the results of its operations and its cash flows forthe yearthen ended in accordance with the accounting requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases, Basis of Accounting As discussed in Note I to the financial statements, these financial statements were prepared in accordance with the accounting requirements of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as set forth in its applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases, which is a basis of accounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Our opinion is not modified with respect to this matter. Restricted Use This report is intended solely for the information and use of the board of directors and management of the Company and for filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commlssion and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. fr"1,W, t{ruc&tt4 April 16, 2019 FERC FORM NO. 1/3.Q: IDENTIFICATION 01 Exact Legal Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company 02 Y ear lP eriod of Report End of 2018/Q4 03 Previous Name and Date of Change (if name changed during year)tt 04 Address of Principal Office at End of Period (Sfreef, City, State, Zip Code) 1221W ldaho St, P.O. Box 70 Boise, ld 83707-0070 05 Name of Contact Person Ken Petersen 06 Title of Contact Person VP, Controller and CAO 07 Address of Contact Person (Street, City, State, Zip Code) 1221W ldaho St, P.O. Box 70 Boise, ld 83707-0070 08 Telephone of Contact Person,lncluding Area Code (208) 388-2761 09 This Report ls (1) ffi An Original (2) ! A Resubmission 10 Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 ANNUAL CORPORATE OFFICER CERTIF!CATION The undersigned officer certifies that; I have examined this report and to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief all statements of fact contained in this report are correct statements of the business affairs of the respondent and the financial statements, and other financial information contained in this report, conform in all material respects to the Uniform System of Accounts. 01 Name Ken Petersen 02 Title Vice President, Controller & CAO Ken Petersen 03 04 Date Signed (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Title 18, U.S.C. 1001 makes it a crime for any person to knowingly and willingly to make to any Agency or Department of the United States any false, fictitious or fraudulent stiatements as to any matter within its jurisdiction. FERC FORM No.1/3-Q (REV. 02-04)Page 1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5.1en Orisinat (21 fiA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4End of Enter in column (c) the terms "none," "not applicable," or "NA," as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the respondents are "none," "not applicable," or "NA". Line No. Title of Schedule (a) Reference Page No. (b) Remarks (c) 1 General lnformation 101 2 Control Over Respondent 102 ?Corporations Controlled by Respondent 103 4 Officers 104 5 Directors 105 6 lnformation on Formula Rates 106(aXb) 7 lmportiant Changes During the Year 108-109 8 Comparative Balance Sheet 110-113 I Statement of lncome for the Year 114-117 10 Statement of Retained Earnings for the Year 1 18-1 'l 9 11 Statement ol Cash Flows 120-121 12 Notes to Financial Statements 122-123 13 Statement of Accum Comp lncome, Comp lncome, and Hedging Activities 122(a){b) 14 Summary of Utility Plant & Accumulated Provisions for Dep, Amort & Dep 200-201 15 Nuclear Fuel Materials 202-203 N/A 16 Eleckic Plant in Service 204-207 17 Electric Plant Leased to Others 213 NIA 18 Electric Plant Held for Future Use 2',t4 19 Construction Work in Progress-Electric 216 20 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Utility Plant 219 21 lnvestment of Subsidiary Companies 224-225 22 Materials and Supplies 227 23 Allowances 228(ab)-229(ab)N/A 24 Extraordinary Property Losses 234 N/A 25 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs 230 N/A 26 Transmission Service and Generation lnterconnection Study Costs 231 27 Other Regulatory Assets 232 28 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits 233 29 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes 234 30 Capital Stock 250-251 Other Paid-in Capital 253 cz Capital Stock Expense 254 33 Long-Term Debt 25&257 34 Reconciliation of Reported Net lncome with Taxable lnc for Fed lnc Tax 261 35 Taxes Accrued, Prepaid and Charged During the Year 262-263 36 Accumulated Deferred lnvestment Tax Credits 266-267 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 2 ldaho Power Company Date of Reporl (Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 Enter in column (c) the terms "none," "not applicable," or "NA," as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the respondents are "none," "not applicable," or "NA". Line No. Title of Schedule (a) Reference Page No. (b) Remarks (c) 37 Other Deferred Credits 269 38 Acormulated Deferred lncome Taxes-Accelerated Amortization Property 272-273 N/A 39 Accr.rmulated Deferred lncome Taxes-Other Property 274-275 40 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes-Other 276-277 41 Other Regulatory Liabilities 278 42 Eleckic Operating Revenues 300-301 43 Regional Transmission Service Revenues (Acmunt 457.1)302 N/A 44 Sales of Eleckicity by Rate Schedules 304 45 Sales for Resale 310-3 1 1 46 Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses 324-323 47 Purchased Power 326-327 48 Transmission of Electricity for Others 328-330 49 Transmission of Eleckicity by ISO/RTOs 331 N/A 50 Transmission of Electricity by Others 332 51 Miscellaneous General Expenses-Electric 335 52 Depreciation and Amortization of Electric Plant 336-337 53 Regulatory Commission Expenses 350-351 54 Research, Development and Demonstration Activities 352-353 55 Distribution of Salaries and Wages 354-355 56 Common Utility Plant and Expenses 356 NiA 57 Amounts included in ISO/RTO Settlement Statements 397 N/A 58 Purchase and Sale of Ancillary Services 398 59 Monthly Transmission $ystem Peak Load 400 60 Monthly ISO/RTO Transmission System Peak Load 400a N/A 61 Electric Energy Account 401 62 Monthly Peaks and Output 401 63 Steam Electric Generating Plant Statistics 402-403 64 Hydroelectric Generating Plant Statistics 406-407 65 Pumped Storage Generating Plant Statistics 408-409 N/A 66 Generating Plant Statistics Pages 410-411 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-96)Page 3 This Reoort ls:(1) 5_1An orisinal (2) [lA Resubmission ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission (Mo, Da, 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 Enter in column (c) the terms "none," "not applicable," or "NA," as appropriate, where no information or amounts have been reported for certain pages. Omit pages where the respondents are "none," "not applicable," or "NA". Line No. Title of Schedule (a) Reference Page No. (b) Remarks (c) 67 Transmission Line Stratistics Pages 422-423 68 Transmission Lines Added During the Year 424-425 69 Substations 426-427 70 Transactions with Associated (Affi liated) Companies 429 71 Footnote Data 450 Stockholders' Reports Check appropriate box: ! Two copies will be submitted E ruo annual reportto stockholders is prepared FERC FORM NO. ' (ED.12.96)Page 4 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report ls: (1) E AnOriginal (2) tr A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2o18ta4 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Provide name and title of officer having custody of the general corporate books of account and address of office where the general corporate books are kept, and address of office where any other corporate books of account are kept, if different from that where the general corporate books are kept. Kelr Peteraen vice President, Controller and CAO/ Idaho Pogte! CoEpany t22L w. Idaho street, P.o. Box 70, Boise, Idaho 83707-00?0 2. Provide the name of the State under the laws of which respondent is incorporated, and date of incorporation. lf incorporated under a special law, give reference to such law. lf not incorporated, state that fact and give the type of organization and the date organized. Idatro, .Iune 30, 1989 3. lf at any time during the year the property of respondent was held by a receiver or trustee, give (a) name of receiver or trustee, (b) date such receiver or trustee took possession, (c) the authority by which the receivership or trusteeship was created, and (d) date when possession by receiver or trustee ceased. lilot Applicab].e 4. State the classes or utility and other services furnished by respondent during the year in each State in which the respondent operated. Class of Utility Service State Electric Idaho El€ctric oregon 5. Have you engaged as the principal accountant to audit your financial statements an accountant who is not the principal accountant for your previous year's certified financial statements? (1) tr Yes (2) Dg No Enter the date when such independent accountant was initially engaged: FERC FORM No.1 (ED. 12-87)PAGE 101 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report ls: (1) E An Original (2) tr A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2olg91 CONTROL OVER RESPONDENT 1. lf any corporation, business trust, or similar organization or a combination of such organizations jointly held control over the repondent at the end of the year, state name of controlling corporation or organization, manner in which control was held, and extent of control. lf control was in a holding company organization, show the chain of ownership or control to the main parent company or organization. lf control was held by a trustee(s), state name of trustee(s), name of beneficiary or beneficiearies for whom trust was maintained, and purpose of the trust. ldaho Power Company is a subsidiary of IDACORP, INC IDACORP owns 100o/o of ldaho Power Company's Common Stock. IDACORP is a public utility Holding Company incorporated effective 10-1-1998 FERC FORM NO. I (ED, 12-96)Page 102 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) Reoort ls: 5]An orisinal 1A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018tQ4 CORPORATIONS CONTROLLED BY RESPONDENT 1. Report below the names of all corporations, business trusts, and similar organizations, controlled directly or indirectly by respondent at any time during the year. lf control ceased prior to end of year, give paffculars (details) in a footnote. 2. lf control was by other means than a direct holding of voting rights, state in a footnote the manner in which control was held, naming any intermediaries involved. 3. lf control was held jointly with one or more other interests, state the fact in a footnote and name the other interests. Definitions 1 . See the Uniform System of Accounts for a definition of control. 2. Direct control is that which is exercised without interposition of an intermediary. 3. lndirect control is that which is exercised by the interposition of an intermediary which exercises direct control. 4. Joint control is that in which neither interest can effectively control or direct action without the consent of the other, as where the voting control is equally divided between two holders, or each party holds a veto power over the other. Joint control may exist by mutual agreement or understanding between two or more parties who together have control within the meaning of the definition of control in the Uniform System of Accounts, regardless of the relative voting rights of each party. Line No. Name of Company Controlled (a) Kind of Business (b) Percent Voting Stock Owned (c) Footnote Ref. (d) 1 Direct Control 2 ldaho Energy Resources Company Coal mining and mineral 100% a development 4 5 6 7 B I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 FERC FORM NO. ,l (ED.12-96)Page 103 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) E:]An Original(2) 1-1A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 YeariPeriod of Report End of 2O18lA4 OFFICERS 1. Report below the name, title and salary for each executive officer whose salary is $50,000 or more. An "executive officer' of a respondent includes its president, secretary, treasurer, and vice president in charge of a principal business unit, division or function (such as sales, administration or finance), and any other person who performs similar policy making functions. 2. lf a change was made during the year in the incumbent of any position, show name and total remuneration of the previous incumbent, and the date the change in incumbency was made. Llne No. Title (a) Name of Otficer (b) Salarvfor Yeiir(c) 1 2 President & Chief Executive Oflicer Darrel T. Anderson 860,000 3 4 Senior Vice President, CFO & Treasurer Steven Keen 445,000 5 6 Senior Mce President, COO Lisa Grow 445,000 7 8 Senior Mce President, Public Affairs Jeffrey Malmen 305,000 I 10 Senior Vice President, Admin Services & Chief HR Officer Lonnie Krawl (1)187,000 11 12 Senior Mce President & General Counsel Brian Buckham 340,000 13 14 Vice President, T&D Engineering & Construction, and CSO Vem Porter 305,000 15 16 Mce President, Power Supply Tessia Park 285,000 17 18 Vice President, Customer Operations & Bus. Development Adam Richins 260,000 19 20 Mce President, Corporate Controller & CAO 265,000 21 22 Vice President of Corporate Services & CIO Jeff Glenn 262,000 ZJ 24 Mce President of Regulatory Affairs Tim Tatum 200,000 25 20 Corporate Secretary Pakick Harrington 210,000 27 28 (1) Retirement effective 8/31/18, Salary shows YTD wages 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page ,04 Ken Petersen Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (21 An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 DIRECTORS 1, Reportbelowtheinformationcalledforconcerningeachdirectoroftherespondenlwhoheldofiicealanytimeduringtheyear. lncludeincolumn(a),abbrevialed titles of the directors who are officers of the respondent. 2. Designate members of the Executive Committee by a triple asterisk and the Chairman of the Executive Committee by a double asterisk. LItgNo.Name (and i lue) ot urrector ness Address ) 1 2 Judith A. Johansen 10446 E. Palo Brea Dr., Scottsdale, Arizona85262 3 4 Christine King, Comp. Committee Chair,.-.8527 East Old Field Rd 5 Scottsdale, Arizona 85266 6 7 Thomas E. Carlile 2719 North Woodview place, Boise ldaho 83702 B 9 Darrel T. Anderson President & CEO, ".*ldaho Power Company, 1221 W.ldaho Street, 10 P.O. Box 70, Boise, ldaho 83707-0070 11 12 J. LaMont Keen (1)481 North Strata Via Way, Boise ldaho 83712 13 't4 Robert A. Tinstman, Board Chair & Corp Gov Chair, "*4433 W. Quail Point Court, Boise, ldaho 83703 15 16 Richard Dahl, Audit Chair "-60 Laiki Pl, 17 Kailua, Hawaii 96734-1 905 18 19 Dennis L. Johnson 926 W Oakhampton Dr, Eagle, ldaho 83616 20 21 Ronald W. Jibson 417 Aerie Circle, North Salt Lake City, Utah 84054 22 23 Richard J. Navano 1256 E. Candleridge Ct., Boise, ldaho 83712 24 25 Annette G. Elg 3475 E. Rivernest Lane, Boise, ldaho 83706-6928 26 27 (1) Retired on May 16, 2018 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4B FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.9s)Page 105 Pfinqpal ul ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission(2) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report gn6 61 2018/Q4 INFORMATION ON FORMULA RATES FERC Rate Schedule/Tariff Number FERC Proceeding Does lhe respondent have formula rates?I ves ENo 1. Please list the Commission accepted formula rates including FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number and FERC proceeding (i.e. Docket No) accepting the rate(s) or changes in the accepted rate. Line No.FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number FERC Proceeding 1 FERC Electric Tariff 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ,,19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 1R 36 37 38 39 40 41 FERC FORM NO.1 (NEW.12-08)Page 106 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls: (1) E An original (2) - A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report En6 o1 2018/Q4 INFORMATION ON FORMULA RATES FERC Rate Schedule/Tariff Number FERC Proceeding Does the respondent file with the Commission annual (or more frequent) filings mntaining the inputs to the formula rate(s)?I ves Eruo 2. lf yes, provide a listing of such filings as mntained on the Commission's eLibrary website Line No Accession No Document Date \ Filed Date Docket No.Description Formula Rate FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff Number I 201 80829-51 66 0812912018 ER09-1 641 -000 ldaho Power Companl FERC Electric Tariff 2 2018 Annua 3 lnformational Fillinl 4 under ER09-1641-00( 5 6 7 B I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 I I I I FERC FORM NO.1 (NEW.12-08)Page 106a Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1)E An original (2) l-l A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Repo( En6 61 2018/Q4 INFORMATION ON FORMULA RATES Formula Rate Variances 1. lf a respondent does not submit such filings then indicate in a footnote to the applicable Form 1 schedule where formula rate inputs differ from amounts reported in the Form 1. 2. The footnote should provide a narrative description explaining how the "rate" (or billing) was derived if different from the reported amount in the Form 1. 3. The footnote should explain amounts excluded from the ratebase or where labor or other allocation factors, operating expenses, or other items impacting formula rate inputs differ from amounts reported in Form 1 schedule amounts. 4. Where the Commission has provided guidance on formula rate inputs, the specific proceeding should be noted in the footnote. Line No.Page No(s).Schedule Column Line No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 FERC FORM NO. 1 (NEW. 12-0E)Page 106b Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company Ihas Report ls; (1) (2)En An Original A Resubmission Date of Report 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE QUARTER/YEAR Give particulars (details) concerning the matters indicated below. Make the statements explicit and precise, and number them in accordance with the inquiries. Each inquiry should be answered, Enter "none," "not applicable," or "NA" where applicable. lf information which answers an inquiry is given elsewhere in the report, make a reference to the schedule in which it appears, 1. Changes in and important additions lo franchise rights: Describe the actual consideration given therefore and state from whom the franchise rights were acquired. lf acquired without the payment of consideration, state that fact. 2. Acquisition of ownership in other companies by reorganization, merger, or consolidation with other companies: Give names of companies involved, particulars conceming the transactions, name of the Commission authorizing the transaction, and reference to Commission authorization. 3. Purchase or sale of an operating unit or system: Give a brief description of the property, and of the transactions relating thereto, and reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. Give date journal entries called for by the Uniform System of Accounts were submitted to the Commission. 4. lmportant leaseholds (other than leaseholds for natural gas lands) that have been acquired or given, assigned or surrendered: Give effective dates, lengths of terms, names of parties, rents, and other condition. State name of Commission authorizing lease and give reference to such authorization. 5. lmportant extension or reduction of transmission or distribution system: State territory added or relinquished and date operations began or ceased and give reference to Commission authorization, if any was required. State also the approximate number of customers added or lost and approximate annual revenues of each class of service. Each natural gas company must also state major new continuing sources of gas made available to it from purchases, development, purchase contract or otherwise, giving location and approximate total gas volumes available, period of contracts, and other parties to any such anangements, etc. 6. Obligations incurred as a result of issuance of securities or assumption of liabilities or guarantees including issuance of short-term debt and commercial paper having a maturity of one year or less. Give reference to FERC or State Commission authorization, as appropriate, and the amount of obligation or guarantee. 7. Changes in articles of incorporation or amendments to charter: Explain the nature and purpose of such changes or amendments. 8. State the estimated annual effect and nature of any important wage scale changes during the year. 9. State briefly the status of any materially important legal proceedings pending at the end of the year, and the results of any such proceedings culminated during the year. 10. Describe briefly any materially important transactions of the respondent not disclosed elsewhere in this report in which an officer, director, security holder reported on Page 104 or 105 of the Annual Report Form No. I , voting trustee, associated company or known associate of any of these persons was a party or in which any such person had a material interest. 'l 1. (Reserved.) 12. lf the important changes during the year relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to stockholders are applicable in every respect and furnish the data required by lnstructions 1 to 1'l above, such notes may be included on this page. 13. Describe fully any changes in officers, directors, major security holders and voting powers of the respondent that may have occurred during the reporting period. 14. ln the event that the respondent participates in a cash management program(s) and its proprietary capital ratio is less than 30 percent please describe the significant events or transactions causing the proprietary capital ratio to be less than 30 percent, and the extent to which the respondent has amounts loaned or money advanced to its parent, subsidiary, or affiliated companies through a cash management program(s). Additionally, please describe plans, if any to regain at least a 30 percent proprietary ratio. PAGE 108 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SEE PAGE 109 FOR REQUIRED INFORMATION FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Pago 10E Name of Respondent ldaho Power Companv This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 IMPORTANT CHANGES DURING THE QUARTER/YEAR (Continued) 3. 4. L. None 2. None None None 5. None 6. ln March 2018, ldaho Power issued 5220 million in principal amount of 4.2OYo first mortgage bonds, secured medium-term notes, Series K, maturing on March 7,2048.|n April and May 2015, ldaho Power received orders from the IPUC, OPUC, and Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC) authorizing ldaho Power to issue and sell from time to time up to 5500 million in aggregate principal amount of debt securities and first mortgage bonds, subject to conditions specified in the orders. The order from the IPUC approved the issuance ofthe securities through May 31, 2019, subject to extensions upon request to the IPUC. The OPUC's and WPSC's orders do not impose a time limitation for issuances, but the OPUC order does impose a number of other conditions, including a requirement that the interest rates for the debt securities or first mortgage bonds fall within either (a) designated spreads over comparable U.S. Treasury rates or (b) a maximum all-in interest rate limit of 7.0 percent. 7. None 8. Effective L2128/20L8 a 3.O% general wage adjustment was implemented 9. None 10. None 11. Reserved 12. None 13. Officer Changes in 2018 Jeff S. Glenn's title changed from "Vice President of lnformation Technology and Chief lnformation Officer" to "Vice President of Corporate Services and Chief lnformation Officer" effective June 2, 2018. Lonnie G. Krawl retired as Senior Vice President of Administrative Services and Chief Human Resources Officer on August 3L,2OL8. L4. ldaho Power and its unregulated parent, IDACORP have separate cash management programs (separate bank accounts, liquidity facilities, short-term debt and investment programs). No money has been loaned or advanced from ldaho Power to IDACORP through a cash management program. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-96)Page 109,1 a a Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report ls: (1) I An Original (2) tr A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2o18lQ4 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEBITS) Line No.Title of Account (a) Ref. Page No. (b) Current Year End of QuarterfYear Balance (c) Prior Year End Balance 12131 (d) 1 UTILITY PLANT 2 Utility Plant (101-106, 114)200-201 6,108,607,184 5,914,236,887 J Construction Work in Progress (107)200-201 480,258,675 452,424,340 4 TOTAL Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 2 and 3)6,588,865,859 6,366.661,227 5 (Less) Accum. Prov. for Depr. Amort. Depl. (108, 1 't0, 1 1 1 , 1 15)2AO-201 2,394,578,621 2,283,266,546 6 Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of line 4 less 5)4,194,287,232 4,083,394,681 7 Nuclear Fuel in Process of Ref., Conv.,Enrich., and Fab. (120.1)202-203 0 0 I Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies-Stock Account (120.2)C 0 I Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor (120.3)c 0 10 Spent Nuclear Fuel (120.4)c 0 11 Nuclear Fuel Under Capital Leases ('120.6)c 0 12 (Less) Accum. Prov. for Amort. of Nucl. Fuel Assemblies (120.5)202-203 C 0 13 Net Nuclear Fuel (Enter Total of lines 7-1 1 less 12)C 0 14 Net Utility Plant (Enter Total of lines 6 and 13)4,194,287,232 4,083,394,681 15 Utility Plant Adjustments (1 16)c 0 16 Gas Stored Underground - Noncunenl (117)c 0 17 OTHER PROPERTY AND INVESTMENTS 18 Nonutility Property (121 )3,653,10C 1,071,638 19 (Less) Accum. Prov. for Depr. and Amon (22)c 0 20 lnvestments in Associated Companies (123)0 0 21 lnvestment in Subsidiary Companies (123.1)224-225 57,026,771 72,212,978 22 (For Cost of Account 123.'t, See Footnole Page 224, line 421 23 Noncunent Portion of Allowances 228-229 c 0 24 Other lnvestTents (1 24)0 25 Sinking Funds (125)0 26 Depreciation Fund (126)c 0 27 Amortization Fund - Federal (127)C 0 28 Other Special Funds (128)36,487,611 30,265,777 29 Special Funds (Non Major Only) (129)0 0 30 Long-Term Portion of Derivative Assets (175)0 4,074 31 Long-Term Portion of Derivative Assets - Hedges (176)0 0 32 TOTAL Other Property and lnvestments (Lines 18-21 and 23-31)97,167,482 103,554,467 33 CURRENT AND ACCRUED ASSETS 34 Cash and Working Funds (Non-maior Only) (130)c 0 35 Cash (131)86,225,12A 34,375,147 36 Special Deposits (1 32-1 34)1,167,693 2,364,499 37 Working Fund (135)7,000 '10,500 38 Temporary Cash lnvestments (136)79,228,007 10,260,000 39 Notes Receivable (141)-84,743 -86,399 40 Customer Accounts Receivable (142)79,182,448 77,764,379 41 Other Accounts Receivable (143)6,330,066 28,1 69,330 42 (Less) Accum. Prov. for Uncollectible Acct.-Credit ('144)1,989,13'l 2,192,252 43 Notes Receivable from Associated Companies (145)0 0 44 Accounts Receivable from Assoc. Companies (146)0 0 45 Fuel Stock (151)227 47,979J22 56,638,459 46 Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed (152)227 0 5 47 Residuals (Elec) and Extracted Products (153)227 0 0 48 Plant Materials and Operating Supplies (154)227 53,553.674 53,856,630 49 Merchandise (155)227 0 0 50 Other Materials and Supplies (156)227 0 0 51 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (157)202-2A31227 0 0 52 Allowances (158.1 and 158.2)228-229 0 0 FERC FORM NO. 1 (REV.12-03)Page 110 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report ls: (1) I An Orisinal (2) Z A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o4t't6t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018tQ4 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (ASSETS AND OTHER DEB|TS(pontinued) Line No.Title of Account (a) Ref. Page No. (b) Current Year End of Quarterl/ear Balance (c) Prior Year End Balance 12131 (d) 53 (Less) Noncurrent Portion of Allowances 0 0 54 Stores Expense Undistributed (163)227 1,433,652 1,888,307 55 Gas Stored Underground - Cunent (164.1)0 0 56 Liquefied Natural Gas Stored and Held for Processing (164.2-164.3)0 0 57 Prepayments (165)16,373,874 16,865,877 58 Advances for Gas (166-167)0 0 59 lnterest and Dividends Receivable (171)56,822 6,500 60 Rents Receivable (172)0 0 61 Accrued Utility Revenues (173)69,318,1 68 75,119,761 62 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets ('174)0 U 63 Derivative lnstrument Assets (175)3,655,138 22,228 64 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Assets (175)0 4,074 65 Derivative lnstrument Assets - Hedges (176)n 0 66 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative Instrument Assets - Hedges ( 176 0 0 67 Total Current and Accrued Assets (Lines 34 through 66)442,436,870 355,058,897 6B DEFERRED DEBITS 69 Unamortized Debt Expenses (181)15,958,660 15,097,172 70 Extraordinary Property Losses (182.1 )23Oa 0 0 71 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (182.2)230b c 0 72 Other Regulatory Assets (182.3)232 1,214,174,417 '1 ,1 32,096,1 94 73 Prelim. Survey and lnvestigation Charges (Electric) (183)c 0 74 Preliminary Natural Gas Survey and lnvestigation Charges 183.1)c 0 75 Other Preliminary Survey and lnvestigation Charges (183.2)c 0 76 Clearing Accounts (184)2,005,924 535,559 77 Temporary Facilities (1 85)C 0 78 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits (1 86)233 73,405,043 73,132,688 79 Def. Losses from Disposition of Utility Plt. (187)c 0 80 Research, Devel. and Demonstration Expend. (188)352-353 c 0 81 Unamortized Loss on Reaquired Debt (189)42,445,54C 39,822,616 82 Accumulated Deferred lncome Taxes ('190)234 293,383,262 289,813,919 83 Unrecovered Purchased Gas Costs (191)c 0 84 Total Deferred Debits (lines 69 through 83)1,641 ,372,846 1,550,498,148 85 TOTAL ASSETS (lines '14-16, 32,67, and 84)6,375,264,430 6.092.506,193 FERC FORM NO. 1 (REV. 12-03)Page 111 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) tr AnOriginal (2) tr A Resubmission Date of Report (mo, da, y) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report end of 20181Q4 CoMPARATTVE BALANCE SHEET (LtABtLtTrES AND OTHER CREDTTS) Line No.Title of Account (a) Ref. Page No. (b) Current Year End of Quarter/Year Balance (c) Prior Year End Balance 12t31 (d) 1 PROPRIETARY CAPITAL 2 Common Stock lssued (201)250-251 97,877,030 97,877,030 3 Prefened Stock lssued (204)250-251 0 0 4 Capital Stock Subscribed (202, 2OS)0 0 5 Stock Liability for Conversion (203, 206)0 0 6 Premium on Capital Stock (207)712,257,435 712,257,435 7 Other Paid-ln Capital (208-211)253 0 0 8 lnstallments Received on Capital Stock (2'12)252 0 0 I (Less) Discount on Capital Stock (213)254 0 0 10 (Less) Capital Stock Expense (214)254b 2,096,925 2,096,925 11 Retained Earnings (215, 21 5.1, 216)118-119 1,354,681,706 1,234,859,727 12 Unappropriated Undistributed Subsidiary Eamings (216.1)1 '1 8-1 19 54,563,677 69,74S,884 13 (Less) Reaquired Capital Stock (217)250-251 0 0 14 Noncorporate Proprietorship (Non-major only) (218)0 0 15 Accumulated Other Comprehensive lncome (219)122(al(b)-22,843,785 -26,872,209 16 Total Proprietary Capital (lines 2 through 15)2,1 94,439,1 38 2,085,774,942 17 LONG-TERM DEBT 18 Bonds (22'l)256-257 1,835,460,000 1,745,460,000 't9 (Less) Reaquired Bonds (222)256-257 0 0 20 Advances from Associated Companies (223)256-257 0 0 21 Other Long-Term Debt (224)256-257 19,885,000 19,885,000 22 Unamortized Premium on Long-Term Debt (225)0 0 23 (Less) Unamortized Discount on Long-Term DebtDebit (226)4,598,059 4,124,868 24 Total Long-Term Debt (lines '18 through 23)1,850,746,941 1,761,220,132 25 OTHER NONCURRENT LIABI LITIES Obligations Under Capital Leases - Noncunent (227)0 0 Accumulated Provision for Property lnsurance (228.1)0 0 28 Accumulated Provision for lnjuries and Damages (228.2)1 ,81 1,302 '1,468,935 29 Accumulated Provision for Pensions and Benefits (228.3)431 ,492,131 438,886,02s 30 Accumulated Miscellaneous Operating Provisions (228.4)0 0 31 Accumulated Provision for Rate Refunds (229)136,s05,890 119,666,875 32 Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Liabilities 63,744 0 33 Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Liabilities - Hedges 0 0 34 Asset Retirement Obligations (230)26,791,608 26,415,381 35 Total Other Noncurrent Liabilities (lines 26 through 34)596,664,675 586,437,216 36 CURRENT AND ACCRUED LIABILITIES 37 Notes Payable (231)0 0 38 Accounts Payable (232)134,836,251 107,891 ,859 39 Notes Payable to Associated Companies (233)4,5s2,447 4,083,304 40 Accounts Payable to Associated Companies (234)2,088,345 57,561 ,953 41 Customer Deposits (235)1,342,50e 2,037,068 42 Taxes Accrued (236)262-263 1,306,621 -15,1 s6,342 43 lnterest Accrued (237)23,857,084 22,620,139 44 Dividends Declared (238)C 0 45 Matured Long-Term Debt (239)c 0 FERC FORM NO. 1 (rev. 12-03)Page 112 26 27 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) tr An Original (2) n A Resubmission Date of Report (mo, da, yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report end of 20'tBtQ4 COMPARATIVE BALANCE SHEET (LlABlLlTlES AND OTHER CREDlTShtinueo) Line No Title of Account (a) Ref. Page No. (b) Current Year End of QuarterfYear Balance (c) Prior Year End Balance 12t31 (d) 46 Matured lnterest (240)0 0 47 Tax Collections Payable (241)2,224,148 2,751,894 48 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities (242)56,428,043 50,874,603 49 Obligations Under Capital Leases-Current (243)0 0 50 Derivative Instrument Liabilities (244)974.268 1,224,571 51 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Liabilities 63,744 0 52 Derivative lnstrument Liabilities - Hedges (245)0 0 53 (Less) Long-Term Portion of Derivative lnstrument Liabilities-Hedges U 0 54 Total Current and Accrued Liabilities (lines 37 through 53)227,545,969 233,889,049 55 DEFERRED CREDITS 56 Customer Advances for Construction (252)5,156,242 6,762,256 57 Accumulated Deferred lnvestment Tax Credits (255)266-267 92,789,836 87,384,738 58 Defened Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant (256)U 0 59 Other Defered Credits (253)26S 8,306,007 8,746,270 60 Other Regulatory Liabilities (254)278 351,782,980 307,404,206 61 Unamortized Gain on Reaquired Debt (257)0 0 62 Accum. Defened I ncome Taxes-Accel. Amort.(281 )272-277 0 0 63 Accum. Defened lncome Taxes-Other Progefty (282)908,615,099 890,330,923 64 Accum. Deferred lncome Taxes-Other (283)139,217,543 124,556,461 65 Total Deferred Credits (lines 56 through 64)1,505,867,707 1,425,184,854 66 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLOER EQUITY (lines 16, 24,35,54 and 65)6,375,264,430 6,092,506,193 FERC FORM NO. 1 (rev. 12-O3l Page 113 ldaho Power Company )An Original A Resubmission Da, (2)04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 STATEMENT OF INCOME Quarterly 1. Repod in column (c) the cunent year to date balance. Column (c) equals the total of adding the data in column (g) plus the data in column (i) plus the data in column (k). Report in column (d) similar data for the previous year. This information is reported in the annual filing only. 2. Enter in column (e) the balance for the reporting quarter and in column (f) the balance for the same three month period for the prior year. 3. Report in column (g) the quaftr to date amounts for electric utility function; in column (i) the quarter to date amounts for gas utility, and in column (k) the quarter to date amounts for other utility function for the current year quarter. 4. Report in column (h) the quarter to date amounts for electric utility function; in column (j) the quarter to date amounts for gas utility, and in column (l) the quarter to date amounts for other utility function for the prior year quarter. 5. lf additional columns are needed, place them in a footnote. Annual or Quarterly if applicable 5. Do not report fourth qua(er data in columns (e) and (f) 6. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenues and Expenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility columnin a similar manner to a utility department. Spread the amount(s) over lines 2 lhru 26 as appropriate. lnclude these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 7. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utllity Operating lncome, in the same manner as a@ounts 412 and 413 above. Line No. Title of Account (a) (Ref.) Page No. (b) Tolal Cunent Year to Date Balance for Quarterffear (c) Total Prior Y6ar to Date Balance for Quarterffear (d) Cunent 3 Months Ended Quarterly 0nly No 4th Quarter (e) Prior 3 Months Ended Quarterly 0nly No 4th Quarter (0 1 UTILITY OPERATING INCOME 2 Operating Revenues (400)300-301 '1,361,957,4s0 1,340,860,404 3 0perating Expenses 4 Operation Expenses (401 )320-323 800,135,259 769,799,625 5 Maintenance Expenses (402)320-323 69,035,321 60,983,589 6 Depreciation Expense (403)336-337 156,332,587 153,S58,586 7 Depreciation Expense forAsset Retirement Costs (403.1)336-337 566,665 566,665 8 Amort. & Depl. of Utility Plant (404405)336-337 6,98'1,078 6,243,722 9 Amort. of Utility Plant Acq. Adj. (406)336-337 15,018 32,539 10 Amort. Property Losses, Unrecov Plant and Regulatory Study Costs (407) 11 Amort. of Conversion Expenses (407) 12 Regulatory Debih (407.3)6,802,055 1,289,770 13 (Less) Regulatory Credils (407.4)2,167,344 .788,738 14 Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes (408.1)262-263 u,792,143 34,089,536 't5 lncome Taxes - Fedenal (409.1)262-263 20,035,445 44,701,50'r 16 - Other (409.1)262-263 -2,242,797 I 0,557,960 17 Provision for Defened lncome Taxes (410.1)234,272-277 37,060,319 s4,908,265 18 (Less) Provision for Defened lncome Taxes-Cr. (41 1.1)234,272-277 44,43s,246 80,542,460 19 lnvestment Tax Credit Ad.l. - Net (41 1.4)266 5,405,098 7,424,853 20 (Less) Gains from Disp. of Utility Plant (41 1.6) 21 Losses from Disp. of Ulility Plant (411.7) 22 (Less) Gains from Disposition of Allowances (41 1 .8)154,940 1 30,740 23 Losses from Disposition of Allowances (41 1.9) 24 Accretion Expense (41 1,10)227,740 221s29 25 TOTAL Utility Operating Expenses (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 24)1,088,388,401 1,064,894,118 26 Net Util Oper lnc (Enler Tot line 2 less 25) Carry to Pg1 17 ,line27 273,569,049 275,966,286 FERC FORM NO.1/3-Q (REV. 02-04)Page 114 Name of Respondent Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]An original Q\ r--'lA Resubmissiontt Date of Report (Mo. Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Repo( End of 2O18lQ4 STATEMENT OF INCOME FQR THE YEAR 9. Use page 122lor imporlant notes regarding the statement of income for any account thereof. 10. Give concise explanations concerning unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amount may need to be made to the utility's cuslomers or which may result in material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year effected the gross revenues or costs to which the contingency relates and th6 tax effects together with an explanation of the major factors which affect the rights of the utility to retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power or gas purchases. 1 1 Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year resulting from settlement of any rate proceeding affecting revenues received or @sts incurred for power or gas purches, and a summary of the adjustments made to balance sheet, income, and expense accounts. 12. ll any notes appearing in the report to stokholders are applicable to the Statement of lncome, such notes may be included alpage 122. 13. Enter on page 122 a concise explanation of only those changes in accounting methods made during the year which had an effect on net in@me, including the basis of allocations and apportionments from those used in the preceding year. Also, give the appropriate dollar effect of such changes. 14. Explain in a footnote if the previous year'slquarter's figures are different from that reported in prior reports. 15. lf the columns are insufficient for reporting additional utility departrnents, supply the appropriate account titles report the information in a footnote to this schedule. ELECTRIC UTILITY GAS UTILITY OTHER UTILITY Line No. Current Year to Date (in dollars) (s) Previous Year to Date (in dollars) (h) Cunent Year to Date (in dollars) (i) Previous Year to Date (in dollars) fi) Current Year to Date (in dollars) (k) Previous Year to Date (in dollam) o 1 1,361,957,450 1,340,860,404 2 3 800,1 35,2sS 769,799,625 4 69,035,321 60,983,589 5 156,332,587 153,958,586 6 566,665 566,665 7 6,981,078 6,243,722 B 15,018 32,539 I 10 11 6,802,055 1,289,770 12 2,167,344 -788,738 13 34,792,143 34,089,536 14 20,035,445 44,701 ,501 15 -2,242,797 10,557.960 16 37,060,319 54,908,265 17 44,435,246 80,542,460 18 5,405,098 7,424,893 19 20 21 1s4,940 130,740 22 ZJ 227,740 221,929 24 1,088,388,401 1,064,894,118 25 273,569,049 275,966,286 26 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 115 ls: Original Date (Mo,ldaho Power Company A Resubmission 04t16t2019 e 1 (2) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 TOTALLine No. Title of Account (a) (Ref.) Page No. (b) Cunent Year (c) Previous Year (d) Cunent 3 Monlhs Ended Quarterly 0nly No 4th Quarter (e) Prior 3 Months Ended Quarterly 0nly No 4th Quarter 0 27 Net Utility Operating lncome (Canied fonruard lrom page 114)273,569,049 275,966,286 28 Other lncome and Deductions 29 Other lncome 30 Nonutilty Operating lncome 31 Revenues From Merchandising, Jobbing and ContractWork (415)3,971,967 4,032,474 32 (Less) Costs and Exp. of Merchandising, Job. & Contract Work (416)4,003,151 4,'104,918 33 Revenues From Nonutility Operations (417)25,046 29,462 34 (Less) Expenses oi Nonulility Operations (417.1 )12,425 61,905 35 Nonoperating Rental lncome (418)-3,351 -7,437 36 Equity in Eamings of Subsidiary Companies (4'18,1)119 8,813,793 7,082,051 37 lnterestand Dividend lncome (419)8,923,003 6,043,906 3B Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction (419.1)24352523 24,784,392 39 Miscellaneous Nonoperaling lncome (421)79,416 253,942 40 264,632Gain on Disposition of Property (421.1)450,000 41 TOTAL Other lncome (Enter Total of lines 31 thru 40)42,411,453 34,500,96i 4Z Olher lncome Deductions 43 Loss on Disposition of Property (421.2)48,950 44 Miscellaneous Amortization (425) 45 Donations (426.1)811,136 881,377 46 Life lnsurance (426.2)-2]79 387 -2,089,82s 47 Penalties (426.3)40,155 14,381 48 Exp. for Cetuin Civic, Political & Related Activities (426.4)1,203,610 1,U2]03 49 Other Deductions (426.5)7,820,081 8,164,084 50 TOTAL Other lncome Deductions (Total of lines 43 lhru 49)7,144,545 8,412,720 51 Taxes Applic. to Other lncome and Deductions 262-26352Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes (408,2)'19,680 20,222 53 lncome Taxes-Federal (409.2)262-263 627,071 20,849 54 lncome Taxes-Other (409,2)262-263 193,942 3,721 <E Provision for Deferred lnc. Taxes (4'10.2)234,272-277 261,601 13,168,748 234,272-277 770,831 1,248,72256(Less) Provision for Defened lncome Taxes-Cr. (411,2) 57 lnvestrnent Tax Credit Adj.-Net (4 1 1 .5) 58 (Less) lnvestment Tax Credils (420) EO 331,463 1 1,964,818TOTAL Taxes on Other lncome and Deductions (Total of lines 52-58) 60 Net Other lncome and Deductions (Total of lines 41, 50, 59)34,935,445 14,123,429 61 lnteresl Charges 62 lnterest on Long-Term Debt (427)84,407,634 81,1 98,430 63 1,606,787 1,508,990Amort. of Debt Disc. and Expense (428) 64 Amortization of Loss on Reaquired Debt (428.1)2,152,952 2,152,952 65 (Less)Amort. of Premium on Oebt-Credit (429) 66 (Less) Amodzation of Gain on Reaquired DeblCredit (429.1) 67 lnterest on Debl to Assoc. Companies (430)279,757 81,933 7,874,38668Other lnterest Expense {431 )7,494,378 69 (Less) Allowance lor Bonowed Funds Used During Construction-Cr. (432)10,'151,313 8,694,285 70 Net lnterest Charges {Total of lines 62 thru 69)86,1 70,203 83,742,398 71 lncome Before Exlraordinary ltems (Total of lines 27, 60 and 70)222,334,291 206,347,317 72 Extraordinary ltems 73 Exhaordinary lncome (434) 74 (Less) Extraordinary Deductions (435) 75 Net Extraordinary ltems (Total of line 73 less line 74) 76 262-263lncome Taxes-Federal and Other (409.3) 77 Extraordinary ltems After Taxes (line 75 less line 76) 78 Net lncome (Total of line 71 and 77)222,334,291 206,347,317 I FERC NO. 1/3-Q (REV. 02-04)Page 117 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This ReDort ls:(1) 5]Rn orislnat(2) EA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4End of STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS 1. Do not report Lines 49-53 on the quarterly version. 2. Report all changes in appropriated retained eamings, unappropriated retained eamings, year to date, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary eamings for the year. 3. Each credit and debit during the year should be identified as to the retained earnings account in which recorded (Accounts 433, 436 - 439 inclusive). Show the contra primary account affected in column (b) 4. State the purpose and amount of each reservation or appropriation of retained earnings. 5. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings, reflecting adjustments to the opening balance of retained earnings. Follow by credit, then debit items in that order. 6. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. 7. Show separately the State and Federal income tax effect of items shown in account 439, Adjustments to Retained Eamings. 8. Explain in a footnote the basis for determining the amount reserved or appropriated. lf such reservation or appropriation is to be recunent, state the number and annual amounts to be reserved or appropriated as well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. 9. lf any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this statement, include them on pages 122-123. Line No. Item (a) Contra Primary Account Affected (b) Current QuarterlYear Year to Date Balance (c) Previous Quarterffear Year to Date Balance (d) UNAPPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 2'tG) 1 Balance-Beginning of Period 1,22',t,586.621 '1,123,606,367 2 Changes 2 Acljustments to Retained Eamings (Account 439) 4 Benefit Plan Tax Reform Adjustment 4,092,208 E 6 7 I I TOTAL Credits to Retained Earnings (Acct. 439)I 10 11 12 13 14 15 TOTAL Debits to Retained Earnings (Acct. 439) 16 Balance Transferred ftom lncome (Account 433 less Account 418.1)213,520,498 199,202,985 17 Appopriations of Retained Eamings (Acct. 436) 18 19 20 21 22 TOTAL Appropriations of Retained Earnings (Acct. 436) 23 Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock (Account 437) 24 25 26 27 28 29 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Preferred Stock (Acct. 437) 30 Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Account 438) 31 -121,790,727 ( 113,285,012) 32 33 34 35 36 TOTAL Dividends Declared-Common Stock (Acct. 438)-121,790,727 { 113,285,012]} 37 Transfers from Acct 216.1, Unapprop. Undistrib. Subsidiary Eamings 24,000,000 12,062,281 3B Balance - End of Period (Total 1,9,'15,16,22,29,36,37)1,34't ,408,600 1,221,586,621 APPROPRIATED RETAINED EARNINGS (Account 215) FERC FORM NO. 1l3-Q (REV. 02.04)Page rlE Name of Respondont ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiAn Originat(2) l-l A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 201AQ4 STATEMENT OF RETAINED EARNINGS 1. Do not report Lines 49-53 on the qua(erly version. 2. Report all changes in appropriated retained earnings, unappropriated retained earnings, year to date, and unappropriated undistributed subsidiary eamings for the year. 3. Each credit and debit during the year should be identified as to the retained eamings account in which recorded (Accounts 433, 436 - 439 inclusive). Show the contra primary account affected in column (b) 4. State the purpose and amount of each reservation or approprialion of retained earnings. 5. List first account 439, Adjustments to Retained Eamings, reflecting adjustments to the opening balance of retained eamings. Follow by credit, then debit items in that order. 6. Show dividends for each class and series of capital stock. 7. Show separately the State and Federal income tax effect of items shown in account 439, Adjustments to Retained Earnings. 8. Explain in a footnote the basis for determining the amount reserved or appropriated. lf such reservation or appropriation is to be recurrent, state the number and annual amounts to be reserved or appropriated as well as the totals eventually to be accumulated. 9. lf any notes appearing in the report to stockholders are applicable to this statement, include them on pages 122-123. Line No. Item (a) Contra Primary Account Affected (b) Current QuarterlYear Year to Date Balance (c) Previous QuarterlYear Year to Date Balance (d) 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 TOTAL Appropriated Retained Earnings (Account 215) APPROP. RETAINED EARNINGS - AMORT. Reserve, Federal (Account 215.'l) 46 TOTAL Approp. Retained Eamings-Amort. Reserve, Federal (Acct. 215.1)13,273,106 13,273,106 47 TOTAL Approp. Retiained Eamings (Acct. 215, 215.1) (Total 45,46)13,273,106 13,273j06 48 TOTAL Retained Earnings (Acct. 215, 215.1 ,216) (Total 38, 47) (216.1)1,354,681,706 1,2U,859,727 UNAPPROPRIATED UNDISTRIBUTED SUBSIDIARY EARNINGS (Account Report only on an Annual Basis, no Quarterly 49 Balance-Beginning of Year (Debit or Credit)69,749,884 74,667,833 50 Equity in Earnings for Year (Credit) (Account 418.1)8,813,793 7,082,051 51 (Less) Dividends Received (Debit)24,000,000 '12,000,000 52 53 Balance-End of Year (Total lines 49 thru 52)54,563,677 69,749,884 *r FERC FORM NO. 1/3.Q (REV. 02-04)Page 119 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page:118 Line No.:9 Column: c In November 2018, the FERC issued a fi-na1 accounting order entities, including Idaho Power, to make a policy election stranded tax effeets resulting from income tax reform from in accordance wlth ASU 2018-02, Incone Statement*Reporting (Topic 220). In 2018, Idaho Power transferred $4.1 million earnings. allowing certain to recl-assify the AOCf to retained earnings Comprehensive Income from AOCI to retained FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) []An Orislnat 12) nA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (1 ) Codes to be used:(a) Net Proceeds or Payments;(b)Bonds, debentures and other long-term debt; (o) lnclude commercial paper; and (d) ldentify separately such items as investments, fixed assets, intangibles, etc. Equivalents at End of Period" with related amounts on th€ Balance Sheet. in those activities. Show in lhe Notes to the Financials the amounts o{ interest paid (net of amount cap;talized) and income taxes paid. dollar amount of leases caprtalized with the plant cost. Line No. Description (See lnstruction No. 1 for Explanation of Codes) (a) Current Year to Date Quarterf/ear (b) Previous Year to Date Quarter/Year (c) 1 Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities: 2 Net lncome (Line 78(c) on page 1 17)222,334,291 206,347,3',17 a Noncash Charges (Credits) to lncome: 4 Depreciation and Depletion 156,332,587 153,958,586 E Amortization of 4 1 1,378,099 b 7 Deferred lncome Taxes (Net)-1,689,885 14,370,999 I lnvestment Tax Credit Adjustment (Net)1,456,7s7 -20,660,275 '10 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Receivables 633,606 -2,496,038 11 Net (lncrease) Decrease in lnventory 9,463,201 -809,418 12 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Allowances lnventory 13 Net lncrease (Decrease) in Payables and Accrued Expenses 36,135,459 14 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Other Regulatory Assets 30,090,539 39,149,025 15 Net lncrease (Decrease) in Other Regulatory Liabilities 18,301 ,367 17,982,095 16 (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction 24,352,523 20,784,392 17 (Less) Undistributed Earnings from Subsidiary Companies -15,186,207 -4,917,949 18 Other (provide details in footnote):-12,7U,285 -22,985,607 19 20 21 22 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Operating Activities (Total 2 thru 21)418,006,106 416,503,799 23 24 Cash Flows from Investrnent Activities: 25 Construction and Acquisition of Plant (including land) 26 Gross Additions to Utility Plant (less nuclear fuel)-302,'r75,811 -306,254,955 27 Gross Additions to Nuclear Fuel 28 Gross Additions to Common Utility Plant 29 Gross Addltions to Nonutility Plant 30 (Less) Allowance for Other Funds Used During Construction -24,352,523 -20,784,392 31 Other (provide details in footnote)25,112,774 8,397,326 32 33 34 Cash Outflows for Plant (Total of lines 26 thru 33)-252,710,514 -277.073,237 35 36 Acquisition of Other Noncurrent Assets (d) 37 Proceeds from Disposal of Noncurrent Assets (d) 3B 39 lnvestments in and Advances to Assoc. and Subsidiary Companies -1,655 3,362 40 Contributions and Advances from Assoc. and Subsidiary Companies 469,1 43 3,838,869 41 Disposition of Investments in (and Advances to) 42 Associated and Subsidiary Companies 43 44 Purchase of Investment Securities (a)-11,390,307 -1 1,356,339 45 Proceeds ftom Sales of lnvestment Securities (a)5,007,519 4,989,363 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 120 -s,272,216 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company ls: (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (1) Codes to be used:(a) Net Proceeds or Payments(b)Bonds, debentures and other long-term debt: (c) lnclude commercial papor; and (d) ldantify separately such items as investments, fix€d ass€ts, intangiblos, etc. Equivalents at End of Period'with related amounts on the Balance Sheet. in those activities. Show in lhe Notes to tho Financials the amounts of interest paid (net of amount capitalized) and income taxes paid. the Financial Statements. Do not include on this statement tho dollar amount of leases capitalized per the USofA General lnstrction 20; instead provide a reconciliation of the dollar amount of leases capilalized with the plant cost. Line No. Description (See lnstruction No. 1 for Explanation of Codes) (a) Current Year to Date Quarterl/ear (b) Previous Year to Date QuarterfYear (c) 46 Loans Made or Purchased 47 Collections on Loans 48 49 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Receivables 50 Net (tncreaso ) Deoease in lnventory 51 Net (lncrease) Decrease in Allowances Held for Speculation ct Net lncrease (Decrease) in Payables and Accrued Expenses 53 Other (provide details in footnote):755,N 6 -1 1,959 54 55 56 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) lnvesting Activities 57 Total of lines 34 thru 55)-257,830,358 -279,609,941 58 59 Cash Flows ftom Financing Activities: 60 Proceeds from lssuance of: 61 Long-Term Debt (b)220,000,000 62 Preferred Stock 63 Common Stock 64 Other (provide details in footnote): 65 66 Net lncrease in Short-Term Debt (c) 67 Other (provide details in footnote): 68 69 70 Cash Provided by Outside Sources (Total 61 thru 69)220,000,000 71 72 Payments for Retirement of: 73 LongFterm Debt (b)-130,000,000 -1,063,634 74 Preferred Stock 75 Common Stock 76 Other (provide details in footnote):-240,000 77 78 Net Decrease in Short-Term Debt (c)-21,800,000 79 80 Dividends on Preferred Stock 81 Dividends on Common Stock -121,790,727 -113,285,012 82 Net Cash Provided by (Used in) Financing Activities 83 (Total of lines 70 thru 81)-39,361 ,268 -136,388,646 84 85 Net lncrease (Decrease) in Cash and Cash Equivalents 86 (Total of lines 22,57 and 83)120,814,480 505,212 87 88 Cash and Cash Equivalents at Beginning of Period 44,645,647 44,140,435 8S 90 Cash and Cash Equivalents at End of period 165,460,127 44,645,647 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 121 -7,570,54',l, Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 20181o,4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: Amortization 120 Line No.: 5 Column: b Plant Unamortized debt expense Unamr:rtized discount Water rights Other 6,996,096 3,785.635 297.955 1.042.009 63 768 12,186.464 Schedule Page: 120 Line No; 13 Column: b Cash (received) paid during the period for: lncome taxes lnterest (net of anrount capitalized) Schedule Page: 120 Line No.: 18 Column: b Cash Flow from Operating Activities (Other! 58,703.841 80.893.762 Pension and postretirement benefit plan expense Contributions to pension and postretirement benefit plans Unbilled revenues Accrued payroll Prepayments Deposits fiom third parties Other 32,239.953 [45,883,362] 6,157.496, 2.1 37.367 {2.e13.828} (2,300.576i (2,141.339) (12.704.28e) Schedulg Pqge: 120 Line No.: 26 Column: b ilon-cash investing activities: Addltions to PP&E in accounts payable Schedute Page: 120 Line No.:31 Column: b 0ther Cash Florrs from Plant 29.526.490 Payments received fiom joint funding partners Sale of renewable energy certificates and emission allowances Sale of utility property 21.585,687 3.052.681 473.406 25,L72,77 4 Scfiedule Page: 120 Line No.: 53 Column: b Other lnvesting Cash Flor,ris Life lnsurance Proceeds- net of prenriums 795..{56 70f 456 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-87)Page 450.1 Schedule Page: 120 Line No.:76 Column: b Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Other Financing Cash Florrs Make-whole prernium on retirement of longternr debt Debt issuance costs Discount on debt issuance (4,606,943) (2,14e.5eB) 00 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) E]An Original(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 STATEMENTS OF ACCUMULATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, AND HEDGING ACTIVITIES 1. Report in columns (b),(c),(d) and (e) the amounts of accumulated other comprehensive income items, on a net-of-tax basis, where appropriate. 2. Report in columns (f) and (g) the amounts of other categories of other cash flow hedges. 3. For each category of hedges that have been accounted for as "fair value hedges", report the accounts affected and the related amounts in a footnote. 4. Report data on a year-to-date basis. Line No. Item Unrealized Gains and Losses on Available- for-Sale Securities (b) Minimum Pension Liability adjustment (net amount) (c) Foreign Currency Hedges (d) Other Acljustments (e) 1 Balance of Account 219 at Beginning of Preceding Year ( 20,881,620) 2 Preceding QtrA/r to Date Reclassifications from Acct 219 to Net lncome '1,882,086 3 Preceding QuarterfYear to Date Changes in Fair Value ( 7,872,675',) 4 Total (lines 2 and 3)( 5,990,589) 5 Balance of Account 21 9 at End of Preceding QuarterfYear ( 26,872,2091 6 Balance of Accounl 21 9 at Beginning of Current Year ( 26,872,209) 7 Current Qtrf/r to Date Reclassifications from Acct 219 to Net lncome 2,88s,872 8 Current Quarter^fear to Date Changes in Fair Value 1.142552 I Total (lines 7 and 8)4,028,424 10 Balance of Acmunt 219 at End of Current QuarterA'ear ( 22,843,785) FERC FORM NO.1 (NEW06-02)Page 122a (a) Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) E]An orisinal(2\ n A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 STATEMENTS OF ACCUMULATED COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, COMPREHENSIVE INCOME, AND HEDGING ACTIVITIES Line No. Other Cash Flow Hedges lnterest Rate Swaps (0 Other Cash Flow Hedges flnsert Footnote at Line 1 to specifyl (s) Totals for each category of items recorded in Acmunt 219 (h) Net lncome (Canied Forward from Page 1 17, Line 78) (i) Total Comprehensive lncome (i) 1 ( 20,881,620) 2 1.882,086 3 ( 7,872,675) 4 ( 5,es0,58e)206,347,317 200,3s6,728 5 ( 26,872,209) 6 ( 26,872,209) 7 2,885,872 8 't,142,552 I 4,O28,424 222,334,291 226,362,715 10 ( 22,843,785) FERC FORM NO. 1 (NEW 06.02)Page'122b Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report ls: (1) (2)ED An Original A Resubmission Date of Report o4t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Use the space below for important notes regarding the Balance Sheet, Statement of lncome for the year, Statement of Retained Earnings for the year, and Statement of Cash Flows, or any account thereof, Classiff the notes according to each basic statement, providing a subheading for each statement except where a note is applicable to more than one statement. 2. Fumish particulars (details) as to any significant contingent assets or liabilities existing at end of year, including a brief explanation of any action initiated by the lnternal Revenue Service involving possible assessment of additional income taxes of material amount, or of a claim for refund of income taxes of a material amount initiated by the utility. Give also a brief explanation of any dividends in anears on cumulative prefened stock. 3. For Account 116, Utility Plant Adjustments, explain the origin of such amount, debits and credits during the year, and plan of disposition contemplated, giving references to Cormmission orders or other authorizations respecting classification of amounts as plant adjustments and requirements as to disposition thereof. 4. Where Accounts 189, Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt, and 257 , Unamortized Gain on Reacquired Debt, are not used, give an explanation, providing the rete treatment given these items. See General lnstruction 17 of the Uniform System of Accounts. 5. Give a concise explanation of any retained earnings restrictions and state the amount of retained earnings affected by such restrictions. 6. lf the notes to financial statements relating to the respondent company appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are applicable and furnish the data required by instructions above and on pages 1 14-121 , such notes may be included herein. 7. For the 3Q disclosures, respondent must provide in the notes sufficient disclosures so as to make the interim information not misleading. Disclosures which would substantially duplicate the disclosures contained in the most recent FERC Annual Report may be omitted. 8. Forthe 3Q disclosures, the disclosures shall be provided where events subsequent to the end ofthe most recent year have occuned which have a material effect on the respondent. Respondent must include in the notes significant changes since the most recently completed year in such items as: accounting principles and practices; estimates inherent in the preparation of the financial statements; status of long-term contracts; capitalization including significant npw borrowings or modifications of existing financing agreements; and changes resulting from business combinations or dispositions. However were material contingencies exist, the disclosure of such matters shall be provided even though a significant change since year end may not have occurred. 9. Finally, if the notes to the financial statements relating to the respondent appearing in the annual report to the stockholders are applicable and furnish the data required by the above instructions, such notes may be included herein. PAGE l22INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK SEE PAGE 123 FOR REQUIRED INFORMATION FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-96)Page '|22 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) IDAHO POWER COMPANY NOTES TO CONSOLIDATED F'INANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICAI{T ACCOUNTING POLICIES Idaho Power Company (Idaho Power) is the principal operating subsidiary of IDACORP, Ino. (IDACORP), a holding company formed in I 998. Idaho Power is an electric utility engaged in the generation, transmission, distribution, sales, and purchase of electric energy and capacity with a service area covering approximately 24,000 square miles in southem Idaho and eastem Oregon. Idaho Power is regulated primarily by the state utility regulatory commissions of Idaho and Oregon and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Idaho Power is the parent of Idaho Energy Resources Co. (IERCo), a joint venturer in Bridger Coal Company (BCC), which mines and supplies coal to the Jim Bridger generating plant owned in part by Idaho Power. Basis of Reporting The financial statements include the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of ldaho Power and have been prepared in accordance with the accounting requirements of the FERC as set forth in the applicable Uniform System of Accounts and published accounting releases, which is a comprehensive basis ofaccounting other than accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America (U.S. GAAP). As required by the FERC, Idaho Power accounts for its investments in its majority-owned subsidiary on the equity method rather than consolidating the assets, liabilities, revenues and expenses of the subsidiary as required by U.S GAAP. The accompanying financial statements include Idaho Power's proportionate share of the utilify plant and related operations resulting from its interest in jointly-owned plants. In addition, under the requirements of the FERC, there are differences from U.S. GAAP in the presentation of(l) current portion oflong-term debt, (2) assets and liabilities for cost ofremoval ofassets, (3) regulatory assets and liabilities (4) deferred income taxes, (5) income tax expense, (6) non-utility r€venues, (7) accrued taxes, and (8) debt issue costs. Management Estimates Management makes estimates and assumptions when preparing hnancial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. These estimates and assumptions include those related to rate regulation, retirement benefits, contingencies, asset impairment, income taxes, unbilled revenues, and bad debt. These estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. These estimates involve judgments with respect to, among other things, future economic faotors that are difficult to predict and are beyond management's control. Accordingly, actual results could differ from those estimates. Regulation of Utility Operations As a regulated utility, many of Idaho Power's fundamental business decisions are subject to the approval of governmental agencies, including the prices that Idaho Power is authorized to charge for its electric service. These approvals are a critical factor in determining Idaho Powels results ofoperations and financial condition. Idaho Power's financial statements reflect the effects of the different ratemaking principles followed by the jurisdictions regulating Idaho Power. The application of accounting principles related to regulated operations sometimes results in Idaho Power recording expenses and revenues in a different period than when an unregulated enterprise would record such expenses and revenues. In these instances, the amounts are deferred or accrued as regulatory assets or regulatory liabilities on the balance sheet. Regulatory assets FERC FORM NO. 1 ED.1 123.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 201UQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) represent incuned costs that have been deferred because it is probable they will be recovered from customers through fufire rates. Regulatory liabilities represent obligations to make refunds to customers for previous collections, or represent amounts collected in advance ofincurring an expense. The eflects ofapplying these regulatory accounting principles to Idaho Power's operations are discussed in more detail in Note 3 - "Regulatory Matters." System of Accounts The accounting records ofldaho Power conform to the Uniform System ofAccounts prescribed by the FERC and adopted by the public utility commissions of Idaho, Oregon, and Wyoming. Cash and Cash Equivalents Cash and cash equivalents include cash on-hand and highly liquid temporary investments that mature within 90 days of the date of acquisition. Receivables and Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts Customer receivables are recorded at the invoiced amounts and do not bear interest. A late payment fee of one percent per month may be assessed on account balances after 30 days. An allowance is recorded for potential uncollectible accounts. The allowance is reviewed periodically and adjusted based upon a combination ofhistorical write-offexperience, aging ofaccounts receivable, and an analysis of specihc customer accounts. Adjustments are charged to income. Customer acoounts receivable balances that remain outstanding after reasonable collection efforts are wrinen off. Other receivables are also reviewed for impairment periodically, based upon transaction-specific facts. When it is probable ttrat Idaho Power will be unable to collect all amounts due according to the contractual terms of the agreement, an allowance is established for the estimated uncollectible portion of the receivable and charged to income. There were no impaired receivables without related allowances at December 31, 2018 and201'l , Once a receivable is determined to be impaired, any fruther interest income recogrized is fully reserved. Derivative Financial Instruments Financial instruments such as commodity futures, forwards, options, and swaps are used to manage exposure to commodify price risk in the electricity and natural gas markets. All derivative instnrments are recognized as either assets or liabilities at fair value on the balance sheet unless they are desig:rated as normal purchases and normal sales. With the exception of forward contracts for the purchase of nafural gas for use at Idaho Power's natural gas generation facilities and a nominal number of power transactions, Idaho Power's physical forward contracts are designated as normal purchases and normal saies. Because of Idaho Power's regulatory accounting mechanisms, Idaho Power records the changes in fair value of derivative instruments related to power supply as regulatory assets or liabilities. Revenues On January l, 2018, IDACORP and Idaho Power adopted Accounting Standards Update (ASU) 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606).The adoption did not change the timing or amounts of revenue recognized by IDACORP or Idaho Power. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-88)Page 123.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Operating revenues are generally recorded when service is rendered or energy is delivered to customers. Idaho Power accrues estimated unbilled revenues for electric services delivered to customers but not yet billed at year-end. Idaho Power does not report any collections of franchise fees and similar taxes related to energy consumption on the income statement. In addition, regulatory mechanisms in place in Idaho and Oregon affect the reported amount of revenue. The effects of applying these regulatory mechanisms are discussed in more detail in Note 4 - "Revenues." Property, Plant and Equipment and Depreciation The cost of utility plant in service represents the onginal cost of contracted services, direct labor and material, allowance for funds used during construction (AFUDC), and indirect charges for engineering, supervision, and similar overhead items. Repair and maintenance costs associated with planned major maintenance are expensed as the costs are incurred, as are maintenance and repairs of properly and replacements and renewals of items determined to be less than units of property. For utiliry properry replaced or renewed, the original cost plus reuroval cost lsss salvage is charged to accumulated provision for depreciation, while the cost of related replacements and renewals is added to properry, plant and equipment. All utilify plant in service is depreciated using the straight-line method at rates approved by regulatory authorities. Annual depreciation provisions as a percent of average depreciable utility plant in service approximated 2.8 percent in 2018 and 2.9 percent h2017 . During the period of construction, costs expected to be included in the final value of the constructed asset, and depreciated once the asset is complete and placed in service, are classified as construction work in progress on the consolidated balance sheets. If the project becomes probable of being abandoned, such costs are expensed in the period such determination is made. Idaho Power may seek recovery ofsuch costs in customer rates, although there can be no guarantee such recovery would be granted. Long-lived assets are periodically reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of an asset may not be recoverable. If the sum of the undiscounted expected future cash flows from an asset is less than the carrying value of the asset, impairment is recogrized in the financial statements. There were no material impairments of long-lived assets in 2018 or 2017. Allowance for Funds Used During Construction AFUDC represents the cost of financing construction projects with borrowed funds and equity funds. With one exception, for the Hells Canyon Complex (HCC) relicensing project, cash is not realized currently from such allowance; it is realized under the ratemaking process over the service life of the related properfy through increased revenues resulting from a higher rate base and higher depreciation expenss. The component of AFUDC attributable to borrowed funds is included as a reduction to total interest expense. Idaho Power's weighted-average monthly AFUDC rate was 7.6 percent for 201 8 and 2017 . Income Taxes Idaho Power account for income taxes under the asset and liabilify method, which requires the recognition of deferred tax assets and liabilities for the expected future tax consequences of events that have been included in the financial statements. Under this method (commonly referred to as normalized accounting), deferred tax assets and liabilities are determined based on the differences between the financial statements and tax basis of assets and liabilities using enacted tax rates in effect for the year in which the differences are expected to reverse. In general, deferred income tax expense or benefit for a reporting period is recognized as the change in deferred tax assets and liabilities from the beginning to the end ofthe period. The effect ofa change in tax rates on deferred tax assets and FERC FORM NO. 1 ED.1 123.3 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04!16t2019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) liabilities is recognized in income in the period that includes the enactment date unless Idaho Power's primary regulator, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), orders direct deferral of the effect of the change in tax rates over a longer period of time. Consistent with orders and directives of the IPUC, unless contrary to applicable income tax guidance, Idaho Power does not record deferred income taxes for certain income tax temporary differences and instead recogrizes the tax impact currently (commonly referred to as flow-tfuough accounting) for rate making and financial reporting. Therefore, Idaho Power's effective income tax rate is impacted as these differences arise and reverse. Regulated enterprises are required to recogrize such adjustments as regulatory assets or liabilities if it is probable that such amounts will be recovered from or retumed to customers in future rates. IDACORP and Idaho Power use judgment, estimation, and historical data in developing the provision for income taxes and the reporting oftax-related assets and liabilities, including development ofcurrent year tax depreciation, capitalized repair costs, capitalized overheads, and other items. Income taxes can be impacted by changes in tax laws and regulations, interpretations by taxing authorities, changes to accounting guidance, and actions by federal or state public utility regulators. Actual income taxes could vary from estimated amounts and may result in favorable or unfavorable impacts to net income, cash flows, and tax-related assets and liabilities. In compliance with the federal income tax requirements for the use of accelerated tax depreciation, Idaho Power records deferred income taxes related to if,s plant assets for the difference between income tax depreciation and book depreciation used for financial statement purposes. Deferred income taxes are recorded for other tomporary differences unless accounted for using flow-through. The state of Idaho allows a three percent investment tax credit on qualifoing plant addifions. Investment tax credits eamed on regulated assets are deferred and amortized to income over the estimated service lives of the related properties. Credits earned on non-regulated assets or investments are recognized in the year earned. Income taxes are discussed in more detail in Note 2 - "Income Taxes." Other Accounting Policies Debt discount, expense, and premium are deferred and amortized over the terms of the respective debt issues. Losses on reacquired debt and associated costs are amortized over the life ofthe associated replacement debt, as allowed under regulatory accounting. Reclassifications In these consolidated financial statements, certain amounts in prior periods' consolidated financial statements have been reclassified to conform with current period presentation. On Idaho Power's December 31 ,2017 , consolidated balance sheet, the "Long-term receivables" balance of $0.5 million which had previously been reported separately, was reclassified to "Deferred Debits." New and Recently Adopted Accounting Pronouncements Rece ntly Adopted Accounting Pronouncements In May 2014, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued ASU 2014-09 , Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606). ASU 2014-09 is intended to enable users of financial statements to betterunderstand and consistently analyze an entiry's revenue across industries, transactions, and geographies. Under the ASU, recognition of revenue occurs when a customer obtains FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.4 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) control of promised goods or services. In addition, the ASU requires disclosure of the nature, amount, timing, and unceriainty of revenue and cash flows arising from contracts with customers. The FASB amended certain aspects of ASU 2014-A9 to clarifo the implementation guidance, including clarilications related to principal versus agent considerations, licensing and identifuing performance obligations, narrow scope improvements, and practical expedients. Idaho Power adopted ASU 2014-09 on January l, 2018, using the modified-retrospective approach as provided for in the standard. The adoption did not change the timing or amounts of revenue currently recognized by the companies, so no cumulative-effect adjustment was required. The adoption did change presentation of revenues on the consolidated statements of income and also added disclosures. To conform with current period presentation, "Electric utility revenuos" and "Operating Revenues" on Idaho Power's consolidated statcments of income for the years ended December 31, 2018 ar,Ld2017, which had previously been reported separately as "General business," "Off-system sales," and "Other revenues," are no longer reported separately. See Note 4 - "Revenues" for additional information on the disaggregation of revenue and additional disclosures. In January 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-01 , Financial Instruments-Overall (Subnpic 825-10): Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financiol Liabiliries, which revises the accounting related to the classification and measurement of investments in equity securities and the presentation of certain fair value changes for financial liabilities measured at fair value. It also amends certain disclosure requirements associated with the fair value of financial instruments. The new standard is effective for fiscal years beginning after December 15,2017 , including interim periods. Idaho Power adopted ASU 201 6-0 I on January I , 2018. The adoption did not have a material impact on the companies' financial statements as the companies previously elected the fair value option and reported available-for-sale securities at fair value. In August 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-15 , Statement of Cash Flows (Topic 230) Classification of Certain Cash Receipts and Cash Paymenls, to reduce diversiry in practice in how certain cash receipts and cash payments are classified in the statement of cash flows. The companies'classification of proceeds from the settlement of corporate-owned life insurance policies and related costs will be classified as investing activities under the new guidance. The new guidance did not affect the companies'presentation ofdebt prepa)ment and extinguishment costs, proceeds from the settlement of insurance claims (other than corporate-owned life insurance), and distributions received from equity-method investments. Idaho Power adopted ASU 2016-15 on January l, 2018, using the retrospective approach as provided for in the standard. To conform with current period presentation, the companies reclassified $3.0 million and $3.6 million of company-owned life insurance proceeds received, for the year ended December 31, 2017 and2016, respectively, from "Change in accounts receivable" and $0.1 million and $0.1 million of prepaid insurance premiums paid, for the year ended December 31,2017 and2016, respectively, from "Change in other assets" (net reclassification of $2.9 million and $3.5 rnillion, respectively) within "Operating Activities" to "Other" within "Investing Activities" on the consolidated statement of cash flows, In March 20L7 , the FASB issued ASU 201 7-07 , Compensation -- Retirement Benefits (Topic 7 I 5) : Improving the Presentation of Net Periodic Pension Cost and Net Periodic Poslretirement Benefit Cosr, which requires employers to disaggregate the service cost component from other components of net periodic beneht costs and to disclose the amounts of net periodic benefit costs that are included in each income statement line item. The standard requires employers to present the service cost component in the same line item as other compensation costs and to present the other components ofnet periodic beneht cost (which include interest costs, expected retum on plan assets, amortization ofprior service cost or credits and actuarial gains and losses) separately and outside a subtotal of operating income. In addition, only the service cost component is eligible for capitalization. Idaho Power capitalizes amounts of pension or postretirement costs that are insigniticant to the consolidated financial statements. The amendments in ASU 201'7-07 are effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginning after December 15.2017. Entities must use (1) a retrospective transition method to adopt the requirement for separate presentation in the income statement of service costs and otler components and (2) a prospective transition method to adopt the requirement to limit the capitalization of benefit costs to the service cost component. Idaho Power adopted ASU 20 I 7-07 on January 1 , 20 I 8, and accordingly, have retrospectively adjusted prior periods to reflect the FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.5 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2) A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 201BtQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) disaggregation ofservice cost from other components ofnet periodic benefit costs. The adoption did not have a material impact on the company's financial statements nor did it affect net income for the year ended December 31, 2018. For the years ended December 31, 2017 and 2016, $3.0 million and $2.6 million, respectively, was reclassified from "Other operations and maintenance" to "Other expense, net" to conform to current period presentation. Recenl Accounting Pronouncements Not Yet Adopted In August 2018, the FASB issued ASU 2018-l5,Intangibles-Goodwill and Other-Internal-Use Sofnuare (Subtopic 350-40): Customer's Accountingfor Implementation Costs Incurred in a Cloud Computing Arrangement That Is a Service Contract, to provide guidance on implementation costs incurred in a cloud computing arrangement that is a service contract. ASU 2018-15 aligns the accounting for such costs with the guidance on capitalizing costs associated with developing or obtaining intemal-use software. The new standard is effective for interim and annual reporting periods beginning after December 15,2019, with early adoption permitted. Idaho Power are evaluating the impact of ASU 2018-15 on their respective financial statements. In February 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02, Leases (Topic 842), intended to improve financial reporting about leasing transactions. The ASU requires lessees to recognize a right-of-use asset and lease liability on the balance sheet for most leases. In addition, the ASU revises the definition of a lease in regards to when an arrangement conveys ttre right to control the use of the identified asset under the arrangement, which may result in changes to the classification of an arrangement as a lease. ASU 2016-02 was effective on January I , 2019 , and Idaho Power will record any effects of the adoption in the first quarter of 20 19. While Idaho Power is finalizing the assessment of the financial impacts of the adoption, the adoption of ASU 2016-02 will not have a material impact on their respective financial statemetrts. Subsequent Events Management has evaluated the impact of events occurring after December 31,2018, up to February 21,2019, the date that Idaho Power Company's U.S. GAAP financial statements were issued and has updated such evaluation for disclosure purposcs through April 15,2019. These financial statements include all necessary adjustments and disclosures resulting from these evaluations. FERC FORM NO. I {ED. 12-88)Page 123.6 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 20't8tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 2. INCOME TAXES A reconciliation befween the statutory federal income tax rate and the effective tax rate is as follows (dollars in thousands); Federalincome ttsn enpense Et 212 statutory rate Dhange in tarer resulting lrom: Equily earnings of subsidiary companies AFUOD Capitalized interest lnuestmpnt lEtr credits Bond redemption costs Bemoval cost= Capitalized ouerhead costs I apitalired repair crrsts State income taHes. net of federalbenefit Eepre'=ietion Excess defened income teH reuersal 9tock-baEed compensation Bemeesurement ol delered taxes lncome tex relurn adiuslments Other, net ?n1P 7n1,1 50.074 $ 83.370 Total ineome ta* exppnse $ 18.'135 ;} 48.335 Effectiue tax rate 6.Bz 19.22 The items comprising income tax expense are as follows (dollars in thousands): 2018 ?t17 lncome ta$es cu.rently payable: Federal State Total lncome tanes delerred: Federal Total lnueitment talr credit5: Oeferred Pestored Total Total income tarr e.tpenre $ 18.155 $ 48.535 $ {1.651 001 IT.24E r:101 328.00 {2.313 D0l n.023 D0l (3 471 001 t8.720.001 [1l.B5l nr]l 8.532.00 13 11n nn (7,?83.001 (EB3.r-r0l t5.620 00) $.842.ff)t 3.257.00 t2.4?9.00) t'1!.31A. D0l 1.513.00 t:r.081.00) 0.00 t6.?81'l.iJ0l n1.200.00) t3B.l0tl.0Lll 8.108.00 1e 9E1 nn 0.00 t1.483.001 2.623.00 t3.s75.00) t4.158.00) 20.683 44"722rz.o4sl 1D.5EZ18.614 s5.284 t13.30st t8.41815.425 ts.Z5Bl t7.884) t13.7141 8,334 10.508 t2.3z3t t3.081)5.405 7.4?5 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-881 Page 123.7 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1)X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 'fhe components of the net deferred tax liability are as follows (dollars in thousands): 2014 2,J17 Delerred tan assets: Feguletory liabilities $ 98.042 $ 38,744 Oeferred oompensation 21.826 21.fr?5 Eeferred reuenue 35.13? 3'l.0BE Tax ':redits 44.4fl8 4:1.995 Retirement benelits 31,867 34.433 Orher 5.12? Total 300.402 297.778 Deferred ta$ liabalaties: Property. plant errd equipment Regulatory assets Fised cost adlustmenr Relirement benefits llther 234,411 E'14.144 fl.S40 108.440 2E,855 306.002 584.329 8,016 103.407 21.05? Total 1.054.850 1_1122.851 Het deferred tax liabilities .t 754.448 $ ?25.D7:J IDACORP's tax allocation agreement provides that each member of its consolidated group compute its income taxes on a separate company basis. Amounts payable or refimdable are settled through IDACORP and are reported as trxes accrued or income taxes receivable, respectively, on the consolidated balance sheets of Idaho Power. See Note I - " Summary of Significant Accounting Policies" for further discussion of accounting policies related to income taxes. Uncertain Tax Positions Idaho Power believes that it has no material income tax uncertainties for 201 8 and prior tax years. The Company recognizes interest accrued related to unrecogtized tax benefits as interest expense and penalties as other expense. ldaho Power is subject to examination by its major tax jurisdictions - U.S, federal and the State of Idaho. The open tax years for examination are 2018 for federal and 2014-2018 for ldaho. In May 2009, IDACORP formally entered the U.S. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Compliance Assurance Process (CAP) program for its 2A09 tax year and has remained in the CAP program for all subsequent years. The CAP program provides for IRS examination and issue resolufion throughout the current year with the objective of return filings containing no contested items. In 2018, the IRS completed its examination of IDACORP's 201'? tax year with no unresolved income tax issucs. Income Tax Reform In December 2017 , the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law, which significantly reforms the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Effective January l, 2018, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act pemanently lowers the corporate tax rate to 2l percent from the existing maximum rate of 35 percent, provides for expanded bonus depreciation, limits the deductibility of interest expense, eliminates the alternative minimum tax, repeals the manufacturing deduction, and imposes additional limitations on the deductibility of executive compensation. Public utility companies, such as Idaho Power, retain the deductibility of interest expense and are excluded from the bonus depreciation provisions; however, traditional accelerated tax depreciation methods are still available. Due to the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and foilowing generally accepted accounting principles, at December 31,2017, FERC FORM NO.1 12-88 123.8 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2)_ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2A18!Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Idaho Power remeasured all deferred income tax assets and liabilities. The effects of these adjustments resulted in a net tax expense for 201'7 , as shown in the rate reconciliation table above. Also, as shown above, in 2018, a net tax benefit was recognized for the remeasurement of deferred taxes for the adjustment of temporary differences as a result of IDACORP's 201 7 consolidated income tax retum filings. Additionally, in2017, the net deferred tax liabilities decreased by approximately $672 million. Idaho Power's regulatory asset deferred income tax liability item decreased as the related regulatory asset was reduced in lwo primary ways: (l) the decrease in the fbderal income tax rate decreased the future cost to customers for funding the net deferred income tax liabilities resulting &om the cumulative impacts of using the flow-through income tax accounting method fbr regulatory purposes and (2) the decrease in the federal income tax rate also reduced the net-to-gross multiplier that increases the regulatory asset to a revenue requirement carrying value. The change in income tax law also reduced the deferred income tax liability for depreciation-related timing differences under the normalized tax accounting method. As this reduction will flow back to customers in the future under the statutorily prescribed average rate assumption method, it was recorded as a regulatory liabiliry on the consolidated balance sheets of the companies. On March ).2,z\l\,Idaho House Bill 463 was enacted which lowered the Idaho state corporate incorne tax rate from7 .4 percent to 6.925 percent effective January 1, 2018. The Idaho tax rate reduction did not have a material impact on Idaho Power's 2018 income tax expense or detbrred tax asset and liability balances. Policy Statement PLf9-2-000 Disclosures Idaho Power's accumulated deferred income tax (ADIT) accounts (190,282,283) and income tax-related regulatory asset and liability accounts (182.3 and 254) were adjusted for the impacts from the income tax reform described above. ADIT accounts were remeasured by first recalculating de ferred income tax balances by appllng the new 2 l7o statutory corporate tax rate to existing temporary differences. The remeasured balances were then compared to the deferred income tax balances on Idaho Power's books prior to income tax reform. The difference in the balances resulted in excess ADIT (254 account), no deficient ADIT, and a reduction to Idaho Power's regulatory asset ( I 82.3 account) for flow-through income tax accounting differences and regulatory liability for investment tax credits (254 account). The excess ADIT balance as of December 31,2017 was $194.0 million. A.2017 tax return adjustment of $3.4 million was recorded in the current year which increased the balance of excess ADIT to $197.4 million. All of Idaho Power's excess ADIT is protected. Unprotected temporary differences were either subject to Idaho Power's flow-through regulatory income tax accounting method or the remeasured amounts were immaterial. The remeasurement of unprotected items resulted in a $2.6 million net income tax expense in 2017 and a $5.6 million net income tax benefit in 2018 for items adjusted due to the filing of 2017 income tax returns. Idaho Power's protected excess ADIT will be retumed through rates as the underlying temporary differences reverse using the statutorily prescribed Average Rate Assumption Method (ARAM). For the year ended December 3 I , 201 8, a $7.3 million tax benefit was recorded in account 4t l.l for the reversal of excess ADIT. The excess ADIT will be included in rates for both rate base (254 account balance) and cost of service (arurual amortization pursuant to ARAM) when fufure general rate cases are filed for state regulatory jurisdictions and beginning with Idaho Power's 2019 formula rate filing for FERC purposes. 3. REG['LATORY MATTERS FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-88)Page 123.9 Idaho Power's financial statements reflect the effects of the different ratemaking pnnciples followed by the jurisdictions regulating Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) ldaho Power. Included below is a summary of Idaho Powels regulatory assets and liabilities, as well as a discussion of notable regulatory matters. Regulatory Assets and Liabilities The application of accounting principles related to regulated operations sometimes results in Idaho Power recording some expense$ and revenues in a different period than when an unregulated enterprise would record those expenses and revenues. Regulatory assets represent incurred costs that have been deferred because it is probable they will be recovered from customers through future rates. Regulatory liabilities represent obligations to make refunds to customers for previous collections, or represent amounts collected in advance ofincurring an expense. The following table presents a summary of Idaho Power's regulatory assets and liabilities (in thousands of dollars): FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Pase'123.10 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) As of Dcccmbcr 31, 2018 Dcscriptioa *'"-#T:" Earainsr ,"Iil, . rotel rs orDc*mbcr 31, pcriod Returt tr) Rcruri lolg ZOLT Reguhtolv .{ssctg: locooc tsrc3 e) Uafuoded postrctircrueot 6-.66 {l) Persioa cxpco3r dcfarals Eoergl'efficieacy progran colt (4) Po*cr supply costr (5) Fixcd coct adjustmeot (5) YgtrJBtPlEnt $ttl€ocnE (, -A.ss.t rctrcagtrt obhgarioos (O Loog-tcrm scn'ice agrecaeot Other Totel Re guhtor.t Liebilitics : Iacoue taxes 0 Dcprcciatron-related cxccsr dcfercd iacooe taxcs o Eaergy cfEcicocy Fogrerr co3s ({) Pos'er ruppl-v costs {t) Scttlcacat agrecocat rhadq 66ghrnim {5) I![ark-to -aarkct asscts (9) Other 3 -S 614,114t 614.1,143 584,329 278,67.1 279,674 280.166 t26,8ll 2t,025 t47,836 t27,72t 1,398 t,399 6,213 3'137 34,502 8,001 ,12,503 30,S56 1?,5t2 ?7.5t2 U,633 I l,5tJ I 1.65J I 5.76? t6,095 10,6J3 26,148 21,90'l 770 6,98{ 7,104 11,3073 257,038 i e57,r36 u3llgl 3 r,132,0e6 5 98,0.12 I 98,012 $ 9S,7,14 190"062 190,062 193,991 5,259 5.259 408 3i,815 6,507 12,322 5,d.13 5,025 5,025 3,700 3,100 22 . , 6,314 8,796 =ig*gg- !--llug. $ 353'r4i. I--10u91- 2019-20:0 2019-2028 20t9-2043 2019-2055 t 20 l 9-2020 20 I 9-2020 Total (l) Errarqrrrtr.nairludarcithrirtarelorerGlurloq$.sn'arltad:ircourgourdofrlrbrs.dtLrllor$dntrofrctLEE (1) R.?EatEt lhw-&ragh racoo: ux *counnreg diFrrl*cr n'hrcf, Llr : cmrryooding drllrrcd bx li:brlit5' dirlorcl il liotc I - "kec,ror T:xre.' (3) Rrgmr@! t[. u!fisdcd oblUno of ldebo Poru'r p:Bron rod ponrcruarrt bror6t das, n'trctr ro dircil$cd ra Nar I I - 'Bdtt PlIIrs.' (r) TLr rar6' cfrcicl' r!!t{ ,rF...atr tbr OrEoo lurildiction belacr rlld thr lubrlit-t rcpcoarr er ld:[o ju'isecion brLrxr. (J) TLir itro ir dinlrd in ron drarl s tiir Notr 3 - 'Rqulror)'Illtar." (6) rLrrt retrratl obl;lrda6 ya dircrtld ra \ote 13 . ",\sra Rrtnrra Obligetou. ' (D Rrfcacro the tu grou-rry nhtcd to 6a depccirtlo-r:htrd sar dcfcrd imoan trxs rad iglesaat o:< scdis irc.lud.d iB tLir abh aJ }l : conopoadug &fznd tan ure &rdord aliotr I - 'Incorar Tru." (8) Thr Tu. Crr ad ]obr Ac,t, coxtrd oo Dccrabs 22, 201 r, rcdrxd &e de&rred urnom trcr r.*tl ad Iubilitic!. Fc drgrcrrticra-r:had tiDrna drifi:reacrs uds tk aoruuliad tex rcflrtrtry n tlod, tl;. raductm ndl0ow b-l to cutmc radrr th. rrrutonb' p(unb.d rrga;. r.t r$u!1Pt6lr Erthod. (9) t\'Ld(-teorybt usro od liebrliticr rc dircuucd rn Note 16 - Tu \rlue lr{ersuranou.' Idaho Power's regulatory assets and liabilities are typically amortized over tle period in which they are reflected in customer rates. In the event that recovery ofldaho Power's costs through rates becomes unlikely or uncertain. regulatory accounting would no longer apply to some or all of Idaho Power's operations and the items above may represent sffanded investments. If not allowed full recovery FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-881 Page 123.11 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) a4n612019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) of these items, Idaho Power would be required to write off the applicable portion, which could have a materially adverse financial impact. Power Cost Adjustment Mechanisms and Deferred Power Supply Costs In both its Idaho and Oregon jurisdictions, Idaho Power's power cost adjustment mechanisms address the volatility of power supply costs and provide for annual adjustments to the rates charged lo its retail customers. The power cost adjushnent mechanisrns compare Idaho Power's actual net power supply costs (prirnarily fuel and purchased power less wholesale energy sales) against net power supply oosts being recovered in Idaho Power's retail rates. Under the power cost adjustment mechanisms, certain differences between actual net power supply costs incurred by Idaho Power and costs being recovered in retail rates are recorded as a deferred charge or credit on the balance sheets for future recovery or refund. The power supply costs deferred primarily result from changes in contracted power purchase prices and volumes, changes in wholesale market prices and transaction volumes, fuel prices, and the levels of Idaho Power's own generation. The Idaho deferral period or ldaho-jurisdiction power cost adjustment (PCA) year mns from April 1 through March 31 . Amounts deferred during the PCA year are primarily recovered or refunded during the subsequent June I through May 31 period. Idaho furisdiction Power Cost Adjustment Mechsnisra.' ln the Idaho jurisdiction, the annual PCA adjustment consists of (a) a forecast component, based on a forecast of net power supply costs in the coming year as compared with net power supply costs included in base rates; and (b) a true-up component, based on the difference between the previous year's actual net power supply costs and the previous year's forecast. The latter component also includes a balancing mechanism so that, over time, the actual collection or refund of authorized true-up dollars matches the amounts authorized. The PCA mechanism also includes: a cost or benefit sharing ratio that allocates the deviations in net power supply expenses between customers (95 percent) and shareholders (5 percent), with the exceptions of expenses associated with PLIRPA power purchases and demand response incentive payments, which are allocated 100 percent to customers; and a sales-based adjustment intended to €nsure that power supply expense recovery resulting solely from sales changes does not distort the results of the mechanism. The table below summarizes the three most recent PCA rate adjustments, all of which also include non-PCA-related rate adjustments as ordered by the IPUC: Effccth'e S CfugcDetc (rnillioas) Notcs Jucc t,2018 I (30.1) Thc 330.4 oitliou total dccrcase io PCA ratcs iacludcs a 37.8 oiUioo oae-time bcocfit for igcoac trx b.q.Ets accrucd tom Januarl' I to May 31, 2018, aad tie iacooe trxes rclatcd to Idsho Pove/r.oglg.!S.c.c.ll taasoirsioo tarif (OAfD ratc. Scc 'lacooe Trx Refono - Rcgulatorl Trcatneat' bclow for orotc infr,rmatioo- a a Junc 1,2017 $ 10.6 The nct iucrease ra PCA rater hclu&d an offscniag S l3 .0 oitlion reducton for the refi.rod of previously collectcd lda.bo eaerg-r-, efricieacl' rrder fuods. Oregon Jurisdicrton Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism: Idaho Power's power cost recovery mechanism in Oregon has two components: an annual power cost update (APCU) and a power cost adjustment mechanism (PCAM). The APCU allows Idaho Power to reestablish its Oregon base net power supply costs annually, separate from a general rate case, and to forecast net pow€r supply costs for the upcoming water year. The PCAM is a true-up filed annually in February. The filing calculates the deviation between actual net power supply expenses incurred for the preceding calendar year and the net power supply exp€nses recovered through the APCU for the same period. Under the PCAM, Idaho Power is subject to a portion of the business risk or benefit associated with this deviation FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.12 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) through application of an asymmetrical deadband (or range of deviations) within which Idaho Power absorbs cost increases or decreases. For deviations in actual power supply costs outside ofthe deadband, the PCAM provides for 90/10 sharing ofcosts and benefits between customers and Idaho Power. However, collection by Idaho Power will occur only to the extent that Idaho Power's actual Oregon-jurisdictional retum on equity (Oregon ROE) for the year is at least 100 basis points below ldaho Power's last authorized Oregon ROE. A refund to customers will occur only to the extent that Idaho Power's actual Oregon ROE for that year is at least 100 basis points above Idaho Power's last authorized Oregon ROE. Oregon jurisdiction power supply cost changes under the APCU and PCAM during 2018 and 2017 did not have a material impact on the companies' financial statements. Notable Idaho Regulatory Matters Idaho Bqse Rate Changes.' Idaho base rates were most recently established rr:.2012, and adjusted in2014,2017, ard 2018. Effective January l,2ll2,Idaho Power implemented new Idaho base rates resulting from IPUC approval of a settlement stipulation that provided for a 7.86 percent authorized overall rate of retum on an Idaho-jurisdiction rate base of approximately $2.36 billion. The settlement stipulation resulted in a 4.0'7 percent, or $34.0 million, overall increase in Idaho Power's annual ldaho-jurisdiction base rate revenues. Idaho base rates were subsequently adjusted again in 2012, in connection with Idaho Power's completion of the Langley Gulch power plant. In June 2072, the IPUC issued an order approving a $58.1 million increase in annual ldaho-jurisdiction base rates, effective July l, 20l2.The order also provided for a $335.9 million increase in Idaho rate base. Neither the settlement stipulation nor the IPUC orders adjusting base rates specified an authorized rate of return on equity or imposed a moratorium on Idaho Power filing a general rate case at a future date. As notcd above in this Note 3, the IPUC issued a March 2014 order approving Idaho Power's request for an increase in the normalized or "base level" net power supply expense to be used to update base rates and in the determination of the PCA rate that became effective June l, 2014.In June 2018, the IPUC issued an order adjusting base rates for the impacts of income tax reform, as discussed below in "Income Tax Reform - Regulatory Treatment." October 2014 Idaho Earnings Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation: ln October 2014, the IPUC issued an order approving an extension, with modifications, of the terms of a December 201 1 Idaho settlement stipulation for the period from 2015 tkough 2019, or until the terms are otherwise modified or terminated by order of the IPUC or the full $45 million of additional accumulated deferred investrnent tax credits (ADITC) contemplated by the settlement stipulation has been amortized (October 2014 ldaho Earnings Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation). The provisions of the October 2014 Idaho Earnings Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation are described in the table included under "Income Tax Reform - Regulatory Treatment" below. In 2018, Idaho Power recorded a $5.0 million provision against current revenue for sharing with customers, as its fuIl-year retum on year-end equity in the Idaho jurisdiction (Idaho ROE) for 20 I 8 was above 10.0 percent. ln 2017 , Idaho Power did not record any additional ADITC amortization or any provision for sharing with customers, as its Idaho ROE in both years was between 9.5 percent and 10.0 percent. Accordingly, at December 31, 2018, the full $45 million of additional ADITC remains available for future use under the terms of the October 2014Idaho Earnings Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation. The October 2014 Idaho Eaming Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation was modified and indefinitely extended, as described in "Income Tax Reform - Regulatory Treatment" below. Income Tax Reform - Regulatory Treatment: In December 2017,the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law, which, among other things, lowered the corporate federal income tax rate from 35 percent to 2l percent and modified or eliminated certain federal income tax deductions for corporations. In March 2018, Idaho House Bill 463 was signed into law reducing the Idaho state corporate income tax rate from 7.4 percent to 6.925 percent. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.'13 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 20't8tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) In January 2018, the IPUC issued an order requiring utilities within its jurisdiction, including Idaho Power, to file a report with the IPUC, identifuing and quantifying the financial impact of the income tax reform changes on the utility, along with proposed tariff schedule changes that would adjust the utilify's rates and corresponding revenues to reflect the utility's modified federal tax obligations under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The IPUC order required Idaho Power to estimate the income tax reform changes by comparing aclnnl2017 federal income tax components with what those federal income tax components would have been if the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act had been effective for the full-year 2017. In March 2018, Idaho Power made a filing with the IPUC providing the results of its pro forma analysis indicating pro forma annual income tax reform expense reductions, composed ofa current income tax expense reduction and a deferred income tax expense reduction. In May 20 I 8, the IPUC issued an order approving a settlement stipulation (May 201 8 Idaho Tax Reform Settlement Stipulation) related to income tax reform. Beginning June 1, 2018, *re settlement stipulation provides an annual (a) $18.7 million reduction to Idaho customer base rates and (b) $7.4 million amortization of existing regulatory defenals for specified items or future amortization of other existing or future unspecified regulatory deferrals that would otherwise be a future liabiliry recoverable from Idaho customers. Additionally, a one-time benefit of a $7.8 million rate reduction is being provided to Idaho customers through the Idaho-jurisdiction power cost adjustment (PCA) mechanism for the period from June 1 , 201 8 through May 3 I , 201 9, for the income tax reform benefits accrued from January I , 201 I to May 3 1 , 2018, and the income tax reform benefits related to Idaho Power's OATT rate. The amount provided via the PCA mechanism will decrease to $2.7 million on June 1,2019, for income tax reform benefits related to Idaho Power's OATT rate and will cease on June 1,2020, to reflect the impact of a full year of reduced OATT third-parry transmission revenues. The May 2018 Idaho Tax Reform Settlement Stipulation also provides for the indefinite extension, with modifications, of the October 2014 Idaho Earnings Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation beyond its termination date of December 31, 2019. FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-88)Page 123.14 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) The table below summarizes and compares the terms of the October 2014 Idaho Eamings Support and Sharing Seftlement Stipulation with the terms in the May 2018 Idaho Tax Reform Settlement Stipulation that will be applicable commencing on January 1,2020. Octobcr t0l4 ldaf,o Earaiags Support rnd Shariag Sctttcocar Stipulation - ]1"y 20lE ldilo Tar Rcforr Scnlcmcot Stipolrtion Gfiertive throueh Blc;tsber ]1. 20lg) @ftctivc begimug Jaruary l, 2020, u:& no dcGred cnd datc) If I&ho Potrdr actr.ral ralual ldabo ROE ia aay yec ! !s3s rhn 9.5 p€rocat, thlo tdlho Porrtr ary ncord.dditifisl ADITC @odizrtioo np to 32J oilioo to hcb rchieve a 9.5 p.rccd Idabo ROE frr tbd 1,car, ad any record ldditiooal ADITC uortizrrioo up b a total of t4J raillioq oru tt 20lJ ltroush 2019 Fiod. If e. t4, oillioo ofADITC rru co,oplctely aoroai.a4 thc rrtrfir rhaflng povirionr bcloc, uurtd ao lagcr be appticabhl If Idaho Poqrds amual Idabo ROE m aay lcar cxcccds 10.0 pcm€ot thc amouat of ctrnmg* xceediog a 10.0 pcrccat ldabo ROE aad up to ,od iocludi{g a 10^5 perceat ldaho ROE udl be allocaed 75 pcrccat to ldabo Powcdr ldabo customcc as a ratc rcductoo to bc cEectiTe at thc ri-e of thc vubccqucot _vca/r PCA rnd 25 pcrceat to Idaho Pou's. If t&ho Portds aaoual ldlno ROE io ry ycar crcccds 10.5 p.tc d, tbc anouat of carangs escdiog a 10.5 pcrcaf l&to ROE wi[ bc dlocatcd 50 pcrccat to l&ho Pon'eds Idrho orstomcrs I a rzE rrdrctsm to be e&ctirr u tic tnae of ttc rubrcqucdyca/r pCA 2J pcrcartto ldatoPorcds Idaho eustoorcrs b thc form of r rr&xtion to tbe pca:ion rcgufao,rt' aset balaocrag mcorrot (to r.&rcc 6c aoouot to bc collecud io &. finurc &om Idrho curtoocrs), ad 25 pcrccat b ldaho Poltr. In ltc cvcot tb IPUC app.rorcs a claoge to ldaho Porw/r dloscd aoaual ldaho ROE as part of a geaeral ratr casr procccdra* before Decernber 31, 2019, tic Idabo ROE tbresbol& nrll bc adjustd oo a prorpec!{e basir as follorw: (a) thc Idaho ROE uodcr nfuch ldaho Porver u^ill be pcmittcdto zmoltizedt additiooal aaounr of.{DITC srll be set at 9J pcrccot of the ncn'$ authorized ldaho ROE, (b) ib.rlng rvith custoorcrs oa a 75 pcrccot basis ar a curtod., rat rcductiod ildl bcgilr at thc nan'ly auttorucd l&ho ROE, aad (c) shanag u,it[ custoaacrs oa a 75 pcrccat basis brI allocated 50 perccot to a rate rcdr:ctioo, aad 25 pcrceat to e pcosioa esparsc deferral rcguliloe'.siet, sill bcgia at 105 pcrceat of thc neuly arlhorued l&ho ROE. If l&to Po\,!dr actrul aamal ldrho ROE io ery 1'cer is lcss tlra 9.a pcrced, t&a ld*o Pons o:1. ooortizc ug to 325oillio of additioo.l ADIIC to hclp *lisuc a 9.4 pcrccut ldalo ROE for that year, rc log ar tt: ctoulative amonot of ADITC usd docs oot rnmcd t4J millim 0&ho Portr will har,r avaiLablc rod oay comiauc b rrsc aoy lrou!.d poruoo ofthc 9J aillioa of additimd ADITC fro rtc Octobcr 20t4 l&ho Earotag! $rgport ad SbuioC Scttl.orcar Stifnrlstoo); honetu, Idrho Po*rr oay seclc agprord &m thc IPUC to rcpl-i.h tLc tdl amouor ofADITC il ir pcroltcd to aoonize. Iftlcre ur oo niosiorag aosrroti ofADITC alrhorizcrl to bc aoortzt4 ttc rcrrarc shair* ?ror,rrioas bclow nmrld aor bc applicable until .ADITC is rrpl-ittd. If Idato Po*t/s aaaual Idaho ROE rn al'ye.!r cxcocds !0.0 pcrc.oq thc arnouat of aararngs cxccedi.ng a 10.0 pfccot Idabo ROE aad up to ad io.luditrg a t0.5 pcrcem Idaho ROE u.ill bc allocared 80 pcrccd to Idaho Pou,edr ldaho custoarers as a rate rcdrctioa io be efactiru at thc timc of thc sub,!.qucat l..ads PCA and 20 parccnt to ldalo Power. If ldalo Ponrdr aauurl Idrto ROE b uy ytar excccd! 10.5 pcrccr! lLe aoout ofcroiop cxcc*diry a 10.5 pcrccor l&bo ROE utitl bc .ltocatld 5, pGtccot to Idabo Ponrds Idaho curbe:r! dr a tat rr&rtio to bc eftctirr at ttc troc of hc $bt.qu.at l€rdr PCA 25 pcrccd to ldaho Pou.tdr Idato cuioocrs io lb fola of e rdEtioa to tn! pcosioa Gguldori' arsd ba!8rci[E eccouot (to rcdrc! ltc rsouat to tc collectctl il tb. imrc frora ldrho crstoocn), .ad 20 pcrc.ot to l&to Postr. la thc ev-r the IFUC rpprotcs a chaugc to l&ho Posr/r dlontd aranal Idalo ROE as prt of a garal ratc casc proccediac c$cctrte oa or a0cr Juuarv l, 2020, thc Idaho ROE tireshold: uitl bc adjustcd on l prolpcctrve basb a.r follow'u (a) thc Idaho ROE uadcr wtich ldaho Porvcr rrll be pcrmittcd to aoortize ao additooal amouat of ADITC u,ill bc se{ rt 95 pcrceat of thc neu,ly arlbrized Idaho ROE, (b) sharirry sith curto!063 oo ao $0 perccd basls as a curtom;r ratc rcdrctioo *r1I begin at &c oetly authorrzcd Idaho ROE, aod (c) rhann-e uitt curtoolcrs m ar 80 pcrccd basu h.[ dlocrcd !5 pcrccot to a ratc redrctioc ad 25 gerceot to a pcanim cxprore d.&rral re$rlatoo. assc( uill bcgir at 105 pcrcanr ofttc ocrvly authorizd Idaho ROE. Neither the October 20 14 Idaho Earnings Suppott and Sharing Settlement Stipulation nor the May 2018 Idaho Tax Reform Settlement Stipulation impose a moratorium on Idaho Power filing a general rate case or other form of rate proceeding in Idaho during their respective terms. FERC FORM NO. ,l (ED. 12-88)Page 123.'15 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) AIso in May 2018, the Public Utility Commission of Oregon (OPUC) issued an order approving a settlement stipulation that provides for an annual $ I .5 million reduction to Oregon customer base rates beginning June I , 2018, through May 31, 2020, related to income tax reform. Unless earlier resolved in a regulatory proceeding, the settlement stipulation requires Idaho Power to file a deferral request with the OPUC by December 3l , 2019, to begin tracking income tax reform benefits beginning January l, 2020, at which time Idaho Power, the OPUC staft and other interested parties will discuss the methodoiogy to quantifu potential future income tax relbrm benefits. Fixed Cost Adjustment: The Idaho jurisdiction fixed cost adjustrnent (FCA) mechanism, applicable to Idaho residential and small commercial customers, is desigrred to remove a portion of Idaho Power's hnancial disincentive to invest in energy efficiency programs by separating (or decoupling) the recovery of fixed costs from the variable kilowatt-hour charge and linking it instead to a set amount per customer. Under Idaho Power's current rate design, recovery of a portion of fxed costs is included in the variable kilowatt-hour charge, which may result in over-collection or under-collection of f,xed costs. To retum over-collection to customers or to collect under-collection from customers, the FCA mechanism allows Idaho Power to accrue, or defer, the difference between the authorized fixed-cost recovery amount per customer and the actual fixed costs per customer recovered by Idaho Power during the year. Any annual increase in the FCA recovery is capped at 3 percent ofbase revenue, with any excess deferred for collection in a subsequent year, The following table summarizes FCA amounts approved for collection in the prior three FCA years FCAyerr period Retcs ia Effecr AnnualA'utourt (in millions) 2011 l0l6 Juae 1, 2018-May 31, 2019 Jure 1. -?017-lvta1'I1. 201I $15.6 $li.0 Hells Canyon Complex Relicensing Costs Settlement Stipulation.' [n December 2016, Idaho Power filed an application with the IPUC requesting a determination that Idaho Power's expenditures of $220.8 million through year-end 2015 on relicensing of the HCC were prudently incurred, and thus eligible for inclusion in retail rates in a future regulatory proceeding. In December 2Afi,Idaho Power filed with the IPUC a settlement stipulation signed by Idaho Power, the IPUC staff, and a third-parry intervenor, recognizing that a total of $2 I 6.5 million in HCC relicensing expenditures and other related costs were reasonably incurred, and therefore should be eligible for inclusion in customer rates at a later date. As a result of filing the settlement stipulation, Idaho Power recorded a $5.0 million pre-tax charge in the fourth quarter of 2017, which included $4.3 million for costs incurred through 2015, as well as $0.7 million related to associated costs incurred in 201 6 and 2017 . Of the $5.0 million pre-tax charge in 201'1 , $2.5 million was recorded as other operations and maintenance (O&M) expense and $2.5 million was recorded as a reduction to AFUDC. In April 2018, the IPUC issued an order approving the settlement stipulation as filed with the IPUC and determined the $216.5 million of associated costs to be reasonably and prudently incurred. Western Energt Imbalance Market Cosfs.' Idaho Power's participation in the energy imbalance market implemented in the westem United States (Westem EIM) commenced on Apnl 4,2018. The Western EIM aims to reduce the power supply costs to serve customers through more efficient dispatch within the hour of a larger and more diverse pool of resources, to integrate intermittent power from renewable generation sources more effectively, and to enhance reliability. In January 2017 , tn r€sponse to Idaho Power's request to match costs with benefits of Western EIM participation, the IPUC issued an order authorizing defenal accounting treahnent for costs associated with joining the Western EIM. In November 2017, Idaho Power filed an application with the IPUC requesting authorization to establish an interim method of recovery for costs associated with participation in the Westem EIM. Through March 201 8, Idaho Power had de ferred $ I .0 million of incremental other O&M costs. In FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.16 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) the second quarter of 2018, Idaho Power amortized those costs in accordance with the provisions of the May 201 8 Idaho Tax Reform Settlement Stipulation discussed above. In July 2018, the IPUC issued an order approving a settlement stipulation that provides for recovery of ongoing Western ElM-related costs through Idaho Power's PCA mechanism, beginning April 20 I 8. The recovery mechanism provides for monthly incremental rcvenue, which includes a retum on and return of Western ElM-related capital costs and recovery of ongoing Western EIM operating costs. As of April l, 2018, Idaho Power ceased deferring incremental Western EIM participation O&M start-up costs, and began recognizing the monthly incremental revenue associated with Westem EIM participation. From April through December 2018, Idaho Power recorded$2.2 rnillion as a regulatory asset within the PCA balance per the stipulation in order to match the costs with the benefits of the Western EIM. Valmy Base Rate Adjustment Settlement Stipulations In May 2017, the IPUC approved a settlement stipulation allowing accelerated depreciation and cost recovery for Idaho Power's jointly-owned North Valmy coal-hred power plant (Valmy Plant), The settlement stipulation provides for an increase in Idaho jurisdictional revenues of$13.3 million per year, and (1) levelized collections and associated cost recovery through December 2028, (2) accelerated depreciation on unit I through 201 9 and unit 2 through 2025, (3) Idaho Power to use prudent and commercially reasonable efforts to end its participation in the operation ofunit I by the end of2019 and unit 2 by the end of2025, and (4) a filing no later than December 31, 2019 that would include actual and planned incremental investments in unit 2, including updated financial analysis regarding the lowest costs options for unit 2. The costs intended to be recovered by the increasedjurisdictional revenues include current investments as of May 31,2077, in both units, forecasted unit I investments from 2017 through 2019, and forecasted decommissioning costs for unit I and unit 2, offset by forecasted operation and maintenance costs savings. The settlement stipulation also provides for the regulatory accrual or deferral ofthe difference between actual revenue requirements and levelized collections, and provides for the regulatory accrual or deferral ofthe difference between actual costs incurred (including accelerated depreciation expense on unit I through 2A19 and unit 2 through 2025) compared with costs permitted to be recovered during the cost recovery penod specified ur thc settlement stipulation (including depreciation expense through 2028). Ifactual costs incurred differ from forecasted amounts included in the settlement stipulation, collection or refund of any differences would be subject to regulatory approval. In June 2017, the OPUC also approved a settlement stipulation allowing for accelerated depreciation of units I and 2 through December 31,2025, cost recovery of incremental Valmy Plant investments through May 31, 2017, and lbrecasted decommissioning costs. The settlement stipulation provides for an increase in the Oregon jurisdictional revenue requirement of $ l. I million, effective lily I , 2017 , with yearly adjustments, if warranted. As part of the May 20 I 8 settlement stipulation associated with income tax reform described above, the OPUC also deemed prudent Idaho Power's decision to pursue the end of its participation in coal-fired operations ofunit I by the end of2019 and approved Idaho Power's request to recover annual incremental accelerated depreciation relating to unit l, begiruring June l, 2018, and ending December 31,2019, resulting in a $2.5 million annualized revenue requirement. Notable Oregon Regulatory Matters Orcgon Base Rate Changes: Oregon base rates were most recently established in a general rate case i,r:,2012.In February 2012, rhe OPUC issued an order approving a settlement stipulation that provided for a $1.8 million base rate increase, a return on equity of 9.9 percent, and an overall rate of return of 7.757 percent in the Oregon jurisdiction. New rates in conformity with the settlement stipulation were effective March I , 2012. Subsequently, in September 2012, the OPUC issued an order approving an approximately $3.0 million increase in annual Oregon jurisdiction base rates, effective October I , 2012. for inclusion of the Langley Gulch power plant in Idaho Power's Oregon rate base. In June 201 8, the OPUC also issued an order adjusting base rates for the impacts of income tax reform, as discussed above in "Income Tax Reform - Regulatory Treatment.'l FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12.88)Page 123.17 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2419 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Federal Regulatory Nlatters - Open Access Transmission Tariff Rates Idaho Power uses a formula rate for transmission service provided under its OATT, which allows transmission rates to be updated annually based primarily on financial and operational data Idaho Power files with the FERC. Idaho Power's OATT rates submitted to the FERC in Idaho Power's four most recent annual OATT Final Informational Filings were as follows: Applicrblc Period OATT Rrtc (pcr Octobcr l, 2018 to Scpteobcr 30, 2019 Octobcr l, 2017 to Scptcabcr 30,2018 Octobcr 1,2016 to Scptcobcr 30,2017 $ $ 3 31.25 3,1.90 25.52 ldaho Power's current OATT rate is based on a net annual transmission revenue requirement of $123.1 million, which represents the OATT formulaic determination of Idaho Power's net cost of providing OATT-based transmission service. 4. REVENUES On January I , 201 8, Idaho Power adopted ASU 20 14-09 , Revenue from Contracts with Customers, using the modified retrospective method. The adoption did not change the timing or amounts of revenue recognized by Idaho Power and, therefore, the companies recorded no cumulative-effect adjustrnent. The following table provides a sunrmary of elecftic utility operating revenues for Idaho Power (in thousands): ?018 xOt 7 EIecEic utilit5r operetiug rcvenuec: Revenue from contrscts rvittr customers Alteraative reveoue progratrs md other reveaues $ l.rr:,11? $ 1.320,004 54,470 2,r,889 Total electric utiht', operat"inp re1'euues $ 1.366.582 $ 1.344.893 Revenues from Contracts with Customers Revenues from contracts with customers are primarily related to Idaho Pewer's regulated tariff-based sales of energy or related services. Generally, tariff-based sales do not involve a written contract, but are classified as revenues from contracts with customers under ASU 2014-09, Revenue from Contracts with Customers. Idaho Power assesses revenues on a contract-by-contract basis to determiae the nature. amount, timing, and uncertainty, if any, of revenues being recognized. The following table presents revenues from contracts with customers disaggregated by revenue source (in thousands): FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12.88)Page 123.18 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ - A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o4J16t2019 YearlPeriod of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 20t8 2017 Rsr'€oncs &om contmcts rrilh cus(omcrs: 8-etarl rer,euues: Residtutal (i:rcludes 114.6L5, $17.3?0 aad $.19,110, respectitely, related to tte FCAG}) Comorercral (ircludes t1,299, $876 arrd $l=087, resp€ctn'ely, relaed to the Fce[tt; Iadustrial hrigarlon Pror.isioa for sharing Defeced reveaue related to HCC rclicmsiagAlUDQG) Total retail reveaues Less: FCA o.ecladse ermuciJl) Wholesale energy sales Tralsoilsioa whee lilg rer.eaues Eaergy efficieocy progri[tr r€vetru€s Otler rglequea &oo cootractc with custooers Total reveaues from cootfacG *'ittr customers $ 530,527 $ 5i2,33i 3 19, l9J 195,124 150,030 (10.706) ) 1,20i,916 (18,re6) ) ?4,790 43,9?0 39,14t 24,213 _ !_!:1gr9r = 1) l}e FCA o*bailu is ar alla-rB'.r rs,.etroe preeraai in the idaho jlm.rdlctiou rud does uot rerrernl ,fltuue iolr contraE nd& custoareri. l.l ,\spertofifsl:nurr-r'30, 1009.gaerelntecasaords,theIPUCisrllon'irgld:boPomtorocm'erapsdionofttre-4.FUDConcoetnrctiolwmkin prnges: rehled to &e HCC rdicelrug lrocesc, eru thrug[ th* relicrumg pcce:s ir rot r'* pl-nn!4! ad tle cogts have uot bxr uored to elccrrc pbt* iarm.ice-Id:hoPorryeris$[rctias$8.8miltioomullf iafie],t-hojui:dicticabulisdekrugrei'ear.HoEarbosoftheuwurbcoUrtedutrltheIicre ic L$ed rnd lhe rccuantrlcd liceose *sts :ptrrtrcd fc re*e1v repleccd m wice himto tie ]v121 1018 lchlo Ta Refctar Sqnllaut Stpulooa desibed ir Noite 3 - ''Rrgdatow h{rttu,'' Ida}o Ponrr s- collectag $ I0 ) milLoa urJiy- Retail Revennes.. Idaho Power's retail revenues primarily relate to the sale of electricity to customers based on regulated tariff-based prices. Idaho Power recognizes retail revenues in amounts for which it has the right to invoice the customer in the period when energy is delivered or seryices are provided to customers. The total energy price generally has a fixed component related to having service available and a usage-based component related to the demand, delivery, and consumption ofenergy. The revenues recognized reflect the consideration ldaho Power expects to be entitled to in exchange for energy and services. Retail customers are classified as residential, commercial, industrial, or irrigation. Approximately 95 percent of Idaho Power's retail revenue originates from customers located in Idaho, with the remainder originating from customers located in Oregon. Idaho Power's retail customer rates are based on Idaho Power's cost of service and are determined through general rate case proceedings, settlement stipulations, and other filings with the IPUC and OPUC. Changes in rates and changes in customer demand are tlpically the primary causes of flucfuations in retail revenue from period to period. The primary influences on changes in customer demand for electricity are weather, economic conditions (including growth in the number of Idaho Power customers), and energy efficiency. Idaho Power's utility revenues are not earned evenly during the year. Retail revenues are billed monthly based on meter readings taken throughout the month. Payments for amounts billed are generally due from the customer within 15 days of billing. Idaho Power accrues estimated unbilled revenues for energy or related services delivered to customers but not yet billed at period-end based on actual meter readings at period-end and estimated rates. FERC FORM NO.1 123.19 310,299 t90,130 lJ8,00l (5,0?5) (8,780) l,l 75,152 (35,eU) 51. s45 59,094 35,743 25,242 I_lJ_r3J.!r Credit losses recorded on receivables arising from ldaho Power's contracts with customers were $3.6 million and $4.7 million for 2018 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) a4t1612019 Year/Period of Report 20,t8tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) and 2017 , respectively" &cs,dgl1ltglgU$q$g!$: tdaho Power's energy sales to residential customers typically peak during the winter heating season and summer cooling season. Extreme temperatures increase sales to residential customers who use electricity for cooling and heating, compared with normal temperatures. Idaho Power's rate structure provides for higher rates during the summer when overall system loads are at their highest, and includes tiers such that rates increase as a customer's consumption level increases. These seasonal and tiered rate structures contribute to the seasonal fluctuations in revenues and eamings. Economic and demographic conditions can also affect residential customer demand; strong job growth and population growth in Idaho Power's service area have led to increasing customer growth rates in recent years. Residential demand is also impacted by energy efficiency initiatives. Idaho Power's FCA mechanism mitigates some of the fluctuations caused by weather and energy efhciency initiatives. Commercial Customers: Most businesses are included in Idaho Power's commercial customer class, as well as small industrial companies, and public street and highway lighting accounts. Idaho Power's commercial austomers are less influenced by weather conditions than residential customers, although weather does affect commercial customer energy use. Economic conditions, including manufacturing activity levels, and energy efhciency initiatives also affect energy use of commercial custorners. IryIq-st{l.gl.eu-Sjqmers: Industrial customers consist of large industriai companies, inctuding special contract customers. Energy use of industrial customers is primarily driven by economic conditions, with weather having iittle impact on this customer class. Irrigation Customers: Irrigation customers use electricity to operate irrigation pumps, primarily during the agricultural growing season. The amount and timing of precipitation as weil as temperature levels can affect the timing and amounts of sales to irrigation customers, with increased precipitation generally resulting in decreased sales. Provision for Sharing: Idaho Power's sharing mechanism is associated with the October 2014 Idaho Earnings Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation that provides for the sharing with customers of a portion of ldaho-jurisdiction eamings exceeding a 10.0 percent Idaho ROE. Based on fuI1-year 2018 Idaho ROE, Idaho Power recorded a $5.0 million provision against current revenues for sharing of eamings with customers for 2018. During 2017,Idaho Power recorded no sharing of earnings with customers. The October 2014 Idaho Earnings Support and Sharing Settlement Stipulation is described further in Note 3 - "Regulatory Matters." Vl/holesale Energt Sales.' As a public utility under the Federal Power Act (FPA), Idaho Power has the authority to charge market-based rates for wholesale energy sales under its FERC tariff. Idaho Power's '*,holesale electricity sales are primarily to utilities and power marketers and are predominantly short-term and consist of a single performance obligation satisfied as energy is transferred to the counterparry. Idaho Power's wholesale energy sales depend largely on the availability of generation resources in excess of the amount necessary to serve customer loads as well as adequate market power prices at the time when those resources are available. A reduction in either factor may lead to lorver wholesale energy sales. Trqnsmission lYheeling Revenues: As a public utility under the FPA, Idaho Power has the authority to provide cost-based wholesale and retail access transmission services under its OATT. Services under the OATT are offered on a nondiscriminatory basis such that all potential customers have an equal opportunily to access the transmission system. Idaho Power's transmission revenue is primarily related to third parties reserving capacify on Idaho Power's transmission system to transmit electricity through Idaho Power's service area. The reservations are predominantly short-term but may be part ofa long-term capacity contract, short-term contract, or on-demand when available. Transmission wheeling revenues consist of a single performance obligation satisfied as capacity on Idaho Power's transmission system is provided to the third parfy. Transmission wheeling revenues are affected by changes in Idaho Pou,er's OATT rate and customer demand. Demand for transmission services can be affected by regional market factors, such as loads and FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.20 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612A19 Year/Period of Report 201BlQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) generation of utilities in ldaho Power's region. Energt Elficiency Program Revenues: Idaho Power collects most of its energy efficiency program costs tkough an en€rgy efhciency rider on customer bills. The rider collections are deferred until expenditures are incurred. Energy efficiency program expenditures funded through the rider are reported as an operating expense with an equal amount recorded in revenues, resulting in no net irnpact on earnings. Energy effrciency program revenues are recognized in the period when the related costs ofthe energy efficiency program are incurred by ldaho Power. The cumulative variance between expenditures and amounts collected through the rider is recorded as a regulatory asset or liabiliry. A liability balance indicates that Idaho Power has collected more than it has spent, and an asset balance indicates that Idaho Power has spent more than it has collected. At December 3l,2018,Idaho Powels energy efFrciency rider balances were a $5.3 million regulatory liability in the Idaho jurisdiction and a $ 1 .4 million regulatory asset in the Oregon jurisdiction. Alternative Revenue Programs and Other Revenues While revenues from contracts with customers make up most of Idaho Power's revenues, the IPUC has authorized the use of the FCA mechanism, which may increase or decrease tariff-based rates billed to customers. The FCA mechanism is described in detail in Note 3 - "Regulatory Matters." The FCA mechanism revenues include only the initial recognition of FCA revenues when the regulator-specified conditions for recognition have been met. Revenue from contracts with customers excludes the portion of the tariff price representing FCA revenues that had been initially recorded in prior periods when regulator-specified conditions were met. When those amounts are included in the price of utility service and billed to customers, such amounts are recorded as recovery of the associated regulatory asset or liability and not as revenues. The table below presents the FCA mechanism revenues and other revenues (in thousands): Aftcmetive nevcruc Drogrrrrs aad other rErernca: FCA mechaaisr[ reveaues Derivative ret'eouet $ !018 I5,9t.1 18,546 2017 18,196 6,693 Total alteraative rerenue progfitrns and olher revesues $ t.r,{?o $ 14,889 5. LONG-TERM DEBT The following table summarizes Idaho Power's long-term debt at December 3l (in thousands of dollars) FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.21 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2A18lo4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 20lE t0l7 Fint mortgage bouds: 4.50% Scries Are 2020 3.{0ozo Serics due 2020 2.9J7o Saics 6E 2022 2.507o Scriq due2023 6.007c Scrics drlc 2032 5-50olo Scries duc 2033 5.J00lo Scrics duc 2034 t.875% Scrier due 203.1 5.307o Scrics dur 2035 6.30% Series duc 2037 6.25% Scries duc 2037 .1.$57o Seocs due 2040 4.307o Scrics dtt 2042 ,1.0096 Serier duc 20.13 3.650lo Scrics dtt 2045 .l.0jo,'o Scties duc 2046 4-20olo Series duc 2048 3 $r30,000 100,000 7J,000 7J,000 r00,000 70,000 50,000 J5,000 60,000 140,000 r00,000 100,000 75,000 75,000 250,000 120,000 100,000 7r,000 i5,000 t00,000 70,000 J0,000 55.000 60,000 140.000 100,000 100,000 7r,000 75,000 250,000 120,000 22A,000 Total firsr arortgage boads r.665,000 1,575,000 Pollutioo coatrol revcouc boads: i.1J7o Series dur 2024 {}) 5.2Jo6 Scriec duc 2026 (l) Variable Rate Scries 2000 duc 2027 {9,800 I 16,300 4,360 19,800 t t6,300 .r,360 Total pollutioa coatrol rcr,cauc boadr 170,460 L70,4@ .{mcricas Falls boad tuaraotcr Uoanodiz*d diccoudr 19,8 8 5 {4,5e8} 19.885 (4,125) Tota.l Idaho Power outrtxrdiag debt Ci 1,8J0,?d7 1,761,220 (l) Hubol,& Cou4'rud Srrtrrr*r Ca,4'Pol}*ioa Coacl fi.rn'{rru. Bordr ur rcured \'th 6rrr mort34r, brugu3 tb. totrl 6r$ &Entryr bmdr ourt&drq a Dccaber 31, 1018, o tl.9ll brllroo- G) fu Dccrarbcr 31, 2018 rld :01l, tbr otrrdl effectir'. coai rde of Idrho Pouers outrtuding &bt wes J.S3 prrccat rd '{.91 percoa, rup*ttdy'. At December 31,2018, the maturities for the aggregate amount of Idaho Power long-term debt outstanding were as follows (in thousands ofdollars): FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.22 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) !019 20x0 |,o21 20?,7 20x3 Thereafter $$ 100,000 $$ 75,000 $ t5,000 $ 1,605,t45 Long-Term Debt Issuances, Maturities, and Availability In March 201 8, Idaho Power issued $220 million in principal amount of 4.20oh first mortgage bonds, secured medium-term notes, Series K, maturing on March l, 2048. In April 201 8, Idaho Power redeemed, prior to maturity, $ 130 million in principal amount of 4.50% first mortgage bonds, medium-term notes, Series H, due March 2020. In accordance with the redemption provisions of the notes, the redemption included Idaho Power's payment of a make-whole premium of $4.6 million. Idaho Power used a pofiion of the net proceeds of the March 20 I 8 sale of hrst mortgage bonds, medium-term note s to effect the redemption. Idaho Power First Mortgage Bonds: Idaho Power's issuance of long-term indebtedness is subject to the approval of the IPUC, OPUC, and Wyoming Public Service Commission (WPSC). In April and May 2016, Idaho Power received orders from the IPUC, OPUC, and WPSC authorizing Idaho Power to issue and sell from time to time up to $500 million in aggregate principal amount of debt securities and first mortgage bonds, subject to conditions specified in the orders. Authority from the IPUC is effective through May 31,2019, subject to extensions upon request to the IPUC. The OPUC's and WPSC's orders do not impose a time limitation for issuances, but the OPUC order does impose a number of other conditions, including a requirement that the interest rates for the debt securities or first mortgage bonds fall within either (a) designated spreads over comparable U.S. Treasury rates or (b) a maximum all-in interest rate Iimit of 7.0 percent. On September 27 ,20l6,Idaho Power entered into a selling agency agreement with seven banks in connection with the potential issuance and sale from time to time of up to $500 million aggregate principal amount of hrst mortgage bonds, secured medium term notes, Series K (Series K Notes), under ldaho Power's Indenture of Mortgage and Deed of Trust, dated as of October 1, 1937, as amended and supplemented (lndenture). At the same time, Idaho Power entered into the Forfy-eighth Supplemental Indenture, dated as of September 1,2016, to the Indenture. The Forfy-eighth Supplemental Indenture provides for, among other items, the issuance of up to $500 million in aggregate principal amount of Series K Notes pursuant to the Indenture. As of December 31, 2018, $280 million in principal amount of Series K Notes remained available for issuance under the lndenture. The mortgage ofthe Indenture secures all bonds issued under the Indenture equally and ratably, without preference, priority, or distinction. First mortgage bonds issued in the future will also be secured by the mortgage of the Indenture. The lien constitutes a first mortgage on all the properties of Idaho Power, subject only to certain limited exceptions including liens for taxes and assessments that are not delinquent and minor excepted encumbrances. Certain ofthe properties ofldaho Power are subject to easements, leases, contracts, covenants, workmen's compensation awards, and similar encumbrances and minor defects and clouds common to properties. The mortgage of the Indenture does not create a lien on revenues or profltts, or notes or accounts receivable, contracts or choses in action, except as permitted by law during a completed default, securities, or cash, except when pledged, or merchandise or equipment manufactured or acquired for resale. The mortgage of the Indenture creates a lien on the interest of Idaho Power in property subsequently acquired, other than excepted property, subject to limitations in the case ofconsolidation, merger, or sale ofall or substantially all of the assets of Idaho Power. The Indenture requires Idaho Power to spend or appropriate I 5 percent of its annual gross operating revenues for maintenance, retirement, or amortization of its properties. Idaho Power may, however, anticipate or make up these expenditures or appropriations within the five years that immediately follow or precede a particular year. The Forfy-eighth Supplemental Indenture increased the maximum amount of first mortgage bonds issuable by Idaho Power under the Indenture from $2.0 billion to $2.5 billion. Idaho Power may amend the Indenture and increase this amount without consent of the FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-881 Page 123.23 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) holders ofthe first mortgage bonds. The amount issuable is also restricted by property, earnings, and other provisions ofthe Indenture and supplemental indentures to the Indenture. The Indenture requires that Idaho Power's net earnings be at least fwice the annual interest requirements on all outstanding debt of equal or prior rank, including the bonds that Idaho Power may propose to issue. Under certain circumstances, the net eamings test does not apply, including the issuance of refunding bonds to retire outstanding bonds that mature in less than two years or that are of an equal or higher interest rate, or prior lien bonds. As of December 31, 2018, Idaho Power could issue under its Indenture approximately $1.9 billion of additional first mortgage bonds based on retired first mortgage bonds and total unfunded properly additions. These amounts are further limited by the maximum amount of first mortgage bonds set forth in the Forry-eighth Supplemental Indenture. As a result, the maximum amount of first mortgage bonds Idaho Power could issue as of December 3 1 , 20 I 8 was limited to approximately $669 million under the lndenture. 6. NOTES PAYABLf, Credit Facilities On November 6,2015,Idaho Power entered into Credit Agreements replacing the existing Second Amended and Restated Credit Agreements, dated October 26,2011,0o provide credit facilities that may be used for general corporate purposes and commercial paper backup. Idaho Power's credit facility consists of a revolving line of credit, through the issuance of loans and standby letters of credit, not to exceed the aggregate principal amount at any one time outstanding of $300 million, including swingline loans in an aggregate principal amount at any time outstanding not to exceed $30 million, and letters of credit in an aggregate principal amount at any time outstanding not to exceed $100 million. Idaho Power has the right to request an increase in the aggregate principal amount of the facilities to $450 million, subject to certain conditions. The interest rates for any borrowings under the facilities are based on either (1) a floating rate that is equal to the highest of the prime rate, federal funds rate plus 0.5 percent, or LIBOR rate plus 1.0 percent, or (2) the LIBOR rate, plus, in each case, an applicable margin, provided that the federal funds rate and LIBOR rate will not be less than zero percent. The margin is based on Idaho Power's senior unsecured long-term indebtedness credit rating by Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Standard and Poor's Ratings Services, and Fitch Rating Services, Inc., as set fbrth on a schedule to the credit agreements. Under the credit facility, Idaho Power pays a facility fee on the commitment based on the company's credit rating for senior unsecured long-term debt securities. While the credit facilities provide for an original manrrity date of November 6,2020, the credit agreements grant Idaho Power the right to request up to two one-year extensions, subject to certain conditions. On November 7 ,2017 Idaho Power executed the second extension agreement with the consent of all the lenders, extending the mahrrity date under both credit agreements to November 4, 2022. No other terms of the credit facilities, included the amount of permitted borrowing under the credit agreements, were affected by the extensions. At December 31, 2018, no loans were outstanding under Idaho Power's facilities. At December 31, 2018, Idaho Power had regulatory authority to incur up to $450 million in principal amount of short-term indebtedness at any one time outstanding. Balances (in thousands of dollars) and interest rates of Idaho Power's short-term borrowings were as follows at December 3 I , 20 I 8 and 201'll' FERC FORM NO, 1 (ED. 12-881 Page 123.24 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 YearlPeriod of Report 2018to.4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 2018 20t7 Com uercial peper balances : At the eud of year Aterage during the year Weightcd-arrra gc inlcrest rate At the eod of the year $ $ $ $ _ort 7. COMMON STOCK Idaho Power Common Stock No contributions were made to Idaho Power in 2018 or 20L7 and no additional shares of Idaho Power common stock were issued. Restrictions on Dividends Idaho Power's ability to pay dividends on its common stock held by IDACORP is limited to the extent payment of such dividends would violate the covenants in its credit facility or Idaho Power's Revised Code of Conduct. A covenant under Idaho Power's credit facility requires Idaho Power to maintain leverage ratios of consolidated indebtedness to consolidated total capitalization, as defined therein, of no more than 65 percent at the end of each fiscal quarter. At December 31, 2018, the leverage ratio for Idaho Power was 46 percent. Based on these restrictions, Idaho Power's dividends were limited to $1.2 billion at December 31, 2018. There are additional facility covenants, subject to exceptions, that prohibit or restrict the sale or disposition ofproperty without consent and any agreements restricting dividend payments to Idaho Power from any material subsidiary. At December 31, 2018, Idaho Power was in compliance with those covenants. Idaho Power's Revised Policy and Code of Conduct relating to ffansactions between and among Idaho Power, IDACORP, and other affiliates, which was approved by the IPUC in April 2008, provides that Idaho Power will not pay any dividends to IDACORP that will reduce Idaho Power's common equity capital below 35 percert of its total adjusted capital without IPUC approval. At December 31, 2018, Idaho Power's coutmon equity capital was 54 percent of its total adjusted capital. Further, Idaho Power must obtain approval from the OPUC before it can directly or indirectly loan funds or issue notes or give credit on its books to IDACORP. Idaho Power's articles of incorporation contain restrictions on the payment of dividends on its coilrmon stock if preferred stock dividends are in arrears. As of the date of this report, Idaho Power has no prefered stock outstanding. In addition to contractual restrictions on the amount and payment of dividends, the FPA prohibits the payment of dividends from "capital accounts." The term "capital account" is undehned in the FPA or its regulations, but Idaho Power does not believe the restriction would limit Idaho Power's ability to pay dividends out of current year earnings or retained earnings. ln accordance with Section l0(d) of the Federal Power Act, Idaho Power has $13.3 million of amortization reserves established for certain of its licensed hydroelectric facilities. FERC FORM NO. 1(ED. 12-88)Page 123.25 -9,ir 839 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 8. SHARE-BASED COMPENSATION Through its parent company IDACORP, Idaho Power has one share-based compensation plan _. the 2000 Long-Term Incentive and Compensation Plan (LTICP). The LTICP (for officers, key employees, and directors) permits the grant of stock options, resfiicted stock and restricted stock units (together, Restricted Stock), performance shares and performance-based units (together, Performance-Based Shares), and several other tlpes of share-based awards. At December 31, 2018, the maximum number of shares available under the LTICP was 720,408. Restricted Stock and Performunce-Bqsed Shares Awards Reshicted Stock awards have three-year vesting periods and entitle the recipients to dividends or dividend equivalents, as applicable, and voting rights, except that holders ofrestricted stock units do not have voting rights until the units are vested and settled in shares. Unvested awards are restricted as to disposition and subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances. The fair value of these awards is based on the closing market price of common stock on the grant date and is charged to compensation expense over the vesting period, reduced for any forfeitures during the vesting period. Performance-Based Shares awards have tkee-year vesting periods and entitle the recipients to voting rights, except that holders of performance-based units do not have voting rights until the units are vested and settled in shares. Unvested awards are restricted as to disposition, subject to forfeiture under certain circumstances, and subject to the attainment ofspecific performance conditions over the three-year vesting period. The performance conditions are two equally-weighted metrics, cumulative earnings per share (CEPS) and total shareholder retum (TSR) relative to a peer group. Depending on the level of attainment of the performance conditions and the year issued, the final number ofshares awarded can range from zero to 200 percent ofthe target award. Dividends or dividend equivalents, as applicable, are accrued during the vesting period and paid out based on the final number of shares awarded. The grant-date fair value of the CEPS portion is based on the closing market value at the date of grant, reduced by the loss in time-value of the estimated future dividend payments. The fair value of this portion of the awards is charged to compensation expense over the requisite service period based on the estimated achievement of performance targets, reduced for any forfeitures during the vesting period. The grant-date fair value of the TSR portion is estimated using the market value at the date of grant and a statistical model that incorporates the probability of meeting performance targets based on historical returns relative to the peer group. The fair value of this portion of the awards is charged to compensation expense over the requisite service period, provided the requisite service period is rendered, regardless of the level of TSR metric attained. A summary of Restricted Stock and Performance-Based Shares award activity is presented below. Sharc amounts represent the shares of IDACORP common stock: FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12.88)Page 123.26 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1)X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Nurrber of Shares/Unis Wcighted- Ar-crage Grant Dete Feir lhlue Nngln;tfdsharesr\xrits at January l, 2018 Sharesruuits graoted SLares/units forfeited Sharesruuit$ vested 199,65? $ 106,40? (5, l7e) (96,016) 12.39 't9.29 85.07 60.31 Nonvested sharesrunjts *Deceaber 3l- 2018 104.859 $ 81.31 The total fair value of shares vested was $8.3 million in 2018 and $7.5 million in20l7. At December 31, 2018, Idaho Power had $7.9 million oftotal unrecognized compensation cost related to nonvested share-based compensation. These costs are expected to be recognized over a weighted-average period of 1.7 years. Original issue and/or treasury shares of IDACORP are used for these awards. In 2018, a total of 12,950 shares of IDACORP common stock were awarded to directors of IDACORP and Idaho Power at a grant date fair value of $8 I .05 per share. Directors elected to defer receipt of 3 ,237 of these shares, which are being held as deferred stock units with dividend equivalents reinvested in additional stock units. Compensation Expense: The following table shows ldaho Power's compersation cost recognized in income and the tax benefits resulting from the LTICP (in thousands of dollars): 2018 t0l7 $9,276 $ 2"3S8 Coor.persalioa cost Iacome ta,r beaefi.t {1'] 7,304 j,8)6 (1| DuetotfieTaxCutsandJobsA{t,flieeffectiveincornetaxrat€wasredwedin20lSforbothl0ACORPandldahoPur.rer.rvhichisoes(ribed in Note 2 - "lncorne lus.'' No equity compensation costs have been capitalized. These costs are primarily reported within "Other operations and maintenance" expense on the consolidated statements of income. 9. COMMITMENTS Purchase Obligations At December 31,2018, ldaho Power had the following long-term commitments relating to purchases of energy, capaciry, transmission rights, and fuel (in thousands of dollars): 2019 2020 2011 2022 2013 lhcrceftcr Cogcacratioa and powcr productioa Fuel s ,3s,,,18 S '1rJO6 S X3*Lr8 t 'JrJl6 ! '56J03 S r3O5J5' .r3, 163 29,t2r :8,010. 8,389 I,j79. S.r.18: FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)?age 123.27 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) As of December 31, 2018, Idaho Power had 1,119 MW nameplate capacity of PURPA-related prqects on-line, wi& an additional 29 MW nameplate capacity of projects projected to be on-line in 2019. The power purchase contracts fcr these projects have original contract terms ranging from one to 35 years. Idaho Power's expenses associated with PliRPA-related projects were approximately $ 190 million in 20 I 8 and $ I 70 million in 2017 . Idaho Power also has the following long-term commitments (in thousands of dollars): 2019 t0l0 l0ll 2022 2423 Thercrftrr Joiot-operating rgrGm.nt pa].,oeotr G) Easefietrts and other paymetrts Maratcaaoce and senice agracaeds (l) FERC *ad urther industry-related fees (I) {I) tpfnsxirl{v $)9 ni|lioo, t2-0 ril]ion- and tTl uillio sfthe obligatioos ixlnd:d iajouc-openti4g rg€"-d pa].ll6b, mir*race and m,iceageryB, aod FERC ad oiher iodustr.r.relaed &u, rspetiudS hrve cmtrct: that do mt speifr &ru nlded to eryintiou- As tha:e cmtrasts ue Frruned to coilia{. irdrfairell'. tea 1'us of i!&ra{ioq ertimzted bued car cunerd.oltract t@s, },'r bea rrlded iu the hble fcr prreratrtiun FqPols- Idaho Power's expense for operating leases was not material for the years ended 20 I 8 and 2017 . Guarantees Through a self-bonding mechanism, ldaho Power guarantees its portion of reclamation activities and obligations at BCC, of which IERCo owns a one-third interest. This guarantee, which is renewed annually with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WDEQ), was $58.4 million at December 31, 2018, representing IERCo's one-third share of BCC's total reclamation obligation of $175.2 million. BCC has a reclamation trust fund set aside specifically for the purpose of paying these reclamation costs. At December 31, 2018, the value of the reclamation trust fund was $101.9 million. Dururg 2018, the reclamation trust fund made distributions of $6.7 million for reclamation activity costs associated with the BCC surface mine. BCC periodically assesses the adequacy of the reclamation trust fund and its estimate of future reclamation costs. To ensure that the reclamation trust fund maintains adequate reseryes, BCC has the ability to, and does, add a per-ton surcharge to coal sales, all of which are made to the Jim Bridger plant. Because of the existence of the fund and the ability to apply a per-ton surcharge, the estimated fair value of this guarantee is minimal. Idaho Power enters into financial agreements and power purchase and sale agre€ments that include indemnification provisions relating to various forms of claims or liabilities that may arise from the transactions contemplated by these agreements. Generally, a maximum obligation is not explicitly stated in the indemnification provisions and, therefore, the overall maximum amount of the obligation under such indemnification provisions cannot be reasonably estimated. Idaho Power periodically evaluates the likelihood of incurring costs under such indemnities based on its historical experience and the evaluation of the specific indemnities. As of December 3 I , 2018, management believes the likelihood is remote that ldaho Power would be required to perform under such indemnification provisions or otherwise incur any significant losses with respect to such indemnification obligations. Idaho Power has not recorded any liabiliry on its consolidated balance sheets with respect to these indemnification obligations. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.28 $ 2,901 s 2,902 $ Z,gOl $ 2,902 $ 2,902 $ 1,t.512 2,r0 1.311 r.32r 1.331 t,328 16,831 34,089 15.694 10,739 11.713 4.140 54,92'7 14.27 ,1 13.11.1 t2*714 12,71{ t2.714 63.J68 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 201BtQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 10. CONTINGENCIf,S Idaho Power has in the past and expect in the future to become involved in various claims, controversies, disputcs, and other contingent matters, some of which involve litigation and regulatory or other contested proceedings. The ultimate resolution and outcome of litigation and regulatory proceedings is inherently difficult to determine, particularly where (a) the remedies or penalties sought are indeterminate, (b) the proceedings are in the early stages or the substantive issues have not been well developed, or (c) the matters involve complex or novel legal theories or a large number of parties. In accordance with applicable accounting guidance, Idaho Power, as applicable, establishes an accrual for legal proceedings when those matters proceed to a stage where they present loss contingencies that are both probable and reasonably estimable. Ifthe loss contingency at issue is not both probable and reasonably estimable, Idaho Power does not establish an accrual and the matter will continue to be monitored for any developments that would make the loss contingency both probable and reasonably estimable. As of the date of this report, [daho Power's accruals for loss contingencies are not material to its financial statements as a whole; however, future accruals could be material in a given period. Idaho Power's determination is based on currently available information, and estimates presented in financial statements and other financial disclosures involve significant judgment and may be subject to significant uncertainfy. For matters that affect Idaho Power's operations, Idaho Power intends to seek, to the extent permissible and appropriate, recovery through the ratemaking process of costs incurred, although there is no assurance that such recovery would be granted. Idaho Power is party to legal claims and legal and regulatory actions and proceedings in the ordinary course ofbusiness and, as noted above, records an accrual for associated loss contingencies when they are probable and reasonably estimable. In connection with its utility operations, Idaho Power is subject to claims by individuals, entities, and govemmental agencies for damages for alleged personal injury, properry damage, and economic losses, relating to the company's provision of electric service and the operation of its generation, transmission, and distribution facilitie s. Some of those claims relate to electrical contacts, service quality, property damage, and wildflres. In recent years, utilities in the western United States have been subject to significant liabiliry for personal injury, loss of life, property damage, trespass, and economic losses, and in some cases, punitive damages and criminal charges, associated with wildfires that originated from utility property, most commonly transmission and distribution lines. In recent years, Idaho Power has regularly received claims by both governmental agencies and private landowners for damages for fires allegedly originating from ldaho Power's transmission and distribution system. As of the date of this report, the companies believe that resolution of existing claims will not have a material adverse effect on their respective consolidated financial statements. Idaho Power is also actively monitoring various pending environmental regulations and executive orders related to environmental matters that may have a significant impact on its future operations. Given uncertainties regarding the outcome, timing, and compliance plans for these environmental matters, Idaho Por.ver is unable to estimate the financial impact of these regulations. 11. BENEFIT PLANS Idaho Power sponsors defined benefit and other postretirement benefit plans that cover the majority of its employees. Idaho Power also sponsors a defined contribution 401(k) employee savings plan and provides certain post-employment benefits. Pension Plans FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-881 Page 123.29 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018iQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Idaho Power has two pension plans-a noncontributory dehned benefit pension plan (pension plan) and two nonqualified defined benefit pension plans for certain senior management employees called the Security Plan for Senior Management Employees I and Securiry Plan for Senior Management Employees II (together, SMSP). Idaho Power also has a nonqualified defined benefit pension plan for directors that was frozen in 2002. Remaining vested benefits from that plan are included with the SMSP in the disclosures below. The benehts under these plans are based on years ofservice and the employee's final average earnings. Idaho Power's funding policy for the pension plan is to contribute at least the minimum required under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) but not more than the maximum amount deductible for income tax purposes. In 2018 and 2017, Idaho Power elected to contribute more than the minirnum required amounts in order to bring the pension plan to a more funded position, to reduce future required contributions, and to reduce Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation premiums. The following table summarizes the changes in benefit obligations and plan assets of these plans (in thousands of dollars): FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-881 Page 123.30 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1)X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Pcnsion PIa-n S[TSP 2018 2011 !0I8 :01? Chrnge in projccted benelit obligation: Beac& otligatiou at Jaouary I Scrr;ice cost Iaterst cost Achrrial (gara) loss Bearfrtts pard $ 999,344 $ 89J,060 $ [0,303 $ 99.570 37,836 13,142 (316) 7J9 38,833 38,95"1 4,248 4,315 (84,158) 6t,75s (7,050) 10,635 (3e,3e8) (36,173) (4,867) (4,e76> 951,857 999,344 102,318 110,30_? 69r,683 60r,i68 (47,681) 86,288 40,000 40,000 (16,173) -. ..:-. lrlllJr I_Ggt 0!D t_ll9a11u !l!!JE) Projected benefrt obligatron at Derember J 1 Ch-hgr il phn $retr: Fair r.aluc at Jaouary I Achtsl (loss) retum oo plerr assets Eoployer cortibutioas Beacfi& paid Fat r,ahc at December 3l FUaded status at eod ofyer Anorats necogrized in tLe str(emelt of fneaciel position consist of: Othercurreatlrabrhties $ - $ - $ (J,lrB)$ (5,010) Noacurreat Iabilities (301,253) (101,66r) (97,160) (105,293) Net aleouat recoeaizcd S (301.253) $ (301.66t) 3 (102.318) t (110.303) .{mornts rccoglLcd il accumulrtcd other conprthcusivc inconc consist ofl Ner lgs ! 278,12A $ 177,052 $ 30,496 $ 41333 Pris,r seri'ice cost 62 68 399 498 Subtoaal Less lnoouat recorded ag regulatorl, asset Nr( amo ,nt recognrzed h accumulded oth:l "94p*h*.ry!:q99.1 $ - S - $ 30,895 $ 41.831 .{,ccurnuhted benefit obhEation $ 814.549 $ 8i0,763 $ 94,6t0 $ 100,222 As a non-qualified plan, the SMSP has no plan assets. However, Idaho Power has a Rabbi trust designated to provide funding for SMSP obligations. The Rabbi trust holds investments in marketable securities and corporate-owned life insurance. The recorded value of these investments was approximately $92.5 million and $85.7 million at December 31, 2018 and2017, respectively, and is reflected in Investments and in Company-owned life insurance on the consolidated balance sheets. FERC FORM NO. 1(ED. 12-881 Page 123.3'l nEJ,r. Xl.lro 30Jr5 4ls3t Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) The following table shows the components of net periodic benefit cost for these plans (in thousands of dollars). For purposes of calculating the expected return on plan assets, the market-related value ofassets is equal to the fair value ofthe assets. Peasion Plan SIiSP Senrice cort Itrterest cost F.xFected return oo asstt A-arortizatioa of net loss Aaortizatioa of prior sef,rrlce cost rolE 20t1 $ (316) S 75e 4,248 ,{.315 3,?8S 98 7,963 127 Net periodrc pmsim cost Regutatory deferrat ofnet periodic beaefit cost 0) Prer-iously deferred pension cost recoEnized (l) Netpeuodic bcrcfrt cost reeognrzed frr fnaactd m,porung (l)i2t 3 7,93 I ,10.i79 (36,153) (38,6ee) li.li+ l?,1i4 $ 18,932 $ r9J34 ?,81s 8,164 10tE 20L7 $ 7.04e $ (10.635i $ ?,818 $ 8,164 (I) Nst p$odrc b€nefit ceE ftr the pcnson piar re reogized for Errniel reportirg based upoa tbe lutlonzatioo of exi regr]dr]'prudiction ia sLich Lbho Pow oper-le:- Uqds t.l,u-'C wda &a l&tro portioG of rat periodi. bacit cct i rrcud:d u a ngulamry asei ud L ropiad iu ee incolri€:trturd u tb* mse N r*cotsd *[ou3h ntes- O) Of tstal Et periodic bror6t cst recoguized fw fi-'mirl ,EpofiaE tli.2 uillion md t16,) millical e:pectr,ell', szs re*ogEizsd ia 'Othr ogctircas aad 'ui*-rr.'atrd tll-6 nril$m and $11.1 oillion" rapccrtcf'. w rrcogni:cd in "Otbs erF.{5c, uEt" outtre colsoli&ted stfugt of irc of tf,e co4aicr frtLe tw&emoathg EdEd DK@I6ll.2018 and 1011. The following table shows the components of other comprehensive income for the plans (in thousands of dollars): Pension Plar SIIS? Acnurrisl (los*) gair duriag the yeu Plan "mendme$t service cost Reclassificatic,n adjustmeots for: Amortizatios of net loss Aaortkatioa of prior rervice eost Adjusbrrd for deferred ta.x effects AdjusEred due to lte eEects of regulatioa !0tE !017 $ (15J16) $ (26,60Si 13,5i8 6 428 t,234 1i.190 28 l.?44 11,646 3.?88 98 (2.8 15j 2.961 lz7 1,5i5 Other c oupreheosiv e inconre reco garzed related to peosion beaefit plans In 2019, Idaho Power expects to recognize as components of net periodic benefit cost $16.5 million from amortizing amounts recorded in accumulated other comprehensive income (or as a regulatory asset for the pension plan) as of Decernber 31, 2018, relating to the pension plan and SMSP. This amount consists of $13.9 million of amortization of net loss for the pension plan and $2.5 million of amortization of net loss and $0. 1 million of amortization of prior service cost for the SMSP. The following table summarizes the expected future benefit payments of these plans (in thousands of dollars) 2019 2020 t0!t 202s 2014-!,928 Peosica Plan $ 3S,r7? $ 40,287 $ 42,403 $ 44,489 $ 4$,611 $ 264,707 S]\{SP 5,166 5,716 _ 5,901 6,011 6*431 I 1,86r As of Decembcr 3 I , 2018, Idaho Power's minimum required contributions to the pension plan are estimated to be zero in 2019. Depending on market conditions and cash flow considerations in 201 9, Idaho Power could contribute up to $40 million to the pension FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-88)?age 123.32 !$ 10lE t0t7 $ 37,836 t 33,74? 38,833 38,95? (52J02) (d5,1381 li,s58 13,190 628 $ 8,n0 $ (5,990) Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 20't8tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) plan during 2019 in order to help balance the regulatory collection of these expenditures with the amount and timing of contributions and to mitigate the cost of being in an underfunded position, Postretirement Benefits Idaho Power maintains a defined benefit posffetirement benefit plan (consisting of health care and death benefits) that covers all employees who were enrolled in the active-employee group plan at the time of retirement as well as their spouses and qualifying dependents. Retirees hired on or after January 1, 1999, have access to the standard medical option at full cost, with no contribution by Idaho Power. Benefits for employees who retire after Decemb er 37 , 2002, are limited to a fixed amount, which has limited the growth of Idaho Power's future obligations under this plan. The following table summarizes the changes in benefit obligation and plan assets (in thousands of dollars): t0t8 t0L7 Ch:nge in accumolated beneEt obligetiou: Beoe6t obligetioa et Jaauary I Service cost Itrterest cost Actririal (gain) toss Beaefits paid (U Plaa'*eudareats $70,051 $ 1,05 I 2",613 (2,688) (4,604) 63,876 973 2,781 5,769 s,562) )t2 Beaefit obligatioa at Deceaber 3l 66,453 ?0,051 Chrngc in plan rsscts: Fair value of plan assets at Jarury I Actual (loss) retum oo pla:r assets Eaptoyer cootributroas O) Beoefits paid (.1) 38,294 ( r,330) 1,031 (+.60-1) 34,999 5,1 l2 1,?,t5 (3.562) Fair rialoe of plao assets at DeccErbef, 3l 33,391 38.294 Funded status at end of year (mcluded i" "qS",l-"ot ]14!ihq"*)$ (3i.062) $(_1 l,? 5 7) (i) C,*rributiou aad beo*3ts pard aru "'"h tr€t of$].l nillion ad $3.4 ullon ofplaup:ruop:n! coatnhrtoor Ss! 2018 ed i0tl, ruger:tiel-v. Amounts recognized in accurnulated other comprehensive income consist of the following (in thousands of dollars); 2018 20t7 Net (loss) gaia Frior renrce cost ${330) $2,171 269 (l0s) l0s 3.046 (].046) Subtotal Less amormt recogri.zed ia. regulatorl'asseb Nc( r,nouat recogaized ir accumulded otter compreheasive racome $$- FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.33 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t20'19 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) The net periodic postretirement benefit cost \ias as follows (in thousands of dollars) 20lE 2011 Sefi,'ice coct htErest cost Expected retrrn oo plen assets Irn*ediate recognitios of loss frosr tenporsry deviatioo (I) Asoraeatron of prim service cost $1,051 $ 3,643 (2,467) 4,2t6 +l 973 2,783 (2,307\ 47 Net periodic postrelireoeat bene.fit cost $5J90 $ r.4e6 (lJ ln 2018, e lois assoEiat€d Lyith a tempore.y der/istion from the cost-sharing provisions ofthe subsErfitive plan rrlas recognized in "Odrer exlense. net" on ttE ctrrsol;daled staterpnts of inEorre of the companies. The following table shows the components of other comprehensive income for the plan (in thousands of dollars): 20tE 70t7 Actuarial l,oss during the yea Prior sen-ice cost arising duriag the year Reclassifrcdic,a adjur&caS for: lmn"ediate recognition of loss froor teaporar]'derriatio,a {li Reclassificilim adjuseeats for amortrzatioa ofprior senrce cost Adjustarem for deferred tax effects Adjustmert due to fte e&cts of regulatior $ (1,!0e) $(2,964) (il2) 4,216 4:7 210 (3,824) 47 807 2,122 Othec coangreheosir,e iflcoorre relat€d to po*t etifemeot beoefit plarls I $ [1] ln 2018, a lots arsociated vvith s temporary dwiation from the cost-iharing provisions of th€ sub,sEntive p]an wac recogrrized in "Other elF€r]se, net" on th ionsoladatEd rtatements of income of the companies- The following table summarizes the expected future benefit payments of the postretirement benefit plan (in thousands of dollars): 2019 ,010 2021 2022 7923 t0t+:0:E Erpected beaefi t paymeuts $ 5,438 $ 5,05r $ 4.894 $ 4,112 $ C,r*S $ 20,080 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-88)Page 123.34 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Odginal (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 201'8tA4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Plan Assumptions The following table sets forth the wcighted-average assumptions used at the end of each year to determine benefit obligations for all Idaho Power-sponsored pension and postretirement benefits plans: Pcrsiou Pler sltsP ?ostrctircurcut Bocfit: Di:couu rat Rate of compeasaion ircrcasc 'r r lvlcdical read nte Deotai trcnd rate Itlcanrcrcal dae 20lE 2017 20lE z0t7 tolE 20t7 4.55% 3.95% 4.64% 3.95% {.60% 3.95%4.25i1 4.t1% 4.75% 4.75% I2,3lr0l8 l2ftlt20l7 123lr20l8 12.3Lt?xl'l 6.3% t"0% 12,3U20t8 6.t',/o {.0% l?;31r201? (l)Tt l0l8rr.otcoqrarsciaerurcstspoootuOrparcahilci:nruuf^rto<crrgooraof2.J0%p&lrrl.l5'tconpolrttuiirectrcqr@' thi ir brtad orarylqr*'1urof srtr. llsit rrlr]'o<r*t.t Ir ainErd to ba 8-0!6 fu rflo}tre in tdr 6m yrr of rn'i<r od xde do$a to Oil fu qlolur u 6rir hetn[ ]r of {rtica sd bt}ud. The following table sets forth the weighted-average assumptions used to determine net periodic benefit cost for all Idaho Power-sponsored pension and postretirement benefit plans: Persiou Phn ST$P Portnctinncnt f,2arfir. Diloorltd rdr EJpect"d long-tcno ratc of rctum ol asset! R.dc of coupcasatiotr rmrcar? Ilcdicai Ecud ratc DatdttndrAc 2018 ,017 3.95% 4.45% ,150y, ?.J09,; 4.25% l.|'.t% 2018 20t7 1.95% 4.45% 4.75% 4.15% 20lE !017 3.95% 4.45% 6.'15% 6.75% -%63% 6.5% 4.4% 4_0% The assumed health care cost trend rate used to measure the expected cost of health benefits covered by the postretirement plan was 6.3 percent in 2018 and is assumed to decrease to 5.7 percent tn2019,5.1 percent in2020,5.1 percent in2A2l and to gradually decrease to 4.1 percentby2076. The assumed dental cost trend rate used to measure the expected cost ofdental benefits covered by the plan was 4.0 percent, or equal to the medical trend rate if lower, for all years. A one percentage point change in the assumed health care cost trend rate would have the following effects at December 3l, 2018 (in &ousands of dollars): Oan-Ptrctrt*gc-Pdrr Ircrsm Drcrcrpe EfEct co'bal of cngt coulroreds $()A7) (?.d83)Effect sa accumulated mrtretiremeut oblieahon 3.212 $339 Plan Assets FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.35 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 YearlPeriod of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Pension Asset Allocation Policy: The target allocation and actual allocations at December 31, 2018, for the pension asset portfolio by asset class is set forth below: Assct C}ss .{llotrti<ln Actrrl .{lhcrtior Dcctabcr 31,rnlt Trryct Dtbt $cuincs Equrn'sccurdcs Rlal *lrtc CIhcr ulaa asd: u% 56% 'l l./a/e t3% 16% 56% 60/, r 10,l- o T"4.1 --------J0g -JPYIAssets are rebalanced as necessary to keep the portfolio close to target allocations. The plan's principal investment objective is to maximize total return (defined as the sum of realized interest and dividend income and realized and unrealized gain or loss in market price) consistent with prudent parameters of risk and the liability profile of the portfolio. Emphasis is placed on preservation and growth of capital along with adequacy of cash flow sufficient to fund current and future payments to plan participants. The three major goals in Idaho Power's asset allocation process are to: r determine if the investments have the potential to eam the rate of return assumed in the actuarial liability calculations; o match the cash flow needs of the plan. Idaho Power sets bond allocations sufficient to cover approximately five years of benefit pa)4rents and cash allocations sufiicient to cover the current year benefit payments. Idaho Power then utilizes growth instruments (equities, real estate, venture capital) to fund the longer-term liabilities of the plan; and r maintain a prudent risk profile consistent with ERISA fiduciary standards. Allowable plan investlents include stocks and stock funds, investment-grade bonds and bond funds, real estate fi.rnds, private equity funds, and cash and cash equivalents. With the exception of real estate holdings and private equity, investments must be readily marketable so that an entire holding can be disposed of quickly with only a minor effect upon market price- Rate-of-retum projections for plan assets are based on historical risk/refurn relationships among asset classes. The primary measure is the historical risk premium each asset class has delivered versus the yield on the Moody's AA Corporate Bond Index. This historical risk premium is then added to the current yield on the Moody's AA Corporate Bond Index. Additional analysis is performed to measure the expected range of refums, as well as worst-case and best-case scenarios. Based on the current low interest rate environment, current rate-of-return expectations are lower than the nominal retums generated over the past 20 years when interest rates were generally much higher. Idaho Power's asset modeling process also utilizes historical market returns to measure the portfolio's exposure to a "worst-case" market scenario, to determine how much performance could vary from the expected "average" performance over various time periods. This "worst-case" modeling, in addition to cash flow matching and diversification by asset class and invesfinent style, provides the basis for managing the risk associated with investing portfolio assets. FEEC FORM !lO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page '123.36 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENIS (Continued) Fair Yalue of Plan Assets: Idaho Power classifies its pension plan and postretirement benefit plan investments using the three-level fair value hierarchy described in Note 16 - "Fair Value Measurements." The following table presents the fair value of the plans' investrnents by asset category (in thousands ofdollars). Lcvcl I Levcl2 Lcvcl 3 Totrl Asscr! rt Dcccurbcr 31,2018 Crh rnd crsLcquirdal.r Sbort-tcrn bouds Intmcdiatc bodr Loug-tcrm bonds Ecuin' S€firitics: Largc'Cap Eryrq' Secrritiet: Iv[id-Crp Equitl' Seqriticu Srall;Cry E+iti, Srcuritict: Ir'[icruCap Equity Sccuntics: lnrcmaaonel Equi$' Sffrriticr: Euaglrg lvlarkee Pbr r:sttr ucesurd rt I{AV (aot srbjcc,t to lictrrcly disclo'sulr) Equrg' Secuntics: Globd end tltsnaioaal Equity Securitics: Emcrginr lvfa*cB RcaI estntc Prir:tr arrhe inl.cs&.rb Coroodiacs fi.ud t 9,717 t 20,61.1 20,595 3 3 9,717 20,641 108241 40,857 7t,176 ? l,4l g 53,401 30,38' 7,101 6,519 87,645 40,85j 7l,l?6 71.419 53,401 30,387 7,104 6.5t9 95,6J3 29,'t51 39,846 35,041 30.842 Totd t 290962 I 128,503 t - t 650,604 Poctctircad plla asscts, i I's lJs s 12.633 t s 33.391 FERC FORM NO.I (ED. 12.s81 Page 123.37 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Lcrncll Lsrcl 2 Level 3 Totel .{srcts rt l}cccubcr 31,2017 Carh ard casb cqunnleats Short-tcrmbfid! Intcrmcdiatc bonds Log-trmbmdr Equts Sccuriticr: Large-Cap Equrt'Sccunticr: M&Ce E4uiq' Scctrrsi6; $m'll -Q6p Eqdty Sccrriticr: MforuCrp E+ritl' Sccruitier: Iateraauooal E{uil1' Secuntict: Encrcing ilLdflils Phr rssets ncesurtd rr N.lV (aot subjrt to Licnrcly disclosun) Equity Snctriti6; l6661im.l Equrty Secuitics: Emergilg \larkcts Rcd crm hirate Elk t invesEeats Cooaloditrcg fud s 20,s52 s 20,475 20,699 t s 20,851 20A15 103,672 40,?07 95, l 79 81,127 62,502 3\153 6,114 8,?85 82,923 44.747 95,r?9 st,r2'1 62,542 32,153 6,1)1 8,?t5 83J8e 36255 38'43J 3l,6tg 3J,010 Toul s 349,146 S 123,630 S - S 697,683 Postrearmsrt phn assttr t"I 56? t 3?,?27 $$ 38J94 (l) fL poiE.srDr.lt b.i.ft! r!.!E lr Finrgib'li& rsrruc. cfirrrc!. For the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2017 " there were no material transfers into or out of Levels 1,2, or 3 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-88)Pase 123.38 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Fair Value Measurement o.f Level 2 Plsn asse* and PIan assets ,neasured at NAV: Level 2 Bonds: These investments represent U.S. government, agency bonds, and corporate bonds. The U.S. government and agency bonds, as well as the corporate bonds, are not traded on an exchange and are valued utilizing market prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets. Level 2 Postretirernent Asset: This asset represents an investment in a life insurance contract and is recorded at fair value, which is the cash surrender va1ue, less any unpaid expenses. The cash surrender value ofthis irsurance contract is contractually equal to the insurance conffact's proportionate share of the market value of an associated investrnent account held by the insurer. The investments held by the insurer's investment account are all instruments traded on exchanges with readily determinable market prices. Comminsted Funds: These funds, made up of the global, international, emerging markets equity securities, and commodities fund measured at NAV, are not publicly traded, and therefore no publicly quoted market price is readily available. The values of the commingled funds are presented at estimated fair value, which is determined based on the unit value of the fund. The values of these investments are calculated by the custodian for the fund company on a monthly or more frequent basis, and are based on market prices of the assets held by each of the commingled funds divided by the number of fund shares outstanding for the respective fund. The investments in commingled hnds have redemption limitations that permit monthly redemption following notice requirements of 5 to 7 days. Real Estatc: Real estate holdings represent investments in commingled real estate funds. As the property interests held in these real estate funds are not frequently traded, establishing the market value of the property interests held by the fund, and the resulting unit value of fund shareholders, is based on unobservable inputs including properly appraisals by the fund companies, property appraisals by independent appraisal firms, analysis ofthe replacement cost ofthe property, discounted cash flows generated by property rents and changes in properly values, and comparisons with sale prices of similar properties ur sirrular markets. These real estate funds also furnish annual audited hnancial statements that are also used to further validate the information provided. Redemptions are generally available on a quarterly basis, with l0 to 35 days written notice, depending on the individual fund. If the fund has sufltcient liquidity, thc redemption will be processed at the fund NAV or the fund's estimate of fair value at the end of the quarter. If the fund does not have sufficient liquidity to honor the full redemption, the remainder will be set for redemption the following quarter on a pro-rata basis with other redemption requests. This same process will repeat until the redemption request has been completed. To protect other fund holders, real estate funds have no duty to liquidate or encumber funds to meet redemption requests. Private Markct Investments: Private market investments represent two categories: fund of hedge funds and venture capital funds. These funds are valued by the fund companies based on the estimated fair values of the underlying fund holdings divided by the fund shares outstanding or multiplied by the ownership percentages of the holder. Some hedge fund strategies utilize securities with readily available market prices, while others utilize less liquid investment vehicles that are valued based on unobservable inputs including cost, operating results, recent funding activity, or comparisons with similar investment vehicles. Redemptions are available on a quarterly basis with 70 days written notice. Redemptions will be processed at the quarterly NAV or fair value within 60 days following quarter end. In the event of a fulI redemption, a reserye amount of 5Yo to I 0% of the redemption amount may be held in reserve until the audited financial statements of the fund are published. This allows the fund to adjust the redemption so that other fund holders are not adversely impacted. Venture capital fund investments are valued by the fund companies based on estimated fair value of the underlying fund holdings divided by the fund shares outstanding. Some venture capital investments have progressed to the point that they have readily available exchange-based market valuations. Early stage venture inveshnents are valued based on unobservable inputs including cost, operating results, discounted cash flows, the price of recent funding events, or pending offers from other viable entities. These private market investrnents furnish amual audited financial statements that are also used to further validate the FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-881 Page 123.39 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 201BtQ4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS {Continued) information provided. These funds are formed for a stated life of 10 to 15 years. The general partner can extend the fund life for 2 or 3 ono-year periods. The fund can be further extended with the approval of the limited partners. There are generally no redemption rights associated with these funds. The limited partner must hold the fund for the life of the fund or find a third-party buyer. Employee Savings PIan Idaho Power has a defined contribution plan designed to comply with Section 401(k) of the Internal Revenue Code and that covers substantially all employees. Idaho Power matches specified percentages of employee contributions to the plan. Matching annual contributions were approximately $7.7 million and $7.4 million in 2018 and 2017, respectively. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-88)Page 123.40 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2015 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Post-employment Benefi ts Idaho Power provides certain benefits to former or inactive employees, their beneficiaries, and covered dependents after employment but before retirement, in addition to the health care benefits required under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. These benefits include salary continuation, health care and life insurance for those employees found to be disabled under Idaho Power's disability plans, and health care for surviving spouses and dependents. Idaho Power accrues a liability for such benefits. The post-employment benefits included in other deferred credits on Idaho Power's consolidated balance sheets at December 31, 2018, and 2017, were approximately $2 million. 12. PROPERTY, PLAI\T AtrD EQUTPMENT AND JOTNTLY-OWNED PROJECTS The following table presents the major classiircations of Idaho Power's utility plant in service, annual depreciation provisions as a percent of average depreciable balance, and accumulated provision for depreciation for the years ended December 31, 2018 and.2}fi (in thousands of dollars): :0lE 20t7 Ar:-Bete Erlerec Atc.Rrtc Productoq Trancml$rou Disrrbution Gcacral axd Otb.r 3 2.6J4.20r l:01.092 1,792294 2.598,940 1,t63:,40 1,710,126 433.356 3.t0% t 1.8970 22A% 6.40% 3.07% t.9t% 2.U% 6.0t% 2.81% Jnrrsi f--lt$.0ll t f30?-888 At December 31, 2018, Idaho Power's construction work in progress balance of S480.3 million included relicensing costs of $297.0 million for the HCC, Idaho Power's largest hydroelectric complex. In 2018, 2017 , and 201 6, the IPUC authorized Idaho Power to include in its ldaho jurisdiction rates $6.5 million annually ($8.8 million when grossed-up for the effect of income taxes in 2018 and $10.7 million when grossed-up for the effect of income taxes in 2017 and 2016 prior to income tax reform described in Note 2 - "Income Taxes") of AFUDC relating to the HCC relicensing project. Collecting these amounts will reduce the amor,rnt collected in the future once the HCC relicensing costs are approved for recovery in base rates. At December 31, 2018, Idaho Power's accumulated provision for rate refunds for collection of AFLIDC relating to the HCC was $135.1 million. Idaho Power's ownership interest in three jointly-owned generating facilities is included in the table above. Under the joint operating agreements for these facilities, each participating utility is responsible for financing its share of construction, operating, and leasing costs. Idaho Power's proportionate share of operating expenses for each facility is included in the Consolidated Statements of Income. These jointly-owned facilities, including balance sheet amounts and the extent of Idaho Power's participation, were as follows at December 31, 2018 (in thousands of dollars): FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.41 6.103-856 e,210,781) 2.U% 5.906.162 (2,09SJ74) Brlrncc Total ia scn{cc .{ccwrulatd prorisiou fs dcprecratiou Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o4t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018!Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Neme of Plalt Locrtinn l'tilii' Plart ir Service Constrrt{ior\ffo*ir Prcgress Acsumulated Prcvisiol for Doprechtion s 334.131 1,1,148 2',?9.6$ Olotrship gb l}flltl) JirBn&erunits l4 Boardman Valrnvuniu I and2 R.och Spriner. W'l' Bmrdman, OR \tiuremucca, t.IV I ?33.451 S 81.4i9 410,947 J.141 31 t0 50 't7t 64 u4 4 2.18 (I) Id:ho Pouu's slse of oauplne capaoir IERCo, Idaho Power's wholly-owned subsidiary, is a joint venturer in BCC. Idaho Power's coal purchases from the joint venture were $8 1 .8 million in 2018 and $86.4 million in 2011 . Idaho Power has contracts to purchase the energy fiom four PURPA qualifying facilities that are 50 percent owned by Ida-West. Idaho Power's power purchases from these facilities were $9.7 million in 2018 and $9.8 million n2A17. 13. ASSET Rf,TIREMENT OBLTGATTONS (ARO) The guidance relating to accounting for AROs requires that legal obligations associated with the retirement of property, plant, and equipment be recognized as a liability at fair value when incurred and when a reasonable estimate of the fair value of the liability can be made. Under the guidance, when a liability is initially recorded, the entify increases the carrying amount of the related longJived asset to reflect the future retirement cost. Over time, the liability is accreted to its estimated settlement value and paid, and the capitalized cost is depreciated over the useful life ofthe related asset. lf, at the end ofthe asset's life, the recorded liability differs from the actual obligations paid, a gain or loss would be recognized. As a rate-regulated entity, Idaho Power records regulatory assets or liabilities instead ofaccretion, depreciation, and gains or losses, as approved by the IPUC. The regulatory assets recorded under this order do not earn a return on investment. Accretion, depreciation, and gains or losses related to the Boardman generating facilify are exempted from such regulatory treatment as Idaho Power is now collecting amounts related to the decommissioning of Boardman in rates. Idaho Power's recorded AROs relate to the removal of polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated equipment at its distribution facilities and the reclamation and removal costs at its jointly-owned coal-fired generation facilities. Idaho Power also has additional AROs associated with its transmission system, hydroelectric facilities, natural gas-fired generation facilities, and jointly owned coal-fired generation facilities; however, due to the indeterminate removal date, the fair value of the associated liabilities curently cannot be estimated and no amounts are recognized in the consolidated financial statements, The following table presents the changes in the carrying amount of AROs (in thousands of dollars): FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-881 Page 123.42 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) 2018 2AL7 Balancc 6l !3grrnins ofrcar .{csetion rxpcnse Rcruisios in estirutcd cash lour Liabilit'r&crurcd Liability rcnlcd 3 26-415 3 1,0_s5 05l) r29 (56) 26257 I,01-\ o9l) (66) Balance at end ofvear S 26.1n S 26J15 14.INVESTMENTS The table below summarizes Idaho Power's inve stments as of December 3 I (in thousands of dollars): 20tE 2Al7 s 5?,026 3 36,41t 17 122t3 30,2{9 l7 Tml Idaho Pon'er mves@ents 93.51{102.4?9 Investments in Equity Securities Investments in securities classified as available-for-sale securities are reported at fair value. Any unrealized gains or losses on available-for-sale securities are included in income, as the fair value option has been elected for these instruments. Unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities were immaterial at December 3 I , 201 8 and December 31 , 2017 . The following table summarizes sales of available-for-sale securities (in thousands of dollars): !018 2017 !016 hocreds from oles Gross rerlized gaing fr6m salss $5.00? t ,+.989 i 15.693 54 15. DERIVATIVI FINAI{CIAL INSTRUMENTS Commodify Price Risk Idaho Power is exposed to market risk relating to electricity, natural gas, and other fuel commodity prices, all of which are heavily influenced by supply and demand. Market risk may be intluenced by market participants' nonperformance of their contractual obligations and commitments, which affects the supply of or demand for the commodity. Idaho Power uses derivative instruments, such as physical and financial forward contracts, for both electricity and fuel to manage the risks relating to these commodity price FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.43 Idabo Pouu inrufiaent: IERCO Excbange ts'aded rhort-tsm boud filrdt alrd cash equivaleutr Exccntiw dcfrrrcd co@paldrou ptre im'ctulpts Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) exposures. The primary objectives of Idaho Power's energy purchase and sale activiry are to meet the demand of retail electric customers, maintain appropriate physical reseryes to ensure reliability, and rnake economic use of temporary surpluses that may develop. All of idaho Power's derivative instruments have been entered into for lhe purpose of economically hedging forecasted purchases and sales, though none of these instruments have been designated as cash flow hedges. Idaho Power offsets fair value amounts recognized on its balance sheet and applies collateral related to derivative instruments executed wrth the same counterparty under the same master netting agreement. Idaho Power does not offset a counterparty's current derivative contracts with the counterparfy's long-term derivative contracts, although Idaho Power's master netting arrangements would allow current and long-term positions to be offset in the event of default. Also, in the event of default, Idaho Power's master netting arrangements would allow for the offsetting of all transacfions executed under the master netting arrangement. These fypes of transactions may include non-derivative instruments, derivatives qualifuing for scope exceptions, receivables and payables arising from settled positions, and other forms of non-cash collateral (such as letters of credit). These types of transactions are excluded &om the offsetting presented in the derivative fair value and offsetting table below. The tablc below presents the gains and losses on derivatives not designated as hedging instruments for the years ended December 3 l, 2018 and 2017 (in thousands of dollars): Locrtioa of Rrrlized Geiil(!"ors) oa Grir(Loss) or Dcrireth'* Rccopiztd ir hcorc 0l Ihrh,rth'ct Rccognizcd in hconc !0lS 201? Finaacirl $r"p! Firuncral srrzps Firarciel sn'apc Firaacial nraps Fonrrrd coatrart! Fonrzrd co[Eects Fonrzrd contracB 1,316 t ?.gtg 22,563 lrg 4t (54) (186) Opcratiu relralrsr hrchascd porrcr Ftrloqcar Otbcr opcrabonr and mautenarce Opraing rctraues h.rchased por.-erFqlry s 902 166 701 (s4) J5 (6e) 4 (t) Exrfudrr rsr:lnrd frar fi lotra. G drrlr:lrru, Irhi(! sr rrcadrd r &r bdc.r rbrc a ratulSa,\'i!.r! c rtgul*e1'bbrlrt.r. Settlement gains and losses on electricify swap contracts are recorded on the income statement in revenues from contracts with customers or purchased power depending on the forecasted position being economically hedged by the derivative contract. Settlement gains and losses on contracts for natural gas are reflected in fuel expense. Settlement gains and losses on diesel derivatives are recorded in other operations and maintenance expense. See Note l6 - "Fair Value Measurements" for additional information concerning the determination of fair value for Idaho Power's assets and liabilities from price risk management activities. Derivative Instrument Summary The table below presents the fair values and locations of derivative instruments not designated as hedging instruments recorded on the balance sheets and reconciles the gross amounts ofderivatives recognized as assets and as liabilities to the net amounts presented in the balance sheets at December 31, 2018 and2017 (in thousands ofdollars); FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-88)Page 123.44 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Asset Dcrh'rtivcs Lie Dcri.-:th'cs .{oouots I\.-.tOfBct LirbiliticsBrleace Shcet Location Gr.oss Frir .{.uoulrtr Off,rct Nct Asscts Gnost Frirl|rhr Dcccabcr 31, 2018 Curreot: Fiuacirl runps Fioeacial ra'epr Fonrrrrd cootracts Loag-trm: Fitucirl rwrpl Othcr crrmed rcsaG Othcr curcat liabi[ticr Ottcr curreat liabiliticc Othcr liabilitics 3 .1,639 t (98{) 0} 3 3,6ri S 938 3 806 104 64 (e38) 3 8; 104 64 Total I .r.639 S (93J) S 1.6-it S t.9ll S (gis)$ $ 974 Deccnbcr 31, 2017 Currrat: Firaacral sr*'aps Fiaeocid rrr'rpr Fonrrard coatracts Loog-rcra: Fiaeocial swapr Othcr currcat ascctJ Oticr curreat liabiliticc Other currcat liabiliticr Otler asrcts t8$ 553 $ r83 .l o48) CI $E (553)1,971 2 t,221 2 J -s!-- t-:JJ. I-gIi) !-:3- !-Jelr !-gg) I) C\rrautdcnrril'.rEoutoofEaiuchrdr95thorgzadofcollrtrrdp:,yzblc&rtbrpcrrodcoii.gDcccurbrr3l,:01S. 2) Currrar lubrhg' drmzorr emor.ruts ofBa irludr J I 95 Aousrd of colL*"el rrcrirzbh ftr thr prnod sdrnr Drcooba 3 I , 20 I I The table below presents the volume s of derivative commodity forward contracts and swaps outstanding at December 3 I , 201 8 and 2011 (in thousands of units): Dcccmber 31, Conmoditv Unitc 20rE 7 Elcctricity purchascs Electricity sder Naturd gupurelacr Natural ras tales s t225G MWb N{\\,'h MMBtU I\'IhlBnr 52 39 7,514 .r46 3t2 224 7,028 l{0 FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-88)Page 123.45 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Credit Risk At December 3l,2078,Idaho Power did not have material credit risk exposure from financial instruments, including derivatives. Idaho Power monitors credit risk exposure through reviews ofcountelparty credit quality, corporate-wide counterparty credit exposure, and corporate-wide counterparty concentration levels. Idaho Power manages these risks by establishing credit and concentration limits on transactions with counterparties and requiring contracfual guarantees, cash deposits, or letters ofcredit from counterparties or their affiliates, as deemed necessary. Idaho Power's physical power conffacts are comrnonly under WSPP, Inc. agreements, physical gas contracts are usually under North American Energy Standards Board contracts, and financial transactions are usually under Intemational Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. contracts. These contracts contain adequate assurance clauses requiring collateralization ifa counterparly has debt that is downgraded below investment grade by at least one rating agency. Credit-Contingent Features Certain of Idaho Power's derivative instruments contain provisions that require Idaho Power's unsecured debt to maintain an investment grade credit rating from Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's Ratings Services. If Idaho Power's unsecured debt were to fall below investment grade, it would be in violation of these provisions, and the counterparties to the derivative instruments could request immediate payment or demand immediate and ongoing full overnight collateralization on derivative instruments in net liability positions. The aggregate fair value of all derivative instruments with credit-risk-related contingent features that were in a liability position at December 3l , 20 I 8, was $ I .9 million. Idaho Power posted no cash collateral related to this amount. If the credit-risk-related contingent features underlying these agreements were triggered on December 31, 2018, Idaho Power would have been required to pay or post collateral to its counterparties up to an additional $7.8 million to cover open liability positions as well as completed transactions that have not yet been paid. 16. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS Idaho Power has categorized its financial instruments into a tbree-level fair value hierarchy, based on ths priority of the inputs to the valuation technique. The fair value hierarchy gives the highest priority to quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3). If the inputs used to measure the financial instruments fall within different levels of the hierarchy, the categorization is based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement of the instrument. Financial assets and liabilities recorded on the consolidated balance sheets are categorized based on the inputs to the valuation techniques as follows: Level l: Financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on unadjusted quoted prices for identical assets or liabilities in an active market that Idaho Power have the abiliw to access. Level2: Financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on the foilowing: a) quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets; b) quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in non-active markets; c) pricing models whose inputs are observable for substantially the fuIl term of the asset or liability: and d) pricing models whose inputs are derived principally from or corroborated by observable market data through FERC FORM NO.1 1 123.468t Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) correlation or other means for substantially the full term of the asset or liability Idaho Power Level2 inputs are based on quoted market prices adjusted fbr location using corroborated, observable market data. Level 3; Financial assets and liabilities whose values are based on prices or valuation techniques that require inputs that are both unobsenable and signihcant to the overall fair value measurement. These inputs reflect management's own assumptions about the assumptions a market participant would use in pricing the asset or liability. Idaho Power's assessment of a particular input's significance to the fair value measurement requires judgment and may affect the valuation of fair value assets and liabilities and their placement within the fair value hierarchy. An item recorded at fair value is reclassified among levels when changes in the nature of valuation inputs cause the item to no longer meet the criteria for the level in which it was previously categorized. There were no transfers between levels or material changes in valuation techniques or inputs during the years ended December 31, 2018 and2017. The following table presents information about Idaho Power's assets and liabililies measured at fair value on a recurring basis as of December 31, 2018 and2017 (in thousands of dollars): I)'cctmbrr 31, !,OlE Darmbtr 3tn:017 Lctcl I La'd I L€r'cts Totel Lclcl I Lcrlll I Lrtrl J Terrl Ass.tr: Itloocryna*a filo& rod comnarnl prpcr Denrmrxa Eqrr$ rcoritcr Lhbilitict: Denrsr,tc $?9,118 ;,6J5 36,488 *t- t?9J28 t1€,2d0 3,61J t: 36.4t8 vr.2f6 t- 310.260 11 1o,256 $- r 970-r 104r -r e74t 1*, ! -s lr{1 iU tlo1diDg co!Bpa.u]'or!,r Does nst irclude aaouatg held Q'- Id:ho Posser. Idaho Power's derivatives are contracts entered into as part ofits management ofloads and resources. Electriciry derivatives are valued on the Intercontinental Exchange with quoted prices in an active market. Natural gas and diesel derivatives are valued using New York Mercantile Exchange and Intercontinental Exchange pricing, adjusted for location basis, which are also quoted under NYMEX and ICE pricing. Equity securities consist of employee-directed investments related to an executive deferred compensation plan and actively traded money market and exchange traded funds related to the SMSP. The investrnents are measured using quoted prices in active markets and are held in a Rabbi trust. The table below presents the carrying value and estimated fair value of hnancial instruments that are not reported at fair value, as of December3l.20l8 arrd20lT,usingavailablemarketinformationandappropriatevaluationmethodologies(inthousands). FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-8el Page 123.47 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tO4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Dcccobcr 31, 2018 Dcccarbcr 3l 20t7 Cerrytug Asoount Estinrtcd Fdr ljelqe Cerryil3 Auouut Esttnetcd Feir lUqe LllbiEdcc: Loag-tcra dcbt (l)5 l.s3+.788 t (ttousetrds ol dollarsl 1,942.1i3 S 1,7.16,13 $l.9l t,4J9 (l) Lmt-tra &h rn c:tgmlrd u Ll'C 3 erd Lcrd l, nrprttdy, of,tte Et rzlrr hirrcb., a dfu rglirr ra Air Na* 16 - "Feir Vdlr llr.lrrr&.!b.' Long-term debt is not traded on an exchange and is valued using quoted rates for similar debt in active markets. Carrying values for cash and cash equivalents, deposits, customer and other receivables, notes payable, accounts payable, interest accrued, and taxes accrued approximate fair value. 17. CHANGES IN ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME Comprehensive income includes net income and amounts related to the SMSP. The table below presents changes in components of accumulated other comprehensive income (AOCI), net of tax, during the years ended December 31, 2018 and2017 (in thousands of dollars). Items in parentheses indicate reductions to AOCI. I'eer Ended December 3l 2018 2Dr7 Defired baefit pea.irru items Balmce at begirurra.g of period $ (26.872) $ (20-8s2) 5.234 (7.872) 2,886 1,882 Otfer coarorcheosive iacome before recl,ascilications .tmormts reclassified out ofAOCI to uet incoare Net cureot-period ottcr coapreheasive ircooe Cr:arulatj',,e 6ffsf,1 sf el'ante in acrounhag priaciple (t) 8.120 (4,0e1; (5.990) Balaace at eud ofperiod L----122.1!{} $-_-*_G!.9i2) (1) In November 2018, the FERC issued a final accounting orderallowing certain entities" including Idaho Power, to make a policy election to reclassif, the stranded tax effects resulting from income tax refonn frorn AOCI to retained eamings in accordance with ASU 20 1 8-02, lncome Statement^ -Reporting Comprehensive Income (Topic 220).ln2018.ldaho Power transfercd $4.1 rnillion frorn AOCI to rctainod earnings. The table below presents the effects on net income of amounts reclassified out of components ofAOCI and the income statement location of those amounts reclassified during the years ended December 3 I , 201 8 and 2017 (in thousands of dollars). Items in parentheses indicate increases to net income. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.48 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (lrlo, Da, Yr) 04116t2A19 Year/Period of Report 2018tO4 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Continued) Amount Rechssified from AOCI Year f,nded Decembcr 31, 20lE 2011 Amortizatioa of defined beaeflt peersioa ilerrr(n Prior senice eost Net loss $e8$ 3,788 l?7 2,963 Total before tmr Tax besefit'l) 3.886 (1.000) 3.090 ( r,20 8) Net of tfl 2.886 1.8s2 Total reclagsificalioo for the period $2-8S6 $1 -8S? (lj .Juooruzrroo of tLese itemg ig included i.o Idrho Porvg's coasoiidaed iucoou statemerrE iu o6g ryenre, net" CJ) TLe tc bec6f n ilcluded ilr ircrlm bx ryeare in ttt corgolidaed imoure it*eortab of Idalc Poner. 18. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS IDACORP: Idaho Power performs corporate functions such as financial, legal, and management services for IDACORP and its subsidiaries. Idaho Power charges IDACORP for the costs of these services based on service agreements and other specifically identified costs. For these services, ldaho Power billed IDACORP $0.7 million in both 2018 and2017. AtDecember31,2018 and20lT,IdahoPowerhada$l.9millionand$5T.3millionpayabletoIDACORP,respectively,whichwas included in its accounts payable to affiliates balance on its corsolidated balance sheets. In 2018, Idaho Power paid IDACORP certain estimated income taxes that had been accrued at December 31,2017 . Ida-West: Idaho Power purchases all of the power generated by four of Ida-West's hydroelectric projects located in Idaho. Idaho Power paid Ida-West $9.7 million in 2018 and $9.8 million in2017 for that power. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-88)Page 123.49 Nam€ of Respondent ldaho Power Company (2)A Resubmission uate ot Hepon(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 YearHenoo oI Kepon End of 2018lor4 SUMMARY OF UTILITY PLANT AND ACCUMULATED PROVISIONS FOR DEPRECIATION. AMORTIZATION AND DEPLETION Report in Column (c) the amount for electric function, in column (d) the amount for gas function, in column (e), (f), and (g) report other (specify) and in column (h) common function. Line No. Classification (a) Total Company for the Current YeariQuarter Ended (b) Electric (c) I Utility Plant 2 ln Service Plant in Service (Classified)6,1 03,1 04,829 6,103,104,829 4 Property Under Capital Leases 5 Plant Purchased or Sold 6 Completed Construction not Classifi ed 7 Experimental Plant Unclassifi ed 8 Total (3 thru 7)6,103,104,829 6,1 03,1 04,829 I Leased to Others 10 Held for Future Use 4,751,462 4,751,462 11 Construction Work in Progress 480,258,675 480,258,67s 12 Acquisition Adjustments 750,893 7s0,893 13 Total Utility Plant (8 thru 12)6,588,865,859 6,588,865,859 14 Accum Prov for Depr, Amort, & Depl 2,394,578,627 2,394,578,627 15 Net Utility Plant (13 less 14)4,194,287,232 4,194,287,232 't6 Detail of Accum Prov for Depr, Amort & Depl 17 ln Service: 18 Depreciation 2,369,301,348 2,369,301,348 19 Amort & Depl of Producing Nat Gas Land/Land Right 2A Amort of Underground Storage Land/Land Rights 21 Amort of Other Utility Plant 25,229,722 25,229,722 22 Total ln Service (18 thru 21)2.394,531,070 2,394,531,070 23 Leased to Others 24 Depreciation 25 Amortization and Depletion 26 Total Leased to Others (24 &25) 27 Held for Future Use 28 Depreciation 29 Amortization 30 Total Held for Future Use (28 & 29) 31 Abandonment of Leases (Natural Gas) 32 Amort of Plant Acquisition Adj 47,557 47,557 33 Total Accum Prov (equals 14) (22.26,30,31 ,32)2,394.578,627 2,394,578,627 FERG FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12.89)Pag€ 200 ldaho Power Company (1) (2)Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 1. Report below the original cost of electric plant in service according to the prescribed accounts. 2. lnadditiontoAccountl0l,ElectricPlantinService(Classified),thispageandthenextincludoAccountl02,ElectricPlantPurchasedorSold; Account 103, Experimental Electric Plant Unclassified; and Account 106, Completed Construclion Not Classified-Electric. 3. lnclude in column (c) or (d), as appropriate, conections of additions and retirements for the current or preceding year. 4. For revisions to the amount of initial asset retirement costs capitalized, included by primary plant account, increases in mlumn (c) additions and reductions in column (e) adjustments. 5. Enclose in parentheses credit adjustments of plant accounts to indicate the negative effect of such accounts. 6. Classify Account 106 according to prescribed accounts, on an estimated basis if necessary, and include the entries in column (c). Also to be included in column (c) are entries for reversals of tentativo distributions of prior year reported in column (b). Likewise, if the respondent has a significant amount of plant retirements which have not been classified to primary accounts at the end of the year, include in column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on en €stimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account for accumulated depreciation provision. lnclude also in column (d) Line No. Account (a) BalanceBeginning of Year (b) Aclditions (c) 1 1. INTANGIBLE PLANT 2 (301) Organization 5,703 3 (302) Franchises and Consents 2.828.359 4 (303) Miscellaneous lntangible Plant 26,616,961 11,042,574 5 TOTAL lntanqible Plant (Enter Total of lines 2, 3, and 4)57,292,347 13.870.933 6 2. PRODUCTION PLANT 7 A. Steam Production Plant 8 (3'10) Land and Land Riqhts 1.722.42',1 I (31 1) Structures and lmprovements 154.463.765 2,107.274 10 (312) Boiler Plant Equipment 757.671J26 12,516,851 11 (313) Engines and Engine-Driven Generators 12 (314) Turboqenerator Units I 2.858,191 13 (315) Accessory Electric Equipment 73,750,009 1,064,174 14 (316) Misc. Power Plant Equipment 20,152,814 2,385.775 15 (317) Asset Retirement Costs for Steam Production 14,889,891 -733.1 46 16 TOTAL Steam Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 8 thru 15)1 ,192,509,651 20,199,1 15 't7 B. Nuclear Production Plant 18 (320) Land and Land Rights 19 (321) Structures and lmprovements 20 (322) Reactor Plant Equipment 21 (323) Turbogenerator Units 22 (324) Accessory Electric Equipment 23 (325) Misc. Power Plant Equipment 24 (326) Asset Retirement Costs for Nuclear Production 25 TOTAL Nuclear Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 18 lhru 24) 26 C. Hydraulic Production Plant 27 (330) Land and Land Rights 31,497,639 157.426 28 (33'l ) Structures and lmprovements 196,242,642 4,101,160 29 (332) Reservoirs. Dams. and Waterways 273,545.283 2,182,772 30 (333) Water Wheels, Turbines, and Generators 260,309,413 31,719,160 31 (334) Accessory Electric Equipment 2,039,620 32 (335) Misc. Power PLant Equipment 2s.991 ,708 1,090.249 33 (336) Roads, Railroads, and Bridqes 10,881 ,683 1,004,050 34 (337) Asset Retirement Costs for Hydraulic Production 35 TOTAL Hydraulic Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 27 lhru 34)860,933,235 42.294.437 36 D. Other Production Plant 37 (340) Land and Land Rishts 2,690,006 9,788 3B (341) Structures and lmprovements 143.332.756 34,376 39 (342) Fuel Holders, Producls, and Accessories 10,537,569 177.298 40 (343) Prime Movers 224.537.829 10,259,022 41 (344) Generators 182J72 42 (345) Accessory Electric Equipment 91 ,478,361 403,449 43 (346) Misc. Power Plant Equipment 6,388,713 102.375 44 (347) Asset Retirement Costs for Other Production 45 TOTAL Other Prod. Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 thru 44)545,497,110 11,168,480 46 TOTAL Prod. Plant (Enter Total of lines 16, 25, 35, and 45)2,598,933,9S6 73,662,032 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.'t2.05)Page 204 30.669.68: I 62,464.86i I 66.531.87( Name ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 and 1 distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d), including the reversals of the prior years tentative account distributions of these amounts. Careful observance of the above instructions and the texts of Accounts 101 and 106 will avoid serious omissions of the reported amount of respondent's plant actually in service at end of year. 7. Show in column (f) reclassifications or transfers within utility plant accounts. lnclude also in column (Q the additions or reductions of primary account classifications arising from distribution of amounts initially recorded in Account 102, include in column (e) the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc., and show in column (f) only the offset to the debits or credits distributed in column (f) to primary account classifications. 8. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in this account and if substantial in amount submit a supplementary statement showing subaccount classification of such plant conforming to the requirement of these pages. 9. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in Account 1 02, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor or purchase, and date of transaction. lf proposed journal entries have been liled with the Commission as required by the Uniform System of Accounts, give also date Retirements (d) Adjustments (e) Transfers (0 Balance at End of Year(s) Line No. 1 5.703 2 33,498,042 3 8,631,209 29,028,326 4 8,631,209 62.532.071 5 o I 1,722,421 8 501 ,81 1 156,069,228 9 6,3s1,836 763,836,1 41 10 11 328,089 172.389.727 12 155,844 74,658,335 13 507.310 22.031 .279 14 14,156,745 15 7,844,890 1,204,863,876 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 31,655,065 27 417,519 199,926,283 28 541,606 275,186.449 29 981,961 291,046,612 30 722,285 63,782,202 31 462,800 26,619,157 32 4,000 1 1,881 ,733 33 34 3,130,'171 900.097.501 35 Jb 2,699.794 37 28,341 143,338,791 38 10.714.867 39 7,352.522 227,443,929 40 66,714,048 41 44,618 91.837,192 42 6,491,088 43 44 7.425.881 549.239,709 45 18.400,942 2,654,201,086 46 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12-05)Page 205 I I S: ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission (Mo, Da, 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1 Lrne No. Account (a) Additions (c) 47 3. TRANSMISSION PLANT 48 (350) Land and Land Riqhts 37,127.446 1.796.147 49 (352) Structures and lmprovements 80,263,617 779,590 50 (353) Station Equipment 428,949,669 14,651,950 51 (354) Towers and Fixtures 206.552.729 4,834.230 52 (355) Poles and Fixtures 1 83,335,657 14,396,763 53 (356) Overhead Conductors and Devices 226,621,106 8,673,207 54 (357) Underground Conduit 55 (358) Underqround Conductors and Devices 56 (359) Roads and Trails 390,266 57 (359.1) Asset Retirement Costs for Transmission Plant 58 TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Total of lines 48 thru 57)1 ,163,240,490 45,131.887 59 4. DISTRIBUTION PLANT 60 (360) Land and Land Riqhts 6,052,619 500,666 61 (36'1 ) Structures and lmprovements 2.929.310 62 (362) Station Equipment 237,332,109 18,934,953 63 (363) Storage Battery Equipment M (364) Poles, Towers, and Fixtures 265,381,383 9,083.493 65 (365) Overhead Conductors and Devices 136,069,938 6,625,653 66 (366) Underqround Conduit 'l ,932,1 18 67 (367) Underoround Conductors and Devices 258,499,754 20,485,907 68 (368) Line Transformers 560,033,828 35,074,016 69 (369) Services 60.786,068 1,715,228 70 (370) Meters 90,021,168 6.730,337 71 (371) lnstallations on Customer Premises 3,057,356 120,491 72 (372) Leased Propertv on Customer Premises 73 (373) Street Lighting and Signal Systems 4,526,921 112,690 74 (374) Asset Retirement Costs for Distribution Plant 142,630 75 TOTAL Distribution Plant (Enter Total of lines 60 thru 74)1,710,126,217 104,244.862 76 5. REGIONAL TRANSMISSION AND MARKET OPERATION PLANT 77 (380) Land and Land Rights 78 (381) Structures and lmprovements 79 (382) Computer Hardware 80 (383) Computer Software 81 (384) Communication Equipment 82 (385) Miscellaneous Regional Transmission and Market Operation Plant 83 (386) Asset Retirement Costs for Reqional Transmission and Market Oper 84 TOTAL Transmission and Market Operation Plant (Totral lines 77 thru 83) 85 6, GENERAL PLANT 86 (389) Land and Land Riqhts 17 282.090 87 (390) Structures and lmprovements 120.654,120 7.025.068 88 (391) Office Furniture and Equipment 44,912,532 9,506,697 89 (392) Transportation Equipment 88,148,894 8.314.242 90 (393) Stores Equipment 2,947,647 86.112 91 (394) Tools. Shop and Garaqe Equioment 10,438,'t64 800,860 92 (395) Laboratory Equipment 13,869,062 341,551 93 (396) Power Operated Equipment 16.265.279 3.045.89S 94 (397) Communication Equipment 54,135,749 1,090,906 OA (398) Miscellaneous Equipment 6.979,1 00 707,965 96 SUBIOTAL (Enter Total of lines 86 thru 95)375.812,01 1 31.201.390 97 (399) Other Tangible Property 98 (399.1) Asset Retirement Costs for General Plant 99 TOTAL General Plant (Enter Total of lines 96, 97 and 98)375.8',12.011 31 ,201 ,390 100 TOTAL (Accounts 101 and '106)5,905,411,061 268,'t11.104 101 (102) Electric Plant Purchased (See lnstr. 8) 102 (Less) (102) Electric Plant Sold (See lnstr. 8) 103 (103) Exoerimental Plant Unclassified 104 TOTAL Electric Plant in Service (Enter Total of lines 100 thru 103)5,905,411,061 268,111,104 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12.0s)Page 206 I 37.463.37i 50.759.07t ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 103 and Continued) Retirements (d) Adjustments (e) Transfers (fl Balance at End of.Year(s) Line No. 47 56 38,923,537 48 19,413 81,023,794 49 2,575,92',1 44'1,02s.698 50 29,119 211,357,840 51 2,524,737 195,207,683 52 2,131,230 233,1 63,083 53 54 55 390.266 56 57 7.280.476 1,201,091,901 58 59 6,553,285 60 148,927 40,283,756 61 1,903,678 254,363,384 62 63 2.768.978 271,695,898 64 2.210.426 140,485.165 65 453,187 52,238,001 66 3,016,630 275,969,031 67 7,515,663 587,592,181 68 581 ,568 61,919,728 69 3,424,210 93,327,295 7A 53,515 3,124.332 71 72 50.726 4,588,885 73 142,630 74 22,087,508 1,792,283,571 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 17.743.554 86 160,419 127,518,769 87 5.912.746 48,506,483 88 3,597,458 92,865.678 89 10,654 3,023,105 90 144J60 11 ,094,864 91 507,083 13.703.530 92 76,867 19,234.311 93 3,297,353 51,929,302 94 310.461 7.376.604 95 14,017,201 392,996,200 96 97 98 14,O17,201 392.996,200 99 70,417,336 6,1 03.1 04,829 100 101 102 103 70.417,336 6,1 03,1 04,829 104 FERC FORM NO.1 (REv.12.0s)Page 207 ldaho Power Company 1)An (2)A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 1. Report separately eactr property held for future use at end of the year having an original cost of $250,000 or more. Group other items of property held for future use. 2. For property having an original cost of $250,000 or more previously used in utility operations, now held for future use, give in column (a), in addition to other required information, the date that utility use of such property was discontinued, and the date the original cost was kansferred to Account 105. Line No. Descriotion and Locationbf P6frty tn t alance at End of Year(d) 1 Land and Rights: 2 Boise Operations Center 12t31182 202012021 480,501 3 Production 109,961 4 Transmission Stations 423,088 5 Transmission Lines 195,489 6 Distribution Stations 1,084,696 7 Beacon Light Substation 12t30t02 2020 465,662 I Homedale Substation 2129t08 2035 109,453 I Line #854 500 Kv 3/31/09 2024 308,066 10 General Plant 62,673 '11 Distribution Line 25,581 12 13 14 Column B and C if no date listed it is various 15 16 17 18 '19 20 21 Other Property: 22 Transmission Stations 199,069 23 Distribution Stations 69,941 24 Homedale Substation 2t29t08 2035 217,797 25 Beacon Light Substation 12t30t02 2020 555,940 26 Underground Vault, Blaine County 8/30/16 2021 443,545 27 28 29 30 Column B and C if no date listed it is various 3'1 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Total 4,751,462 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 214 Name Respondent ls: ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 YealPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 CONSTRUCTION WORK lN PROGRESS - - ELECTRIC (Account 107 1 . Report below descriptions and balances at end of year of projects in process of construction (107) 2, Show items relating to "research, development, and demonstration" projects last, under a caption Research, Development, and Demonstrating (see Account 107 of the Uniform System of Accounts) 3. Minor projects (5% of the Balance End of the Year for Account 107 or $1,000,000, whichever is less) may be grouped. Line No Description of Project (a) Construclion work inEleclric (Account 1 (b) progress - 07) 1 ROLLUP RELIC COST BROWNLEE '1 13,5't 1,636 2 ROLLUP RELIC COST HELLS CANYON 77,297,487 3 GATEWAY WEST sOOKV LINE 38,052,995 4 ROLLUP RELIC COST OXBOW 35,961,8'18 5 HELLS CANYON RELICENSING OUTSI 32,424,212 6 B2H PERIVITTING 11I1i2011 & FOR 17,638,563 7 BOARDMAN - HEMINGWAY 5OO KV LI 9,317,310 8 HCC WATERSHED ENHANCEMENT PROG 8,157,383 I BROWNLEE UNIT 2 TURBINE REFURB 7,559,022 10 UPPER MALAD FISH LADDER 5,925.263 11 LEGAL DEPT. LABOR FOR RELICENS 5,464,205 12 WQ HCC4O1 CERTIFICATION OPS AN 5,192,744 13 LANGLEY GULCH WATER BETTERMENT 4,856,493 14 BAYHA ISLAND RESEARCH PROJECT 4,707,424 15 SHOSHONE FALLS UPGRADE - REPLA 4,382,017 16 REL-HCC OREGON REAUTHORIZATION 3,790,834 17 B2H TLINE CONSTRUCTION COSTS 3,162,876 18 METEOROLOGY MOOEL FOR OPERATIO 3,1 1 6,606 19 BULL TROUT PROGRAM . ADMINISTR 3,049,751 20 BTLR1 5OOO1 NEW METALCLAD 2,854,365 21 GRAND VIEW IRRIGATION UPGRADE 2,825,728 22 NEWX14OOO5 - NEW 138KV LINE FR 2,702,515 23 WDRI.KCHM NEW 138KV 2,583,099 24 WQ HCC4O1 APPLICATION, REVISIO 2,421 ,271 25 FALL CHINOOK PROGRAM - REDD SU 2,342.937 26 TOOMHZ SPECTRUM PURCHASE 2,202,592 27 HBND-041:ALT LINE ROUTE TO GAR 2,025,580 28 SFP EQUIPMENT SKIP 2,015,864 29 LOWER SALMON UNIT 2 REFURB 1,923,786 30 HCC RELICENSING WATER QUALITY 1,831,430 31 BOBN160002 REPLACE C232 SERIES 1,629,492 32 MAINSTEM FLOW AND TEMPERATURE 1,389,679 33 22OMHZ SPECTRU M PURCHASE 1,367,707 34 BUILD ELDR SUBSTATION 1,340,164 35 BYRL1TOOOI STA WORK FDR O13 FO 1,250,079 36 DONN.REPLACE METAL-CLAD E WOP 1,234,321 37 HC SEDIMENT PROGRAMS 1 ,1 88,048 38 VARIlTOOO5 - GRID MOD PLAN, SC 1,175,785 39 SHOSHONE FALLS SITE ACCESS IMP 1 ,099,814 40 VARIl60010. MOBILE VEHICLE RA 1,08s,492 41 HCC HOUSING RENOVATIONS #562,1,041,253 42 SFP INTAKE MOOI FICATION 1,040,471 43 TOTAL 480,258,675 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-87)Page 216 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An ls: Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2UUA4 1. Report below descriptions and balances at end of year of projects in process of construction (1 07) 2. Show items relating to "research, development, and demonstration" projects last, under a caption Research, Development, and Demonstrating (see Account 1 07 of the Uniform System of Accounts) 3. Minorprojects(5%oftheBalanceEndoftheYearforAccountl0Tor$1,000.000,whicheverisless)maybegrouped. Line No. Description of Project (a) Conslruction work in progress Electric (Account'1 07) (b) 1 BOCB17OO34 - MBE 9 PURCHASE A 1,028,571 2 Other Minor Projects Under $1.000,000 55,090,353 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 1a 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 TOTAL 480,258.675 FERC FORM NO.1 (8D.12-87)Page 216.1 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) Original Da, Resubmission 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR DEPRECIATION OF ELECTRIC UTILITY PLANT (tr65sun1 1gg; 1. Explain in a footnote any important adjustments during year. 2. Explain in a footnote any difference between the amount for book cost of plant retired, Line 11, column (c), and that reported for electric plant in service, pages 204-207, column 9d), excluding retirements of non-depreciable property. 3. The provisions of Account 108 in the Uniform System of accounts require that retirements of depreciable plant be recorded when such plant is removed from service. lf the respondent has a significant amount of plant retired at year end which has not been recorded and/or classified to the various reserve functional classifications, make preliminary closing entries to tentatively functionalize the book cost of the plant retired. ln addition, include all costs included in retirement work in progress atyear end in the appropriate functional classifications. 4. Show separately interest credits under a sinking fund or similar method of depreciation accounting. Section A. Balances and Changes During Year Ltne No. Item (a) - Total.(c+d+e) (b) Eleqlrrc rlant rnSeruce (c) tslecmc PlantLeased to Others(e) 1 Balance Beginning of Year 2,256,354,154 2,256,354,1s4 2 Depreciation Provisions for Year, Charged to 3 (403) Depreciation Expense 156,332,587 156,332,587 4 (403.1) Depreciation Expense for Asset Retirement Costs 566,665 566,665 5 (413) Exp. of Elec. Plt. Leas. to Others 6 Transportation Expenses-Clearing 4,638,583 4,638,583 7 Other Clearing Accounts I Other Accounts (Speci!, details in footnote): I Fuel Stock 244,670 244,670 't0 TOTAL Deprec. Prov for Year (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 9) 161 ,782,505 161,782,505 't'l Net Charges for Plant Retired 12 Book Cost of Plant Retired 61,786,072 61 ,786,072 13 Cost of Removal 16,529,633 16,529,633 14 Salvage (Credit)2,965,438 2,965,438 15 TOTAL Net Chrgs. for Plant Ret. (Enter Total of lines 12 thru 14) 75,350,267 75,3s0,26i 16 Othar Debit or Cr. ltems (Describe, detrails in footnote): 26,514,956 17 18 Book Cost or Asset Retirement Costs Retired 19 Balance End of Year (Enter Totals of lines 1, 10, 15, 16, and 18) 2,369,301,348 2,369,301,348 Sectlon B. Balances at End of Year According to Functional Classification 20 Steam Production 682.108,587 682.1 08,58i 21 Nuclear Production 22 Hydraulic Production-Conventional 434.817,800 434,817,800 23 Hydraulic Production-Pum ped Storage 24 Other Production 113,048,970 113,048,970 25 Transmission 376,318,187 376,318,1 87 26 Distribution 641 ,913,009 641 ,913,009 27 Regional Transmission and Market Operation 2B General 121,094,795 121,094,795 aa TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 20 thru 28)2,369,301,348 2,369,301,348 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12-05)Page 219 26,514,05t Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 219 Line No.: 16 Golumn: cfncludes: Vatmy deprecia:ion adjustments (ID 33771 and OR 17-235), Retirement Obligation ac--ivity. CIAC and Asset FERC FORM NO.1 1 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiAn Orlginal(2) ;-iA Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 I NVESTMENTS IN SUBSIDIARY COMPANIES Account 123.1 1. Report below investments in Accounts 123.1, investments in Subsidiary Companies.2. Provide a subheading for each company and List there under the information called for below. Sub - TOTAL by company and give a TOTAL in columns (e),(f),(g) and (h) (a) lnvestment in Securities - List and describe each security owned. For bonds give also principal amount, date of issue, maturity and interest rate. (b) lnvestment Advances - Report separately the amounts of loans or investment advances which are subject to repayment, but which are not subject to current settlement. With respect to each advance show whether the advance is a note or open account. List each note giving date of issuance, maturity date, and specirying whether note is a renewal. 3. Report separately the equity in undisfibuted subsidiary earnings since acquisition- The TOTAL in column (e) should equal the amount entered for Acmunt 418.1. Lane No. Description of lnvestment (a) Date Acquired (b) Date Of,1,$,,,Amount ot lnvestment at Beoinnino of Year- (d)- 1 ldaho Energy Resources Company 2 Common Stock 02t01t74 500 3 Capital contributions 2,462,594 4 Equity in earnings 69,749,884 5 6 Subtotal ldaho Energy Resources Gompany 72,212,978 7 8 9 10 11 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 J2 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 TOTAL 72,212,978 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-89)Page 224 Name ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission (Mo, Da, 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 201BlQ4 4. For any securities, notes, or accounts thatwere pledged designate such securities, notes, or accounts in a footnote, and state the name of pledgee and purpose of the pledge. 5. lf Commission approval was required for any advance made or security acquired, designate such fact in a footnote and give name of Commission, date of authorization, and case or docket number. 6. Report column (f) interest and dividend revenues form inveslments, including such revenues form securities disposed of during the year. 7. ln column (h) report for each investment disposed of during the year, the gain or loss represented by the difference between cost of the investrnent (or the other amount at which carried in the books of account if difference from cost) and the selling price thereof, not including interest adjustrnent includible in column (f). 8. Report on Line 42, column (a) the TOTAL cost of Account 1 23.1 hquity in Subsidiary Earninls,of Year Hevenues lor Year (f) Amount ot lnvestment at End flfear Gain or Loss trom Investment oisol.s,eo or Line No. 1 500 2 2,462.594 3 8,813,793 24,000,000 54,563,677 4 5 8,81 3,793 24,000,000 57,026.771 6 7 I I 10 1',! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2S 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 41 8,813,793 24,000,000 57,026,771 42 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-89)Page 225 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]Rn Orisinat(2) 3 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1. For Account 154, report the amount of plant materials and operating supplies under the primary functional classifications as indicated in column (a); estimates of amounts by function are acceptable. ln column (d), designate ttre department or departments which use the class of material. 2. Give an explanation of important inventory adjustments during [re year (in a footnote) showing general classes of material and supplies and the various ac@unts (operating expenses, clearing ac,counts, plant, etc.) affected debited or credited. Show separately debit or credits to stores expense clearing, if applicable. Line No Account (a) Balance Beginning of Year (b) Balance End of Year (c) Department or Departments which Use Material(d) 1 Fuel Stock (Account 1 51 )56,638,459 47,979,122 Electric 2 Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed (Account 152)5 Electric 3 Residuals and Extracted Products (Account 153) 4 Plant Materials and Operating Supplies (Account 154) 5 Assigned to - Construction (Estimated) 6 Assigned to - Operations and Maintenance 7 17,946,659 17,733,796 8 Transmission Plant (Estimated)10,01 1 ,948 9,422.601 I Dishibution Plant (Estimated)24,559,578 27,1 60,s00 10 Regional Transmission and Market Operation Plant (Estimated) 11 Assigned to - Other (provide detrails in foohote)1,338,445 -7 12 TOTAL Account 1 54 (Enter Total of lines 5 thru 1 'l )s3,856,630 53,553,674 Electric 13 lVlerchandise (Account 1 55) 14 Other Materials and Supplies (Account '156) '15 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale (Account 157) (Not applic to Gas Util) 16 Stores Expense Undistributed (Account 163)'t,888,307 1,433,6s2 17 18 19 20 TOTAL Materials and Supplies (Per Balance Sheet)112383,401 102,966,448 FERC FORM NO. r (REV.12-0s)Page 227 Production Plant (Estimated) Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Sclredule Page: 227 Line No.: 11 Column: cThis amount represents miscellaneous inventory thaE is not yet assigned to a particular function, offset by a year-end reserve for obsolete inventory. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1)E An Orisinal (2) n A Resubmission Oate of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16120't9 Year/Period of Report gn6 o1 2018/Q4 Transmission Service and Generation lnterconnection Study Costs 1. Report the particulars (details) called for concerning the costs incurred and the reimbursements received for performing transmission service and generator interconneclion studies. 2. List each study separately. 3. ln column (a) provide the name of the study. 4. ln column (b) report the cost incurred to perform the study at the end of period. 5. ln column (c) report the account charged with the cost of the study. 6. ln column (d) report the amounts received for reimbursement of the study costs at end of period. 7. ln column (e) report the account credited with the reimbursement received for performing the study. Line No Description (a) Costs lncuned During Period (b) Account Charged (c) Reimbursements Received During the Period (d) Account Credited With Reimbursement (e) 1 Transmission Studies 2 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 't1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 20 21 Generation Studies 22 BAKER CITY 1 SOLAR 269 1 86623 I 86623 aa JACKPOT ANNEX SOLAR #523 762 1 86623 ( 762)1 86623 24 CAT CREEK PUMP STORAGE#524 1 86623 ( 7,861)1 86623 .E ONTARIO SOLAR #525 8,918 1 86623 ( 362)1 86623 26 WARM SPRINGS HYDRO #526 1 86623 ( 30,000)I 86623 27 SHOSHONE FALLS HYDRO PROJECT IPCO 1 86623 ( 4,988)1 86623 28 AMALGAMATED SUGAR #531 13,276 1 86623 ( 31,000)1 86623 29 CAT CREEK PUMP STORAGE #530 8,566 1 86623 ( 60,000)I 86623 30 GEM-VALE #534 3OOMW 9,780 1 86623 ( 70,000)1 86623 31 GENT-VALE WIND #535 sOOMW 5,548 '186623 ( 70,000)1 86623 32 VERDE LIGHT POWER #532 3MW 2,465 1 86623 ( 11,000)1 86623 33 BORREGO SOLAR #533 6,067 1 86623 ( 9,750)1 86623 34 OLD CAMP SOLAR SOMW 1,721 1 86623 ( 60,000)1 86623 35 MASON DAM HYDRO #538 2MW 1 86623 ( 500)186623 Jb 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.'tll-Fl3-Q (NEW. 03-07)Page 231 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 231 Line No.: 22 Column: d Amounts represent both reimburseme;rts received (credi: amounts)and refunds back to the counterparti-es (debit amounts). Refunis are i-nitiated when the inrtial deposit exceedsthe fical expenses, FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of(Mo, Da Report , Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2A181Q4 OTHER REGULATORY ASSETS (Account 1 82.3) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for conceming other regulatory assets, including rate order docket number, if applicable. 2. Minor items (5% of the Balance in Account 182.3 at end of period, or amounts less than $100,000 which ever is less), may be grouped by classes. 3. For Regulatory Assets being amortized, show period of amortization. Line No. Description and Purpose of Other Regulatory Assets (a) Balance at Beginning of Cunent Quarterffear (b) Debits (c) CREDITS Balance at end ol Cunent Quarterffear (0 Written ofi During the ouarter /Year Account Charsed (d) Written otf During the Period Amount (e) 1 Fixed Cost Adjustment (FCA) (1 82302)15,542J27 34,502,069 400 15,542,127 34,502,069 2 order Pending (Amorl period 06/19 thru 05/20 3 4 AOCI lmpact of Unfunded Post Retirement Liability 3,045,521 2283 3,153,456 -107,935 5 Order#30256 (182306) 6 7 FCA Calender Mo Adjustment ( 704,07s)1,585,585 881,s10 B 0rder#33295 (182308) I 10 Prior Year FCA - Order #33527 (1 82309)16,017,844 15,606,71 'l 400 24,504,916 7,1 19,639 't1 (Amort pedod 06/18 thru 05/19) Order#34079 12 13 PCA Unbilled Amortization (1 8231 6)( 1,346,828)1,346,828 14 15 AOCI lmpact 0f Unfunded Pension Liability ?77,120,492 15,225,643 2283 1 3,564,466 278,781,669 16 Order#30256 (182320) 't7 18 Defened Pension Expense Net of Contributions 23,032,921 36,152,743 1823 38,160,690 21,024,974 19 Order#30333 (182321) 20 21 FAS 109 Unfunded (182322\322,260,285 35,942,056 3s8,202,341 22 Accum Defened lncomo Noncurrent 23 24 PCA PriorYear Defenal (182324)4,482,791 Various 4,482,791 25 (Amort period 06117 thru 05118) 26 27 ldaho Pension Cash - Order #32248 (182327\104,688,433 39,276,027 Various 17,153,713 126,810,747 28 (Amort period beginning 06/11 thru indelinite) 29 30 ASC 815 Mark to Market (182330)1 ,419,163 244 508,638 91 0,525 31 0rder #28661 32 33 Oregon Pension Expense Capilalized (182339)4,39i,606 634,828 4073 135,861 4,896,573 34 Order#'10{64 35 36 Asset Retirement Oblioations (182341)15,629,470 1,934,008 17,563,478 37 IPUC Order #29414-OPUC 0rder #04-585 38 39 2008 PCAM Unbilled Amort (182356)843 402 843 40 41 RA-Hells Canyon-Baker Co-Order #33948 (1 82360)3,085,321 4073 2,771,815 31 3,506 42 43 Lidar Surveys - Order#32426 (182361)174,418 402 43,604 1 30,814 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REv. 02-04)Page 232 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiAn Originat(2) 1-1A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018tQ4 OTHER REGULATORY ASSETS (Account '182.3) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for conceming other regulatory assets, including rate order docket number, if applicable. 2. Minor items (5% of the Balance in Account 182.3 aI end of period, or amounts less than $100,000 which ever is less), may be grouped by classes. 3. For Regulatory Assets being amortized, show period of amortization. Line No. Description and Purpose of Other Regulatory Assets (a) Balance at Beginning of Cunent Quarter/Year (b) Debits (c) CREDITS Balance at end of Cunent Quarterffear (0 Written otl During lhe 0uarter flear Account Charsed (d) Written off During the Period Amount (e) 1 (Amort period 01/12Ihru 121211 2 3 RA-lntervenor Funding-ldaho (1 82387)I 50,754 41,717 192,471 4 5 RA-C0NTRA-DEF rNC TAx (182389)262,069,157 Various 6,127,411 255,941,746 6 7 ldaho Boardman ARO - Order# 29414 (182393 1 30,669 Various '130,669 8 I Langley Revenue Accrual - Order#12-226 (182398)1,186,995 95,1 04 1,282,099 10 11 RA-OR Langley Rev lnt Res {182399)( 125,700)4'190 34,011 -159,71 1 12 13 Siemens Long Term Defened Rate Base (182410)10,769,931 4073 431,488 10,338,443 14 Order#33420 (Amort period 01/'16 thru 12143) 15 16 Siemens Long Term Defened Rate Base (182411l.16,070,904 4073 643,867 15,427,037 17 Order #33420 (Amort period 01/'16 thru 12143) 1B 19 Siemens Long Term Defened Rate Base (182412\426,648 32,697 Various 44,047 4 1 5,298 20 Order#15-387 (Amorl period 01/16 thru '12136) 21 22 Siemens Long Term Defered Rate Base (1824131 707,684 4073 39,316 668,368 23 Order#'15-387 (Amort period 01/16 thru 12136) 24 25 Seimens Long Term lnterest Reserve (182414)( 67 865)41 90 32,697 -1 00,562 26 27 RA-Valmy 0&M lD 33771 (182432)( 738,442)Vanous 1,969,609 -2,708,051 28 29 RA-Valmy OR Depr Adj 17-325 (182434)1,281,969 403 393,456 888,513 30 (Amort period 06/'17 lhru 12125\ 31 32 RA-Valmy Acctg Adj lD 33771 (182435)44,107,596 33J42,248 77,249,844 33 34 RA-Valmy Decomm OR (182436)15,451 '1,98't ,949 1,997,400 35 OPUC Order #17-235 (Amort period 06117 thru 12125 36 37 ldaho Boardman Decomissioning (182493)Various 5,438,694 -s,438,694 38 Ofier#32549 &#32457 ?o 40 RA-lD Eoardman Decomm (182495)5,292,856 5,292,856 41 IPUC 0rder #32457 42 43 RA-OR Boardman Decomm {182496)237/89 237,789 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REV. 02-04)Page 232.1 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) Original (Mo, Da, Resubmission o411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018tQ4 OTHER REGULATORY ASSETS (Account 182.3) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for conceming other regulatory assets, including rate order docket number, if applicable. 2. Minor items (5% of the Balance in Account 182.3 at end of period, oramounts less than $100,000 which ever is less), may be grouped by classes. 3. For Regulatory Assets being amortized, show period of amortization. Line No. Description and Purpose of Other Regulatory Assets (a) Balance at Beginning of Cunent Quarterffear (b) Debits (c) CREDITS Balance at end of Cunent QuarteriYear (0 Written off During the Quailer /Year Account Charg8d (d) Written off During the Period Amounl (e) I OPUC Order#12-235 2 3 Oregon DSM Rider (254202)6,272,529 2,257 ,714 Various 7,132,494 1,39i,749 4 Advice #05-03 5 6 Minor ltems (10)991,582 512,593 Vanous 1,282,263 221,912 7 8 I 10 11 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 TOTAL 'r,132,096,194 225,801,1 6s 143,722,942 1,214,174,417 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REV. 02-04)Page 232.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) (Mo, A Resubmission 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report below the pa(iculars (details) called for concerning miscellaneous deferred debits. 2. For any deferred debit being amortized, show period of amortization in column (a) 3. Minor item (1olo of the Balance at End of Year for Account 186 or amounts less than $100,000, whichever is less) may be grouped by classes. Line No. Description of Miscellaneous Deferred Debits (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) Debits (c) CREDITS Balance at End ofYear (0ChargedAmount (e) 1 Prepaid Credit Facility 186025 1,008,962 431 262,302 746,660 2 Amortization period 1 1 I 1 6-1 1 120 3 4 Prepaid Services 186052 3,1 87,5't 1 3,449,778 Various 2,963,449 3,673,840 A Lonq-term portion 6 7 Workers Compensation 1 861 21 1,020,064 98,548 1,118,6',t2 8 I Prepaid ROW 186160 669,377 311,973 401 362,571 618,779 10 Lonq-term portion 11 12 CARB lnventory 186650 843,050 843,050 13 14 Coal Royalties 186709 1,007,388 151 63.770 943.618 15 16 Stable Value Life lnv 186719 43,159,437 2,310,575 4262 34,268 45,435,744 17 18 Security Plan 186720 12,274,448 222,237 4262 1 ,929,146 10,567.539 19 Net lnsurance Asset 20 21 Retiree MedicaLCOLI 186726 3,889,0s7 411.224 4262 451,1 88 3.849.0S3 22 23 American Falls Water Rts'186727 7,380,895 401 1,042,008 6,338.887 24 Amortization period 0 1 /06-02/25 25 26 American Falls Bond Refi '186770 343.994 401 47,999 295,995 27 Amortization period 1 2 I 09-021 25 28 29 Regulatory Reserves 1 86800 -2.772,230 1.649,843 -1j22.387 30 31 Minor ltems (6)'t,963,785 2.608.726 Various 4,476,898 95,613 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Misc. Work in Progress 48 Detened Regulatory Comm. Expenses (See pages 350 - 351 ) 49 TOTAL 73j32,688 73,405,043 FERC FORM NO.1 (8D.12.94)Page 233 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5.1Rn orisinat(2) nA Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 'l . Report the information called for below concerning the respondent's accounting for defened income taxos. 2. At Other (Speciff), include defenals relating to other income and deductions. Line No. Description and Location (a) tsalance ot Beornrnoof Year - (b) Llalance at Endof Year (c) 1 Electric 2 3 4 5 Other Electric (See footnote)89,557,247 s6,930,307 6 7 Other (See footnote)182,469,703 178.068,785 8 TOTAL Electric (Enter Totral of lines 2 thru 7)272,026,950 274,999,O92 o Gas 10 11 12 13 14 15 Other 16 TOTAL Gas (EnterTotal of lines 10 thru 15 17 Other Non Electric (See footnote)17,786,96S 18,384,170 18 TOTAL (Acct '190) (Total of lines 8, 16 and 17)289,81 3,91S 253,383,262 Notes FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-E8)Page 234 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 234 Line No.: 5 Column: c Construction Advances Postretirement Benefits USBR-American Falls O&M Costs Settlement Non-VEBA Pension and Benefits Executive Deferred Compensation Retention Pay Accrual Stock Based Cornpensation Pension Expense-Oregon Bridger Revenue Deferral Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO) I ncentive Deferral-Profit Shari ng-Not i n Rates OR Reconnect Fees Adv Rate Case Disallowance Prov for Rate Refund-HC Relicensing (AFUDC) Revenue Sharing VEBA-Post Retirernent Benefits Deferred ldaho ITC Deferred GBC Federal TotalOther Electric Beginning Balance 1,420,074 436,208 74,148 (238,565) 28,8OB 21,449 3,209,060 2,714,789 377,040 1,230,333 3,752,926 237 1,356,867 31,085,864 0 7,854,162 29,195,228 7,038,619 Ending Balance 1,082,811 313,224 64,475 (468,289) 4,427 0 3,437,429 3,019,304 499,057 1,423,588 3,491,132 955 't,268,220 35,136,616 1,293,322 g,g76,0gg 26,408,291 10,979,656 89,557.247 96,930,307 Schedule Page: 234 Line No.:7 Column: c Pension-FAS '158 Regulatory Liability-FAS 1 09 Minimum Pension Liability Postretirement Plan-FAS 1 58 TotalOther Beginning Balance 72,068,421 98,743,759 10,866,388 791,135 Ending Balance 72,101,874 98,042,z',t7 7,952,476 (27,7821 182,469,703 178,068,785 Schedule Page: 234 Line No.: 17 Column: c Senior Management Security Plan Total Non Electric Beginning Balance 17,786,969 Ending Balance 18,384,170 17,7B6,969 18,384,170 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company 1 (2)A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for concerning common and preferred stock at end of year, distinguishing separate series of any general class. Show separate totals for common and prefened stock. lf information to meet the stock exchange reporting requirement outlined in column (a) is available from the SEC 10-K Report Form filing, a specific reference to report form (i.e., year and company title) may be reported in column (a) provided the fiscal years for both the 10-K report and this report are compatible. 2. Entries in column (b) should represent the number of shares authorized by the articles of incorporation as amended to end of year. Line No. Class and Series of Stock and Name of Stock Series (a) Number of shares Authorized by Charter (b) Par or Stated Value per share (c) Call Price at End of Year (d) 1 Account 201 2 Common Stock all of which is held by 50,000,000 2.50 a ldaCorp, lnc. and not traded 4 Total Common Stock 50,000,000 2.50 5 b Account 204 - None 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-91)Page 250 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2') Reoort ls: []An orisinal nA Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 3. Give particulars (details) concerning shares of any class and series of stock authorized to be issued by a regulatory commission which have not yet been issued. 4. The identification of each class of preferred stock should show the dividend rate and whether the dividends are cumulative or non-cumulative. 5. State in a footnote if any capital stock which has been nominally issued is nominally outstanding at end of year. Give particulars (details) in column (a) of any nominally issued capital stock, reacquired stock, or stock in sinking and other funds which is pledged, stating name of pledgee and purposes of pledge. OUTSTANDING PER BALANCE SHEET(Total amount outstanding without reduction for amounts held by respondent) HELD BY RESPONDENT Line No.AS REACQUIRED STOCK (Acmunt 217)IN SINKING AND OTHER FUNDS Shares(e)Amount(f)Sh 'es Amount fi) 1 39,150,812 97,877,030 2 39,150,812 97,877,030 4 b 7 B I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 3B 20 40 41 42 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-88)Page 251 Jnares(q) Name of ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018iQ4 OTHER PAID{N CAPITAL (Accounts 2A8-21'l ,lnc.) Report below the balance at the end of the year and the information specified below for the respective other paid-in capital accounts. Provide a subheading for each ac@unt and show a total for the account, as well as total of all accounts for reconciliation with balance sheet, Page 1 12. Add more columns for any account if deemed necessary. Explain changes made in any account during the year and giv6 the accounting entries effecting such change. (a) Donations Received from Stockholders (Account 208)-State amount and give brief explanation of the origin and purpose of each donation. (b) Reduction in Par or Stated value of Capital Stock (Account 209): State amount and give brief explanation of the capital change which gave rise to amounts reported under this caption including identification with the class and series of stock to which related. (c) Gain on Resale or Cancellation of Reacquired Capital Stock (Account 210): Report balance at beginning of y6ar, credits, debits, and balance at end of year with a designation of the nature of each credit and debit identified by the class and series of stock to which related. (d) Miscellaneous Paid-in Capital (Account 21 1)-Classify amounts included in this account according to captions which, together with brief explanations, disclose the general nature of the transactions which gave rise to the reported amounts. LtneNo.Item(a)Amount(b) ,|Acmunt 208 - Donations received from stockholders - None 2 3 Account 209 - Reduction in par or stated value of Capital Stock - None 4 5 Account 210 - Gain on reacquired Capital Stock - None 6 7 I Account 211 - Miscellaneous paid-in Capital - None I 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 aa 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-87)Page 253 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company S: (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Da, 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 CAPITAL STOCK EXPENSE 1 . Report the balance at end of the year of discount on capital stock for each class and series of capital stock. 2. lf any change occurred during the year in the balance in respect to any class or series of stock, attach a statement giving particulars (details) of the change. State the reason for any charge-off of capital stock expense and specify the account charged. Lrne No- Class and Series ot Stock (a) Balance at End ot Year (b) I Common Stock 2,096,925 2 J 4 5 o 7 8 I 10 Explanation of Changes during the year: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 TOTAL 2,096,925 FERC FORM NO.'t (ED.12-87)Page 254b ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Da, 0411612019 YeariPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 1 . Report by balance sheet account the particulars (details) conceming long-term debt included in Accounts 221 , Bonds,222, Reacquired Bonds, 223, Advances from Associated Companies, and 224, Olher long-Term Debt. 2. ln column (a), for new issues, give Commission authorization numbers and dates. 3. For bonds assumed by the respondent, include in column (a) the name of the issuing company as well as a description of the bonds. 4. For advances from Associated Companies, report separately advances on notes and advances on open accounts, Designate demand notes as such. lnclude in column (a) names of associated companies from which advances were received. 5. For receivers, certificates, show in column (a) the name of the court -and date of court order under which such certificates were issued. 6. ln column (b) show the principal amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 7. ln column (c) show the expense, premium or discount with respect to the amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 8. For column (c) the total expenses should be listed first for each issuance, then the amount of premium (in parentheses) or discount. lndicate the premium or discount with a notation, such as (P) or (D). The expenses, premium or discount should not be netted. 9. Furnish in a footnote particulars (details) regarding the treatment of unamortized debt expense, premium or discount associated with issues redeemed during the year. Also, give in a footnote the date of the Commission's authorization of treatment other than as specified by the Uniform System of Accounts. Line No Class and Series of Obligation, Coupon Rate (For new issue, give commission Authorization numbers and dates) (a) Principal Amount Of Debt issued (b) Total expense, Premium or Discount (c) 1 Account22l'. 2 First Mortgage Bonds: 3 4.50% Series due2020 130,000,000 1 ,'1 99,383 4 235,300 D 5 6 5.50% Series due 2033 70,000,000 728,701 7 36,400 D 8 9 3.40% Series due 2020 100,000,000 1,'159,871 10 499,000 D 11 12 5.30% Series Due 2035 60,000,000 3,849,739 13 408,600 D 't4 15 4.00% Series due2043 75,000,000 742,017 16 194,250 D 17 18 6.00% Series due 2032 100,000,000 1,191,216 't9 544,000 D 20 21 5.875o/o Series due 2034 55,000,000 585,759 22 748,000 D 23 24 5.50% Series due2034 50,000,000 524,419 25 383,500 D 26 27 4.85% Series Due 2040 '100,000,000 1,284,871 28 170,000 D 29 30 6.30% Series due 2037 140,000,000 1,500,031 31 278,600 D 32 33 TOTAL 1,985,345,000 34,005,796 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 256 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (21 An of Report Da, Yr) A Resubmission 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 10. ldentify separate undisposed amounts applicable to issues which were redeemed in prior years. 11. Explain any debits and credits other than debited to Account 428, Amodization and Expense, or credited to Account 429, Premium on Debt - Credit. 12. ln a footnote, give explanatory (details) for Accounts 223 and 224 of net changes during the year. With respect to longterm advances, show for each company: (a) principal advanced during year, (b) interest added to principal amount, and (c) principle repaid during year. Give Commission authorization numbers and dates. 13. lf the respondent has pledged any of its long-term debt securities give particulars (details) in a footnote including name of pledgee and purpose ofthe pledge. 14. lf the respondent has any long-term debt securities which have been nominally issued and are nominally outstanding at end of year, describe such securities in a footnote. 1 5. lf interest expense was incurred during the year on any obligations retired or reacquired before end of year, include such interest expense in column (i). Explain in a footnole any difference between the total of column (i) and the total of Accounl 427, interest on Long-Term Debt and Account 430, lnterest on Debt to Associated Companies. 16. Give particulars (details) concerning any long-term debt authorized by a regulatory commission but not yet issued. Nominal Date of lssue (d) Date of Maturity (e) AIVIORTIZATION PERIOD uutstandrno(Totial amount oulstaniling without reduction for amounts held byrase?flfen0 lnterest for Year Amount (i) Line No.Date From (f) Date To (s) I 2 11120109 3t01t20 11t20t09 3101120 1,722,500 4 5 5/1 3t03 4to1t33 5/1 3/03 3/31/33 70,000,000 3,850,000 6 7 8 8/30i 1 0 11tUt2A 8/30/10 11101t20 100,000,000 3,400,000 9 JO 11 8t26105 8115t35 8t26t05 8/15/35 60,000,000 3,1 80,000 12 13 14 4108t't3 4101143 4t08113 4t01t43 75,000,000 3,000,000 15 16 17 11t15102 11t15t32 11t15102 11115t32 100,000,000 6,000,000 18 19 20 8l16l04 8115t34 8t't6104 8115134 55,000,000 3,231,250 21 22 23 3126104 3t15134 3126l04 3115134 50,000,000 2,750,000 24 25 26 8/30/1 0 8t15t40 8/30/10 8t15140 100,000,00c 4,850,000 27 28 23 6l22lA7 6115137 6t22t07 6115137 140,000,000 8,820,000 30 31 32 1.855,345,000 84,407,634 33 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 257 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) Reoort ls: 5]Rn Originat [lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report by balance sheet account the particulars (details) concerning long-term debt included in Accounts 221, Bonds,222, Reacquired Bonds, 223, Advances from Associated Companies, and 224, Olher long-Term Debt. 2. ln column (a), for new issues, give Commission authorization numbers and dales. 3. For bonds assumed by the respondent, include in column (a) the name of the issuing company as well as a description of the bonds. 4. For advances from Associated Companies, report separately advances on notes and advances on open accounts. Designate demand notes as such. lnclude in column (a) names of associated companies from which advances were received. 5. For receivers, certificates, show in column (a) the name of the court -and date of court order under which such certificates were issued. 6. ln column (b) show the principal amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 7. ln column (c) show the expense, premium or discount with respect to the amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 8. For column (c) the total expenses should be listed first for each issuance, then the amount of premium (in parentheses) or discount. lndicate the premium or discount with a notation, such as (P) or (D). The expenses, premium or discount should not be netted. 9. Furnish in a footnote particulars (details) regarding the treatment of unamortized debt expense, premium or discount associated with issues redeemed during the year. Also, give in a footnote the date of the Commission's authorization of treatment other than as specified by the Uniform System of Accounts. Line No Class and Series of Obligation, Coupon Rate (For new issue, give commission Authorization numbers and dates) (a) Principal Amount Of Debt issued (b) Total expense, Premium or Discount (c) 1 6.257o Series due 2037 100,000,000 1,227,490 2 268,000 D 3 4 Port of Morrow Variable due 2027 4,360,000 189,597 5 6 Humboldt 5.15% due 2024 49,800,000 I ,309,010 7 8 Sweetwater 5.25% due 2026 116,300,000 3,044,152 I 10 2.50% Series due2023 75,000,000 648,267 11 374,250 D 12 13 4.30% Series Due2042 75,000,000 802,240 14 49,500 D 't5 16 2.95% Series Due2022 75,000,000 708,490 17 128,250 D 18 19 3.657o Series Due 2045 2s0,000,000 2,559,510 20 1,715,000 D 21 22 4.05% Series Due 2046 120,000,000 1,311,383 23 309,600 D 24 25 Due 2,283,400 26 ldaho Order #33513 (4127116)814,000 D 27 Oregon Order #16-151 (U21116) 28 Wyoming Docket #20005-37-ES16 (5117116) 29 30 Subtotal Account 221 't,965,460,000 34,005,796 31 32 Account 222 - Reaquired Bonds 33 TOTAL 1,985,345,000 34,005,796 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 256.1 220,000,00( Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report ls:(1) [lAn Orisinal(2) ;-1A Resubmission Date of(Mo, Da Report r, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 L0nunueo 10. ldentify separate undisposed amounts applicable to issues which were redeemed in prior years. 11. Explain any debits and credits other than debited to Account 428, Amorlization and Expense, or credited to Account 429, Premium on Debt - Credit. 12. ln a footnote, give explanatory (details) for Accounts 223 and 224 of net changes during the year. With respect to long-term advances, show for each company: (a) principal advanced during year, (b) interest added to principal amount, and (c) principle repaid during year. Give Commission authorization numbers and dates. 13. lf the respondent has pledged any of its long-term debt securities give particulars (details) in a footnote including name of pledgee and purpose ofthe pledge. 14. lf the respondent has any long-term debt securities which have been nominally issued and are nominally outstanding at end of year, describe such securities in a footnote. 1 5. lf interest expense was incurred during the year on any obligations retired or reacquired before end of year, include such interest expense in column (i). Explain in a footnote any difference between the total of column (i) and the total of Accounl 427 , interest on Long-Term Debt and Account 430, lnterest on Debt to Associated Companies. 16. Give particulars (details) concerning any long{erm debt authorized by a regulatory commission but not yet issued. Nominal Date of lssue (d) Date of Maturity (e) AMORTIZATION PERIOD uutst lndino(Total amount outstantlino without' reduction for amounts hlld byrese?frfent) lnterest for Year Amount (i) Line No.Date From (f) Date To (s) 10118t07 10t15137 10/18107 10t15t37 100,000,00c 6,250,000 1 2 3 5117100 2101/27 05117t00 02101t27 4,360,000 70,934 4 5 8120t09 12101t24 8120l0s 12101t24 49,800,000 2,564,700 6 7 8t20t09 7t15126 8120l09 7115126 116,300,000 6,105,750 8 I 4t08t13 4101t23 4t08t13 4101123 75,000,000 1,875,000 10 11 12 4t13t12 4101142 4t13t12 4101t42 75,000,000 3,225,000 '13 14 15 4113112 4101t22 4t13t12 4lo1l22 75,000,000 2,212,500 16 17 '18 3/05/1 5 3t01t45 3t06115 3to1t4s 250,000,000 9,125,000 19 20 21 3t10t16 310'U46 3t10t16 3t1t46 120,000,000 4,860,000 22 23 24 3116118 3lo1l48 3t16t18 3t01t48 220,000,000 7,315,000 25 zo 27 28 29 1,835,460,000 84,407,634 30 31 32 1,855,345.000 84,407,634 33 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.96)Page 257.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiAn Original(2) 1-1A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 201BlQ4 1. Report by balance sheet account the particulars (details) concerning long-term debt included in Accounts 221 , Bonds,222, Reacquired Bonds, 223, Advances from Associated Companies, and 224, Olher long-Term Debt. 2. ln column (a), for new issues, give Commission authorization numbers and dates. 3. For bonds assumed by the respondent, include in column (a) the name of the issuing company as well as a description of the bonds. 4. For advances from Associated Companies, report separately advances on notes and advances on open accounts. Designate demand notes as such. lnclude in column (a) names of associated companies from which advances were received. 5. For receivers, certificates, show in column (a) the name of the court -and date of court order under which such certificates were issued. 6. ln column (b) show the principal amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 7. ln column (c) show the expense, premium or discount with respect to the amount of bonds or other long-term debt originally issued. 8. For column (c) the total expenses should be listed first for each issuance, then the amount of premium (in parentheses) or discount. lndicate the premium or discount with a notation, such as (P) or (D). The expenses, premium or discount should not be nefted. 9. Fumish in a footnote particulars (details) regarding the treatment of unamortized debt expense, premium or discount associated with issues redeemed during the year. Also, give in a footnote the date of the Commission's authorization of treatment other than as specified by the Uniform System of Accounts. Line No Class and Series of Obligation, Coupon Rate (For new issue, give commission Authorization numbers and dates) (a) Principal Amount Of Debt issued (b) Total expense, Premium or Discount (c) 1 2 Account 223: Advances for Associated Companies 3 4 Accnunt224'. 5 Bond Guarantee - American Falls 19,885,000 6 Subtotal Accounl224 19,88s,000 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 TOTAL 1,985,345.000 34,005,796 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.96)Page 256.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]An orisinat(2) l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) o4116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 10. ldentifo separate undisposed amounts applicable to issues which were redeemed in prior years. 11. Explain any debits and credits other than debited to Account 428, Amortization and Expense, or credited to Account 429, Premium on Debt - Credit. 12. ln a footnote, give explanatory (details) for Accounts 223 and 224 of net changes during the year. With respect to longterm advances, show for each company: (a) principal advanced during year, (b) interest added to principal amount, and (c) principle repaid during year. Give Commission authorization numbers and dates. 13. lf the respondent has pledged any of its long-term debt securities give particulars (details) in a footnote including name of pledgee and purpose ofthe pledge. 14. lf the respondent has any long-term debt securities which have been nominally issued and are nominally outstanding at end of year, describe such securities in a footnote. 15. lf interest expense was incuned during the year on any obligations retired or reacquired before end of year, include such interest expense in column (i). Explain in a footnote any difference between the total of column (i) and the total of Accounl 427, interest on Long-Term Debt and Account 430, lnterest on Debt to Associated Companies. 16. Give particulars (details) concerning any long-term debt authorized by a regulatory commission but not yet issued. Nominal Date of lssue (d) Date of Maturity (e) AMORTIZATION PERIOD (Jutstandino (Total amount outstani,ing without reduction for amounts held byresp?flfent) lnterest for Year Amount (i) Line No.Date From (f) Date To (s) 1 2 3 4 4t26t00 2101t25 19,885,000 5 19,885,000 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 1,855,345,000 84,407,634 33 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 257.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 256.1 Llne No.: 25 Column: aUnamortlzed debt expense at refunding is amortized by equal monthly amolin:s over the fife of the new issue. FERC FORM NO.1 450.1 Year/Period of Report End of 20181C'4(1) (2) An Original A Resubmissionldaho Power Company Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) o4t't6t2019 RECONCILIATION OF REPORTED NET INCOME WITH TAXABLE INCOME FOR FEDERAL INCOME TAXES 1. Report the reconciliation of reported net income for the year with taxable income used in computing Federal income tax accruals and show computation of such tax accruals. lnclude in the reconciliation, as far as practicable, the same detail as furnished on Schedule M-1 of the tax return for the year. Submit a reconciliation even though there is no taxable income for the year. lndicate clearly the nature of each reconciling amount. 2. lf the utility is a member of a group which files a consolidated Federal tax return, reconcile reported net income with taxable net income as if a separate return were to be field, indicating, however, intermmpany amounts to be eliminated in such a consolidated return. State names of group member, tax assigned to each group member, and basis of allocation, assignment, or sharing of the consolidated tax among the group members. 3. A substitute page, dasigned to meet a particular need of a company, may be used as Long as the data is consistent and meets the requirements of the above instructions. For electronic reporting purposes complete Line 27 and provide the substitute Page in the context of a footnote. Amount (b) Line No. Particulars (Details) (a) 222,334,2911Net lnmme for the Year (Page 117) 2 3 4 Taxable lncome Not Reported on Books 8,A7,'5 6 7 8 I Deductions Recorded on Books Not Deducted for Retum 10 11 12 13 14 lncome Recorded on Books Not lncluded in Return 7&820,0e15 16 17 't8 't9 Deductions on Return Not Charged Against Book lncome 20 149,211,232 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Federal Tax Net lncome 204,692,434 28 Show Computation of Tax: 29 Tentative Federal lax @ 21o/o 42,985,411 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 202,142jffi Name of Respondent ldaho Power Comoany This Rqport is: (1)X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 YearlPeriod of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA 4OOS-AVOIDED COST 4,420,007 4OO3-CONSTRUCTION ADVANCES '1,606,014) 2,060,89640,I3-CIAC - TAXABLE. ACCT 107 143,0414021-ENGINEERING FEES . TAXABLE - ACCT 107 3,229,3674024-RENEWABLE ENERGY CERTIFICATES (REC) SALES Total 9,247,297 261 Line No.:b Schedule 261 Line No.: 10 Column: b Schedule 261 Line No.: 15 Column: b FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Total Federal and State taxes deducted on books 16,134,602 (203,121)5OO1.BAD DEBT EXPENSE 5OO2-INVENTORY RESERVE ADJUSTMENT 1,654,824 5024-NON-DEDUCTIBLE M EALS 492,000 5,366,162sO7O-INCENTIVE DEFERRAL-CRI & RELIABILITY-INCLUDED IN RATES 501 O-POSTEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS 0 5023-PENSION EXPENSE 17,153,713 5035-PCA EXPENSE DEFERRAL 0 SO4T.EXECUTIVE DEFERRED COMP 0 3,768,6905053-STOCK BASED COMPENSATION (11,647,322\5058-FIXED COST ADJUSTMENT 5O6O-OREGON - PCAM (786,312) 5061-PENSION EXPENSE . OREGON 1,279,263 5067-ASSET RETIREMENT OBLIGATION (ARO,794,406 5071 -INCENTIVE DEFERRAL-PROFIT SHARING-NOT IN RATES 753,926 5075-EIM DEFERRAL 772,395 5504-NON-DEDUCTIBLE POLITICAL EXPENSES 938,916 2,950,5845505-SMSP - NET 7O1O-PROV FOR RATE REFUND - HC RELICENSING TAFUDC) 16,839,014 5,024,5627012-REVENUE SHARING 4,642,4563OO1 -VEBA . POST RETIREMENT BENEFITS 4,900,5638O2O-CONSERVATION EXPENSES 3OOg-DEPR TIMING DIFF - OPERATING - FEDERAL 129,512,939 3703-IPCO-1 62(m) THRESHHOLD 1,800,000 Iotal 202,142,',l60 5066-BOARDMAN DECOMMISSION 1,088,745 5074-VALMY SETTLEM ENT ADJUSTMENT 6,584,633 25,191 ,6015077-VALMY DEPRECIATION ADJ USTMENT 2,397,3295501.SMSP - INSURANCE COSTS 8,813,7937501-REVERSE EQUITY EARNINGS OF SUBSIDIARIES 24,352,523TsO2.ALLOWANCE FOR OFUDC 7So3-ALLOWANCE FOR BFUDC 10,151 ,31 3 - INSURANCE 240,145 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule 261 Line No.:20 Column: b FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.2 32,000,0005022.263A CAPITAL IZED OVE RHEADS 5538-STOCK BASED COMP - STOCK 3,539,'111 8702-STOCK BASED COMP - DIVIDENDS 667,188 8034-REMOVAL COSTS 16,529,633 2,622,9238o42-GAIN/LOSS ON REACQUIRED DEBT 8073-REPAI RS DEDUCTION 85,000,000 8077-PREPAID INSURANCE & OTHER EXPENSES (4e7,64s) 8o59-SOFTWARE - LABOR COSTS DEDUCTED . ACCT 107 4,280,000 8o72-RELICENSING. LABOR COSTS DEDUCTED - ACCT 107 2,462,000 STATE INCOME TAX DEDUCTED ON FEDERAL RETURN 2,608,022 Total 149,211,232 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission (Mo, Da, 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR 1. Give particulars (details) of the combined prepaid and accrued tax accounts and show the total laxes charged to operations and other accounts during the year. Do not include gasoline and other sales taxes which have been charged to the accounts to which the taxed material was charged. lf the actual, or estimated amounts of such taxes are know, show the amounts in a footnote and designate whether estimated or actual amounts. 2. lncludeonthispage,tiaxespaidduringtheyearandchargeddirecttofinalaccounts,(notchargedtoprepaidoraccruedtaxes.) Enter the amounts in both columns (d) and (e). The balancing of this page is not affected by the inclusion of these taxes. 3. lnclude in @lumn (d) taxes charged during the year, taxes charged to operations and other ac@unts through (a) accruals credited to taxes accrued, (b)amounts credited to proportions of prepaid taxes chargeable to current year, and (c) taxes paid and charged direct to operations or accounts other than accrued and prepaid tax accounts. 4. List the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that the total tax {or each State and subdivision can readily be ascertained. Line No. Kind of Tax (See instruction 5) (a) BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 'i ql lxesald rnngeale) Adiust ments (0 Taxes Accrued(Accomt 236)Preoaid Taxes(lnclude in Account 165) 1 Federal 2 lncome -22,211,260 21,785,861 7,194,234 1 Social Security - (FOAB)431,833 15,595,269 15,649,443 4 Unemployment 37,428 94,472 92.509 A Subtotal Federal -21,741 ,999 37,475,602 22,936,1 86 b 7 State of ldaho: I lncome -4,332,804 -2,635,249 -4,256,598 I Unemployment 22,775 199,492 208,1 94 10 Property 9,841,215 22,845,101 22,578,849 11 Non-Operating 9,044 17,648 17,868 12 kwh 105,033 2.157.522 2,175,683 13 Regulatory Commission 2,724.231 2,724,231 14 Business License - Sho Ban 150 150 15 Subtotal ldaho 5,645,263 25,308,895 23,448,377 16 't7 State of Oregon 18 lncome -357,714 525,059 489,294 19 Unemployment 2,194 48,092 47,244 20 Property 1,695,878 3,477,311 3,562,183 -513 21 Non-Operating Property 1,042 2,032 2,058 22 Regulatory Commission 255,980 255,980 23 Franchise 197,157 837,813 835,286 24 Subtotal Oregon -1 58,363 1,696,880 5,146,287 5,192,045 -513 25 26 State of Montana: 27 Property 179,456 340,253 349,735 28 Subtotal Montana 179,456 340,253 349,735 29 30 State of Nevada: 31 Property 415,074 839,533 846,710 32 Subtotal Nevada 415,074 839,633 846,710 33 34 State of Wyoming 35 Property 754,229 1,424,436 1,466,446 36 Corporate License 4,202 4,202 37 Subtotal Wyoming 754,229 1,428,638 1,470,648 38 39 40 41 TOTAL -1 5,1 56,342 2,111,954 s4,673,004 54,255,075 15,219 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 262 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]An orisinal(2) 1_1A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 5. lf any tax (exclude Federal and Slate income taxes)- covers more then one year, show the required information separately for each tax year, identifying the year in column (a). 6. Enter all ad.justments of the accrued and prepaid tax accounts in column (f) and explain each adjustment in a foo! note. Designate debit adjustments by parentheses. 7. Do not include on this page entries with respect to deferred income taxes or taxes collected through payroll deductions or otherwise pending transmittal of such laxes to lhe taxing authority. 8. Report in columns (i) through (l) how the taxes were distributed. Report in column (l) only the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 409.1 pertaining to electric operataons. Report in column (l) the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 109.1 pertaining to other utility departments and amounts charged to Accounts 408.2 and 409.2. Also shown in column (l) the taxes charged to utility plant or other balance sheet accounts. 9. For any tax apportioned to more than one utility department or account, state in a footnote the basis (necessity) of apportioning such tax. BALANCE AT :ND OF YEAR Line No.(Taxes accruedAccoln! 236) Prepaid Taxes (lncl. in \cryunt 16s) Electric(Account 408.1, 409.1 ) Extraordinary ltems (Account 409.3) Adruslments to F(et. Earnings (Account 439) (k) Other (t) 1 -7,619,635 20,035,445 1,750,416 2 377,660 15,595,269 3 39,391 94,472 4 -7,202,584 35,725,186 't ,750,416 5 6 7 -2,711,454 -2,816,167 180,918 8 14,073 199,492 I 10,107,466 22,844,092 1.009 10 8,824 r7,648 11 86,873 2,157,522 12 2,724,231 't3 150 14 7,505,782 25,109,320 199,57s 15 't6 17 -321,948 51 5,365 s.694 18 3,042 48,092 19 1.780,237 3,354,144 20 21 255,980 22 199,684 837,813 23 -119,222 1,780,237 5,01 1,394 134,893 24 25 26 169,975 344,253 27 169,975 340,253 28 29 30 422,251 839,633 31 422,251 839,633 32 33 34 712,218 35 4,202 36 712,218 a1 38 39 40 1,306,621 2,202,488 52,584,791 2,088,213 41 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 263 't23,'t61 2.032 1,424,436 1,428,638 S: ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Give particulars (details) of the combined prepaid and accrued tax accounts and show the total taxes charged to operations and other accounts during the year. Do not include gasoline and other sales taxes which have been charged to the accounts to which the taxed material was charged. lf the acfual, or estimaled amounts of such taxes are know, show the amounts in a footnote and designate whether estimated or actual amounts. 2. lnclude on this page, taxes paid during the year and charged direct to final accounts, (not charged to prepaid or accrued taxes.) Enter the amounts in both columns (d) and (e). The balancing of this page is not affected by the inclusion of these taxes. 3. lnclude in column (d) taxes charged during the year, taxes charged to operations and other accounts through (a) accruals credited to taxes accrued, (b)amounts credited to proportions of prepaid taxes chargeable to current year, and (c) taxes paid and charged direct to operations or accounts other than accrued and prepaid tax accounts. 4. List the aggregate of each kind of tax in such manner that the total tax for each State and subdivision can readily be ascertained. Ltne No. Kind of Tax (See instruction 5) (a) BALANCE AT BEGINNING OF YEAR Adjust ments (f) I axes Accrueo(Account 236)(b) PreDard I axes(lnclude tn Account 165) 1 State of Washington 2 Property 11,000 9,687 9,687 2 Subtotal Washington 11,000 9,687 9,687 4 6 Other States lnmme 155,143 61,334 7,237 o Canada GST fax -1,071 -5,550 7 Payroll Tax Credit -15,937,325 8 o 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1S 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 TOTAL -15,156,342 2,111,954 54.673.004 54,15,219 FERC FORM NO. I (EO.12-96)Page 282.1 I q 16,782 me 1ldaho Power Company (2)A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 201BlQ4 TAXES ACCRUED, PREPAID AND CHARGED DURING YEAR 5. lf any tax (exclude Federal and State income taxes)- covers more then one year, show the required information separately for each tax year, identifying the year in column (a). 6. Enter all adjustments of the accrued and prepaid tax accounts in column (f) and explain each adjustment in a foot- nole. Designate debit adjustments by parentheses. 7. Do not include on this page entries with respect to defened income taxes or taxes collected through payroll deductions or othenruise pending transmittal of such taxes to the taxing authority. 8. Report in columns (i) through (l) how the taxes were distributed. Report in column (l) only the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 409.'t pertaining to electric operations. Report in column (l) the amounts charged to Accounts 408.1 and 109.1 pertaining to other utility departments and amounts charged to Accounts 408.2 and 409.2. Also shown in column (l) the taxes charged to utility plant or other balance sheet accounts. 9. For any tax apportioned to more than one utility department or account, state in a footnote the basis (necessity) ol apportioning such tax. BALANCE AT :ND OF YEAR Line No.(Taxes accruedAccolnj 236) Prepaid Taxes (lncl. in ffiunt 165) Electric(Account408.1,409.1)Extraordinary ltems (Account 409.3) AOrustments to Het. Earnings (Acmunt 439) (k) Other (r) 1 11,000 9,687 2 1 1,000 9,687 3 4 209,241 58,00s 3.329 5 20,211 6 -15.937,325 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 1,306,621 2,202,488 52,584,791 2,088,213 41 FERC FORM NO.1 (EO.12-96)Page 2O3.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedu/eAccou:rt Accou:rt Page:262 LineAAO A C 409.1 $ No.:2 Column: I 621,0i2 1,723,344 rr,-,I,a- s l,r.:i,1:e Scftedule Page: 262 Line No.: 8 Column: I Ac r(,ui, i 4)':; .2 3 -r?i: , ' L? Schedule Page: 262 Line No.: 10 Column: I Accour-rt 107 $ 1, C09 Schedule Page: 262 Line No.: 11 Column: I Account 4A8.2 $ 17,648 Schedule Page: 262 Line No.: 18 Column: I Account 4a9.2 I 9, €94 Schedule Page: 262 Line No.: 20 Column: f A refund for erroneous taxes paii in the Schedule Page: 262 Line No.: 20 Column: I Account 107 $ 123,76'/ Schedule Page: 262 Line No.: 21 Column: I Account 4AB.2 $ 2,432 Schedule Page: 262-1 Line No.: 5 Column: I Account 4A9 .2 S 3, 329 prior year. Schedute Page: 262.1 Line No.:6 Column: f Canada GST accrua.I is an adjustment because the offset account is not a 600 expense account. ScDedule Page: 262.1 Line No.:7 Column: i This amount is an offset to Iines 3, 4, 9, and 19. Each month employer paid taxes flow into various 408.1 accounts. In that- same month these amount-s are offset- with a di-fferent 408.1 account. These payroll taxes are then allocated back to the balance sheet and O&M accounts based on current month labor charges. FERC FORM NO. 1 ED. 12-8 450.1 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 ED INVESTMENT TAX C Report below information applicable to Account 255. Where appropriate, segregate the balances and transactions by utility and nonutility operations. Explain by footnote any correction adjustments to the account balance shown in column (g).lnclude in column (i) the average period over which the tax credits are amortized. Lrne No. Account Subdivisions(a) tsalance,at ts€ginning (b) Deferred for Year Adjustments (s)ACCOUnT NO. (c) Amount(d)A@OUnr NO.(e)fvTt((f unI 1 Electric Utility 2 3Yo 3 4Yo 277,580 411.401 33,82C 4 7% 5 10%15,246,',!45 41't.401 1,634,952 6 Other- Federal 8,054.933 3,941,037 22,27C 7 Other- State 63,806,080 411.402 4,393,349 411.402 1,238,24e I TOTAL 87,384,738 8,334,386 2,929,28e I Other (List separately and show 3Yo, 4To,7o/o, 10% and TOTAL) 1C 1 1o/o 1 ,086,186 4'.t1.401 22,27C 11 30Yo 6,968,747 411.401 3,941,037 12 Total Line No. 6 8,054,933 3,941,037 22,27Q '13 14 15 State of ldaho 63,806,080 4'.t1.402 4,393,349 411.402 't,238,24e 16 't7 1B 1g 2A 21 22 aa 24 .E 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4e, 47 48 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-89)Page 266 Cr rrrcr Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5_1en Originat(2) l-l A Resubmission Dale of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 Balance at Endof Year (h) Averaoe Period of Allocation to lncome(i) ADJUSTMENT EXPLANATION Line No. 1 2 243,760 8.21 3 4 1 3,61 1 ,1 93 9.33 5 1 1,973,700 6 66,961 ,1 83 51.53 7 92,789,836 8 I 1,063,916 48.78 '10 10,909,784 11 11,973,700 12 13 14 66,961,183 15 to 17 18 19 20 21 22 ,'1. 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4B FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-89)Page 267 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort Is:(1) gNAn orisinat(2) nA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) a4116t2419 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 nt 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for concerning other deferred credits. 2. Fot any deferred credit being amortized, show the period of amortization. 3. Minor items (5% of the Balance End of Year for Account 253 or amounts less than $100,000, whichever is greater) may be grouped by classes. Line No. Description and Other Defened Credits (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) DEBITS Credits (e) Balance at End of Year (f) Conlra Account(c) Amount (d) 1 PTP Transmission Deposits 253201 1,847,225 237 526,788 275,000 1,595,437 2 J FTV Dark Fiber Rental 253202 1,666,666 400 400,000 1,266,666 4 Amortization period 03/98-02/23 5 6 Sho-Ban Scholarships 253480 157,500 15,000 't42,500 7 Amortization period 01 105-1 2127 8 I Operations Accrual 253550 438,284 Various 59,326 117,992 496,950 10 11 Postretirement Benefi ts 253960 1,216,876 238,856 1,455,732 12 13 Directors Deferred Compensation 3,419,719 401 413,236 342,239 3,348,722 14 253970-253999 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 rOTAL 8,746,270 1,414,350 974,O87 8,306,007 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-94)Page 269 242 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) []An orisinal(2) f-1A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 1. Report the information called for below concerning the respondent's accounting for deferred income taxes rating to property not subject to accelerated amortization 2. For other (Specify),include defenals relating to other income and deductions. Line No. Account (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) CHANGES DURING YEAR Amounts Debited to Account 41 0.1 (c) Amounts Credited to Account 41 1.1 (d) 1 Account 282 2 Electric 5,256,947 20,716,527 3 Gas 4 Other TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 2 thru 4)300,592,058 5,256,947 20,716,527 6 Non-Operating Property 7 Other - Regulatory Asset 5U,329,442 I Like Kind Exchange- Reclass No 5,409,423 I TOTAL Account 282 (Enter Total of lines 5 thru 890,330,923 5,256,947 20,716,52t 10 Classification of TOTAL 11 Federal lncome Tax 716,118,788 5,1 97,1 64 20,612,598 12 State lncome Tax 174,212,'.t35 59,783 103,929 13 Local lncome Tax NOTES FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. r2.96)Page 274 300,592,05€ 1 An ls: Originalldaho Power Company (2)A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 3. Use footnotes as required. CHANGES DURING YEAR ADJUSTMENTS Balance at End of Year (k) Line No. Amounts Debited to Account 410.2 (e) Amounts Credited to Account 41 1.2 (0 Debits Credits Account Credited(s) Amount (h) Account Debited (i) Amount (i) 1 254 3,359,749 282t254 7,510,55€289,283,28t 2 3 4 3,359,749 7.510,55S 289,283,28t 5 6 182 29,814,U4 6',t4.144,08e 7 282 -221,698 5,187,72!8 3,359,74!37,103,505 908,615,09S I 10 254 3,359,74S 182t254 36J65,721 733,s09,32€11 182 937,785 175,105,774 12 13 NOTES (Continued) FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 275 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2A1BtQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA No.:2 Column: b Accou nt Like Kind Exchange - Reclass Non-Rate Base Excess Deferred Tax on Depreciation (Reg Liab) CIAC-Taxable-Acct 107 Engineering Foes-Taxable-Acct 1 07 Software-Labor Costs Deducted-Acct 107 lntangible-Labor Costs D€duct€d-Acct 107 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-87)Page 450.1 2018 ChanEes during Year Adjustments Debits Adjustments Credits 2018 EeginninB Balance b DR to 410,1 c CR to 4LL.7 d Acct. credited Amount h Acct. debited i Amount I EndinE Balance k 490.499,923 (5,409,423) (193,991 ,452) (3,266,525) (41 6,628) 1,975,684 11.200,479 3,689,1 00 103,284 47 861 ,1 13 603,403 20,253,7A1 432,788 30,038 254967 3,359,749 282111 254967 221,698 7,288,861 473,935,322 ls,L87,72Sl (190,062,340) (3,s95,029) li446,6191 2,836,797 11,803,882 300,s92,0s8 5,2s6,947 20,716,527 3,1s9,749 7,510,559 289,283,288rfAL Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5l1An orisinat(2) f-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2UAQ4 1. Report the information called for below concerning the respondent's accounting for deferred income taxes relating to amounts recorded in Account 283. 2. For other (Speciff),include defenals relating to other income and deductions. Line No. Account (a) Balance at Beginning of Year (b) CHANGES DURING YEAR to Amounts Credited to Accotilt 411.1 1 Account 283 2 Electric 3 Other Electric - See Note 51.700.1 30,518,46S 15,060,757 4 5 6 7 I Other - See Note 7r,859,6r I TOTAL Electric (Total of lines 3 thru 8)124,559,721 30,518,469 15,060,757 10 Gas 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 TOTAL Gas (Total of lines 11 thru 16) 18 Other - See Note 1 11,350 19 TOTAL (Acct 283) (Enter Total of lines 9, 17 and 1B)124,556,461 30,s18,653 15,072,107 20 Classification of TOTAL 21 Federal lncome Tax 94,348,750 23,148,824 10,815,784 22 State lncome fax 34,207,711 7,369,829 4,256,324 23 Local lncome Tax NOTES FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 276 I -3,260 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission 0411612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 ACCUMULAIED DEFERRED INCOME TAXES - OTHER (Accounl 2B3) (Continued 3. Provide in the space below explanations for Page 276 and 277. lnclude amounts relating to insignificant items listed under Other, 4. Use foolnotes as required. CHANGFS DI,IING YFAR Balance at End of Year (k) Line No. Amounts Debited to Account 410.2 (e) Amounts Credited to Account 41 1.2 (0 Debits Credits crlafeo Amount (h) ACCTUnIDebited(i) Amount (i) 1 2 67,157,877 3 4 5 6 7 190 -785,464 72,074,092 8 -785,464 139,231 ,969 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 -14,426 18 -785,4U 139,217,543 19 20 190 84,111 106,765,901 21 190 -869,575 32,451,641 22 23 NOTES (Continued) FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. '2-96)Page 277 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1)X An Original (2) - A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule 276 Line No.:3 Column: b Account Renewable Energy Royalty lncome Pension Expense PCA Expense lntervenor Funding Orders Fixed Cost Adjustment PS & I Costs Oregon PCAM 2011 LIDAR Surveys Deferral Boardman Decommission Valmy Settlement Adjustment EIM Deferral Valmy Depreciation Adjustment Langley Revenue Accrual Conservation Expenses Siemens LTP Contract Prepaid Credit Facility Siemens OR DRB lnterest Reserve Boardman Removal Costs TOTAL Schedule 276 Line No.: I Column: b Account (a) 158 Postretirement Plan-FAS 1 58 TOTAL Schedule 276 Line No.: 18 Column: b Account a EDC-Unrealized Gain/Loss From Rabbit Trust SMSP-Unrealized Gainiloss From Rabbi Trust FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 2018 Changes during Year 2018 Beginning Balance b DR to 4t0.L c CR to 47L.7 d Ending Balance k 126,691 237,340 30,547,823 76,300 8,015,436 103,957 (202,380) 56,636 377,412 11,1s9,753 209,469 (444,450) 1,248,806 46,153 144,428 (8,958) 5,749 515,640 17 10,609,226 156 2,998,021 632 204,243 103 286,282 1,757,818 260 13,361,104 415,851 353,436 13,237 337 161 1,945 837,100 3,959 4,790,860 11,844 665,342 6,999,800 200,728 62,740 3,756 1,276,023 541 38,193 8,671 70 17,748 73,129 70,253 (t94,7691 233,398 36,366,190 58,708 10,940,327 34,336 1,863 44,895 (1,548) 5,977,777 9,001 73,298,354 (32,3ss) 326,279 58,849 L06,572 (17,469) 7,624 s1,700,165 30,518,469 15,060,757 67,157,877 2018 Changes during Year Adjustments Credits 2018 Beginning Balance b DR to 4L0.1 c CR to 47L.1 d Acct. debited i Amount Ending Balance k 72,068,421 791,135 190 190 33,454 (818,918) 72,Lot,875 (27,783) 72,859,556 190 {.785,4641 72,O74,O92 2018 Changes during Year 2018 Beginning Balance b DR to 410.1 c Ending Balance k CR to 417.7 d 4,473 (7,s86) 253 1 1 B 4 35 4,577 6,771 2 (63) {'74,6221 259 (3,250)184 11,350 (14,426].TOTAL Tax i Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company ThiS Reoort ls: lX lAn Original l-lA Resubmission (1 ) (2) Date of Report (Mo, Da, Y0 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 OTHER REGULATORY LIABILITIES (Account 254) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for concerning other regulatory liabilities, including rate order docket number, if applicable. 2. Minor items (5% of the Balance in Account 254 atend of period, or amounts less than $100,000 which ever is less), may be grouped by classes. 3. For Regulatory Liabilities being amortized, show period of amortization. Line No Description and Purpose of Other Regulatory Liabilities (a) Balance at Begining of Current Quarter/Year (b) DEBITS Credits (e) Balance at End of Current Quarter^fear (0 Account Credited (c) Amount (d) 'l Market to Market Short Term - (254001 )18,155 3,682,258 3,700,413 2 IPUC Order #28661 J 4 ldaho DSM Rider (254201)407,604 Various 33,663,001 38,514,354 5,258,957 5 IPUC 0rder #29026 6 7 BPA Credit Residential Idaho (254401 )964,483 Various 10,002,245 I 0,935,1 51 1,897,389 8 Advice #1 5-1 3 o 10 BPA Credit ResidentJal 0regon (254402)93,231 Various 389,1 90 391,64:95,684 1'l Advice #15-1 I 12 13 BPA Credit Farm ldaho (254403)( 34,946)Various 1,597,875 1,971 ,28C 338,4s9 14 Advice #1 5-1 3 15 '16 BPA Credit Farm 0regon (254404)1,734 Various 95,603 108,3sS 14,490 17 Advice #15-1 1 18 19 0rEon Green Tags (254415)108,044 Various 64,651 128,439 171,832 20 Advice #1 1-086 21 22 ldaho Tax Setuement (254451 )1,721,624 1,721,624 23 IPUC Order #34071 24 25 0regon Tax Settlement (254452)564,308 564,308 26 0PUC Advice #1 8-1 99 27 28 Bridger Depreciation (254800)1,938,839 597,68€2,536,s25 29 0PUC 0rder #12-296 30 31 RL-WAQC CRYoVR (254901 )104,602 25,782 130,384 32 IPUC Order #29505 33 34 Unfunded Accum Def lncome Tax (254966)30,666,0s4 1,496,757 32,162,811 35 36 RL-DEF rNC TAX-ARAM (254967)1 93,991,452 Various 3,929,1 11 190,062,341 37 38 RL-DEF rNC TAX-ARAM GR0SS-Up (254968)68,077,705 Various 2,1 98,300 65,879,405 39 40 ldaho Revenue Sharing (254101)5,024,562 5,024,562 41 TOTAL 307,404,206 81,642p22 126,02't ,696 351,782,980 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REV 02-04)Page 278 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ReDort ls: fiAn originat flA Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Y0 04t16t20't9 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 OTHER REGULATORY LIABILITIES (Account 254) 1. Report below the particulars (details) called for concerning other regulatory liabilities, including rate order docket number, if applicable. 2. Minor items (5% of the Balance in Account 254 at end of period, or amounts less than $100,000 which ever is less), may be grouped by classes. 3. For Regulatory Liabilities being amortized, show period of amortization. Line No. Description and Purpose of Other Regulatory Liabilities (a) Balance at Begining of Current QuarterAfear (b) DEBITS Credits (e) Balance at End of Current QuarterlYear (0 Account Credited (c) Amount (d) 1 IPUC 0rder Pending 2 3 RA-PCA Defenal-lD (254425)5,336,64'1 Various 23,059,065 59,876,231 42,153,807 4 a RA-0R BDMN Decomm 0rder #1 2-235 147,904 Various 147 ,904 6 7 Minor ltems (6)5,582,704 6,495,977 983,262 69,989 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 TOTAL 307,404,206 81,642,922 126,02'1 ,696 35'1,782,980 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REV 02-04)Page 278.1 of ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t20't9 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. The following inslructions generally apply to the annual version of these pages. Oo not report quarterly data in columns (c), (e), (f), and (g). Unbilled revenues and MWH related to unbilled revenues nesd not be reported separately as required in the annual version of these pages. 2. Report below operating revenues for each prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in total. 3. Report number of customers, columns (f) and (g), on the basis of meters, in addition to the number of flat rate accounts: except thal wh6re separate meter readings are added for billing purposes. one customer should be counted for each group of meters added. The -averag€ number of customers means the av€ragg of twelvs figures at the close of each month. 4. lf increases or decreases from previous period (columns (c),(e), and (g)), are not dsrivod from previously reported figures, explain any inconsistencies in a footnote. 5. Disclose amounts of $250,000 or greater in a footnote for accounls 451 , 456, and 457.2. Line No. Title of Account (a) Operating Revenues Year to Date Quarterly/Annual (b) Operating Revenues Previous year (no Quarterly) (c) I Sales of Electricity 2 (440) Residential Sales 533,062,028 552,333,276 3 (442) Commercial and lndustrial Sales 4 Small (or Comm.) (See lnstr. 4)466,201,600 465,145,591 5 Large (or lnd.) (See lnstr. 4)1 91 ,1 75,361 195,124,244 6 (444) Public Street and Highway Lighting 4,032,545 4,079,095 7 (445) Other Sales to Public Authorities 8 (446) Sales to Railroads and Railways I (448) I nterdepartmential Sales 10 TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers 1,194,471 ,534 1,216,682,206 11 (447) Sales for Resale 79,1 56,537 33,381,940 12 TOTAL Sales of Electricity 1,273,628,071 1,250,064,146 13 (Less) (449.1) Provision for Rate Refunds 19,972,541 10,706,040 14 TOTAL Revenues Net of Prov. for Refunds 't,253,655,530 1,239,358,106 15 Other Operating Revenues 16 (450) Forfeited Discounts 17 (451 ) Miscellaneous Service Revenues I 4.463,096 4,273,744 18 (453) Sales of Water and Water Power 19 (454) Rent from Electric Property 16,048,736 15,236,098 20 (455) lnterdepartmental Rents 21 (456) Other Electric Revenues 36,461.056 39,921,003 22 (456.1) Revenues from Transmission of Electricity of Others 51,329,032 42,071,453 23 (457.1) Regional Conkol Servier Revenues 24 (457.2) Miscellaneous Revenues 25 26 TOTAL Other Operating Revenues 108,301,920 101 ,502,298 27 TOTAL Electric Operating Revenues 1,361,957,450 1,340,860,404 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REV. 12-05)Page 300 Name Respondent ls: ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o411612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2018/Q4 ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES I 6. Commercial and industrial Sal6s. Account 442, may be classifled according lo the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or lndustrial) regulady used by tho respondentifsuchbasisofclassificationisnotgenerallygreaterthanl000Kwofdemand. (SeeAccount442oftheUniformSystemofAccounts. Explainbasisofclassification in a footnote.) 7. Seepagesl0S-l09,lmporlantChangesDuringPeriod,forimportantnewterritoryaddedandimportantratoincreaseordocreases. 8. For Lines 2,4,5,and 6, seo Page 304 for amounts r€lating to unbilled revenue by accounts. 9. lnclude unmetered sales. Provide details of such Sales in a footnote. MEGAWATT HOURS SOLD AVG.NO. CUSTOMERS PER MONTH Line No.Year to Date QuarterlyiAnnual (d) Amount Previous year (n0 Quartedy) (e) Current Year (no Quarterly) (0 Previous Year (no Quarterly) (s) 1 s,134,576 s,354,568 459,128 448,800 2 3 6,049,156 5,838,862 88,929 87,675 4 3,370,566 3,345,712 118 120 5 32,224 31,812 3,280 2,995 6 7 8 I 14,586,522 14,570,954 551,455 539,s9C 10 2,863,637 2,135,649 11 17,450,159 16,706,603 551,455 539,59C 12 13 17,450,159 16,706,603 551,455 539,59C 14 Line 12, column (b) includes $ Line 12, column (d) includes -6,071,163 -'15,220 of unbilled revenues. MWH relating to unbilled revenues FERC FORM NO. 1/3.Q (REV. 12-05)Pag€ 301 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 300 Line No.: 17 Column: bThis amount consists of: Service Establ-lshment,/Connecti-on Charges ( Includes late and after hour charges )Misc. Under $250,000 $4 ,791,1 63 2't1 Total Account 451 s4, 463,096 Schedule Page: 300 Line No.:21 Column: b Thi-s amount consists of:Alternate Distribution Servlce DSM ActiviLyMisc. Under $250,000 $ 592,364 35 ,'? 02 , 948 L65",J.*!. $36,46L,056Total Account 456 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) Reoort ls: fiAn ortginal ;1A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 SALES OF ELECTRICITY BY RATE SCHEDULES 1. Report below for each rate schedule in effect during the year the MWH of electricity sold, revenue, average number of customer, average Kwh per customer, and average revenue per Kwh, excluding date for Sales for Resale which is reported on Pages 310-311. 2. Provide a subheading and total for each prescribed operating revenue ac@unt in the sequence followed in "Electric Operating Revenues," Page 300-301 . lf the sales under any rate schedule are classified in more than one revenue account, List the rate schedule and sales data under each applicable revenue account subheading. 3. Where the same customers are served under more than one rate schedule in the same revenue account classification (such as a general residential schedule and an off peak water heating schedule), the entries in column (d) for the special schedule should denote the duplication in number of reported customers. 4. The average number of customers should be the number of bills rendered during the year divided by the number of billing periods during the year (12 if all billings are made monthly). 5. For any rate schedule having a fuel adjustment clause state in a footnote the estimated additional revenue billed pursuant thereto. 6. Report amount of unbilled revenue as of end of year for each applicable revenue account subheading. Line No NumDer anO ltue ot Hate scheoule (a) MWn 50to (b) KCVENUE (c)Per ! Hevenue HerKWh Sold(f) 1 440 - Residential Sales: 2 01 - Residential 5,115,376 518,023,382 455,721 11,225 0.1 01 3 I 03 - Residential Master Meter 4,609 447,826 23 200,391 0.0972 4 05-Residential -TOD 19,171 1,880,049 1 ,159 16,541 0.0981 06 - Residential On-Site Generati 14,316 1,s30,181 2,225 6,434 0.1 069 €15 - Dusk to dawn lighting 2,634 645,239 0.2450 7 Unbilled Revenues -21,530 -4,959,747 0.2304 8 Other Revenues 15,495,098 o Total 440 5,134,576 533,062,028 459,128 11,183 0.1 038 10 11 442-Commercial & lndushial Sales 12 07 - General service 149,668 18,585,424 31 ,016 4,826 0.1242 13 08 - General service On-Site Gene 226 28.289 43 5,256 0.1252 14 09P - General service s42,007 35,660,806 244 2,221,34C 0.0658 't5 09S - General service 3,366,257 249,273,645 35,547 94,699 0.0741 16 09T - General service 6,534 456,427 4 1,633,50C 0.069s 17 15 - Dusk to Dawn Light 4,312 755,243 0.1751 18 'l9P - Uniform rate contracts 2,298,361 133,757,391 111 20,705,955 0.0582 19 195 - Uniform rate contracts 6,412 388,232 1 6,012,00c 0.0646 20 19T - Uniform rate contracls 142,742 8,195,430 2 47,580,667 0.0574 21 24S - lrrigation Pumping 1,976,587 156,436,905 21,104 93,659 0.0791 22 40 - General service 10,431 906,986 971 10,743 0.0870 23 Special Contracts 910,281 46,514,4',t9 J 303,427,000 0.0511 24 Commercial & lndustrial Unbill 6,304 -'1,095,8s8 -0.1738 25 Other Revenues 7,513,622 2e Tolal M2 9,419,722 657,376,961 89,047 105,784 0.0698 27 28 444 - Public Slreet Lighting: 29 40 - General service 786 68,697 468 1,679 0.0874 30 41 - Street lighting 28,636 3,775,167 2,181 't 3,130 0.1318 31 42 -Tratfic control lighting 2.796 177,646 631 4,431 0.0635 32 Unbilled 6 15,563 -2.5938 33 Other Revenues 26,5S8 34 Total 444 32,224 4,032,545 3,280 9,824 0.1251 35 36 37 3B 39 40 41 TOTAL Billed 1,200.542,697 551,459 26.479 0.0822 42 Total Unbilled Rev.(See lnstr. 6)-15,22C -6,071,163 c (0.398S 43 TOTAL 14,586,522 1 ,194.471.534 551,455 26,451 0.081s FERC FORM NO. I (ED.12-95)Page 304 satesitomer 14.601.74 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report all sales for resale (i.e., sales to purchasers other than ultimate consumers) transacted on a settlement basis other than powerexchangesduringtheyear. Donotreportexchangesofelectricity(i.e.,transactionsinvolvingabalancingofdebitsandcredits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges on this schedule. Power exchanges must be reported on the Purchased Power schedule (Page 326-327). 2. Enter the name of the purchaser in column (a). Do note abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the purchaser, 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projected load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirements service must be the same as, or second only to, lhe supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for tong-term service. "Long-term" means five years or Longer and "firm" means that service cannot be intenupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for Long-term firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transactions identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or setter can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service except that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but Less than five years. SF - for short-term firm service. Use this category for all firm services where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for Long-term service from a designated generating unit. 'Long-term" means five years or Longer. The availability and reliability of seivice, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service except that "intermediate-term" means Longer than one year but Less than five years. Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule orTariff Number (c) Averaoe Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Actual Demand (MW) Averaoe Monthly NCF Demanr (e) Averaoe Monthly C{Demand (0 1 ADM lnvestor Services, lnc.]S WSPP 2 Arizona Public Service Co.SF WSPP 3 Avangrid Renewables (IBERDROLA)OS OATT 4 AVANGRID RENEWABLES, LLC SF WSPP 5 Avista Corp.os WSPP 6 Avista Corp.SF WSPP Avista Corp. - WWP Div.OS OATT B Basin Eleckic Power Cooperative )S WSPP 9 Basin Electric Power Cooperative SF WSPP 10 Black Hills Power lnc.OS WSPP 11 Black Hills Power lnc.SF WSPP 12 Black Hills Power lnc.0s OATT 13 Bonneville Power os OATT 14 Bonneville Power Administration SF WSPP Subtotal RQ 0 0 0 Subtotal non-RQ c 0 0 Total 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-eo)Page 310 of ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 SALEi FOR RESALE (Account 447 OS - for other service. use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote. AD - for Out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. Group requirements RQ sales together and report them starting at line number one. After listing all RQ sales, enter "Subtotal - RQ" in column (a). The remaining sales may then be listed in any order. Enter "Subtotal-Non-RQ" in column (a) after this Listing, Enter "Total" in column (a) as the Last Line of the schedule. Report subtotals and total for columns (9) through (k) 5. ln Column (c), identifiT the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number. On separate Lines, List all FERC rate schedules or tariffs under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 6. For requirements RQ sales and any type of-service involving demand charges imposed on a monthly (or Longer) basis, enter the average monthly billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawafts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 7. Report in column (g) the megawatt hours shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 8. Report demand charges in column (h), energy charges in column (i), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (j). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (j). Report in column (k) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 9. The data in column (g)through (k) must be subtotaled based on the RQiNon-RQ grouping (see instruction 4), and then totaled on the Last -line of the schedule. The "Subtotal - RQ' amount in column (g) must be reported as Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401 , line 23. The "Subtotal - Non-RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Non-Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401,iine 24. 10. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. MegaWatt Hours Sold (s) REVENUE Total ($) (h+i+j) (k) Line No.Demand Charges ($) (h) Energy Charges ($) (i) Other Charges ($) 0) 1,328,994 1,328,994 1 11,703 300,358 300,358 2 8,064 8,064 3 9,433 221,941 221,941 4 6,350 46,400 46,400 5 39s,700 5,835,801 5,835,801 6 424 42C -7 9,986 25,544 25,544 8 5,155 9,670 9,670 I 500 2,500 2,500 10 31 ,261 252,121 252,121 11 447 447 12 2,207,278 2,207,278 IJ 1 15,004 3,680,760 3,680,760 14 0 0 0 0 0 2,863,637 0 69,701 ,1 80 9,455,357 79,1 56,537 2,863,637 0 69,701,180 9,455,357 79,1 56,537 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. r2-90)Page 31'l Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission (Mo, Da, 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report all sales for resale (i.e., sales to purchasers other than ultimate consumers) transacted on a settlement basis other than power exchanges during the year. Do not report exchanges of electricity ( i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges on this schedule. Power exchanges must be reported on the Purchased Power schedule (Page 326-327). 2. Enter the name of the purchaser in column (a). Do note abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the purchaser. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projected load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirements service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for tong-term service, "Long-term" means five years or Longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for Long-term firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transactions identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or setter can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service except that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but Less than five years. SF - for short-term firm service. Use this category for all firm services where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for Long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or Longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service except that "intermediate-term" means Longer than one year but Less than five years. Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affiliations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule orTariff Number (c) Averaoe Monthly Bitt Demand (M (d) ingw) Actual Demand (MW) AVeraoe Monthly NCP Demanr (e) AveraoeMonthly CP-Demand (f) 1 BP Energy Company SF WSPP 2 Brookfield Energy Marketing OATT a Brookfield Energy Markeling LP SF WSPP 4 California lndependent System Operator SF CAISO 5 Chelan Co PUD SF WSPP 6 Citigroup Energy lnc.SF WSPP 7 Citigroup Energy lnc.ISDA I Clatskanie PUD SF WSPP I CWP Energy OS OATT 10 DTE Energy Trading, lnc.SF WSPP 11 EDF Trading North America (EAGL)os OATT 't2 EDF Trading North America, LLG SF WSPP 13 Energy Keepers, lnc SF WSPP 14 Energy Keepers, lnc.)s OATT Subtotal RQ 0 0 0 Subtotal non-RQ 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 310.1 |on rs: OS OS Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 OS - for other service. use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote. AD - for Out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. Group requirements RQ sales together and report them starting at line number one. After listing all RQ sales, enter "Subtotal - RQ" in column (a). The remaining sales may then be listed in any order. Enter "Subtotal-Non-RQ" in column (a) after this Listing. Enter "Total" in column (a) as the Last Line of the schedule. Report subtotals and total for columns (9) through (k) 5. ln Column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number. On separate Lines, List all FERC rate schedules or tariffs under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 6. For requirements RQ sales and any type of-service involving demand charges imposed on a monthly (or Longer) basis, enter the average monthly billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 7. Report in column (g) the megawatt hours shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 8. Report demand charges in column (h), energy charges in column (i), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (j). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (j). Report in column (k) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 9. The data in column (g) through (k) must be subtotaled based on the RQ/Non-RQ grouping (see instruction 4), and then totaled on the Last -line of the schedule. The "Subtotal - RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401 , line 23. The "Subtotal - Non-RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Non-Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401,iine 24. '10. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. MegaWatt Hours Sold (g) REVENUE Total ($) (h+i+j) (k) Line No.Demand Charges (h) Energy Charges ($) (i) Other Charges ($) 0) 21,971 677,972 677,972 1 62,334 62,334 2 250 4,O20 4,020 3 155,921 9,593,527 9,593,527 4 263 2,996 2,996 ( 7,1 85 85,561 85,561 6 -21 ,912 -21,912 7 559 10,313 1 0,313 B 3,154 3,154 s 75,42s 2,512,980 2,512,980 10 4,164 4,164 11 103,587 2,334,744 2,334,744 12 44 754 754 13 35,91S 35,919 14 0 0 0 0 0 2,863,637 U 69,701,180 9,455,357 79,156,537 2,863,637 0 69,701,180 9,455,357 79,156,537 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-90)Page 31'1.1 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report all sales for resale (i.e., sales to purchasers other than ultimate consumers) transacted on a settlement basis other than power exchanges during the year. Do not report exchanges of eleclricity ( i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges on this schedule. Power exchanges must be reported on the Purchased Power schedule (Page 326-327).2. Enter the name of the purchaser in column (a). Do nole abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the purchaser. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projected load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliabilig of requirements service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for tong-term service. "Long-term" means five years or Longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for Long-term firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transactions identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or setter can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service except that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but Less than five years. SF - for short-term firm service. Use this category for all firm services where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for Long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or Longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generaling unit. The same as LU service except that "intermediate-term" means Longer than one year but Less than five years. Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affiliations) (a) Shtistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule orTariff Number (c) Averaoe Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Actual Demand (MW) AVElfloE Monthly NCP Demanr (e) AveraoeMonthly CPDemand (0 1 Eugene Water & Electric Board SF WSPP 2 Exelon Generation Company, LLC SF WSPP 3 J.Aron & Company LLC 06 ISDA 4 Los Angeles Department of Water & Power SF WSPP 5 Macquarie Energy LLC SF WSPP 6 Macquarie Energy LLC OE OATT 7 Macquarie Energy LLC OS ISDA 8 MAG Energy Solutions OS OATT I Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.OS ISDA 10 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.SF ISDA 11 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.OS OATT 12 Municipal Energy Agency of Nebraska SF WSPP 13 Nevada Power OS OATT 14 Nevada Power Company, dba NV Energy SF WSPP Subtotal RQ 0 0 0 Subtotal non-RQ 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 310'2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) o4t'16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 OS - for other service. use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote. AD - for Out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adlustment. 4. Group requirements RQ sales together and report them starting at line number one. After listing all RQ sales, enter "Subtotal - RQ" in column (a). The remaining sales may then be listed in any order. Enter "Subtotal-Non-RQ" in column (a) after this Listing. Enter "Total" in column (a) as the Last Line of the schedule. Report subtotals and total for columns (9) through (k) 5. ln Column (c), identifo the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number. On separate Lines, List all FERC rate schedules or tariffs under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 6. For requirements RQ sales and any type of-service involving demand charges imposed on a monthly (or Longer) basis, enter the average monthly billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawaft basis and explain. 7. Report in column (g)the megawatt hours shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 8. Report demand charges in column (h), energy charges in column (i), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (j). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (j). Repo( in column (k) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 9, The data in column (g) through (k) must be subtotaled based on the RQ/Non-RQ grouping (see instruction 4), and then totaled on the Last -line of the schedule. The "Subtotal - RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401, line 23. The "Subtotal - Non-RQ" amount in column (g) rnust be reported as Non-Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401,iine 24. 10. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. MegaWatt Hours Sold (s) REVENUE Total ($) (h+i+j) (k) Line No.Demand Charges ($) (h) Energy Charges ($) (i) Other Charges ($) 0) 5,261 1't0,525 1 10,525 1 222,475 6,414,888 6,414,888 2 40.298 40,298 3 10,800 314,550 314,55C 4 16,148 153,249 1s3,249 5 5,669 5,66e 6 -30,892 -30,892 7 61,826 61,826 B 13,615 71 ,'t 05 7'1 ,1 05 9 186,371 2,062,064 2,062,464 10 2,070,600 2,070,600 11 857 't1,727 '11,727 12 5,391 5,391 13 19,871 1 ,1 56,888 1 ,156,888 14 0 0 0 0 0 2,863,637 0 69,701 ,180 9,4s5,357 79,1 56,537 2,863,637 0 69,701,180 9,455,357 79,1 56,537 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.90)Page 311.2 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) o411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report all sales for resale (i.e., sales to purchasers other than ultimate consumers) transacted on a settlement basis other than power exchanges during the year. Do not report exchanges of electricity ( i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges on this schedule. Power exchanges must be reported on the Purchased Power schedule (Page 326-327). 2. Enter the name of the purchaser in column (a). Do note abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the purchaser. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projected load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirements service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for tong-term service. "Long-term" means five years or Longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for Long-term firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transactions identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or setter can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service, The same as LF service except that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but Less than five years. SF - for shortterm firm service. Use this category for all firm services where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for Longterm service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or Longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designaled generating unit. The same as LU service except that "intermediate-term" means Longerthan one year but Less than five years. Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi-cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule orTariff Number (c) Averaoe Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Actual Demand Dem (e)(f) 1 NorthWestern Energy SF WSPP ,NorthWestem Energy NWDS )S OATT 3 PacifiCorp WSPP 4 PacifiCorp SF WSPP 5 PacifiCorp r-7 6 PacifiCorp lnc.os OATT 7 PacifiCorp lnc. - lmnaha OS OAIT 8 Portland General Electric Company SF WSPP I Portland General Electric Company os OATT 10 Powerex Corp.OS WSPP 11 Powerex Corp.5t-WSPP 12 Powerex Corp.os OATT 13 Public Service Company of Colorado SF WSPP 14 Puget Sound Energy, lnc.SF WSPP Subtotal RQ 0 0 0 Subtotal non-RQ 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 3'10.3 OS os ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) a4h6l2a19 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 OS - for other service. use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote. AD - for Out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. Group requirements RQ sales together and report them starting at line number one. After listing all RQ sales, enter "Subtotal - RQ" in column (a). The remaining sales may then be listed in any order. Enter "Subtotal-Non-RQ" in column (a) after this Listing. Enter "Total" in column (a) as the Last Line of the schedule. Report subtotals and total for columns (9) through (k) 5. ln Column (c), identifu the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number. On separate Lines, List all FERC rate schedules or tariffs under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 6. For requirements RQ sales and any type of-service involving demand charges imposed on a monthly (or Longer) basis, enter the average monthly billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplie/s system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) rnust be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 7. Report in column (g) the megawatt hours shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 8. Report demand charges in column (h), energy charges in column (i), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (j). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (j). Report in column (k) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 9. The data in column (g) through (k) must be subtotaled based on the RQ/Non-RQ grouping (see instruction 4), and then totaled on the Last -line of the schedule, The "Subtotal - RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401, line 23. The "Subtotal - Non-RQ' amount in column (g) must be reported as Non-Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 40'l,iine 24. 10. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. MegaWatt Hours Sold (s) REVENUE Total (S) (h+i+j) (k) Line No.Demand Charges (h) Energy Charges ($) (i) Other Charges ($) (i) 9,072 't25,205 125,205 1 96 96 2 8,199 47,449 47,449 3 236,151 5,510,649 5,510,649 4 51 1,754 1,754 5 2,615,958 2,615,958 6 49 49 7 127,686 5,224,361 5,224,361 8 86,089 86,08S I 3,950 8,400 8,400 10 16,751 170,957 170,957 11 47,019 47,019 12 26 685 685 13 24,436 451,822 451,822 14 0 0 0 0 0 2,863,637 0 69,701 ,1 80 9,455,357 79,156,537 2,863,637 0 69,701,180 9,455,357 79,156,537 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 311.3 Name Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 201BlQ4 1. Report all sales for resale (i.e., sales to purchasers other than ultimate consumers) transacted on a settlement basis other than powerexchangesduringtheyear. Donotreportexchangesofelectricity(i.e.,transactionsinvolvingabalancingofdebitsandcredits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges on this schedule. Power exchanges must be reported on the Purchased Power schedule (Page 326-327). 2. Enter the name of the purchaser in column (a). Do note abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the purchaser. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projected load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirements service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's servlce to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for tong-term service. "Long-term" means flve years or Longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must aftempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for Long-term firm service which meets the deflnition of RQ service. For all transactions identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or setter can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service except that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but Less than five years. SF - for short-term firm service. Use this category for all firm services where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for Long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or Longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service except that "intermediate-term" means Longer than one year but Less than five years. Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affiliations) (a) Statistical Classifi-cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule orTariff Number (c) Averaoe Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Actual Demand (e)(f) 1 Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation SF WSPP 2 Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation ]S OATT J Salt River Project SF WSPP 4 Seattle City Light )S WSPP 4 Seattle City Light SF WSPP b Seattle City Light OS WSPP 7 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P WSPP 8 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P SF WSPP 9 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P OS OATT 10 Sierra Pacific Power Co., dba NV Energy )S r-7 11 Snohomish County PUD SF WSPP 12 Tamma Power SF WSPP '13 Tenaska Power Services Co.SF WSPP 14 Tenaska Power Services Co.rS OATT Subtotal RQ 0 0 0 Subtotal non-RQ 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 310.4 os ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 YeariPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 OS - for other service. use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-deflned categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote. AD - for Out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. Group requirements RQ sales together and report them starting at line number one. After listing all RQ sales, enter "Subtotal - RQ" in column (a). The remaining sales may then be listed in any order. Enter "Subtotal-Non-RQ" in column (a) after this Listing. Enter "Total" in column (a) as the Last Line of the schedule. Report subtotals and total for columns (9) through (k) 5. ln Column (c), identifrT the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number. On separate Lines, List all FERC rate schedules or tariffs under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 6. For requirements RQ sales and any type of-service involving demand charges imposed on a monthly (or Longer) basis, enter the average monthly billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 7. Report in column (g) the megawatt hours shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 8. Report demand charges in column (h), energy charges in column (i), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (j). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (j). Report in column (k) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 9. The data in column (g) through (k) must be subtotaled based on the RQ/Non-RQ grouping (see instruction 4), and then totaled on the Last -line of the schedule. The "Subtotal - RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401, line 23. The "Subtotal - Non-RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Non-Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401,iine 24. 10. Footnote enlries as required and provide explanations following all required data. MegaWatt Hours Sold (s) REVENUE Total ($) (h+i+j) (k) Line NODemand. Charges ($) (h) Energy Charges ($) (i) Other Charges ($) 0) 25,664 85,112 85,112 1 45,425 45,425 2 2 92 92 3 1,350 9, '150 9,1 50 4 181 ,998 2,708,676 2,708,676 5 5 65 65 b 20.677 141,479 141,479 576,823 14,356,955 14,356,955 8 426,243 426,243 I 68 2,100 2,10C 10 928 28,515 28,515 11 5,877 126,598 126,598 12 2,083 151 ,825 151,825 13 3,497 3,457 14 0 0 0 0 0 2,863,637 0 69,701 ,180 9,455,357 79,1 56,537 2,E63,637 0 69,70't,180 9,455,3s7 79,1 56,537 FERC FORi' NO. I (ED. 12-90)Page 31'1.4 S:Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) a4t16t2019ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Year/Period of Report End of 2018iQ4 1. Report all sales for resale (i.e., sales to purchasers other than ultimate consumers) transacted on a settlement basis other than power exchanges during the year. Do not report exchanges of electricity ( i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges on this schedule. Power exchanges must be reported on the Purchased Power schedule (Page 326-327 ).2. Enter the name of the purchaser in column (a). Do note abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the purchaser. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projected load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirements service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for tong-term service. "Long-term" means five years or Longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency ene€y from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for Long-term firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transactions identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or setter can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service except that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but Less than five years. SF - for short-term firm service. Use this category for all firm services where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for Long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or Longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service except that "intermediate-term" means Longer than one year but Less than five years. Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affiliations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule orTariff Number (c) Averaoe Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Actual Demand (MW) Averaoe Monthly NCF Demanr (e) Averaoe Monthly CPrDemand (0 1 The Energy Authority, lnc.SF WSPP 2 The Energy Authority, lnc.OATT a TransAlta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.SF WSPP 4 TransAlta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.OATT 5 Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems SF WSPP b Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems os oArr 7 Westar Energy, lnc.SF WSPP 8 Transmission Penalty Distribution o.s I 10 11 12 IJ 14 Subtotal RQ 0 0 0 Subtotal non-RQ 0 0 0 Total 0 0 0 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 310.5 os OS Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2t An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 OS - for other service. use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote. AD - for Out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adiustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. Group requirements RQ sales together and report them starting at line number one. After listing all RQ sales, enter "Subtotal - RQ" in column (a). The remaining sales may then be listed in any order. Enter "Subtotal-Non-RQ" in column (a) after this Listing. Enter "Total" in column (a) as the Last Line of the schedule. Report subtotals and total for columns (9) through (k) 5. ln Column (c), identifu the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number. On separate Lines, List all FERC rate schedules or tariffs under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 6. For requirements RQ sales and any type of-service involving demand charges imposed on a monthly (or Longer) basis, enter the average monthly billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (fl. For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 7. Repo( in column (g) the megawatt hours shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 8. Report demand charges in column (h), energy charges in column (i), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (j). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (j). Report in column (k) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the purchaser. 9. The data in column (g) through (k) must be subtotaled based on the RQ/Non-RQ grouping (see instruction 4), and then totaled on the Last -line of the schedule. The "Subtotal - RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 401, line 23. The "Subtotal - Non-RQ" amount in column (g) must be reported as Non-Requirements Sales For Resale on Page 4O1,iine 24. 10. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. MegaWatt Hours Sold (s) REVENUE Totar ($) (h+i+i) (k) Line No.Demand Charges ($) (h) Energy Charges ($) (i) OtherCharges (i) 121,031 2,859,594 2,859,594 1 3,658 3,658 2 70,099 2,063,037 2,063,O37 68,811 68,81 1 4 5,000 89,688 89,688 E 2,803 2,803 6 15 7 '18,009 18,009 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 0 0 0 0 0 2,863,637 0 69,701.180 9,455,357 79,1 56,537 2,863,637 0 69,701,1E0 9,455,357 79,1 s6,537 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 311.5 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 310 Line No.: I Column: b ADM Investor Services, fnc Futures Accouna Schedule Page:310 Line No.:3 Column: bFinanciai Transmission Lcsses Schedute Page: 310 Line No.: 5 Column: b Non-firm Sales Schedule Page: 310 Line No.:7 Column: bFinancial Transm"ission Losses Schedule Page: 310 Line No.: I Column: bNon-firm Sales Schedule Page: 310 Line No.: 10 Column: b Non-firm Sales Schedule Page: 310 Line No.: 12 Column: btrinanciai Transmission Losses Schedute Page: 310 Line No; 13 Column: bFinancial- Transmi-ssion Losses Schedule Page: 310.1 Line No; 2 Column: bFinancial Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.1 Line No-:7 Column: b ISDA Master Agreement with Citigroup Energy Schedule Page: 310.1 Line No.: I Column: bEi-nancial Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 31Q,! Line No.: 11 Cotumn: bFi-nanciai Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.1 Line No.: 14 Column: bFinanciai Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.2 Line ?i*.: 3 Cei*r:':r',' l: Document, dated May 5, 2AI5 Inc. dated March 7, 2071 ISDA Master Agreement with J. Aron & Company dated April 30, Schedule Page: 310.2 Line No.: 6 Column: b Financlal Transmission Losses Schedule Page:310.2 Line No.:7 Cotumn: b ISDA MasLer Agreement with Macquarie Energy, LLC dated Aprj-1 Schedule Page: 310.2 Line No.: I Column: bFinancial Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.2 Line No.: I Cotumn: b i.lln-.i-::i, i;Le:.; Schedule Page: 310.2 Line No.: 11 Column: bFinanciai Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.2 Line No.: 13 Cotumn: bFinancial Transmi-ssion Losses Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No; 2 Column: b !'inanclal Transmissicn Losses Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No.: 3 Column: b |lcn-firn.Sales Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No.: 5 Column: bSpinning or Oper:aling Reserves Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No.: 6 Column: b Financial Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No.:7 Column: bFinancial Transmi-ssion Losses Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No.:9 Column: bFinancial Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No.: 10 Cotumn: bNon-firm Sales 2014 12, 2011 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2) A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t't6t2019 YearlPeriod of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 310.3 Line No.: 12 Column: b Finan,:ial- Transrnissiorr Losses Schedule Page: 310.4 Line No.: 2 Column: b Financial Transnission Losses Schedule Page: 310.4 Line No.: 4 Column: b Non-firm SaLes Schedule Page: 310.4 Line No.:6 Column: bSplnning or Operating Reser:ves Schedule Page: 310.4 Line No.:7 Column: b Non-fi rm Sales Schedute Page: 310.4 Line No.: 9 Column: b Financiai Tran-smissi.on Losses tchedule Page: 310.4 Line No.: 10 Column: b$pinninq or Operating Reserves Schedule Page: 310.4 Line No.: 14 Column: b Financial Transmi"ssion Losses Schedule Page: 310.5 Line No.: 2 Column: b Financi.. lransnrissron Los=e; Schedule Page: 310.5 Line No.: 4 Column: b Fi.nancial Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.5 Line No.: 6 Column: b Financiaf Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 310.5 Line No.: I Column: b Transni-ssicn penalty distribution creoi's FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]Rn orisinal(2) fiA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported flgures, explain in footnote, Line No. Account (a)dB8Hiv35,(b) Amount forPrevious Year (c) 1 1. POWER PRODUCTION EXPENSES 2 A. Steam Power Generation Operation 4 (500) Operation Supervision and Enqineering 1,204.942 978,720 5 (501 ) Fuel 115,523.571 107,893,663 6 (502) Steam Expenses 9,912,734 8,s01,434 7 (503) Steam from Other Sources 8 (Less) (504) Steam Transfened-Cr. 9 (505) Electric Exoenses 1,868,433 1,396,032 10 (506) Miscellaneous Steam Power Expenses 9,'134,293 't1,6S4,905 11 (507) Rents 250,861 328,946 12 (509) Allowances 13 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of Lines 4 thru 12)137,895,234 130,793,700 14 Maintenance 15 (510) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 213,256 55.228 16 (51 1) Maintenance of Structures 349 440.434 17 (512) Maintenance of Boiler Plant 10,847,201 1't,031,366 't8 (513) Maintenance of Electric Plant 4,545,026 4,331,373 19 (514) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Steam Plant 7142.704 5,935,275 20 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of Lines 15 thru 19)23,097,610 21,793,676 21 TOTAL Power Production Expenses-Steam Power (Entr Tot lines 13 & 20)160,992,844 152,587.376 22 B. Nuclear Power Generation 23 Operation 24 (517) Ooeration Suoervision and Enqineerinq 25 (518) Fuel 26 (519) Coolants and Water 27 (520) Steam Expenses 28 (521) Steam from Other Sources 29 (Less) (522) Steam Transferred-Cr 30 (523) Electric Expenses 31 (524) Miscellaneous Nuclear Power Expenses 32 (525) Rents 33 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 24lhru 32'7 34 Maintenance 35 (528) Maintenance Supervision and Enqineerino 36 (529) Maintenance of Structures 37 (530) Maintenance of Reactor Plant Equipment 38 (53'1 ) Maintenance of Electric Plant 39 (532) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Nuclear Plant 40 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 35 thru 39) 41 TOTAL Power Production Expenses-Nuc. Power (Enh tot lines 33 & 40) 42 C. Hydraulic Power Generation 43 Operation 44 (535) Operation Supervision and Engineering 5,629,020 s,699,366 45 (536) Water frcr Power 9,123.648 5.857,068 46 (537) Hydraulic Expenses 15,387,250 15,008,403 47 (538) Elechic Exoenses 1,884,840 1,912,278 48 (539) Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses 5,600,843 8.270.822 49 (540) Rents 246,704 24',t.787 50 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of Lines 44 thru 49)37,872,305 36,989,724 51 C. Hydraulic Power Generation (Continued) 52 Maintenance 53 (541) Mainentance Supervision and Engineering 93,530 94,013 54 (542) Maintenance of Structures 745,081 1,139,09s 55 (543) Maintenance of Reservoirs. Dams, and Wateruvavs 332,571 821,883 56 (544) Maintenance of Electric Plant 2,988,299 1,877,280 57 (545) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic Plant 2,666,883 2,819,560 58 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 53 thru 57)6,826,364 6,7s1,831 59 TOTAL Power Production Expenses-Hydraulic Power (tot of lines 50 & 58)44,698,669 43,741,555 FERC FORM NO.1 (EO.12-93)Page 320 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) []An orisinal(2) fiA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 lf the amount for previous year is not derived ftorn previously reported flgures, explain in footnote. Line No. Account (a) Amount forCunent Year (b) Amount forPrevious Year (c) 60 D. Other Power Generation 61 Operation 62 (546) Operation Supervision and Engineering 648.947 687,916 63 (547) Fuel 17.673.949 37,935,1 65 64 (548) Generation Exoenses 4,513,426 4,171.674 65 (549) Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Expenses 1,406,549 986,828 66 (550) Rents 67 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 62 thru 66)24,242,871 43,781 .579 68 Maintenance 69 (551) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 40 226 70 (552) Maintenance of Strucfures 215,293 335,09'1 71 (553) Maintenance of Generating and Electric Plant 1 595,0B5 72 (554) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Plant 2,641,0A4 2,226,109 73 TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Totial of lines 69 thru 72)2,980,980 3,1s6.511 74 TOTAL Power Production Expenses-Other Power (Enter Tot of 67 & 73)27,223,851 46,938.090 75 E. Other Power Supply Expenses 76 (555) Purchased Power 287,762,141 244.381.204 77 (556) System Control and Load Dispatching 5.331 2,885 78 (557) Other Exgenses 46,535,908 56,007,259 79 TOTAL Other Power Supply Exp (Enter Total of lines 76 thru 78)334,303,380 300,391,348 80 TOTAL Power Produclion Expenses (Total of lines 21, 41 , 59, 74 & 79\567,218,744 543,658,369 81 2. TRANSMISSION EXPENSES 82 Operation 83 (560) Operation Suoervision and Enqineerinq 3,318,397 3,150,433 84 85 (561.1 ) Load Dispatch-Reliability 10,084 '1 1 ,169 86 (561 .2) Load Dispatch-Monitor and Operate Transmission System 2,117,726 1,620,215 87 (561 .3) Load Dispatch-Transmission Service and Scheduling 1,440,U2 1,526,249 88 (561.4) Schedulinq, System Control and Dispatch Services 6,438 89 (561.5) Reliability, Planning and Standards Development 90 (561.6) Transmission Service Studies 91 (561.7) Generation lnterconnection Studies 35,961 32,101 92 (561.8) Reliability, Planning and Standards Development Services 1 ,715,639 1,698,457 93 (562) Station ExDenses 2,855.188 2,887,872 94 (563) Overhead Lines Expenses 878,708 1,070,029 95 (564) Underground Lines Expenses 96 (565) Transmission of Electricity by Others 3,602,155 4,568,399 97 (566) Miscellaneous Transmission Expenses 1 5,1 65 25 98 (567) Rents 2,710,673 4,782,018 99 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 83 thru 98)18,706,976 21,346,967 100 Maintenance 101 (568) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 712,201 154,736 102 (569) Maintenance of Structures -2,653 103 (569.1) Maintenance of Computer Hardware 31,344 104 (569.2) Maintenance of Computer Software 1.024,304 925,878 105 (569.3) Maintenance of Communication Equipment 15,553 8,099 106 (569.4) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Regional Transmission Plant 107 (570) Maintenance of Station Equipment 1,721,024 1,925,172 108 (571) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 832,096 883,265 109 (572) Maintenance of Underqround Lines 110 (573) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Transmission Plant 3,357 111 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 101 thru 1 10)3,931,851 112 TOTAL Transmission Expenses (Total of lines 99 and 111)23,043,358 25,278.818 FERC FORM NO.1 (EO. 12-93)Page 321 33,85i Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) An A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2A18lA4 lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnote. Line No. Account (a) Amount forCunent Year (b) Amount forPrevious Year (c) 113 3. REGIONAL MARKET EXPENSES 114 Operation 115 (575.'l ) Operation Supervision 116 (575.2) Dav-Ahead and Real-Time Market Facilitation 117 (575.3) Transmission Rights Market Facilitation 118 (575.4) CapaciV Market Facilitation 1'19 (575.5) Ancillary Services Market Facilitation 120 (575.6) Market Monitoring and Compliance 121 (575.7) Market Facilitation, Monitorinq and Compliance Services 411,723 122 (575.8) Rents 123 Total Operation (Lines 115 thru 122)411,723 124 Maintenance 125 (576.1) Maintenance of Structures and lmprovements 126 (576.2) Maintenance of Computer Hardware 127 (576.3) Maintenance of Computer Software 't28 (576.4) Maintenance of Communication Equipment 129 (576.5) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Ma*et Operation Plant 130 Total Maintenance (Lines 125 thru 129) ''t31 TOTAL Regional Transmission and Market Op Expns (Total 123 and 130)411,723 132 4. DISTRI BUTION EXPENSES 133 Operation 134 (580) Operation Supervision and Engineering 4.550.S06 4,208,616 135 (581) Load Dispatchinq 4,354,562 4,166,896 't36 (582) Station Expenses 1,565,905 1,555,734 137 (583) Overhead Line Expenses 3,896,819 4,916,620 138 (584) Underqround Line Exoenses 3,392,139 3.615.140 139 (585) Street Lighting and Signal System Expenses 157,86'r 1 18,675 140 (586) Meter Expenses 4,574,706 4,904,91S 141 (587) Customer lnstallations Expenses 1.287.251 1.276.382 142 (588) Miscellaneous Expenses 4,939,645 6,886,864 143 (589) Rents 1,203,806 381,320 144 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 134 thru 143)29,919,600 32,031,166 145 Maintenance 146 (590) Maintenance Supervision and Engineerinq 604,934 -'t,643,939 147 (591) Maintenance of Structures -1,048 148 (592) Maintenance of Station Equipment 4,482,318 3,887,1 58 149 (593) Maintenance of Overhead Lines 17,401,297 13,8't8,926 150 (594) Maintenance of Underground Lines 703.795 748,181 151 (595) Maintenance of Line Transformers 45,593 23,843 152 (596) Maintenance of Street Liqhtinq and Siqnal Svstems 589,31 3 554,421 153 (597) Maintenance of Meters 911.444 982,875 154 (598) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Distribution Plant 214.170 240,442 155 TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 146 thru 154)24,951 ,816 18,61 1 ,907 156 TOTAL Distribution Expenses (Total of lines 144 and 155)54,871,416 50,643,073 157 5. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES 158 Operation 159 (901) Supervision 1,116,501 945,821 160 (902) Meter Reading Expenses 1,790,s12 1,544,764 161 (903) Customer Records and Collection Expenses 13,951 ,1 12 14,205,692 162 (904) Uncollectible Accounts 3,350,112 5.732.560 163 (905) Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Expenses -4 -944 164 TOTAL Customer Accounts Expenses fiotal of lines 159 thru 163)20,208,233 22,427,893 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.93)Page 322 ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, explain in footnote. Line No. Account (a) Amount forCunent Year (b) Amounl forPrevious Year (c) 165 6, CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES 166 Operation 167 (907) Supervision 802.563 821 ,144 168 (908) Customer Assistance Expenses 42.486,187 44,176,525 169 (909) lnformational and lnstructional Expenses 341 ,699 444.538 170 (910) Miscellaneous Customer Service and lnformational Expenses 627,857 641,841 171 TOTAL Customer Service and lnformation Expenses (Total 167 thru 't70)44.258.306 46,084,048 172 7. SALES EXPENSES 173 Operation 174 (91 1) Supervision 175 (912) Demonstratinq and Sellinq Expenses 176 (913) Advertising Expenses 177 (91 6) Miscellaneous Sales Expenses 178 TOTAL Sales Expenses (Enter Total of lines 1 74 thru 177) 179 8. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES 180 Operation 181 (920) Administrative and General Salaries 88,828,776 79,079.418 182 (921) Office Supplies and Expenses 14,790,380 14,134,583 183 (Less) (922) Administrative Expenses Transfened-Credit 29.219,B',t1 27,762,969 't84 (923) Outside Services Employed 7,744,'.133 6,769,731 185 (924) Prooertv lnsurance 3,010,285 3,1 17,561 186 (925) lniuries and Damages 5,617,495 5,647,112 187 (926) Employee Pensions and Benefils 52,315.074 46,786,554 188 (927) Franchise Requirements 1B9 (928) Regulatory Commission Expenses 5,021.358 4,260,709 190 (929) (Less) Duolicate Charqes-Cr. 191 (930.1 ) General Advertising Expenses 603,786 3M,410 192 (930.2) Miscellaneous General Expenses 3,605,153 3,556,441 193 -350(931) Rents 194 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 181 thru 193)152,316,629 135,953,200 195 Maintenance 196 (935) Maintenance of General Plant 6,842,171 6,737,813 197 TOTAL Administrative & General Expenses (Total of lines 194 and 196)159,158,800 142,691 ,013 198 869,170,580 830,783,2't4TOTAL Elec Op and Maint Expns (Total 80,112,13'1,156,164,171,178,197) ldaho Power Company (1) (2) Original A Resubmission (Mo, Da, Yi) a4n6t2019 End of 20181Q4 FERC FORM NO. 1 (EO. 12.93)Page 323 - t\atne ur r1eslJonoent ldaho Power Company I ills (1) (2) It t5. An Original A Resubmission ua(e or Kepon(Mo. Da, Yr) YearFenoo or Kepon End of 2A1B|Q4 o4116t20'.t9 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service, The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for sho(-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for longterm service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term' means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate{erm" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) Name of Company or Public Authority ( Footnote Affi liation s) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) 1 American Falls Solar, LLC LU N/A N/A N/A N/A2American Falls Solar ll, LLC LU N/A N/A J AgPower Jerome LLC - Double A Digester LU N/A N/A N/A 4 Allan RavenscrofUMalad River LU N/A N/A N/A 5 Baker City Hydro LU N/A N/A N/A N/A6Bannock County, ldaho LU N/A N/A 7 Bennett Creek Wind Farm LU N/A N/A N/A 8 Benson Creek Wind Farm LU N/A N/A N/A I Bettencourt DryCreek Biofactory LU N/A N/A N/A 10 Big Sky West Dairy Digester LU N/A NiA N/A 11 N/A N/A N/ABlack Canyon Bliss LU 12 Blind Canyon Hydro LU N/A N/A N/A 13 Branchflower - Trout Company LU NIA N/A N/A NiA14Burley Butte Wind Park LU N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.l2-90)Page 326 t\atne ot nesponoenl ldaho Power Company I iltD (1) (2) udtE ur nuPur ( (Mo, Da, Y0 End of 20181Q4 I Udlrrslruu ul nEyur L An Original A Resubmission 0411612019 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-rninute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401 , line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401 , line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401 , line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received(h) Megawatt Hours Delivered(i) Demand Charges ($) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) fl) r) ($) Total (J+k+l of Settlement (m) Line No. 42,667 1,335,77C 1,335,770 I 243,754 1,287,14!1,287,145 25,591 2,364,512 2,364,513 3 2,151 155,672 89,027 244,699 4 86:47,21e 47,216 5 678,65€678,656 610,98( 43,44t 2,899,05C 2,899,05C 7 30,91t 1,734,234 1,734,234 8 1,034,439 I1 1 ,31(1,034,43S 9,11:597,711 597,7',t1 10 141 4,788 4,788 11 4,411 234,475 234,479 12 85:60,06s 60,069 13 61,29(3,553,00C 3,s53,000 14 5,389,494 106,210 145,'139 894,680 285,529,748 't ,337 ,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327 t\ame oI Kesponoent ldaho Power Company l nts (1) (2) IS:uale ot Keport (Mo, Da. Yr) YeailPenod ot Report End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission o411612019 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.g., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveiies of LF service). This category should nofbe used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for longterm service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availabitity and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affiliations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP oeman( (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) 1 CAFCO ldaho Refuse Management LLC - Sl LU N/A N/A N/A 2 Camp Reed Wind Park LU N/A N/AN/A 3 Cassia Wind Farm LU N/A N/A N/A 4 CCP OR Tenant '1, LLC - Grove LU N/A N/A N/A 5 CCP OR Tenant 1, LLC - Hyline LU N/A N/A N/A 6 CCP OR Tenant 1, LLC - Open Range LU N/A N/A N/A I CCP OR Tenant 1, LLC - Railroad LU N/A N/A N/A 8 CCP OR Tenant 1, LLC - Vale Air LU N/A N/A N/A I CCP OR Tenant 1, LLC - Thunderegg LU N/A N/A N/A 10 City of Hailey LU N/AN/A N/A 11 City of Pocatello LU N/A N/A N/A 12 Clear Springs Food lnc.LU N/A N/A NiA 13 Clifton E. Jenson - Birch Creek LU N/A N/A N/A 14 Cold Springs Windfarm, LLC LU N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. t2-90)Page 326.1 OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission End of 2UB1A4 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identiflT the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (rn) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401 , line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401 , line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTTEMENT OF POWERMegawatt Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received(h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) Total (j+k+l) of Settlement ($) (m) Line No. 279,512 18,533 279,512 66,824 5,499,67(5,499,676 2 24,869 1,376,18t 1 ,376,1 88 J 13,314 80s,81i 805,812 4 20,273 1,233,78€1,233,789 22,543 1,366.00(1,366,000 b 10,064 610,482 610,482 7 21,769 1,321 ,022 1,321,022 o 22,246 1,348,242 1,348,243 I 11 11 10 1,36i 101.114 101,114 11 281,42C 281,420 123,06i 35(17,50C 14,482 31,982 13 49,79t 3,753,121 3,753.121 '14 894,68C 285,529,748 1 ,337,7',t3 287,762,14',15,389,494 106,210 145,139 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.1 (ffi;D;,Vff ' 04t16t2019 trdiltE ut nEsPuttuEttt ij i" (2) Original udrv ur nEpur t(Mo, Da, Yr) r Ydt/TUt tuu ut nvPut t ldaho Power Company Resubmission 04t16t20't9 End of 2O18lQ4 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements seruice is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availabilig and reliabilig of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any seftlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e)(0 Average Monthly CP Demand 1 College of Southern ldaho - Pristine S LU N/A N/A N/A College of Southern ldaho - Pristine S LU N/AN/A N/A 3 Consolidated Hydro lnc. / Enel 4 Barber Dam LU N/A N/A N/A t Dietrich Drop LU N/A N/A N/A 6 Lowline #2 LU N/A N/A N/A 7 Rock Creek #2 LU N/A N/A N/A 8 Crystal Springs Hydro LU N/A N/A N/A o Curry Cattle Company LU N/A N/A N/A 10 Cycle Horseshoe Bend Wind, LLC LU N/A N/A N/A 11 David R Snedigar LU N/A N/A N/A 12 Desert Meadow Windfarm LU N/A N/A N/A 13 Durbin Creek Windfarm LU N/A N/A N/A 14 Eightmile Hydro Corp LU N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.2 t\arlte ot l1esponoent I ilt) (1) (2) t 19.udtts ut ncput t(Mo, Da, Yr) r udrlTEuuu ut nEPUtt End of 20181Q4ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). l/onthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondenl. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401 , line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401 , line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401 , line 1 3. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWER Demand Charges ($) (i) Energy Charges ($) (k) MegaWatt Hours Purchased (g) Megawatt Hours Received (h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Other Charges ($) (t) Total (i+k+l) of Settlement ($) (m) Line No 773 51 ,741 51,74',1 1 1,191 67,028 67,028 I 3 12,22C 611,00i 611,007 4 14,24C 798,24e 5798,246 9,750 517,39€517,398 6 5,171 278J3e 278,136 7 't1,124 756,672 756.672 8 71!1232e 50,83C 63, 1 5€o 17,63(1,151,359 1 ,151,359 10 1,30(92,30192,301 11 60,14(4,526,15C 4,526j54 12 27,90C 1,566,269 1,566,26S 13 1,524 102,666 102,666 14 5,389,494 145,'t 39 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,141106,210 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.2 PUHUHI r rvsPv' rvvr.r (i i- (2) An Original A Resubmission (-rffi:6;:Yri'v, , rvyv, \ ldaho Power Company 04t16t2019 End of 20181Q4 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be intenupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affiliations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (0 1 El Dorado Hydro - Elk Creek LU N/A N/A N/A 2 Faulkner Brothers Hydro lnc.LU N/A N/A N/A 3 N/AFisheries Development LU N/A N/A 4 Fossil Gulch Wind LU N/A N/A NiA 5 G2 Energy Hidden Hollow LU N/A N/A N/A 6 Golden Valley Wind Park LU N/A N/A N/A 7 Grand View PV Solar Two, LLC LU N/A N/A N/A B Hammett Hill Windfarm, LLC LU N/A N/A NiA 9 Hazelton B Power Company LU N/A N/A N/A 10 High Mesa Energy LU N/A N/A N/A 11 H.K. Hydro lVlud Creek S & S LU N/A N/AN/A 12 Horseshoe Bend Hydro LU N/A N/A N/A 13 Hot Springs Wind Farm LU N/A N/A N/A 14 lD Solar 1, LLC LU N/A N/A NiA Total FERC FORM NO- 1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.3 Name oI Kesponoenr ldaho Power Company I ilts (1) (2) t 15- An Original A Resubmission ua(e or xepor((Mo, Da, Yr) 04t1612019 r eat, rerroo ur Ne]rur r End of 20181Q4 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Dernand reported in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWatt Hours Purchased (g) Megawatt Hours Received(h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ',li Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) )($) Total (j+k+l of Settlement r (m) Line No. 3.243 222,178 222,178 1 301 ,1 35 23,874 301 ,13t 39€7,47t 7,474 2 26,383 't,586,27t 1,586,278 4 21,891 't,522,22t 1,522,224 A 1 ,954,173 1,954,173 632,708 183,049 10,1 47,55€10,147,556 7 56,987 4,296,704 4,296,705 8 1,664,222 1,664,222 I22,839 96,497 5,012,86t 5,012,868 10 1,64i 88,99C 88,990 11 12M,462 3,170,792 3,170,792 38,1 6(2,545,67e 2,545,676 13 97,31:5,024,382 5,O24,382 14 5,389,494 106,210 1 45,1 39 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.3 ud(E ut ngput t(Mo, Da, Yr)End of 20181Q4 r gdrlrErrvu vr N9PU|( ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this senvice in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplie/s service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediale-term f rm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average trtlonthly Billing Demand (MW) (d)(e) Average Monthly NCP Demanr Average Monthly CP Demand (f) 1 ldaho Winds - Sawtooth Wind Project LU N/A N/A N/A 2 IU N/A N/A NiAJ R Simplot Co. 3 J.M. Miller/Sahko Hydro LU N/A N/A N/A 4 Jett Creek Windfarm LU NiA N/A N/A 5 John R LeMoyne LU N/A N/A N/A 6 Kasel & Witherspoon LU N/A N/A N/A 7 Kootenai Electric Cooperative - Fighti LU N/A N/A N/A 8 Koosh lnc. Geo Bon #2 LU N/A N/A N/A I Koyle Hydo lnc.LU N/A N/A N/A 10 N/ALateral 10 Ventures LU NiA N/A 't1 Lemhi Hydro Power Co.- Schaffner LU N/A N/A N/A 12 Lime Wind LU N/A N/A N/A 13 Little Mac Power Co./Cedar Draw LU N/A N/A N/A 14 Little Wood River lrrigation District LU N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.4 nESPUt tUEt tt t\aIIle ol r(espunoenl r tIJ (1) (2) tD,L/U(C Ul ilt pur L(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 rEdrrTeiluu ur ncPurt End of 20181Q4ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adiustments or'true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identifu the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplie/s system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory foolnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. COSTISETTLEMENT OF POWERPOWER EXCHANGES Other Charges ($) (l) Total (i+k+l) of Settlement ($) (m) Line No. Megawatt Hours Purchased (s) Megawatt Hours Received (h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($.) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) 4,719,182 4,719,183 I55,62t 63,821 3,262,801 3,262,801 2 '1 ,36:114,427 114,421 3 1,661,284 1,661,284 429,46C 64(35,BBS 35,88S 5 33:29,843 29,843 6 14,09i 1,164,24e 't,164,24e 7 3,81?284,219 284,219 I 3,41 322,698 322,698 I 7.122 449,534 449,534 10 't04,27e 104.276 111,37t 6,07€471,255 471,255 12 6,11t 393,244 393,244 13 452,74i 452,743 146,s0c '145,139 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,1415,389,494 106,210 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.4 rrorrrs vr r\g9yur rugr ll udrts ur [Epur t(Mo, Da, Yr) o4t16t2019ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any seftlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation lhe respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows; RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliabilig of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract, lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any seftlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average t\4onthly NCP Demant (e) Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) Average Monthly CP Demand (0 1 Magic Reservoir Hydro LU N/A NiA N/A 2 Mainline Windfarm LU N/A N/A N/A J Marco Rancher's lrrigation lnc.LU N/A N/A N/A 4 Marysville Hydro Partners- Falls River LU N/A N/A N/A (McCollum Enterprises -Canyon Springs LU N/A N/A N/A 6 Milner Dam Wind Park LU N/A NiA N/A 7 LU N/AMountain Home Solar l, LLC N/A N/A B Mud Creek White Hydro, lnc LU N/A N/A N/A I Murphy Flat Power, LLC LU N/A N/A N/A 10 New Energy One - Rock Creek Dairy LU N/A N/A N/A 11 N/A NiA N/ANorth Gooding Main, Hydro LU 12 North Side Energy Company lnc 13 Bypass Limited LU N/A NIA N/A 14 Hazelton A LU N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.5 r uatrret tuu ut Ne]rut t End of 20181Q4 r\arne oT xesponoenr l iltt (1) (2) t5,uirtt or Keport(Mo, Da, Yr) r ear/refioo ut Nepul t End of 20181Q4ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission 04116t2019 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rale schedules, tarifts or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided, 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered lhan received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401 , line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401 , line '12" The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERPOWER EXCHANGESMegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) Megawatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($) (i) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (l) Total (j+k+l) of Settlement ($) (m) Line No.Megawaft Hours Received (h) 20,025 1,071 ,801 '1,071,801 1 57,625 4,340,57(4,340,576 2 3,004 210,08:210,083 J 3,972,6'.t7 458,588 3,972,611 483 11,32(11 ,320 t 56,611 3,297,78t 3,297,786 6 47,038 1 ,514,391 1,514,391 7 545 37,254 37,254 8 45.755 1,470,321 1,470,327 I 6,224 571,174 571,174 10 4,761 403,90€403,906 11 12 26,86t 1,462,76i 1,462,763 13 '1,943,067 1,943,067 1423,80t 5,389,494 106,2'10 145,139 894,680 285,529,748 1 ,337,713 287,762.141 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.5 PUl<UFII . rvetv..eet.r (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission eqrs vr r \ePvr ( (Mo, Da, Yr) ur r \sPUr r ldaho Power Company 04t16t2019 End of 2O18lQ4 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. 'Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe lhe nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affiliations) (a) Stratistical Classifi- cation (b) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) 1 Head of U Canal LU N/A N/A N/A 2 Orchard Ranch Solar, LLC LU N/A N/A N/A 3 Oregon Trail Wind Park LU N/A N/A N/A 4 Owyhee lrrigation District 5 Mitchell Butte LU N/A N/A N/A 6 LU N/A NIA N/A 7 Tunnel #1 LU N/A NIA N/A 8 Paynes Ferry Wind Park LU N/A N/A N/A I Pico Energy - 86 Anaerobic Digester LU N/A N/A N/A 10 Pigeon Cove Power LU N/A N/A N/A 11 Pilgrim Stage Station Wind Park LU N/A N/A N/A 12 Prospector Windfarm LU NiA N/A N/A 13 Reynolds lrrigation District LU N/A N/A NIA 14 Richard Kaster Total FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12.90)Page 326.6 Owyhee Dam Name oI Kesponoenr ldaho Power Company r ilI5 (1) (2t t 15. An Original A Resubmission uate or Kepoft(Mo. Da, Yr) teaflFenoo or Keporl End of 20181Q4aq16t20't9 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for lhe contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identifled in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) dernand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand repo(ed in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not repo( net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401 , line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401 , line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401 , line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following ail required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWatt Hours Purchased (g) MegaWatt Hours Received (h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($)(rl r) ($) Total U+k+lof Seftlement (m) Line No. 4,27i 385,028 38s,028 1 47,731 1,408,69€1,408,696 2 37,867 2,271,688 2,271,688 3 4 5,513 163,24C 163,240 5 12,554 306,438 306,438 6 14,605 482,693 482,693 7 62,994 5,213,137 5,213,137 I 13,361 1,238,30C 1,238,300 o 7,1 9€381,438 258,636 640,1 34 10 33,492 2,021,411 2,0?1 ,411 11 28,523 '1,599,537 1,599,537 12 1,081 81,67t 8'1,676 13 14 5,389,494 106,210 145,1 39 894,680 285,529,748 1 ,337 ,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.6 Name oI Kesponoenl ldaho Power Company rilt5 (1) (2) t t5.uare or Kepon(Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 rear/refloo or Keport End of 2018/Q4An Original A Resubmission power 1 . Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any seftlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplie/s service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means flve years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be intenupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e,9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the eadiest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliabilig of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any seftlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monlhly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Deman< (e) 1 Box Canyon LU N/A N/A N/A 2 Briggs Creek LU N/A N/A N/A 2 LU N/A N/A N/ARiverside Hydro - Mora Drop 4 Riverside lnvestments E Arena Drop LU N/A N/A NiA 6 Fargo Drop LU NiA N/A N/A 7 Rockland Wnd Project LU N/A N/AN/A I Ryegrass \A/indfarm LU N/A N/A N/A o Salmon Falls Wind Park LU N/A N/A N/A 10 Shingle Creek LLC LU N/A N/A N/A 11 Shorock Hydro lnc. 12 Rock Creek #1 LU N/A N/A N/A 13 Shoshone CSPP LU N/A N/A N/A 14 Shoshone #2 LU N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO. r (EO.12-90)Page 328.7 l\ame oI r{esponqen(I ilta (1) (2) -.udlB ur nEpur ( (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2015 r 6arrTEIUU Vr nVPUr r ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission End of 20181Q4 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustrnents or "true-ups" for service provided In prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP)demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g)the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange" 7. Report demand charges in column fi), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be repo(ed as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERPOWER EXCHANGESMegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received (h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered(i) Demand Charges ($) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) r) ($) Total U+k+lof Settlement (m) Line No. 1,81t 121,B',t0 't21,810 1 3,64i 248,617 248,617 2 a4,36(272,09e 272,098 4 1,614 148,57e 148,576 E 2 Cl21 237.987 237.987 6 16,450,83C 16,450,830 7245,271 54,292 4,095,751 4,095,751 8 65,013 3,865,361 3,865,361 I 62,569 62,56S 101,032 11 10,917 46.O42 619,57(665,618 12 1,729 101,97:10',1 .973 13 2,623,181 ,99(1 81 ,990 14 5,389,494 106,21C 145,1 39 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.7 t\ame or Kesponoent ldaho Power Company I ilts (1) (2) t ts.uare oI Kepon(Mo, Da, Yr) YeailPenod ol Kepon End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplieds service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third paffes to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediateterm" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service exp€ct that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Foohote Affiliations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) AverageI Monthly CP Demand (0 'l LU N/ASimcoe Solar, LLC N/A N/A 2 Snake River Pottery LU N/A N/A N/A 3 South Forks Joint Venture-Lowline Cana LU N/A N/A N/A 4 Tamarack Energy Partnership LU N/A N/A N/A 5 N/A N/ATasco - Nampa N/A 6 Tasco - Twin Falls N/A N/A N/A 7 Thousand Springs Wnd Park LU N/A N/A NiA 8 Tiber Montana LLC - Tiber Dam LU N/A N/A N/A I LUTuana Gulch Wind Park N/A N/A N/A 10 Tuana Springs Expansion LU N/A N/A N/A 11 Twin Falls Energy-Lowline Midway Hydro LU N/A N/A N/A 12 Two Ponds Windfarm LU N/A N/A N/A 13 N/AWhite Water Ranch LU N/A N/A 14 Wi ll iam Arkoosh-Littlewood/Arkoosh LU N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.8 os os Name ot Hesponoent ldaho Power Company I nts (1) (2) ts. An Original A Resubmission uate or Kepon(Mo, Da, Yr) Yearrenoo or Kepon End of 20181Q4 04t16t2019 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identiflT the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reporled in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawafthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement, Do not report net exchange, 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line '13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWaft Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received(h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) Total (j+k+l) of Settlement ($) (m) Line No. 1,543,838 "l49,202 1,543,83t 28,81t 28,816 z42C 29,462 2,125,63:2,125,633 J 27,07e 281 ,702 1,570,60(1,852,302 4 E4 6 32,514 1,948,24t 1,948,244 7 1,573,871 826,02C 1,573,871 1,789,982 1,789,982 I29,883 76,235 5,509,55t 5,509,555 't0 543,761 543,767 119,118 4,433,87t 4,433,876 1259,244 75e 51,86'1 51,861 13 285,736 143,821 285.73t 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,1415,389,494 106,210 1 45,1 39 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.8 r \soPvr rver r( ii i" (2) uotc vr NEPUT t(Mo, Da, Yr)End of 20181Q4 r Edrrrvr rvu ur ngPur r 0411612019ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classi{ication Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be intenupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the eadiest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all lirm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unil. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) 1 \Mlliam Arkoosh- Littlewood River Ranc LU N/A N/A NiA 2 Willow Spring Windfarm LU N/A N/A N/A 3 Wilson Power Company LU N/A N/A N/A 4 Wood Hydro Black Canyon #3 LU N/A N/A N/A 6 Jim Knight LU N/A N/A N/A 7 Mile 28 LU N/A N/A N/A I Sagebrush LU N/A N/A N/A I Yahoo Creek Wind Park LU N/A N/A N/A 10 Scheduling Deviation (3) 11 ADM lnvestor Services, lnc.WSPPOS N/A N/A N/A 12 Arizona Public Service Co SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 13 AVANGRID RENEWABLES, LLC SF WSPP N/A NiA N/A 14 Avista Corp.r-12OS N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (EO.12-90)Page 326.9 Name ol Hesponoent ldaho Power Company I nts (1) (2t ts, An Original A Resubmission uate or Kepon (Mo, Da, Y0 Yeaflrenoo or Kepon End of 20181Q4 04t1612019 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401 , line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line '13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received (h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (r) ) ($) Total (j+k+l of Settlement r (m) Line No. 4,262 268,395 268,395 1 1,795,837 1,795,837 231,932 26,349 1,920,86t 1,920,868 3 4 255 't8,57t 18,578 5 56,08:56,083 6724 4,1 05 273,731 273,739 7 895370,51:70,513 65,458 5,381,781 5,381,784 9 5,268 10 -6,474,592 -6,474,592 11 1,343,68C 1,343,680 1245,80t 25,93t 't,112,98r 1,112,985 't3 (233 233 14 287,762,1415,389,494 1 06,210 145,139 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-90)Page 327.9 Name oI Kesponoent ldaho Power Company I [ltl; (1) (2) ts.uale or Kepon(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2419 YeanFenoo oI Kepon End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classilication Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements seruice. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliabilig of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longerthan one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Afliliations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Deman< (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) 1 Avista Corp.SF WSPP NiA N/A N/A 2 Avista Corp.OS WSPP N/A N/A N/A 3 Black Hills Power lnc.SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 4 Bonneville Power Administration OS rwspp N/A N/A N/A 5 Bonneville Power Administration SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 6 Bonneville Power Administration OS WSPP N/A N/A N/A 7 BP Energy Company SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A I Brookfield Energy Marketing LP SF WSPP N/A NiA N/A I California lndependent System Operator SF CAISO N/A N/A N/A 10 Calpine Energy Services, L.P SF WSPP N/A NIA N/A Chelan Co PUD OS WSPP N/A N/A N/A 12 Chelan Co PUD SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 4a Citigroup Energy lnc.SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 14 Citigroup Energy lnc.os ISDA N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.10 11 t\ame oT t(esponoenr ldaho Power Company r iltS (1) (2) t 15. An Original A Resubmission uatg oI(Mo, Da xeporr r, Yr) 0411612019 r eaTlrenoo oI Keport End of 20181Q4 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration)demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain, 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule, The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received(h) Megawatt Hours Delivered(i) Demand Charges ($)o Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) Total 6+k+1;of Settlement ($) (m) Line No. 44,672 't,253,798 1,253,799 1 294,s57 294,557 2 21C 1,14C 1jAA 3 77 1,953 1,953 4 62.855 1,633,252 1,633,252 5 378,348 378,348 6 138,825 4,272,4844,272,484 7 2,404 34,89€34,896 8 326,24A 5,4s5,234 5,455.234 I 35,30i 1,299,272 1,299,272 10 23 23 11 21,20C 587,904 587,904 12 3,166,2291 18,95(3,166,229 13 -266,809 -266,809 '14 5,389,494 106,210 1 45,1 39 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.10 tYatlte ot ne5poiloct ll.I ilts (1) (2) uate ul ncpur t(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 r tarlTEiluu ut nc]r9r r ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission End of 2018tQ4 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also reporl exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enterthenameofthesellerorotherpartyinanexchangetransactionincolumn(a). Donotabbreviateortruncatethenameoruse acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term flrm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term flrm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (0 1 Clatskanie PUD SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 2 NiA NiADTE Energy Trading, lnc.SF WSPP N/A 3 EDF Trading North America, LLC SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 4 EDF Trading North America, LLC ISDAOS N/A N/A NiA 5 Energy Keepers, lnc SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A N/A6Eugene Water & Eleclric Board SF WSPP N/A N/A 7 Exelon Generation Company, LLC SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 8 Grant CO Public Utility District #2 -N/A N/A N/A 9 Gridforce Energy Management, LLC OS 'WSPP N/A N/A N/A 10 N/A N/AJ.Aron & Company LLC SF WSPP N/A 11 J.Aron & Company LLC OS ISDA N/A N/A NiA 12 Los Angeles Department of Water & Powe SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 13 Macguarie Energy LLC SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 14 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.SF ISDA N/A N/AN/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.11 OS WSPP rrar [c ur ncsPur rucr rr I illD (1) (2) a r!_uate or xepur((Mo, Da, Yr) 04t't6t2019 rear/refloo 0r xeporr End of 20181Q4ldaho Power Company An Original Resubmission AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for seruice provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or conlract designations underwhich service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401 , line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERPOWER EXCHANGES MegaWatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($) (i) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) Total (i+k+l) of Settlement ($) (m) Line No. MegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received (h) 37,38:37,383 1823 17C 3,61e 3,619 2 a172,94e 4,572,033 4,572,033 -532,194 -532,194 4 5,681 115,453 1 15,453 5 7,62C 207.18C 207,18C 6 739,843 1,143,073 1,1$,473 195 40E 81 4 160 16C o 807,936 1030,80c 807,93€ -554,156 -554,'156 11 12e 3,647 3,647 12 8,505 149,5'14 149,514 13 1 ,1 31 ,853 I ,131 ,853 1443,402 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287.762,1415,389,494 106,210 1 45,1 39 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.11 t\ame or Kesponoenr I iltD (1) (2) t t!.uatc or Kepor((Mo. Da, Yr) r eatlreltou ur xepur t End of 2A18lQ4ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i,e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i,e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy ftom third parties to maintain delivenes of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service flrm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transactlon identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service year or less. Use this category for all lirm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. 'Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERG Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) 1 Nevada Power Company, dba NV Energy SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 2 NorthWestern Energy T-7OS N/A N/A N/A J NorthWestern Energy SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 4 NorthWestern Energy (Transmission )OS WSPP N/A N/A N/A E PacifiCorp os r-13 NIA N/A N/A 6 PacifiCorp SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 7 PacifiCorp lnc.OS ]WSPP NiA N/A N/A 8 Portland General Electric Company os ,1-14 N/A N/A N/A I Portland General Elechic Company SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 10 Portland General Electric Company OS N/A N/A N/A 11 Powerex Corp,SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 12 Public Service Company of Colorado SF WSPP N/A N/AN/A 13 Puget Sound Energy, lnc.T-9os N/A N/A N/A 14 Puget Sound Energy, lnc.SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.I (ED.12-90)Page 326.12 rYarne or Kesponoent ldaho Power Company t tI) (1) (2) t5. An Original A Resubmission uale oI xeport(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/renoo or r(epor{ End of 2018/Q4 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior repo(ing years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (0. For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7, Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401 , line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401 , line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERPOWER EXCHANGESMegawatt Hours Purchased (s) MegaWatt Hours Received (h) MegaWatt Hours Delivered(i) Demand Charges ($) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) Total (j+k+l) of Settlem€nt ($) (m) Line No. 8,203 341,05:341,055 ,| €152 't52 2 2.434 45,884 45,884 1 81 81 4 7C 1,827 1,827 R 23,879 749,649 749,64S 6 3,63B 3,638 7 1A 487 487 8 55,071 607,322 607,322 o 986,398 986,398 't0 39,912 2,185,463 2,185,463 11 77,40(3,624,348 3,624,346 12 2C 498 498 13 103,81 (3,536,977 3,536,977 14 s,389,494 106,210 145,139 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.12 tvame oI Kespottuent ldaho Power Company I tID (1) (2) t),uatc or Kep0il,(Mo, Da, Yr) r Ear/rur ruu ur [ePUr r End of 2018iQ4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2A',l9 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classification Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: RQ - for requirements service. Requirements seruice is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirement service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's seruice to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be intemrpted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must aftempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service). This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination date of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate-term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-term service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediate-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service. Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Monthly (e)(f) Actual Demand Monthly 1 Raft River Energy I LLC LU N/A NiA N/A 2 Rainbow Energy Marketing Corporation SF WSPP N/A N/A NIA 3 Salt River Project SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 4 Seattle City Light OS .WSPP N/A N/A NiA 5 Seattle City Light SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 6 Shell Energy North America (US) L.P SF WSPP NiA N/A N/A 7 Siena Pacific Power Co., dba NV Energ N/A N/A N/A 8 Snohomish County PUD SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A 9 Tacoma Power SF WSPP N/A NiA N/A 10 The Energy Authority, lnc.SF WSPP N/A NIA N/A 11 TransAlta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.SF WSPP N/A NIA NIA 12 Tucson Electric Power Company SF WSPP N/A N/A NIA 13 Westar Energy, lnc.OS .WSPP N/A N/A N/A 14 Westar Energy, lnc.SF WSPP N/A N/A N/A Total FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-90)Page 326.13 OS T-55 rrdilru ur ngspuuuErr( ldaho Power Company I tili I n. An Original A Resubmission UAIE UI(Mo, Da nEpur t r, Yr) 0411612015 Igat/Tciluu ut [cPUtt End of 20181Q4(1) (2) AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups'for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identifu the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (d), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak, Demand reported in columns (e) and (0 must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered lhan received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be totalled on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be reported as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401 , line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) Megawatt Hours Received (h) Megawatt Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges ($) (i) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) (t) Total 0+k+l)of Settlement ($) (m) Line No. 83,122 5,669,475 5,669,475 1 42t 20,03c 20,030 2 164,00(4,907,732 4,907,732 2 154 154 4 22,041 741 ,597 741,597 A 39,77C 1,070,258 1,070,258 6 4C 1,059 1,05S 7 2,61C 10'1,845 101,845 8 3,03S 75,214 75,214 o 2,157 36,931 36,931 10 86,85C 4,564,480 4,564,480 1'l 2,524 69,984 69,984 12 1,07 42,304 42,304 13 1,2',t4 45,482 45,482 14 5,389,494 106,210 145,139 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.13 r\ame or F{esponoenr ldaho Power Company I ilts (1) (2) An Original A Resubmrssion uate oI Keporr (Mo, Da, Yr) rearrenoo or Kepon End of 20181Q404t1612019 1. Report all power purchases made during the year. Also report exchanges of electricity (i.e., transactions involving a balancing of debits and credits for energy, capacity, etc.) and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. 2. Enter the name of the seller or other party in an exchange transaction in column (a). Do not abbreviate or truncate the name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest or affiliation the respondent has with the seller. 3. ln column (b), enter a Statistical Classiflcation Code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows RQ - for requirements service. Requirements service is service which the supplier plans to provide on an ongoing basis (i.e., the supplier includes projects load for this service in its system resource planning). ln addition, the reliability of requirernent service must be the same as, or second only to, the supplier's service to its own ultimate consumers. LF - for long-term firm service. "Long-term" means five years or longer and "firm" means that service cannot be interrupted for economic reasons and is intended to remain reliable even under adverse conditions (e.9., the supplier must attempt to buy emergency energy from third parties to maintain deliveries of LF service), This category should not be used for long-term firm service firm service which meets the definition of RQ service. For all transaction identified as LF, provide in a footnote the termination dale of the contract defined as the earliest date that either buyer or seller can unilaterally get out of the contract. lF - for intermediate.term firm service. The same as LF service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. SF - for short-term service. Use this category for all firm services, where the duration of each period of commitment for service is one year or less. LU - for long-terrfi service from a designated generating unit. "Long-term" means five years or longer. The availability and reliability of service, aside from transmission constraints, must match the availability and reliability of the designated unit. lU - for intermediale-term service from a designated generating unit. The same as LU service expect that "intermediate-term" means longer than one year but less than five years. EX - For exchanges of electricity. Use this category for transactions involving a balancing of debits and credils for energy, capacity, etc. and any settlements for imbalanced exchanges. OS - for other service, Use this category only for those services which cannot be placed in the above-defined categories, such as all non-firm service regardless of the Length of the contract and service from designated units of Less than one year. Describe the nature of the service in a footnote for each adjustment. Actual Demand (MW)Line No. Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classifi- cation (b) FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number (c) Average Monthly Billing Demand (MW) (d) Average Monthly NCP Demanr (e) Average Monthly CP Demand (f) 1 Telocaset Wind Power Partners LLC LU APP.A N/A N/A N/A 2 Neal Hot Springs Unit #1 LU N/A N/A N/A 3 Oregon Solar Customers OS N/A N/A N/A 4 Avista Corp,EX 5 Bonneville Power Administration EX 6 NorthWestern Energy EX 7 PacifiCorp lnc.EX 8 Sierra Pacific Power Co., dba NV Energ EX 9 Clatskanie PUD EX 1s3 10 Acctg Valuation of Clatskanie PUD OS 0 N/A N/A N/A 11 Demand Response Avoided Energy OS N/A N/A N/A 12 '13 14 Total FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 326.14 Name ol Hesponoent ldaho Power Company I nts (1) (2) ts. An Original A Resubmission uate oI(Mo, Da Kepon L, Yr) 04l't6t2019 Y earrefloo or Kepon End of 20181Q4 AD - for out-of-period adjustment. Use this code for any accounling adjustments or'true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting years. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. 4. ln column (c), identify the FERC Rate Schedule Number or Tariff, or, for non-FERC jurisdictional sellers, include an appropriate designation for the contract. On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules, tariffs or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (b), is provided. 5. For requirements RQ purchases and any type of service involving demand charges imposed on a monnthly (or longer) basis, enter the monthly average billing demand in column (d), the average monthly non-coincident peak (NCP) demand in column (e), and the average monthly coincident peak (CP) demand in column (f). For all other types of service, enter NA in columns (O), (e) and (f). Monthly NCP demand is the maximum metered hourly (60-minute integration) demand in a month. Monthly CP demand is the metered demand during the hour (60-minute integration) in which the supplier's system reaches its monthly peak. Demand reported in columns (e) and (f) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatt basis and explain. 6. Report in column (g) the megawatthours shown on bills rendered to the respondent. Report in columns (h) and (i) the megawatthours of power exchanges received and delivered, used as the basis for settlement. Do not report net exchange. 7. Report demand charges in column (j), energy charges in column (k), and the total of any other types of charges, including out-of-period adjustments, in column (l). Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (l). Report in column (m) the total charge shown on bills received as settlement by the respondent. For power exchanges, report in column (m) the settlement amount for the net receipt of energy. lf more energy was delivered than received, enter a negative amount. lf the settlement amount (l) include credits or charges other than incremental generation expenses, or (2) excludes certain credits or charges covered by the agreement, provide an explanatory footnote. 8. The data in column (g) through (m) must be tota{led on the last line of the schedule. The total amount in column (g) must be reported as Purchases on Page 401, line 10. The total amount in column (h) must be repo(ed as Exchange Received on Page 401, line 12. The total amount in column (i) must be reported as Exchange Delivered on Page 401, line 13. 9. Footnote entries as required and provide explanations following all required data. POWER EXCHANGES COST/SETTLEMENT OF POWERMegaWatt Hours Purchased (s) Megawatt Hours Received (h) MegaWaft Hours Delivered (i) Demand Charges (q) U) Energy Charges ($) (k) Other Charges ($) Ir) r) ($) Total (l+k+l of Settlement (m) Line No. 314,81:19,741,40?19,741,403 ,| 176,491 20,234,669 20,234.669 2 775 17,879 17,879 3 18 4 20,261 t 87 6 8,687 106,060 7 2,792 8 36,200 I77,244 283,788 283,788 10 7,151,730 7,151,730 11 12 't3 14 s,389,494 106,2'10 145,139 894,680 285,529,748 1,337,713 287,762,141 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 327.14 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page:326.3 Line No.: 9 Column: bIda ?,,est, a subsidiary of IdaCorp (1daho Pohier Company's parent company) , c,wnersh ' p o-r chis pro j ec - . Schedule Page: 326.5 Line No.:1 Column: b Ida West, a subsidiary of IdaCorp (Idaho Power Company's parent company),ownershlp of this projecL. Schedule Page: 326.8 Line No.: 3 Column: bIda West, a subsid"iary of ldaCorp (Idaho Power Company's parent cornpany), 1:1.:rJl,.l. .1 l-rLs i'rl = . Schedule Page: 326.8 Line No.: 5 Column: b iir-,:-t Fi -rirt Pu:cl:ase-s Schedute Page:326.8 Llne No.:6 Column: b llcrtr F r I'ln ljt,.r-L clrases Scfiedule Page: 326-9 Line No.: 3 Column: bIda West, a subsidiary of TdaCorp (Idaho Power Ccmpany's parent company), cwnership of this projecc. Schedule Page: 326.9 Line No; 11 Column: b ADM lnvestor Services, lnc Futures Account Document, dated May 5, 2015 Schedule Page: 326.9 Line No.: 14 Column: b Spinning or Operating Reser.res Schedule Page: 326.10 Line No.: 2 Column: bFinan,--ial fransmission I osses Schedute Page:326.10 Line No.:4 Column: b Spinning or Operating Reserves Schedule Page: 326.10 Line No.: 6 Column: h F-inancial Ir rnsrr.issi on L,rsses Schedule Page: 326.10 Line No.: 11 Column: b Spinning cr Operating Reserves Schedule Page: 326.10 Line No.: 14 Column: b ISDA Mast-er Agreer,ent With Cit:-group, dated March 7, Scfiedule Page: 326.11 Line No.:4 Column: b ISDA Master .Agreeren- [,r]i th F.)F Tlad j n 7 lilor-t h Amsrica, 'Schedule Page: 326.11 Line No.: I Column: b Spinning or Operating R.er.erves Scheduls Page: 326.11 Line No.: I Column: bSpinning or Operating Reserves Schedule Page:326.11 Line No.: 11 Column: b lSDA Master Agreement With .-I.Aron & Company LLC, dated April Schedule Page: 326.12 Line No.: 2 Column: b Spinnrnq cr Operatin.t Reser.;es Schedule Page: 326.12 Line No.: 4 Column: b Spirrning or Operat. n; R.eserve.. Schedule Page: 326.12 Line No.: 5 Column: b Spinning or Operating Reserves Schedule Page: 326.12 Line No.:7 Column: b Financi,a-L Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 326.12 Line No.: I Column: b Spinning or 0peraling Reserves $ehedule Page: 326.12 Line No-: 10 Column: b Operarl-inq agreement with Portf and Ceneral Elecl-::ic t-o still Polver Plant of f line - tsoardrnan Assureil Schedute Page: 326.12 Line No.: 13 Column: b Spinning or Operating Reserves Schedule Page:326.13 Line No.:4 Column: b has partial has partial has partial has partial 2oti LLC, dateri October 25, 2O!2 30, 2014 provide power if Boar,lman FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 041't612019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Spinning or Operating Reserves Schedule Page: 326.13 Line No.:7 Spinning or Operating Reserves Schedule Page: 326.13 Line No.: 13Spinning or Operating Reserves Schedule Page: 326.14 Line tVo.r 3 Column: b Column: b Column: b Schedufe 88 Oregon Sol ar Line No.:4Schedule Page: 326.Column: bPhysical Transmission Losses Sciedule Page: 326.14 Line No.: 5 Column: b Ptiysical Transmission Losses Schedule Page: 326.14 Line No.:6 Column: bPhysical Transmiss ion Losses Scfiedule Page: 326.14 Line No.:7 Column: b Fhys -cal Transmi ssi cn Losses Echedule Page: 326.14 Line No.: I Column: b Physical Transmission Losses Schedute Page: 326.14 Line No.: 9 Column: b Energy exchanqe between Clatsk.inre PUD and Idaho Power Company at Arror^irock Dant Schedule Page: 326.14 Line No.: 10 Column: b Energy excl.ange between Clatskanie PUD and Idaho Power Conrpany at Arroirrock Dar Schedute Page: 326.14 Line No.: 11 Column: bIncentive proqram. for customers to reduce Cemand during peak hours FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.2 r\arile oI xesponqenl t ilrD (1) (2) uate or Keporl(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 r ear/renoo or Keport End of 20181Q4ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission I HAN:MISSION OI. E,LE,C I RICI I Y FOH O IHERS (I lncludinq transaclions refened to as'wheelinq'ccount 456.1 ) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Repo( in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authority. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No. Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (b) Energy Delivered fo (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Bonnevllle Power Mministaton - OTEC Bonneville Power Administration Oregon Trails Electric Co-op FNO 2 Bonnevllle Poryer Admlnlffion - USBR Bonneville Power Administration United States Bureau of Reclamati FNO Bonncdlle Powcr Admlnlshaffon - Ff FNO1Bonneville Power Administration Priority Firm Customers 4 Milnar ln|gaton Olet{ct United States Bureau of Reclamati Milner lrrigation District OLF 5 Morgan Stsnlcy Capital Group lnc.Seattle Ci9 Light Bonneville Power Administration OS 6 PacifiCorp PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp West FNO t nlt3d Stato8 tsursau of lndlgn Afiairg OS7Bonneville Power Administration United States Bureau of lndian Af 8 Cyde Honeshos Bend WInd, LLC PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East os 9 Cycle Horseshoe Bend Wind, LLC PaciftCorp East PacifiCorp East OS 10 11 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration LFP 12 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp West LFP LFP13PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp West 14 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company Bonneville Power Administration LFP 15 Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East LFP LFP16Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East 17 18 Avangrid Renewables, LLC PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Adm inistration NF 19 Avangrid Renewables, LLC PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 20 Sierra Pacific Power NFAvangrid Renewables, LLC NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East 21 Avangrid Renewables, LLC Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 22 Avangrid Renewables, LLC Bonneville Power Administration Sierra Pacific Power NF 23 Avangrid Renewables, LLC Avista PacifiCorp East NF NF24Avangrid Renewables, LLC Avista Sierra Pacific Power 25 Avangrid Renewables, LLC Sierra Pacific Power NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 26 Avangrid Renewables, LLC Sierra Pacific Power Bonneville Power Administration NF 27 Avangrid Renewables, LLC PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 28 PacifiCorp East NFAvista Corporation Avista 29 Avista Corporation Avista Sierra Pacific Power NF 30 Avista Corporation Sierra Pacific Power Avista NF a4 Black Hills Power PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 32 PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NFBlack Hills Power 33 Black Hills Power Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 34 Black Hills Power Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF TOTAL FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 328 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company Th.S (1) (2) tb. An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 04116t2019 S AS t 456)(Continued) 5. ln column (e), identiff the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (f), report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specifled in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGY Line No. FERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Designation) (f) Point of Delivery (Substation or Other Designation) (s) Eilling Demand (MW) (h) tvlegawatt Hours Received(i) Megawatt Hours Delivered 0) 9 332.530 332,53C 1 I 241,422 241,422 2 o 1,335,909 1.33s.909 3 LcAacy Minidoka, ldaho Various in ldaho 7,985 7,385 4 4 349,894 349.894 5 I 2,000 2,00c 6 Legacy LaGrande, Oregon Various in ldaho 16,612 16,612 7 5t6 IPCOEAST 3,902 3,902 8BRDY 5/6 IPCOEAST 1 3,1 15 13,115 oJEFF 10 11BORALAGRANDE537,597 537,59; HURR 342,844 342,841 127t8KPRT 7t8 BORA HURR 574,326 574,32t 13 7t8 LYPK LAGRANDE 3,710 3,71C 14 KPRT 132,746 132.74t 157t8Ms00 7t8 SMLK KPRT 274.426 274,42e 16 17 718 BORA LAGRANDE 242 242 18 M345 107 101 1g7t8BORA 7t8 M345 380 38C 20BPAT.NWMT 7t8 LAGRANDE BORA 980 9BC 21 7t8 LAGRANDE M345 2,700 2,70C 22 BORA 200 20c 237t8LOLO 7t8 LOLO M345 '13 13 24 132 257t8M345BPAT.NWMT 132 LAGRANDE 3,191 3,191 267t8M345 7lB SMLK BORA 171 171 27 7t8 LOLO BRDY 785 785 2B ru345 488 488 297t8LOLO 7t8 M345 LOLO 13 13 30 7tB JBSN BORA 140 144 31 30 3(JZ7t8JBSNM345 7t8 BORA 137 131 JJLAGRANDE 7/8 LAGRANDE JBSN 128 12t!34 0 7,243,160 7,243,16( FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-e0)Page 329 718 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company tnts (1) (2) rs:uale ot Kepon(Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 YeailHenoo ol Repon End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission TRANS MII'SIUN UI- ELEU I KIUI I Y hUH (JIHE,KS (P lncludinq transactions refened to as'wheelinq'ccounl 4b0.1) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualifiTing facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authority. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods, Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No. Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Afiiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Aftiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Black Hills Power PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 2 Bonneville Power Administration NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East SFP 3 NFBonneville Power Administration NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Sierra Pacific Power 4 Bonneville Power Administration NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 5 Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 6 Bonneville Power Administration Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 7 Bonneville Power Administration Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 8 Bonneville Power Administration Bonneville Power Adminisfation Bonneville Power Administration NF I Bonneville Power Administration Bonneville Power Adminisfation Siena Pacific Power NF 10 Bonneville Power Administration Bonneville Power Administration NFBonneville Power Administration 11 Bonneville Power Administration Avista Bonneville Power Administration NF 't2 Bonneville Power Administration Avista Siena Paciflc Power NF 13 Bonneville Power Adm inistration PacifiCorp East NFSierra Pacific Power 14 Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp West Sierra Pacific Power NF 15 Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 16 Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East SFPPacifiCorp West 17 Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East SFP 18 Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp West Sierra Pacific Power SFP SFP19Brookfield Energy Marketing LP PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power 20 CWP Energy lnc.PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 21 EDF Trading North America, LLC NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 22 EDF Trading North America, LLC PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 23 Bonneville Power Administration NFEDF Trading North America, LLC PacifiCorp East 24 EDF Trading North America, LLC Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 25 Energy Keepers, lnc.PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 26 Energy Keepers, lnc.Avista PacifiCorp East NF 27 Macquarie Energy, LLC PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 28 Macquarie Energy, LLC PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East SFP 29 Macquarie Energy, LLC PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 30 Macquarie Energy, LLC PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 31 Macquarie Energy, LLC PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 32 Macquarie Energy, LLC PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 33 Macquarie Energy, LLC PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 34 Macquarie Energy, LLC Sierra Pacific Power PacifiCorp East NF TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 328.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company I nrs (1) (2',) lst An Original A Resubmission Uate ot Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period ot Keport End of 20181Q4 0411612019 as t 4S6XContinued) 5. ln column (e), identify the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separale lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (f), report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGYPoint of Delivery (Substation or Other Designation) (s) FERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Designation) (f) Billing Demand (MW) (h) Megawatt Hours Received(i) Megawatt Hours Delivered(i) Line No. BRDY 5 E 17t8M500 7t8 BPAT.NWMT BORA 7,126 7,12e 2 7t8 BPAT.NWMT M345 101 101 J M3457t8BPAT.NWMT 9,893 9,893 4 7t8 BRDY M345 61 61 5 718 LAGRANDE BORA 183 183 6 7t8 LAGRANDE KPRT 25 25 7 LAGRANDE 1,728 1,72e 87t8LAGRANDE 7t8 LAGRANDE M345 5,662 5,662 I 7t8 LAGRANDE OTEC 20 2C 10 LAGRANDE 1,32C 11718LOLO1,320 7t8 M34s 257 257 12LOLO 7t8 M345 BORA 4 4 13 7t8 M500 M345 121 121 14 BORA 157t8SMLK't49 14S 7t8 SMLK BORA 81,075 81 ,07t 16 7t8 SMLK BRDY 195 19f 17 7t8 SMLK M345 97,s33 97,53:18 M345 42,698 42,69t 197t8BRDY 7t8 BRDY M345 1,483 1,48:20 7tB BPAT.NWMT LAGRANDE 1,150 1 ,"t5C 21 1,82e 22718BRDYLAGRANDE1,826 LAGRANDE 72 72 237t8JEFF 7t8 LAGRANDE BRDY 57 57 24 M345 32,023 25718BRDY32,022 BRDY 2 z 267t8LOLO 7t8 BRDY BORA 115 115 27 7t8 BRDY BORA 2,023 2,023 28 M345 214 214 297t8BRDY 7t8 BRDY M345 4,286 4,28e 30 718 GSHN M345 160 16C 31 M345 32718JBSN2727 718 JEFF M345 250 25(33 7tB M345 BORA 525 525 34 0 7,243,164 7,243,16C FERC FORM NO.I (ED.12-90)Page 329.'l Name ot Respondent ldaho Power Company tnls (1) (2) IS:uale ot Hepon(Mo, Da, Yr) YeailPenoo or K.epon End of 2018/Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t1612019 I RANS as ccount 456.1) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full narne of each company or public authority. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or'true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No. Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Afiiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Macquarie Energy, LLC Sierra Pacific Power PacifiCorp East NF 2 Mag Energy Solutions PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 3 Mag Energy Solutions PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 4 Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East NF 5 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 6 Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 7 Morgan Stranley Capital Group Inc.PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 8 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration SFP I Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Avista NF 10 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 11 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East NF 12 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East SFP 13 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.No(hWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East NF 14 Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.NorthWesterniPacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East SFP 15 Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.NorthWestern/PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 16 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 17 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.NorthWestern/PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 18 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 19 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 20 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East SFP 21 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 22 Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc.PacifiCorp East NFBonneville Power Administration 23 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Avista NF 24 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 25 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 26 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company NorthWestem/Pacifi Corp East NF 27 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 28 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 29 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East SFP 30 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 31 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 32 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 33 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East SFP 34 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF TOTAL FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 328.2 Name ot Kespondent ldaho Power Company I nrs (1) (2) IS:uate ot Keport (Mo. Da, Y0 YeailPenoo ot F(eport End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 as ! 4SOXL,ontrnue0) 5. ln column (e), identify the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (f), report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identilication for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7, Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawafthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGYFERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Designation) (f) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Point of Delivery (Substation or Other Designation) (s) Billing Demand (MW) (h) Megawatt Hours Received(i) Megawatt Hours Delivered(i) Line No. BRDY7t8M345 259 25(1 7t8 M345 14,055 2BRDY 7t8 JEFF M345 14,90: 7tB AVAT.NWMT BORA 45 4t 4 LAGRANDE 739 -71C E7tBAVAT.NWMT 7tB M345 4,54t 6AVAT.NWMT 7t8 BORA LAGRANDE 3,091 3,091 7 718 BORA LAGRANDE 8,822 8,822 I 7t8 LOLO 400 40c IBORA 7t8 BORA M345 57C 10 7t8 BPAT.NWTVIT BORA 53 51 11 BORA 31,632 31 ,632 127t8BPAT.NWMT 7t8 BPAT.NWMT BRDY 2{13 7t8 BPAT.NWMT BRDY 1,104 1,104 14 718 BPAT.NWMT LAGRANDE J.OO /3,66i 15 M345 9,1 84 167t8BPAT.NWMT 7t8 BPAT.NWMT M345 71,25C 17 7t8 BRDY AVAT.NWMT 50 5C 1B 7tB BRDY BORA 7,363 7,363 19 BORA 4,483 207tBBRDY 7t8 BRDY BPAT.NWMT 272 21 7t8 BRDY LAGRANOE 13,864 13,86r 22 LOLO 83 8:ZJ7t8BRDY 7t8 M345 34,40i 24BRDY 7t8 BRDY M345 85,747 85,741 ,q 267t8IPCOGENAVAT.NWMT 11 7tB IPCOGEN BPAT.NWMT 2C 27 718 JBSN BORA 11,993 11,9S:28 7t8 JBSN BORA 5,213 5,21i 29 7t8 BRDY 1C 30JBSN 7t8 JBSN M345 613 613 3'1 BORA 3Z7t8JEFF43,691 43,691 BORA 2,254 337tBJEFF 7tB JEFF BRDY 1,466 '1,466 34 0 7,243,160 7,243,',t60 FERG FORM NO.1 (8D.12-90)Page 329.2 14,0551 14,e031 4,5441 5761 201 9,1841 71,2501 4,4831 2721 34,4071 141 201 101 2,2541 Name ot Kesponoent ldaho Power Company tnls (1) (2) IS:uate oI Keoon(Mo, Da, Yi) Year/Henoo ol Kepon End of 20181Q4An Original Resubmission o4t16t2019 TRANS MISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS (P lncluding transaclions referred to as'wheelinq'ccount 4co.'r ) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authorig. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Afiiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Afiiliation) (b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PaciliCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 2 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF J Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp East Siena Pacific Power SFP 4 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Bonneville Power Administration NorthWestem/Pacifi Corp East NF 5 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 6 SFPMorgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East 7 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 8 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Bonneville Power Administration Sierra Paclfic Power NF I Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Bonneville Power Administration Sierra Pacific Power 5rr '10 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Avista PacifiCorp East NF 11 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Avista PacifiCorp East SFP 12 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Avista PacifiCorp East NF 13 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Avista Sierra Pacific Power NF 14 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Avista Siena Pacific Power SFP 15 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company NorthWestemlPacifi Corp East NF 16 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF 't7 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East SFP 't8 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company NorthWestern/PacifiCorp East NF 19 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF 20 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company Avista NF 21 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company Sierra Pacific Power NF 22 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company Sierra Pacific Power SFP 23 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Sierra Pacific Power NorthWestern/PacifiCorp East NF 24 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Sierra Pacific Power PacifiCorp East NF 25 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Sierra Pacific Power NorthWestem/Pacifi Corp East NF 26 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Sierra Pacific Power PacifiCorp East NF 27 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Bonneville Power Adm inistration NFSierra Pacific Power 28 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.Sierra Pacific Power Avista NF 29 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 30 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF a4 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East SFP 32 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.PacifiCorp West Sierra Pacific Power NF 33 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF 34 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 32t.3 Name of Responclent ldaho Power Company tnts (1) (2) IS: An Original A Resubmission uate ot F(eport(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Penoo ot Hepon End of 20181Q4 o411612019 as 5. ln column (e), identifiT the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (0, report the designation for the substalion, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGY Designation) (s) Point of Delivery (Substation or Other FERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Designation) (0 Billing Demand (MW) (h) Megawatt Hours Received(i) Megawatt Hours Delivered 0) Line No, 7t8 LAGRANDE 322 1JEFF 7t8 JEFF M345 53,922 2 7t8 JEFF M345 1,404 1,404 J 7t8 LAGRANDE AVAT.NWMT 316 316 4 7t8 LAGRANDE BORA 12,932 E 7t8 LAGRANDE EORA 10,69S 10,699 6 7t8 LAGRANDE BRDY 3,4'1S 3,4't I 7 7t8 M345 110,211 1't0,211 8LAGRANDE 718 LAGRANDE M345 9(o 7t8 LOLO BORA 33,699 33,69t 10 BORA 5,43(117t8LOLO5,439 7t8 LOLO BRDY 282 12 7t8 LOLO M345 283,043 283,043 13 7t8 LOLO M345 153,240 't53,24C 14 AVAT.NWMT 5477t8LYPK 541 15 7t8 LYPK BORA 1,82C 16 7t8 LYPK BORA 31,373 31 ,373 17 1,239 1,238 18718LYPKBPAT.NWMT 7t8 BRDY 2,42C 19LYPK 7t8 LYPK LOLO 500 50c zu 7tB LYPK M345 4,194 4,194 21 M3457t8LYPK 302,387 302,38i 22 7t8 AVAT.NWMT I 23M345 7t8 M345 BORA 242 24 BPAT.NWMT 3,152 3,152 257t8M345 7t8 M345 BRDY 2,967 26 7t8 M345 LAGRANDE 33,77a 33,775 27 7t8 M345 LOLO 10,332 10,332 28 AVAT.NWMT 1a 297t8OBBLPR 7t8 SMLK BORA 248,83i 30 7t8 SMLK BORA 2,284 2,28(31 M345 1,980 1,98(327t8SMLK 7t8 BORA 156,06(33WALLAWALLA 7tB WALLAWALLA BRDY 23 z:34 0 7,243,',t60 7,243j64 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. r2-90)Page 329.3 t 456XUontinued) 322l| 53.s22| 12,e321 e0l 2B2l 1,S201 2,4201 8l 2421 2,9671 131 248,8321 1 56,0661 Name ot Kesponoent ldaho Power Company I nts (1) (2) IS: Original uate oI Hepon(Mo, Da, Yr) Yea?Fenoo or Kepon End of 20'l8lQ4A Resubmission 04116t2019 TRANS MISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS (F lncluding transactions referred to as'wheelinq'ccount 456.',!) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualirying facilities, non{raditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authority. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No. Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation )(b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Morgan Stanley Capital Group lnc.ldaho Power Company Sierra Pacific Power NF 2 Nevada Power Company NFPacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power 3 Nevada Power Company PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 4 Nevada Power Company Avista Sierra Pacific Power SFP 5 Nevada Power Company Siena Pacific Power Bonneville Power Adm inistration NF 6 Northwestern Energy PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Adm inistration NF 7 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East ldaho Power Company NF 8 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East Avista NF I PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East Avista SFP 10 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 11 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 12 PacifiCorp lnc.Bonneville Power Admin istration NFPacifiCorp East 13 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East Avista NF 14 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 15 NFPacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East to PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 17 PacifCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East ldaho Power Company NF 18 PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 19 PacifiCorp lnc.Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 20 PacifiCorp lnc.Bonnevi lle Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 21 PacifiCorp lnc.Bonnevi lle Power Administration Sierra Pacific Power NF 22 PacifiCorp lnc.Avista PacifiCorp East NF 23 PacifiCorp lnc.Avista PacifiCorp East NF 24 PacifiCorp lnc.Avista Bonneville Power Administration NF .E PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF to PacifiCorp lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 27 PacifiCorp EastPacifiCorp lnc.ldaho Power Company NF 28 PacifiCorp lnc.ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF 29 PacifiCorp Inc.ldaho Power Company Bonneville Power Administration NF 30 Portland General Electric PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Adm inistration NF 31 Portland General Electric PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration SFP 32 Portland General Electric PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 33 Portland General Eleckic PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration SFP 34 Portland General Electric NFPacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 328.4 Name ot Responclent ldaho Power Company tnrs (1) (2) IS:uate ot Heport(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Penod ol Kepon End of 2018/Q4An Original A Resubmission t 4Strxuontnuecl) as 5. ln column (e), identify the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipl and delivery locations for all single conlract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (f), report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) musl be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGYFERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Designation) (0 Point of Delivery (Substation or Other Designation) (s) Billing Demand (MW) (h) MegaWatt Hours Received(i) Megawatt Hours Delivered 0) Line No. 7t8 WALLAWALLA M345 236 23t 1 1,632 1,631 27t8BRDYM345 M345 2,688 2,68€37t8BRDY 7t8 LOLO tvl345 1,120 1,12(4 15(57t8M34sLAGRANDE150 LAGRANDE 165 16r 67tBBRDY BORA lPco 4 I7t8 8718BORALOLO15015( LOLO 255,418 255,41t I7t8BORA BORA 780 78(107t8BRDY 7t8 BRDY BRDY 66 6(11 4,748 4,74t 127t8BRDYLAGRANDE LOLO 152 15i 137t8BRDY 7t8 BRDY MLCK 4,446 4,44t 14 7t8 HURR BORA 1,889 1,88!15 60s 60!'16718HURRBRDY EGSY 4.752 4,752 17718JEFF 7t8 JEFF BORA 1 1 18 7t8 LAGRANDE BORA 3,634 3,634 19 BRDY 3,410 3,41C 207t8LAGRANDE M345 49 4t 217lBLAGRANDE 7tB LOLO BORA 513 51:22 375 237t8LOLOBRDY375 LAGRANDE 434 434 247t8LOLO 7tB SMLK BORA 98s 985 25 62C 267t8SMLKBRDY620 BORA 2,440 2,44C 277t8WALLAWALLA 7t8 BRDY 2,848 2,84e 28WALLAWALLA 7t8 WALLAWALLA LAGRANDE 490 49C 29 R C 307t8BORALAGRANDE LAGRANDE 29,075 29,071 317t8BORA 7t8 BRDY LAGRANDE 69 6g 32 16,096 16,03€337t8BRDYLAGRANDE LAGRANDE 2 2 347t8JBSN 0 7,243,160 7,243,160 FERC FORM NO.'t (ED.12-90)Pag€ 329.4 Name ot Respondent ldaho Power Company I nrs (1) (2) ts:uate or(Mo, Da Kepon r, Yr) Yeaflrenoo or Kepon End of 2O18lQ4An Original A Resubmission 04116t2019 TRANS MISSIUN UI. KLIL; I HIUI I Y I-UK O I HbHS (F lncludinq transactions referred to as 'wheelinq'ccount 456.'l ) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authority. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No. Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Pubiic Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Powerex Corporation NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 2 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/PacifiCorp East NF J Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East SFP 4 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 5 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration SFP 6 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Avista SFP Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 8 Powerex Corporation NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East NF I Powerex Corporation NorthWesterniPacifl Corp East PacifiCorp East SFP 10 Powerex Corporation NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East NF 11 Powerex Corporation NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 12 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 13 Powerex Corpo.ation PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East SFP 14 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp West NF 15 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 't6 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 't7 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 't8 Powerex Corporation PaciliCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 1S Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 20 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 21 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 22 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 23 Powerex Corporation Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 24 Powerex Corporation Bonneville Power Administration NFPacifiCorp East 25 Powerex Corporation Bonneville Power Administration Siena Pacific Power NF 20 Powerex Corporation Avista PacifiCorp East NF 27 Powerex Corporation Avista PacifiCorp East NF 28 Powerex Corporation Avista Sierra Pacific Power NF 29 Powerex Corporation Sierra Pacific Power PacifiCorp East NF 30 Powerex Corporation Sierra Pacific Power Bonneville Power Administration NF 3'1 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 32 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 33 Powerex Corporation PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 34 Powerex Corporation ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 328.5 l\ame oI Kesponoenl ldaho Power Company II[5 (1) (2) 1t5.uate ot(Mo. Da l(epon , Yr) Iear,/Fenoo or Neport End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t1612019 t 45ttXContinuec,)to as 5. ln column (e), identify the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (f), report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmlssion service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGYFERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Designation) (f) Point of Delivery (Substation or Other Designation) (s) Billing Demand (MW) (h) MegaWatt Hours Received(i) Megawatt Hours Delivered U) Line No. 7t8 AVAT.NWMT LAGRANDE 471 471 I 7t8 BORA BPAT.NWMT 50 5C 2 7t8 BPAT.NWMT 102 102 3BORA 7t8 BORA LAGRANDE 6,736 6,73(4 718 BORA LAGRANDE 18 18 5 718 BORA LOLO 538 53€o 718 BORA M345 306 30€7 7t8 BPAT.NWMT BORA 35 ,a 8 7t8 BPAT.NWMT BORA 100 10c I 7t8 BRDY 42 42 10BPAT.NWMT 718 BPAT.NWMT LAGRANDE 33 aa 11 718 BRDY BORA 144 144 12 718 BRDY BPAT.NWMT 2C 2C 13 718 HURR 6C 6C 14BRDY 718 BRDY LAGRANDE 2,587 2,587 15 7t8 BRDY M345 1,189 1,18S '16 BRDY 36 36 177t8GSHN 7t8 HURR BORA 31 31 18 7t8 HURR BRDY 4 4 19 7t8 JEFF BORA 184 18t 20 LAGRANDE 252 25i 217t8JEFF 7t8 JEFF M345 B I 22 718 LAGRANDE BORA 9,217 9,211 23 7t8 LAGRANDE BRDY 2,258 2,25t 24 7t8 LAGRANDE M345 1,693 1,69:25 718 LOLO BORA 136 13€26 7t8 LOLO BRDY 45 4a 27 7t8 M345 122 122 28LOLO 718 M345 BORA 11 '11 29 7t8 M345 LAGRANDE 878 B7€30 BORA 122 122 317t8POP 7t8 SMLK BORA 2,360 2,36C sz 7t8 SMLK BRDY 328 32e 33 BORA 2,580 2,58C 347tBWALLAWALLA 0 7,243,164 7,243,16( FERC FORM NO. I (ED.'r2-90)Page 329.5 Name ot Respondent ldaho Power Company r nts (1) (2) IS:uate ol Kepon (Mo, Da, Yr) YeailHenoo oI Kepon End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 TRANS MISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS (A lncluding transactions refened to as'wheeling'ccount 456.1 ) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (n) and (c), 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authorig. Do not abbreviate or truncale name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No. Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- calion (d) 1 Powerex Corporation ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF 2 Powerex Corporation ldaho Power Company Siena Pacific Power NF 2 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East SFP 4 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 5 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration SFP 6 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation PacifiCorp East Avista NF 7 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East SFP 8 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP I Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation PacifiCorp East SFPBonneville Power Administration 10 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 11 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East SFP 12 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation Avista PacifiCorp East NF 13 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation Siena Pacific Power NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 14 Rainbow Energy Marketing Coporation Siena Pacific Power Bonneville Power Adm inistration NF 15 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 16 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 17 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Avista NF 18 Shell Energy Norlh America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Siena Pacific Power NF 19 Shell Energy North America (US). L.P PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 20 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P NorthWestem/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East NF 21 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P No(hWestern/Pacifi Corp East PacifiCorp East NF 22 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P NorthWestem/Pacifi Corp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 23 Shell Energy Norlh America (US), L.P PacifCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 24 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 25 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Avista NF 26 Shell Energy Norlh America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Siena Pacific Power NF 27 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 28 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East NF 29 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 30 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 31 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 32 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Bonneville Power Admin istration PacifiCorp East NF JJ Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 34 Shell Energy North America (US), L,P Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East SFP TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 328.6 Name ot Respondent ldaho Power Company I nts (1) (2) IS:uate ot Kepon(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Yea7Henoo oI Kepon End of 2U8lA4An Original A Resubmission t 4S6XConttnued) to as 5. ln column (e), identiflT the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (0, report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts- Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGYFERG Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Designation) (f) Point of Delivery (Substation or Other Designation) (s) Billing Demand (MW) (h) Megavvatt Hours Received(i) Megawa( Hours Delivered(i) Line No. 7t8 WALLAWALLA BRDY 363 Jb,.:1 27t8WALLAWALLAM3451,823 1,823 BPAT.NWMT 413 37t8BORA 7t8 BORA LAGRANDE 312 312 4 57tBBORALAGRANDE5,980 5,98C 425 425 6718BORALOLO 7t8 BRDY 19,441 7BPAT.NWMT 718 BPAT.NWMT M34s 2,678 2,678 8 1,6787t8BRDYLAGRANDE1,678 I BRDY 4,748 107t8JEFF 7t8 JEFF BRDY 1,152 11 718 LOLO BORA 330 33(12 BPAT.NWMT 46!13718M345 7t8 LAGRANDE 2,90i 14M345 7t8 BORA BPAT.NWMT 45 4a 15 3,81t 167t8BORALAGRANDE3,815 LOLO 36:17718BORA 7t8 M345 40(18BORA 7tB BORA M345 96 9€19 100 10(7t8 BPAT.NWMT BORA 20 BRDY 10t 217t8BPAT.NWMT 718 BPAT.NWMT M345 838 838 22 7t8 BRDY BPAT.NWMT 136 13€23 4,16€247t8BRDYLAGRANDE4,1 68 7tB BRDY LOLO 443 25 7t8 BRDY M345 6,338 6,338 26 M34s 21 .773 277t8BRDY 7t8 BORA 63i 28JBSN 7lB JBSN LAGRANDE 1,748 1,74e 29 )E 307t8JEFFLAGRANDE25 t\4345 40c 317t8JEFF 7t8 LAGRANDE BORA 24,412 24,412 32 8,49t 337t8LAGRANDEBRDY8,498 BRDY 638 63t 347tBLAGRANDE 0 7,243,16t FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 329'6 41 3l 1s,4411 4,7481 1,1s21 46sl 2.9021 3631 4001 1 o8l 443, 21,7731 6371 4001 7,249,1601 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company lhrs (1) (2) IS:Date ot Report(Mo, Da, Yr) YearlPeriod ot Report End of 2018/Q4An Original A Resubmission 0411612019 I KANI MtSS|UN Ul- ELEU I Hlut r Y t-UK () t HEr-{s (f lncludinq lransactions referred to as 'wheelinq'ccount 456.1 ) 1. Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authority. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No, Payment By (Company of Public Aulhority) (Footnote Affiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 2 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Bonneville Power Administration Sierra Pacific Power NF 3 NFShell Energy North America (US), L.P Avista PacifiCorp East 4 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Avista PacifiCorp East NF 5 Shell Energy North America (US). L.P Avista Sierra Pacific Power NF SFP6Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Avista Sierra Pacific Power I Shell Energy North America (US), L.P,Siera Pacific Power PacifiCorp East NF I Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Sierra Pacific Power NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF I Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Sierra Pacific Power Bonneville Power Administration NF 10 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P Sierra Pacific Power Avista NF 11 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 12 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P PacifiCorp West Sierra Pacific Power NF 13 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF 14 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East SFP 15 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East NF 16 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P ldaho Power Company PacifiCorp East SFP 17 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P ldaho Power Company Sierra Pacific Power NF 18 Shell Energy North America (US), L.P ldaho Power Company Sierra Pacific Power SFP NF19Tenaska Power Services PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power 20 Tenaska Power Services PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 21 Tenaska Power Services PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 22 The Energy Authority, lnc.PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 23 PacifiCorp East NFThe Energy Authority, lnc.Bonneville Power Administration 24 The Energy Authority, lnc.Bonneville Power Administration Sierra Pacific Power NF 25 The Energy Authority, lnc.Sierra Pacific Power Bonneville Power Adm inistration NF 26 The Energy Authority, lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 27 The Energy Authority, lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 28 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.PacifiCorp East NorthWestern/Pacifi Corp East NF 29 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 30 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.PacifiCorp East Avista NF 31 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.NorthWestem/PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 32 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.NorthWestem/Pacifi Corp East Sierra Pacific Power NF 33 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.PacifiCorp East Bonneville Power Administration NF 34 NFTransalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.PacifiCorp East PacifiCorp East TOTAL FERC FORM NO. r (ED. 12-90)Page 32E'7 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company ThiS (1) (2) IS:Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission rt 456XContanuecl)as 5. ln column (e), identify the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Reporl receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (f), report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Report in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGYFERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Designation) (f) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Designation) (s) Point of Delivery (Substation or Other Billing Demand (MW) (h) Megawatt Hours Received(i) MegaWatt Hours Delivered 0) Line No. 7t8 LAGRANDE JBSN 912 91i 1 7t8 LAGRANDE M345 82,658 82,65t 2 7t8 BORA 1,587 1,581LOLO 3 7t8 LOLO BRDY o,zot O,ZOt 4 7t8 LOLO M34s 106,523 106,52t 5 7t8 LOLO M345 63,459 63,45!6 7t8 M345 BORA 373 37i 7 7t8 M345 BPAT.NWMT 231 231 8 7tB M345 LAGRANDE 4,019 4,01e I LOLO 68 6t 10718M345 7t8 SMLK BRDY 1.477 1,471 11 7t8 SMLK M345 24 24 12 BORA7t8WALLAWALLA 41 ,306 41,30€13 7t8 BORA 16 1€14WALLAWALLA 7t8 WALLAWALLA BRDY 16,057 16,057 15 718 WALLAWALLA BRDY 9,962 I,e62 16 M345 21,813718WALLAWALLA 21,813 17 7t8 M345 3,073 3,073 18WALLAWALLA 7t8 BORA M345 57 57 19 7t8 BRDY M345 1,394 1,394 20 M345 1,527 21718BRDY1,52't 7t8 BRDY LAGRANDE 864 864 22 7t8 LAGRANDE BRDY 528 528 23 M3457lBLAGRANDE 249 249 24 7t8 M345 LAGRANOE 1,418 1,41t 25 7t8 SMLK BORA 1.722 1,72i 26 BRDY 50 5C7t8SMLK 27 7t8 BORA BPAT.NWMT 2,006 2,00e 28 7t8 BORA LAGRANDE 3,377 3,371 2S LOLO7t8BORA 239 239 30 7t8 LAGRANDE 840 84(BPAT,NWMT 31 7/8 BPAT.NWMT M345 50 5C 32 7tB BRDY LAGRANDE 1,461 1,461 7t8 BORA 1 1 34JBSN 0 7,243,160 7,243,160 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. r2-90)Page 329.7 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company lhis (1) (2) IS:Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 44n6t2019 Year/Penod ot Report End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission TRANT MISi,IUN UF ELtsUIKIUI I Y FUH UIHEKti (P lncluding transactions refened to as'wheeline'ccount 4cti.1 ) I 1 . Report all transmission of electricity, i.e., wheeling, provided for other electric utilities, cooperatives, other public authorities, qualirying facilities, non-traditional utility suppliers and ultimate customers for the quarter. 2. Use a separate line of data for each distinct type of transmission service involving the entities listed in column (a), (b) and (c). 3. Report in column (a) the company or public authority that paid for the transmission service. Report in column (b) the company or public authority that the energy was received from and in column (c) the company or public authority that the energy was delivered to. Provide the full name of each company or public authority. Do not abbreviate or truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation the respondent has with the entities listed in columns (a), (b) or (c) 4. ln column (d) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNO - Firm Network Service for Others, FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - "Long-Term Firm Point to Point Transmission Service, OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Terrn Firm Point to Point Transmission Reservation, NF - non-firm transmission service, OS - Other Transmission Service and AD - Out-of-Period Adjustments. Use this code for any accounting adjustments or "true-ups" for service provided in prior reporting periods. Provide an explanation in a footnote for each adjustment. See General lnstruction for definitions of codes. Line No. Payment By (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (a) Energy Received From (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (b) Energy Delivered To (Company of Public Authority) (Footnote Affiliation) (c) Statistical Classifi- cation (d) 1 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp East NF 2 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.Bonneville Power Administration Sierra Pacific Power NF 3 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.Avista PacifiCorp East NF 4 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.Avista Sierra Pacific Power NF 5 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.Sierra Pacific Power Bonneville Power Administration NF 6 fransalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.Sierra Pacific Power Avista NF I Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.PacifiCorp West PacifiCorp East NF 8 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.PacifiCorp West Sierra Pacific Power NF I Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.ldaho Power Company PaciliCorp East NF 10 Transalta Energy Marketing (U.S.) lnc.ldaho Power Company Sierra Pacific Power NF 11 Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems PacifiCorp East Siena Pacific Power NF 12 Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems PacifiCorp East Sierra Pacific Power SFP 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 TOTAL FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 32E.E Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4o4t16t2019 to as t 456XContinued) 5. ln column (e), identi! the FERC Rate Schedule or Tariff Number, On separate lines, list all FERC rate schedules or contract designations under which service, as identified in column (d), is provided. 6. Report receipt and delivery locations for all single contract path, "point to point" transmission service. ln column (f), repo( the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was received as specified in the contract. ln column (g) report the designation for the substation, or other appropriate identification for where energy was delivered as specified in the contract. 7. Report in column (h) the number of megawatts of billing demand that is specified in the firm transmission service contract. Demand reported in column (h) must be in megawatts. Footnote any demand not stated on a megawatts basis and explain. 8. Repo( in column (i) and (j) the total megawatthours received and delivered. TRANSFER OF ENERGYFERC Rate Schedule of Tariff Number (e) Designation) (f) Point of Receipt (Subsatation or Other Point of Delivery (Substation or Other Designation) (s) Billing Demand (MW) (h) Megawatt Hours Received(i) Megawatt Hours Delivered 0) Line No. 7t8 LAGRANDE BORA 7,536 7,53(1 7t8 LAGRANDE M345 19,435 19,43t 2 7t8 LOLO BORA 378 37t J 7t8 LOLO M345 30 3C 4 7t8 M345 LAGRANDE 4,1 56 4,15t 5 718 M34s LOLO 428 42t 6 718 SMLK BORA 15,623 't5,623 7 718 SMLK M345 100 10c 8 7t8 WALLAWALLA BORA 4,813 4,813 I 7t8 M345WALLAWALLA 1,458 1,458 10 7t8 BORA M345 2,039 2,03S 11 7t8 BRDY M345 844 844 12 13 14 15 't6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 0 7,24316A 7,243,16t FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 329.8 An Original A Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 0411612019 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) AS 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. ln column (m), provide the total revenues fom all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (1101 1) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary seftlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and U) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401 , Lines 16 and 17 , respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (t) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Line No. 1,861,',t22 110,174 1,971,296 1 1,700,511 127,383 't,827,894 2 7,092,195 450,580 7,542,775 3 12,936 12.936 4 1 13,393 1 13,393 5 10,953 883 11,836 6 54,759 54,759 7 3,639 3,639 8 12.229 12,229 I 10 4,928,159 4,928,159 11 4,214,425 4,214,425 12 B,190,939 8,190,939 13 3,432,717 3,432,7',t7 14 3,398,730 3,398,730 15 3,398,730 3,398,730 16 17 1,720 1,720 18 761 761 19 2,701 2,701 20 6,965 6,965 21 19,'t 90 1 9,1 90 22 1,421 1,421 23 92 92 24 938 938 25 22,680 22,680 26 1,215 1,215 27 5,'190 5,190 28 3,226 3,226 29 86 86 30 874 874 JI 187 187 32 856 856 33 799 799 34 10,664,781 40,66/',251 0 s1,329,032 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 330 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company t his (1) (2) ls:Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) YearlPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t20't9 AS 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. ln column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (1 101 1 ) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401, Lines 16 and 17, respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (t) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Lrne No. 31 31 1 3,282 3,282 2 47 47 3 44,557 4,557 28 28 5 84 B4 o 71212 796 8796 2,608 2,608 9 I I 10 608 11608 118 't2118 2 2 13 56 56 14 69 1569 37,345 37,345 16 90 90 17 1844,925 44.925 171,831 19171,831 10,341 10,341 20 5,142 5J02 21 8,101 228,101 319 23319 253 253 24 126,065 25126,06s 8 8 26 1,378 1,378 27 24,237 2824,237 2,564 2,564 29 51 ,349 51,349 30 1,917 1,917 31 323 32323 2,995 2,995 33 346,338 6,338 0 51,329,03210,664,781 40,46/,251 FERC FORM NO. r (ED.12-90)Page 330.1 This (1) (2) ls:Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission 04t16120'lg AS 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transfened. ln column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (11011) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401, Lines 16 and 17, respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (t) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Line No. 3,1 03 3,103 1 105,674 2105,674 112,049 112,049 3 136 136 4 2,234 2,234 5 13,737 613,737 9,345 9,345 7 26.671 26,67',|8 't,209 1,209 I '1,741 1,741 10 160 160 11 9s,630 1295,630 60 60 13 3,338 3,338 14 151 1,086 11,086 27,765 27,765 't6 215,443 215,403 17 151 151 18 22,260 22,264 19 13,553 '13,553 20 822 822 21 2241,914 41,914 251 251 23 104,019 1 04,019 24 259,230 259,230 25 42 42 26 60 2760 36,257 36,2s7 28 15,760 15,760 29 303030 1,853 '1 ,853 31 132,087 132,087 32 6,814 6,814 33 4,432 4,432 34 10,664,781 40,664,251 0 51,329,032 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 330.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls:Date of Report (Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission to as 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. ln column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (1 101 I ) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401 , Lines 16 and 17 , respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Energy Charges ($) (t) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Line No. Demand Charges ($) (k) 973 973 1 fi3,417 't 63,017 2 4,245 34,245 s55 955 4 39,096 39,096 5 32,345 32,345 6 10,336 710,336 333,1 90 333,1 90 8 272 272 I 101,879 10101 ,879 16,443 16,443 11 853 853 12 13855,695 855,695 463,275 14463,275 1,654 1,654 15 5,502 5,502 16 94,847 1794,847 3,746 3,746 18 7.316 7,316 19 1,512 1,512 20 12,679 2112,679 914,176 914,176 22 24 24 23 732 732 24 9,529 9,529 25 8,970 8,970 26 102,1 09 271 02,1 09 31,236 31,236 28 39 39 29 30752,269 752,269 6,893 6,893 31 s,986 5,986 32 471,818 47',\,818 33 70 70 34 40,664,251 0 51,329,03210,664,781 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 330'3 S:Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2A18lQ4Original A Resubmission Name of ldaho Power Company (1) t2) as 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. ln column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (1 101 1) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary seftlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401 , Lines 16 and 17 , respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (t) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Ltne No. 713 713 1 8,88'l 8,881 2 14,628 14,628 3 6,095 6,095 4 816 816 5 589 589 6 20 20 7 743 743 8 1,2U,489 1,264,489 I 3,862 3,862 10 327 327 11 23,506 23,506 12 753 753 13 22,011 22,011 14 9,352 9,352 15 2,995 2,995 '16 23,526 23,526 17 5 5 18 17,991 17,991 '19 16,882 16,882 20 243 243 21 2,540 2,540 22 '1,856 1,856 23 2,149 2,149 24 4,876 4,876 25 3,069 3,069 26 12,080 12,080 27 14,099 14,099 28 2,426 2,426 29 64 64 30 373,461 373,461 31 886 886 32 206,749 206,749 33 26 26 34 10,664,781 40,664,251 0 51,329,032 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Pags 330.4 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company I has (1) 12) IS Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 0411612019 as 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. !n column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (1 101 1 ) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401, Lines 16 and 17, respectively. 1 1. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (l) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Lrne No. 5,266 15,266 559 559 2 1,140 1.140 2 75,315 75,315 4 201 201 5 6,01 5 6,015 6 3,421 3,421 7 391 8391 1,118 1,'118 I 470 470 10 1',!369 369 1 ,610 121,610 224 224 13 14671671 28,525 '1528,925 13,294 13,294 16 403 403 17 347 347 18 45 45 19 2,057 2,057 20 2,818 2.818 21 228989 103,054 23103,054 25,246 25,246 24 18,929 2518,929 1,521 1,521 lo 503 503 27 281,364 't,364 123 29123 9,817 9,817 30 1,364 1,364 31 26,387 3226,387 3,667 3.667 33 28,847 28.847 34 51,329,03210,664,781 40,664,251 0 FERC FORM NO.1 (EO. 12-90)Page 330.5 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period ot Report End of 201BlQ404t16t2A19 as 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. ln column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlementwas made, enterzero (11011) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401 , Lines 16 and 17 , respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (t) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Line No. 4,059 4,059 1 20,383 20,383 2 2.541 2,541 3 1,919 1 ,919 4 36,790 36,790 5 2,615 2,615 6 1 19,603 119,603 7 16,475 16,475 8 10,323 10,323 9 29,210 29,210 10 7,087 7,087 11 2,030 2,030 12 2,861 2,861 13 17,853 17,853 14 290 290 15 24,555 24,559 16 2,337 2.337 17 2,575 2,575 1B 618 618 19 u4 644 20 695 695 21 5,395 5,395 22 876 876 23 26,832 26,832 24 2,852 2,852 25 40,801 40,801 26 140,165 1 40,1 65 27 4,'.t01 4,101 28 11,2s3 11,253 29 161 161 30 2,575 2.575 31 157,154 157,154 JZ 54,706 54,706 33 4,107 4,107 34 10,664,7E1 40,60/,251 0 51,329.032 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 330.6 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls:Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) YeariPeriod of Report End of 2O18lQ4An Original A Resubmission 04116t2019 to as 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. ln column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (11011) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401 , Lines 16 and 17, respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (l) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Lrne No. 5,871 5,871 1 532,117 532,117 2 10,216 10,216 J 40.312 4A312 4 685,749 685,749 5 408,522 408,522 6 2,401 2,401 7 't,487 1,487 8 25,873 25,873 9 438 438 10 9.508 119,508 155 155 12 265,910 265,910 13 103 103 14 103,368 103,368 15 64,131 64,131 ID 't40,423 140,423 17 1819,783 19,783 252 252 19 6,1 73 6,173 20 6.762 6,762 21 4,996 224,936 3,053 3,053 23 1,440 1,440 24 8,199 258,199 9,957 9,957 26 289 289 27 2812,120 12j20 20,404 20,404 29 1,444 1,444 30 5,075 5,075 31 302 302 32 8,827 8.827 33 6 6 34 40,664,251 0 s1,329,03210,664,781 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-90)Page 330.7 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls:Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) YeariPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 as 9. ln column (k) through (n), report the revenue amounts as shown on bills or vouchers. ln column (k), provide revenues from demand charges related to the billing demand reported in column (h). ln column (l), provide revenues from energy charges related to the amount of energy transfened. ln column (m), provide the total revenues from all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered, including out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (m). Report in column (n) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the entity Listed in column (a). lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero (1101 1) in column (n). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 10. The total amounts in columns (i) and (j) must be reported as Transmission Received and Transmission Delivered for annual report purposes only on Page 401 , Lines 16 and 17 , respectively. 11. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. REVENUE FROM TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY FOR OTHERS Demand Charges ($) (k) Energy Charges ($) (l) (Other Charges) ($) (m) Total Revenues ($) (k+l+m) (n) Line No. 4s,532 45,532 1 117,425 117,425 2 ?,284 2,284 3 181 181 4 25,110 25,110 5 2,586 2,586 b 94,393 94,393 7 604 604 I 29,080 I29,080 8,809 8,809 10 1113,395 13,395 5,541 5,541 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 10,664,781 40,6&.,251 0 51,329,032 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-90)Page 330.8 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 328 Line No.: 1 Column: a The network servi-ce agreement- between Idaho Power and the Bonnevill*e Power Administrationfor the Oregon Trail Electric Cooperative expires September 30, 2A28. Schedule Page:328 Line No.: 1 Column: e9. Open Access Transmission Tariff, Schedule 9 Network InEegration 'l'ransmission Service Schedute Page: 328 Line No.:1 Column: h The bj-lling demand for network servj-ce is the cusLomer's demand aE the time of Irlaho Power Qgmpany transmission system peak and varies by month. Sehedule Page: 328 Line No.: 2 Column: a The network service agreement beLween Idaho Power and the Bonnevil-Le Power AdminisLrationfor the USBR expi-res December 31, 2023. Sciedule Page:328 Line No.:3 Column: a The network service agreement between Idaho Power and the Bonnevifle Power Administrationfor the Prlority Firm Customers expires September 30, 2028. Scfiedute Page:328 Line No.:4 Column: a The contract fJetween Idaho Power and the Milner Irrigation District expires December 31, Schedule Page: 328 Line No.:4 Column: eLegacy, contract prior to the Open Access '-lransmission Tarif f Sctredute Page:328 Llne No.: 5 Column: a The agreement between fdano Power and the City of Seattle expires December 31, 2019. Cit-ycf Seattle has re-so1d this transmission service request to Morgan Stanley and MorganStanley is now responsible for payment. Schedule Page:328 Line No.:5 Column: e4, Open Access Transmission Tariff, Schedule 4 Energy Imbalance Servi-ce Schedule Page:328 Line No.:6 Column: a The contract between ldaho Power and PacifiCorp - Imnaha expires on March 31, 2021. Schedute Page:328 Line No.:7 Column: a The agreement between Idaho Power and the United States Department of the Interior, Bureauof Tndian Affairs is subject to termi-naLion upon 90 days written notice by the Bureau. Schedule Page:328 Line No.: I Column: a The agree:nent betr.reen Idano Pcwer and Cycle Hcrseshoe Bend Wind, LLC has no expirationdate and can be terminated by either party at any time. S{neAute Page:326 Line No.:8 Column: e5/6, Open Access Transnission Tariff, Schedule 5,/6 Operating Reserve:^ Schedule Page:328 Line No.: 11 Column: e i /8, Open Access T::ansmission 'larif f , Schedule 7,/8 Firm/Non-Firm Point-to-Point- Transmission Service FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.'l ldaho Power Company This(1) (2) Report ls: IAn Original Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2018/Q4 A Resubmission TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS (Account 565) (lncluding transactions referred to as "wheeling") 1. Report all transmission, i.e. wheeling or electricity provided by other electric utilities, cooperatives, municipalities, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, and others for the quarter. 2. ln column (a) report each company or public authority that provided transmission service. Provide the full name of the company, abbreviate if necessary, but do not truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation with the transmission service provider. Use additional columns as necessary to report all companies or public authorities that provided transmission service for the quarter reported. 3. ln column (b) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Reservations. OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point-to- Point Transmission Reservations, NF - Non-Firm Transmission Service, and OS - Other Transmission Service. See General lnstructions for deflnitions of statistical classifications. 4. Report in column (c) and (d)the total megawatt hours received and delivered by the provider of the transmission service. 5. Report in column (e), (f) and (g) expenses as shown on bills or vouchers rendered to the respondent. ln column (e) report the demand charges and in column (f) energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. On column (g) report the total of all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered to the respondent, including any out of period adjustments. Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (g). Report in column (h) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the respondent. lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero in column (h). Provide a footnote explaining the nature of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 6. Enter "TOTAL" in column (a) as the last line. 7. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. TRANSFER OF ENERGY EXPENSES FOR TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERSLine No.Name of Company or Public Authori ty (Footnote Affi liations) (a) Statistical Classification (b) Magawatt-hoursReceived (c) Magawat-hoursDelivered (d) DemanoCharoes($I (e) Enerov Char<i'6s($r (0 umerCharoes($I (q) Total Cost of Tranffission 1 Avista Corp-WWP Div NF 10,27s 10,275 84,472 84,472 2 Avista Corp-WWP Div SFP 191,760 191,760 681,357 68 1,357 J Bonneville Power Admin LTP 215,473 215,473 1,134,792 1,134,792 4 Bonneville Power Admin SFP 6,981 6,98'l 33,312 33,312 5 Bonneville Power Admin NF 342 342 1,447 1,447 6 Bonneville PowerAdmin 6,234 6,234 7 239,481 239,481Bonneville Power Admin 8 Bonneville Power Admin QS 77,464 77,464 I Bonneville Power Admin o8 30,836 30,836 OS'10 Bonneville Power Admin 6,219 6,219 11 Bonneville Power Admin 08 10,615 10,615 0s 2,500 2,s0012Bonneville Power Admin 13 NorthWestem Energy SFP 18 18 3,117 3,117 14 NorthWestem Energy NF 1,229 1,229 7,837 7,837 15 Northwestem Energy 0s 566 566 to PacifiCorp lnc.lfP 1,531 1,s31 1,045,1 90 1,045,1 90 TOTAL 555,22i 555,222 3,251,876 350,279 3,602,155 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REV. 02,04)Page 332 os 08 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company is Reoort ls: 5.1nn Original Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Thi (1) (2) Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 A Resubmission 04t16/2019 TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERS (Account 565) (lncluding transactions referred to as "wheeling") 1. Report all transmission, i.e. wheeling or electricity provided by other electric utilities, cooperatives, municipalities, other public authorities, qualifying facilities, and others for the quarter. 2. ln column (a) report each company or public authority that provided transmission service. Provide the full name of the company, abbreviate if necessary, but do not truncate name or use acronyms. Explain in a footnote any ownership interest in or affiliation with the transmission service provider. Use additional columns as necessary to report all companies or public authorities that provided transmission service for the quarter reported. 3. ln column (b) enter a Statistical Classification code based on the original contractual terms and conditions of the service as follows: FNS - Firm Network Transmission Service for Self, LFP - Long-Term Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Reservations. OLF - Other Long-Term Firm Transmission Service, SFP - Short-Term Firm Point{o- Point Transmission Reservations, NF - Non-Firm Transmlssion Service, and OS - Other Transmission Service. See General lnstructions for definitions of statistical classifications. 4. Report in column (c) and (d) the total megawatt hours received and delivered by the provider of the transmission service. 5. Report in column (e), (f) and (g) expenses as shown on bills or vouchers rendered to the respondent. ln column (e) report the demand charges and in column (f) energy charges related to the amount of energy transferred. On column (g) report the total of all other charges on bills or vouchers rendered to the respondent, including any out of period adjustments, Explain in a footnote all components of the amount shown in column (g). Report in column (h) the total charge shown on bills rendered to the respondent. lf no monetary settlement was made, enter zero in column (h). Provide a footnote explaining the nalure of the non-monetary settlement, including the amount and type of energy or service rendered. 6. Enter'TOTAL" in column (a) as the last line. 7. Footnote entries and provide explanations following all required data. TRANSFER OF ENERGY EXPENSES FOR TRANSMISSION OF ELECTRICITY BY OTHERSLine No.Magawan-hoursReceived {c} Name of Company or Public Authority (Footnote Affi liations)(a) Statistical Classification(b) Magawarl- hoursDelivered (d) uemano Charoes($r (e) Enerov Char<i'rls($I (t) umer Charoes($r (s) Total Cost of Trans/$rjssion (h) 1 PacifiCorp lnc.SFP 3,517 3,517 PacifiCorp lnc,NF 2,479 2,479 24,814 24,814 3 PaciliCorp lnc,08 44,060 44,060 o84PacifiCorp lnc,-s,348 "5,348 5 PacifiCorp lnc.-38,764 -38,764 0,zbJ6PaciliCorp lnc.6,263 AOPacifi0orp lnc.-1,036 1,036 8 2,049 2,049PacifiCorp lnc. ADIPacifiCorp Inc.94,s30 94,530 10 AD -256 -256Pacificorp lnc. SFP11Puget Sound Energy, lnc 60,682 60,682 12 Seattle Clty Light SFP 8,640 8,640 SFP13Snohomish County PUD 134,941 134,941 14 Tacoma Power 8FP 27,758 27,758 1C 16 TOTAL 555,22i 555.222 3,251,876 354,279 3,602,1 55 FERC FORM NO. 1/3-Q (REv. 02-04)Page 332.1 AO AD AD Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ _A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 332 Line No.:3 Column: bContract Expirat j-on Date 72/3L/2C21 Schedule Page:332 Line No.:6 Column: b Spinning,/supplemental reserrres Schedule Page: 332 Line No.:7 Column: bAncillary Ser,,'ices Scfiedule Page: 332 Line No.:8 Column: b BPAT is provider for capacity reassignment set:Iecl with Snohcmish County PUD Schedule Page:332 Line No.:9 Column: b BPAT is provider for capacity reassignment settled with Puget Sound Energy. Schedule Page:332 Line No;10 Column: h BPAT is provider for capacily reassiqnnenl seitlecl with Seattle Cj.cy Liqht. Schedule Page: 332 Line No; 11 Column: b BPAT is provider for capacity reassignment settled with 'l'acoma Power. Schedule Page: 332 Line No.: 12 Column: b Processing Eee for Transmission Service Schedute Page: 332 Line No.: 15 Column: bAnciIIary Servtces Sehedule Page: 332 Line No.: 16 Column: bContract Expiration Date 05/3L/2A79 Scheduta Page: 332.1 Line No.: 3 Column: b Ancillary Services Schedute Page: 332.1 Line No.: 4 Column: b April 2018 Intertie Adj Scfiedule Page: 332-1 Line No.: 5 Column: b 20L2-20L6 EERC rrue-Up Schedule Page: 332.1 Line No.: 6 Column: b 20L4 ?TP True-Up Schedule Page: 332.1 Line No.:7 Cotumn: b 2015 PTP True-Up Schedule Page: 332.1 Line No.: I Column: b2016 ?TP True-Up Schedule Page: 332.1 Line No.: I Column: b 2011 PTP True-Up Sc_hgdule Page: 332.1 Line No.: 10 Column: b 201? EERC Refund Schedute Page: 332.1 Line No.: 11 Column: b BPAT rs provider for capacity reasslgnment settled with Puget Sound Energy Schedule Page: 332.1 Line No.: 12 Column: b BPAT is provider for capacity reassiqnmenl settlecl wj-th Seattle Cir-y Light Schedule Page: 332.1 Line No.: 13 Column: b BPAT is provider for capacity reassignment settled with Snohomish County PUD Schedule Page: 332.1 Line No.: 11 Column: b BPAT is providei: for capacity reassignnent sett-Led wit-h Tacoma Pcvrer FERC FORM NO. I (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 MISCELLANEOU S GENERAL EXPENSES (Account 930,2) (ELECTRIC) Line No- Descriotion(a) Amount (b) I lndustry Association Dues 543,835 2 Nuclear Power Research Expenses 3 Other Experimental and General Research Expenses 4 Pub & Dist lnfo to Stkhldrs...expn servicing outstanding Securities 1,702,311 5 Oth Expn >=5,000 show purpose, recipient, amount. Group if < $5,000 b 7 Director Fees and Expenses 8 Thomas Carlile 84,150 I Richard Dahl 103,455 10 Annette Elg 86,1 30 11 Ronald Jibson 80,190 12 Judith Johansen 86,130 13 Dennis Johnson 82,170 14 Lamont Keen 30,938 15 Christine King 93,060 16 Richard Navarro 86,130 17 Robert Tintsman 187.110 18 Director travel and lodging 18,735 19 20 Corporate Memberships and Subscriptions 21 Arizona State University 50,000 22 22,O00Associated Taxpayers of ldaho 23 Bannock Development Corp 8,500 24 CEATI lnternational, lnc.15,250 25 ESource 31 ,624 26 ldaho Association of Commerce and lndustry 15,500 27 National Association of Oirectors 8,075 28 National Hydropower Association 38,201 29 North American Energy Standard 7,000 30 Pacific NW Utilities 52,093 5,000Southern ldaho Economic Developement 32 Sun Valley Economic Developement 5,500 33 Misc. Memberships under $5,000 41,700 34 35 Chamber of Commerce and Other Civic Organizations 46,O41 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 TOTAL 3,605,153 Name ot Respondent ldaho Power Company lhis FleDort ls:(1)lxl An Original uate ot KeDort(Mo. Da, Yi)Year/Penoo ol Kepon End of 201BlQ4 (2)A Resubmission 04t1612019 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-94)Page 335 31 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA $chedule Page: 335 Line No.:4 Recipient American Stock Transfer & Trust Bloomberg Finance LP Broadridge Financial Solutions Deutsche Bank EQ Shareholder Services NASDAQ Corp Solutions New York Stock Exchange OKAPI Partners, LLC Payroll Related Expenses PR Newswire Rivel Research Group Stock Based Compensation Union Bank, N.A. Trave I Expense-Stock Related Wells Fargo Shareowner Services Column: b Purpose Mgmt Services Misc Expense Misc Expense Broker Fees Mgmt Services Mgmt Services Listing Services Mgmt Services Misc Expense Misc Expense Mgmt Services Misc Expense Misc Expense Misc Expense Mgmt Services Amount 5 7L,602 24,506 49,767 30,000 87,57t 52,947 64,025 19,800 Lt7,463 L7,2gg 15,840 1,039,102 9,690 15,868 26,752 5 7,702,3!t Schedule Page: 335 Line No.: 5 Recipient Bank of New York lnvestis, lnc. Retirement Related Expense Port of Morrow, Poll Contr Miscellaneous Under S5000 Column: b Purpose Revenue Bonds Website Design Misc Expense Misc Expense Misc Expense Amount $ 7,450 7,325 10,000 5,475 44,075s 74,32s FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.',12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company An (2)A Resubmission Dale of Report(Mo, Da, Y0 o4116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Account403, 404,405) (Except amortization of aquisition adjustments) 1 . Report in section A for the year the amounts for ; (b) Depreciation Expense (Account 403; (c) Depreciation Expense for Asset Retirement Costs (Account 403.1; (d) Amortization of Limited-Term Electric Plant (Account 404); and (e) Amortization of Other Electric Plant (Account 405). 2. Report in Section 8 the rates used to compute amortization charges for electric plant (Accounts 404 and 405). State the basis used to compute charges and whether any changes have been made in the basis or rates used from the preceding report year. 3. Report all available information called for in Section C every flffh year beginning with report yeat 1971, reporting annually only changes to columns (c) through (g) from the complete report of the preceding year. Unless composite depreciation accounting for total depreciable plant is followed, list numerically in column (a) each plant subaccount, account or functional classification, as appropriate, to which a rate is applied. ldentifu at the bottom of Section C the type of plant included in any sub-account used. ln column (b) report all depreciable plant balances to which rates are applied showing subtotals by functional Classifications and showing composite total. lndicate at the bottom of section C the manner in which column balances are obtained. lf average balances, state the method of averaging used. For columns (c), (d), and (e) report available information for each plant subaccount, account or functional classification Listed in column (a). lf plant mortality studies are prepared to assist in estimating average service Lives, show in column (f) the type mortality curve selected as most appropriate for the account and in column (g), if available, the weighted average remaining life of surviving plant. lf composite deprecialion accounting is used, report available information called for in columns (b) through (g) on this basis. 4. lf provisions for depreciation were made during the year in addition lo depreciation provided by application of reported rates, state at the bottom of section C the amounts and nature of the provisions and the plant items to which related. A. Summary of Depreciation and Amortization Charges Line No.Functional Glassifi cation (a) DeoreciationExpense (Account 403) (b) Depreciation Expense for Asset Retirement Costs (Account 403.1 )(c) Amortization of Limited Term Electric Plant (Account 404) (d) Amortization ofOther Electric Plant (Acc 405) (e) Total (0 1 lntangible Plant 6,981,078 6,981,078 2 Steam Production Plant 47,229,753 566,665 47,796,418 3 Nuclear Production Plant 4 Hydraulic Production Plant-Conventional 16,289,503 16,289,503 5 Hydraulic Production Plant-Pumped Storage 6 Other Production Plant 16,055,212 16,055,212 7 Transmission Plant 22.288.563 22,288,563 I Distribution Plant 3S,058,129 39,058,129 o Regional Transmission and Market Operation 10 General Plant 15,411,427 15,411,427 11 12 Common Plant-Eleckic TOTAL '156,332,587 566,665 6,981,078 163,880,330 B. Basis for Amortization Charges Acct 404 Balance 11112018 2018 Amortization Balance 1213112018 Remaining Months(1) 0 12,000 48,000 48(2) 8,736,987 522,009 8,214,978(3) 4,684,179 189,691 4,494,488 284(4) 12,134,210 5,849,562 17,327,222(5) 2,884,300 287,899 2,596,400 108(6) 169,657 56,544 113,113 24(7) 1,797,458 63,373 4,488,479Total 30,406,791 6,981,078 37,282,680 ('l) Shoshone-BannockTribeLicense&UseAgreement.(NewfiveyearadvancepaymentstartingJanuary20l8,witha December 31, 2022 termination date.) (2) Middle Snake Relicensing Costs (Amortized over a 30 year license period; licenses expire 07131134 and 02128135). (3) Swan Falls Relicensing Costs (Amortized over a 30 year license period, license expires August 31,2042). (4) Computer Software packages (Amortized over a 62 month period). (5) Shoshone-Bannock Right of Way (Termination dale 12131127). (6) Boardman Retrofit Tech Analysis (Scheduled decommission dale 12131120). (7) FERC License Compliance Costs (Termination date will be expiration date of the applicable FERC Licenses) FERC FORM NO. 1 (REV. 12-03)Page 336 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) \2) Reoort ls: 5]An orisinal Date of Report(Mo, Oa, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 A Resubmission 04t't6t2019 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Continued) C. Factors Used in Estimating Depreciation Charges Line No.Account No. (a) ueprectaDle Plant Base(ln Thousands)(b) trsllmaIeo Avg. Service Life(c) NEI Salvage(Percent) (d) Appileo Depr. rales(Percent) (e) MOnarrry Curve '[f"(o') Average Remaining Life 12 75.00310.20 649 4.48 R4.0 '17.90 13 31 1.00 156,069 '100.00 -9.00 3.17 s0.5 17.90 14 193,633 70.00 -5.00312.10 3.47 s1.0 18.10 15 312.20 565,862 53.00 -8.00 4.15 R1.5 17.00 16 4,341 35.00 6.10312.30 10,00 R3.0 13.50 17 314.00 172394 45.00 -7.00 4.94 s0.5 16.50 18 315.00 74,658 60.00 -3.00 3.15 s1.5 16.80 1g 3't6.00 14,908 3s.00 2.00 7.53 s0.0 14.60 20 31 6.1 0 401 13.00 15.00 7.43 12.0 5.40 21 316.40 25C 13.00 15.00 1.24 L2.0 22 316.50 1,363 13.00 15.00 4.98 L2.0 11.80 23 316.60 45 3.90 24 268316.70 21.00 15.00 0.33 s1.0 12.20 25 316.80 4,782 20.00 25.00 4.77 01.0 17.80 26 316.90 14 35.00 15.00 2.43 s1 .0 30.60 27 3'17,00 14,157 28 SubbhlStmm 1,203,790 29 331.00 199,926 120.00 -25.00 2.08 R2.5 35.80 30 332.10 19,461 120.00 -20.00 0.98 s1 ,5 46.20 31 120.00332.20 250,254 -20.00 1.80 s1.s 31.20 32 332.30 5,472 1 .15 Square 55.10 33 100.00333.00 291,047 -10.00 1.92 R2.5 30.60 34 334.00 63,782 65.00 -10.00 2.82 R1.5 27.80 35 26,077 90.00 -5.0c R2.0335.00 2.18 3',1.20 36 335.1 0 140 15.00 7.92 Square 7.90 37 335.20 42 20.00 0.80 Square 9.20 3B 335,30 359 5.00 14.42 Square 2.50 39 336,00 11,882 100.00 2.58 R3.0 22.70 40 Subtotal Hydro 868.442 41 341 .00 143,33S 2.72 Square 32.80 42 342.00 10,715 50.00 2.81 s2.5 28.70 43 343.00 227,444 40.00 3.18 R2.0 26.00 44 344.00 66,619 s0.00 2.45 s2.0 28.40 45 344..10 95 25.00 4.00 46 345.00 91 ,83i 55.00 2.91 R2.0 29.30 47 346.00 6,491 35.00 3.24 R2.5 24.00 48 Subtotal Other 546,54C 100.0049350.20 34,291 0.89 R4.0 85.20 50 198 30.00350.22 3.33 FERC FORM NO. I (REV.12-03)Page 337 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]Rn original(2\ T-] A Resubmissiontt Date of Report(Mo, Da. Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2A18lA4 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Continued) C. Factors Used in Estimating Depreciation Charges Line No.Account No. (a) uepreoaDre Plant Base(ln Thousands)' (b) ESttmaleo Avg. Service Life {c) Salvaoe(Percei0 Appleo Depr. rates (Percent)tel MOnarrry Curve 'ffi" AVerage Remaining Life(o) 12 352.00 9,424 65.00 -33.00 1.88 R3.0 53.20 '13 3s3.00 441 ,026 52.00 -1 0.00 't.s7 s0.5 42.00 14 354.00 211,358 80.00 -10.00 1.07 R4.0 71.10 15 355.00 193,820 65.00 -80.00 2.64 R1.5 53.90 16 355.10 1,388 10.00 10.00 17 356.00 233,1 63 74.00 -50.00 1.87 Rl.5 62.30 18 359.00 390 65.00 0.91 R2.5 33.30 19 Subtotal Transmission 1 ,196,664 2A 360.22 874 30.00 3.35 21 361.00 40,284 70.00 -50.00 2.17 R3.0 54.40 22 362.00 254,363 55.00 -6.00 1.85 R1.5 42.90 23 364.00 266,497 58.00 -50.00 2.17 R1.5 44.',t0 24 364.10 5,1 99 12.00 8.34 25 365.00 1 40,485 49.00 -30.00 2.65 R1 ,0 34.40 26 366.00 52,238 65.00 -25.00 '1.89 R2.5 49.1 0 27 367.00 275,969 s0.00 -1 1.00 1.90 R1.5 39.40 28 368.00 587,592 42.00 -7.00 2.17 R0.5 34.80 29 369.00 61.920 55.00 -40.00 1.58 R1 .5 43.40 30 370.00 17,034 30.00 -s.00 2.05 01.0 25.70 31 370.10 76,293 18.00 -5.00 5.39 R1 .5 14.00 32 371.20 3,124 21 .O0 -5.00 2.A8 R1 .0 14.70 33 373.24 4,589 40.00 -30.00 1.73 R1.0 29.00 34 374.00 143 35 Subtotal Distribution 1,786,604 36 390.11 32,377 90.00 -3.00 2.08 s1.0 33.20 37 390.1 2 95,142 55.00 -3.00 2.11 R2.0 38.80 38 391 .1 0 14,761 20.00 4.00 Square 12.30 39 391.20 26,565 5.00 20.00 Square 2.70 40 391.21 7,181 8.00 12.50 Square 3.50 41 392.'t0 872 13.00 15.00 7.07 L2.0 9.30 42 392.30 4,563 15.00 40.00 4.13 s2.5 9.70 43 392.40 25,932 13.00 15.00 6.20 12.0 8.50 44 392.50 1,524 13.00 15.00 6.34 L2.0 8.90 45 392.60 44.g',t5 21.00 '15.00 3.95 s1.0 '14.00 46 392.70 9,1 58 21 .00 15.00 4.16 s1.0 12.30 47 392.90 5,905 35.00 15.00 2.24 s1.0 24.30 48 393.00 3,023 25.00 4.00 Square 17.40 49 394.00 11,095 20.00 5.00 Square 12.40 50 395.00 13,703 20.00 5.00 Square 10.60 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12-03)Page 337.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An A Resubmission Date of (Mo. Da Report r, Yr) o4t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 DEPRECIATION AND AMORTIZATION OF ELECTRIC PLANT (Continued) C. Factors Used in Estimating Depreciation Charges Line No.Account No. (a) uepreqaDle Plant Base(ln Thousands)(b) Eslrmateo Avg.Service Life(c) Net Salvaoe(Perceht)(d) Appltecl Depr. rales(Percent)(e) MOna[Iy Curve 'Lf' AveGlge Remainino Life io) 12 396.00 19,234 20.00 25.00 2.97 o1.0 1 6.70 13 397.1 0 2,796 15.00 6.67 Square 4.70 14 397.20 25,443 1s.00 6.67 Square 8.10 15 397.30 4,020 15.00 6.67 Square 9.70 to 397.40 19,671 15.00 6.02 Square 1 3.10 17 398.00 7,377 15.00 6.67 Square 8.60 18 Subtotal General 375,253 19 Total Plant 5,977,293 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 4A 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 FERC FORM NO. 1 (REV. 12-031 Page 337.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2) _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page:336 Line No.: 28 Column: a (Column: c,d,f, g) Plant accounts 31020 through 31650 and 31670 through 31590 are presented for Jim Bridger facility only. This data is provided by the most recent depreciation study; Jim Bridger was the only thermal production facility included in the depreciation study. Plant account 31660 is associated with Valmy facility only. Valmy was not part of the 2016 depreciation study, as Valmy has been reviewed for decommissioning within regulatory order #33771. There is no data for estimated service life, net salvage percentage, or mortality curve. (Column: e) An average plant balance was used in computing these rates by plant account. Schedule Page: 336 Line No.: 45 Column: a Plant account 34410 (created in 2018) was not in the last depreciation study and has not been subject to depreciation study review. Schedule Page: 336.2 Line No.: 19 Column: a Steam, hydro, and other production depreciation and amortization of certain electric plant is maintained by plant location. Effective April L,L993 the forecast life span method of life analysis using an interim retirement rate was utilized to develop all production plant rates. Rates, service lives, net salvage and remaining lives indicated are on a composite basis. Effective April 1, 1993 all depreciable plant is being depreciated using the straight-line remaining life method. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]Rn orlsinal(2) nA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) o4116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES 1. Report particulars (details) of regulatory commission expenses incurred during the current year (or incuned in previous years, if being amortized) relating to format cases before a regulatory body, or cases in which such a body was a party. 2. Report in columns (b) and (c), only the current year's expenses that are not deferred and the current year's amortization of amounts deferred in previous years. Line No Description (Fumish name of regulatory commission or body lhe docftet or case number and a description of lhe case) (a) Assessed bvRegulatory Commission (b) Expenses of Utility (c) TotalExoense forCuirent Year(b) + (c) (d) Deferredin Account 182.3 atBeginning of Year (e) 1 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission: 2 Annual admin charges assessed by FERC 4,033,711 4,033,717 3 4 General Regulatory Expenses and 5 Various other Dockets 33,1 70 33,1 70 6 7 Oregon Hydro - Fees Amortization 158,501 158,501 8 I Regulatory Commission Expenses - ldaho 10 Rate Case - Misc expenses 81,752 81,752 47,835 11 12 Regulatory Commission Expenses - Oregon 13 Rate Case - Misc expenses 147.671 147,671 14 General Regulatory 528,500 528,500 15 Other OPUC expenses 38,047 38,047 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 TOTAL 4,192,218 829,140 5,021,358 47,835 FERC FoRm NO. 1 (EO.12-96)Page 350 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) EAn Orisinal(2) nA Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) 0411612019 YeariPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 REGULATORY COMMISSION EXPENSES (Continued) 3. Show in column (k) any expenses incurred in prior years which are being amortized. List in column (a) the period of amortization. 4. List in column (0, (S), and (h) expenses incurred during year which were charged currently to income, plant, or other accounts. 5. Minor items (less than $25,000) may be grouped. EXPENSES INCURRED DURING YEAR AMORTIZED DURING YEAR CURRENTLY CHARGED TO Deferred to Account 182.3 (i) Contra Account (i) Amount (k) Deferred inAccount 1 82.3 End of Year fl) Line No.uepafiment (0 AUWUTITNo.(q) Amount (h) 1 Electric 928 4,033,717 2 3 4 Electric 928 33,1 70 5 6 Electric 928 158,50'l 7 I I Electric 928 -606 62,242 928203 82,358 27,719 10 11 12 Electric 928 147,671 13 Electric 928 528,s00 14 Electric 928 38,047 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4,939,000 62,242 82,358 27.719 46 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-e6)Page 351 Name of ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT, AND DEMONSTRATION ACTIVITIES 1. Describe and show below costs incurred and accounts charged during the year for technological research, development, and demonstration (R, D & D) prolect initiated, continued or concluded during the year. Report also support given to others during the year for jointly-sponsored projects.(ldentify recipient regardless of affiliation.) For any R, D & D work carried with others, show separately the respondent's cost for the year and c,ost chargeable to others (See definition of research, development, and demonstration in Uniform System of Accounts). 2. lndicate in column (a) the applicable classification, as shown below: Classifications: A. Eleckic R, D & D Performed lnternally: (1) Generation a. hydroelectric i. Recreation fish and wildlife ii Other hydroelectric b. Fossil-fuel steam c. lnternal combustion or gas turbine d. Nuclear e. Unconventional generation f. Siting and heat rejection (2) Transmission a. Overhead ! b. Underground (3) Distribution (4) Regional Transmission and Market Operation (5) Environment (other than equipment) (6) Other (Classify and include items in excess of $50,000.) (7) Total Cost lncurred B. Electric, R, O & D Performed Externally: (1) Research Support to the electrical Research Council or the Electric Power Research lnstitute Line No. Classification (a) Description (b) 1 ldaho Power did not incur any Research and 2 Development expenditures in 2018. 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 't3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 FERC FORM NO. t (ED.12-87)Page 352 Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5l1Rn Orisinat(2) 1-1A Resubmission End of 20181Q4 0411612019 (2) Research Support to Edison Electric lnstitute (3) Research Support to Nuclear Power Groups (4) Research Support to Others (Classify) (5) Total Cost lncurred 3. lnclude in column (c) all R, D & D items performed internally and in column (d) those items performed outside the company costing $50,000 or more, briefly describing the specific area of R, D & D (such as safety, corrosion control, pollution, automation, measurement, insulation, type of appliance, etc.). Group items under $50,000 by classifications and indicate the number of items grouped. Under Other, (A (6) and B (4)) classify items by type of R, D & D activity. 4. Show in column (e) the account number charged with expenses during the year or the account to which amounts were capitalized during the year, iisting Account 107, Construction Work in Progress, first. Show in column (0 the amounts related to the account charged in mlumn (e) 5. Show in column (g) the total unamortized accumulating of costs of projects. This total must equal the balance in Account 188, Research, Developmont, and Demonstration Expenditures, Outstanding at the end of the year. 6. lf costs have not been segregated for R, D &D activities or projects, submit estimates for columns (c), (d), and (f) with such amounts identitied by "Est." 7. Report separately research and related testing facilities operated by the respondent. Costs lncuned lntemally Cune,SJYear Costs lncurred Externally Current Year (d) AMOUNTS CHARGED IN CURRENT YEAR Unamortized Accumulation (s) Line No.Account (e) Amount (f) 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ZJ 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 FERC FORM NO. I (ED.12-87)Page 353 uate ot Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]en Orisinat (21 1A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 041',t612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2018/Q4 DISTRIBUTION OF SALARIES AND WAGES Report below the distribution of total salaries and wages for the year. Segregate amounts originally charged to clearing accounts to Utility Departments, Constructlon, Plant Removals, and Other Accounts, and enter such amounts in the appropriate lines and columns provided. ln determining this segregation of salaries and wages originally charged to clearing accounts, a method of approximation giving substantially conect results may be used. Line No. Classification (a) Direct PavrollDistribution (b) Total (d) I Electric 2 Operation 3 Production 21,306,744 4 Transmission 6,914,725 5 Regional Market 6 Distribution 17,654,144 7 Customer Accounts 9,224,652 I Customer Service and lnformational 4,581,573 I Sales 't0 Administrative and General 78,819,31 7 11 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 3 thru 10)1 38,501,1 55 12 Maintenance 13 Production 4,032,892 14 Transmission 2,789,1 19 15 Regional Market 16 Distribution 7,667,503 17 Administrative and General 1,066,068 1B TOTAL Maintenance (Total of lines 13 thru '17)'15,555,582 19 Total Operation and Maintenance 20 Production (Enter Total of lines 3 and 13)25,339,636 21 Transmission (Enter Total of lines 4 and 14)9,703,844 22 Regional Market (Enter Total of Lines 5 and 15) 23 Distribution (Enter Total of lines 6 and 16)25,321,647 24 Customer Accounts (Transcribe from line 7)9,224,652 25 Customer Service and lnformational (Transcribe from line E)4,581,573 26 Sales (Transcribe from line 9) 27 Administrative and General (Enter Total of lines 10 and 1 7)79,885,385 28 TOTAL Oper. and Maint. (Total of lines 20 thru 27)1 54,056,737 154,056,737 29 Gas 30 Operation 31 Prod uctio n-Ma n ufactured Gas 32 Production-Nat. Gas (lncluding Expl. and Dev.) aa Other Gas Supply 34 Storage, LNG Terminaling and Processing at Transmission 36 Distribution 37 Customer Accounts 38 Customer Service and lnformational 39 Sales 40 Adminiskative and General 41 TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 31 thru 40) 4Z Maintenance 43 Production-Man ufactured Gas 44 Production-Natural Gas (lncluding Exploration and Development) 45 Other Gas Supply 46 Storage, LNG Terminaling and Processing 47 Transmission FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-88)Page 354 Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr)An Original A Resubmission YeariPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 0411612019ldaho Power Company (1) (2) OISTRIBUTION OF SALARIES AND WAGES (Continued) Line No. Classification (a) Direct Pavroll Distribution (b) Allocatron olPavroll charoed forCl6arino AciountsIc) Total (d) 48 Distribution 49 Administrative and Genoral 50 TOTAL Maint. (Enter Total of lines 43 thru 49) 51 Total Operation and Maintenance 52 Production-Manufacfured Gas (Enter Total of lines 31 and 43) 53 Production-Natural Gas (lncluding Expl. and Dev.) (Total lines 32, 54 Other Gas Supply (Enter Total of lin6s 33 and 45) 55 Storage, LNG Terminaling and Processing (Total of lines 31 thru 56 Transmission (Lines 35 and 471 57 Distdbution (Lines 36 and 48) 58 Customer Accounts (Line 37) 59 Customer Service and lnformational (Line 38) 60 Sales (Line 39) 61 Administrative and General (Lines 40 and 49) 62 TOTAL Operation and Maint. (Total of lines 52 thru 61) 63 Other Utility Departments 64 Operation and Maintenance 65 TOTAL All Utility Dept, (Total of lines 28, 62, and 64)1 54,056,737 154,0s6,737 66 Utility Plant 67 Construction (By Utility Departments) 68 Electric Plant 69 Gas Plant 70 Other (prcvide details in footnote): 71 TOTAL Construction (Total of lines 68 thru 70) 72 Plant Removal (By Utility Departments) 73 Electric Plant 74 Gas Plant 75 Other (provide details in footnote): 76 TOTAL Plant Removal (Total of lines 73 thru 75) 77 Other Accounts (Specifu, provide details in footnote): 78 Store Expense 4,787,013 4,787,013 79 Other Clearing Accounts 3,551,789 3,551,789 80 Construction Work in Progress 60,474,567 60,474,567 81 Other Work in Progress 3,788,499 3,788,499 82 Other Accounts 5,131,177 5,131 ,177 83 lndirect Loading 47,057,467 47,057,467 84 85 B6 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 TOTAL Other Accounts 77,733,045 47,057,467 124,790,512 96 TOTAL SALARIES AND WAGES 231,789,782 47,057,467 278,U7,249 FERC FORM NO.I (ED.12-8E)Page 355 I Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o4l't6t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tO4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 354 Line No.: 83 Column: a Amount reported is total amount of i-ndirect loading deparLments based on labor charges. The loading is al-Iocated to FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450."1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2)A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 PURCHASES AND SALES OF ANCILLARY SERVICES Report the amounts for each type of ancillary service shown in column (a) for the year as specified in Order No. 888 and defined in the respondents Open Access Transmission Tariff. ln columns for usage, report usage-related billing determinant and the unit of measure. (1) On line 1 columns (b), (c), (O), (e), (f) and (g) report the amount of ancillary services purchased and sold during the year (2) On line 2 columns (U) (c), (O), (e), (f), and (g) report the amount of reactive supply and voltage control services purchased and sold during the year. (3) On line 3 columns (n) (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) report the amount of regulation and frequency response services purchased and sold during the year. (4) On line 4 columns (b), (c), (d), (e), (Q, and (g) report the amount of energy imbalance services purchased and sold during the year. (5) On lines 5 and 6, columns (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) report the amount of operating reserve spinning and supplement services purchased and sold during the period. (6) On line 7 columns (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) report the total amount of all other types ancillary services purchased or sold during the year. lnclude in a footnote and specify the amount for each type of other ancillary service provided. Amount Purchased for the Year Amount Sold for the Year Usage - Related Billing Determinant Usage - Related Billing Determinant Line No. Type of Ancillary Service (a) Number of Units (b) Unit of Measure (c) Dollars (d) Number of Units (e) Unit of Measure (f) Dollars (s) 1 Scheduling, System Control and Dispatch x:265,665 2 Reactive Supply and Voltage 18,441 ,l Regulation and Frequency Respoflse 3,043,661 KW 298,127 4 Energy lmbalance 703 KWH 14,011 5 Operating Reserve - Spinning 3,411 4,134,901 KW 405,014 b 0perating Reserve - Supplement 2,823 4,1 34,901 KW 405,014 7 0ther 8 Total (Lines 1 thru 7)290,340 1 1 ,314,166 1,122j66 FERC FORM NO. 1 (New 2-04)Page 398 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Comgany This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018/Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 398 Line No.: 1 Column: bfdaho Power does not systemaLical ly record tne number cf units refated to ancillarv services purchased. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 (1) Report the monthly peak load on the respondent's transmission system. lf the respondent has two or more power systems which are not physicelly integrated, furnish the required information for each non-integrated system. (2) Report on Column (b) by month the transmission system's peak load. (3) Report on Columns (c ) and (d) the specified information for each monthly transmission - system peak load reported on Column (b). (4) Report on Columns (e) through 0) by month the system'monlhly maximum megawatt load by stetistical classifications. See General lnstruction for the definition of each statistical classification. NAME OF SYSTEM: Line No.Month (a) fUonthly Peak MW - Total (b) Day of Monthly Peak (c) Hour of Monthly Peak (d) Firm Network Service lor Self (e) Firm Network Seruice for Others (0 Long-Term Firm Point-to-point Reservations (s) Other Long- Term Firm Service (h) Short-Term Firm Pointto-point R€seNation (i) Other Seryice U) 1 January 3,324 2 90c 1,542 224 o7e 585 2 February 3,104 25 200c 1,292 191 973 648 3 March 3,171 7 80c 1,445 212 o72 542 4 Total for Quader I 4,279 627 2,919 1,775 5 April 2,91t ZJ 80c 993 211 973 738 b t\,tay 3,49r 8 1 70C 2,041 294 973 228 7 June 4,421 27 200c 2,793 372 o71 285 I Total lor Ouarler 2 5,787 883 2,919 1,251 I July 4,59r 2a 1 80C 3,021 35S 973 241 10 August 4,641 C 170C 3,241 361 973 67 't1 Septemb€r 3,85r t 2000 2,420 ,01 973 168 't2 Total lor Quader 3 8,682 1,013 2,9'19 476 13 0ctober 2,99:1t 800 1,389 243 97:388 14 November 3,13r 1:800 1,397 209 973 556 15 December 3,36{1:800 1,334 24C 973 821 16 Total for Quarter 4 4120 692 2,91S 1,765 17 Total Yoar to Dateffeil 22,868 3,215 '11,676 5,267 FERC FORM NO. 1/3.Q (NEW.07-04)Page 400 MONTHLY TRAN Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This(1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 04116t2419 ELECTRIC ENERGY ACCOUNT Report below the information called for concerning fte disposition of electic energy generated, purchased, exchanged and wheeled during the year, Line No.MegaWatt Hours (b) Line No. Item (a) Item (a) MegaWatt Hours (b) 1 SOURCES OF ENERGY 2'l DISPOSITION OF ENERGY 2 Generation (Excluding Station Use):22 Sales to Ultimate Consumers (lncluding lnterdepartmental Sales) 14,586,522 3 Steam 3,274,144 4 Nuclear 23 Requirements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4, page 311.)5 Hydro-Conventional 8,681,81 1 6 Hydro-Pumped Storage 24 Non-Requirements Sales for Resale (See instruction 4, page 311.) 2,863,637 7 Other 1,407,862 25 Energy Furnished Without ChargeILess Energy for Pumping 26 Energy Used by the Company (Electric Dept Only, Excluding Station Use) I Net Generation (Enter Total of lines 3 through 8) 13,363,81i 27 Total Energy Losses 1,267,436't0 Purchases s,389,494 11 Power Exchanges:28 TOTAL (Enter Total of Lines 22 Through 27) (MUST EQUAL LrNE 20) 18,7'17,595 12 106,21CReceived 13 Delivered 145,1 3S 14 Net Exchanges (Line 12 minus line 13)-38,92S 15 Transmission For Other (Wheeling) 16 Received 7,243,16C 17 7,239,947Delivered s,21318Net Transmission fior Other (Line 16 minus line'17) 19 Transmission By Others Losses 20 18,717,595TOTAL (Enter Total of lines 9, 10, 14, 18 and 19) FERC FORM NO.'t (ED.12.90)Page 401a I Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page:401 Line No.:18 Column: b Page 329 Column I differs from page 4C1 byand BPA Energy imbalance schedules on page 328-330 are for account 456 wheeling on1y, account 447 transmission. 3,213 MWH, reported401. The numbers thathe numbers on page for Lucky ieak varj-ation t are shown on pages 40i have to be adjusted for FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls:Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) YearlPeriod of Report End of 201B|A4An Original A Resubmission 0411612019 MONTHLY PEAKS AND OUTPUT 1. Report the monthly peak load and energy output. lf the respondent has two or more power which are not physically integrated, furnish the required information for each non- integrated system. 2. Report in column (b) by month the system's output in Megawatt hours for each month. 3. Report in column (c) by month the non-requirements sales for resale. lndude in the monthly amounts any energy losses associated with the sales. 4. Report in column (d) by month the system's monthly maximum megawatt load (60 minute integration) associated with the system. 5. Report in column (e) and (f) the specified information for each monthly peak load reported in column (d). NAME OF SYSTEM: IDAHO POWER COMPANY MONTHLY PEAKLine No.Month (a) Total Monthly Energy (b) Monthly Non-Requirments Sales for Resale & Associated Losses (c) Megawatts (See lnstr. 4) (d) Day of Month (e) Hour (0 29 January 1,67012e 403,276 2,145 4 0900 3C February 1,399,249 268,337 2,226 20 0800 31 March 412,8571,551,731 1,989 b 0800 JI April 1,600,07s 506,996 1,979 27 1 800 33 May 1,549,946 256,468 2,367 29 2000 34 June 1,667,528 130,332 3,1 38 25 I 900 35 July 77,882 3,3921,942,09S I 1 900 36 August I ,737,707 69,934 3,381 10 1 800 37 September 1,417,711 171,251 2,744 6 'r 800 38 October 1,239,754 152,788 1,806 15 0900 39 November 206,771 2.025 131,381,78S 0800 40 December 1,559,876 206,745 2,267 6 0800 41 TOTAL 18,717,595 2,863,637 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-90)Page 401b Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report ls:(1) fiAn Original (2) l--l A Resubmission Dale of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 STEAM-ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) 1. Report data for plant in Service only. 2. Large plants are steam plants with installed capacity (name plate rating) of 25,000 Kw or more. Report in this page gas-turbine and internal combustion plants of 10,000 Kw or more, and nuclear plants. 3. lndicate by a footnote any plant leased or operated as a joint facility. 4. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give data which is available, specifoing period. 5. lf any employees attend more than one plant, report on line 11 the approximate average number of employees assignable to each plant. 6. lf gas is used and purchased on a therm basis report the Btu content or the gas and the quantity of fuel burned converted to Mct. 7. Quantities of fuel burned (Line 38) and average cost per unit of fuel burned (Line 41) must be mnsistent with charges to expense accounts 501 and 547 (Line 42) as show on Line 20. 8. lf more lhan one fuel is burned in a plant furnish only the composite heat rate for all fuels burned. Line No. Item (a) Plant Name: Jirn Bridger (b) Plant Name: Boardman (c) I Kind of Plant (lntemal Comb, Gas Turb, Nuclear Steam Steam 2 Type of Constr (Conventional, Outdoor, Boiler, etc)Semi-Outdoor Boiler Conventional 3 Year Originally Constructed 4 Year Last Unit was lnstalled 1979 1 980 5 Total lnstalled Cap (Max Gen Name Plate Ratings-MW) 6 Net Peak Demand on Plant - MW (60 minutes)702 60 7 Plant Hours Connected to Load 8764 3208 8 Net Continuous Plant Capability (Megawatts)0 0 I When Not Limited by Condenser Water I 10 When Limited by Condenser Water 0 0 11 Average Number of Employees U 0 12 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use - KWh 251 1 81 4000 I 51 51 7000 13 Cost of Plant: Land and Land Rights 509671 I 0661 0 14 Structures and lmprovements 71 591 785 12626048 15 Equipment Costs 637997616 640574't8 16 Asset Retirement Costs 9164040 s046008 17 Total Cost 719263112 81 836084 18 Cost per KW of lnstalled Capacity (line 17l5) lncluding 933.5018 1274.7054 19 Production Expenses: Oper, Supv, & Engr 174038 455021 20 Fuel 87601038 4049522 21 Coolants and Water (Nuclear Plants Only)0 0 22 Steam Expenses 5691s35 707167 23 Steam From Other Sources n 0 24 Steam fransferred (Cr)0 0 25 Electric Expenses 0 0 26 Misc Steam (or Nuclear) Power Expenses 6791 168 665880 27 Rents 250861 0 28 Allowances 0 0 29 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 100602 1 1 2653 30 Maintenance of Structures 0 50779 31 Maintenance of Boiler (or reacto| Plant 7148511 1 15654 32 Maintenance of Electric Plant 2613274 1 329883 33 Maintenance of Misc Steam (or Nuclear) Plant 6963587 66027 34 Total Production Expenses 117334614 7552586 35 Expenses per Net KWh 0.0467 0.0498 36 Fuel: Kind (Coal, Gas, Oil, or Nuclear)Coal oil Coal oit 37 Unit (Coal-tons/Oil-barrel/Gas-mcf/Nuclear-indicate)Tons Barrel Ions Barrels 38 Quantity (Units) of Fuel Bumed 1423953 6257 0 89853 796 0 39 Avg Heat Cont - Fuel Burned (btu/indicate if nuclear)9276 1 40000 0 8650 1 38800 0 40 Avg Cost of Fuel/unit, as Delvd f.o.b. during year 57.743 1 05.1 97 0.000 42.009 99.690 0.000 41 Average Cost of Fuel per Unit Burned 61.035 76.113 0.000 44.O57 90.385 0.000 42 Average Cost of Fuel Burned per Million BTU 3.290 12.944 0.000 2.548 15.501 0.000 43 Average Cost of Fuel Bumed per KWh Net Gen 0.035 0.000 0.000 0.027 0.000 0.000 44 Average BTU per KWh Net Generation 10531 .000 0.000 0.000 1 0284.000 0.000 0.000 FERC FORM NO.1 (REv.12-03) 197t 1980 770.5( (0 Page 402 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company Thi (1) (2) is Report ls: fiAn Original f-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 STEAIU-ELECTRIC GE NERATI NG PLANT STATI STI CS (Large Plants) (Cont i n ued) 9. ltems under Cost of Plant are based on U. S. of A. Accounts. Production expenses do not include Purchased Power, System Control and Load Dispatching, and Other Expenses Classified as Other Power Supply Expenses. 10. For lC and GT plants, report Operating Expenses, Account Nos. 547 and 549 on Line 25 "Electric Expenses," and Maintenance Account Nos. 553 and 554 on Line 32, "Maintenance of Electric Plant." lndicate plants designed for peak load service. Designate automatically operated plants. 11. For a plant equipped with combinations of fossil fuel steam, nuclear steam, hydro, internal combustion or gas{urbine equipment, report each as a separate planl. However, if a gasturbine unit functions in a combined cycleoperationwithaconventional steamunit,includethegas-turbinewiththesteamplant. 12. lfanuclearpowergeneratingplant,brieflyexplainby footnote (a) accounting method for cost of power generated including any excess costs attributed to research and development; (b) types of cost units used for the various components of fuel cost; and (c) any other informative data concerning plant type fuel used, fuel enrichment type and quantity for the report period and other physical and operating characteristics of plant. Plant Name: Valmy (d) Plant Name: Danskrn (e) Plant Name: Bennetl Mountain (f) Line No. Steam Gas Turbine Gas Turbine 1 Outdoor Conventional Conventional 2 2001 2005 3 1 98s 2008 2005 4 270.90 172.80 5 260 243 178 b 3765 810 1121 7 0 261 't64 B 0 0 I 0 0 10 0 6 5 11 61 0813000 127648000 1 491 58000 12 1106140 402745 0 13 71851394 6054979 1 790867 14 330860448 11115678s 53S84084 15 -s3303 0 0 '16 403764679 1 1 7614509 55774951 17 1424.2140 434.1621 322.7717 18 1 51 705 4419 19 23873411 1 9931 09 2928044 20 0 0 0 21 3514032 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 24 1868433 586841 423794 25 1677245 279674 I 76068 26 0 0 0 27 0 0 0 28 U 0 0 29 298643 82374 84059 30 3583035 5854 4690 31 601 869 1938409 1 6691 2 32 1 1308S 0 0 33 36105640 5037966 3787986 34 0.0591 0.0395 0.0254 35 Coal oil Gas Gas 36 Tons Barrels MCF MCF 37 325634 8080 0 1322215 0 0 1 656255 0 0 3B 9330 138778 0 't027 n 1027 0 U 39 43.968 107.119 0.000 1.507 0.000 0.000 1.768 0.000 0.000 40 69.421 104.649 0.000 1.507 0.000 0.000 1 768 0.000 0.000 41 3.804 17.954 0.000 3.3s0 0.000 0.000 3.580 0.000 0.000 42 0.039 0.000 0.000 0.016 0.000 0.000 0.020 0.000 0.000 43 9806.000 0.000 0.000 1 0638.000 0.000 0.000 1 1404.000 0.000 0.000 44 FERC FORM NO. 1 (REV. 12-03)Page 403 198'l 283.50 0 0 575883 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5!An Orisinal(2) n A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 STEAM-ELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) (Continued) 1, Report data for plant in Service only. 2. Large plants are steam plants with installed capacity (name plate rating) of 25,000 Kw or more. Report in this page gas-turbine and internal combustion plants of '10,000 Kw or more, and nuclear plants. 3. lndicate by a footnote any plant leased or operated as a joint facility. 4. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give data which is available, specifying period. 5. lf any employees attend more than one plant, report on line 1 1 the approximate average number of employees assignable to each plant. 6. lf gas is used and purchased on a therm basis report the Btu content or the gas and the quantity of fuel burned converted to Mct. 7. Quantities of fuel burned (Line 38) and average cost per unit of fuel burned (Line 41) must be crnsistent with charges to expense accounts 501 and 547 (Line 42) as show on Line 20. E. lf more than one fuel is burned in a plant furnish only the composite heat rate for all fuels burned. Line No. Item (a) Plant Name'. Langley Gulch (b) Plant Name: (c) 1 Kind of Plant (lnternal Comb, Gas Turb, Nuclear Gas Turbine 2 Type of Constr (Conventional, Outdoor, Boiler, etc)Conventional 3 Year Originally Constructed 20't2 4 Year Last Unit was lnstalled 2012 5 Total lnstalled Cap (Max Gon Name Plate Ratings-MW)318.45 0.00 6 Net Peak Demand on Plant - MW (60 minutes)298 0 7 Plant Hours Connected to Load 4287 0 8 Net Continuous Plant Capability (Megawatts)300 0 I When Not Limited by Condenser Water 0 0 10 When Limited by Condenser Water 0 0 11 Average Number of Employees 24 0 12 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use - KWh 1 1 31 020000 0 13 Cost of Plant: Land and Land Rights 2287261 0 14 Skuctures and lmprovements 1 35480987 0 15 Equipment Costs 237068055 0 16 Asset Retirement Costs 0 0 17 Total Cost 374836303 0 1B Cost per KW of lnstalled Capacity (line 17i5) lncluding 1177.0649 0 19 Production Expenses: Oper, Supv, & Engr 489767 0 20 Fuel 12744946 0 21 Coolants and Water (Nuclear Plants Only)0 0 22 Steam Expenses 0 0 23 Steam From Other Sources 0 0 24 Steam Transferred (Cr)0 0 25 Electric Expenses 3502791 0 26 Misc Steam (or Nuclear) Power Expenses 824953 0 27 Rents 0 0 28 Allowances 0 0 29 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 0 0 30 Maintenance of Structures 48859 0 31 Maintenance of Boiler (or reactor) Plant 55349 0 32 Maintenance of Electric Plant 535684 0 33 Maintenance of Misc Steam (or Nuclear) Plant 0 0 34 Total Production Expenses 18202349 0 35 Expenses per Net KWh 0.0161 0.0000 36 Fuel: Kind (Coal, Gas, Oil, er Nuclear)Gas 37 Unit (Coal{ons/Oil-barrel/Gas-mcf/Nuclear-indicate)MCF 3B Quantity (Units) of Fuel Burned 9423468 0 0 U 0 0 39 Avg Heat Cont - Fuel Burned (btu/indicate if nuclear)1027 0 0 0 0 40 Avg Cost of Fuel/unit, as Delvd f.o.b. during year 1.352 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 41 Average Cost of Fuel per Unit Bumed 1.352 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 42 Average Cost of Fuel Burned per Million BTU 2.980 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 43 Average Cost of Fuel Burned per KWh Net Gen 0.011 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 44 Average BTU per KWh Net Generation 8557.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12-03)Page 402.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page:402 Line No.:3 Column: bThis foctnote applies io lrres 3 and 4. rrre Jin Eriaqea FowerPIan: consists of four equal units constructed jointiy by Idaho Power Company and Pacific Power and Light Company, wli-h Idairo owning 1,/3 and Paclf iCorc ownrng 2,/3. Unit #1 was placed 1nconrnercial operal:icn November 30 , 191 4, Un:-t- f 2 December 1, 191 5 tUnj-t #3 September 1, 791 6, and Unit #4 November 29, 19'79. Schedule Page: tl02 Line No.: 3 Column: cThis footnote applies to lines 3 and 4. The Boardman pJ-ant consists of one uni-t constructeci jointly by Portland General Electric Company, fdaho Power Company, and Paciflc NorthwestGenerating Company, with ldaho Power Company owning 10%. Thre unit was placed in commercial operatj-on August 3, 1980. Schedule Page: 403 Line No.: 3 Column: dThis footnote applies to fines 3 and 4. The Valmy plant consistsof two units constructed jorntly by Sierra Paciflc Power Company and Idaho Power Company, wif-h Sierra owning Ll2 and Idaho owningL/2. Unit #1 was plaeed in commercial operation December 11, 1981and Unit *2 May 2L, 1985. Sche$tl9 Page: 402 Llne- No; 5 Column: bThis footnote applies to line 5 and lines 12 through,13. Inf o rnatlon re f Iects idaho Power Companr7' s share as expla.i-nedin note for -Line 3 paEe 402 column B. Seheduie Page:402 Line No.:5 Column: c Thi s ioorno:e appl j es to .I .rne 5 and - ir,es 12 through -l 3 . fnfo::nation reflects ldaho Power Company's share as explainedin note on line 3 paqe 402 column C Schedule Page:403 Line No.: 5 Column: dThis footnote applies to line 5 and lines 1"2 throutTh 43. Informatior: reflects ldaho Power Company's share as explainedin note for J-ine 3 page 403 column D. Schedule Page:402 Line No.:9 Column: b This footnote applies to lines 9, 10, and 11. PacifiCorp as operator of the plant will repcrt this infornation. Schedule Page:402 Line No;9 Column: cThis footnote applies to lines 9, 10, and 11. Portland General-Electric Company, as operator will report thi-s information. Schedule Page: tl03 Line No.:9 Column: dThis footnote applies to lines 9, 1C, and 11. Sierra Pacrfi-c Power, as operator of the pIant, will report this information. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12.871 Page 450.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This(1) (2) Reoort ls: 5.1An Orisinat nA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) 1. Large plants are hydro plants of 10.000 Kw or more of installed capacity (name plate ratings) 2. lf any plant is leased, operated under a license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or operated as a joint facility, inclicate such facts in a footnote. If licensed project, give project number. 3. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give that which is available specifuing period. 4. lf a group of employees attends more than one generating plant, report on line 11 the approximate average number of employees assignable to each plant. Line No. Item (a) FERC Licensed Project No. 2736 Plant Name: American Falls (b) FERC Licensed Project No. 1975 Plant Name: Bliss (c) 1 Kind of Plant (Run-of-River or Storage)Run-of-River Run-of-River 2 Plant Construction type (Conventional or Outdoor)Outdoor Outdoor 3 Year Originally Constructed 1 978 1 949 4 Year Last Unit was lnstalled 1 978 1 950 5 Total installed cap (Gen name plate Rating in MW)92.30 75.00 6 Net Peak Demand on Plant-Megawatts (60 minutes)107 E' 7 Plant Hours Connect to Load 6,972 8,613 8 Net Plant Capability (in megawatts) I (a) Under Most Favorable Oper Conditions 110 76 10 (b) Under ttre Most Adverse Oper Conditions 0 1 11 Average Number of Employees 4 4 12 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use - Kwh 489,268,000 353,493,000 13 Cost of Plant 14 Land and Land Rights 875,319 768,366 15 Structures and lmprovements 11,970,406 1,757,779 16 Reservoirs, Dams, and Watenrays 4,293,075 9,087,082 17 Equipment Costs 33.375,913 2',t,215,167 18 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges 839,276 486,477 19 Asset Retirement Costs 0 U 20 TOTAL cost (Total of 14 thru 19)51,353,989 33,318,871 21 Cost per KW of lnstalled Capacity (line 20 / 5)556.38't2 444.2516 22 Production Expenses 23 Operation Supervision and Engineering 224,759 760,767 24 Water for Power 1 ,841,919 810,710 25 Hydraulic Expenses 182,',t32 918,291 26 Electric Expenses 60,215 65,676 27 Misc Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses 347,490 479,288 28 Rents 187 4,797 29 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 6,016 4,482 30 Maintenance of Structures 108,471 34,773 31 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways 6,594 11,079 32 Maintenance of Electric Plant 185,333 80,324 33 Maintenance of Misc Hydraulic Plant 100,014 172,129 34 Total Production Expenses (total 23 thru 33)3,063,130 3,342,316 35 Expenses per net KWh 0.0063 0.0095 FERC FORM NO. ' (REV.12-03)Page 406 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) Reoort ls: 51nn Original nA Resubmission Date of Reoort (Mo, Da, Yi) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) (Continued) 5. The items under Cost of Plant represent accounts or combinations of accounts prescribed by the Uniform System of Accounts. Production Expenses do not include Purchased Power, System control and Load Dispatching, and Other Expenses classified as "Other Power Supply Expenses." 6. Report as a separate plant any plant equipped with combinations of steam, hydro, internal combustion engine, or gas turbine equipment. FERC Licensed Project No. 1971 Plant Name: Brownlee (d) FERC Licensed Project No. 2848 Plant Name: Cascade (e) FERC Licensed Project No. 1971 Plant Name: Oxbow (f) Line No. Storage Run-of-River Storage 1 Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor 2 1958 1 983 1961 3 1980 1 984 1 961 4 652.60 12.42 190.00 5 581 14 210 6 8,736 8,736 8,736 7 I 747 15 221 I 220 1 202 10 I 2 6 11 2,418,886,000 46,879,000 1,090,414,000 12 13 18,382,251 82,142 1,212,767 14 39,790,736 7,328,252 13,91't,719 15 67,636,458 3,145,630 31,ss0,233 16 114,036,450 't3,486,249 22,010,550 17 1,458,769 122,668 585,876 18 0 0 0 '19 241,304,664 24,164,941 69,271,145 20 369.7589 1,945.6474 364.5850 21 22 610,156 179,709 453,620 23 553,819 226,366 397,342 24 1 ,1 97,804 4U,107 876,365 25 385,880 119,254 263,515 26 644,079 262,533 541,250 27 1 18,503 73 19,430 28 27,457 2,051 7,089 29 43,903 8,297 85,074 30 38,484 4 19,895 31 1,236,198 25,828 't49,786 32 597,192 108,954 254,051 33 5,453,475 1,417,176 3,067,417 34 0.0023 0.0302 0.0028 35 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12-03)Page 407 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This ReDort ls:(1) 5]nn Originat(2) f-l A Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi) o4t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) 1. Large plants are hydro plants of '10,000 Kw or more of installed capacity (name plate ratings) 2. lf any plant is leased, operated under a license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or operated as a joint facility, indicate such facts in a footrnote. lf licensed project, give project number. 3. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give that which is available specifying period. 4. lf a group of employees attends more than one generating piant, report on line 11 the approximate average number of employees assignable to each plant. Line No. Item (a) FERC Licensed Project No. 1971 Plant Name: Hells Canyon (b) FERC Licensed Project No. 2726 Plant Name: Malad (c) 1 Kind of Plant (Run-of-River or Storage)Storage Run-of-River 2 Plant Construction type (Conventional or Outdoor)Outdoor Outdoor 3 Year Originally Constructed 't967 1948 4 Year Last Unit was lnstalled 1967 1948 5 Total installed cap (Gen name plate Rating in MW)391.50 21.77 6 Net Peak Demand on PlanFMegawatts (60 minutes)435 22 7 Plant Hours Connect to Load 8,733 8,731 I Net Plant Capability (in megawatts) I (a) Under Most Favorable Oper Conditions 445 25 10 (b) Under he Most Adverse Oper CondiUons 137 21 11 Average Number of Employees 5 1 12 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use - Kwh 2,194,877,O00 136,032,000 13 Cost of Plant 14 Land and Land Rights '1,880,38't 205,376 15 Struc{ures and I mprovements 2.992,730 3,954,760 16 Reservoirs, Dams, and WateMays 53,033,657 6,952,853 17 Equipment Costs 22,562,4'tO 15,703,831 '18 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges 922,781 1,507,442 19 Asset Retirement Costs 0 0 20 TOTAL cost (Total of 14 thru 19)81,39't,959 28,324,262 21 Cost per KW of lnstalled Capacity (line 20 / 5)207.8977 1.301.0685 22 Production Expenses 23 Operation Supervision and Engin€ering 382,960 161,624 24 Water for Power 386,745 809,253 25 Hydraulic Expenses 839,422 232,895 26 Electric Expenses 224,884 39,427 27 Misc Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses 598,388 155,367 28 Rents 32,319 0 29 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 8,884 2,647 30 Maintenance of Structures 4,186 4,469 31 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Watemays 38,768 37,229 32 Maintenance of Electric Plant 136,214 47,158 33 Maintenance of Misc Hydraulic Plant 440,678 87,343 34 ToEl Production Expenses (total 23 thru 33)3,093,448 1,577,412 35 Expenses per net KWh 0.0014 0.0116 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12-03)Page 406.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2t Reoort ls: 5]an Orisinal l-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period ol Report End of 20181Q4 HYOROELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATI STICS (Large Plants) (Continued) 5. The items under Cost of Plant ropresent accounts or combinations of accounts prescribed by the Uniform System of Accounts. Production Expenses do not include Purchased Power, System control and Load Dispatching, and Other Expenses classified as "Other Power Supply Expenses." 6. Report as a separate plant any plant equipped with mmbinations of steam, hydro, internal combustion engine, or gas turbine equipment. FERC Licensed Project No. 2055 PlantName: CJStrike (d) FERC Licensed Project No. 503 Plant Name: Swan Falls (e) FERC Licensed Project No. Plant Name: Twin Falls (f) 't8 Line No. Run-of-River Run-of-River Run-of-River 1 Outdoor Conventional Conventional 2 1952 "t910 1 935 2 1952 1 994 1 995 4 82.80 27.17 52.90 E 92 23 51 6 8,736 8,435 7,852 7 8 9'l 24 53 9 84 14 50 10 5 4 '11 568,652,000 123,727,000 262,039,000 12 't3 5,725,987 292,113 255,499 14 9,944,637 27,522,981 11,184,280 15 11,419124 15,989,465 8,968,780 16 14,557,460 32,113,032 22,346,634 't7 1,602,868 835,946 1 ,917,603 't8 0 0 0 19 43,250,080 76,753,537 44,672,796 20 522.3440 2,824.9370 844.4763 21 22 784,431 424,066 431,353 23 870,409 485,862 302,89s 24 1,169,627 598,892 214,798 25 84,862 76,877 71,378 26 649,984 427,720 237.963 27 51,684 8,028 3,572 28 6,377 7,472 2,860 29 1 't 5,940 54,669 50,087 30 48,851 26,264 1,367 31 149,713 284,662 89,630 32 109,902 131,714 49,267 33 4,041,780 2,526.226 1,455,170 34 0.0071 0.0204 0.0056 35 FERC FORM NO. I (REV.12-03)Page 407.1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiAn Original(2) nA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2O't8lQ4 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) 1 . Large plants are hydro plants of 10,000 Kw or more of installed capacity (name plate ratings) 2. lf any plant is leased, operated under a license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or operated as a joint facility, indicate such facts in a footnote. lf licensed project, give project number. 3. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give that which is available specifoing period. 4. lf a group of employees attends more than one generating plant, report on line 11 the approximate average number of employees assignable to each plant. Line No. Item (a) FERC Licensed Project No. 2777 Plant Name: Upper Salmon (b) FERC Licensed Project No. 2778 Plant Name: Shoshone Falls (c) 1 Kind of Plant (Run-of-River or Storage)Run-of-River Run-of-River 2 Plant Construction type (Conventional or Outdoor)Outdoor Conventional a Year Originally Constructed 1937 1907 4 Year Last Unit was lnstalled 1947 1921 5 Total installed cap (Gen name plate Rating in MW)34.50 11.50 6 Net Peak Demand on Plant-Megawatts (60 minutes)35 13 7 Plant Hours Connect to Load 8,736 7,1 99 I Net Plant Capability (in megawatts) I (a) Under Most Favorable Oper Conditions 39 14 10 (b) Undor the Most Adverse Oper Conditions 32 11 11 Average Number of Employees 1 a 12 Net Generation, Exclusive of Plant Use - Kwh 245,042,000 82,751,000 13 Cost of Plant 14 Land and Land Rights 202,399 313,328 15 Structures and I mprovements 2,805,131 't,563,244 16 Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways 7,290,730 9,868,914 17 Equipment Costs 9,020,362 4,843,239 18 Roads, Railroads, and Bridges 29,359 115,108 19 Asset Retirement Costs 0 0 20 TOTAL cost (Total of 14 thru 19)19,347,981 16,703,833 21 Cost per KW of lnstalled Capacity (line 20 / 5)560.81 10 1,452.5072 22 Production Expenses 23 Operation Supervision and Engineering 156,937 291 ,313 24 Water for Power 196,614 305,661 25 Hydraulic Expenses 257,792 342,250 zo Electric Expenses 117,643 41,112 27 Misc Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses 181,359 290,334 28 Rents 0 203 29 Maintenance Supervision and Engineering 4,534 4,092 30 Maintenance of Structures 59,964 34,827 Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and WateMays 22,230 3,809 JZ Maintenance of Electric Plant 127,891 172,399 33 Maintenance of Misc Hydraulic Plant 91,677 61,315 34 Total Production Expenses (total 23 thru 33)1,216,641 1,547,31s 35 Expenses per net KWh 0.0050 0.0187 FERC FORM NO.1 (REv.12-03)Page 406.2 3'1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) 5]An orisinat (2)trA Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATING PLANT STATISTICS (Large Plants) (Continued) 5. The items under Cost of Plant represent accounls or combinations ofaccounts prescribed by the Uniform System ofAccounts. Production Expenses do not include Purchased Power, System control and Load Dispatching, and Other Expenses classified as "Other Power Supply Expenses." 6. Report as a separate plant any plant equipped with combinations of steam, hydro, internal combustion engine, or gas turbine equipment. FERC Licensed Project No. 1971 Plant Name: Common Facilities (d) FERC Licensed Project No. 2061 Plant Name: Lower Salmon (e) FERC Licensed Project No. 28gg Plant Name: Milner (0 Line No. Run-of-River Run-of-River 1 Outdoor Conventional 2 1949 1992 ) '1949 1992 4 0.00 60.00 59.45 5 U 62 60 o 0 8,729 7,104 7 I 0 64 61 I 0 60 1 10 0 6 2 11 0 327.431 ,000 294,476,000 12 13 I 14,368 424,428 138,'t 00 14 50,401,118 3.s61,030 10,663,927 15 13,556,785 7,754,799 17,767,AO2 16 2,459,974 17,750,696 29,294,641 't7 142,581 88,693 501,877 18 0 0 0 19 66,714,826 29,579,646 58,365,547 20 0.0000 492.9941 981.7586 21 22 0 442,923 262,033 23 0 390,644 1,471,384 24 7,337,458 468,480 176,309 25 0 182,453 61,225 26 128 369,552 311,777 27 0 4,110 3,798 28 U 4,533 3,444 29 0 81,289 't8,683 30 0 13,884 51,433 0 123,444 80,199 32 231,546 83,459 78,910 33 7,569,1 32 2,164,367 2,519,'t95 34 0.0000 0.0066 0.0086 35 ?age 407.2 3'r FERC FORM NO. ,l (REV.12-03) r\ame oI ile5ponqenr ldaho Power Company IIIli (1) (2) t ts,uate or Kepon (Mo, Da, Yr) YearP€noo ol Kepon End of 20181Q4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 1. Small generating plants are steam plants of, less than 25,000 Kw; internal combustion and gas turbine-plants, conventional hydro plants and pumped storage plants of less than 10,000 Kw inslalled capacity (name plate rating). 2. Designate any plant leased from others, operated under a license from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or operated as a loint facility, and give a concise statement of the facts in a footnote. lf licensed project, give project number in footnote. Line No. Year Orio. Con-st. (b) Cost of Plant (0 Name of Plant (a) lnstalled CaoacitvName Plate hatiri: (ln MW) (c) Net PeakDemand MW(60,4in.)(e) Net Generation ExcludinoPlant LJsE 1 Hydro: 2 Clear Lakes 1 S37 2.50 2.9 17,281 3,565,864 3 Thousand Springs 1912 6.80 7.4 30,563 12,013,559 4 5 6 lntemal Combustion: 7 Salmon Diesel 1 967 5.00 4.0 36 909,259 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FERC FORM NO. 1 (REV. 12-03)Page 410 ldaho PowerCompany (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 0411612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2A1B|Q4 3. List plants appropriately under subheadings for steam, hydro, nuclear, internal combustion and gas turbine plants. For nuclear, see instruction 11, Page 403. 4. lf net peak demand for 60 minutes is not available, give the which is available, specifying period. 5. lf any plant is equipped with combinations of steam, hydro internal combustion or gas turbine equipment, report each as a separate plant. However, if the exhaust heat from the gas turbine is utilized in a steam turbine regenerative feed water cycle, or for preheated combustion air in a boiler, report as one plant. Plant Cost (lncl Asset Retire. Costs) Per MW (s) Operation Exc'|. Fuel (h) Production Expenses Kind of Fuel (k) Fuel Costs (in cents (per Million Btu) (t) Line No.FUEI (i) Maintenance (i) 1 1,426,346 168,784 64,735 2 1,766,700 252,307 158,640 3 4 5 6 181 ,852 Diesel 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 't7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV.12-03)Page 411 34 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) p{An orisinat Date of Reporl(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 (2)A Resubmission 0411612019 TRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS 1. Report information concerning transmission lines, cost of lines, and expenses for year. List each transmission line having nominal voltage of 132 kilovolts or greater. Report transmission lines below these voltages in group totals only for each voltage. 2. Transmission lines include all lines covered by the definition of transmission system plant as given in the Uniform System of Accounts. Do not report substation costs and expenses on this page. 3. Report data by individual lines for all voltages if so required by a State commission. 4. Exclude from this page any transmission lines for which plant costs are included in Account 121 , Nonutility Property. 5. lndicate whether the type of supporting structure reported in column (e) is: (1) single pole wood or steel; (2) H-frame wood, or steel poles; (3) tower; or (4) underground construction lf a transmission line has more than one type of supporting structure, indicate the mileage of each type of construction by the use of brackets and extra lines. Minor portions of a transmission line of a different type of construction need not be distinguished from the remainder of the line. 6. Report in columns (f) and (g) the total pole miles of each transmission line. Show in column (f) the pole miles of line on structures the crst of which is reported for the line designated; conversely, show in column (g) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for another line. Report pole miles of line on leased or partly owned structures in column (g). ln a footnote, explain the basis of such occupancy and state whether expenses with respect to such structures are included in the expenses reported for the line designated. I]ESIGNAI ION VOLTAGE (KV)(lndicate wherdblher than 60 cvcle. 3 ohase) LENGTH (Pole miles)(ln the Dase.ofunderoround linesreport Eircuit miles) Line No. From (a) To (b) Operating (c) Designed (d) Type of Supporting Structure (e) of LineDesi96ated (,n strucluresof AnotherLrne(s)(h) Number of Circuits 1 Borah Mldpolnt 345.0(500.00 S Tower 62,35 1 2 Boardman Statt s00.0(500.00 S Tower 1.79 1 J Summer lake {emlngray 500.0t s00.00 S Tower 008 1 4 Hemingway Mldpolnt 500.0(500.00 S Tower 0,15 5 Summer Lake H€mlngway 500.0(S Tower 53.08 1500.00 Mldpolnt6Hemingway 500.0(500.00 S Tower 47.76 1 7 8 Jim Bridger Goahen 345.0(345.00 S Tower 66.13 I I State Line Midpoint 34s 0t S Tower 76.06 2345.00 10 Kinport Borah 19.81 1345.0(345.00 S Tower Pogulus11Jim Bridger 345.0(345.00 S Tower 60.91 1 12 Populus Kinport 345.0(345,00 S Tower 742 1 13 Jim Bridger Populus 345.0(345,00 S Tower 61.08 1 14 Populus Eorah 345.0(345.00 S Tower 905 1 Kinport15Goshen 345.0(345.00 S Tower 7.48 1 16 Midpoint Borah #'t 345.0(345,00 H Wood 51.07 1 17 Midpoint Borah #2 34s.0(345.00 H Wood 49 98 2 18 Adelaide Tap Adetalde 34s.0(345.00 H Wood 1a1 I 19 20 QuarE LaGrande 230.0(230.00 H Wood 45 97 1 21 Midpoint Hunt 230.0(230.00 S Tower 0.70 2 22 Brady Antelope 230.0(230.00 H Wood 56.38 1 l3 Brady Treasureton 230.0t 230.00 H Wood 0,08 1 24 Brady#1 &#2 Kinport 230.0t 230.00 S Tower 17.94 2 25 Brownlee Ontario 230.0t 230.00 S Tower 72.67 1 26 Mora Bowmont '138.0(S P Wood 9.99 1230.00 27 Mora Bowmont 138.0(230.00 H Wood 8.75 1 28 Caldwell 710 Locust 230.0(230.00 SP Steel 18.50 1 29 Boise Bench Caldwell 230.0(230.00 S Tower 7.69 1 30 Boise Bench 33.49 1Caldwell230.0(230.00 H Wood 31 Boise Bench Cloverdale 230 0c 230.00 S Tower 'r5,91 2 32 Boardman Oalroed Sub 230,0c 230.00 H Wood t.o/1 33 Brownlee 714 Oxbow 230.0c 230.00 SP Steel 11.04 2 34 Caldwell Ontario 230,0c 230.00 H Wood 30.06 'I 2E Caldwell Ontario 230.0c 230.00 S Tower 3.14 1 36 TOTAL 4,754.64 11.02 205 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-87)Page 422 ldaho Power Company 1)Original (2)A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 7. Do not report the same transmission line structure twice. Report Lower voltage Lines and higher voltage lines as one line. Designate in a footnote if you do not include Lower voltage lines with higher voltage lines. lf two or more transmission line structures support lines of the same voltage, report the pole miles of the primary structure in column (f) and the pole miles of the other line(s) in column (g) 8. Designate any transmission line or portion lhereof for which the respondent is not the sole owner. lf such property is leased fom another company, give name of lessor, date and terms of Lease, and amount of rent for year. For any transmission line other than a leased line, or portion thereof, for which the respondent is not the sole owner but which the respondent operates or shares in the operation of, furnish a succinct statement explaining the arrangement and giving particulars (details) of such matters as per@nt ownership by respondent in lhe line, name of co-owner, basis of sharing expenses of the Line, and how the expenses borne by the respondent are accounted for, and accounts affected. Specify whether lessor, co-ownerr or other party is an associated company. 9. Designate any kansmission line leased to another company and give name of Lessee, date and terms of lease, annual rent for year, and how determined. Specify whether lessee is an associated company. 10. Base the plant cost figures called for in columns U) to (l) on the book cost at end of year. Size of Conductor and Material (i) COST OF LINE (lnclude in Column 0) Land, Land rights, and clearing right-of-way) EXPENSES, EXCEPT DEPRECIATION AND TAXES Line No. Land (]) Construction and Other Costs(k) Total Cost (t) Operation Expenses(m) Maintenance Expenses (n) Rents (o) Total Expenses(p) 1272 ACSR 256,381 15,977,941 16,234324 1 ZX17EO ACSR 446,70€446,708 ,272 ACSR 3 I2Z2 ACSR 4 ]X1272 ACSR 18,826,061 18,826,061 5 lx'1272 ACSR '17,078,061 '17,078,061 b 7 1272 ACSR 483,30S 5,330,79C 5,8 14,09S 8 795 ACSR 571,97S 11,226,882 1 1,798,86'l o '1272 ACSR 344,22C 4,397,073 4,741,293 10 1272 ACSR 9,534,541 9,534,541 11 1272 ACSR 12 '1272 ACSR 9,257,404 9,257,404 aa 1272 ACSR 14 2X1272 ACSR 583,947 583,947 15 715,5 ACSR 283,141 '12,832,864 13,1 16,007 16 715.5 ACSR 64,8s1 15,978,637 16,043,488 17 715,5 ACSR 51,44i 224,249 275,697 1B 19 795 ACSR 62,21t 7,078,093 7,140,311 IU i15,5 ACSR 9,14a 998,452 1,007,597 21 1272 ACSR 108,30 3,399,123 3,507,424 22 /95 ACSR 6,'186 o, Io0 23 715.5 ACSR 18,82(1,'144,918 1,163,747 24 2X954 ACSR 1,676,83t 20,s51,937 22,228,775 25 715.5 ACSR 413,79:2,377,905 2,79't,698 26 /15.5 ACSR 27 1590 ACSR 2,378,43t 8,77s,086 11,153,522 28 1272 ACSR 1]48,20i 7,740,608 9,488,810 ,o /15.5 ACSR 30 1272 ACSR 3,062,812 6,582,985 9,645,797 31 295 AAC 89,08S 89,089 cz }54 ACSR 34,174 16,026,470 16,060,644 JJ 2X954 ACSR 236,152 9,384,090 9,620,242 34 1272 ACSR 34,835,917 639,95s,720 674,791,637 7,787 ,36C 1,s44,297 2,710,673 12,042,33("36 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-87)Page 423 TRANSI\4ISSION LI NE STATISTICS 35 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ReDort ls: 5]nn Orisinal nA Resubmission Date of(Mo, Da Report r, Yr) 04t16/2019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 2O18lQ4 TRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS 1. Report information concerning transmission lines, cost of lines, and expenses for year. List each lransmission line having nominal voltage of 132 kilovolts or greater. Report transmission lines below these voltages in group totals only for each voltage. 2. Iransmission lines include all lines covered by the definition of transmission system plant as given in the Uniform System of Accounts. Do not report substation costs and expenses on this page. 3. Report data by individual lines for all voltages if so required by a State commission. 4. Exclude from this page any transmission lines for which plant costs are included in Account 121, Nonutility Property. 5. lndicate whether the type of supporting structure reported in column (e) is: (1) single pole wood or steel; (2) H-frame wood, or steel poles; (3) tower; or (4) underground mnstruction lf a transmission line has more than one type of supporting structure, indicate the mileage of each type of construction by the use of brackets and extra llnes. Minor portions of a transmission line of a different type of construction need not be distinguished from the remainder of the line. 6. Report in mlumns (f) and (g) the total pole miles of each transmission line. Show in column (f) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for the line designated; conversely, show in column (g) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for another line. Report pole miles of line on leased or partly owned structures in column (g). h a footnote, explain the basis of such occupancy and state whether expenses with respect to such structures are included in the expenses reported for the line designated. Line No. DESIGNATION VULIAGE (KV)(lndicate wherdbther than 60 cvcle. 3 ohase) Type of Supporting Structure (e) LENGTH (Pole miles)(ln the tase.ofunderorounc, ltnesreport Eircrit miles) Number of Circuits (h) From (a) To (b) Operating (c) Designed (d) UN DIofDesi Lrn ttrucluresof AnolherLine (s) 1 Bennett Mtn PP Rat0esnake TS 230,0c 230.00 SP Steel 4.43 1 2 Borah Hunt 230.0(230 00 H Steel 68.12 1 3 Danskin Hubbard 230.0(230,00 H Steel 36.2s 1 4 Danskin Hubbard 230 0c 230,00 SP Steel 1.84 1 5 Danskin Hubbard 230,0(230.00 SP Steel 1,30 2 6 Danskin Bennett Mtn 230,0(230.00 SP Steel 5.39 1 7 Hemingway Bowmont 230.0(230.00 SP Steel 12.94 1 I Langley Gulch Galloway Rd 138.0(230.00 SP Steel 14.19 1 I Galloway Rd Willis Tap 138.0(230.00 SP Steel 2.09 I 10 Walla Walla 230.0(230.00 H Wood 30.55 1 11 Boise Bench Midpoint #1 230,0(230 00 S Tower 0.71 '1 12 Boise Bench Midpoint #1 230,0(230.00 H Wood 108.68 1 13 Brownlee QuarE Jct 230 0(230.00 S Tower 1.51 1 14 Brownlee QuarE Jct 230 0(230.00 H Wood 41.30 1 15 Brownlee Boise Bench #1 &#2 230 0(230.00 S Tower 99 78 2 16 Oxbow Brownlee 230 0(230.00 S Tower '10.3s 2 17 Boise Bench Midpoint #2 230 0(230.00 S Tower 3.49 1 18 Boise Bench Midpoint #2 230 0t 230 00 H Wood 102.17 1 19 Oxbow Pallette Jct 230 0(230.00 S Tower 2A11 2 20 Pallette Jct lmnaha 230,0(230.00 H Wood 24.43 2 21 Hells Canyon Paiette Jct 230,0(230.00 S Tower 9.05 2 22 Brownlee Boise Bench 230 0(230.00 S Tower 102.11 2 23 Boise Bench Midpoint #3 230 0(230.00 H Wood 106.29 1 24 Palette Jct Enterprise 230.0(230.00 H Wood 29.60 1 25 Borah Brady #2 230.0i 230.00 S Tower 0,42 1 26 Borah Brady #2 230.04 230.00 H Wood 3.5i 1 27 Borah Brady #1 230.0c 230.00 H Wood 3,84 1 28 29 Goshen Stata LIne 161.0[161.00 H Wood 40.8S 1 30 Don Goshen 161,0t 161.00 S Tower 2.31 7 31 Don Goshen 161,0C 161,00 H Wood 48.42 Antelope 161.0C 161.00 H Wood 5.67 I 33 Goshen Stat6 Lino 161.0C 161,00 H Wood 10 93 1 34 Goshen State Llnc 16'1.0c 161,00 H Wood 7,84 1 35 36 TOTAL 4,754.64 11.02 205 FERC FORM NO.'t (ED.12.87)Page 422.1 tclurenerated I Hunlcane Goghan Narne of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) []An orisinal (2)A Resubmission 7. Do not report the same transmission line structure twice. Report Lower voltage Lines and higher voltage lines as one line. Designate in a footnote if you do not include Lower voltage lines with higher voltage lines. lf two or more transmission line structures support lines of the same voltage, report the pole miles of the primary structure in column (0 and the pole miles of the other line(s) in column (g) 8. Designate any transmission line or portion thereof for which the respondent is not the sole owner. lf such property is leased fiom another company, give name of lessor, date and terms of Lease, and amount of rent for year. For any transmission line other than a leased line, or portion thereof, for which the respondent is not the sole owner but which the respondent operates or shares in the operation of, furnish a succinct statement explaining the arrangement and giving particulars (details) of such matters as percent ownership by respondent in the line, name of co-owner, basis of sharing expenses of the Line, and how the expenses borne by the respondent are accounted for, and accounts affected. Specify whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. 9. Designate any lransmission line leased to another mmpany and give name of Lessee, date and terms of lease, annual rent for year, and how determined. Specify whether lessee is an associated company. 10. Base the plant cost figures called for in columns (i) to (l) on the book cost at end of year. Size of Conductor and Material (i) COST OF LINE (lnclude in Column (j) Land Land rights, and clearing rightof-way) EXPENSES, EXCEPT DEPRECIATION AND TAXES Line No Land (i) Construction and Other Costs(k) Total Cost (t) Operation Expenses(m) Maintenance Expenses (n) Rents (o) Total Expenses(p) 1272 ACSR 81,701 1,666,354 1,748,055 1 1590 ACSR 624,911 22,467,321 23,092,238 2 1590 ACSR 15,210,561 15,210,561 J 1590 ACSR 4 1590 ACSR E 1590 ACSR 3,528,033 3,528,033 6 1s90 ACSR 1,854,996 9,277p84 11,132,976 7 1590 ACSR s48,166 9,067,609 10,015,775 8 1272 ACSR I 1272 ACSR 6 471,944 6,471,944 10 715.5 ACSR 385,287 14,623,370 15,008,657 11 715.5 ACSR 12 795 ACSR 53,06t 4,833,736 4,886,804 13 795 ACSR 14 VARIOUS 289,92i 9,'198,927 9,488,850 '15 1272 ACSR 14,81(1,296,859 1,311,669 16 215.5 ACSR 227,B1t 17,830,886 1 8,058,700 17 VARIOUS 18 1272 ACSR 87,46t 3,933,'180 4,020,648 19 1272 ACSR 171,081 2,081,470 2,252,551 20 1272 ACSR 44,68i 1,252,130 1,296,817 21 354 ACSR 184,80r 6,411,734 6,596,539 22 715.5 ACSR 247,84t 8,032,328 8,280,174 23 1272 ACSR 84,01t 1,927 ,018 2,011,032 24 1272 ACSR 3,06t 531,106 534,174 25 /'15.5 ACSR 16 1 272 ACSR 7,24t 421,273 428,521 al 28 250 COPPER 375,57t 2,879,058 3,254,634 29 715.5 ACSR 88,204 2,597,887 2,686,091 30 397.5 ACSR 31 397.5 ACSR 784,659 784,659 32 250 COPPER 1 16,873 1,322,937 1,439,810 33 250 COPPER 76,96€482,272 559,241 34 2E 34,835,917 639,955,720 674,791,637 7,187 364 1,s44,297 2,71A,671 12,042,33(36 Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20'l8lQ4 04t16t2015 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-87)Page 423.1 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission (Da, 04t16t2019 TRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS 1. Report information conceming transmission lines, cost of lines, and expenses for year. List each transmission line having nominal voltage of 132 kilovolts or greater. Report transmission lines below these voltages in group totals only for each voltage. 2. Transmission lines include all lines mvered by the definition of transmission system plant as given in the Uniform System of Accounts. Do not report substation costs and expenses on this page. 3. Report data by individual lines for all voltages if so required by a State commission. 4. Exclude from this page any transmission lines for which plant costs are included in Account 121 , Nonutility Property. 5. lndicate whether the type of supporting structure reported in column (e) is: (1) single pole wood or steel; (2) H-frame wood, or steel poles; (3) tower; or (4) underground construction lf a transmission line has more than one type of supporting structure, indicate the mileage of each type of construction by the use of brackets and extra lines. Minor portions of a transmission line of a different type of construction need not be distinguished from the remainder of the line. 6. Report in columns (f) and (g) the total pole miles of each transmission line. Show in column (f) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for the line designated; conversely, show in column (g) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for another line. Report pole miles of line on leased or partly owned structures in column (g). ln a footnote, explain the basis of such occupancy and state whether expenses with respect to such structures are included in the expenses reported for the line designated. Line No. UESIGNAIIUN Type of Supporting Structure (e) LENGTH (Pole miles)(ln the tase-ofunderoround linesreport Eircuit miles) Number of Circuits (h) From (a) To (b) Operating (c) Designed (d) UN DIolDesi, un :iuuclur€sof AnotherLrne(s) 1 American Falls Power Plant Adelaide 138.0(138,00 H Wood 14.07 n 2 American Falls Power Plant Adelaide 138.0(138,00 S P Wood 0.12 2 J Minidoka Loop Adelaide 138.0(138.00 S Tower 1 .13 I 4 Nampa Caldwell 138 0(138.00 S P Wood 9,s9 2 E Upper Salmon Mountain Home Jct 138.0(138.00 H Wood 54 36 1 6 Upper Salmon criff 138.0('138.00 H Wood 30 8'1 1 7 Eastgate Russet 138.0(138.00 S P Wood 206 I 8 Brady Fremont 138,0(138,00 S Tower 1,01 2 o Brady Fremont 138.0(138.00 H Wood 24.38 2 10 Brady Fremont 138.0t 138,00 S P Wood 24.33 2 11 King Lower Malad 138.0t 138.00 H Wood 84.73 2 12 Emmett Jct Payette 138.0(138.00 H Wood 66.46 2 13 Mountain Home AFB Tap 138.0(138.00 H Wood 6.20 1 14 Ontario Quark 138,0(138 00 H Wood 73.20 1 15 King American Falls PP 138.0(138 00 S Tower 0,91 2 16 King American Falls PP 138.0C 138 00 H Wood 142.16 1 17 King American Falls PP 138,0(138,00 S P Wood 3.71 1 18 Duffin Clawson 138.0(138 00 H Wood 6.19 1 19 American Falls Brady Tie 138.0(138 00 H Wood 0.33 1 20 Upper Salmon A-B King 138.0(138.00 H Wood 5.66 1 21 Upper Salmon B Wells 138,0(138,00 H Wood 125.54 1 22 King Wood River 138.0(13800 H Wood 63.94 1 23 Toponis Pocket 130.0(138.00 S P Wood 9.8C 1 24 Boise Bench Grove 138.0(138.00 S P Wood 10.3i 2 25 QuarE John Day 138 0(138.00 H Wood 67.3C 1 26 Sinker Creek Tap 138.0(138.00 H Wood 2.79 1 27 Mora Cloverdale 138.0t 138.00 H Wood 2.s1 I 28 Mora Cloverdale 138,0(138 00 S P Wood 22.2t,1 29 Mora Cloverdale 138,0(138.00 S P Steel 0.9€2 30 Stoddard Jct Stoddard Sub 138.0(138.00 S P Steei 3.8C 1 31 Fossil Gulch Tap 138.0(138.00 H Wood '1.81 1 32 Wood River Midpoint 138.0t 138.00 H Wood s3.08 z 33 Wood River Midpoint 138.0C 1 38.00 S P Wood 16.69 2 34 Oxbow McCall 1 38.0(138.00 H Wood 37.1a 1 35 Oxbow McCall 1 38.0(138.00 S P Wood 2.32 1 36 TOTAL 4,754.64 11.02 205 End of 2018/Q4 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. r2-87)Page 422.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1)An ls: Original (2)A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 7. Do not report the same transmission line structure twice. Report Lower voltage Lines and higher voltage lines as one line, Designate in a footnote if you do not include Lower voltage lines with higher voltage lines. lf two or more transmission line structures support lines of the same voltage, report the pole miles of the primary structure in column (f) and the pole miles of the other line(s) in column (g) 8. Designate any transmission line or portion thereof for which the respondent is not the sole owner. lf such property is leased from another company, give name of lessor, date and terms of Lease, and amount of rent for year. For any transmission line other than a leased line, or portion thereof, for which the respondent is not the sole owner but which the respondent operates or shares in the operation of, furnish a succinct statement explaining tre arrangement and giving particulars (details) of such matters as percent ownership by respondent in the line, name of corcwner, basis of sharing expenses of the Line, and how the expenses borne by the respondent are accounted for, and ac@unts affected. Specify whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. 9. Designate any transmission line leased to another company and give name of Lessee, date and terms of lease, annual rent for year, and how determined. Specify whether lessee is an associated mmpany. 1 0. Base the plant cost figures called for in columns (i) to (l) on the book cost at end of year. COST OF LINE (lncluc,e in Column U) Land, Land rights, and clearing right-of-way) EXPENSES, EXCEPT DEPRECIATION AND TAXES Total Cost (t) Size of Conductor and Material (i) Land (i) Construction and Other Costs(k) Operation Expenses(m) Maintenance Expenses (n) Rents (o) Total Exo,e;ses !ine No. 250 COPPER 26,50i 423,656 450,163 1 250 COPPER 2 /15.5 ACSR 21,321 249,232 270,559 3 295 AAC 1,731 ,58{4,845,1 10 6,576,699 4 5,119,371i95 ACSR 78,07t 5,041,293 5 /95 ACSR 43,s6[2,995,670 3,039,238 6 795 AAC 270,822 561,s61 832,384 7 /ARIOUS 564,93i 4,733,97!s,298,911 I /ARIOUS 9 /ARIOUS 10 /ARIOUS 76,822 3,725,128 3,801,951 11 /ARIOUS 55,521 4,706,354 4,761,87a 12 397.5 ACSR 86,92!s,08€81,843 13 VARIOUS 34,42e 6,851 ,738 6,886,166 14 715.5 ACSR 216,91e 1 0,955,64C 11,172,559 15 715.5 ACSR to 715,5 ACSR U 4\0 4,191 467,90S 472J1C 18 954 ACSR 96,921 96,921 19 250 COPPER 7s6,6662,74 753,925 20 VARIOUS 28,49(5,062,29i 5,090,787 21 VARIOUS 1 86,1 9t 24,499,074 24,685,272 22 397.5 ACSR 23 VARIOUS 1,646,308 1,871,910225,601 24 397.5 ACSR 96,58i 2,699,802 2,796,384 25 VARIOUS 1 1,08:133,347 144,430 26 /15.5 ACSR 3,123,38(9,714,182 12,837,562 27 YARIOUS t6 /95AAC 29 1272 ACSR 30 250 COPPER 45(1 87,84B 188,298 31 ]97.5 ACSR 349,71i 7 ,121,949 7,471,661 32 ]97.5 ACSR 22 197,5 ACSR 2,886,748141,s34 2,745,214 34 397,5 ACSR 35 674,791,637 7]87 36434,835,917 639,955,720 1 ,544,297 2,710,673 12,042,33C 36 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-87)Page 423.2 TRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS Name of Respondent Idaho Power Company (1) (2) An , Da, A Resubmission o4t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 TRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS 1 . Report information conceming transmission lines, cost of lines, and expenses for year. List each transmission line having nominal voltage of 132 kilovolts or greater. Report transmission lines below these voltages in group totals only for each voltage. 2. Transmission lines include all lines covered by the definition of transmission system plant as given in the Uniform System of Accounts. Do not report substation costs and expenses on this page. 3. Report data by individual lines for all voltages if so required by a State commission. 4. Exclude from this page any transmission lines for which plant costs are included in Account 121 , Nonutility Property. 5. lndicate whether the type of supporting struclure reported in column (e) is: (1) single pole wood or steel; (2) H-frame wood, or steel poles; (3) tower; or (4) underground construction lf a transmission line has more than one type of supporting structure, indicate the mileage of each type of construction by the use of brackets and extra lines. Minor portions of a transmission line of a different type of construction need not be distinguished from the remainder of the line. 6. Report in columns (f) and (g) the total pole miles of each transmission line. Show in column (f) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for the line designated; conversely, show in column (g) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for another line. Report pole miles of line on leased or partly owned structures in column (g). ln a footnole, explain the basis of such occupancy and state whether expenses with respect to such structures are included in the expenses reported for the line designated. Line No. DESIGNATION VOLTAGE (KV)(lndicate wherdbther than 60 cvcle. 3 ohase) Type of Supporting Structure (e) LENGTH (Pole miles)(ln the taso.ofun0eroround lrnes report Eircuit miles) Number of Circuits (h) From (a) To (b) Operating (c) Designed (d) un slrucruresof AootherLrn€(s) 1 Lowell Jct Nampa 138.0t '138.00 S P Wood 7.49 2 Hunt Milner 138.0(138.00 S P Wood 19.42 1 3 Strike Bruneau Bridge 138.0(138.00 H Wood 13.49 1 4 American Falls Kramer Sub 138.0(138.00 S P Wood 18 46 , 5 Pingree Haven 138.0C 138.00 S P Wood 11,72 1 6 Midpoint Twin Falls 138.0(138.00 S P Wood 25.20 2 7 Twin Falls Russett 138.0C 138.00 S P Wood 1.71 1 I Blackfoot Aiken 46.0C 138.00 S P Wood 622 2 I Peterson Tendoy 69.0C '138.00 H Wood 57 02 1 10 Eastgate Tap Eastgate 138.0(138.00 S P Wood 6.36 1 11 Kimberly Tap Kimberly 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 1,84 2 12 Boise Bench Mora 138.0C 138.00 H Wood 13.11 2 13 Bowmont-Caldwell Simplot Sub 138.0(138.00 S P Wood 0,51 1 14 Gary Lane Eagle 138.0C 138.00 S P Wood 6,6s 1 15 Locust Grove Blackcat Sub 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 925 2.98 1 16 Boise Bench Butler 138.0C 138,00 S P WoOd 0.'14 4.02 1 17 Eagle Strar 138.0C 138.00 S P Wood 6.75 1 18 Star Lansing 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 5.50 1 19 Karcher Sub Zilog Tap 138.0C 138 00 S P Steel 349 1 20 Zilog Can Ada 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 150 1 21 Cloverdale - 712 712 -Wye 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 0,42 4.02 1 22 Victory Jct Victory 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel '1,89 1 23 Butler wye 130.0(138.00 S P Steel 2.94 1 24 Horseflat Starkey 138.0C 138.00 H Wood 33.97 1 25 Starkey Mccall 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel LtJ ,} 26 Starkey Mccall 138.0C 138.00 H Wood 3,8C 1 27 Starkey Mccall 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 1,5C 1 28 Starkey Mccall 138.0C 138.00 S P Wood 17,61 1 29 Chestnut Happy Valley 138.0C 1 38.00 S P Steel 2.78 1 30 Garnet Ward 1 38.00 31 McCall Lake Fork 138.0C 138.00 S P Wood aoo 1 32 McCall Lake Fork 138.0C 138.00 S Steel 2.90 33 Caldwell Willis 138.00 138,00 S P Steel 1.30 1 34 Caldwell Willis 138.00 138.00 S P Steel '1.59 1 35 Caldwell Willis 138.0(138,00 S P WOOd 0.87 I 36 TOTAL 4,754.64 11.02 20s FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.87)Page 422.3 ofIDesig nerated Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 04t16t20't9 7. Do not report the same transmission line structure twice. Reporl Lower voltage Lines and higher voltage lines as one line. Designate in a footnote if you do not include Lower voltage lines with higher voltage lines. lf two or more transmission line structures support lines of the same voltage, report the pole miles of the primary structure in column (f) and the pole miles of the other line(s) in column (g) 8. Designate any transmission line or portion thereof for which the respondent is not the sole owner, lf such property is leased from another company, give name of lossor, date and terms of Lease, and amount of rent for year. For any transmission line other than a leased line, or portion thereof, for which the respondent is not the sole owner but which the respondent operates or shares in the operation of, furnish a succinct statement explaining the arrangement and giving particulars (details) of such matters as percent ownership by respondent in the line, name of cn-owner, basis of sharing expenses of the Line, and how the expenses borne by the respondent are accounted for, and accounts affected. Specify whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. 9. Designate any transmission line leased to another company and give name of Lessee, date and terms of lease, annual rent for year, and how determined. Specify whether lessee is an associated company. 10. Base the plant cost figures called for in columns (j) to (l) on the book cost at end of year. COST OF LINE (lnclude in Column (j) Land, Land rights, and clearing rightof-way) EXPENSES, EXCEPT DEPRECIATION AND TAXES Size of Conductor and Material (i) Land 0) Construction and Other Costs(k) Tobl Cost 0) Operation Expenses (m) Maintenance Expenses (n) Rents (o) Total Expenses (p) l-ine No. /15.5 ACSR 211,131 1,454,87t 1,666,010 1 215.5 ACSR 3,324 1,470,273 1,473,597 2 t97.5 ACSR 717,47|"732,40214,921 215.5 ACSR 1,086,02813,734 1,072,294 4 397.5 ACSR 18,223 '1,30'1,873 1,320,096 5 VARIOUS 66,28€3,219,49!3,28s,785 6 /15.5 ACSR 16,79C 213,033 229,823 7 543,372715.5 ACSR 13,616 529,756 I 397.5 ACSR 395,696 3,s04,326 3,900,02i o 715.5 ACSR 343,9ss 2,184,427 2,s28,382 10 795 ACSR 11 715,5 ACSR 14,69i 736,552 751,249 12 795 AAC En 2io 50,31S 13 795 AAC 308,141 2,165,954 2,474,495 14 1272 ACSR 93s,81C 3,442,874 4,378,684 15 '1272 ACSR 34,687 838,605 873,292 16 715.5 ACSR 179,81;6,681,791 6,861,608 17 /95 AAC 18 795 AAC 434,34'1 478,252 '1943,91 /95 AAC 20 1272 ACSR 140,41i 2,577,075 2,717,487 21 1272 ACSR 22 795 ACSR 1,s39,907 23134,471 1,405,436 /15.5 ACSR 2,473,83!19,029,573 21,503,406 24 215.5 ACSR 25 /15.5 ACSR td /15.5 ACSR 27 21s.5 ACSR 28 1272 ACSR 78,57!2,219,508 2,298,087 IY 40,58(40,580 30 /15.5 ACSR 4,682,87!5,014,418 31331,539 32 1272 ACSR 704,76(2,141,218 2,845,9i8 21 /95 ACSR 34 35795 ACSR 34,835,917 639,955,720 674,791,637 7,787 364 1,544,297 2,710,673 12,042,331 Jb FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-87)Page 423.3 TRANSMISSION LI NE STATISTICS Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This(1) (2) Report ls: IAn Original f-lA Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 TRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS 1. Report information concerning transmission lines, cost of lines, and expenses lor year. List each transmission line having nominal voltage of 132 kilovolts or greater. Report transmission lines below these voltages in group totals only for each voltage. 2. Transmission lines include all lines covered by the definition of transmission system plant as given in the Uniform System of Accounts. Do not report substation costs and expenses on this page. 3. Report data by individual lines for all voltages if so required by a State commission. 4, Exclude from this page any transmission lines for which plant costs are included in Account 121 , Nonutility Property. 5. lndicate whether the type of supporting structure reported in column (e) is: (1) single pole wood or steel; (2) H-frame wood, or steel poles; (3) tower; or (4) underground construction lf a transmission line has more than one type of supporting structure, indicate the mileage of each type of construction by the use of brackets and extra lines. Minor portions of a transmission line of a different type of construction need not be distinguished from the remainder of the line. 6, Report in columns (f) and (g) the total pole miles of each transmission line. Show in column (f) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is repo(ed for the line designated; conversely, show in column (g) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for another line. Report pole miles of line on leased or partly owned structures in column (g). ln a footnote, explain the basis of such occupancy and state whether expenses with respect to such strucfures are included in the expenses reported for the line designated. Line No. UESIGNAIION VOLIAGE (KV)(lndicate whereblher than 60 cvcle. 3 ohase) Type of Supporting Structure (e) LENGTH (Pole miles)(ln the bass.ofunoerorouno ltnes report -circuit miles) Number of Circuits (h) From (a) To (b) Operating (c) Designed (d) un 5lofDesi UcIUTE -inernated 0 un Sruclurgsof AnotherLrne (s) 1 Valivue Tap 138.0(138 00 S P Steel 0.7s 2 2 Bowmont Happy Valley 138.0C 138 00 S P Steel 8.65 I 3 Antelope Soovllle 138.0C 138.00 H Wood 0.12 1 4 American Falls 138 0C 138.00 H Wood 1.05 1 E Kinport Don #1 138,0C '138.00 S Tower 1.27 n 6 Donn HOKU 138 0C 138.00 S P Steel 2.68 1 7 HOKU Alamed 138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 0.22 2 8 HOKU Alamed 138,0C 138.00 S P Steel 0.23 2 I HOKU Alamed 138,0C 138.00 S P Steel 2.85 ,1 10 Rockland Jct Rockland Wind Farm '138.0C 138.00 S P Steel 5.18 1 11 King Justice 138 0C 138.00 S P WOOd 007 1 12 NorthView Tap 138 0(138 00 S P Wood 6.17 1 13 Twin Falls PP Tap 138.0C 138.00 H Wood 099 1 14 American Falls PP Amercian Falls Trans ST 138.0C 138 00 S P Steel 0,37 1 15 Lower Salmon King Tie 138 0C 138,00 H Wood 0.11 1 16 C J Strike Strike Jct '138,0c 138.00 S Tower 4,30 2 17 Strike Jct Mountain Home Jct 138.0C 138 00 H Wood 23,42 1 18 Strike Jct Bowmont 138 00 H Wood 005 1 19 Strike Jct Bowmont 138 0C '138 00 S Tower 0.36 1 20 Strike Jct Bowmont 138.0C 138 00 H Wood 67,87 1 21 Lucky Peak Lucky Peak Jct 138,0C 138 00 H Wood 4.48 2 22 Bliss King 138.0C 138 00 H Wood 10.51 I 23 Milner Deadend Milner PP 138.0C 138.00 S P Wood 1.3C 1 24 Swan Falls Tap 138.0C 138.00 H Wood 095 1 25 26 27 28 Hines BPA (Harney)1 15,0C 115.00 H Wood 12r 1 29 30 JI 69 Kv Lines 69,0(69 00 H Wood 205.81 1 32 69 Kv Lines 69,0(69 00 S P Wood 880.67 1 33 34 35 46 Kv Lines 46.0(46,00 S P Wood 380,07 1 36 TOTAL 4,754.64 11.02 205 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-87)Page 422.4 Wheolon Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ReDort ls: []An Orisinal [-l A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 7. Do not report the same transmission line structure twice. Report Lower voltage Lines and higher voltage lines as one line. Designate in a footnote if you do not include Lower voltage lines with higher voltage lines. lf two or more transmission line structures support lines of the same voltage, report the pole miles of the primary structure in column (f) and the pole miles of the other line(s) in column (g) 8. Designate any transmission line or portion thereof for which the respondent is not the sole owner. lf such property is leased from another company, give name of lessor, date and terms of Lease, and amount of rent for year. For any transmission line other than a leased line, or portion thereof, for which the respondent is not the sole owner but which the respondent operates or shares in the operation of, furnish a succinct statement explaining the arrangement and giving particulars (details) of such matters as percent ownership by respondent in the line, name of cr-owner, basis of sharing expenses of the Line, and how the expenses borne by the respondent are accounted for, and accounts affected. Specify whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. 9. Designate any transmission line leased to another company and give name of Lessee, date and terms of lease, annual rent for year, and how determined. Specify whether lessee is an associated company. 10. Base the plant cost figures called for in columns fi) to (l) on the book cost at end of year. Size of Conductor and Material (i) COST OF LINE (lnclude in Uolumn U) Land, Land rights, and clearing rightof-way) EXPENSES, EXCEPT DEPRECIATION AND TAXES Line No. Land 0) Construction and Other Costs (k) Total Cost (t) Operation Expenses (m) Maintenance Expenses(n) Rents (o) Total Expenses(p) i95 ACSR 351,497 351,497 1 1272 ACSR 691,72t 6,045,286 6,737,014 2 397.5 ACSR 7'1,018 71 ,018 250 COPPER 105,472 105,472 4 z'15.5 ACSR 1,171 207J40 208,314 5 1272 ACSR 303,86t 4,594 308,462 6 1272 ACSR 7 295 ACSR 8 /95 ACSR 9 /95 ACSR -16,973 -16,973 10 1590 ACSR 60,659 60,659 11 /15.5 ACSR 105,93:4,125,054 4,230,987 12 250 COPPER 5t 63,264 63,322 13 r15.5 ACSR 176,736 176,736 14 197,5 ACSR 4,406 4,406 15 i 15.5 ACSR 1,07t 636,545 637,619 16 197.5 ACSR 6,33i 2,566,1 7S 2,572,511 17 215.5 ACSR 86,651 4,864,294 4,950,945 18 715.5 ACSR 19 IU 715.5 ACSR 287,67e 287,683 21 715,5 ACSR 5,62(1,737 ,275 1,742,89a 22 715.5 ACSR 14,96€I 83,606 198,574 ,1 397.5 ACSR 17,201 261,512 278,719 24 25 26 27 397.5 ACSR 1,97t 63,404 65,382 ,a 29 JU VARIOUS 1 ,813,793 81,431,83S 83,245,632 JI VARIOUS 32 33 34 VARIOUS 198,291 20,370,559 20,s68,850 at 34,835,917 639,955,720 674,791,637 7,787 364 1,544,291 2,710,673 12,042,33(36 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.87)Page 423.4 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) ls: Original Date of Report(Mo. Oa, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 2018/04 Resubmission 0411612019 TRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS 1 . Report information concerning transmission lines, cost of lines, and expenses for year. List each transmission line having nominal voltage of 132 kilovolts or greater. Report transmission lines below these voltages in group totals only for each voltage, 2. Transmission lines include all lines covered by the definition of transmission system plant as given in the Uniform System of Accounts. Do not report substation costs and expenses on this page. 3. Report datra by individual lines for all voltages if so required by a State commission. 4. Exclude from this page any transmission lines for which plant costs are included in Account 121, Nonutility Property. 5, lndicate whether the type of supporting structure reported in column (e) is: (1) single pole wood or steel; (2) H-frame wood, or steel poles: (3) tower; or (4) underground construction lf a transmission line has more than one type of supporting structure, indicate the mileage of each type of construction by the use of brackets and extra lines. Minor portions of a transmission line of a different type of construction need not be distinguished from the remainder of the line. 6. Report in columns (f) and (g) the total pole miles of each hansmission line. Show in column (f) the pole miles of line on shuctures the cost of which is reported for the line designated; conversely, show in column (g) the pole miles of line on structures the cost of which is reported for another line. Report pole miles of line on leased or partly owned structures in column (g). ln a footnote, explain the basis of such occupancy and state whether expenses with respect to such structures are included in the expenses reported for the line designated. DESIGNATION LENGTH (Pole miles)(ln the tase ofunderorounc, lines report Eiro.rit miles) Line No. From (a) To (b) Operating (c) Designed (d) Type of Supporting Structure (e) LJN DIofDesi un nrucureso[ AnotherUne(s) Number of Circuits (h) 1 2 Total all lines 4,754.64 11.02 205 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 't8 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3Z 33 34 35 36 TOTAL 4,754.64 11.02 205 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-87)Page 422'5 ame This (1) (2) ls:Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 201BlQ4ldaho Power Company An Original A Resubmission IRANSMISSION LINE STATISTICS 7. Do not report the same transmission line structure twice. Repo( Lower voltage Lines and higher voltage lines as one line. Designate in a footnote if you do not include Lower voltage lines with higher voltage lines. lf two or more transmission line structures support lines of the same voltage, report the pole miles of the primary structure in column (f) and the pole miles of the other line(s) in column (g) 8. Designate any transmission line or portion thereof for which the respondent is not the sole owner. lf such property is leased kom another company, givenameoflessor,dateandtermsofLease,andamountofrentforyear. Foranytransmissionlineotherthanaleasedline,orportlonthereof,for which the respondent is not the sole owner but which the respondent operates or shares in the operation of, furnish a succinct statement explaining the arrangement and giving particulars (details) of such matters as percent ownership by respondent in the line, name of co-owner, basis of sharing expenses of the Line. and how the expenses borne by the respondent are accounted for, and accounts affected. Specify whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. 9. Designate any transmission line leased to another company and give name of Lessee, date and terms of lease, annual rent for year, and how determined. Specify whether lessee is an associated company. 10. Base the plant cost figures called for in columns (j) to (l) on the book cost at end of year. cosl oF LlNt (lnclucle in uolumn u) Lano, Land rights, and clearing rightof-way) EXPENSES, EXCEPT DEPRECIATION AND TAXES Size of Conductor and Material (i) Land (i) Construction and Other Costs(k) Total Cost (t) Operation Expenses (m) Maintenance Expenses (n) Rents Total Exoenses'(p) line No. 7,787,360 1,544.297 2,710,673 12,042334 1 639,955,720 674/91,637 7,787,36C 1,544,297 2,710,673 12,042334 234,835,91i 3 4 5 6 7 o I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 a, 24 26 LI 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 2A 34,83s,917 639,955,720 674,791,637 7,787,36C 1,544,297 2,710,673 12,042,33(36 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.87)Page 423.5 (o) Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ _ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page:422 Llne No.: 1 Column: bThis l-ine is jointly owned wilh Pacif iCorp and Idaho Power trwns 73 .2t, of. this 85.4 nril-eIine, Schedule Page:422 Line No.:2 Column: bThis line rs jointly owned with L'ortlanci General El,ectritl andthis 17.B mrle l1ne. Sclredule Page:422 Line No.: 3 Cotumn: b Idaho Power owns 10.0? of 'Ihr-s -Lane 1sline. Schedule Page: Th i.s Iine i s I-Lne. Schedsle Page:This line is jointly owned 422 Line No.:4 loinLly owned 422 Line No.: 5j ointJ-y owned with PacifrCorp and Idaho Power owns Column: b;ith iacifrCorp and rdaho Power owns Column: bwith PacifiCorp and Idaho Power owns 3?.0e5 22.02 31 .jet of of of thrs this rh is aA1 129 24L 3 mile 3 mile J m1-Le I ine Sche;lule Page: 422 Line No.: 6 Column: bThis line is jointly owned with PacifrCorpfine. Schedule Page:422 Line No.:8 Column: hThis line is jointly owned with FacifrCorp'I i ne. Schedute Page:422 Line No.: 10 Column: bThis line rs jointly owned wit-h PacifiCorp l-ine. Schedule Page: 422 Line No.: 11 Column: b This line rs jolntly owr:ed with PacifiCorpapproxlmately i93 mil,e line. Sclredule Page: 422 Line No.: 12 Column: bThis }ine is jointly owned with PacifiCorp t t -.^aa11c - Schedule Page:422 Line No.: 13 Column: bThis llne is jointly owned with FacifiCorp approxlmately 193 mile 1ine. Scfiedule Page:422 Line No;14 Column: b?his l-i-ne is jointly owned wiLh PacifiCorpfine. Schedule Page:422 Line No.: 15 Column: bThis line rs jointly owr,ecl with PacifiCorpfine. Scfiedule Page: 422 Line No.: 16 Column: bThis Iine rs jointly owned with PacifrCorpfine. Sehedule Page: 422 Line No.: 17 Column: b Thr-s line rs joinlLy owned with Pacif iCorpIine. :Schedule Page:422 Line No.: 18 Column: bThis line is jointly owned with PacifrCorp and and and and and and and and and and and I daho -LOano Idaho I daho I daho Idaho Idaho Idaho I daho Idaho Idah<.r Power Power Power Power PoWCI. Power Power Power Power Power Power OWNS OWNS OWNS OWNS owns owils O f,lrll S owns Ol.lnS OWNS OWNS of this 129.3 m1le 29.22 of this 226.6 niLe '73.2e; of thls 21. L m-i"1e 29.22 of this 29.2ed of thi-s 41.2 mil-e 29.2?; of this 29.2\ oll this 4l.3 mife 18.3? of this 40.9 mile 64.4% of this 79.5 mile 64 - 4e" of thls 77.9 mile 64.4% of this 0.9 mile line. Schedute Page: 422 Line No.: 32 Cotumn: bThis I ine is jointly ownerl wiLh Port-land General- E-Lectric and Idaho Fower owns 10.0':. of th.Ls I 6.7 m:-1e L rne. Sehedute Page:422.1 Line No.: 10 Cotumn: bThis -l-ine rs jointly owned with PacifrCorp and Tdaho Power owns 40.8?, of this 77.5 m1l-e 1ine. Schedute Page:422-1 Line No.: 29 Column: b FERC FORM NO. 1 1 450.'1 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An OriginalQ\ A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA This line is jointly owned with PacifiCorp. Idaho Pcwer owns 37.8? of Gosherr- Jefferson28.9 mife segment, 3f.8? of the iefferson- Big Grassy 20.8 mile segment and 1001 of theBlg Grassy* Slatq Line 40.9 mile segment. Schedule Page: 42-2.1 .Line No.: 32 Column: bThis llne is;ointly owned with PacifiCorp and Id.aho Power owns 2l-.9't of this 25.8 mileline. lSchadula Page: 422.1 lrne IVo.: 33 Column: b ,This line is 3ointly owned r^rith Pacj-fiCorp. Idaho Power owns 37.8t of Goshen- Jefferson28.9 mile sesment, 31.88 of the Jefferson- Big Grassy 2A.B mile segment and 100% of theBiq Grassy- State Line 40.9 mile se t Schedule Page:422.1This iine is lcin Line Na.:34 btly owned r^rith PacifiCo rp. Idaho Power owns 37.88 of Goshen- Jefferson28.9 mile segment, 31.8t] of the Jefferson- Big Grassy 20.8 mil-e segment and 100? of theBiq Grassy- State Llne 4,0-.9 mile segment. Schedule Page:422.4 Line No.: 3 Column: bThis line is jointLy owned with PaclfiCorp and Idahc Power owns 11.5o of this 1 miie fine. Scftedule Page:422.4 Line No.:4 Column: b This line is jointly owned r^rith PacifiCorp l-Lre. and Idaho Power owns 7.22 of this 29.1 mile FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.2 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Oate of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 TRANSMISSION LINES ADDED DURING YEAR 1. Report below the information called for concerning Transmission lines added or altered during the year. lt is not necessary to report minor revisions of lines. 2. Provide separate subheadings for overhead and under- ground construction and show each transmission line separately. lf actual costs of competed construction are not readily available for reporting columns (l) to (o), it is permissible to report in these colurnns the Line No. LINE DESIGNATION LtneLength tnMiles (c) CIRCUITS PER SIRUCTUR From (a) To (b) Type (d) AVeIaqgNumbeiper Miles (e) Present (f) Ultimate (g) 1 Star Lansing 5.50 Steel LD 21.64 I 1 2 Zilog Can Ada 1.50 Steel LD 12.61 1 1 J 4 5 6 7 8 o 10 11 12 13 14 1E '16 17 18 ao 20 21 22 23 24 25 zo 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 TOTAL 7.00 34.31 2 2 FERC FORM NO.1 (REV. 12-03)Page 424 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Reoort ls:(1) fiRn Originat Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 (2)A Resubmission 0411612019 TRANSMISSION LINES ADDED DURING YEAR (Continued) costs. Designate, however, if estimated amounts are reported. lnclude costs of Clearing Land and Rights-of-Way, and Roads and Trails, in column (l) with appropriate footnote, and costs of Underground Conduit in column (m). 3. lf design voltage differs from operating voltage, indicate such fact by footnote; also where line is other than 60 cycle, 3 phase, indicate such other characteristic. L;ONL'UC IOKS LINI (;OS I Size (h) Specification (i) Confiouration and Spaclng (i) Voltage KV (o0e,11tins) Land and Land Rights fl) Poles, Towers and Fixtures (m)and Devices(n) Conductors Asset Retire. Costs(o) Total (p) Line No 795 ACSR TAS & TVS 138 2,215,49t '1,536,381 3,751,879 I 795 ACSR TAS & TVS 138 682,25l.86't,838 1,544,088 2 3 4 5 D 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 't9 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JI 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 2,897,741 2,398,219 5,295,967 44 FERC FORM NO.1 {REV.12-03)Page 425 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(2) A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report 20181Q4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 424 Line No.: 1Estimateci amount.s are repcr Column: o tec Schedule Page:424 Line No.: 2 Column: oEstimated amounts are reported FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.'l Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company S: (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Oate of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 SUBSTATIONS 1. Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4, lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) VOLTAGE (ln MVa) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 AdCalde 'transmission 345.00 138.00 13.80 2 Aiken distribution 46.00 13.00 3 Alameda distribution '138.00 13.00 4 Alameda distribution 138.00 13.09 5 American Falls PP - attended transmission 138.00 13.80 6 American Falls transmission 138.00 46.00 12.47 '7 transmission 230.00 161.00 13.80 8 Artesian distribution 46.00 13.00 I Bannock Creek distribution 46.00 't3.00 10 Bennett Mounhin Power Plant- attended transmission 230.00 18.00 11 Bennett Mountain Power Plant- attended diskibution '18.00 4.16 12 Bethel Court distribution 138.00 13.00 13 transmission 161 .00 14 Black Cat dishibution 138.00 't3.09 15 Black Mesa distribution 138.00 13.00 16 Blackfoot distribution 46.00 13.00 17 Blackfoot transmission 161 .00 46.00 12.47 18 Blackfoot distribution 161 .00 138.00 12.98 19 Bliss - attended transmission 138.00 13.80 20 Blue Gulch diskibution 138.00 3s.00 21 Boise Bench transmission 230.00 138.00 13.20 22 Boise Bench distribution 138.00 35.00 23 Boise Bench transmission 138.00 69.00 12.98 24 Boise Bench transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 OE Boise distribution '138.00 13.00 26 Borah transmission 345.00 230,00 13.80 27 Border distribution 138.00 13,00 28 Border distribution 35.00 29 Bowmont distribution 138.00 35.00 30 Bowmont transmission 138.00 69.00 12.98 31 Bowmont transmission 138.00 69.00 12.47 32 Bowmont transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 33 Brady transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 34 Brady transmission 138.00 46.00 12.47 35 Brady distribution 46.00 13.00 36 Brownlee - attended transmission 230.0c 13,80 37 Bruneau Bridge distribution 138.00 35.00 38 Bruneau Bridge distribution 138.00 36.20 39 Buckhorn distribution 69.00 35.00 40 Bucyrus distribution 46.00 7.20 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 426 Antslopo Big Grassy Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company ThiS (1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Reoort(Mo, Da, Yi)Year/Period ot Report End of 2O18lQ4 04116t2019 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special eguipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. SpecifiT in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Type of Equipment (i) Total Capacity(ln MVa) (k) Line No. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (0 Number of Transformers ln Service (s) Number of Spare Transformers (h) Number of Units 0) 12 27 22 30 1 3 4301 5120I 6471 1 7254 14 I 8 o141 102251 1151 12281 13 90 2 14 '15111 16562 1 17o22 181351 1986a 20482 2 21448 22702 231253 244482 117 J 25 2675AJ1 27111 285J 30 1 29 30461 3147,1 326002 33312 1 34 352814 1 367525 37301 45 1 38 3937I 1 1 40 FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED.12-96)Page 427 50( ldaho Power Company (1) (?',) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04116t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 SUBSTATIONS 1. Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) VOLTAGE (ln MVa) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 Buhl distribution 46.00 13.20 2 Burley Rural distribution 69.00 13.00 3 Burley Rural distribution 69.00 13.09 4 Butler distribution 138.00 13.09 5 Caldwell distribution 138.00 13.00 6 Caldwell transmission 230.00 138,00 7 Caldwell distribution 138.00 13.09 8 Caldwell transmission 138.00 69,00 12.47 I Caldwell transmission 230.00 138.00 12.47 10 Camas distribution 35.00 11 Camas distribution 35.00 14.40 12 Can-Ada distribution 138.00 13.09 13 Canyon Creek distribution 138.00 36.20 14 Canyon Creek transmission 138.00 69.00 12.98 15 Cartwright distribution 138.00 13.00 16 Cascade Power Plant - attended transmission 69.00 4.60 17 Cascade distribution 69.00 13.00 '18 Cascade diskibution 69.00 13.10 19 Cascade distribution 25.00 20 Chestnut distribution 138.00 13.00 21 Chestnut distribution 138.00 13.09 22 Cinder distribution 46.00 13.00 23 Clear Lake - attended transmission 46.00 2.40 24 criff transmission 138.00 46.00 12.50 25 criff transmission 138.00 46.00 12.95 26 Cloverdale distribution 138.00 13.00 27 Cloverdale distribution 138.00 13.09 28 Council distribution 69.00 13.00 29 Crane Creek distribution 69.00 13.00 30 Crater distribution 46.00 13.00 31 Dale distribution 46.00 4.60 32 Dale distribution 46.00 13.00 33 Dale distribution 69.00 13.00 34 Dale distribution 138.00 36.20 35 Dale transmission 138.00 46.00 12.47 36 Danskin- attended transmission 230.00 18.00 37 Danskin- attended transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 38 Danskin- attended distribution 18.00 4.16 39 Danskin- attended transmission 138.00 12.00 40 Danskin- attended distribution 35.00 13.80 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 426.1 ls:Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) YeariPeriod of Report End of 201BlQ4An Original A Resubmission 04t16t2019 Name of ldaho Power Company (1) (2) 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special eguipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. Specify in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (0 Number of Transformers ln Service (q) Number of Spare Transformers (h) CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Line No.Type of Equipment (i) Number of Units (i) Total Capacity (ln MVa) (k) 1 4 1 2 45 1 3 90 2 4 28 1 5 200 1 6 45 1 7 140 3 8 200 1 9 5 J 1 10 10 J 1 11 45 1 12 45 1 13 20 1 14 't1 I '15 16 ,|16 7 1 17 't4 1 18 5 1 19 45 1 20 45 1 21 11 1 22 5 1 23 2',!2 1 24 10 1 25 45 1 26 45 1 27 14 1 28 11 I 29 11 I 30 1 31 7 32 1 a1 45 1 34 47 1 35 233 I 36 300 1 37 6 I 38 160 2 39 5 I 40 FERG FORM NO. I (EO. t2-96)Page 427,1 ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 SUBSTATIONS 1 . Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than '10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) VOLTAGE (ln MVa) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 Deen distribution 46.00 13.00 2 Dietrich distribution 46.00 13.09 3 Don distribution 138.00 7.60 4 Don diskibution '138.00 13.20 5 Don diskibution 138.00 13.00 6 DRAM dishibution 13B.00 't3.09 7 DRAM transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 8 DRAM distribution 138.00 12.47 I DRAM distribution 138.00 13.00 10 Duffin distribution 138.00 35.00 11 Eagle diskibution 138.00 13.09 12 Eastgate distribution 138.00 13 Eastgate distribution 138.00 13.00 14 Eckert distribution 138.00 36.20 15 Eden distribution 138.00 36.20 16 Eden transmission 138.00 46.00 12.98 17 Elkhorn distribution 138.00 12.47 18 Elkhorn distribution 138.00 't 3.00 19 Elmore distribution 138.00 3s.00 20 Elmore transmission 138.00 69.00 12.50 21 Elmore transmission 138.00 69.00 12.98 22 Emmett distribution 138.00 23 Emmett transmission 138.00 69.00 12.47 24 Falls distribution 46.00 't3.00 25 Filer distribution 46.00 13.00 26 Flat Top distribution 46.00 13.00 27 Flying H dishibution 69.00 2.40 28 Fort Hall diskibution 46.00 13.00 29 Fossil Gulch distribution 138.00 35.00 30 Fremont transmission 138.00 46.00 12.50 31 Gary distribution 138.00 13.09 aa Gary distribution 138.00 13.00 33 Gem distribution 69.00 13.00 34 Gem distribution 69.00 35 Glenns Ferry diskibution 138.00 13.00 36 Gooding Rural distribution 46.00 13.00 37 Golden Valley distribution 69.00 13.00 38 Goahan transmission 345.00 161 .00 69.00 39 Gowen Substation dishibution 138.00 3s 00 40 Grindstone dishibution 35.00 FERC FORM NO. r (ED.12-96)Page 426.2 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission 04t1612019 SUBSTATIONS 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special equipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. Specify in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (f) Number of Transformers ln Service (s) Number of Spare Transformers (h) CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Line No.Type of Equipment (i) Number of Units (i) Total Capacity (ln MVa) (k) 11 I 1 14 1 2 1 ) 180 6 1 4 44 1 5 168 6 6 212 2 7 28 1 8 28 I I 60 2 10 67 2 11 45 ,|12 30 1 13 30 1 14 45 1 15 20 1 to 11 'l 17 11 ,|'18 28 1 19 ,4 1 20 2A 1 21 45 1 22 47 1 23 28 2 24 14 1 25 17 2 26 20 2 27 14 1 1 28 28 1 29 67 3 1 30 37 1 31 28 1 32 14 1 1 33 14 I 34 11 1 35 20 2 36 14 I ,1 aa 908 4 38 45 1 39 7 1 40 Year/Period End of Report 20181Q4 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 427.2 Name ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 04t16t2015 YeariPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 SUBSTATIONS 1 . Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should nol be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) VOLTAGE (ln MVa) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) ,|Grindstone distribution 35.00 2.40 2 Grove distribution 138.00 13.09 J Grove distribution 138.00 13.00 4 Hagerman distribution 46.00 13.00 5 Hagerman distribution 69.00 13.00 6 Hailey distribution 138.00 13.00 7 Happy Valley distribution 138.00 13.09 8 Haven distribution 138.00 35.00 I Haven transmission 138.00 46.00 10 transmission 500.00 230.00 34.50 11 Hewlett Packard distribution 138.00 13.00 12 Hidden Springs distribution 138.00 13.00 13 Highland distribution 138.00 13.00 14 Hiil distribution 138.00 't3.00 15 Hillsdale distribution 138.00 16 Homedale distribution 69.00 '13.00 17 Horse Flat transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 18 Horseshoe Bend distribution 35.00 19 Horseshoe Bend distribution 69.00 36.20 20 Horseshoe Bend distribution 69.00 2s.00 2',!Huston distribution 69.00 13.00 22 Hulen distribution 46.00 13.00 23 Hunt transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 24 Hydra distribution 138.00 36.20 25 lsland distribution 69.00 13.00 26 Jefficrson transmission 161.00 27 Jerome distribution 138.00 13.00 28 Jerome distribution 138.00 13.09 29 Julion Clawson distribution 138.00 35.00 30 Joplin distribution 138.00 13.00 3'1 Joplin distribution 138.00 36.20 32 Justice transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 33 Karcher distribution 138.00 13.00 34 Kenyon distribution 69.00 13.00 35 Ketchum distribution 138.00 13.00 36 Kimbedy diskibution 138.00 13.09 37 Kinport transmission 161.00 46.00 13.20 38 Kinport transmission 230.00 138.00 12.47 39 Kinport transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 40 Kinport transmission 345.00 230.00 13.80 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 426.3 Hemlngrray Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2) IS:Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20'l8lQ4An Original A Resubmission 04t',!6t2019 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special equipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. Specify in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EOUIPMENT Number of Units (i) Capacity MVa)(k) Total (ln Line No. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (0 Number of Transformers ln Service (q) Number of (h) Spare Transformers Type of Equipment (i) 171 2s02 3451 14 I 4 A6I 6371 1 730 8201 I471 1 101 000 3 37 ,|11 12111 '13301 14732 1545,| 16342 17100,| 187I 1922I 2071 2114I 14 1 22 233363 24902 25201 26 27371 28371 29562 30281 31451 323001 33201 34252 35752 36451I 7 37 38300I 393001 401'1000 3 FERC FORM NO. r (ED.12-96)Page 427 '3 Name S: ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 041't612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 SUBSTATIONS 1 . Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) VOLTAGE (ln MVa) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 Kramer diskibution 138.00 35.00 2 Kramer distribution 138.00 36.20 3 Kuna distribution 138.00 13.09 4 Lake distribulion 69.00 13.00 5 Lake Fork distribution 138.00 36.20 6 Lake Fork transmission 138.00 69.00 12.54 7 Lamb distribution 138.00 13.00 8 Langley Gulch- attended transmission 230.00 138.00 '13.80 I Langley Gulch- attended transmission 230.00 10 Langley Gulch- attended transmission 230.00 150.00 11 Lansing distribution 138.00 13.09 12 Lincoln distribution 138.00 13.09 IJ Linden distribution 138.00 13.00 14 Locust distribution 138.00 36.20 15 Locust transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 16 Lower Malad - attended transmission 138.00 7.20 17 Lower Salmon - attended transmission 138.00 13.80 18 Map Rock distribution 69.00 13.00 19 McCall distribution 138.00 13.09 20 McCall distribution 138.00 36.20 21 Melba distribution 69.00 13.00 22 Meridian distribution 138.00 13.00 23 Micron distribution 138.00 13.09 24 Micron distribution 138.00 13.00 25 Midpoint transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 26 Midpoint transmission 345.00 230.00 13.80 27 500.00 345.00 28 Midrose distribution 138.00 13.09 29 Milner transmission 138.00 69.00 12.47 30 Milner distribution 6S.00 46.00 6.90 31 Milner diskibution 138.00 35.00 32 Milner PP - attended transmission 138.00 13.80 JJ Moonstone distribution 138.00 35.00 34 Mora distribution 138.00 13.0S 35 Mora distribution 138.00 36.20 36 Moreland dishibution 46.00 13.00 37 Mountain Home distribution 69.00 13.00 38 Mountrin Home Air Force Base distribution 69.00 13.00 39 Mountain Home Air Force Base distribution 138.00 13.00 40 Nampa transmission 230.00 '138.00 13.80 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 426.4 Mldpolnt transmission of ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t1612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2018/Q4 SUBSTATIONS 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special equipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or maior items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operaled otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. SpecifiT in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (0 Number of Transformers ln Service (s) Number of Spare Transformers (h) CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Line No.Type of Equipment (i) Number of Units (i) Total Capacity (ln MVa) (k) 20 1 1 30 1 2 45 1 3 14 ,|4 30 1 5 20 1 6 30 1 636 2 8 410 2 I 1 10 40 1 11 14 1 12 58 2 13 134 ?14 600 2 't5 16 1 16 70 4 17 13 1 18 22 1 19 30 1 20 11 1 21 60 2 22 40 2 23 40 2 24 200 1 25 1400 2 1 26 1 500 2 1 27 45 1 28 125 2 1 29 8 1 1 30 50 2 3'1 60 ,|32 20 I 2? 45 ,|34 45 1 35 28 2 36 28 1 37 1 3B 34 1 39 300 1 40 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12.96)Page 427.4 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This (1) (2') ls:Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 201A|A4An Original Resubmission 04t16t2019 SUBSTATIONS 1. Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). VOLTAGE (ln MVa)Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 Nampa distribution 138.00 13.00 2 New Meadows distribution 138.00 36.20 ?New Plymouth distribution 69.00 13.00 4 Northview distribution 138.00 A Notch Butte distribution 138.00 13.09 6 Orchard 69.00 36.20distribution 7 Orchard diskibution 69.00 8 Parma diskibution 69.00 13.00 o Parma distribution 69.00 35.00 10 Paul distribution 138.00 35.00 11 Paul diskibution 138.00 36.20 12 Payette diskibution 138.00 13 Pingree transmission 138.00 46,00 12.50 14 Pingree distribution 138.00 35.00 15 Pleasant Valley distribution 138.00 35.00 16 Pleasant Vailey 138.00 36.20distribution 17 Pocatello distribution 46.00 13.00 18 Pocket distribution 138.00 36.20 '19 138.00 13.09Poleiinedistributlon 20 transmission 345.00 21 Portneuf distribution 138.00 35.00 22 Portneuf diskibution 46.00 35.00 23 Rockford distribution 46.00 13.00 24 Russett distribution 138.00 13.00 25 Sailor Creek diskibution 138.00 2.40 26 Sailor Creek distribution 138.00 35.00 27 Salmon diskibution 69.00 13.00 28 Salmon distribution 69.00 34.50 12.47 2S Salmon distribution 69.00 7.24 30 Shoshone distribution 46.00 13.09 31 Shoshone distribution 46.00 7.20 32 Shoshone Falls - attended transmission 46.00 2.30 33 Shoshone Falls - attended transmission 46.00 6.60 34 Siiver distribution 138.00 35.00 35 Simplot distribution 138.00 13.00 36 Sinker Creek distribution 138.00 3s.00 37 Siphon distribution 138.00 35.00 3B South Park distribution 46.00 13.00 39 Spring Valley distribution 138.00 12.47 40 Star distribution 138.00 13.09 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 426.5 Populus Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2\ An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 SUBSTATIONS 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special equipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. Specify in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other parg is an associated company. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (n Number of Transformers In Service (o) Number of Spare Transformers (h) CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Line No.Type of Equipment fi) Number of Units (i) Total Capacity (ln MVa) (k) 87 3 1 22 1 2 13 I 45 1 4 14 I R 8 I 6 33 1 7 14 1 I 20 1 I 30 1 1 10 45 1 11 45 1 12 67 )13 34 2 14 30 1 15 45 1 't6 60 2 '17 45 1 18 30 1 19 20 30 1 21 1 22 25 2 ZJ 30 1 24 21 2 25 28 1 26 14 1 4 27 '10 2 1 28 1 29 I 30 2 3 31 I 5Z 14 1 33 20 ,|34 53 2 35 20 1 36 55 2 37 14 1 3B 11 1 39 30 1 40 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 427.5 This (1) (2) ls: An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo. Da, Yr)Year/Period of Report End of 201B|A404t16t2019Idaho Power Company SUBSTATIONS 1. Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). VOLTAGE (ln MVa)Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 Starkey transmission 138.00 69.00 12.47 2 State distribution 69.00 13.00 a Sterling distribution 46.00 13.00 4 Stoddard 13.00distribution138.00 5 Strike Power Plant - attended transmission 138.00 13.80 6 Sugar distribution 138.00 35.00 7 Swan Falls - attended transmission 138.00 6.90 8 Taber dishibution 46.00 13.00 I Tamarack distribution 138.00 2.40 10 Ten Mile dishibution 138.00 13.09 11 Terry diskibution 138.00 13.09 't2 Terry 138.00 13.00distribution 13 Thousand Springs - attended transmission 46.00 7.20 14 Three Mlle ]Goll transmission 345.00 15 33.00Toponisdistribution138.00 't6 Twin Falls distribution 138.00 13.09 17 Twin Falls transmission 138.00 46,00 12.98 18 Twin Falls PP - attended 7.20transmission138.00 19 Twin Falls PP - attended transmission '138.00 13.20 20 Tyhee distribution 46.00 13.00 21 Upper Malad - attended transmission 45.00 7.20 22 Upper Salmon- attended transmission 138.00 7.20 Ustick distribution 138.00 13.00 24 Vallivue distribution 138.00 't 3.0s 25 Victory distribution 138.00 13.00 26 Mctory distribution 138.00 13.09 27 Ware distribution 69.00 13.00 28 13.00Weiserdistribution69.00 29 Weiser transmission 138.00 69.00 12.47 30 \Mlder distribution 6S.00 13.00 31 Willis distribution 138.00 13.09 32 Willow Creek diskibution 138.00 13.00 33 wye diskibution 138.00 13.00 34 wye distribution 138.00 13.09 35 Zilog distribution 138.00 13.09 36 37 38 The above are all State of ldaho 39 40 Montana: FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 426.6 of ent ldaho Power Company (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Y0 o4t't612019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special equipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. Specify in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (0 Number of Transformers ln Service (s) Number of Spare Transformers (h) CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Line No.Type of Equipment (i) Number of Units (i) Total Capacity(ln MVa) (k) 30 1 1 58 2 2 11 2 3 28 1 4 104 J 5 28 2 6 34 1 7 6 I I 11 1 I 90 2 10 20 1 11 50 2 12 8 1 13 14 30 1 15 82 2 16 50 2 17 13 1 1B 72 'l 19 14 I 20 8 I 21 42 4 22 77 2 23 30 I 24 45 I 25 30 1 26 20 1 I 27 28 2 1 28 42 1 2S 14 1 30 30 1 31 11 1 32 60 2 a) 37 1 34 45 1 35 36 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 427.6 An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q404t1612019 ame ldaho Power Company (1) (2) SUBSTATIONS 1 . Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serve only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown. 4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (f). Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) VOLTAGE (ln MVa) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 Mill Creek transmission 230.00 2 Peterson transmission 230.00 69.00 13.20 4 Nevada 5 Valmy - attendd transmission 345.00 18.00 6 Valmy - atended transmission 345.00 22.O0 7 Wells transmission 138.00 69.00 13.00 8 I Oregon: 10 Adrian distribution 69.00 13.00 11 transmission 500.00 24.00 12 Boadman - attended transmission 230.00 7.20 13 Boardman - atbnded transmission 24.00 7.20 14 Burns transmission 500.00 15 Cairo distribution 69.00 13.00 16 Hells Canyon - attended transmission 230.00 '13.80 17 Hells Canyon - attended distribution 69.00 0.50 't8 Hines transmission " 138.00 11s.00 12.47 19 Hunicane 230.00 20 Jacobson Gulch distribution 69.00 2.40 21 Malheur Butte distribution 69.00 34.50 22 Nyssa distribution 69.00 13.00 23 Ontario distribution 138.00 13.00 24 Ontario transmission 138.00 69.00 12.47 25 Ontario transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 26 Ontario transmission 138.00 69.00 12.98 27 Ontario transmission 138.00 69.00 13.09 28 Ontario transmission '138.00 69.00 12.50 29 Ore-lda distribution 69.00 13.00 30 Oxbow - attended transmission 138.00 69.00 13.00 31 Oxbow - attended transmission 230.00 13.80 32 Oxbow - attended transmission 230.00 138.00 13.80 33 Quartz transmission 138.00 69.00 12.50 34 Quartz transmission 230.00 138.00 12.98 35 Quartz transmission 138.00 69.00 12.98 36 Summer Lake transmission 500.00 37 Vale distribution 69.00 13.00 38 39 Washington 40 Walla Walla transmission 230.00 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED. 12-96)Page 426.7 Boardman - attended transmission (1) (2) An Original A Resubmission Date of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 Year/Period of Report End of 2O18lQ4 SUBSTATIONS 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special equipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated otherwise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. For any substation or equipment operated other than by reason of sole ownership or lease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. Specify in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (0 Number of Transformers ln Service (s) Number of Spare Transformers (h) CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Line No.Type of Equipment (i) Number of Units (i) Total (ln Capacity MVa) (k) 1 30 3 1 2 3 4 315 I E 300 1 6 25 3 1 7 B I 11 1 10 685 3 11 55 1 12 55 1 13 14 20 1 '15 560 3 16 1 1 17 50 1 18 19 11 ,|20 11 3 1 21 28 2 22 67 2 1 23 47 1 24 400 2 25 93 2 26 1 27 1 28 28 1 29 13 3 1 30 274 2 1 31 100 1 32 25 1 33 167 3 1 34 20 1 2E 36 14 1 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.1 (ED.12-96)Page 427.7 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company Name Respondent ldaho Power Company (1) (2t An Original A Resubmission Oate of Report(Mo, Da, Yr) 0411612019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 SUBSTATIONS 1 . Report below the information called for concerning substations of the respondent as of the end of the year. 2. Substations which serue only one industrial or street railway customer should not be listed below. 3. Substations with capacities of Less than 10 MVa except those serving customers with energy for resale, may be grouped according to functional character, but the number of such substations must be shown.4. lndicate in column (b) the functional character of each substation, designating whether transmission or distribution and whether attended or unattended. At the end of the page, summarize according to function the capacities reported for the individual stations in column (0. VOLTAGE (ln MVa)Line No.Name and Location of Substation (a) Character of Substation (b) Primary (c) Secondary (d) Tertiary (e) 1 2 Wyoming: 3 transmission 345.00 22.00 34.50 4 5 6 8 I Transformers-distribution substations under 10,000 10 KVA 61 unattended 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 '19 20 21 22 23 24 ai ZO 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 FERC FORM NO.1 (EO.12-96)Page 426.8 Jlm 3rldger - stended Name An Original A Resubmissionldaho Power Company (1) (2) Date of Report (Mo. Da, Yr) 04t16t2019 YearlPeriod of Report End of 20181Q4 5. Show in columns (l), (j), and (k) special equipment such as rotary converters, rectifiers, condensers, etc. and auxiliary equipment for increasing capacity. 6. Designate substations or major items of equipment leased from others, jointly owned with others, or operated othen ,ise than by reason of sole ownership by the respondent. For any substation or equipment operated under lease, give name of lessor, date and period of lease, and annual rent. Forany substation orequipmentoperated otherthan by reason of sole ownership orlease, give name of co-owner or other party, explain basis of sharing expenses or other accounting between the parties, and state amounts and accounts affected in respondent's books of account. SpeciflT in each case whether lessor, co-owner, or other party is an associated company. Capacity of Substation (ln Service) (ln MVa) (fl Number of Transformers ln Service (s) Number of Spare Transformers (h) CONVERSION APPARATUS AND SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Line NoType of Equipment (i) Number of Units (i) Total Capacity (ln MVa) (k) 1 2 2244 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 214 10 't1 12 13 't4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3'1 32 33 34 35 36 37 3B 39 40 FERC FORM NO.I (ED.12-96)Page 427.8 Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original (2\ _A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Y0 04t16t2019 YearlPeriod of Report 2018tQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA Schedule Page: 426 Line No.: 1 Column: aPacifiCorp has an ownershi-p interest in cerLain high-voltage transmission related and interconnection equipment located at fdaho Power's AdeLaide station. Ownership interestvaries by terminal. 1002 of the capacLty is reported. 'Schedule Page: 426 Line No.: 1 Column: fFor al.l of co-Lumn F: Top rating capacity repo::ted unless ot-herwise noted. Schedule Page:426 Line No.:7 Column: aIdaho Power has an ownership interest in cerl-ain hi-gh-voltage t-ransmission related and interconnection equipment located at PacifiCorp's Antelope station. Ownership interesEvaries by terminal. 10{? of the capacity reported. Schedule Page:426 Line No.: 13 Column: aIdaho Power has an ownership interest in certaj-n high-volEage transmission related and interconnection equipment located aL PacifiCorp's Big Grassy station. Ownership interestvarj-es by terminal. Schedute Page:426 Line No.:26 Column: a PacifiCorp has an ownership interest in certain high-voltage transm.issic.n related and interconnection equipment locat-erl at Idaho Power's Borah station. Ownership inLerest varies by termlnal. 100? of l-he capacity is reported. Schedule Page:426.2 Line No.: 38 Column: a fdaho Power has an ownership incerest in.'ercain high-voitage tran-smission related and interconneclion equipment focated at PacifiCorp's Goshen station. Ownership interestvaries by term:-nal 100? of the capacity reporteci. Schedute Page:426.3 Line No.: 10 Column: a PacifiCorp has an ownersirlp interest in certaln high-vo.ltage transmission related and interconnection eqr.:ipment locateci at Idaho Power's Hemingway station. Ownership interest- vari-es by terminar . 100? of the capacity i*s reported. Schedule Page:426.3 Line No.: 26 Column: aIdaho Power has an ownership interest in certain high-voltage transmission related and interccnnection equipmenL located at PacifiCorp's Jefferson station. Owner:ship interest varies by terminal. Schedute Page: 426.3 Line No.: 40 Column: aPacifiCorp has an ownership interest in certain high-voltage transmj-sslon rel-ated andinterconnection equlpment located at Idaho Power's Klnport station. Ownershlp i-nLerestvarj-es by terminal ii:i?1'.'.fit?;^'r'u:1,;;1,1??Li;f'r^r??l!Inil .*,tuin hish-vorr.ase transn,ission related andinterconnect-ior-t equipnrent -Iocated at Idaho Power' s Midpoint station. Ownership interest varies by terminal- 100? of the capacrty 1s reported. Schedule Page:426.5 Line No.: 20 Column: a fdaho Power has an or^rnership interest irr certain high-voltage transmi-ssion related andinterconnection equipment Located aE PacifiCorp's Populus stat-ion. Ovrnership interest varies by termi-na1. Schedule Page:426.6 Line No.: 11 Column: aIdaho Power has an ownersnip interest in certain high-voltage transmj-ssion related andint-erconnection equipment- located at Pacrfj-Corprs Three MiIe Knoll station. Ownership interest vari.es by termina.l-.-Schedute Page: 426.7 Line No.: 1 Column: aIdaho Power has 32? ownership interest in certain transmission refated equipment located at Nort-hwestern Energy's MiIl Creek Station. Schedule Page: 426.7 Line No.: 5 Column: aJuint-ly owned with Sierra Paci I ic Power Company, d/b/t NV Energy. Idahc Power has a 50': share of ownership. 1002 of the capacity reported. Schedule Page: 426.7 Line No.: 6 Column: aJoLntly owned wlth Sierra Pacific Power Company, d/b/a NV Energy. Idaho Power has a 50tshare of ownershi-p. 100% of the capaclty reported. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.1 1001 of the capacrty is reported. Name of Respondent ldaho Power Company This Report is: (1) X An Original(21 A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) 04116120',19 Year/Period of Report 201BtQ4 FOOTNOTE DATA $chedule Page:426.7 Line No.: 11 Column: aJointly owned with Portland Generat ELectric, Power Resources Cooperative and BA Leasing BCS, LLC. ldaho Power has a 109o share of Lhe lointly owned capacity. 100? of the capacity is reported. Schedule Page: 426.7 Line No.: 12 Column: a Jointly owned wit-h Portland Gener:al Electr:ic, Pr:wer Resources Cooperative and BA Leasing BCS, LLC. ldaho Power has a 10? share of the lointly owne<l capacity. 100ti of t-he capacityis reported. Schedule Page: 426.7 Line No.: 13 Column: a Joint-ly owned with Portland General Eleclric, Power Resources Cooperat-ive and BA Leasing BCS, LLC. idaho Power has a 10?; share of the jorntly owned capacity. 1002 of the capacityis reported. Schgdule Page: 426.7 Line No.: 14 Column: aIdaho Power has a 22ee ownarship interest in certain high-voltage transmission related andinterconnection equipment located at PacifiCorp's Burns station. Schedule Page: 426.7 Line No.: 19 Column: aIdaho Power has an ownership interest in certain high-voltage transmission rel-ated andinterconnection equipment located at PacifiCorp's Hurricane station, Ownership j-nterest varies by terminal. Schedule Page:42A.7 Llne No.: 36 Column: aIdaho Powei has an ownership i.nterest in certain high-voltage transm-Lssj-on related andinterconnecti-on equipment located at PacifiCorp's Summer Lake st-ation. Ownershlp interestvaries by terminal. Schedule Page:426.7 Line No.:10 Column: aldaho Power has an ownership interest in certain hrgh-voltage transmission refated andlnterconnectj-on equipment located aL Pacif iCorp's WaI-La WalIa stati-on. Ownership int-erestvaries by termj-naL Schedule Page:426.8 Line No.: 3 Column: aJorntly owned with PacificCorp. Tdaho Power has a 33.3,. share of ownership. 100t of thecapacity is reported. FERC FORM NO. 1 (ED. 12-871 Page 450.2 Name ldaho Power Company (1) (2\ An A Resubmission Date of Report (Mo, Da, Yr) o4t't6t2019 Year/Period of Report End of 20181Q4 1. Report below the information called for concerning all non-power goods or services received from or provided to associated (affiliated) companies. 2. The reporting threshold for reporting purposes is $250,000. The threshold applies to the annual amount billed to the respondent or billed to an associated/affiliated company for non-power goods and services. The good or service must be specific in nature. Respondents should not attempt to include or aggregate amounts in a nonspecific category such as "general". 3. Where amounts billed 1o oireceived from the associated (afiiliated) company are based on an allocation process, explain in a footnote. Line No.Description of the Non-Power Good or Service (a) Name of Associated/Affil i ated Company (b) Account Charged or Credited (c) Amount Charged or Credited (d) 1 Non-power Goods or Services Provided by Afliliated 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 't4 15 16 17 18 19 20 Non-power Goods or Services Provided for Affiliate 21 Managerial Expenses IDACORP,INC.417420 450,915 22 922000 28,844 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 JI 5t 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 FERC FORM NO.1 (New) FERC FORM NO. 1.F (New) Page 429 December 31, 2018 ANNUAL REPORT IDAHO SUPPLEMENT TO FERC FORM 1 MULTI-STATE ELECTRIC COMPANIES INDEX Page Number Title Statement of lncome for the Year Taxes Allocated to ldaho Notes and Accounts Receivable 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts 7-10 Receivables from Associated Companies Gain or Loss on Disposition of Property Professional or Consultative Services Electric Plant in Service Electric Operating Revenues Electric Operation and Maintenance Expenses Number of Electric Department Employees 11 12-15 15 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT December 31, 2018 STATEMENT OF INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1. Report amounts for accounts 412 and 413, Revenue and Erpenses from Utility Plant Leased to Others, in another utility column (i,k,m,o) in a similar manner to a utility department. Spread the amount(s) over lines 01 thru 24 as appropriate. lnclude these amounts in columns (c) and (d) totals. 2. Report amounts in account 414, Other Utility Operating lncome, in the same manner as accounts 412 and 4'13 above. 3. ReportdataforlinesT,9,andl0forNatural Gascompaniesusingaccounts404.1,404.2,404.3,407.1 ,and407.2. 4. Usepagel22forimportantnotesregardingthestatementofincomeoranyaccountthereof. 5. Give concise eplanations concerning unsettled rate proceedings where a contingency exists such that refunds of a material amount may need to be made to the utility's customers or which may result in a material refund to the utility with respect to power or gas purchases. State for each year affected the gross revenues or costs to which the contingency relates and the tax effects together with an explanation of retain such revenues or recover amounts paid with respect to power and gas purchases. 6. Give concise explanations concerning significant amounts of any refunds made or received during the year. Line No. Account (a) (Ref.) Page No. (b) TOTAL Current Year (c) Previous Year (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I '10 11 12 13 14 15 '16 17 18 '19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 UTILITY OPERATING INCOME Operating Revenues (400)................. Operating Epenses Operation Epenses (401 )... Depreciation Expense (403). Amort. & Depl. of Utility Plant (404-405) Amort. of Utility Plant Acq. Adj. (406) Amort. of Property Losses, Unrecovered Plant and Accretion Expense (41 1 ) Regulatory Study Costs (407)... Amort. of Conversion Epenses (407)... Regulatory Debits/Credits (407.3 & 407.4)... Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes (408.1).. lncome Taxes - Federal (409.1).............. - Other (409.1) Provision for Deferred lncome Taxes (41 0. 1 & 41 1.1 ) Net............... lnvestment Tax Credit Adj. - Net (411.4) (Less) Gains from Disp. of Utility Plant (411.6)..... Losses from Disp. of Utility Plant (411.7). (Less) Gains from Disposition of Allowances (411.8).. Losses from Disposition of Allowances (411.9). TOTAL Utility Operating Epenses (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 22)........ Net Utility Operating lncome (Enter Total of line 2 less 24)... 11 15 15 2 2 2 2 2 $ 1,298,775,094 $ 1,280,695,095 763,585,1 14 65,949,'185 150,355,989 6,558,945 217,614 5,068,410 32,41 1,860 19,012,075 (2,241,849) (7,145,592) 5,180,71 0 1,038,952,461 734,257,170 57,900,000 't47,829,833 5,882,411 212.100 1,075,354 3'l ,671,383 43,471 ,706 10,223,599 (24,713,707) 7,105,14'.1 1 ,014,9 14,989 $ 259,822,633 $ 265,780,106 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT TAXES ALLOCATED TO IDAHO Kind of Tax Taxes Charged Durino Year Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes: Labor Related: FrcA............. FUT4........... State Unemployment................ Payroll Deduction & Loading.... Total Labor Related....... Property Taxes........... Kilowatt-hour Tax......................... Licenses....... Regulatory Commission Fees...... lrrigation P1C............... Canada Sales Tax..... $ 14,862,163 90,031 235,946 (1 5,1 88,140) 0 27,613,224 1,797 ,547 4,173 2,724,231 272,685 0 Total Taxes Other Than lncome Taxes.32,411,860 Federal lncome Taxes........... State lncome Taxes........... Deferred lncome Taxes........... lnvestment Tax Credit Adjustment - Net.......... 19,012,075 (2,241,849) (7,145,5s2) 5,180,710 Total Taxes Allocated to ldaho.$ 47,21 7,203 December 31, 2018 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT December 31, 2018 NOTES AND ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Summary for Balance Sheet Show separately by footnote the total amount of notes and accounts receivable from directors, officers, and employees included in Notes Receivable (Account '141) and Other Accounts Receivable (Account 143) Line No. Accounts (a) Balance Beginning of Year (b) Balance End of Year (c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Notes Receivable (Account 141)... Customer Accounts Receivable (Account 142) Other Accounts Receivable (Account 143) (Disclose any capital stock subscription received) Total Less: Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts-Cr. (Account 144\.......... Total, Less Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts. $(86,399) 77,764,379 28,1 69,330 $ 105,847,309 2j92,252 $ 103,655,057 $(84,743) 79.182,408 6,330,066 $ 85,427,731 1,989,131 $ 83,438,601 ACCUMULATED PROVISION FOR UNCOLLECTIBLE ACCOUNTS - CR. (Account'144) 1. Report below the information called for concerning this accumulated provision. 2. Eplain any important adjustments of subaccounts. 3. Entries with respect to officers and employees shall not include items for utility services. Line No. Item (a) Utility Customers (b) Mdse, Jobbing & Contract Work (c) Officers and Employees (d) Other (e) Total (f) 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Balance Beg of Year: Uncollectible Retail Electric Sales Uncollectible Damage Claims Uncollectibe Other Revenues Balance end of year....... $ (2,192,252) 270,598 (84,355) 16,878 i $ $ $ $ (2,192,2_52) 270,598 (84,355) 16,878 $ $ $ (1,989,131)$$$$ (1,989,131) IDAHO SUPPLEMENT December 31, 2018 RECE IVABLES F ROM ASSOCIATED COM PAN I ES (Accounts 1 45, 1 46) '1. Report particulars of notes and accounls receivable from associated companies at end of year. 2. Provide separate headings and totals for accounts 145, Notes Receivable from Associated Companies, and 146, Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies, in addition to a total for the combined accounts. 3. For notes receivable list each note separately and state purpose for which received. Show also in column (a) date of note, date of maturity and interest rate. 4. lf any note was received in satisfaction of an open account, state the period covered by such open account. 5. lnclude in column (f) interest recorded as income during the year, including interest on accounts and notes held at any time during the year. 6. Give particulars of any notes pledged or discounted, also of any collateral held as guarantee of payment of any note or account. Line No.(a) Balance Beginning of Year (b) Totals for Year Balance End of Year (e) lnterest For Year (f) Debits (c) Credits (d) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 1',! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2',| 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3'l 32 Account 145: tERCO......... Total Account 145.. Account 146: IDACORP, lnc. Total Account 146.................... $$$$ $4,719,060 $ 4,719,060 c $$ 4,719,060 $ 4,719,060 $ IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Particulars December 31, 2018 STATE OF IDAHO - TOTAL SYSTEM DATA GAIN OR LOSS ON DISPOSITION OF PROPERry (Account 421.1 and421.2) 'l . Give a brief description of property creating the gain or loss. lnclude name of party acquiring the property (when acquired by another utility or associated company) and the date transaction was completed. ldentify property by type; Leased, Held for Future Use, or Nonutility. 2. lndividual gains or losses relating to property with an original cost of less than $50,000 may be grouped, with the number of such transactions disclosed in column (a). 3. Give the date of Commission approval of journal entries in column (b), when approval is required. Where approval is required but has not been received, give erplanation following the item in column (a). (See account 102, Utility Plant Purchased or Sold.) Line No. Description of Property (a) Original Cost of Related (b) Date Journal Entry Approved (When Required) (c) Accl421 .1 (d) Acct 421 .2 (e) $s $ $ (263,750.33) $ (881.67) $ 2,281,758 $ (264,632.00) S 48,950.20 s 48,950.20 $48,950 $48,950 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT property: Common Property: Gain $2,281,702 interest in certain Common Boardman property to Portland General Electric to be used in the operation of the Carty Generating Station as captured in the Boardman balancing account and annual compliance filing to IPUC Order 32549. Bench Substation: Partial land disposal to highway district.$55 95 Disposal of Non-Utility Property December 31,2018 STATE OF IDAHO - TOTAL SYSTEM DATA PROFESSIONAL OR CONSULTATIVE SERVICES - ITEMS $1O,OOO AND OVER Line No. PAYEE (a) SERVICE TYPE (b) Amount (c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 ACS ELECTRICAL SERVICE INC ADAMS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AGREE TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIO ALLPHIN, RANDY C ANDERSON SCHWARTZMAN WOODARD B AVERTRA CORPORATION BAKER BOTTS LLP BARKER, ROSHOLT & SIMPSON LLP BOARDVANTAGE, INC BONFIRE TRAINING CLEAREDGE PARTNERS CME, INC. OF IDAHO COMPUNET, INC DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE LLP EQ SHAREOWNER SERVICES EVERGREEN CONSULTING GROUP, LL FORMATION CAPITAL CONSTRUCTION GIVENS PURSLEY LLP HOLLAND & HART LLP HONEYWELL INTERNATIONAL INC ICEBERG NETWORKS CORPORATION INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE RESOURCES, INTELLITECT ITRON, INC. J M ROCHE AND ASSOCIATES JENSEN HUGHES JONES GLEDHILL FUHRMAN GOURLEY KEANE KEMA INC KLISH GROUP MCDOWELL RACKNER & GIBSON PC MODISE&T,LLC MORROW & FISCHER PLLC NASDAQ CORPORATE SOLUTION NIELSEN GROUP INC, THE PACIFIC SOURCE ELECTRIC LLC PERKINS COIE LLP PRICE ASSOCIATES PROFESSIONAL TRAIN ING SYSTEMS PW CONSULTING INC QUALITY COMMUNICATIONS INC QUESTLINE INC QUINTEL-MC INC REED HARRIS ENVIRONMENTAL LTD RESOURCE DATA, INC Consulting Services Management Services lT Services Management Services Legal Services Management Services LegalServices Legal Services Management Services Training Consultants Training Consultants Design Services lT Services Legal Services Management Services Management Services Management Services LegalServices LegalServices Management Services lT Services LegalServices Management Services lT Services Consulting Services Consulting Services Legal Services LegalServices Management Services Management Services Legal Services Training Consultants Legal Services Management Services lT Services Construction Services Legal Services LegalServices Training Consultants Consulting Services lT Services lT Services lT Services Environmental Services lT Services 40,763.36 15,000.00 50,090.00 16,935.00 202,882.48 526,420.00 194,610.64 459,533.03 26,023.00 12,500.00 87,500.00 10,500.17 102,244.58 531,856.75 87,671.02 477,973.51 15,000.00 70,633.00 84,429.66 34,947.48 58,375.00 21,873.17 54,690.00 24,318.15 62,590.26 19,091 .06 12,017.00 19,120.00 16,810.64 20,000.00 310,051.66 15,016.75 21,760.17 26,803.69 162,149.76 23,399.50 214,476.43 10,000.00 11,243.55 43,200.00 54,245.95 16,000.00 20s,076.00 20,124.54 504,517.50 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 6 December 31,2018 STATE OF IDAHO - TOTAL SYSTEM DATA PROFESSIONAL OR CONSULTATIVE SERVICES - ITEMS $1O,OOO AND OVER Line No. PAYEE (a) SERVICE TYPE (b) Amount (c) 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 RIGHT SYSTEMS, INC RM ENERGY CONSULTING SPLUNK PROFESSIONAL STOEL RIVES LLP SULLIVAN & CROMWELL TALBOTT ASSOCIATES INC TETRA TECH MA INC TIBCO SOFTWARE INC TRINOOR LLC TUERI LLC UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO VAN NESS FELDMAN VOLT MANAGEMENT CORP WINANDY AND ASSOCIATES LLC WINNER MANAGEMENT INC ZASIO ENTERPRISES lT Services Management Services Management Services LegalServices LegalServices Consulting Services Consulting Services lT Services lT Services HR Consulting Management Services Management Services LegalServices Consulting Services Management Services Management Services '17,510.00 31 1,831.56 25,931.25 24,912.52 85,355.26 16,058.55 80,637.75 143,971.38 248,973.81 13,294.00 304,658.21 398,734.70 21,771.39 26,658.87 11,909.82 74,000.00 TOTAL $ 6,800,674 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 6A December 31, 2018 Line No. PROFESSIONAL OR CONSULTATIVE SERVICES ITEMS $5,OOO OR MORE BUT LESS THAN $1O,OOO PREDOMINANT NATURE OF SERVICEPAYEE I nuouNr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 II 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 ABB ENTERPRISE SOFTWARE INC ABBOTT, STRINGHAM, & LYNCH AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD CYBER ARK SOFTWARE INC FIRE CAUSE ANALYSIS FISERV HAWLEY TROXELL ENNIS & HAWLEY HEPLERBROOM LLC IDAHO EMPLOYMENT LAWYERS, PLLC KLARQUIST SPARKMAN LLP MARNE AND ASSOCIATES MICRO FOCUS SOFTWARE INC PATRIOT ELECTRIC INC POWER SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS INC RAMLOW & RUDBACH PLLP TOWERS WATSON DELAWARE INC WITHERSPOON KELLEY woMBLE BOND DICKINSON (US) LLP lT Services Legal Services Legal Services lT Services LegalServices Management Services Legal Services LegalServices LegalServices Legal Services Consulting Services lT Services Electrical Contracting Services Consulting Services Legal Services HR Consulting LegalServices Legal Services 8,937.50 8,500.00 7,913.00 9,600.00 8,250.50 7,500.00 7,962.00 6,245.79 9,400.00 5,823.55 8,195.95 6,000.00 9,640.00 8,000.00 6,460.00 9,900.00 7,063.20 6,875.00 TOTAL $ 142,266 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 6B ELECTRIC PLANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 101,102,103 and 106) 1 . Report below the original cost of electric plant in seNice according to the prescribed accounts. 2. lnadditiontoAccountl0l,ElectricPlantinService(Classified),thispageandthenextincludeAccountl02,ElectricPlant Purchased or Sold; Account 103, Eleerimental Electric Plant Unclassified; and Account 106, Completed Construction Not Classified - Electric. 3. lncludeincolumn(c)or(d),asappropriate,correctionsofadditionsandrelirementsforthecunentorprecedingyear. 4. Enclose in parentheses credit adjustments of plant accounts to indicate the negative effect of such accounts. 5. ClassifyAccountl06accordingtoprescribedaccounts,onanestimatedbasisif necessary,andincludetheentriesin column (c) . Also to be included in colum n (c) are entries for reversals of tentative distributions of prior year reported in column(b).Likewise,iftherespondenthasasignificantamount ofplantretirementstheendoftheyear,includein column (d) a tentative distribution of such retirements, on an estimated basis, with appropriate contra entry to the account foraccumulateddepreciataonprovision. lncludealsoincolumn(d)reversalsoftentativedistributionsofprioryearofun- classifed retirements. Attach supplemental statement sho /ing the account distributions of these tentative classifications in columns (c) and (d), including the reversals of the prior years tentative account distributions of these amounts. Careful ob- servance ofthe above instructions and the texts ofAccounts 101 and 106 will avoid serious omissions ofthe reportd amount of respondent's plant actually in service at end of year. Line No. Account (a) Beginning of year (b)(c) Additions I 2 3 4 E b 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 '15 15 17 '18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 5t 38 39 40 41 42 43 ,I. INTANGIBLE PLANT (301) Organization. (302) Franchises and Consents.. (323) Turbogenerator Units.......... (303) Miscellaneous lntangible Plant.. TOTAL lntangible Plant (Enter Total of lines 2,3, and 4) 2. PRODUCTION PLANT A. Steam Production Plant (310) Land and Land Rights. (31 1 ) Structures and lmprovements................ (3'12) Boiler Plant Equipment. (3'13) Engines and Engine Driven Generators. (314) Turbogenerator Units. (315) Accessory Electric Equipment............. . ... (316) Misc. Porer Plant Equipment......... (31 7) Asset Retirement Costs for Steam Production... ......... ...... TOTAL Steam Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 8 thru 15).......... B. Nuclear Production Plant (320) Land and Land Rights......... ..... (32 1 ) Structures and I m provem ents...................... (322) Reactor Plant Equipment (324) Accessory Electric Equipment. (325) Misc. Porer Plant Equipment. (326) Asset Retirement Costs for Nuclear Production......... ......... TOTAL Nuclear Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 17 thru24).................... C. Hydraulic Production Plant (330) Land and Land Rights.. .. .. .. (332) Reservoirs, Dams, and Waterways........ (333) Water Wheels, Turbines, and Generators.. (334) Accessory Electric Equipment....... .. ... ..... (335) Misc. Power Plant Equipment... (336) Roads, Railroads, and Bridges.. (337) Asset Retirement Costs for Hydraulic Production... ... .. TOTAL Hydraulic Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 27 thru 34)................. D. Other Production Plant (340) Land and Land Rights.............. . (34 1 ) Structures and I m provem ents...................... (342) Fuel Holders, Products and Accessories... (343) Prime Movers. (344) Generators. (345) Accessory Electric Equipment............... (346) Misc Power Plant Equipment......... $5,457 28,735,693 21,722,267 50,463,418 14.807.729 1 ,1 31 ,205,806 784,225,548 December 31, 2018 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 7 ELECTRIC PLANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 1O1,1O2,103 and 106) (Continued) Sho,v in column (f) reclassifications or transfers within utility plant accounts. lnclude also in column (f) the additions or reductions of primary account classifications arising ftom distribution of amounts initiallyrecordedinAccountl02. lnsho,vingtheclearanceofAccountl02,includeincolumn(e)the amounts with respect to accumulated provision for depreciation, acquisition adjustments, etc., and show in column (0 only the ofiset to the debits or credits distributed in column (f) to primary account classifications. For Account 399, state the nature and use of plant included in this account and if substantial in amount submit a supplementary statement showing subaccount classification of such plant conforming to the requirements of these pages. For each amount comprising the reported balance and changes in Account 102, state the property purchased or sold, name of vendor or purchaser, and date of transaction. lf proposed journal entnes have been filed with the Commission as requircd by the Uniform System of Accounts, give also date of such filing. Retirements (d) Adjustments (e) Transfers (0 End of Year (s) Line No. $5,466 32,124,089 27,823,244 (301) (302) (303) 1 2 ? 4 5 o 7 q I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 ,o 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 JJ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 59,952,799 13,712,874 (310) (31 1) (312) (313) (314) (315) (316) (317) 1 , 1 55,582,067 (320) (321) (322) (323) (324) (325) (326) (330) (331) (332) (333) (334) (33s) (336) (337) 863,179,181 (340) (341) (342) (343) (344) (345) (34s) December 3'1, 2018 Page 8 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT ELECTRIC PLANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 101,102,103 and 106) (Continued) Line No. Account (a) Balance at Beginning of year (b) Additions (c) 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 oz 63 64 65 bb 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ot 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 (346) Misc. Po,ver Plant Equipment................. TOTAL Other Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 37 thru 44)........ TOTAL Production Plant (Enter Total of lines 16, 25, 35, and 45) . . 3. TRANSMISSION PLANT (350) Land and Land Rights (352) Structures and lmprovements.. (353) Station Equipment......... (354) Towers and Fixtures....... (355) Poles and FiXures............. (356) Overhead Conductors and Devices.... ... (357) Underground Conduit......... (358) Underground Conductors and Devices....... (359.1) Asset Retirement Costs for Transmission Plant....... TOTAL Transmission Plant (Enter Total of lines 48 thru 57)............. 4. DISTRIBUTION PLANT (360) Land and Land Rights............... (36 1 ) Structures and I m provem ents...................... (362) Stataon Equipment......... (363) Storage Battery Equipment...................... (364) Poles, Torvers, and Fixtures............. (365) Overhead Conductors and Devices....... (366) Underground Conduit......... (367) Underground Conductors and Devices....... (368) Line Transformers.. ..... (369) Services. (370) Meters..... ... .... (371) lnstallations on Customer Premises.. (372) Leased Property on Customer Premises........... (373) Street Lighting and Signal Systems.. (374) Asset Retirement Costs for Distribution P|ant...... ... ...... TOTAL Diskibution Plant (Enter Total of lines 60 thru 74)........... .. 5. GENERAL PLANT (389) Land and Land Rights.. (390) Structures and lm provem ents................ (391) Office Furniture and Equipment.. (392) Transportation Equipm ent.. (393) Stores Equipment......... (394) Tools, Shop, and Garage Equipment....... (395) Laboratory Equipment........... (396) Po/ver Operated Equipment (397) Com m unication Equipment... (398) Miscellaneous Equipment.... SUBTOTAL (Enter Total of lines 77 thru 86)..... (399) Other Tangible Property.. .. . . (399.1) Asset Retirement Costs for General Plant.... TOTAL General Plant (Enter Total of lines 87, 88 and 89) TOTAL (Accounts 101 and 106) .. ... ... (102) Electric Plant Purchased .. (Less) (102) Electric Plant Sold.. (103) Eperimental Plant Unclassified. $ 522,265,343 2,488,392,245 35,546,253 76,844,700 410,649,711 1 97,756,009 175,495,311 216,945,532 373,645 1 ,1 13,61 1 , 163 5,881 ,1 80 35,655,472 227,302,609 244,612,888 1 26,868,663 50,053,945 254,802,559 537,475,593 57,896,482 86,953, I 32 2,827,642 4,315,930 1,634,646,096 16,709,488 1 15,458,161 42,978,376 84,352,770 2,820,707 9,988,646 13,271 ,792 15,564,8't7 51,804,398 6,678,546 3s9,627,703 359,627,703 5,651,116,882 $ 5,651,1 16,882 December 3't, 2018 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 9 TOTAL Electric Plant in Service. December 31, 2018 ELECTRIC PLANT lN SERVICE (Accounts 101,102,103 and 106) (Continued) Retirements (d) Adjustments (e) Transfers (f) Balance at End of Year (s) Line No. (346)44 45 46 47 48 49 50 5l 52 53 54 55 56 R7 58 59 60 61 oz 63 64 65 b/ 68 69 70 72 l5 74 75 76 78 79 80 81 82 at 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 $ 526,712,142 2,545,473,390 37,327,053 77,699,899 422,904,710 202,688,805 1 87,1 68,607 223,575,467 374,259 (3s0) (352) (353) (3s4) (35s) (356) (357) (358) (35s) (35s.1 ) 1,'151,738,801 6,382,030 38,549,556 243,790,062 250,657,981 131,147,107 51,507,071 272,O59,620 565,31 5,523 59,063,123 90,1 78,606 2,889,339 4,377 ,841 (360) (361) (362) (363) (364) (36s) (366) (367) (368) (36s) (370) (371 ) (372) (373) (374) 1 ,715,917,8s8 I 7,006,949 122,224,951 46,492,782 89,010,450 2,897,603 10,634,272 13,134,642 18,435,818 49,773,508 7 ,070,371 (38e) (3e0) (3e1) (3s2) (3s3) (3s4) (3es) (3e6) (3e7) (3s8) 376,681,347 (3ee) (3ee. 1 ) 376,681,347 5,849,764,1 95 (102) (102) (371) $ 5,849,764,195 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page'10 ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) 1. Report below operating revenues for each prescribed account, and manufactured gas revenues in total. 2. Report number of customers, columns (0 and (g), on the basis of meters, in addition to the number of flat rate accounts; except that where separate meter readings are added for billing purposes, one customer should be counted for each group of meters added. The average number of customers means the average of twelve figures at the close of each month. 3. lf previous year (columns (c), (e) and (g), are not derived from previously reported figures, eplain any inconsistencies in a footnote. No. (a) OPERATING REVENUES Amount for Current Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 1',! 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Sales of Electricity (440) Residential Sales (442) Commercial and lndustrial Sales Small (or Commercial)(See lnstr. 4) (1). Large (or lndustrial)(See lnstr. 4) (2)....... (444) Public Street and Highway Lighting. (445) Other Sales to Public Authorities. (446) Sales to Railroads and Railways... (448) lnterdepartmental Sales... TOTAL Sales to Ultimate Consumers.... (447) Sales for Resale - Opportunity....Non-Firm On|y...... TOTAL Sales of Electricity (449) Provision for Rate Refunds.. TOTAL Revenue Net of Provision for Refunds................ Other Operating Revenues (450) Forfeited Discounts. (451 ) Miscellaneous Service Revenues. (453) Sales of Water and Water Power. (454) Rent from Electric Propefi. (455) lnterdepartmental Rents.... (456) Other Electric Revenues... TOTAL Other Operating Revenues......... TOTAL Electric Operating Revenues......... $515,102,033 445,956,751 173,792,084 3,895,933 $533,040,709 446,560,444 't79,311,752 3,935,296 1 ,138,746,80'l " 75,490,649 1,162,848,202 31,832,409 't.2't4.237 ,450 (18,755,31 1),b,U4U 't ,1 95,482, 138 1 ,183,97 4,57 1 4,376,880 15.276,378 83,639,698 4,'190,975 14,488,022 78,041,526 103,292,956 96,720,524 $'t ,298,775,095 $1,280,695,095 (1) Commercial and lndustrial sales - Small - under 1 ,000 KW and includes all irrigation customers. (2) Commercial and lndustrial sales - Large - 1,000 KW and over. December 31, 2018 1,194,680,611 0, IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 11 ELECTRIC OPERATING REVENUES (Account 400) (Continued) 4. Commercial and lndustrial Sales, Account 442, may be classified according to the basis of classification (Small or Commercial, and Large or lndustrial) regularly used by the respondent if such basis of classification is not generally greater than 1 000 Kw of demand. (See Account 442 of the Uniform System of Accounts. Explain 5. See page '108, lmportant Changes During Year, for important new territory added and important rate increases or decreases. 6. For lines 2,4,5, and 6, see page 304 for amounts relating to unbilled revenue by accounts. 7. lnclude unmetered sales. Provide details of such sales in a footnote. KILOWATT HOURS SOLD AVERAGE NUMBER OF CUSTOMERS PER MONTH Line No. Amount for Current Year (d) Amount for Previous Year (e) Amount for Current Year (f) Number for Previous Year (s) 4,957,730,706 5,826,402,202 3,092,546,384 31,311,937 5,16'l ,44'l ,049 5,619,619,511 3,076,839,087 30,888,003 445,693 83,351 111 3,246 435.376 82,202 'I 13 2,961 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 't2 13 13,907,991 ,229 * 2,73',t,016,573 13,888,787,650 2,036,515,949 532,401 N/A 520,652 N/A 16,639,007,802 15,925,303,599 532,401 520.652 * lncludes <$6,028,313> in unbilled revenues *" lncludes <15,218,904> KWH relating to unbilled revenues Lines 1 1 through 21 are on an "allocated" basis. December 3{,2018 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 1 1a ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported ligures, eplain in footnotes. Line No.Account (a) Amount for Curent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 1 1. POWER PROOUCTION EXPENSES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1'l 12 '13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2'l 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 A. Steam Power Generation Operation (500) Operation Supervision and Engineering... (501) Fue|............. (502) Steam Epenses............. (503) Steam from Other Sources........ (Less) (504) Steam Transfened-Cr....................... (505) Electric E}penses..................... (506) Miscellaneous Steam Power Epenses................... (507) Rents.......... (509) Allowances.. TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 4 thru 1 2)....................... Maintenance (510) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering... (5'l'l ) Maintenance of Struclures........ (512) Maintenance of Boiler Plant....... (513) Maintenance of Electric P|ant.................... (5'14) Miscellaneous Steam Plant....... TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of Lines 15 thru 19)....................... TOTAL Power Production Expenses-Steam Power (Enter Total of lines 'l 3 and 20 B. Nuclear Power Generation Operation (517) Operation Supervision and Engineering................ (518) Fue|............ (519) Coolants and Water............ (520) Steam Epenses............. (521 ) Steam from Other Sources...... (Less) (522) Steam Transfened-Cr.............. ..... ... .. (523) Electric Epenses............. (524) Miscellaneous Nuclear Power E&enses........... (525) Rents.......... TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 24 thru 32)..... Mainlenance (528) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering.............. (529) Maintenance of Structures........ (530) Maintenance of Reactor Plant Equipment....... (531) Maintenance of Electric Plant.... (532) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Nuclear Plant...... TOTAL Power Production Epenses-Nuclear Power (Enter Tolal of lines 33 and 4 C. Hydraulic Power Generation Operation (535) Operation Supervision and Engineering... (536) Water for Power....................... (537) Hydraulic Epenses............. (538) Electric Epenses..................... (539) Miscellaneous Hydraulic Power Generation Epenses............. (540) Rents.......... TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 44 thru 49)................ 'I ,155,520 1 1 0,1 73,838 9,453,657 't,781 ,902 8,759,642 240,572 $$937,038 102,885,430 8,1 06,81 2 1,33',t,231 1 I ,1 96,839 3r4,936 13'r ,565,131 124,772,286 204,509 335,091 10,344,847 4,334,537 6,849,739 52,876 421,677 10,5't9,310 4,1 30,31 8 5,682,502 22,068,724 20,806,683 153,633,854 1 45,578,969 5,396,1 96 8,749,433 14,756,128 1,805,309 5,371 ,1 '19 236,585 5,455,102 5,607,626 14,369,221 't,829,572 7,918,583 23',t,490 36,314,771 35,41 1,594 Oecember 31, 2018 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page l2 December 31, 2018 ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported figures, eplain in footnotes. Line No.Account (a) Amount lor Curent Year (b) Amount lor Previous Year (c) 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 9'l 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 '103 104 C. Hydraulic Power Generation (Continued) Maintenance L (541 ) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering... l(542) Maintenance of Struclures...... (543) Maintenance of Reservoirs, Dams, and Walerways.. (544) Maintenance of Electric Plant.... ... (545) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Hydraulic P|ant.................... TOTAL Maintenance (Enler Total of lines 53 thru 57). ... ................ TOTAL Power Production Epenses-Hydraulic Power (Enter Total of lines 50 and 5 D C)lher Power Generation Operation (546) Operation Superuision and Engineering... (547) Fue|............ (548) Generation Epenses.............. (549) Miscellaneous Other Power Generation Epenses.. (550) Rents.......... TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 62 thru 66)....................... Maintenance (551) Maintenance Supervision and Engineering... (552) Maintenance of Structures......... (553) Maintenance of Generating and Electric P|ant..................... (554) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Other Power Generation P|ant........... TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 69 thru 72)................ TOTAL Power Production Epenses-Other Power (Enter Total of lines 67 and 73).. E. Other Power Supply Epenses (555) Purchased Power................... (556) System Control and Load Dispatching.. (557) Other Epenses............. TOTAL Other Power Supply Epenses (Enter Total of lines 76 thru 78).................. TOTAL Power Production Epenses (Enter Total of lines 21 , 41,59,74, and 79).... 2, TRANSMISSION EXPENSES Operation (560) Operation Superuision and Engineering... (561 ) Load Dispatching.......... (562) Station Epenses............. (563) Overhead Line Epenses...... (564) Underground Line Expenses...... (565) Transmission of Electricity by Others............. (566) Miscellaneous Transmission Epenses............. (567) Rents.......... TOTAL Operation (EnterTotal of lines 83 thru 90)....................... Mainlenance (568) Maintenan@ Supervision and Engineering... (569) Maintenance of Structures......... (570) Maintenance of Station Equipment............ (57'l ) Maintenance of Overhead Lines.................... (572) Maintenance of Underground Lines.................... (573) Maintenance of Miscellaneous TEnsmission P|ant..................... (575) Transmission Market Administration - E1M.......... ITOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 93 thru 98)....................... TOTAL Transmission Epenses (EnlerTotal of lines 9'l and 99)............................. 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES Operation (580) Operation Supervision and Engineering.. $89,694 714,521 318,930 2,858,509 2,557,498 $90,009 1,090,583 786,880 1 ,795,1 '18 2,699,480 6,539,1 52 6,462,O71 42,853,923 41,873,665 622,330 16,855,435 4,318,143 1,348,858 0 658,619 36,174,281 3,987,044 944,800 0 23,144,766 41,764,744 38 206,463 '119,167 2,532,681 2',t7 320,820 567,680 2,131,303 2,858,348 3,O20,O21 26,003,1 15 44,784,765 274,440,071 5,112 46,425,241 233,O48,178 2,762 55,329,959 320,870,425 288,380,900 543,361 ,31 7 520,6 1 8,298 3,1 82,043 5,108,212 2,737,873 842,589 3,435,332 't4,542 2,599,291 3,016,021 4,680,012 2,764,665 1,024,360 4,356,342 24 4,577,995 17,919,884 20,419,423 682,937 1 ,027 ,121 1 ,650,310 797,893 0 394,805 1 48,1 35 924,202 '1,843,040 845,567 3,214 0 4,553,067 3,764,',t57 22.472,951 24,1 83,580 4,357,348 4,023,195 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page'13 December 31, 2018 ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES lf the amount for previous year is not derived from previously reported ligures, eplain in footnotes. Lrne No.Account (a) Amount for Cunent Year (b) Amount for Previous Year (c) 105 106 't07 '108 109 110 111 112 113 't14 115 1'16 1',t7 118 't 19 120 121 122 123 124 't25 126 't27 124 129 130 131 't32 133 't34 135 '136 137 138 139 '140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 't53 154 3. DISTRIBUTION EXPENSES (Continued) (581 ) Load Dispatching.......... (582) Station Epenses............. (583) Overhead Line Epenses...... (584) Underground Line Epenses...... (585) Street Lighting and Signal System Epenses............. (586) Meter Epenses....................... (587) Customer lnstallalions Epenses............. (588) Miscellaneous Distribution Expenses............. (589) Rents.......... TOTAL Operation (Enter Total of lines 1 03 thru 1 13)..................... Mainlenance (590) Maintenance SupeMsion and Engineering... (591 ) Maintenance of Structures........ (592) Maintenance of Station Equiprnent............ (593) Maintenance of Overhead Lines.................... (594) Maintenance of Underground Lines.................... (595) Maintenance of Line Transformers......................... (596) Maintenance of Street Lighting and Signal Systems............... (597) Maintenance of Meters.............. (598) Maintenance of Miscellaneous Distribution P|ant.................... TOTAL Maintenance (Enter Total of lines 1 1 6 thru 1241..................... TOTAL Distribution Erpenses (Enter Total of lines 1 14 and 1 25)............................ 4. CUSTOMER ACCOUNTS EXPENSES Operation (901) Supervision.. (902) Meter Reading Epenses........ (903) Customer Records and Collection Epenses............. (904) Uncollectible Accounts.............. (905) Miscellaneous Customer Accounts Epenses........ TOTALCustomerAccountsEpenses(EnlerTolal of lines 129thru 133)............... 5. CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INFORMATIONAL EXPENSES Operation (907) Supervision. (908) Customer Assistance Epenses (909) lnformational and lnstructional Epenses............. (910) Miscellaneous CustomerService and lnformational E}penses............. TOTAL Cust. SeMce and lnformational Expenses (Enter Total of lines 1 37 thru 140 6. SALES EXPENSES Operation (91 1) Supervision. (9'12) Oemonstrating and Selling Expenses............. (9'l 3) Advertising E}eenses............. (916) Miscellaneous Sales Epenses. TOTAL Sales Epenses (Enter Total of lines 144 thru 147).............. 7, ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES Operalion (920) Administrative and General Sa|aries................ (921) Otrce Supplies and Epenses............. (Less) (922) Administrative Epenses Transfened-Credit 4,189,473 1 ,500,814 3,609,640 3,344,179 150,601 4,416,499 1,',t90/32 4,729,553 1 ,1 52,606 $3,999,053 1,489,990 4,549,577 3,563,678 't13.144 4,737,753 1 ,'t 80,48'l 6,583,446 364,520 $ 28,64',t,144 30,604,836 579,205 (1,003) 4,295,998 16,1 '18,896 693,844 43,864 562,210 880,694 198,061 (1,571,512) 0 3,722,890 12,787,293 737,53'l 22,883 528,581 949,377 222,377 23,37',t,771 17,399,4'19 52,O12,915 48,004,255 1,049,380 1,329,653 13,471 ,174 3,124,277 (4) 896,826 't,212,550 1 3,709,1 89 5,331,296 (8e0) 18,974,480 21,148,97'l 760,145 40,240,668 329,947 594,765 778,O82 4'r,859,835 429,O07 608,294 41,925,525 43.675,218 84,653,093 14,095,1 1 1 (27,846,24O) 75,372,652 '13,472,O38 (26,461,608) IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 14 Decem ber 31, 201 8 ELECTRIC OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EXPENSES lf the amount for previous year is nol derived from previously reported figures, eplain in foolnotes. Line No.Account (a) Amount tor Cunent Year (b) Amount Ior Previous Year (c) 155 156 157 '158 159 160 161 't62 163 164 165 166 't67 168 169 170 7. ADMINISTRATIVE AND GENERAL EXPENSES (Continued) (923) Outside Seruices Employed (924) Properly lnsurance............. (925) lnjuries and Damages.............. (926) Employee Pensions and Benefits................ (927) Franchise Requirements....... (928) Regulatory Commission Epenses............. (929) Ouplicate Charges-Cr........... (930. 1 ) General Advertising Expenses............. (930.2) Miscellaneous General Epenses............. (931) Rents......... TOTAL Operation (EnterTotal oflines 151 thru 164)............ Maintenance (935) Maintenance of General P|ant.................... TOTAL Admin and General Epenses (Enter Total of lines 165-167)... TOTALElecOpandMaintEp(Total of 80, 100, 126, 134,'141,148,'168)........... $7,380,095 2,886,373 5,353,427 49,572,548 0 4,123,497 575,403 3,435,682 0 $6,452,407 2,984,435 5,382,410 43,415,053 0 3,725,080 347,329 3,389,737 (335) 144,228,988 128,O79,'t97 6,558,1 23 6,447,650 150,787,112 1 34,526,848 $829,534,299 $752,157,',t70 IDAHO ONLY NUMBER OF ELECTRIC DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEES 'l . The data on number of employees should be reported for the payroll period ending nearest to October 31 or any payroll period ending 60 days before or afier october 31. 2. lfthe respondent's payroll forthe reporting period includes any special construction personnel, include such employees on line 3, and show the number of such special construction employees in a footnote. 3. The number of employees assignable to the electric deparlment from joint functions of combination utilities maybedeterminedbyestimate,onthebasisofemployeeequivalents. Showtheestimatednumberofequiv- alenl employees attributed to the electric department from joint functions. 1 Payroll Period Ended (Dale)..... .. ... ... 2 Total Regular Full-'lrme Emp|oyees....................... 3 Total Part-Time and Temporary Employees............ 4 Total Emp|oyees.......................... ,"*rr"rarrrrr l ,a::l December 31, 2018 't,972 7 1,979 IDAHO SUPPLEMENT Page 15