HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120504Sorenson Direct.pdfWilliams • Bradbury ATTORNEYS AT LAW RECEIVED 2OI2 MAY. -+ PM 2:00 IL- UTILITIES COMMISSION May 4, 2012 Ms. Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 Re GNR-E-11-03 Dear Ms Jewell Please find enclosed an original and nine copies of the Direct Testimony of Ted Sorenson on behalf of Renewable Energy Coalition for filing in the above referenced case. The first copy of the testimony is designated as the reporter's copy, together with the requested CD-ROM for the reporter. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Please feel free to give me a call should you have any questions. Sincerely, .44 L. Ronald L. Williams RLW/jr Enclosures 1015 W. Hays Street -Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-6633 - Fax: 208-344-0077 - www.williamsbradbury.com RECEtVED 72Y - PM 2:00 DAHO puriC UTLTES BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE SURROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR) AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING (IRP) METHODOLOGIES FOR CALCULATING PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES. CASE NO. GNR-E-1 1-03 RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION DIRECT TESTIMONY OF TED SORENSON I Q. Please state your name and business address. 2 A. My name is Ted Sorenson P E and my business address is 5203 S. 11th 3 East, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 4 Q. By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 5 A. I am employed by and am the owner of Sorenson Engineering. 6 Q. What is your educational background? 7 A. I received a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering, December 1974, 8 from the University of Idaho and a Masters in Civil Engineering, May 1976, also from 9 the University of Idaho. 10 Q. Please describe your professional and work experience. 11 A. I am a registered professional engineer in in the states of Idaho, Oregon, 12 Montana and Colorado. Attached as Exhibit No. 801 is a summary list of the 13 hydroelectric projects I have completed in my career. I have ownership in 5 hydro 14 projects in Idaho, and in other projects in other states and countries. I am also a member 15 of the Renewable Energy Coalition. 16 Q. What is the purpose of your testimony in this proceeding? 17 A. The purpose of my testimony is to respond to some of the proposals of 18 Idaho Power Company, Rocky Mountain Power, and Avista Utilities as they relate to 19 small Q F projects, and more specifically, small canal and run-of-river hydro projects. 20 Q. Should the Commission continue distinctions between certain types and/or 21 sizes of PURPA projects? 22 A. Yes. First, the Commission needs to recognize differences between larger 23 and smaller PURPA projects, and also between certain types of PUIRPA projects. This 24 includes the importance of recognizing the difference in needs and significance of 25 existing hydroelectric projects versus proposed new projects. For example, I believe the SORENSON, Di Renewable Energy Coalition I standard rate eligibility cap for resources that cannot be disaggregated should be 2 reinstated to ten megawatts, nameplate capacity. There should remain in place a 3 threshold for access to a simpler, more efficient contracting system, for projects that do 4 not have the ability to easily multiple one project into several. Because of the unique 5 physical characteristics and location of small-scale hydroelectric facilities in Idaho, 6 developers of hydro projects smaller than 10 MW should continue to have access to 7 standard, published QF rates. They also need a more streamlined and transparent 8 contracting process which would include a standard form power purchase agreement 9 (PPA) for both existing and new projects, reasonable pre-conditions and certainty and/or 10 predictability to changes in avoided cost prices. 11 Q. Why is this cap distinguishing certain types or sizes of QFs important? 12 A. Contrary to what is said or implied in some of the utility testimony, many 13 small hydro developers do not have the sophistication and financial resources to 14 separately negotiate individual PPAs, especially when avoided cost prices can change 15 quickly or often. While the consulting and legal expertise needed to calculate individual 16 IRP rates and negotiate a PPA can always be retained, the reality is that outside legal and 17 consulting fees can quickly make a small hydro project uneconomic. Nor does a small 18 hydro developer such as myself have the benefit of spreading the costs of negotiating one 19 PPA over three, four of five additional mirror-image projects. 20 Q. What other recommendations do you have for small projects below the 21 eligibility cap? 22 A. I endorse the recommendations of Mr. Don Schoenbeck, the expert 23 witness for REC, the Twin Falls Canal Company and the North Side Canal company, 24 related to standard rates, procedures and the time frames for changes in avoided cost 25 rates, for projects below a 10 MW eligibility cap. SORENSON, Di 2 Renewable Energy Coalition I Q. Idaho Power also proposes that QF contracts be limited to five years. 2 What is your opinion of this recommendation? 3 A. It is a punitive proposal that seems primarily designed to wreck the QF 4 industry, or at least would kill the small hydro QF industry. It would be virtually 5 impossible to finance the building of a new hydro project based on the revenue stream of 6 a five year contract. Hydro QFs, by their very nature, are extremely capital intensive and 7 need longer-term contracts in order to debt finance the capital costs necessary for a new 8 dam, turbines and other equipment. Idaho Power knows and understands this; it is a 9 hydro rich utility and its ratepayers benefit from this legacy of large, long-term capital 10 investments in similar assets. Once operating, hydro generation has virtually no fuel cost. 11 Q. How does Idaho Power's 5 year contract length also impact existing QF 12 hydro projects? 13 A. Many existing projects with PPAs starting to expire could be at risk of 14 continued operation. In essence, some of these legacy hydro QFs on the Idaho Power or 15 PacifiCorp system might have to shut down, if only 5 year contracts were available. Dam 16 repairs, equipment upgrades including interconnection, installation of better or more 17 efficient environmental protection, and re-newed governmental permits are many times 18 required at the end of a PPA. Without an adequate long-term PPA, these essential and 19 often required repairs and improvements could not be financed. It is disingenuous for 20 Idaho Power to expect its ratepayers to commit to paying for similar major capital 21 investments involved in the Shoshone Falls power plant rebuild, but then assert that 22 hydro PURPA projects should not be treated the same, in order to protect customers from 23 market risk. The same risk applies to both types of projects, and the same benefits of 24 preserving and extending the life of the hydro system applies equally to both QF hydros 25 and utility owned hydros. I must also point out that Avista and Rocky Mountain do not SORENSON, Di 3 Renewable Energy Coalition I appear to believe that 20 year QF contracts are a problem. 2 Q. Do you have a recommendation regarding standardization of avoided costs 3 for smaller projects? 4 A. Yes. I agree with Rocky Mountain Power witness Brown where she 5 recommends a standardization of avoided cost rates for non-wind and non-solar QFs 6 below an eligibility cap threshold, because it provides a simple and transparent means of 7 pricing that minimizes transaction costs. 8 Q. What about standard contracts and procedures? 9 A. I believe there are also elements of Rocky Mountain Power witness 10 Clements' testimony, with respect to larger projects, that would have value for both the 11 utility and the QF, for projects below the eligibility cap. For example, and without 12 endorsing specific components of Mr. Clements' proposed Schedule 38, the concept of a 13 list of requirements and schedule of actions and responses, would provide transparency, 14 simplicity and certainty to QFs below a 10 MW cap. The major addition I believe is 15 necessary for small projects would be to also develop standardized contracts. These are 16 similar to requirements which Idaho Power and PacifiCorp must meet in other states and 17 to a great extent already exist. 18 Q. Idaho Power proposes a new Schedule 74 which would allow the company 19 to interrupt deliveries from QFs during periods of low load, and instead run its own base 20 load generation, which it classifies as "must run." The Company classifies its run of river 21 hydro plants as "must run," stating that it cannot back these units down. (Parks, at 22 page 24). 23 Q. Do you agree that run-of-river hydro units should be classified as must 24 run? 25 A. No. From a physical or operational standpoint, hydro units are very SORENSON, Di 4 Renewable Energy Coalition I flexible in when and how much electricity they generate. 2 Q. Without getting into a discussion of legal issues concerning what Idaho 3 Power's FERC licenses may or may not require, is it physically possible to ramp hydro 4 generation, up or down? 5 A. Yes. For run-of—river hydro projects it is almost always physically 6 possible to back down or curtail hydroelectric generation without impacting downstream 7 flows. This can happen in several ways. If a hydro project is using a Pelton Turbine, 8 water can still pass through the turbine, without the turbine actually generating electricity. 9 For other types of turbines, such as Frances or Kaplan, direct water pass-through does not 10 work and water would be diverted to pass around the turbine and be "spilled" into the 11 river below. 12 Q. Can you provide an example? 13 A. Yes, a good example would be Idaho Power's Shoshone Falls hydro plant. 14 If Idaho Power wished to curtail generation at this plant, it would simply divert water 15 away from the plant's penstock leading down to plant, allowing the water to instead go 16 over Shoshone Falls and into the river below the generating facility. 17 Q. Once curtailed, could generation at Shoshone Falls then be quickly 18 brought back on line? 19 A. Yes. The turbine wicket gates would be opened, the water would again 20 flow to the generators and the Shoshone Falls plant would be back on line, in a relatively 21 short period of time. 22 Q. Rocky Mountain Power recommends that environmental attributes (EAs) 23 generated by a QF project, including renewable energy credits (RECs), should go to the 24 utility, along with the QF energy sold to the utility. Do you agree? 25 A. I think it should depend on the type of resource identified by the utility in SORENSON, Di 5 Renewable Energy Coalition I its IRP as the next major identifiable avoided generating asset. If that avoidable resource 2 is a renewable resource, then the EAs and RECs from the QF renewable resource should 3 go to the utility as part of the power sale. After all, the QF resource in this instance is 4 deferring the utility owned renewable resource, and it makes sense that the utility should 5 also get the EAs and RECs as part of the power purchase. 6 On the other hand, if the next IRP identified avoidable resource of a utility 7 that is used to set the standard avoided cost is not a renewable resource - for instance, a 8 gas fired power plant - the EAs and RECs from a renewable QF sale should not also 9 transfer to the utility along with the sale of power, without additional compensation. For 10 Idaho Power and PacifiCorp, the next avoidable generating units appear to be gas fired 11 power plants. In the case of these two utilities, the EAs and RECs for renewable QF 12 projects selling power to them should remain with the developer and the standard 13 contracts developed for projects below the 10 MW eligibility cap should contain a clear 14 statement to that effect. 15 Q. Does this conclude your testimony? 16 A. Yes SORENSON, Di 6 Renewable Energy Coalition CERTIFICATE OF DELIVERY I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this 4th day of May, 2012, I caused to be served a true and correct copy of the foregoing document upon the following individuals in the manner indicated below: El Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) LI Facsimile Transmission El Federal Express Electronic Transmission El Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) El Facsimile Transmission El Federal Express Electronic Transmission Donovan E. Walker Jason B. Williams Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 dwalker@idahopower.com jwilliamsidahopower.com Michael G. Andrea Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Avenue - MSC-23 Spokane, WA 99202 michael.andreaavistacorp.com Daniel E. Solander El Hand Delivery PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power El US Mail (postage prepaid) 201 South Main, Suite 2300 El Facsimile Transmission Salt Lake City, UT 84111 El Federal Express daniel.solanderpacificorp.com 0 Electronic Transmission Donald L. Howell, II Kristine A. Sasser Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington (zip: 83702) P0 Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 don.howellpuc.idaho.gov kris.sasserpuc.idaho.gov Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 peter@richardsonandoleary.com gregrichardsonandoleary.com Attorneys for NIPPC, J.R. Simplot Co., Grand View, Exergy Development Group, Board of County Commissioners of Adams County, Idaho and Clearwater Paper Corporation El Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) El Facsimile Transmission El Federal Express Electronic Transmission El Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) El Facsimile Transmission El Federal Express Electronic Transmission SORENSON, Di 7 Renewable Energy Coalition Robert D. Kahn NIPPC, Executive Director Hand Delivers' 1 Li US Mail (postage prepaid) 117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98101 Li Facsimile Transmission rkahn Federal Express nippc.org Electronic Transmission Don Sturtevant Energy Director Li Hand Delivery JR. Simplot Company US Mail (postage prepaid) P.O. Box 27 Li Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83707-0027 Li Federal Express don.sturtevantsimplot.com Electronic Transmission Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar II Li Hand Delivery 15690 Vista Circle Li US Mail (postage prepaid) Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 Li Facsimile Transmission robertapau108gmail.com Li Federal Express Electronic Transmission James Carkulis Managing Member Li Hand Delivery Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC Li US Mail (postage prepaid) 802 West Bannock Street, Suite 1200 Li Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83702 F-1 Federal Express jcarkulisexergydevelopment.com Electronic Transmission Don Reading Li Hand Delivery Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC Li US Mail (postage prepaid) 6070 Hill Road Li Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83703 Li Federal Express dreading@mindspring.com Electronic Transmission Bill Brown, Chair Li Hand Delivery Board of Commissioners of Adams County Li US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 48 Li Facsimile Transmission Council, ID 83612 Li Federal Express bdbrown@frontiemet.net Electronic Transmission Man' Lewallen Li Hand Delivery Clearwater Paper Corporation Li US Mail (postage prepaid) 601 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 1100 Li Facsimile Transmission Spokane, WA 99201 Li Federal Express Marv.lewallen@clearwaterpaper.com Electronic Transmission SORENSON, Di 8 Renewable Energy Coalition John R. Lowe Consultant to Hand Delivery Renewable Energy Coalition US Mail (postage prepaid) Facsimile Transmission 12050 SW Tremont Street Federal Express Portland, OR 97225 jravenesanmarcosyahoo.com Electronic Transmission R. Greg Femey El Hand Delivery Mimura Law Offices, PLLC L US Mail (postage prepaid) 2176 E. Franklin Road, Suite 120 fl Facsimile Transmission Meridian, ID 83642 Li Federal Express greg@mimuralaw.com Electronic Transmission Attorneys for Interconnect Solar Bill Piske, Manager El Hand Delivery Interconnect Solar Development, LLC fl US Mail (postage prepaid) 1303 E. Carter Boise, ID 83706 Li Facsimile Transmission billpiske@cableone.net fl Federal Express Electronic Transmission Wade Thomas L Hand Delivery General Counsel Dynamis Energy, LLC Li US Mail (postage prepaid) 776 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 150 Li Li Facsimile Transmission Eagle, ID 83616 Federal Express Electronic Transmission wthomasdynamisenergy.com C. Thomas Arkoosh Capitol Law Group, PLLC F1 Hand Delivery 205 N. 10th St., 4th Floor Li US Mail (postage prepaid) P0 Box 2598 Li Facsimile Transmission Boise, ID 83701 Li Federal Express tarkooshcapitollawgroup.com Electronic Transmission Attorneys for Twin Falls Canal Company And North Side Canal Company Brian Olmstead Li Hand Delivery General Manager Li US Mail (postage prepaid) T Twin Falls Canal Company Li Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 326 Twin Falls, ID 83303 Li Federal Express olmstead@tfcanal.com Electronic Transmission SORENSON, Di 9 Renewable Energy Coalition Ted Diehl General Manager U Hand Deliver)' North Side Canal Company E US Mail (postage prepaid) 921 N. Lincoln . U Facsimile Transmission Jerome, ID 83338 U Federal Express nscanal@cableone.net Electronic Transmission Ted S. Sorenson U Hand Deliver)' Birch Power Company 5203 South I I th East U US Mail (postage prepaid) Idaho Falls, ID 83404 U U Facsimile Transmission ted@tsorenson.net Federal Express Electronic Transmission Dean J. Miller U Hand Deliver)' McDevitt & Miller, LLP U US Mail (postage prepaid) 420 W. Bannock Street (zip: 83702) U Facsimile Transmission P0 Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 F-1 Federal Express joe@mcdevitt-miller.com Electronic Transmission Attorneys for Idaho Windfarms, LLC and Renewable Northwest Project Glenn Ikemoto U Hand Deliver)' Margaret Rueger F-1 USMail (postage prepaid) Idaho Windfarms, LLC U Facsimile Transmission 672 Blair Avenue U Federal Express Piedmont, CA 94611 glenni@envisionwind.com Electronic Transmission margaretenvisionwind.com Megan Walseth Decker Senior Staff Counsel Renewable Northwest Project 421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1125 Portland, OR 97204 meganmp.org U Hand Delivery U US Mail (postage prepaid) fl Facsimile Transmission U Federal Express Electronic Transmission M. J. Humphries Blue Ribbon Energy LLC U Hand Delivery 4515 S. Ammon Road U US Mail (postage prepaid) Ammon, ID 83406 fl Facsimile Transmission Federal Express blueribbonenergygmail.com U Electronic Transmission SORENSON, Di 10 Renewable Energy Coalition Arron F. Jepson Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 10660 South 540 East Sandy, UT 84070 arronesqaol.com Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. Sixth Street (zip: 83702) P0 Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 botto@idahoconservation.org Liz Woodruff Ken Miller Snake River Alliance P0 Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 lwoodruff@snakeriveralliance.org kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org Tauna Christensen Energy Integrity Project 769N. 1100E. Shelley, ID 83274 tauna@energyintegrityproject.org El Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) El Facsimile Transmission El Federal Express Electronic Transmission O Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) El Facsimile Transmission 0 Federal Express Electronic Transmission El Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) El Facsimile Transmission El Federal Express Electronic Transmission El Hand Delivery El US Mail (postage prepaid) El Facsimile Transmission El Federal Express Electronic Transmission Is' eiiilJ4 L. WL&40 Ronald L. Williams SORENSON, Di 11 Renewable Energy Coalition BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. GNR-E-1 1-03 RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION SORENSON, DI TESTIMONY EXHIBIT NO. 801 SUMMARY The following is a list of hydroelectric projects which Ted S. Sorenson, P.E. and principal of Sorenson Engineering has completed during his career. Additionally, projects which are owned, operated, and designed by Mr. Sorenson are also provided separately. One project which Mr. Sorenson purchased without designing is also listed. Below is a short summary of project totals. 1.Design of Hydroelectric Related Projects (35) 2.Design including Turbine/Generator and Switchgear for Hydroelectric Projects (31) - Completed over a period of 28 years, all are still operating. 3.Hydroelectric Projects Owned and Operated by Mr. Sorenson (11) 4 Projects with CHEC equipment (13) 5.Projects with Gilkes equipment (13) 6.Hydroelectric Projects not designed but owned by Mr. Sorenson. (1) SORENSON ENGINEERING- DESIGNED HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS 1.Arena Drop Hydroelectric Commissioned 2010 Head 76 feet Penstock 450 L.F. of 48-inch diameter pipe Flow: 100 CFS CHEC- Horizontal Frances connected to 500 kW Location: Near Boise, Idaho Construction Cost: $920,000 2.Arrowrock Hydroelectric (Pictured right) Commissioned 2010 Head 150feet Penstock 150 L. F. of 96-inch diameter pipe, two penstocks Flow: 1500 CFS CHEC- Vertical Frances connected to 8.0 MW generator, two units total 16.0 MW Transmission Line: 5 miles Location: Near Boise, Idaho Construction Cost: $28,500,000 Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 1 of 12 3.Midway Hydroelectric Commissioned 2006 Head 27 feet Penstock 90 L.F. of 98-inch diameter pipe, two penstocks Flow: 1300 CFS CHEC-Horizontal Manually regulated Kaplan connected to Single 1.6 MW generator, two units total 2.6 MW Transmission Line: 1 mile Location: Hansen, Idaho Construction Cost: $4,500,000 4.Mora Drop Hydroelectric (Pictured Right) Commissioned 2006 Head 38 feet Penstock 90 L. F. of 120-inch diameter pipe Flow: 550 CFS CHEC- Vertical Manually regulated Kaplan connected to Single 1.6 MW generator Transmission Line: 61 miles Location: Kuna Idaho Construction Cost: $2,200,000 5.Cove Flume Test Section for Pacific Power/Utah Power & Light Completed 1998 Feasibility and Design for Test Section for Open Channel Flume Flow 1500 cfs Cast-in-Place and Precast Concrete Sections 6.Mopan Hydroelectric Completed 1996 Feasibility and power sales for 12 megawatt Facility to include 42 meter high roller compacted concrete dam and 92 kilometer transmission line in remote area. Location: State of Petan, Guatemala, Central America. 7.Twin Falls Hydroelectric Completed 1995 Fabrication Drawings for penstocks for 30 megawatt facility. Penstocks 14 feet in diameter. Location: Near Twin Falls, Idaho Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 2 of 12 8.Fall River Hydroelectric Commissioned 1993 Head 250 feet Penstock 2700 L.F. of 96-inch diameter pipe Flow: 550 CFS Bouvier- Two Frances turbines connected to two 5 MW generators Transmission Line: 861 miles Location: Ashton, Idaho Construction Cost: $14,000,000 9.Milner Dam Hydroelectric Completed 1992 Completed Design portion of design build contract for five 32-feet wide by 18-feet high radial gates Location: Near Burley, Idaho Fabrication Cost: $1,800,000 10.Friant Fish Release Hvdr000wer Project Commissioned 1992 Head 120 Feet Flow 35 cfs Gilkes- 500 KW Francis Turbine on Fish Hatchery Release Waters - -Friant Dam and Friant River Canal Location: Near Fresno, California Construction Cost: $800,000 11.lnram Ranch Lower Hydroelectric Proiect Commissioned 1990 Head 320 feet 11,000 L.F. of 30" Diameter Steel Penstock 20,000 L.F. of Trapezoidal Canal Flow 25 cfs Gilkes- Twin Jet Turgo 500 KW Induction Generator Location: Near Challis, Idaho Construction Cost: $600,000 12.Smith Falls Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1990 Head 1585 Feet Flow 370 cfs 28,000 L.F. of 72", 69" and 57" Diameter Steel Penstock Bouvier- Three Pelton Units; Two Twin Jets and One Single Jet 38,000 KW Aggregate Capacity of 3 Generators Location: Boundary County, Idaho Construction Cost: $14,000,000 Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 3 of 12 13.Faulkner Land & Livestock Hydroelectric Project Commissioned 1989 Head 140 feet 950 L.F. of 51" Diameter Steel pipe Penstock through rough mountain canyon terrain Flow 80 cfs Gilkes- Frances Turbine 875 KW Induction Generator Utility Grade Switchgear, 2 miles of 14 Ky transmission line Location: Near Bliss, Idaho Construction Cost: $1,000,000 14.0. J. Power Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1988 Head 410 feet 6,000 L.F. 18" Diameter Steel pipe Penstock Flow 7cfs Gilkes- Single Jet Turgo Turbine 180 KW Induction Generator Industrial Grade Switchgear Location: Oneida County, Idaho Construction Cost: $250,000 15.Mink Creek Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1987 Head 470 feet 11,000 L.F. of 50" Diameter Steel pipe Penstock through rough mountain canyon terrain Flow 100 cfs Gilkes- Twin Jet Turgo Turbine 3,000 KW Synchronous Generator Utility Grade Switchgear Location: Franklin County, Idaho Construction Cost: $2,500 16.Amy Ranch Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1987 Head 940 feet 20,200 L. F. of 18" Diameter Steel pipe Penstock Flow 11 cfs Bouvier- Twin Jet Pelton Wheel Turbine 700 KW Induction Generator Industrial Grade Switchgear Location: Butte County, Idaho Construction Cost: $850,000 Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 4 of 12 17.Snedigar Ranch Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1986 Head 190 feet Penstock 4,000 L.F. 30" Diameter Steel pipe through rough canyon terrain Flow 35 cfs Barber-Frances Turbine 540 KW Induction Generator Industrial Grade Switchgear Construction Cost: $650,000 18.Littlewood River Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1986 Head 29 feet 3,000 L.F. of canal in lava rock Flow 460 cfs Gilkes- Two Frances Open Flume Turbines 960 KW Two Induction Generators Industrial Grade Switchgear, 1/2 mile transmission line Location: Near Gooding, Idaho Construction Cost: $1,400,000 19.Geo Bon II Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1986 Head 31 feet Penstock 120 L.F. 120" Diameter Steel pipe 3,000 L.F. canal and tailrace in lava rock Flow 480 cfs Voith- Double Regulated Kaplan Turbine 1,030 KW Synchronous Generator Utility Grade Switchgear Location: Near Shoshone, Idaho Construction Cost: $1,700,000 20.Schaffner Ranch Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1986 Head 1,230 feet Penstock 11,000 L.F. 18" Diameter Steel pipe Flow 5cfs Gilkes- Pelton Turbine 440 KW Induction Generator Utility Grade Switchgear, 2.5 miles high voltage (46 KV) transmission line Location: Lemhi County, Idaho Construction Cost: $1,600,000 Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 5 of 12 21.Ingram Ranch Upper Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1985 Head 185 feet Penstock 900 L.F. 48" Diameter Steel pipe; 20,000 L.F. trapezoidal canal Flow 80 cfs Gilkes-Frances Turbine 1,060 KW Synchronous Generator Utility Grade Switchgear Location: Near Challis, Idaho Construction Cost: $1,100,000 22.Georgetown Irrigation Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1984 Head 220 feet Penstock 18,500 feet of existing irrigation main 30" Diameter through 42" Diameter Steel pipe Flow 30 cfs Gilkes- Twin Jet Turgo Turbine 480 KW Induction Generator Industrial Grade Switchgear Location: Georgetown, Idaho Construction Cost: $500,000 SORENSON ENGINEERING- DESIGNED HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS- IN PROGRESS 1.South Canal Drop 1 Hydroelectric Expected Commissioning 2013 Head: 54.2 feet Flow: 1000 CFS CHEC- Vertical Kaplan connected to a 4.0 MW generator Penstock: 1,130 feet 132 inch dia. steel pipe Location: Near Montrose, Colorado 2.South Canal Drop 3 Hydroelectric Expected Commissioning 2013 Head: 47.3 feet Flow: 1000 CFS CHEC- Vertical Kaplan connected to a 3.5 MW generator Penstock: 290 feet 132 inch dia. steel pipe Location: Near Montrose, Colorado Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 6 of 12 Fargo Hydroelectric Expected Commissioning 2013 Head: Unit 1 140 feet, Unit 2 81 feet Flow: Unit 75 cfs, Unit 240 cfs CHEC- Two Horizontal Frances Turbines connected single 1.1 MW generator Penstock: 1,130 feet 132 inch dia. steel pipe Location: Near Montrose, Colorado Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 7 of 12 TED SORENSON- DESIGN/OWN! OPERATE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS 1.C-Drop Hydroelectric (Pictured Right) Commissioned 2012 Head: 23 feet Flow: 700 cfs CHEC- Vertical Kaplan connected to a 1.1 MW generator Location: Klamath Falls, Oregon CONSTRUCTION COST $ 1,800,000 2.Lower Turnbull Hydroelectric Commissioned 2011 Head 150feet Penstock 2,215 L.F. of 108-inch dia. pipe, Flow: 700 CFS CHEC- Vertical Frances connected to 7.8 MW generator, Transmission Line: 1.7 miles Location: Near Fairfield, Montana Construction Cost: $7,000,000 3.Upper Turnbull Hydroelectric (Pictured Right) Commissioned 2011 Head lOOfeet Penstock 967 L.F. of 108-inch dia. pipe, Flow: 700 CFS CHEC-Vertical Frances connected to 5.7 MW generator, Transmission Line: 1.3 miles Location: Near Fairfield, Montana Construction Cost: $5,000,000 Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 8 of 12 4.Belize Hydroelectric (Pictured) Commissioned 2007 Head 120 feet Penstock 550 L.F. of 72-inch diameter pipe Flow: 375 CFS CHEC- Two Frances Turbines connected to Single 3.4 MW generator Transmission Line: 61 miles Location: Toledo District, Belize, Central America Construction Cost: $4,000,000 5.Pancheri Hydroelectric Commissioned 2010 Head 503 feet Flow 9cfs CH EC- Twin Jet Pelton, 290 KW Penstock: 10,000 feet 20 inch dia. Location: Near Howe Idaho Cost: $600,000 Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 9 of 12 6. Tiber Dam Hydroelectric (Pictured Riaht Commissioned 2004 Head 175 feet Penstock 90 L.F. of 96-inch diameter pipe Flow: 700 cfs Gilkes-Frances Turbines connected to Single 7.5 MW generator Transmission Line: 1 mile Location: Liberty County, Montana Construction Cost: $7,000,000 Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 10 of 12 7. Marsh Valley Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1993 Head 100 feet Penstock 600 L.F. of 60-inch diameter pipe Flow: 250 cfs Chinese (Not CHEC)- Two Frances Turbines connected to Single 1900 KW generator Transmission Line: 3 miles Location: Bannock County, Idaho Construction Cost: $1,800,000 8 Oregon North Fork Sprague River Hydroelectric Prolect Commissioned 1988 Head 185 feet 5,700 L F of 51" Diameter Steel pipe Penstock through rough mountain canyon terrain Flow 100 cfs Bouvier- Twin Frances Turbines mounted on Single Generator 1,230 KW Induction Generator Utility Grade Switchgear, 6 miles of 14 KV transmission line Location: Near Klamath Falls, Oregon Construction Cost: $1,400,000 9. Birch Creek Hydroelectric Facility Commissioned 1986 Head 517 feet 22,000 L.F. 5111 Diameter Steel pipe Penstock; 12 miles trapezoidal canal Flow 75 cfs Gilkes-Twin Jet Turgo Turbine (1986) CHEC- Pelton Wheel (re-powered in 2007) 2,700 KW Synchronous Generator Utility Grade Switchgear Location: Clark County, Idaho Construction Cost: $3,200,000 Exhibit No 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 11 of 12 TED SORENSON- OWNED HYDROELECTRIC PROJECTS, NOT DESIGNED BY SORENSON ENGINEERING Wry Creek Hydroelectric Project Commissioned 2000 Head: 1,220 feet Flow: 55 US Gilkes- 3.4 MW Penstock: 60,000 feet 42 inch dia. steel pipe Location: Near Howe Idaho Exhibit No. 801 Case No. GNR-E-11-03 T. Sorenson, REC Page 12 of 12