HomeMy WebLinkAbout20100617Petition to Intervene.pdfThomas H. Nelson (Idaho Bar No. 7034) Mailng Address: P.O. Box 1211, Welches, OR 97067 Street Address: 20820 E. Glacier View Road, Zigzag, OR 97049 Tel: 503.622.3262 Fax: 503.622.3562 nelson(Qthnelson.com Attorney for Renewable Energy Coalition ~~e:a:...-J ลกë 00... ',"' --.. BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION 'N THE MATTER OF A REVEW OF THE SURROGATE AVOIDABE RESOURCE (SA) METODOLOGY FOR CACULATING PUBLISHED AVOIDED COT RATES Ca No. GNR-E.. PETITION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION FOR PARTY-INTERVENOR STATUS In accdance with Rule 72 of the IPUC's Rules of Procedure, th Renewable Energy Coalition ("REC"), an Oreon assume business name for a coalition of renewable energy owners and developers of 16 existing or propose hydroecc or biomass projec locted in Idaho, Oregon, and Montana which sell or are expected to sell their output to the three IPUC jurisdictonal investor-owned electc utilities ("IOUs"), repectlly petitions the Commission fo intervenor-part status in this proceeding. I. MC'S INTl:REST IN THI' paOCl:l:DING The Renewable Energy Coalition has a direct and substantial interest in this proceding because a number of its member' proje are either under contract to sell power at avoided-cost prices to the 10Us or, in the case of propo project, considering the sale of output to such 10Us. Consequently, any determnations made in this docket may affct the financial viabilty of its members. Since REC represents only smll non-ntermttent Qualifyng Facilities, mot of which Page 1 - Renewable Energy Coalition's Petition for Part-Intervenor Status (ENR-E-09-03) have operated for a significant period, REC's interests are not represented by any part to this proceeding, and its comments will be direcly relevant to the issues raised in this docket. REC's interention will not expnd the scpe of the preding. II. NOTICE Servce of notices, orders, and oter communications and corrpondence in this proceeding should be direced to counsel and REC's representative at the addresses set forh below (e-mail servce is preferred): Thomas H. Nelso Attorney for Renewable Energy Coalition PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067-1211 tel: 503.622-3262 e-mail: nelsonCãthnelson.com John R.low Consultant to Renewable Energy Coalition 12050 SW Tremont Street Portland, OR 97225 tel: 503.372.6909 e-mail: jravenesanmarcosCãyahoo.com II. CONCLUSION REC's partcipation in this proceding will not prejudice any part and will not delay the schedule or broaden the scope of the issues in the proeding. For the reasons stated above, REC respectlly requests that the Commisson: (a) to grant this Petition for Part-Intervenor Sttus, and (b) place REC on the servce list for this prceeding. Respelly submitted, / i " ,. ,,:'¿è-Yf¡Yà7 /!/ A~¿.-L __~~~ Thomas H. Nelson PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067-1211 Tel: 503.442.9157 Cel: 50.709.6397 E-Mail: nelsonCãthnelson.com Attorny for Renewable Energy Coalitin June 15,2010 Page 2 - Renewable Energy Coalition's Petition for Part-Interenor Sttus (ENR-E-09-03) CERTIFICATE OF SERVCE I hereby certfy that I have on this 15th day of June, 2010, served a copy of the foregoing Petition of the Renewable Energy Coalition for Part-Intervenor Sttus on all parties of record in ENR-E-09-03 by servng an elecnic copy on their email addresss of record as set forth below. The original and seven (7) copies were filed with the Commission by United Sttes Mail, postage prepaid at Welchs, Oreon. Jean Jewl, Seetry (Original + 7) Idaho Pubc Utlities Commisson 472 West Washington Stt P.O. Box 83720 Bose,lD 8372074 jjewl~pu.stte.id.us Sco Woory Idaho Public Utities Comisson 472 Wes Wasington Steet P.O. Bo 83720 Boise,ID 8372074 sc.wobury~puc.idaho.go Usa Norro, Esq. Idaho Po P.O. Box 70 Boise,ID 83702Inorro~idaho.co Hand Deivered U.S. Mail Facsmile Fedal Expres Elecic Mail Hand Deliver U.S. MailFacsileFeder Expr Eleconic Mail Hand Deivered U.S. Mail FacmileFedl Expr Elecic Mail Den Brnk Daniel Soand Mark Monc Roc Mountin Pow One ut Center 201 S. Main Stret, Suite 230 Salt Lake Ci, UT 84111datreue~pa.co Hand Deiver U.S. MailFacsile Fed Expr Eleconic Mail Michael G. An Senior ConslAvlst Coti 1411 E. Missn Avenue, MSC-23 Spone, WA 99202michae.an~~ist.co Hand Deiver U.S. MailFacsile Federl Expres Elecic Mail Sageru Eney, LLC Dean J. Miler MCDEVITT & MILLER P.O. Box 256 Bose, Idaho 83701 joemcdililer.co Hand Deiver U.S. Mail Facmile Fedl Expres Elecc Mai Page i - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Idaho Forest GroP. LLC Den J. Miler MCDEVln & MILLER P.O. Box 256 Boise, Idaho 83701joe~mciter.co Idaho Windfnns, LLC Glenn Ikemoto Idaho Windanns, UC 672 Blair Avenue Piedont, Califoria 9411 glenni~pabel.net Hand Deiver U.S. Mail Facmile Federal Expr Elecnic Mail .. .. Hand Deiver U.S. Mail Facsmile Fedal Expres Elecic Mail .. .. This Certficate of Servce is executed on June 15, 2010, at Zigzag, Oregon. . .'.;;-¿¿.r')if/L1,l .,-.--.-,/' ' ///::/ /ù /'/_4 __ Thomas H. Nelson PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067-1211 Tel: 503.442.9157 Cel: 50.709.6397 E-Mail: nelsonCãthnelson.com Attorney for Renewable Energy Coalition Page 2 - CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE