HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130408Reconsideration Reply Comments.1.pdfwI!LIAMs • BRADBtTRY ATTORNEYS AT LAW 2013PR-8 PM 1:11 r'J4( PUE.L!, April 8, 2013 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Re: GNR-E-11-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed an original and seven copies of Reconsideration Reply Comments of the Renewable Energy Coalition for filing in the above referenced case. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions. Sincerely, Ronald L. Williams RLWIjr Enclosures 1015W. Hays Street - Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-6633 - Fax: 208-344-0077 - www.williamsbradbury.com . . Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 Telephone: 208-344-6633 Fax: 208-344-0077 ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Renewable Energy Coalition BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S) REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT ) PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE ) SURROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR)) AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE ) PLANNING (IRP) METHODOLOGIES FOR ) CALCULATING AVOIDED COST RATES Case No. GNR-E-1 1-03 RECONSIDERATION REPLY COMMENTS OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION COMES NOW the Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC"), by and through its counsel of record, Ronald L. Williams of Williams Bradbury, P.C., and provides these Reconsideration Reply Comments, as follows. REC currently has 13 members which own, operate or have interest in 24 small hydroelectric projects located within Idaho and selling to either Idaho Power Company ("Idaho Power") or PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power ("PacifiCorp"). Nine REC member projects sell to PacifiCorp, the remainder to Idaho Power. In addition, there are at least five other small hydro projects not represented by REC that sell to PacifiCorp. The "Note" to the price schedules in the Commission's December 18, 2012 Order No. 32697 established the initial definition of Canal Drop Hydro. Consequently, REC expressed its concern regarding the definition of Canal Drop Hydro in its Petition for Clarification of January 8, 2013. REC's concern regarding this definition was not related to the use of the term Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 1 . "majority" of generation during the irrigation season, but rather, possible unintended restrictions associated with "man-made" waterway criteria, as well as the possibility that the title "Canal Drop Hydro" could lead to further confusion about the intended application of this particular rate schedule. Staff proposes the definition of a seasonal hydro project as one that has, "over the last ten years, generated at least 90 percent of its average annual generation during the months of April through October." Staff also proposed that for new projects, they be required to demonstrate compliance with this definition during the first year or operation. REC objects to the first part of this definition and instead believes that existing hydro projects should be able to change their operating regime to meet the same definition of seasonality that applies to new hydro projects. In other words, an existing hydro project with a new contract from Idaho Power or PacifiCorp should be allowed to curtail what would otherwise be marginal out-of-season generation, in order to qualify for seasonal generation avoided cost rates, without being 'trapped' by 10 years of historical generation related to an old contract that treated all types of QF generation the same. To hold existing hydro projects to a different standard than new hydro projects is otherwise unduly discriminatory. Please see Attachment A regarding more detailed comments of REC related to seasonal hydro rates and threshold requirements. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this 8th day of April, 2013. WILLIAMS BRADBURY., P.C. Ronald L. Williams Attorney for the Renewable Energy Coalition Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 2 L . ATTACHMENT A TO REPLY COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION The Renewable Energy Coalition ("Coalition") in accordance with the Idaho Public Utility Commission's ("Commission") Order No. 32737 dated February 5, 2013 submits the following reply comments regarding the definition of Canal Drop Hydro Projects ("Canal Drop Hydro") and other closely related issues. A. Background and Analysis of Proiect Data Staff's initial definition of Canal Drop Hydro as stated in the price schedule "Note" referenced above is the following: A "canal drop hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces the majority of its generation during the irrigation season and is located on a man-made waterway that conveys water primarily intended for irrigation or that primarily conveys irrigation return flows. Staff's new proposed definition is materially different in two very important ways: 1) the generation facility must produces at least 90% of its annual total annual generation during the irrigation season, and 2) in order to qualify for seasonal prices existing projects must demonstrate through ten years of historical production that 90% of production occurred during the irrigation season. In addition, Staff makes the following observation in its March 25th comments, "What is important, Staff believes, is not whether a hydro project is located on a canal or whether it is somehow associated with irrigation, but instead whether it reliably generates during the season of the year when capacity is most valuable to the utility, i.e. summer for Idaho Power and PacifiCorp". The Coalition brings attention to the following issues with the Staff's proposed new definition: 1) Under Staff's original definition of Canal Drop or Seasonal projects using just the majority criteria nineteen of the twenty-two Coalition projects would have been eligible for the higher prices, 2) Under Staff's current proposed definition for Seasonal projects only two of the Coalition projects may be eligible, a 89% reduction in eligibility, 3) fifteen (70%) of the projects have a . July Capacity factor greater or equal to 75%, however none of these projects qualify for the Seasonal prices under the staff proposal. B. Definition of Seasonal Prolects A.90% of annual production during the irrigation season: While Idaho Power may be more technically correct in proposing a restricted summer season for determining seasonal hydro price eligibility, Staff's approach using the irrigation season as a reasonable criterium for seasonal prices is superior, all things considered. B.Ten —year demonstration of 90% for existing projects: In its recommendations Staff defines a seasonal project "as one that generates 90 percent of its annual generation during the months of April through October". However, Staff analysis on page 3 provided a different and more restrictive definition of a Seasonal Project, as follows: "A Seasonal project is defined as one that, over the last ten years, generated 90 percent of its annual generation during the months of April through October". Further on page 3 Staff states that "This definition would apply to any new hydro project seeking a contract and to any existing projects seeking to replace an expiring contract. For new contracts, Staff proposes that projects be required to demonstrate compliance with this definition in the first year of operation, with retroactive adjustment of rates if the project fails to comply". The requirement to have 90% of the annual generation during the irrigation season each year during the prior ten years in order to qualify for seasonal prices would unduly discriminate against existing hydro projects seeking new PPAs, and in favor of new hydro projects that have no operating history. With the Staff proposed retroactive adjustment, it appears that a project meeting the 90% based threshold for nine years but missing it slightly the tenth year could be subject to retroactive price adjustments over the entire ten year period. Instead of ten years, an annual 2 requirement with an annual retroactive price adjustment would be fair to qualify or disqualify the project if Commission adopts the definition of seasonal project as being required to provide a certain percentage of generation during the established season. The Coalition believes that it is fair that the seasonal project definition be applied equally to a new project and to the renewal of an existing project under a new contract. If a new or proposed project has the ability to be designed to maximize its economics and utilize either non-seasonal or seasonal prices, then it should be reasonable that an existing project have the same flexibility to be re-configured under a new contract to maximize its economics to the extent practical and provide the highest value to the purchasing utility. Therefore, the prior ten years of historical production should not be considered for an existing project seeking a new contract. Instead, only the first year of new operation should apply to an existing project, as for a new project. C. Summary The Coalition appreciates this opportunity to submit these additional comments. First, the Coalition suggests that if the Commission is inclined to abandon the definition of seasonal hydro as contained in Order 32697 (that a majority of production occurring during the irrigation season), that the Commission move to Staff's recommended 90% threshold and not the 96% recommendation of Idaho Power. Second, the Coalition recommends that no distinction be drawn between new and existing hydro projects regarding qualification for the seasonal hydro schedule. Existing projects entering into new contracts should be allowed to qualify for seasonal prices, subject to a demonstration of compliance during the first contract year with annual retroactive adjustments if the project fails to comply in later years. The annual retroactive adjustment should be limited to an adjustment of the prior year instead of being cumulative over the prior ten years. 3 . . CERTIFICATE OF DELIVERY I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 8th day of April, 2013, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the Reconsideration Reply Comments of the Renewable Energy Coalition upon the following individuals in the manner indicated below: Donovan E. Walker Jason B. Williams Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 dwalker@idahopower.com jwilliams@idahopower.com Michael G. Andrea Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue - MSC-23 Spokane, WA 99202 michael.andrea@avistacorp.com Daniel E. Solander PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 daniel.solander@pacificorp.com Hand Delivery D US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission D Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission O Hand Delivery O US Mail (postage prepaid) D Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission Kristine A. Sasser 0 Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) 472 W. Washington (zip: 83702) 0 Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 83720 Federal Express Boise, ID 83720-0074 Electronic Transmission kris.sasser@puc.idaho.gov Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 peter@richardsonandoleary.com gregrichardsonandoleary.com Attorneys for NIPPC, J.R. Simplot Co., Grand View, Exergy Development Group, Board of County Commissioners of Adams County, Idaho and Clearwater Paper Corporation o Hand Delivery O US Mail (postage prepaid) 0 Facsimile Transmission O Federal Express Electronic Transmission Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 3 . . Robert D. Kahn LI Hand Delivery NIPPC, Executive Director US Mail (postage prepaid) 1117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 LI Facsimile Transmission Seattle, WA 98101 LI Federal Express rkahn@nippc.org Electronic Transmission Don Sturtevant LI Hand Delivery Energy Director LI US Mail (postage prepaid) J.R. Simplot Company LI Facsimile Transmission P.O. Box 27 LI Federal Express Boise, ID 83707-0027 Electronic Transmission don.sturtevant@simplot.com Robert A. Paul LI Hand Delivery Grand View Solar H LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 15690 Vista Circle LI Facsimile Transmission Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 LI Federal Express robertapau108gmail.com Electronic Transmission James Carkulis LI Hand Delivery Managing Member LI US Mail (postage prepaid) Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC LI Facsimile Transmission 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 1200 LI Federal Express Boise, ID 83702 Electronic Transmission jcarkulisexergydevelopment.com Dr. Don Reading LI Hand Delivery Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 6070 Hill Road LI Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83703 LI Federal Express dreadingmindspring.com Electronic Transmission Bill Brown, Chair LI Hand Delivery Board of Commissioners of Adams County LI US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 48 LI Facsimile Transmission Council, ID 83612 LI Federal Express bdbrown@frontiernet.net Electronic Transmission Mary Lewallen LI Hand Delivery Clearwater Paper Corporation LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 601 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 1100 LI Facsimile Transmission Spokane, WA 99201 LI Federal Express Marv.lewallenclearwaterpaper.com Electronic Transmission Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 4 . . John R. Lowe El Hand Delivery Consultant to El US Mail (postage prepaid) Renewable Energy Coalition El Facsimile Transmission 12050 SW Tremont Street El Federal Express Portland, OR 97225 Electronic Transmission jravenesanmarcos@yahoo.com R. Greg Femey El Hand Delivery Mimura Law Offices, PLLC El US Mail (postage prepaid) 2176 E. Franklin Road, Suite 120 0 Facsimile Transmission Meridian, ID 83642 El Federal Express greg@mimuralaw.com Electronic Transmission Attorneys for Interconnect Solar Bill Piske, Manager El Hand Delivery Interconnect Solar Development, LLC El US Mail (postage prepaid) 1303 E. Carter El Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83706 El Federal Express billpiske@cableone.net Electronic Transmission Wade Thomas El Hand Delivery General Counsel El US Mail (postage prepaid) Dynamis Energy, LLC 0 Facsimile Transmission 776 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 150 El Federal Express Eagle, ID 83616 Electronic Transmission wthomasdynamisenergy.com C. Thomas Arkoosh El Hand Delivery Capitol Law Group, PLLC El US Mail (postage prepaid) 205 N. 10th St., 4" Floor El Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 2598 0 Federal Express Boise, ID 83701 Electronic Transmission tarkooshcapitollawgroup.com Attorneys for Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 Brian Olmstead ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: General Manager Electronic Transmission Twin Falls Canal Company olmstead@tfcanal.com Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 5 Ted Diehl General Manager North Side Canal Company nscanal@cableone.net ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission Don Schoenbeck RCS dws@r-c-s-inc.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission Lori Thomas Capitol Law Group, PLLC lthomas@capitollawgroup.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission E Ted S. Sorenson Birch Power Company 0 Hand Deliver' 5203 South 1 1th East 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) Idaho Falls, ID 83404 0 Facsimile Transmission ted@tsorenson.net Federal Express Electronic Transmission Dean J. Miller Chas. F. McDevitt Hand Delivery McDevitt & Miller, LLP 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission 420 W. Bannock Street (zip: 83702) P0 Box 2564 Federal Express Electronic Transmission Boise, ID 83701 joe@mcdevitt-miller.com chas@mcdevitt-mjller.coni Attorneys for Idaho Windfarms, LLC, Renewable Northwest Project and Ridgeline Energy LLC Glenn Ikemoto J Hand Delivery Margaret Rueger Idaho Windfarms, LLC 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) 672 Blair Avenue 0 Facsimile Transmission Piedmont, CA 94611 Federal Express Electronic Transmission glennienvisionwind.com margaret@envisionwind.com Megan Walseth Decker EJ Hand Delivery Senior Staff Counsel Renewable Northwest Project 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) 421 SW 6 h Suite 1125 0 0 Facsimile Transmission Portland, OR 97204 Federal Express Electronic Transmission meganmp.org Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 6 . . M. J. Humphries LI Hand Deliver)' Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 4515 S. Ammon Road LI US Mail (postage prepaid) Ammon, ID 83406 LI Facsimile Transmission blueribbonenergy@gmail.com LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Arron F. Jepson LI Hand Deliver)' Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 10660 South 540 East LI US Mail (postage prepaid) Sandy, UT 84070 LI Facsimile Transmission arronesqaol.com LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Benjamin J. Otto F-1 Hand Deliver)' Idaho Conservation League 710 N. Sixth Street (zip: 83702) LI US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 844 F-1 FacsimileTransmission Boise, ID 83701 LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission botto@idahoconservation.org Liz Woodruff LI Hand Delivery Ken Miller Snake River Alliance E] US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 1731 LI Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83701 LI Federal Express lwoodruff@snakeriveralliance.org Electronic Transmission kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org Tauna Christensen LI Hand Delivery Energy Integrity Project LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 769 N. 1100 E. LI Facsimile Transmission Shelley, ID 83274 LI Federal Express tauna@energyintegrityproject.org Electronic Transmission Deborah E. Nelson Kelsey J. Nunez Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street (83702) P0 Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 dengivenspursley.com kjn@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 7 it J. Kahle Becker The Alaska Center 1020 W. Main St., Suite 400 Boise, ID 83702 kahle@kahlebeckerlaw.com Attorney for Mountain Air Projects, LLC Michael J. Uda Uda Law Firm, P.C. 7 W. 6th Avenue, Suite 4E Helena, MT 59601 muda@mthelena.com Attorney for Mountain Air Projects, LLC Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) E Facsimile Transmission fl Federal Express Electronic Transmission Hand Delivery L US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission Ronald L. Williams Reconsideration Reply Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 8