HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110121Reply Comments.pdfThomas H. Nelson, ISB 7034 PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97C17 Tel: 50.622.3262 Email: nelson~thnelson.com Atorney for Renewable Energy Coalition "" r-l~,,J.t: f¡J\ 8~ 41 in \\ J~,~l i \ BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF IDAHO POWER CASE NO. GNR-E-1Q- COMPANY, AVISTA CORPORATION, AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION'S ADDRESS AVOIDED COST ISSUES REPLY COMMENTS AND JOINT MOTION TO ADJUST THE PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATE ELIGIBILITY CAP Introducton an Background In response to th Joint Petition of the captioned utilities and to the Stafs and other partes' initial coments, the Reneble Energy Coalition ("Coalition") provides the following reply comments. The Joint Utilties sek immediate redudion of the eligibility cap for published avoide-cst prices from 10 average megawatts ("aMW) to 100 kilowatts ("kW) while the Commission studies numerous issues raise during the November 3, 2010, workshop in Case No. GNR-E-D9-D3. Although from the utilties' filings it appears that wind preds (and particularly thse on the Idaho Powr system) are the major cause for the utilties' cocern, the propose redudion would apply to all types of qualifing facility ("OF") tecnology; even small base-oa hydroeleric prjeds, both existing and new, would be afeded by th propose lower eligibility ca. GNR-E-1Q-: REPLY COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION - i In Order No. 32131 the Commission direced the parties to address three issues in their initial comments: (1) the advisability of reducng the published avoided-cst eligibilty ca, (2) if the eligibilit cap is reduce, the propriety of exempting non-wind OF projecs from the reduce eligibilty cap, and (3) the coueces of diviing larger wind projeds into projecs not larger than 10-aMW projecs in order to qualify for the published rae. The Commission noted th its fuure decsion on the prse eligibility cap would be applied retadively to Dember 3, 2010. The Joint Utilities' initial comments continue to suppo an immediately efecve. all-inclusive redudion of the eligibilty cap down to 10OkW, and subjec to revision only afer investigation of a lon list of coplex avoide an PURPA implemetation issues. It appars that the motivation of the thre utilties is to reduce avoided-cst price and creat a crppling peod of regulatory uncainty fo OF proj owrs and developers; the utilties' suggestion would subj small baseload projecs to the chllenges assoated with the unavailabilty of published prces. If implemeted. the utilties' proposals would result in curtailed development of renewable energy technologies and projes. Th Coalition joins with othr part in oppoing th lowering of the eligibilty cap. The Coiti'. Reply to Commts an Suggeson for Moving Forward A The Coalition's Response to Stafs Comments Th Coalition appreates and gerally agree with the Stafs inital coments. The points of agrement include (1) that wind and only wind projecs are the cause for cocern in this doet, (2) that non-wind proje should be exclud frm cosideration of a lower eligibilty cap, (3) that only wind-spec avoided-cst issues should be GNR-E-1D-: REPLY COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION - 2 investigated during the perod of a lowred eligibilty cap (assuming the cap is retroadively appied to December 3, 2010), (4) that thre are numerous approaches to be explored in mitigating the problem of rapid overdevelopment of large commercial wind projecs that qualif for published price, and (5) that small projecs generally have limited resourcs and ofen insufcient sophistication to deal with negotiating contrads and prices, particularly when complex models are employed to determine those prices. B. Ihe Coalition's Suggestions 1. Consider Modifying the Eligibilty Cap for to Cover Wind Only No party has presented substantial evidence or covincing argumens to justif the propsed reduction of the eligibilty cap for all projeds. The Staf corredly notes that the utilties' arguments are not direced at all OF tecnology tys but, rather, only at large wind-pred projecs, and that, although many of the concerns identifed by the parties during the prior wokshops are germne to all resource types, the isses that are both the most problematic and most in need of immediate attention pertain almost exclusively to wind. Th Stafs comments clealy ilustrate that large-scale wind projeds only are the source of the utilties' cocerns. and the Coalition endorses the Stafs suggestion that the Commission's decision in this docet should not go beyond cosidering lowering the eligibilty cap for wind projecs only - but in no circumstances to the extemely low level of 100 kW and then only if other short-term remedies are deemed impradical. GNR-E-1 Q-: REPLY COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION - 3 2. Limit the Duration and Scope of the Investigation Althug there ar numerus avoidedst an PURPA implemention issues raised by and involved in the currnt and prior similar docets, this phase of the investigation should not atempt to addss all reso types; rath, it shd be limited to wind-only issues. Examples of ancillary issues that should be set aside for the time being inclde stand contct, owerip of environmental attbutes, and interconnedion problems. While th Stafs initial comets gerally suprt limiting th initial phas of the investigation to those questions that are causing immediate problems for the utilities, so of its comets adres specic concets in an ef to advanc th discussions. Most of these comments appear to have some merit, are generally applicable to long-term solutons. may not repeset th coplee menu of possible solutions, and could be interpreted in some cases to apply to non-wind projecs. The Coalition apprates thse coces fo possible long.term solutons bu suggests th short-term solutions be given priority consideration. It is crtical to minimize the duration and impa of relator unceainly. an there prmary attentio shold be given to the concepts that address the immediate problems describe by the utilities; considerati of longer-term options shld be deerred. For example, the Comission might (1) impose a temporary limitation on the number or the average MW of wind project a utlity might contra with or for. (2) shif temporarily to the use of namelate capacity in lieu of average MW to determine eligibilty, or (3) temporarily employ Oregon's fie-ile reulatory sceme und which geraphic searation is required to qualify for published avoidedst prces. GNR..E..1D-: REPLY COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION. 4 Exrience has shown that negotiating power-purchase agreements not eligible for puishe avodest prces is extely problematic. time-nsuming, expsive, and untimely in ters of projec development schedules: Only two such contrads have ben execed an apved sinc the Commission bean implemnting PURPA in the early 198s. Consequently, in order to presere the possibility of a viable renewable- resrce industr, loner.ter solutons shold not involve lowring the eligibilit ca, particularly when other, less drastic means are available to deal with the problem prested. Finally, the Coalition notes that there has be no demonstration of the "magnet effec. that reucng Idaho Pows eligibilit ca would have on the tw other utilties; until such a problem adually arises the Coalition urges that a lower cap not be applied to those utilties. Only poential large wind prec are ambulator, i.e.. can be relocted from place to place without much diffculty; other types of renewable reouce such as hydrolecric an biomass are restcted to paicular georaic areas becuse of motive forcelfuel considerations, and large solar projecs are difcult if not impoible to relote. Thus the Stafs corn rearding the "shong. for utilities with the most attractive rate and highest eligibility cap arises only in regard to wind projecs. Hampeng PURPA implemntation shold not ocr until Rocy Mountain Power and Avista Corporation adually experience problems from the relotion of a Signicant number of wind projecs fro Idaho Powr's territor to thirs. This docket is evidence that the Commission has all the tools necessary to deal efively with such a problem if it ocrs; as it is, th prposal to appy the eligibilty cap to all three utilities is a solution looking for a problem. GNR-E-1D-: REPLY COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION - 5 Summary There is insucient evidence in this docet to supprt th reudion of the eligibilty cap to 100kW for non-wind projecs, and therefore the Coalition heartily endorses the Staffs suggstion th the initial phase of this investigation be applicable to wind projeds only. Finally, the Coalition encourages the Commission to consider taking steps to redce the scope and duraton of the investigation while long-term solutions are examined and pursed; any restridions impoed on projs should be short-term in nature only until longer-ter solutions are implemented. Respelly suit, . J)II~ IsI~H. N~yr. . Thomas H. Nelson, ISB 7034 PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97C17 Tel: 503.622.3262 Email: nelson~thnelson.com Attorney, Renble Energy Coalition GNR-E-10-D: REPLY COMMENTS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION - 6 CERnFICATE OF SERVICE l hereby certfy tht I have on this 19t day of January, 2011. I seed a copy of the foregoing Reply Comments of Renewable Energy Coalition on the entities designed as serv by the Joint Petitionrs in th caione doet by serving an eledronic copy on their email addresses of recrd as set fort below. The original and seven (7) copies of this doment were filed with the Commission eleonically and by United States Mail, postage prepaid, on the 19t day of January, 2011. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION Jean Jewell, Secetary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 West Washington Street PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-074 jjewell~pu.state.id.us IDAHO POWER COMPANY: Donovan E. Walker Usa D. Nordstrom ida Power Compny PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-070 E-mail: dwalker~idahopoer.comInordstromOidah.co PACIFICORP, dba ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER: (Exibit No. 201-30) Denel Solander PacCor db Rocy Mountain Powr 201 S. Main St., Suite 230 Salt Lake Cit, UT 84111 E-mail: daniel.solander~pacicorp.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 1 AVISTA CORPORATION: Michl G. Anrea Avista Corpration 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, W A 99202 E-mail: michael.andreaOavistao.co COMMISSION STAFF: Donald L. Howell, II Kristine A Sa Deputy Attornys General Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington (83702) PO Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-74 E-mail: do.hoIIOpuc.idaho.gov kris.sasser~puc.idaho.gov J.R. SIMPLOT COMPANY: Peter J. Richardson Gregor M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC PO Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mil: peOrichrdsonandolear.com greg~richardsonandolear.com THE NORTHWEST AND INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION: Peter J. Richrdson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'lea, PLlC PO Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter~richardsonandolear.com greg~richrdsoandolery.com Robrt D. Kahn Executive Direcor Norst and Interountain Power Producers Coalition 117 Minor Ave., Suite 30 Seattle, WA 98101 E-mail: rkahnOnippc.org GRAND VIEW SOLAR II: Peter J. Richardson Greor M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC PO Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peterOrichrdsonandolear.com 9reg~richardsonandolear.com Robe A. Paul Grand View Solar II 1596 Vista Circle Desert Hot Springs, CA E-mail: robertlOgmail.com CEDAR CREEK WIND, LLC: Ronald L. Willams Willams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Stret Boise, 10 83702 E-mail: ronOwllamsbrury.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 2 Don Sturtevant Energy Diredor J. R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-027 E-mail: don.stuevantOsimplol.co EXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF IDAHO, LLC: Peter J. Richardson Gregry M. Adms Richardson & O'Leary, PLLC PO Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter~chrdsonndolea.com greg~richardsonandolear.com James Carkulis Managing Member Ener9Y Development Group of Idaho, LLC 802 W. Bannoc St., Suite 1200 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: jcarkulisOexergydevelopment.com INTERMOUNTAIN WIND, LLC: Dana Zentz Vice Presdent Summit Power Group, Inc. 200 E. Westminster Spokane, W A 99223 E-mail: dzentzsummitpr.com Dean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler, LLP PO Box 256 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: joeOmcdvitt-mìllr.co Paul Main Intermountain Wind, LLC PO Box 35 Boulder, CO 80306 E-mail: paulmartinGntermountainwind. Scott Montgomery President Cedar Creek Wind, LLC66 Roc Dr. Nort Salt Lake, UT 84054 E-mail: sctttmesemeergy.us INTERCONNECT SOLAR DEVELOPMENT LLC: R. Greg Ferney Mimura La Ofces, PLLC 2176 E. Franklin Rd., Suite 120 Meridian, 10 83 E-mail: greg~mimuralaw.com Bil Piske, Manager Inteconn Solar Deveopment, LLC 1303 E. Carter Boise, 10 83706 E-mail: bilpiske~cableone.net THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY, IDAHO: Peter J. Richaron Gregory M. Adams Richardson & OILear, PLLC PO Box 7218 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: peter~richardsonandolear.com gregOichardsonandlear.com Bil Brow, Chair Board of Commissioners of Adams County, 10 PO Box 48 Council, 10 8312 E-mail: dbbrown~ontiernet.net CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE.. 3 DYNAMIS ENERGY, LLC: Ronald L. Wiliams Willams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays Street Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: rocmmamsbradbury.com Wade Thomas General Counse Dynamis Energy, LLC 776 W. Riversde Dr., Suite 15 Eagle, ID 83616 E-mail: wthomasOdynamisenerg.com NORTH SIDE CANA COMPANY TWN FALLS CANAL COMPANY: Shelley M. Davis Barker Rosholt & Simpson, LLP 1010 W. Jeffrso St. (83702) PO Box 2139 Boise, fO 83701 E-mail: smd~idahowaters.com Brian Olmstead General Manager Twin Falls Canal Company PO Box 326 Twin Falls, 10 8330 E-mail: olmstead~tfcanal.com Ted Diehl General Maagr North Side Canal Company 921 N. Lincln St. Jerome, ID 83338 E-mail: nsclOcableone.net BIRCH POWER COMPANY: Ted S. Sornson, P.E. Birch Power Company 5203 Soth 11 th East Idaho Falls, ID 834 E-mail: tedOtsso.net This Certficate of Servce is executed on January 19, 2011, at Zigzag, Oregon. Thomas H. Nelson PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97C17 -1211 Tel: 503.622.3262 Cell: 503.709.6397 E-Mail: nelsonænthnelson.com Attorey, Renele Energ Coalition CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE - 4