HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130325Reconsideration Comments.pdfWilliams • Bradbury A T T 0 R N E Y S A T L A W RECE 20t14AR25 PM 1: 24 IDAHO Ptl.L v rr -r March25,2013 4 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Re: GNR-E-11-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed an original and seven copies of Reconsideration Comments of the Renewable Energy Coalition for filing in the above referenced case. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions. Sincerely, 41dL. illiams RLW/jr Enclosures 1015 W. Hays Street -Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-6633 - Fax: 208-344-0077 - www.williamsbradbury.com Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 Telephone: 208-344-6633 Fax: 208-344-0077 ron@williamsbradbury.com 2UflR25 PM 1:214 Attorneys for Renewable Energy Coalition BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S) REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT ) PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE ) SURROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR)) AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE ) PLANNING (IRP) METHODOLOGIES FOR ) CALCULATING AVOIDED COST RATES ' Case No. GNR-E-1 1-03 RECONSIDERATION COMMENTS OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY [I61IPtIIS)I COMES NOW the Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC"), by and through its counsel of record, Ronald L. Williams of Williams Bradbury, P.C., and provides these comments. A. Definition of Canal Drop. REC provided previous comments as to what it considers a more appropriate definition of a canal drop project. Those comments, and the affidavit of John Lowe, are adopted herein and made a part of these Comments. While other commenters disagreed with REC's proposed definition, the point REC was attempting to make is that justification for the higher rate should be based on the correlation between the generation delivered and the utility's system peak month or months, and not the physical features of the water delivery system. For Idaho Power, this correlation may be appropriately tied to the irrigation season in southern Idaho and the peak month of July. Conversely, eligibility for the canal drop avoided cost rate should not be left for the utility to Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 1 determine in the first instance, with the QF forced to negotiate on a case-by-cases basis, as recommended by Idaho Power. It also seems that this debate has almost exclusively focused on Idaho Power and its July system peak. PacifiCorp, with numerous small hydro QFs operating within its Idaho service territory, appears to have a much different system peak than Idaho Power, as evidenced by its December seasonality adjustment being significantly higher than any other month. Yet, it also appears that PacifiCorp's canal drop avoided cost prices have been significantly influenced by Idaho Power's July system peak. It is therefore important to confirm that the irrigation and non- irrigation related hydro avoided cost rate schedules established for PacifiCorp correctly take into PacifiCorp's system peak[s] that may be different than Idaho Power's. B.Capacity Factor of Canal Drop Projects: REC has reviewed the Comments of North Side Canal Company, Twin Falls Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 (the "Canal Companies"), concurs in Comments of the Canal Companies and adopts them as its own Comments with respect to the capacity factor for projects ultimately determined to be eligible as canal drop projects. C.Capacity Factors and Contract Seasonality Adjustments: Some REC members have recently requested and received from Idaho investor owned utilities draft power purchase agreements (PPAs) for hydroelectric and/or canal drop QF projects, or have requested avoided cost information regarding the same. Those draft PPAs or rate information continue to make seasonality adjustments previously approved by the Commission and applied to the generic SAR calculated standard avoided cost rate. Such prior adjustments were necessary and appropriate to account for seasonal differences in capacity and energy values, when there was only one standard avoided cost rate Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 2 available to the many different types of QF' s. However, to continue to apply the same seasonality adjustment to, for example, a canal drop project that has already had its capacity value and eligibility to canal drop avoided cost prices established based on the utility's system peak month or months, appears to be redundant and inappropriate. Clarification on this point would be helpful to REC members currently discussing or contemplating renewal contracts with utilities. As stated before, it is REC's goal in these proceedings to minimize areas of ambiguity and future disagreement in the PPA negotiating process. RESPECFULLY SUBMITTED this __day of March, 2013. WILLIAMS BRADBURY, P.C. Ronald L. Williams Attorney for the Renewable Energy Coalition Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 3 CERTIFICATE OF DELIVERY I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 25th day of March, 2013, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the Reconsideration Comments of the Renewable Energy Coalition upon the following individuals in the manner indicated below: Donovan E. Walker Jason B. Williams Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 dwalker@idahopower.com jwilliams@idahopower.com Michael G. Andrea Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue - MSC-23 Spokane, WA 99202 michael.andrea@avistacorp.com Daniel E. Solander PaciflCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 daniel.solander@pacificorp.com LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail(postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Kristine A. Sasser LI Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 472 W. Washington (zip: 83702) LI Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 83720 LI Federal Express Boise, ID 83720-0074 Electronic Transmission kris.sasser@puc.idaho.gov Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 peterrichardsonandoleary.com gregrichardsonandoleary.com Attorneys for NIPPC, J.R. Simplot Co., Grand View, Exergy Development Group, Board of County Commissioners of Adams County, Idaho and Clearwater Paper Corporation LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 4 Robert D. Kahn LI Hand Delivery NIPPC, Executive Director LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 1117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 LI Facsimile Transmission Seattle, WA 98101 LI Federal Express rkahn@nippc.org Electronic Transmission Don Sturtevant Energy Director J.R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-0027 don.sturtevant@simplot.com Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar II 15690 Vista Circle Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 robertapau108gmail.com James Carkulis Managing Member Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 1200 Boise, ID 83702 jcarkulis@exergydevelopment.com LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Dr. Don Reading LI Hand Delivery Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 6070 Hill Road LI Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83703 LI Federal Express dreadingmindspring.com Electronic Transmission Bill Brown, Chair LI Hand Delivery Board of Commissioners of Adams County LI US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 48 LI Facsimile Transmission Council, ID 83612 LI Federal Express bdbrown@frontiernet.net Electronic Transmission Mary Lewallen Clearwater Paper Corporation 601 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 1100 Spokane, WA 99201 Marv.lewallenc1earwaterpaper.com LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 5 John R. Lowe Consultant to LI Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Renewable Energy Coalition LI 12050 SW Tremont Street LI Facsimile Transmission Portland, OR 97225 LI Federal Express jravenesanmarcosyahoo.com Electronic Transmission R. Greg Ferney Mimura Law Offices, PLLC LI Hand Delivery 2176 E. Franklin Road, Suite 120 LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission Meridian, ID 83642 Federal Express greg@mimuralaw.com LI Electronic Transmission Attorneys for Interconnect Solar Bill Piske, Manager LI Hand Delivery Interconnect Solar Development, LLC LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 1303 E. Carter Boise, ID 83706 LI Facsimile Transmission billpiske@cableone.net LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Wade Thomas General Counsel LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) Dynamis Energy, LLC F-1 Facsimile Transmission 776 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 150 Eagle, ID 83616 LI Federal Express wthomas@dynamisenergy.com Electronic Transmission C. Thomas Arkoosh Capitol Law Group, PLLC F-1 Hand Delivery 205 N. 10th St., 4th Floor E] US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 2598 LI Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83701 LI Federal Express tarkooshcapitollawgroup.com Electronic Transmission Attorneys for Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 Brian Olmstead ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: General Manager Electronic Transmission Twin Falls Canal Company olmstead@tfcanal.com Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 6 Ted Diehl General Manager North Side Canal Company nscanal@cableone.net ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission Don Schoenbeck RCS dws@r-c-s-inc.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission Lori Thomas Capitol Law Group, PLLC ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: lthomas@capitollawgroup.com Electronic Transmission Ted S. Sorenson F-1 Hand Deliver)' Birch Power Company 5203 South 1 1th East E] US Mail (postage prepaid) Idaho Falls, ID 83404 LI F-1 Facsimile Transmission ted@tsorenson.net FederalExpress Electronic Transmission Dean J. Miller Chas. F. McDevitt McDevitt & Miller, LLP 420 W. Bannock Street (zip: 83702) P0 Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 joe@mcdevitt-miller.com chas@mcdevitt-miller.com Attorneys for Idaho Windfarms, LLC, Renewable Northwest Project and Ridgeline Energy LLC LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Glenn Ikemoto Margaret Rueger Idaho Windfarms, LLC 672 Blair Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 glennienvisionwind.com margaretenvisionwind.com LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Megan Walseth Decker LI Hand Delivery Senior Staff Counsel E] US Mail (postage prepaid) Renewable Northwest Project 421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1125 LI Facsimile Transmission Portland, OR 97204 LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission megan@mp.org Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 7 M. J. Humphries Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 4515 S. Ammon Road Ammon, ID 83406 blueribbonenergygmail.com Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission 0 Federal Express Electronic Transmission Arron F. Jepson F-1 Hand Delivery Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) 10660 South 540 East 0 Facsimile Transmission Sandy, UT 84070 Federal Express arronesq@aol.com Electronic Transmission Benjamin J. Otto 0 Hand Delivery Idaho Conservation League fl US Mail (postage prepaid) 710 N. Sixth Street (zip: 83702) 0 Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 844 Federal Express Boise, ID 83701 botto@idahoconservation.org Electronic Transmission Liz Woodruff Hand Delivery Ken Miller Snake River Alliance 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 1731 0 Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83701 0 Federal Express Electronic Transmission lwoodruff@snakeriveralliance.org kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org Tauna Christensen Hand Delivery Energy Integrity Project 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) 769 N. 1100 E. 0 Facsimile Transmission Shelley, ID 83274 0 Federal Express tauna@energyintegrityproject.org Electronic Transmission Deborah E. Nelson 0 Hand Delivery Kelsey J. Nunez Givens Pursley LLP R US Mail (postage prepaid) 601 W. Bannock Street (83702) 0 fl Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 2720 Federal Express Electronic Transmission Boise, ID 83701-2720 den@givenspursley.com kjn@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 8 J. Kahle Becker E Hand Delivery The Alaska Center E US Mail (postage prepaid) 1020 W. Main St., Suite 400 Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83702 Federal Express kahle@kahlebeckerlaw.com Electronic Transmission Attorney for Mountain Air Projects, LLC Michael J. Uda Uda Law Firm, P.C. 7 W. 6th Avenue, Suite 4E Helena, MT 59601 muda@mthelena.com Attorney for Mountain Air Projects, LLC Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) L1 Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission Ronald L. Williams Reconsideration Comments Of The Renewable Energy Coalition, Page 9