HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120314Opposition to Idaho Power Motion.pdfe Benjamin J. Otto (ISB No. 8292) 710 N 6th Street Boise,ID 83701 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 botto~idahoconservtion.org Attorney for Idao Conservtion Leage e RECENEO LOW t1~R \ t.PM t.i '1 IOf\HO PtlBLICS10N UT\LrfIES COMM\S BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTITIS COMMISSION IN TH MAlTR OF TH ) COMMISSION'S REVIEW OF PURPA ) QF CONTRCT PROVISIONS )INCLUDING TH SURROGATE ) AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR) AND ) INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANING ) (IRP) METHODOWGIES FOR ) CALUIATING PUBLISHED AVOIDED )COST RATES. ) CASE NO. GNR-E-ll-03 OPPOITION TO IDAHO POWER'S MOTION FOR TEMPORARY STAY OF ITS OBLGATION TO ENTR INTO NEW POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTS WITH QUALGFACIlS The Idaho Conservation League opposes Idaho Power's motion. While the Company claims their prefied testimony and documents filed to support this motion "inargubly makes a prima facie showing," in reality this testimony is just a one-sided view of the facts applicable to this case. Motion at 3. The Commission should allow other paries to contest these asserions before deciding if any of them are indeed incontrovertible facts. Furer, the Company's claim they expect a ruh of developers seeking new contrcts is just that, a claim not a fact. The Company's position on this issue in this case should be compared to how the Company treats potential PUR A projects durg the Integrted Resource Planing process. In the IRP the Company states they "canot accurately predict the level of futue PUR A development" so they only consider those projects with signed contracts. 2011 IRP at 33. In support of the curent motion, Idao Power establishes a new stadad for the likelihood ofPURPA development, those projects that move "beyond just a phone call and onto more serious inquiries within the last six months." Allphin Declaration at 2. .The Commission " ICL's Opposition to Idaho Power's Motion i March 14,2012 e e should reject this self-serving change in stadads, paricularly since the Company does not define the "more serious inquires" that leads them to believe every potential QF wil come to frition. In order to make an informed decision about the facts supporting this motion ICL urges the Commission to provide other paries a real opportity to respond. Two days time to deal with the varety of factul claims made by the Company is simply insuffcient. While ICL does not have a specific proposal on fuer proceedings on this motion, we do hereby reserve our right to be heard. WHEREFORE, ICL respectfully requests the Commission deny Idao Power's motion. DATED thi 14th day March of 2012. ~Siimitted,~ Benjamin J. Otto Idao Conservtion League ICL's Opposition to Idaho Power's Motion 2 March 14,2012