HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130108Petition for Clarification.pdfWilliams • Bradbury A T T 0 R N E Y S A T L A 4 ;.j4-8 p3O Iss IQ, January 8, 2013 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Re: GNR-E-11-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed an original and seven copies of the following for filing in the above referenced case: 1.Petition of the Renewable Energy Coalition for Clarification of Order No. 32697; 2.Affidavit of John Lowe on behalf of Renewable Energy Coalition; and 3.Certificate of Delivery. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions. Si erely, Si Ronald L. Williams RLW/jr Enclosures 1015 W. Hays Street - Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-6633 - Fax: 208-344-0077 - www.williamsbradbury.com Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 Telephone: 208-344-6633 Fax: 208-344-0077 ronwilliamsbradbury.com ZtIBJAH-8 PM 3:09 Attorneys for Renewable Energy Coalition BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S) REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT ) PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE ) SURROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR)) AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE ) PLANNING (IRP) METHODOLOGIES FOR ) CALCULATING AVOIDED COST RATES ' PETITION OF THE RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION FOR CLARIFICATION OF ORDER NO. 32697 COMES NOW the Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC") and pursuant to Idaho Code §61-626 and Idaho Administrative Procedures Act §, petitions the Commission for Clarification of Attachment A to Order No. 32697 as to applicability of published rates for existing QF projects and clarification of the "Note" concerning the definitional of a "canal drop hydro project." PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION OF ATTACHMENT A RATE SCHEDULES A. Published Rates for Existing Projects Order No. 32697 determines that new qualifying facilities should "not receive compensation for capacity until the utility is capacity deficit." However, the Order also determines that existing "QFs entering into contract extensions or renewals [] be paid capacity 1 Order No. 32697, Case No. GNR-E-1 1-03, p. 52. Petition of the Renewable Energy Coalition for Clarification of Order No. 32697, Page 1 for the full term of the extension or renewal."2 Attachment A to Order No. 32697 shows the avoided cost rates for all three utilities, for a variety of different QF resources types, but only for new QFs. Idaho REC members have existing QF contracts with either Idaho Power or PacifiCorp which will be expiring in the next several years. The Attachment A published avoided cost rates do not reflect either the levelized or non-levelized rates that would apply to existing QFs seeking to renew or extend their QF contracts with the respective utilities. REC seeks clarification as to the published avoided cost rates for QFs that have existing contracts that will be expiring with Idaho Power and PacifiCorp. REC believes this clarification could be accomplished by providing a separate Attachment, similar to Attachment A, showing published rates for existing QFs seeking a contract renewal or extension, and which would include capacity payments in the initial years of capacity sufficiency. The schedule should also clearly state is it only available for projects that have existing/prior QF contracts with the respective utility. B. Definition of Canal Drop Hydro Project The first "Note" on the Attachment A published rate schedule for Canal Drop Hydro Projects defines a canal drop hydro project "as a generation facility which produces a majority of its generation during the irrigation season and is located on a man-made waterway that conveys water primarily intended for irrigation or that primarily conveys irrigation return flows."' REC respectfully requests the Commission further clarify this definition, for the reason discussed below. at p.22 Id. Petition of the Renewable Energy Coalition for Clarification of Order No. 32697, Page 2 First, REC does not believe that there is any definition contained in the record or offered by any party in this case, as to what is should be the proper definition of a "canal project," an "irrigation related project" or a "canal drop project." Consequently, REC offers the attached affidavit of John Lowe, Executive Director of REC, as evidence of what could or should be considered in developing a definition for such an "irrigation related hydro project." Second, REC agrees with the first part of this definition of an irrigation or a canal project - that the majority of the generation occur during the irrigation season - for the reason that this generation season more closely matches the system peaks for Idaho Power and PacifiCorp and is the reason that the avoided cost rates for this type of hydro project are enhanced. In essence, REC believes that this is the core of the definition, and may, by itself, be all that is needed. Finally, the requirement that a "canal drop hydro project" must meet a physical requirement that water be conveyed through or over "a man-made waterway" does not have any meaningful correlation to the timing of when the power is produced, and the value of the power. Instead, this requirement could bar some hydroelectric projects from qualifying under this rate schedule, even though they utilize stored and conveyed water intended for irrigation. The Malad River, the Little Wood River and Rock Creek in south central Idaho are three examples of how irrigation based hydro generation occurs without the use of irrigation canals. For example, the hydroelectric facility at the Magic Reservoir Dam, at the head of the Malad River (or the end of the Wood River), is not a man-made waterway, but instead is an irrigation impoundment and storage facility. Likewise, several small hydro facilities located on the Malad River below Magic, or on the Little Wood River above Magic, are 80% or more irrigation related, but are not located on irrigation canals. Similarly, a vast majority of the annual flow in Rock Creek to the south of the Snake River, on which there is a hydroelectric facility, is Petition of the Renewable Energy Coalition for Clarification of Order No. 32697, Page 3 primarily irrigation return water. However, there is no irrigation canal at Rock Creek. While these facilities have generation profiles that are no different than a hydro facility located on a canal, they could arguably be described as run-of-river hydro facilities. For the reasons outlined above, REC requests that the definition in the first Note to the Attachment A for Canal Drop Hydro Projects be clarified, by restating is something similar to the following: An "canal drop irri2ation related hydro project" is defined as a generation facility which produces a majority of its generation during the irrigation season and is located on a man made waterway that conveys or impounds water primarily intended for irrigation or that primarily conveys irrigation return flows. As Mr. Lowe also recommends in his affidavit, the name or title of this particular schedule could also be changed by substituting the words "irrigation related" for the words "canal drop," or other words to the same effect, so as to avoid the possibility that this schedule not be interpreted as to require that a project must be located on a canal drop, in order to qualify for this avoided cost rate. RESPECFULLY SUBMITTED this day of January, 2013. WILLIAMS BRADBURY, P.C. z ol~~— Ronald L. Williams Attorney for the Renewable Energy Coalition Petition of the Renewable Energy Coalition for Clarification of Order No. 32697, Page 4 Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W.. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 Telephone: 208-344-6633 Fax: 208-344-0077 ron®williamsbradbury.com 201JAN-8 PM 3: 10 MMIS it _i Attorneys for Renewable Energy Coalition BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S) Case No. GNR-E-1 1-03 REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT ) PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE ) AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN LOWE ON SURROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR)) BEHALF OF THE RENEWABLE AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE ) ENERGY COALITION PLANNING (1RP) METHODOLOGIES FOR ) CALCULATING AVOIDED COST RATES ) STATE OF Oregon ) :ss. County of Washington ) I, John Lowe, do declare the following and if called to testify, would and could testify as follows: 1.I am the Executive Director of the Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC"), based in Portland Oregon. The address of REC is 12050 SW Tremont St., Portland OR,, 97225. 2.REC consists of more than 35 existing and several proposed non-intermittent renewable energy projects located in Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Wyoming and Utah. There are 13 REC members with 20 existing projects located in Idaho, which currently have QF contracts with either PacifiCorp or Idaho Power. All existing and proposed projects by REC members in Idaho are small hydro. The names of the existing projects and/or their owners and the project size are shown on Attachment 1 to this Affidavit. £.J....t4 -& T-" T ..... flT1 &... ...J T ----- f'.. %T.. fITfl in t I 4V TI...... I 3. I have reviewed Order No. 32697 and Attachment A establishing avoided cost rates for "canal drop hydro projects." I also have reviewed the first "Note" to this avoided cost rate schedule and the definition for a "canal drop hydra project" I am concerned that the definition as written may not clearly and accurately express the intent of the applicability of the avoided cost rate schedule, thus leading to unnecessary confusion. The most effective and uncontroversial interpretation of what constitutes a "canal drop hydro project' would be a definition exclusively based upon a majority of the project production occurring during the months of the irrigation season. Any further definition or criteria for application of the "canal drop hydra project" avoided cost rate schedule should be limited to the use of water for such project generation that has been used upstream (return flows) or will be used downstream for irrigation purposes. Any reference to man-made waterways should be eliminated from the definition, since virtually every hydra project utilizes some form of man-made waterway, i.e. canal, pipelines, penstocks, afterbays, etc. and the use of such man-made waterway criteria as part of any definition becomes the focus of potential controversy and misinterpretation of the avoided cost rate schedule. In addition, re-naming the avoided cost rate schedule to "irrigation season hydro" or something similar would more accurately reflect its intended application. 4. It is my understanding that "canal drop hydro project" avoided cost rates are higher than other hydra projects since such projects produce a majority of their energy and capacity during the periods of highest utility need and demand for PaciflCorp and Idaho Power Company. The months of the irrigation season in Idaho have a close match to the peak needs of these two utilities Completely unrelated to the value of generation to these utilities provided by "canal drop hydro projects" is whether or not such generation occurred as a result of the type of structure that conveys the water flows before, during or after generation, In addition, where the £ ..0 y..L,. T -- TT71 Z. fI....L.._..._ ....J TS d... f.. FkTfl T7 11 f fl..... water flows originated from, is moving to, or where is goes and for what purpose before and after generation, has no relationship to the value of such generation by the purchasing utility. 5.There are numerous REC members' projects delivering or planning to deliver generation output to PaciflCorp and Idaho Power Company that could be impacted by the potential misinterpretation of the application of the "canal drop hydro project" avoided cost rate schedule, as the definition of such is currently written. I do not believe it is the Commission's intent to disallow the application of such "canal drop hydro project" avoided cost rate schedule to such projects that produce the majority of their output during the irrigation season and utilize or convey irrigation water flows used or to be used downstream, when such projects are not precisely configured or located as a drop in an irrigation canal. Several examples of projects which could be impacted by an unintended limiting interpretation of the currently written "canal drop hydro project" definition are discussed below. 6.The Shoshone Hydroelectric Project complex, located directly on the Little Wood River, totals 975 kW. This complex, which is not located on a canal, is comprised of two projects of similar characteristics, each with the output purchased under separate contracts with Idaho Power. However, over 80 percent of the water passing through this facility on an annual basis does so during the irrigation season and is irrigation water conveyed to the Little Wood River via the Gooding-Milner canal. The remaining 20 percent of the water flow is natural to the Little Wood River. In essence, the Little Wood River is used during the irrigation season as if it was an irrigation canal. 7.The Little Wood River Hydro complex', also consisting of two projects, is located just downstream from the Shoshone Hydroelectric Project complex. This second complex is also not canal based, but over 80 percent of the water for these two projects comes to the Little Wood 'Little Wood River Ranch Hydroelectric Projects I and II, owned by the Arkoosh ftmlly. A .3..4. -R V-&- ._ flT,F' 13.L.... £... ....J fl ...L......4..... ST.. #P.TT v, I I t%1 1%...... ) River during the irrigation season. After passing through the two hydro complexes on the Little Wood River, the irrigation water is diverted back out of the Little Wood to the South Gooding Math Canal. 8.The Ravenscroft Hydroelectric Project is located directly on the Malad River and not on a canal, with a rated capacity of 1. 15 MW Approximately 902 percent of the generation from this project occurs during the irrigation season using irrigation water being released from multiple irrigation related facilities upstream. 9.The Rock Creek Hydroelectric Project, a 2.1 MW facility, is located directly on Rock Creek and not on a canal Approximately 70 percent of the water flows for the Rock Creek Hydroelectric Project occur during the irrigation season and are primarily related to irrigation water returning to the Snake River. 10.If the Commission (a) eliminated the reference to a "man-made waterway," in the Note on this particular schedule, (b) substituted the words "irrigation related" for the words "canal drop" in the name or title of this particular schedule, and (c) indicated on the schedule or in an Order on Clarification that such a project does not have to be physically located "on a canal," such clarifications would help avert possible future controversies related to the type of hydro projects that qualify for this avoided cost schedule. [remainder of this page left blank] £ ..0 T..L... I ....._ lftlw' Tl...4.... £.... ....J f'..... ,.T.. #Tt T7 I I A-P T..... A I declare under penalty of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the forgoing is true and correct. IM— DATED This_day of January 2013 C\- 9,~ John Lo SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this day of January, 2013 E4kV'G0WM=MEXPME8XM 28,M4 Residing at Oregon My Commission Expires: .r4C tet4 *J_... ...tT..l.... 7 T,1,r. y_.. 'ST.. f"TT1 T7 I I AID T....... F ATTACHMENT 1 TO AFFIDAVIT OF JOHN LOWE Renewable Energy Coalition Idaho Members and Projects Summary- Thirteen members representing 22 projects with 20 existing projects and 3 proposed projects. *Note one existing project is located outside Idaho but selling to IPCO. ** Proposed projects. HI-lifted projects sell to Idaho Power and remainder to PaclfiCorp. 1. Ted Sorenson a. Dry Creek, 3.2MW b Birch Creek, 27MW c.Marsh Valley, 1.9MW d.Pancheri Hydro, 290 kW e.Lemhi Hydro, 450 kW f.St. Anthony, 700kW** g.Tuber Hydro, 7MW* 2. Rob Fackefi Mink Creek, 3.1MW 3. Maher Wissa Portneuf Hydro, 1MW 4. Mitch Arkoosh GeoBon II, 1MW S. Jordan Whittaker Whittaker Hydro, 300kW** 6. David Snedigar a.Snedigar Hydro, 500kW b.OJ Hydro, 170 kW 7. ShoRock Hydro a. Shoshone Hydro phase I and II, 975kW b Rock Creek Hydro, 2 5MW *ã.4 t..L_ T TITr C..... J TI T.. f'1fl 1 ii fl) TI....... # 8. Allan Ravenscroft Ravenscroft Hydro, 1.1MW 9. Bill Arkoosh a.Little Wood River Ranch, 920kW b.Little Wood River Ranch II, 1.1MW** 10. Allen Koyle Koyle Hydra, 1.3 MW 11. Scott Kaster a.BC Hydra, 250kW b.Hl( Hydro, 500kW 12. Jack Amy Amy Ranch Hydro, 600 kW 13. Orville Nicholson Nicholson's Hydro, 45kW ..CT_ T FITII' fl...4... C.... ....J T.......J.E........- I'..... T.. I'TD 1 11 A'I- fl...... 7 CERTIFICATE OF DELIVERY I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 8th day of January, 2013, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the Petition of the Renewable Energy Coalition for Clarification of Order No. 32697 and Affidavit of John Lowe on behalf of Renewable Energy Coalition upon the following individuals in the manner indicated below: Donovan E. Walker Jason B. Williams Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 dwalker@idahopower.com jwilliams@idahopower.com Hand Delivery L US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission Michael G. Andrea Hand Delivery Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue - MSC-23 US Mail (postage prepaid) Spokane, WA 99202 fl Facsimile Transmission michael.andreaavistacorp.com Federal Express Electronic Transmission Daniel E. Solander n Hand Delivery PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power US Mail (postage prepaid) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Facsimile Transmission Salt Lake City, UT 84111 D Federal Express daniel.solanderpacificorp.com Z Electronic Transmission Kristine A. Sasser Hand Delivery Idaho Public Utilities Commission fl US Mail (postage prepaid) 472 W. Washington (zip: 83702) Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 83720 Federal Express Boise, ID 83720-0074 Electronic Transmission kris.sasserpuc.idaho.gov Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 peter@richardsonandoleary.com gregrichardsonandoleary.com Attorneys for NIPPC, J.R. Simplot Co., Grand View, Exergy Development Group, Board of County Commissioners of Adams County, Idaho and Clearwater Paper Corporation O Hand Delivery O US Mail (postage prepaid) 0 Facsimile Transmission 0 Federal Express Electronic Transmission Certificate of Delivery, Page 1 Robert D. Kahn LI Hand Delivery NIPPC, Executive Director E] US Mail (postage prepaid) 1117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 LI Facsimile Transmission Seattle, WA 98101 LI Federal Express rkahn@nippc.org Electronic Transmission Don Sturtevant LI Hand Deliver' Energy Director J.R. Simplot Company LI US Mail (postage prepaid) P.O. Box 27 F-1 Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83707-0027 F-1 Federal Express Electronic Transmission don.sturtevantsimplot.com Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar II 15690 Vista Circle Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 robertapau108ginail.com LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission James Carkulis M Managing Member LI Hand Deliver' Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC LI LI US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 1200 LI Federal Express Boise, ID 83702 jcarkulis@exergydevelopment.com Electronic Transmission Dr. Don Reading LI Hand Delivery Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 6070 Hill Road LI Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83703 LI Federal Express dreading@mindspring.com Electronic Transmission Bill Brown, Chair LI Hand Delivery Board of Commissioners of Adams Count' LI US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 48 LI Facsimile Transmission Council, ID 83612 LI Federal Express bdbrown@frontiernet.net Electronic Transmission Mary Lewallen Clearwater Paper Corporation 601 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 1100 Spokane, WA 99201 Marv.lewallen@clearwaterpaper.com LI Hand Delivery LI US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Certificate of Delivery, Page 2 John R. Lowe Hand Delivery Consultant to Renewable Energy Coalition US Mail (postage prepaid) 12050 SW Tremont Street Facsimile Transmission Portland, OR 97225 Federal Express Electronic Transmission jravenesanmarcos@yahoo.com R. Greg Ferney Hand Delivery Mimura Law Offices, PLLC fl US Mail (postage prepaid) 2176 B. Franklin Road, Suite 120 LI Facsimile Transmission Meridian, ID 83642 F-1 Federal Express g reg@mimuralaw.com Electronic Transmission Attorneys for Interconnect Solar Bill Piske, Manager F-1 Hand Delivery Interconnect Solar Development, LLC E] US Mail (postage prepaid) 1303 E. Carter Boise, ID 83706 LI Facsimile Transmission billpiske@cableone.net LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission Wade Thomas F-1 Hand Delivery General Counsel LI US Mail (postage prepaid) Dynamis Energy, LLC F-1 Facsimile Transmission 776 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 150 Eagle, ID 83616 F-1 FederalExpress wthomas@dynamisenergy.com Electronic Transmission C. Thomas Arkoosh LI Hand Delivery Capitol Law Group, PLLC 205 N. 10th St., 4th Floor LI US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 2598 LI Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83701 F-1 Federal Express Electronic Transmission tarkoosh@capitollawgroup.com Attorneys for Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 Brian Olmstead ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: General Manager Twin Falls Canal Company Electronic Transmission olmstead@tfcanal.com Certificate of Delivery, Page 3 Don Schoenbeck RCS dws@r-c-s-inc.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission Lori Thomas Capitol Law Group, PLLC lthomas@capitollawgroup.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission Ted Diehl General Manager North Side Canal Company nscanal@cableone.net ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: Electronic Transmission Ted S. Sorenson Hand Deliver' Birch Power Company 5203 South 11th East 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) Idaho Falls, ID 83404 0 Facsimile Transmission ted@tsorenson.net Federal Express Electronic Transmission Dean J. Miller Chas. F. McDevitt F-1 Hand Delivery McDevitt & Miller, LLP fl 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission 420 W. Bannock Street (zip: 83702) 0 P0 Box 2564 Federal Express Electronic Transmission Boise, ID 83701 joe@mcdevitt-miller.com chas@mcdevitt-miller.com Attorneys for Idaho Windfarms, LLC, Renewable Northwest Project and Ridgeline Energy LLC Glenn Ikemoto Hand Delivery Margaret Rueger 0 US Mail (postage prepaid) Idaho Windfarms, LLC LI Facsimile Transmission 672 Blair Avenue 0 Federal Express Piedmont, CA 94611 glennienvisionwind.com Electronic Transmission margaretenvisionwind.com Megan Walseth Decker fl Hand Delivery Senior Staff Counsel Renewable Northwest Project fl US Mail (postage prepaid) 421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1125 0 0 Facsimile Transmission Portland, OR 97204 Federal Express Electronic Transmission meganrnp.org Certificate of Delivery, Page 4 M. J. Humphries LI Hand Delivery Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 4515 S. Ammon Road r-1 USMail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Ammon, ID 83406 LI Federal Express blueribbonenergygmail.com Electronic Transmission Anon F. Jepson LI Hand Deliver' Blue Ribbon Energy LLC LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 10660 South 540 East LI Facsimile Transmission Sandy, UT 84070 F1 Federal Express arronesq@aol.com Electronic Transmission Benjamin J. Otto LI Hand Deliver' Idaho Conservation League E] US Mail (postage prepaid) 710 N. Sixth Street (zip: 83702) LI Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 844 F-1 Federal Express Boise, ID 83701 Electronic Transmission botto@idahoconservation.org Liz Woodruff Ken Miller F-1 HandDelivery Snake River Alliance [7 US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 1731 F1 Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83701 LI Federal Express Electronic Transmission lwoodruff@snakeriveralliance.org kmillersnakeriveralliance.org Tauna Christensen F-1 Hand Delivery Energy Integrity Project LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 769 N. 1100 E. Shelley, ID 83274 LI Facsimile Transmission taunaenergyintegrityproject.org F-1 Federal Express Electronic Transmission Deborah E. Nelson K LI Hand Delivery Kelsey J. Nunez Givens Pursley LLP LI US Mail (postage prepaid) 601 W. Bannock Street (83702) LI Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 2720 LI Federal Express Boise, ID 83701-2720 Electronic Transmission den@givenspursley.com kjn@givenspursley.com Attorneys for Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC Certificate of Delivery, Page 5 J. Kahle Becker The Alaska Center 1020 W. Main St., Suite 400 Boise, ID 83702 kahle@kahlebeckerlaw.com Attorney for Mountain Air Projects, LLC Michael J. Uda Uda Law Firm, P.C. 7 W. 6t1 Avenue, Suite 4E Helena, MT 59601 muda@mthelena.com Attorney for Mountain Air Projects, LLC Hand Delivery US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission Federal Express Electronic Transmission F-1 Hand Delivery L US Mail (postage prepaid) 0 Facsimile Transmission o Federal Express Electronic Transmission Ronald L. Williams Certificate of Delivery, Page 6