HomeMy WebLinkAbout20101215Petition to Intervene.pdf..1010 W Jerson, Suit 102ALBERT P. BAR BARR Pos Ofce Bo 2139 IOHN A. ROSHOLT Bo, Idaho 83701-2139 IOHN K. SIMSON ROSHOLT (208) 330700 telehone (208) 3434 facsimile1RVI L. THOMPSON &brs(iidahowers.com SHEEY M. DAVIS SIMSONPAm. L. ARGTON SCOTT A. MAGNSON LLP 113 Main Avenue Wes, Suit 303 Twin Falls, Idaho 83301-6167 SAR w: HIGER ..(208) 733-700 telehone (208) 735-244 facsimileja~idahowers.com VIUSMA Jean Jewell Commssion Secreta Idaho Public Utiities Commssion 427 W. Washigtn St. Boise, il 83702 . SheHey M. Davi smd~daowate.com Decber 14,2010 Re: Genenc Electrc Case No. GNR-E-1O-04 Dear Ms. Jewell: ~c:..i:orrC" CJ -0:: rz Enclosed for filing in the above-reference case are an ongial and seven copies of the Petition to Intervene of the Twi Falls and Nort Side Can Companes. Th you for your assistace in ths mattr. Enc. Ver try yours, BARR ROSHOLT & SIMSON LLP d~ Shelley M. Davis ;:m(" 1'11 :......'1'"'C.".. to John A. Rosholt, ISB No. 1037 Travis L. Thompson, ISB No. 6168 Shelley M. Davis, Bar. No. 6788 BARR ROSHOLT & SIMPSON LLP 1010 W. Jefferson St., Ste. 102 P.O. Box 2139 Boise, ID 83701-2139 Telephone: (208) 336-0700 Facsimle: (208) 344-6034 CE îßlûBEC I 5 PM 2:1 3 Attorneys for Nort Side Can Company and Twin Falls Canl Company BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ) IN THE MATTR OF THE JOINT ) PETITION OF IDAHO POWER CO., ) AVISTACORPORATION,AN ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO ) ADDRESS AVOIDED COST ISSUES ) AN JOINT MOTION TO ADJUST TH ) PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATE )ELIGIBILITY CAP. ) ) CASE NO. GNR-E-1O-04 PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE TWI FALLS AN NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANIES COME NOW, the Nort Side Canal Company and the Twin Falls Canl Company, (hereinafter "Intervenors,") by and though their attorneys of record, Barker Rosholt & Simpson, LLP, and hereby jointly Petition the Commssion for leave to intervene, in conformance with the Commission's Rule of Procedure 71, IDAPA, and this Commission's Notice of Joint Petiton dated December 3, 2010. 1. The name and address of Petitioners are: Twi Falls Canal Company c/o Brian Olmstead, Genera Manager P.O. Box 326 Twin Falls, Idaho 83303-0326 Ph. (208) 733-6731 Fax (208) 733-1958 PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE TWI FALLS AND NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANIES 1 e-mail: olmstead~tfcanal.com Nort Side Canal Company c/o Ted Diehl, General Manager 921 N. Lincoln St. Jerome, Idaho 83338 Ph. (208) 324-2319 Fax (208) 324-8906 e-mail: nscanal~cableone.net Copies of all pleading, production requests, production responses, Commission orders, and other documents are requested to be provided to counsel for the Intervenors directed to: Shelley M. Davis Barker Rosholt & Simpson, LLP 1010 W. Jefferson St., Ste. 102 P.O. Box 2139 Boise,ID 83701-2139 Ph. (208) 336-0700 Fax (208) 344-6034 e-mail: smd~idahowaters.com 2. The Intervenors are canal companes who have developed and operate small hydroelectrc projects within their irgation projects and who have a substantial interest in these proceedings as a result of those projects. Intervenors have a substatial interest in these proceedings as the projects curently operating generate power purchased by Idaho Power Company pursuat to power sales agreements applying the curent eligibilty rate caps. Intervenors' projects will require the renewal of those power sales agreements at the expiration of the terms of the curent agreements. Furer, Intervenor Nort Side Canal Company is investigating additional sites to constrct new small hydroelectrc facilities, and the relief requested by Idaho Power Company, Avista Corporation, and Rocky Mountain Power may dramatically impact the abilty to develop these new projects. 3. Granting Intervenors' petition to intervene will not unduly broaden the issues before the Commission nor will it prejudice any pary to ths case. PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE TWIN FALLS AN NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANIES 2 For the foregoing reasons, Intervenors hereby request that this Commission grant their Petition to Intervene in these proceedings and to appear and paricipate in all matters as may be necessar and appropriate to protect their interests. Dated ths 14th day of December, 2010. BARR ROSHOLT & SIMPSON LLP .J Shelley M. Davis Attorneys for Nort Side Canal Company and Twin Falls Canal Company PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE TWIN FALLS AND NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANIES 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 14th day of December, 2010, a tre and correct copy of the foregoing PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE TW FALLS AND NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANIES was served upon the following by the method indication below. Onginal and Seven Copies to: Jean Jewell Commssion Secreta Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise,ID 83702 Jean.Jewell~uc.idaho.gov Served by Electronic Mail Upon the Following: Donovan E. Walker Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idao St. Boise, ID 83707-0070 dwalker~idaopower.com lnordstrom~idaopower.com Danel E. Solander Rocky Mountai Power 201 South Main Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Danel.solander~pacificorp.com Michael G. Andrea A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave. - MSC-23 Spokane, W A 99202 Michael.andrea~avistacorp.com ¿;~~ ) .,ïl Davis Attorneys for Nort Side Canal Company and Twin Falls Canal Company PETITION TO INTERVENE OF THE TWIN FALLS AND NORTH SIDE CANAL COMPANIES 4