HomeMy WebLinkAbout20130122Answer to IPC Petition.pdfUDA LAW FIRM, P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW MICHAEL ). UDA, MS January 17, 2013 OVERNIGHT SERVICE: Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702 RE: GNR-E-11-03 Dear Ms. Jewell, 7 WEST 6Th AVENUE, SUITE 4E HELENA, MT 59601 TELEPHONE: (406) 457-5311 EMAIL: rnuda@mthelena.com F. Lfl r Enclosed for filing please find the original and seven copies of Mountain Air Projects, LLC 's Answer to Idaho Power Company's Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, CthleeAnN. ~Uda Legal Secretary To Michael J. Uda Enclosures Admitted in Oregon and Montana F. Michael J. Uda Uda Law Firm, P.C. 7 W. 6th Avenue, Suite 4E Helena, MT 59601 Telephone (406) 457-5311 Facsimile: (406) 447-4255 Email: muda@mthelena.com 22? 1iO: jf Attorney for Mountain Air Projects, LLC. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S ) CASE NO. GNR-E-11-03 REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT ) PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE ) SURROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR) ) ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING ) COMPANY'S PETITION FOR (IRP) METHODOLOGIES FOR ) CLARIFICATION AND/OR CALCULATING PUBLISHED AVOIDED ) RECONSIDERATION COST RATES. ) Pursuant to Rule of Procedure 331 of the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (the "Commission"), Mountain Air Projects, LLC ("Mountain Air") submits this Answer to Idaho Power Company's ("Idaho Power") January 8, 2013 Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration (the "Petition") of the Commission's Order No. 32697 issued on December 18, 2012 in this proceeding (the "December 18 Order").' Mountain Air respectfully requests that the Commission deny Idaho Power's request for clarification regarding curtailment because its requested clarification is flatly contradicted by the plain language of the December 18 Order, and because its request is not supported by the language in the existing contracts at issue in this proceeding or by any other evidence in the record. Mountain Air acknowledges this Answer is beyond the seven (7) days for filing an answer permitted under Commission Rule 331.05 (time calculated pursuant to Commission Rule 331.02.) Mountain Air respectfully moves the Commission for leave to file this answer out of time pursuant to Commission Rule 256, but Mountain Air does not request expedited treatment of this motion pursuant to Commission Rule 256.2. ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION In the Petition, Idaho Power requests that the Commission clarify its finding that Idaho Power may not rely on Section 292.304(f) of the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ("FERC"), 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(f), to curtail purchases from qualifying facilities ("QFs") under existing contracts entered into pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 ("PURPA"). Specifically, the Commission found that: [W]hile each power purchase agreement (PPA) that we have reviewed contains a general reference to 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(f), curtailment under this section was not reasonably contemplated when the parties entered into their agreements. The apparent need for such authority to curtail under these circumstances has only presented itself within the last several years in Idaho - and, as evidenced by the testimony, seems to be a problem only on Idaho Power's system. December 18 Order at 36. In the Petition, Idaho Power requests clarification that: [T]he Commission's finding that curtailment under 18 C.F.R. § 304(f) "was not reasonably contemplated when the parties entered into their agreements" refers only to the factual, operation circumstances that exist today, that may not have existed at the time of contracting, and specifically does not mean that the parties did not contemplate the application of FERC regulations or federal law to the PURPA contracts when entering into those agreement, including 18 C.F.R. §304(1). Petition at 5-6 (emphasis added). In other words, Idaho Power is requesting that the Commission "clarify" that it meant the opposite of what it actually found, i.e., that the Commission's finding that the parties to Idaho Power's existing PURPA contracts did not contemplate curtailment under 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(f) actually means that the parties did contemplate curtailment under this provision. Because Idaho Power's requested clarification is directly contradicted by the actual language in the December 18 Order, the Commission should deny Idaho Power's request for clarification regarding curtailment. In addition, Idaho Power's request for clarification is not supported by the provisions of the existing PURPA contracts at issue in this proceeding. According to Idaho Power, each of its PURPA contracts "contained a specific reference to 18 C.F.R. § 292.304 and its applicability to that purchase agreement." Petition at 5 (emphasis added). Idaho Power's claim is misleading, at best. Each of Mountain Air's six affiliated QFs entered into a PURPA contract with Idaho Power (which were approved by the Commission by order dated December 23, 2010). Mountain Air has reviewed these existing PURPA contracts, and the only provision that could be construed ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 2 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION as referring to 18 C.F.R. 292.304 is the following provision in Article VII ("Purchase Price and Method of Payment"), namely, Article 7.7, which provides as follows: Continuing Jurisdiction of the Commission - This Agreement is a special contract and, as such, the rates, terms and conditions contained in this Agreement will be construed in accordance with ... 18 CFR § 292.303-308. Therefore, there is no a "specific reference" to 18 C.F.R. § 292.304, much less a reference to the narrow curtailment provisions in 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(f). Instead, the reference in the contracts is a general reference to the FERC regulations governing relations between a QF and its host utility, namely, the rules governing the host utility's obligations to QFs (18 C.F.R. § 292.303), rates for purchases from QFs (18 C.F.R. 292.304), rates for sales to QFs (18 C.F.R. § 292.305), interconnection costs (18 C.F.R. § 292.306), system emergencies (18 C.F.R. § 292.307), and standards for operating reliability (18 C.F.R. § 292.308). It is therefore inaccurate to suggest that the parties to these contracts contemplated that the contracts' general reference to this broad range of FERC regulations equated to a mutual agreement to allow curtailment under the specific low-loading conditions governed by 18 C.F.R. 292.304(f). Finally, there is no other evidence in the record that Mountain Air's affiliated QFs, or any other similarly-situated party, contemplated curtailment pursuant to 18 C.F.R. § 292.304(f) when entering into the existing PURPA contracts at issue in this proceeding. Consequently, the Commission should deny the request for reconsideration and reaffirm its finding that "curtailment under [18 C.F.R. § 292.304(f)] was not reasonably contemplated when the parties entered into their agreements." December 18 Order at 36. For these reasons, Mountain Air respectfully requests that the Commission deny Idaho Power's request for clarification and/or reconsideration of the Order's findings regarding curtailment. Respectfully submitted this 17th day of January, 2013. Mountain Air Projects, LL2 IicJIael J. Uda Law Firi. W. 6th Avenue, Suite 4E ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 3 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION Helena, MT 59601 Telephone (406) 457-5311 Facsimile: (406) 447-4255 Email: muda@mthelena.com ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Answer to Idaho Power Company's Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration was served via e-mail on this 17th day of January, 2013 upon the following: IDAHO POWER COMPANY: (Exhibit Nos. 1-100) AVISTA CORPORATION: (Exhibit Nos. 10 1-200) PACIFICORP, dba ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER (Exhibit Nos. 201-300) Donovan E. Walker Jason B. Williams Idaho Power Company P0 Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 E-mail: dwalker@idahopower.com jwi1liamsidahopower.com Michael G. Andrea Avista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 E-mail: Michael.andrea@avistacorp.com Daniel Solander PacifiCorp/ dba Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main St., Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 E-mail: danielsolander@pacificorn.com ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION COMMISSION STAFF: THE NORTHWEST AND INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION: J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY: Kristine A. Sasser Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington (83702) P0 Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 E-mail: kris.sasser@puc.idaho.gov Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: Deter@richardsonandoleary.com gre.richardsonandolearv.com Robert D. Kahn Executive Director Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition 1117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98101 E-mail: rkahn(nippc.org Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter)richard sonandoleary.com greg(Z1richardsonandoleary.com Don Sturtevant Energy Director J.R. Simplot Company P0 Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-0027 E-mail: don.sturtevant@simplot.com ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION GRAND VIEW SOLAR II: EXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF IDAHO, LLC: RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION: ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter@richardsonandoleary.com gregrichardsonandoleary.com Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar II 15690 Vista Circle, Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 E-mail: robertapau108@gmail.com Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peterrichardsonandoleary.com greg(richardsonandoleary.com James Carkulis Managing Member Exergy Development Group of Idaho, LLC 802 W. Bannock St., Suite 1200 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: icarkuliscexergydeveiopment.com Dr. Don Reading 6070 Hill Road Boise, ID 83703 E-mail: dread ingmindspring.com Ronald Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: ron@williarnsbradbury.com John R. Lowe Consultant to Renewable Energy Coalition 12050 SW Tremont St. Portland, OR 97225 E-mail: jravenesanrnarcosyahoo.com INTERCONNECT SOLAR DEVELOPMENT, LLC: DYNAMIS ENERGY, LLC: R. Greg Ferney Mimura Law Offices, PLLC 2176 E. Franklin Rd., Suite 120 Meridian, ID 83642 E-mail: gregmimuralaw.com Bill Piske, Manager Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 1303 E. Carter Boise, ID 83706 E-mail: bi1lpiske(cableone.net Ronald L. Williams Williams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: ronwilliamsbradbury.corn Wade Thomas General Counsel Dynamis Energy, LLC 776 W. Riverside Dr., Suite 15 Eagle, ID 83616 E-mail: wthomas(dynamisenergy.com ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 9 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANY TWIN FALLS CANAL COMPANY: C. Thomas Arkoosh Capitol Law Group, PLLC 205 N. 10" S•, 4" Floor P0 Box 2598 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: tarkoosh(2capitollawgroup.com ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY Brian Olmstead General Manager E-mail: oimstead@tfcanal.com Ted Diehl General Manager North Side Canal Company E-mail: nscanal@cableone.net Don Schoenbeck RCS E-mail: dws(r-c-s-inc.com Lori Thomas Capitol Law Group, PLLC E-mail: lthomas@capitollawgrouo.com THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, IDAHO: Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter(,richardsonandoleary.com greg,richardsonandoIeary.com Bill Brown, Chair Board of Commissioners of Adams County, ID P0 Box 48 Council, ID 83612 E-mail: bdbrownfrontiemet.net BIRCH POWER COMPANY: ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 10 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION Ted S. Sorenson, P.E. Birch Power Company 5203 South 11th East Idaho Falls, ID 83404 E-mail: ted@tsorenson.net IDAHO WINDFARMS, LLC: BLUE RIBBON ENERGY LLC: Glenn Ikemoto Margaret Rueger Idaho Windfarms, LLC 672 Blair Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 E-mail: gIenni(envisionwind.com margaretc/envisionwind.com Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller, LLP 420 W. Bannock St. (83702) P0 Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: joe(mcdevitt-miller.com M.J. Humphries Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 3470 Rich Lane Ammon, ID 83406 E-mail: blueribbonenergy@grnail.com Arron F. Jepson Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 10660 South 540 East Sandy, UT 84070 E-mail: arronesg(aol.corn ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 12 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT: Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller, LLP 420 W. Bannock St. (83702) P0 Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: joe@mcdevitt-miller.com. Megan Walseth Decker Senior Staff Counsel Renewable Northwest Project 421 SW 6th Avenue, Suite 1125 Portland, OR 97204 E-mail: meganrnp.org ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 12 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE: Benjamin J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. Sixth Street (83702) P0 Box 844 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: botto@idahoconservation.org SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE: Liz Woodruff Ken Miller Snake River Alliance P0 Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 Email: woodruffcsnakeriveralliance.org kmi llersnakeriveralliance.org CLEAR WATER PAPER CORPORATION: ENERGY INTEGRITY PROJECT: Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC P0 Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter@,richardsonandoleary.com gregrichardsonandolearv.com Mary Lewallen Clearwater Paper Corporation 601 W. Riverside Ave., Suite 1100 Spokane, WA 99201 E-mail: mary.lewallen@clearwaterpaper.com Tauna Christensen Energy Integrity Project 769N I 100 Shelley, ID 83274 E-mail: taunaenergyintegrityproject.org ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 13 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION IDAHO WIND PARTNERS I, LLC: Deborah E. Nelson Kelsey J. Nunez Givens Pursley LLP 601 W. Bannock Street (83702) P0 Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701-2720 E-mail: den(ivensnurs1ev.com kjn(givenspursley.com RIDGEL1NE ENERGY, LLC: Dean J. Miller Chas. F. McDevitt McDevitt & Miller, LLP 420 W. Bannock St. (83702) P0 Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: joe(nicdevitt-miI1er.com chas@mcdevitt-miller.com The foregoing was filed via overnight service (original and 7 copies) and e-mailed to the following: Jean Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720 Boise ID 83720-0074 Phone: 208-334-0338 E-mail: Jean.Jewell@puc.idaho.gov Cathleen N. Uda Legal Secretary to Michael J. Uda ANSWER TO IDAHO POWER COMPANY'S 15 PETITION FOR CLARIFICATION AND/OR RECONSIDERATION