HomeMy WebLinkAboutPeseauRebuttal.pdfTelephone (208) 388-2682, FAX (208) 388-6936, E-Mail bkline@idahopower.com BARTON L. KLINE Senior Attorney August 5, 2002 Ms. Jean D. Jewell, Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 Re: Case No. GNR-E-02-1 Direct Rebuttal Testimony of Witness Dennis E. Peseau Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing with the Commission nine (9) copies of the Direct Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Witness Dennis E. Peseau, with the original designated as the Reporter’s Copy. Copies of these documents have been mailed or hand-delivered to parties of record as indicated in the enclosed Certificate of Service. Also enclosed is a computer disk containing the Direct Rebuttal Testimony of the above-named witness for use by the court reporter. I would appreciate it if you would return a stamped copy of this transmittal letter for our files. Very truly yours, /s/ Barton L. Kline BLK:jb Enclosures BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE INVESTIGATION) OF THE CONTINUED REASONABLENESS OF) CURRENT SIZE LIMITATIONS FOR PURPA) CASE NO. GNR-E-02-1 QF PUBLISHED RATE ELIGIBILITY ) (i.e., 1 MW) AND RESTRICTIONS ON ) CONTRACT LENGTH (i.e., 5 YEARS ) ) ) IDAHO POWER COMPANY DIRECT REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DENNIS E. PESEAU PESEAU, DI-REB 1 Idaho Power Company Q. Please state your name and business address. 1 A. My name is Dennis E. Peseau. My business 2 address is Suite 250, 1500 Liberty Street, S.E., Salem, 3 Oregon 97302. 4 Q. Are you the same Dennis E. Peseau who 5 submitted pre-filed direct testimony in these proceedings, 6 GNR-E-02-1? 7 A. Yes. 8 Q. What is the purpose of your rebuttal 9 testimony? 10 A. The Commission set this hearing to receive 11 evidence on the reasonableness of the variables in the 12 existing avoided cost rate methodology. 13 While the list of surrogate avoided resource 14 (“SAR”) variables is somewhat extensive, I contended in my 15 direct testimony (Peseau, page 4, Lines 9-23) that two of 16 the variables, the initial year 2002 natural gas price and 17 the natural gas price escalator were far and away the more 18 important. My review of all parties’ testimony in these 19 proceedings reinforces my conclusion. My Exhibit 107 20 summarizes all parties’ proposed values for the SAR 21 variables. 22 The purpose of my rebuttal testimony is to 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 2 Idaho Power Company comment on the initial year natural gas prices and gas 1 price escalation rates recommended by other parties. I 2 also briefly discuss Staff’s, IEPI’s and Plummer 3 Forest/Potlatch’s (“PFP-PC”) proposal to assume away the 4 surplus period for purposes of computing avoided cost 5 rates. 6 In particular, I argue that: 7 1. The relevant initial natural gas price 8 is that which is most representative of current natural gas 9 prices, not an average of several past years. Both Staff’s 10 and IEPI’s use of five year and three year averages, 11 respectively, of historical gas prices are not 12 representative of current gas prices. PacifiCorp’s 13 forecast appears to simply be mistaken. 14 2. Staff’s use of a single forecast of 15 natural gas escalation is unnecessary and results in a very 16 high escalation rate compared with several other forecasts. 17 3. IEPI’s use of a “medium-high” forecast 18 of the natural gas escalation rate will assure that 19 ratepayers will have higher than necessary electric rates. 20 4. The proposals to ignore surpluses in 21 the utilities’ load/resource balance, while not 22 quantitatively significant for Idaho Power in this case, 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 3 Idaho Power Company could in the future lead to excessive QF avoided cost 1 rates. 2 Q. Please list the various parties’ proposed 3 assumptions regarding initial gas prices and the gas price 4 escalator. 5 A. The following table summarizes the parties’ 6 positions with respect to these two variables: 7 Initial Gas Price ($MMBtu) Gas Price Escalator 8 (%) 9 Staff $3.19 4.4% 10 IPCo 2.79 2.52 11 Avista 2.80 n.a. 12 PacifiCorp 3.95 1.97 13 IEPI 3.84 3.10 14 PFP-PC 5.23 3.10 15 INITIAL YEAR NATURAL GAS PRICE 16 Q. What is the initial year’s gas price 17 supposed to represent? 18 A. This variable attempts to set a reasonable 19 first year natural gas price at Sumas, Washington with an 20 additional $.35 MMBtu Northwest Pipeline Company 21 transportation rate for delivery to the utility. 22 Q. What is today’s gas price at Sumas? 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 4 Idaho Power Company A. The July 30, 2002 gas price at Sumas was 1 $1.835 per MMBtu, or $2.19 per MMBtu delivered to Idaho 2 Power. 3 Q. Why are the initial gas prices proposed by 4 the parties so much higher than actual prices? 5 A. The PFP-PC price of $5.23 is simply the old 6 gas price, not updated. I was unable to determine how 7 Avista derived its price. I used the estimate for the 2002 8 gas price. Staff and the IEPI computed averages of several 9 years of historical prices. PacifiCorp used a forecasting 10 service. 11 Q. Do you agree with the Staff’s use of a five 12 year average of gas prices as an indicator of the 2002 13 price? 14 A. No. I do however, understand Staff witness 15 Mr. Sterling’s attempt to “ . . . establish a starting fuel 16 price so that the effect of extreme variations in prices 17 does not become permanently embedded in contracts. . .” 18 (Sterling direct, Page 4, Lines 13-16). And I also agree 19 with Mr. Sterling that “ . . . A single year of very high 20 or low gas prices should not drive the avoided cost rate 21 for a twenty-year contract. . .” (Sterling, Page 4, Lines 22 16-18). Mr. Sterling recognized that the spike in natural 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 5 Idaho Power Company gas prices from the period May 2000 to June 2001 caused an 1 upward bias in his Exhibit 4 regression results and 2 rejected these results in favor of his five year rolling 3 average. 4 Q. Does Mr. Sterling’s five year rolling 5 average of natural gas prices completely do away with an 6 upward bias initial year gas price? 7 A. No, not entirely. Following the gas price 8 spike of May 2000 - June 2001, gas prices at Sumas have 9 returned to their historic trends. 10 Q. Please explain. 11 A. I refer to the graphs of historical prices 12 at Sumas as shown in both Mr. Sterling’s Exhibit No. 5 and 13 a more recent update in my Exhibit 108. The point I wish 14 to make is that this one time market price spike is being 15 given a 20% weight in the five year average when it clearly 16 had never happened before and, as yet, happened after this 17 period. Unless one predicts that this spike will occur 18 once every five years, the present estimate of initial year 19 gas price will be exaggerated. And, the extent of the 20 exaggeration is a function of the number of years chosen 21 for the average. For example, Mr. Sterling’s initial year 22 price of $3.19 per MMBtu is raised to $3.84 per MMBtu by 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 6 Idaho Power Company IEPI witness Mr. Trippel simply by using a three year 1 rather than a five year average. 2 Q. Has this Commission recently recognized the 3 potential effects on ratepayers from overweighting the May 4 2000 - June 2001 gas price spike? 5 A. Yes. Order No. 29069 indicates on Pages 7-8 6 that: 7 . . . The Commission cannot expose 8 ratepayers to avoided cost rates that rely heavily 9 on gas price levels that existed during the recent 10 volatility in the market. To do so would condemn 11 ratepayers to the lingering effects of last year’s 12 energy crisis for another 20 years . . . 13 Q. What principles do you recommend be followed 14 to minimize the overweighting of either extraordinary price 15 spikes or dips for purposes of estimating avoided cost 16 rates? 17 A. The purpose of estimating the initial year’s 18 gas price is to predict the going-forward price. Unless 19 the present period appears to be one of very high or very 20 low prices, the principle ought to be to use current data 21 and price forecasts. I have attempted to do this in 22 reaching my recommended initial year price of $2.79 per 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 7 Idaho Power Company MMBtu as described in my direct testimony, Pages 7-12. 1 Q. Since the time of the filing of your direct 2 testimony, have you calculated gas prices at Sumas, 3 delivered to Idaho Power? 4 A. Yes. My Exhibit 109 lists the most recent 5 twelve months of gas prices at Sumas. The annual average 6 price ending July 31, 2002 is $2.31 per MMBtu. The 7 delivered price to Idaho Power is $2.66 per MMBtu. This 8 information together with the price forecasts for 2002-2003 9 that I refer to in my direct testimony lead me to conclude 10 that my proposed initial year price of $2.79 MMBtu remains 11 reasonable. 12 Q. Have Sumas gas prices this past year been 13 low by historical standards? 14 A. No. The graph on Mr. Sterling’s Exhibit 15 No. 5 shows that the July 31, 2002 annual average Sumas 16 price of $2.31 per MMBtu is the highest annual average 17 since 1993, except for the May 2000 - June 2001 price 18 spike. 19 Q. What initial year gas price is PacifiCorp 20 proposing? 21 A. $3.95 per MMBtu. 22 Q. Do you consider this price to be reliable 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 8 Idaho Power Company for purposes of an initial year gas price? 1 A. No. I have to conclude that this number is 2 in error. Page 14 of the direct testimony of PacifiCorp 3 witness Mr. Widmer explains that monthly Sumas gas prices 4 were forecast by a firm named PIRA. A table on Page 14 of 5 Mr. Widmer’s direct testimony provides PIRA’s monthly 6 forecast values for Sumas gas for June - December 2002, for 7 the first day of each month. 8 Q. What values did PIRA predict for June 1, 9 July 1 and August 1, 2002? 10 A. $3.13, $3.19 and $3.23 per MMBtu for June 1, 11 July 1 and August 1, respectively. 12 Q. What are the actual Sumas gas prices on 13 these same dates? 14 A. $2.23, $1.38 and $1.57 per MMBtu, 15 respectively. 16 I conclude that the PIRA forecast is either 17 very dated, or simply not reliable. Actual Sumas gas 18 prices are about half of PIRA’s forecast values. 19 Q. Would your recommendation to use recent 20 “normal” natural gas prices result in the need to annually 21 review whether gas prices are “normal”? 22 A. Yes, but this is simply a necessity 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 9 Idaho Power Company associated with estimating accurate avoided costs. From 1 the graph in my Exhibit 108, I believe that there is little 2 opportunity for parties to have much of a difference of 3 opinion as to whether current gas prices are abnormally low 4 or abnormally high. 5 Q. Could a longer-term averaging of natural gas 6 prices such as recommended by Mr. Sterling be made more 7 workable and less prone to bias? 8 A. Yes, although my primary proposal is to stay 9 with current prices. The bias I previously described is 10 due in large part to the potential for including an 11 “outlier” or a period of unrepresentative gas price data. 12 An example of a five-year rolling average technique that 13 would lessen this potential bias would be to consider, say, 14 seven recent years of data and exclude the high and low 15 years. 16 ESCALATOR FOR NATURAL GAS PRICE 17 Q. Please address the issues associated with 18 the gas price escalator variable. 19 A. As I have discussed in my direct testimony, 20 the gas price escalator used to inflate gas prices for non-21 fueled facilities has a huge impact on longer-term 22 contracts due to the fuel cost levelizing feature of such 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 10 Idaho Power Company contracts. 1 Staff witness Mr. Sterling proposes to use 2 an escalator of 4.4% and the IEPI witness Mr. Trippel 3 proposes to use a 3.10% escalator. I believe that each of 4 these escalators is too high. 5 Q. Why do you believe that the 4.4% escalator 6 proposed by Staff is too high? 7 A. As explained in Mr. Sterling’s direct 8 testimony, Pages 6-7, he recommends use of the DOE/EIA 9 Annual Energy Outlook gas price escalation forecast. The 10 DOE/EIA forecast predicts a 1.7% real increase in gas 11 prices over a twenty year period. This rate of increase in 12 real gas prices is extremely high. 13 First, as has been discussed in conjunction 14 with Mr. Sterling’s Exhibit No. 5 and my Exhibit 108, 15 natural gas prices at Sumas have decreased or remained 16 constant in real terms for more than a decade. 17 Second, my Exhibit 106, the draft Fuel Price 18 Forecast of the Northwest Power Planning Council, Table D, 19 Page F-1 shows no or very little real increase in east-side 20 delivered Northwest regional gas prices over a twenty year 21 period, depending on the reference year. Table 2, Page 16 22 of the same document shows natural gas prices falling in 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 11 Idaho Power Company real terms until the year 2005 and then escalating in real 1 terms from 2005-25 from 0.2% to 1.06% in the low and high 2 forecasts, respectively. 3 I conclude that Mr. Sterling’s nominal fuel 4 price escalator of 4.4% (2.7% + 1.7%) is too high. 5 Q. Do you agree with Mr. Sterling’s direct 6 testimony on pages 6-7 where he recommends using a single 7 forecast issued by DOE/EIA? 8 A. No, I do not. Mr. Sterling recommends use 9 of this forecast because it is updated annually and is 10 readily available without charge or subscription fee. 11 Forecasting prices of commodities is difficult and in the 12 interest of both QFs and ratepayers, we ought to rely on as 13 much information and as many quality institutions as 14 possible. The Power Planning Council Fuel Price Forecast 15 document refers to and relies upon several independent 16 forecasts, including the DOE/EIA. Mr. Sterling’s initial 17 objection to use of the Council’s consensus forecasts was 18 its untimely updates. However, as referenced by the IEPI 19 witness Mr. Trippel, the Council now intends to frequently 20 update these forecasts. 21 I recommend that the Commission rely on a 22 number of forecasts in establishing a fuel price escalator. 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 12 Idaho Power Company Q. How did the IEPI witness Mr. Trippel reach 1 his recommended fuel escalation rate of 3.10%? 2 A. Mr. Trippel, on Pages 6-8 of his direct 3 testimony, requests that the Commission adopt a “medium-4 high” forecast developed by the Power Planning Council, and 5 as discussed in my Exhibit No. 106. 6 Q. What is meant by the term “medium-high” 7 forecast? 8 A. The Council typically produces five 9 different forecasts based upon five different levels of 10 statistical probabilities of occurring. The five forecasts 11 are termed low, medium-low, medium, medium-high and high. 12 The medium forecast has 50% chance of being too high and a 13 50% chance of being too low. The others do not. 14 Q. Do you agree with Mr. Trippel that this 15 Commission should adopt the Council’s medium-high fuel 16 price escalator of 3.10% per year? 17 A. No. In the PURPA compact regarding avoided 18 costs, both QFs and ratepayers assume the risks of being 19 wrong. I see no reason to skew this risk one way or the 20 other. We should adopt the best forecast available. The 21 best forecast is that which has the highest probability of 22 being right. This is, by definition, the medium or central 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 13 Idaho Power Company tendency forecast. 1 FIRST YEAR DEFICIT 2 Q. What is the issue with respect to the first 3 year deficit variable? 4 A. Levelized avoided costs under the SAR method 5 are a combination of costs in the utility’s initial surplus 6 period, measured as surplus prices, and the annualized SAR 7 costs in all subsequent periods once the surplus period 8 ends. If prices in the surplus period are lower than the 9 full incremental cost of the SAR, the avoided cost rates 10 will always be lower, the longer the projected surplus 11 period. 12 Due to the effect on avoided cost rates and 13 the controversies usually associated with projecting a 14 surplus period, the Staff, the IEPI and the PFP-PC request 15 that the Commission, in effect, deem each of the three 16 utilities to be in load/resource balance today for purposes 17 of computing avoided cost rates. 18 Q. What arguments are made by these parties in 19 defense of assuming away any surplus period? 20 A. Staff witness Mr. Sterling provides a 21 comprehensive list of arguments on Pages 7-9 of his direct 22 testimony. 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 14 Idaho Power Company Q. What is your opinion on this issue? 1 A. I do not take issue with any of the nine 2 points raised by Mr. Sterling. In the twenty years I have 3 conducted avoided cost studies, the points raised by Mr. 4 Sterling have frequently arisen. The problem I see in 5 dismissing these important issues is that, by definition, 6 the avoided cost estimates derived under the “no-surplus” 7 assumption will not comply with the “but for” or 8 “incremental costs” of the specific utility, as provided 9 for by PURPA, but will necessarily be higher. 10 Certainly, it would seem to me to be 11 necessary in each and every avoided cost determination to 12 determine how far using this assumption would take QF 13 purchase prices away from the utilities’ actual avoided 14 costs. In order for a simplifying assumption for any SAR 15 variable to comply with PURPA, the assumption should not 16 generate avoided cost rates that depart significantly from 17 avoided cost calculations that use more realistic 18 assumptions. 19 Q. How important is the first year deficit 20 issue in the present proceeding? 21 A. The issue is always important. However, as 22 I testified on Page 16, Lines 3-5, of my direct testimony, 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 15 Idaho Power Company the quantitative effect on Idaho Power’s estimated avoided 1 cost rates under my assumptions is not great in this case 2 due to the higher assumed price for surplus energy. I do 3 not know how great a departure from actual avoided costs 4 the “no-surplus” assumption causes for Avista and 5 PacifiCorp. 6 Q. What is your recommendation to the 7 Commission on this issue? 8 A. In my direct testimony, I recommended that 9 the Commission in these proceedings adjust the two 10 overwhelmingly significant variables – the initial natural 11 gas price and the natural gas price escalator and more 12 fully investigate the remaining variables in a subsequent 13 forum. Given the proposal on assuming no surplus period 14 made by some parties, and the potential significance that 15 this simplifying assumption has on the level of computed 16 avoided cost rates, I reiterate this recommendation. 17 A second recommendation I have is made by 18 reference to some historical perspective on this issue. 19 While the nine points raised by Mr. Sterling are indeed 20 issues to consider, they are by no means beyond solving. 21 In the early 1980s in Idaho, more rigorous modeling was 22 used to attempt to answer the deficit period and associated 23 PESEAU, DI-REB 16 Idaho Power Company issues. The issues raised by Mr. Sterling are technical by 1 nature because resource planning and utility operations are 2 technical by nature. Just as the transition from resource 3 surpluses to resource deficits has placed heightened 4 attention to resource planning, the Commission may want to 5 revisit certain elements of the SAR method as well. 6 Q. Does this conclude your rebuttal testimony? 7 A. Yes. 8 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on the 5th day of August, 2002, I served a true and correct copy of the Direct Rebuttal Testimony and Exhibits of Dennis E. Peseau in Case No. GNR-E-02-1 upon the following named parties by the method indicated below, and addressed to the following: Scott Woodbury Deputy Attorney General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington Street P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074 x Hand Delivered U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Conley E. Ward Givens Pursley LLP 277 North 6th Street Suite 200 P.O. Box 2720 Boise, ID 83701 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Peter J. Richardson Richardson & O’Leary PLLC 99 East State Street, Suite 200 P.O. Box 1849 Eagle, ID 83616 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX William J. Nicholson Corporate Energy & Environmental Services Potlatch Corporation 244 California Street, Suite 610 San Francisco, CA 94111 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Robert J. Lafferty Avista Corporation P.O. Box 3727 Spokane, WA 99220 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Mark Widmer PacifiCorp 825 N.E. Multnomah, Suite 800 Portland, OR 97204 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 2 R. Blair Strong Tom DeBoer Paine, Hamblen, Coffin, Brooke & Miller 717 W. Sprague Avenue, Suite 1200 Spokane, WA 99201-3505 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX John M. Eriksson Justin R. Boose Stoel Rives LLP 201 S. Main Street Suite 1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Dean J. Miller McDevitt & Miller LLP 420 West Bannock Street P.O. Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Stuart Trippel Tripple Mast Consulting 506 - 2nd Avenue, Suite 1001 Seattle, WA 98104-2328 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Owen H. Orndorff Orndorff Law Offices 1087 W. River Street, Suite 230 Boise, ID 83702 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Scott Pasley David Hawk J.R. Simplot Company P.O. Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-0027 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Ronald C. Barr Earth Power Resources, Inc. 3203 S. Owasso Avenue Tulsa, OK 74105 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Jane A. Gorsuch Intermountain Forest Association 350 N. 9th Street, Suite 304E Boise, ID 83702 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE, Page 3 Eric L. Olsen Racine, Olson, Nye, Budge & Bailey 201 E. Center P.O. Box 1391 Pocatello, ID 83204-1391 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Anthony Yankel 29814 Lake road Bay Village, OH 44140 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX Rick S. Koebbe, President WindWorks, Inc. 5356 N. Cattail Way Boise, ID 83703 Hand Delivered x U.S. Mail Overnight Mail FAX /s/ BARTON L. KLINE