HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120821Application for Intervenor Funding.pdfC pitol Law C. Tom Arkoosh PLLC www.capitollawgroup.com I ctarkooshcapitollawgroup.com 2012AUG21 AM 8:E2 DAHC UTILI TIES '14M!S0 i August 20, 2012 Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Our Client: Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 Case No. GNR-E- 11-03 CLG File No. 64 17.000 Dear Commissioners: Enclosed please find an original and nine copies of an Application for Intervenor Funding filed on behalf of Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, American Falls Reservoir District No. 2, and The Renewable Energy Coalition If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Capitol Law Group, PLLC '~6pErin ecil Legal Assistant to C. Tom Arkoosh CTA/emc Enclosures 205 North 10th Street, 4th Floor, P0 Box 2598, Boise, ID 83701-2598 • Tel: (208) 424.8872 Fax: (208) 424.8874 C. Thomas Arkoosh, ISB No. 2253 RECEtvE CAPITOL LAW GROUP, PLLC , Auf 205 N. 10th St., 4th Floor ' u 2 A IN 8 t2 P.O. Box 2598 fT Boise, Idaho 83701-2598 UTILLI ., Telephone: (208) 424-8872 Facsimile: (208) 424-8874 E-mail: tarkoosh(2icapitollawgroup.com Attorneys for Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 Ronald L. Williams, ISB No. 3034 Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 Telephone: (208) 344-6633 Fax: (208) 344-0077 E-mail: ron@williamsbradbury.com Attorneys for Renewable Energy Coalition and Dynamis Energy LLC BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMIS- SION'S REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT PROVISION INCLUDING THE SUBROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR) AND INTEGRAT- ED RESOURCE PLANNING (IRP) METHODOLOGIES FOR CALCU- LATING PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES. Case No. GNR-E- 11-03 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING COME NOW Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, The Renewable Energy Coalition, Big Wood Canal Company, and American Falls Reservoir District #2 (collectively, "Companies"), pursuant to Idaho Code § 61-617A and IDAPA with the following application for intervenor funding. The Twin Falls Canal Company, the North APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - 1 Side Canal Company and the Renewable Energy Coalition are intervenors in this case pursuant to Order No. 32352 wherein the Commission automatically included all parties from the prior case GNR-E- 11-01. Big Wood Canal Company and American Falls Reservoir District #2 are intervenors in this case pursuant to Order No. 32603 wherein the Commission granted their Petition to Intervene. This application is timely under IDAPA, which establishes a deadline "no later than fourteen (14) days after the last evidentiary hearing in a proceeding[.]" I. Idaho Code § 61-617A and IDAPA Rule Revenue Requirement Idaho Power Corporation, Rocky Mountain Power and Avista Corporation are regulated public utilities with gross Idaho intrastate annual revenue exceeding three million, five hundred thousand dollars ($3,500,000.00). II. IDAPA Rule Requirements 1. Itemized List of Expenses The attached Exhibit A is an itemized list of partial expenses incurred by the Companies in this proceeding, which are the fees associated with retaining the expert consulting services of Mr. Don Schoenbeck. The Companies are not requesting recovery of the attorney fees of counsel, Mr. Tom Arkoosh or Mr. Ronald L. Williams. 2. Statement of Proposed Findings The Companies have materially participated in the case, and will have materially contrib- uted to the decision to be rendered by the Commission in the case Through presentation of their direct case, in cross examination of utility witnesses, and in closing arguments, the Companies advocated for twenty-year PURPA power purchase agreements ("PPAs"), instead of five-year PPAs, presented compelling arguments why the eligibility cap for published rates be set at 10 MW (nameplate), not 100 kW (Idaho Power's proposal), or 10 average MW for non-wind and solar (Staff, RMP and Avista), and advocated for requiring that avoided costs established by a APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -2 third-party production simulation model, such as AURORA, requiring two computer simulations. The Companies also proposed, for Idaho Power, that a SCCT be used to determine Quali- fied Facility ("QF") capacity costs, but that a CCCT be used for Rocky Mountain Power, that capacity payments not be made in early years of capacity sufficiency, but that the capacity prices could be paid (levelized) over the life of a power purchase agreement; and that a reasonable security deposit be obtained by utilities at the outset of each QF contract, but that actual damages for breach of contract caused by the QF be a "mark to market" determination. Finally, the Companies opposed Idaho Power's proposed Schedule 74 curtailment of their QF deliveries to Idaho Power during low-load operating conditions for economic reasons, and advocated for ownership retention by the Companies of renewable energy credits ("RECs") for the energy they produce. 3. Statement Showing Costs The Companies request $55,445 in intervenor funding, as shown in Exhibit A. Both the hourly rate and hours expended by Mr. Schoenbeck are reasonable in light of the complexity of the issues involved, as well as the multiple parties participating in the case. 4. Explanation of Cost Statement The members/owners of the Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, and American Falls Reservoir District #2 are ratepayers of Idaho Power. They are finding their participation in this case through a membership assessment fee. The Renewable Energy Coalition Idaho members, who are customers of and have PPAs with both Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power, also have imposed a special assessment upon themselves to support the coalition's involvement in this case, and include Ted Sorenson (Birch Creek Power), Rob Fackrell, Jack Straubhar, Bill Arkoosh, Allan Ravenscroft, Alan Koyle, David Snedigar, the Farmer's Irrigation District, and the Middle Fork Irrigation District. Collectively, APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -3 these companies and individuals have retained the services of an experienced, well-trained expert who is familiar with the environments and variations with which utilities work in setting rates and establishing PURPA contracts with QFs. 5. Statement of Difference The Companies' proposed findings are materially different than the Commission staff ("Staff'). For example, Staff advocates five-year contracts, while the Companies argue for twenty-year agreements. Staff argues for a 100 kW cap for wind and solar, and a 10 MW cap for all others, while the Companies advocate a 10 MW cap for all QFs. Staff argues in favor of Idaho Power's proposed Schedule 74, while the Companies oppose the schedule. Staff recommends that, for QFs above the eligibility cap, that the renewable energy credits transfer to the utility, while the Companies believe that the RECs are the private property of the QF developers. The Companies advocate for inclusion of capacity each year, alteration of the Integrated Resource Plan only for gas price changes, inclusion of the cost of carbon credits in avoided costs, and exclusion of "merely mentioned" possible future QFs. Staff does not concur with these proposals. The Companies propose as a reasonable security deposit a rolling average "mark to market" calculation of delay damages, while Staff proposes continuation of the current ad hoc calculation without change. 6. Statement of Recommendation The Companies recommend the Commission adopt their proposed findings, which include: 1.Establishing an eligibility cap of 10 MW for all PURPA projects; 2.Maintaining a maximum contract term of twenty years; 3.Allowing avoided costs to be determined by a third-party simulation model, such as AURORA, if two computer simulations are run; APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -4 4.Allowing avoided cost energy updates between IRP publications, only for gas price updates, and signed QF contracts, but only once per year; 5.Including carbon costs in the calculation of avoided costs; 6 Determining avoided capacity costs for each utility, based on that utility's need for capacity; 7.Not including capacity payments when capacity is not needed, but include capacity payments in the first year of need; 8.Paying for avoided capacity only for the peak months (not single month) and on-peak hours of each utility; 9.Rejecting Idaho Power's proposed schedule 74; and 10.Allowing the QF developers to own the RECs associated with their renewable energy project. The Companies' proposed findings address issues of concern for customers of IPC, as well as the public interest. All customers, regardless of class, share a strong interest in ensuring Idaho utilities acquire power pursuant to rules that are fair, are accurate, and conform to applicable laws. The proposals listed above allow for the appropriate price changes to avoided cost rates, while also ensuring that when Idaho's investor-owned utilities need additional energy and capacity, there is a viable small-hydro industry ready to be the "but-for" provider to those utilities. In addition, the involvement of Idaho's canal system in the production of inexpensive re- newable energy provides a multiplier effect into the local economy in various ways: the power payment goes into the local economy by relieving assessments against shareholders and members, which strengthens local economies and enhances local agriculture while simultaneously leaving ratepayers indifferent to energy payments that would have otherwise not have been so locally beneficial. APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -5 The Companies' recommendation regarding RECs ensures the answer to this question conforms to applicable law, and thus, if adopted, will reduce the likelihood of further legal challenges and increased costs to Idaho ratepayers. Finally, while not directly related to utility customers, the Companies' recommendation addresses an issue of concern for all Idahoans interested in fostering renewable energy develop- ment in this state. All customers share a strong interest in ensuring Idaho investor-owned utilities operate their existing resources so as to find the least cost, most reliable solution to meet their legal obligations to serve Idaho consumers. 7. Statement Showing Class of Customer The Companies' members are residential and small commercial customers of Idaho Power and Rocky Mountain Power, as well as QFs falling within the purview of Section 210 of PURPA allowing for sale and purchase of energy from investor-owned utilities. WHEREFORE, the Companies respectfully request the Commission grant this application. DATED this 2.0 day of August, 2012. CAPITOL LAW GROUP, PLLC Attorneys for Twin Falls Canal Company, North Side Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company and American Falls Reservoir District No. 2 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this ____ day of August, 2012, I served a true and correct copy of the foregoing upon each of the following individuals by causing the same to be delivered by the method and to the addresses indicated below: Jean Jewell, Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington St. Boise, Idaho 83702 U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail jean.jewel1(12uc.idaho.gov U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile X Via E-Mail daniel.solander@pacificorp.com U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile X Via E-Mail ron@williamsbradbury.com U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile X Via E-Mail robertaDaul08c,gmail.com U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail greg(iimimuralaw.com Daniel Solander Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main St., Ste. 300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury PC 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, Idaho 83702 Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar II 15690 Vista circle Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 R. Greg Femey Mimura Law Offices, PLLC 2176 E. Franklin Rd., Ste. 120 Meridian, Idaho 83642 Bill Piske, Manager U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Interconnect Solar Development, LLC Hand-Delivered 1303 E. Carter Overnight Mail Boise, Idaho 83706 Facsimile X Via E-Mail billpiske@cableone.net Robert D. Kahn, Executive Director U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Northwest and Intermountain Power Hand-Delivered Producers Coalition Overnight Mail 1117 Minor Ave., Ste. 300 Facsimile Seattle, WA 98101 _X_ Via E-Mail rkahnnippc.org APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -7 Michael G. Andrea U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Avista Corporation Hand-Delivered 1411 East Mission Ave Overnight Mail Spokane, WA 99202 Facsimile X Via E-Mail michael.andrea@avistacorp.com Dean J Miller U S Mail, postage prepaid McDevitt & Miller, LLP Hand-Delivered P.0. Box 2564 Overnight Mail Boise, Idaho 83701 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail ioe(mcdevrn-miller corn Don Sturtevant, Energy Director U.S. Mail, postage prepaid J.R. Simplot Company Hand-Delivered P.O. Box 27 Overnight Mail Boise, Idaho 83707 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail don.sturtevan@simplot.com James Carkulis, Managing Member U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Exergy Development Group of ID, LLC Hand-Delivered 802 W. Bannock St., Ste. 1200 Overnight Mail Boise, Idaho 83702 Facsimile _X Via E-Mail icarkulis@exergydevelopment.com M J Humphries U S Mail, postage prepaid Blue Ribbon Energy LLC Hand-Delivered 4515 S. Ammon Rd. Overnight Mail Ammon, Idaho 83406 Facsimile X Via E-Mail blueribbonenergy(ligmail.com Brian Olmstead, General Manager U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Twin Falls Canal Company Hand-Delivered P.O. Box 326 Overnight Mail Twin Falls, Idaho 83303 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail olmsteadtfcanal com John R. Lowe U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Consultant to Renewable Energy Hand-Delivered Coalition Overnight Mail 12050 SW Tremont St Facsimile Portland, OR 97225 _X Via E-Mail jravenesanmarcos(yahoo.com Donovan E Walker U S Mail, postage prepaid Jason B. Williams Hand-Delivered Idaho Power Company Overnight Mail P.O. Box 70 Facsimile Boise, Idaho 83707-0700 _X_ Via E-Mail dwalker@idahopower.com jwilliams@idahopower.com APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -8 Ted Sorensen PE U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Birch Power Company Hand-Delivered 5203 South 11th East Overnight Mail Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail ted@tsorenson.net Bill Brown, Chair U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Board of Commissioners of Adams Hand-Delivered County, ID Overnight Mail P.O. Box 48 Facsimile Council, Idaho 83612 _X_ Via E-Mail bdbrown@frontiernet.net Donald L. Howell, II U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Kristine A. Sasser Hand-Delivered Deputy Attorneys General Overnight Mail Idaho Public Utilities Commission Facsimile 472 W. Washington St. _X Via E-Mail don.howel1(2ipuc.idaho.gov Boise, Idaho 83702 kris.sasser(puc.idaho.gov Anon F. Jepsen U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Blue Ribbon Energy, LLC Hand-Delivered 10660 South 540 East Overnight Mail Sandy, UT 84070 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail arronesg(aol.com Wade Thomas, General Counsel U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Dynamis Energy, LLC Hand-Delivered 776 W. Riverside Dr., Ste. 15 Overnight Mail Eagle, Idaho 83616 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail wthomas@dynamisenergy.com Glenn Ikemoto U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Margaret Rueger Hand-Delivered Idaho Windfarms, LLC Overnight Mail 672 Blair Ave. Facsimile Piedmont, CA 94611 _X_ Via E-Mail glenni(envisionwind.com margaret(envisionwind.com Ted Diehl, General Manager U.S. Mail, postage prepaid North Side Canal Company Hand-Delivered 921 N. Lincoln St. Overnight Mail Jerome, Idaho 83338 Facsimile X Via E-Mail nscanal@cableone.net Megan Walseth Decker U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Senior Staff Counsel Hand-Delivered Renewable Northwest Project Overnight Mail 917 SW Oak St., Ste. 303 Facsimile Portland, OR 97205 _X_ Via E-Mail megan(rnD.org APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -9 Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83701 Don Schoenbeck RCS 900 Washington St., Ste. 78 Vancouver, WA 98660 Liz Woodruff Ken Miller Snake River Alliance P.O. Box 1731 Boise, Idaho 83701 Deborah E. Nelson Kelsey J. Nunez Givens Pursley LLP P.O. Box 2720 Boise, Idaho 83701-2720 Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Rd. Boise, Idaho 83703 U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail peter@richardsonandoleary.com greiz@richardsonandolega.com U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile X Via E-Mail rnarv.lewallen@clearwaterpaper.com U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile Via E-Mail botto(idahoconservation.org U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile X_ Via E-Mail dws@r-c-s-inc.com U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile X Via E-Mail lwoornff(snakeriveralliance.org kmi1ler(snakerivera1liance.org U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail dengivenspursley.com kjn@eivenspursley.com U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Hand-Delivered Overnight Mail Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail dreading(2lmindspring.com Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P.O. Box 7218 Boise, Idaho 83702 Mary Lewallen Clearwater Paper Corporation 601 W. Riverside Ave., Ste. 1100 Spokane, WA 99201 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING - 10 Tauna Christensen U.S. Mail, postage prepaid Energy Integrity Project Hand-Delivered 769N. 1100E. Overnight Mail Shelley, Idaho 83274 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail tauna(energyintegrityproject.org Lynn Harmon U.S. Mail, postage prepaid AFRD #2 Hand-Delivered 409 N. Apple St. Overnight Mail Shoshone, Idaho 83352 Facsimile _X_ Via E-Mail lynnharrnon@cableone.net Michael J Uda U S Mail, postage prepaid Uda Law Firm, P.C. Hand-Delivered ____ th . ____ 7 W. 6 Avenue, Suite 4E Overnight Mail Facsimile Helena, MT 59601 Attorneys for Mountain Air Projects, LLC _X_ Via E-Mail muda@mthelena.com J. Kahle Becker, Idaho U.S. Mail, postage prepaid The Alaska Center ____ Hand-Delivered 1020 W. Main St. Suite 400 Overnight Mail Boise, ID 83702 Facsimile Attorneys for Mountain Air Projects, LLC _X_ Via E-Mail kahle@kahlebeckerlaw.com C. Thomas Ark sh APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -11 Exhibit A Task: Prepare direct testimony and rebuttal; respond to counsel questions and discovery; propound discovery; advise counsel; present self for cross-examination. Fees: Hours Rate Amount Donald Schoenbeck 269 $205 $55,145 Robynn L. Woodbury 2 150 300 Total: $ 55,445 APPLICATION FOR INTERVENOR FUNDING -12