HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101112Petition to Intervene.pdf'" Thomas H. Nelson (Idaho Bar No. 7034) P.O. Box 1211, Welches, OR 97007 Tel: 503.622.3262 nelson(gthnelson.com Attorney for Renewable Energy Coalition l) t: i es J r\ ell.~ t-- r- t t.lC:.. ¡ zOin NOV' 2 t\lî 8: 31 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY; AVISTA CORPORATION, AND ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO ADDRESS AVOIDED COST ISSUES AND JOINT MOTION TO ADJUST THE PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATE ELIGIBILITY CAP I= (PROPOSED) CASE NO. GNR-,t-1 Q- RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION'S CONTINGENT PETITION FOR PARTY- INTERVENOR STATUS In accrdance with Rule 72 of the IPUC's Rules of Procedure, the Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC"), an Oregon assumed business name for a coalition of renewable energy owners and developers over a dozen existing or proposed hydroelectic or biomass projec locted in Idaho, Oregon, and Montana which sell or are expected to sell their output to the three IPUC jurisdictional investor-owned electric utilties ("IOUs") that filed a Joint Petition with the Commission on November 5, 2010, respectully petitions the Commission for intervenor-part status in any proceeding instituted in response to the Joint Petition. I. fl..Ç'S INIEREST i~ Tl:II,PRQÇEEDIN§ The Renewable Energy Coalition has a direct and substantial interest in procding propsed by the IOUs' Joint Petition filed on November 5, 2010, becuse a number of its members' projecs are either under contract to sell power at avoided- cost prices to the IOUs or, in the ca of pro projec, cosidering the sale of output to such IOUs. Consequently, any determinations made in this docket may affec the financial viabilty of its members. Page i - RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION'S CONTINGENT PETITION FOR PARTY-INTERVENOR STATUS .. Since REC represents only small non-interittent, non-wind powered Qualifing Facilities, most of which have operated for a signifca peod, REC's interests are not represented by any party to this pring, and its comments wil be direcly relevant to the issues raise in this dockt. REC's intervention wil no expnd the sc of the proceding. II. NQT~ Service of notice, orders, and other communications and corrspondence in any proing instituted in respose to the Joint Petition should be directed to counsel and REC's representative at the addresses set forth below (e-mail service is preferred): Thomas H. Nelson Attory for Renewable Energy Coalition PO Box 1211 welces, OR 97067-1211 tel: 503.622-3262 e-ail: nelsoncmthnelson.com John R. Lowe Consultat to Renewable Energy Coalition 12050 SW Tremont Street Portland, OR 97225 tel: 503.372.690 e-mail: jravenesanmarcoscmyahoo.com II. CONCLUliIQN REC's participaion in any procing oped by th Commission as a consequence of the Joint Petition wil not prejudice any part and wil not delay the schedule or broaen the scope of the issues of any resulting proing. For th reasons stated above, REC respectlly requests that the Commission, in the event it opens a procing in response to the Joint Motion: (a) to grant this Petition for Party- Intervenor Status, and (b) place REC on the seice list for this proceing. "I" "" I "" I Page 2 - RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION'S CONTINGENT PETITION FOR PARTY-INTRVENOR STATUS ... .. Respelly submitted,~~dØ Thomas H. Nelson PO Box 1211 Welces, OR 97067-1211 503.622.3262 E-Mil: nelsonêthnelson.com Attomey for Renewable Energy Coalition November 9, 2010 Page 3 - RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION'S CONTINGENT PETITION FOR PARTY-INTERVENOR STATUS CERnFICATE OF SERVE I hereby cert tht I have on this 9t day of November, 2010, I served a coy of the foroing Contingent Petition of Renewable Energy Coalitin for Party- Intervenor Sttus on the entities designated as served by the Joint Petitioners in the captioned doet on Novembe 5, 2010, by sering an eleconic copy on their email addresses of record as set for below. The original and seven (7) coies of this document were filed with the Commission eleconically and by United States Mail, postage prpaid, on the 9th of November, 2010. Jean Jewll, secrry Idaho Public Utlites Comisson 472 Wes.Waingon Stre P.O. Box 83720Bois,lD 8372074 jjewIOpuc.ste.id.us SCtt Woodbury Idaho Public Utites Commision 472 We Waingon Stre P.O. Box 83720 Bois, 10 83720-0074 sc.woburyOpuc.idaho.gov Hand Delivre U.S. Mail FacsmileFederal Ex Elecnic MaO K. (Oriinal + 7 Copi)- lÇ Hand Delivre U.S. MaO Facsile Federal Expr Electnic Mail L Donovan walker Lisa Nordrom, Es. Idaho Powr P.O. Box 70 Bois, 10 83702 InordromGidahopo.co dwalkeroidahopo.com Hand Delivere U.S. Mail FacsmileFedral Ex Elenic Mail L Daniel Solander Roc Mountin Powr One Uth Center 201 S. Main Stet, Suie 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Daniel.solanderGpacirp.co Hand Delivre U.S. Mail FacsmileFederal Ex Electic Mail -- lÇ Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsl Avist Corpration 1411 E. Mion Avenue, MSc-23 Spkane, WA 99202michael.andreOavistcorp.com Hand Delivere U.S. Mail FacsmileFederal Ex Elecnic Mail L saebrsh Energy, LlC Dean J. Miler MCDEVIT & MILlR P.O. Bo 256 Boise, Idaho 83701joemceviller.co Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Facsimile Federal Exes Elecnic Mall L Page i - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Avia Corpration Hand Delivere Clint Kalich U.S. Mail 1411 E. Mission Avenue Facsimile PO Box 3727 Federal Exes Spkane, WA 99202 Elecronic Mail ~Clint.kalichOavstrp.co Bruce Grild Hand Deliver PaciCorp U.S. Mail 825 NE Multnomah Facsmile Portland, OR 97232 Federal ExprBrce.grild~Pacirp.co Electic Mail ~ J. Ted Weon Hand Delivred Rocky Mountin Powr U.S. Mail 201 South Main Street, Suite 230 Facsile salt Lake Cit, UT 84111 Federal Expr Ted.weonOpacicorp.co Elecnic Mail ~ Peter Richrdn Hand Delivered Gre Adams U.S. MaD Richard & O'Leary PLLC Facsile 515 North 27th St Federal Exes PO Box 7218 Elecic Mail ~ Bois, 10 83702 peerorichardnandoleary.com grerichrdnandoleary.co Idaho Fore Grp, LLC Hand DeivereDen J. Mi U.S. Ma MCDEVITT & MILLER Facle P.O. Bo 256 Federal Ex Bo, Idaho 83701 Eleic Mail ~joemcdever.CO Sons Engineering, Inc.Hand Deivere Ted S. Sons, P.E.U.S. Ma 5203 Soth 11 th Eas Facse Idaho Fall, 10 83769 Federl Exestedtsren.net Elecnic MaD ~ Amercan Fal Resoir Diriå 2 Hand Deivered Lynn Harmon U.S. Mail 409 Norh Appe St FacleShosone, 10 83 Fedl Ex IynnharmOOcaeone.net Electic Mail ~ Aan F. Jen Hand Delivred Blue Ribb Energy LLC U.S. MaDArnEsOaol.co FacsmileFedl Ex Eleårnic Mail ~ Page 2 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Idaho Conservaton League Benjamin Oto 710 North Sixh Stre PO box 84 Bois, 10 83701 bottoGidahocnsrvation.org Idaho Windanns, LLC Glenn Ikemoto Idaho Windanns, LLC 672 Blair Avenue Piemont, Califomia 9411 glenniGpacbll.net Hand Delivere U.S. MaD Facsmile Federal Expres Electronic Mail L Hand Delivere U.S. Mail FacsmileFederal Ex Eleconic Mail L Faulkner Brothers Hydro Mitch Aroo 28989 South 1875 EastGoing, 10 83 marKooh~magicink.co Hand Delivered U.S. Mail FacsimileFederal Ex Electnic Mail L This Certifcate of Service is executed on November 9, 2010, at Zigzag, Oregon. ~c&~ Thomas H. Nelson PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067-1211 Tel: 503.622.326 Cell: 503.709.6397 E-Mail: nelsonêthnelson.com Atomey, Renewable Energy Coalition Page 3 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE