HomeMy WebLinkAbout601-605.pdfEXHIBIT NO. 601 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE AND BACKGROUND OF STUART A.T. TRIPPEL WITNESS FOR INDEPENDENT ENERGY PRODUCERS OF IDAHO Qualifications of Stuart A.T. Trippel Witness for Independent Energy Producers of Idaho Experience Principal, Trippel/Mast Consulting LLC (previously independent consultant) 1997-present Consultant providing economic and financial analysis and general management consulting, including assistance with regulatory compliance, policy analysis, spreadsheet modeling, research, negotiations, and expert witness services in the areas of rates, cost- of-service, financial and management accounting, industry studies, forecasting, and strategic planning. Clients include utilities, private companies, and law firms. Projects include: Industrial Customers of Idaho Power (through law firms of Richardson & leary, PLLC, Boise Idaho; and Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP, Boise Idaho) . US Ecology, Inc. Richland, Washington (a subsidiary of American Ecology Corporation, Boise Idaho) Ongoing rate and regulatory consulting services including review of Idaho Power Company filings and proposals, assistance with risk management issues power sales contract review, power cost adjustment clause review, review of load reduction programs and emergency rate relief filing, analysis of contract and market-based rates, analysis of contract termination effects, assistance with industry restructuring issues and research on specialized topics Ongoing rate and regulatory consulting services including periodic filing of preliminary and final rates for low-level radioactive waste disposal, assistance with regulatory accounting matters, assistance with Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission inquiries and audits, rate analysis scenarios, general regulatory advice and assistance, cost-of-service analysis, and revenue requirement development and review in preparation for application for general rate case in Washington EXHIBIT NO. 601 Page 1 of 4 Trippel, Stuart A. T. South Carolina Budget and Control Board Columbia, South Carolina Brooks & Associates SeaTac, Washington Opatrny Consulting, Inc. Battle Ground, Washington . CH2M HILL Bellevue, Washington Analytical and litigation support services relating to proceeding before South Carolina Public Service Commission in the matter of recoverable operating costs of a low-level radioactive waste facility in Barnwell, South Carolina Various projects involving rates, cost-of-service policy analysis, and research in electric utility industry; review of testimony before Bonneville Power Administration Sub consultant on rates, cost-of-service, and analytical issues for large industrial electricity consumer Subconsultant on various projects, including economic evaluation of heat pump program for an electric utility, analysis of contractual rate reopener provision for group of utilities purchasing from joint projects, analysis of residential assistance plan rates and various other projects relating to electric utility rates and regulation ............-................................-........-.......................................................................-.................... ....................................-..............-........... ..............................-.........-....... Consultant (vice president) EES Consulting, Inc. 1990- .......--........-..................................................-...... Economist and project manager responsible for project execution and supervision in a variety of areas, including: Regulatory analysis in the United States and Canada (including Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and state and provincial regulatory bodies) Complex rate case intervention (e., Bonneville Power Administration), including analysis, testimony, and case management Rates and cost-of-service studies . Activity-based costing analysis Assistance with direct access issues, including analysis and commission applications Requests for proposals for power supply (issuance and evaluation) Contract and other negotiations Legislative analysis and monitoring Specialized research (economic, regulatory, and legal) . Due diligence research and company intelligence Expert witness testimony and litigation support EXHIBIT NO. 601 Page 2 of 4 Trippel, Stuart A. Forecasting Valuation studies Surveys (design and analysis) Seminars and courses (development and delivery) Risk management Project feasibility studies Environmental cost evaluation Integrated resource planning Demand-side management program development Representative clients included public utility districts in Washington (Snohomish County, Clark County, Mason County No.3, Pend Oreille County, Grays Harbor County, Lewis County), municipalities (Tacoma, Washington; Bellevue, Washington; Detroit Michigan; Denver, Colorado; Ottawa, Ontario), utility associations (Western Public Agencies Group, Washington; Conservation and Renewable Energy System, Oregon; Municipal Electric Association, Ontario; Western Montana Generation & Transmission Cooperative, Texas Municipal Power Agency), investor-owned, cooperative, and government-owned utilities (West Kootenay Power Ltd., British Columbia; Lower Valley Power & Light Company, Wyoming; Northwest Territories Power Corporation, New Jersey-American Water Company), private companies (US Ecology, Inc.; members of the Industrial Customers ofIdaho Power; Hewlett-Packard; Birmingham Steel), government agencies (Washington State Department of Health; Greater Vancouver Regional District, British Columbia; Central Utah Water Conservancy District), law firms (Perkins Coie, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP), and engineering firms (HDR Engineering, Inc. ........ ............................................. .............-........................................... Management consultant Regional accounting firm 1989- Member of the management advisory services department providing business planning services, support for private placements and other securities issues, mergers and acquisitions support, and economic analysis of industries. Clients included startup ventures and small businesses seeking venture capital and other funding. ..........................................................-.........-...................................................-.....-.........-.....................................................-......-...........-........................................-...............................-....-.............-........................ Economist CH2M HILL 1987- Project economist providing research and quantitative analysis for electric, gas, and solid waste utility forecasting, and population forecasting; rate and cost-of-service studies; bond issues; power supply planning; valuation studies; mergers and acquisitions; environmental impact statements; and policy analysis. Clients included EXHIBIT NO. 601 Page 3 of 4 Trippel, Stuart A. Southern California Edison, Anchorage Municipal Light & Power, Port of Vancouver (British Columbia), Grant County (Washington) Public Utility District, Mukilteo School District, Snohomish County (Washington) Solid Waste Division, King County (Washington) Solid Waste Division, and the United States Bureau of Reclamation. ........... ....................................................................... ......................................................-............-............................................................................. .........................................-....... Independent consultant 1984- ............................................................-.............................- Research assistant and consultant on antitrust, energy issues (including forecasting and demand-side management), market studies, and business planning issues. Clients included university professors and their expert witness clients, including law firms and businesses involved in antitrust and other economic-related litigation. Academic Affiliations Associate (Adjunct) Faculty, Business Administration Division, Shoreline Community College, Seattle, 2000-02 (teaching practical accounting, business school financial accounting, managerial accounting, accounting theory, and summer intensive financial accounting) Associate (Adjunct) Faculty, Business Division, North Seattle Community College Seattle, 2001-02 (teaching introductory accounting and business tax accounting) Education Bachelor of Arts, Economics, University of Washington, Seattle, 1988 Courses in accounting (financial accounting, cost accounting, auditing, and accounting information systems), North Seattle Community College, Seattle, 1999-2000 Professional Societies and Recognitions American Economic Association, member since 1987 American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, member (non-CPA) since 1999 Washington Society of Certified Public Accountants, member (non-CPA) since 1999 Who s Who in America(!Y-West, 27th Edition (1999) EXHIBIT NO. 601 Page 4 of 4 Trippel, Stuart A. EXHIBIT NO. 602 HISTORY OF NATURAL GAS PRICES Figure 6 History US Wellhead Natural Gas Prices Source:Draft Fuel Price Forecasts for the 5th Northwest Conservation and Electric Power Plan, April 25, 2002 (Council Document 2002-07), at 15. EXHIBIT NO. 602 Trippel, Stuart A. EXHIBIT NO. 603 RECOMMENDED NATURAL GAS PRICE FORECAST (NPPC MEDIUM-HIGH) Ye a r ~ ~ :: ! . ~ "0 = = "0 .. . . c: ; J" " " . . . . 00 ~ g z ~ 0 .. . . . ~ ~ . 0 :- 3 ~ 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 In d e p e n d e n t E n e r g y P r o d u c e r s o f I d a h o An a l ys i s o f N o r t h w e s t P o w e r P l a n n i n g C o u n c i l (N P P C ) N a t u r a l G a s P r i c e F o r e c a s t s SA T T 20 0 2 J u l y 22 (M o n d a y ) , 13 : 1 3 Ge n e r a l i n f l a t i o n r a t e : Co l u m n Re a l P r i c e (E a s t - S i d e De l i v e r e d ) (2 0 0 0 pe r MM B t u ) 4. 4 8 3. 4 7 3. 4 7 3. 4 8 3. 4 9 Co l u m n 7% p e r y e a r Co l u m n Wi t h o u t I n i t i a l - Ye a r P r i c e A v e r a g i n g Co l u m n Me d i u m - Hi g h F o r e c a s t Co l u m n An n u a l An n u a l R e a l N o m i n a l Pr i c e No m i n a l Es c a l a t i o n by Y e a r Es c a l a t i o n 19 . 32 . 18 . (p e r M M B t u ) 4. 4 6 22 , 31 . 21 .0. 2 % Av e r a g e An n u a l Gr o w t h R a t e Si n c e 2 0 0 2 21 , 10 .6. 4 % 4. 4 % Co l u m n Co l u m n Co l u m n Wi t h I n i t i a l - Ye a r P r i c e A v e r a g i n g Av e r a g e An n u a l An n u a l No m i n a l P r i c e No m i n a l Gr o w t h R a t e by Y e a r Es c a l a t i o n Si n c e 2 0 0 2 (p e r M M B t u ) 4. 4 6 2. 4 % t: O rJ J . 0' \ rJ J . Ye a r ~ ~ :: ! . "0 = = "0 .. . . c: ; J" " " . . . . 00 - - 3 g Z ~ 0 :4 . . .& ; ; 0 . . 20 0 0 20 0 1 20 0 2 20 0 3 20 0 4 20 0 5 20 0 6 20 0 7 20 0 8 20 0 9 20 1 0 20 1 1 20 1 2 20 1 3 20 1 4 20 1 5 20 1 6 20 1 7 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 2 0 20 2 1 20 2 2 20 2 3 20 2 4 20 2 5 In d e p e n d e n t E n e r g y P r o d u c e r s o f I d a h o An a l y s i s o f N o r t h w e s t P o w e r P l a n n i n g C o u n c i l (N P P C ) N a t u r a l G a s P r i c e F o r e c a s t s SA T T 20 0 2 J u l y 22 (M o n d a y ) , 13 : 1 3 Ge n e r a l i n f l a t i o n r a t e : Co l u m n Re a l P r i c e (E a s t - S i d e De l i v e r e d ) (2 0 0 0 pe r MM B t u ) 4. 4 8 3. 2 1 4. 4 0 4. 4 5 4. 4 9 Co l u m n 7% p e r y e a r Co l u m n Wi t h o u t I n i t i a l - Ye a r P r i c e A v e r a g i n g Co l u m n Hi g h F o r e c a s t Co l u m n An n u a l An n u a l R e a l N o m i n a l Pr i c e No m i n a l Es c a l a t i o n by Y e a r Es c a l a t i o n 19 , 28 . 19 .3. 4 % 1. 2 % (p e r M M B t u ) 4. 4 8 5. 4 1 22 . 26 . 4 % 22 , Av e r a g e An n u a l Gr o w t h R a t e Si n c e 2 0 0 2 22 .5. 4 % 4. 4 % 4. 4 % 4. 4 % Co l u m n Co l u m n Co l u m n Wi t h I n i t i a l - Ye a r P r i c e A v e r a g i n g Av e r a g e An n u a l An n u a l No m i n a l P r i c e No m i n a l Gr o w t h R a t e by Y e a r Es c a l a t i o n Si n c e 2 0 0 2 (p e r M M B t u ) 4. 4 8 5. 4 1 3. 4 % 3. 4 % 7J 1 7J 1 7J 1 t: C 0' \U'I AVOIDED COST CALCULATION MODEL 22-Jul- DATA IPCO TYPE DATA FIRST DEFICIT YEAR:2000 SURPLUS ENERGY COST (mil/kWh):19. SURPLUS COST BASE YEAR:1994 SAR" PLANT LIFE (YEARS): SAR" PLANT COST ($/kW):$667 BASE YEAR OF "SAR" COST:1994 350 SAR" CAPACITY FACTOR (%):92%Btu/kWh UTL TV WT'D COST OF CAPITAL (%):199% RA TEPA YER DISCOUNT RATE (%):199%$3. SAR" FIXED O&M ($/kW):$7.43 per MMBtu SAR" VARIABLE O&M (mil/kWh): CURRENT YEAR FUEL COST (mil/kWh):28. BASE YEAR, O&M EXPENSES:1994 20-year K ESCALATION RATE; "SAR" (%):60%Levelized ESCALATION RATE; SURPLUS (%):50%51.40 ESCALATION RATE; O&M (%):21%53. ESCALATION RATE; FUEL (%):10%54. ADJUSTABLE PORTION (mil/kWh):56. CAPITAL CARRYING CHARGE (%):12.424%58. LEVEL CARRYING COST (mil/kWh):12.60. TILTING" RATE (%):60%mills/kWh TYPE OF RATES:NON-FUELED CURRENT YEAR:2002 Online Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EXHIBIT NO. 605 Page 1 of 3 Trippel, Stuart A. T. AVOIDED COST CALCULATION MODEL 22-Jul- DATA A VISTA TYPE DATA FIRST DEFICIT YEAR:2000 SURPLUS ENERGY COST (mil/kWh):19. SURPLUS COST BASE YEAR:1994 SAR" PLANT LIFE (YEARS): SAR" PLANT COST ($/kW):$667 BASE YEAR OF "SAR" COST:1994 350 SAR" CAPACITY FACTOR (%):92%Btu/kWh UTL TY WT'D COST OF CAPITAL (%):979% RATEPAYER DISCOUNT RATE (%):979%$3. SAR" FIXED O&M ($/kW):$7.43 per MMBtu SAR" VARIABLE O&M (mil/kWh): CURRENT YEAR FUEL COST (mil/kWh):28. BASE YEAR , O&M EXPENSES:1994 20-year K ESCALATION RATE; "SAR" (%):60%Levelized ESCALATION RATE; SURPLUS (%):50%50. ESCALATION RATE; O&M (%):21%52.49 ESCALATION RATE; FUEL (%):10%54. ADJUSTABLE PORTION (mil/kWh):55. CAPITAL CARRYING CHARGE (%):11.813%57. LEVEL CARRYING COST (mil/kWh):11.59. TILTING" RATE (%):60%mills/kWh TYPE OF RATES:NON-FUELED CURRENT YEAR:2002 Online Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EXHIBIT NO. 605 Page 2 of 3 Trippel, Stuart A. AVOIDED COST CALCULATION MODEL 22-Jul- DATA PCP TYPE DATA FIRST DEFICIT YEAR:2000 SURPLUS ENERGY COST (mil/kWh):19. SURPLUS COST BASE YEAR:1994 SAR" PLANT LIFE (YEARS): SAR" PLANT COST ($/kW):$667 BASE YEAR OF "SAR" COST:1994 350 SAR" CAPACITY FACTOR (%):92%Btu/kWh UTL TY WT'D COST OF CAPITAL (%):10.270% RATEPAYER DISCOUNT RATE (%):10.270%$3. SAR" FIXED O&M ($/kW):$7.43 per MMBtu SAR" VARIABLE O&M (mil/kWh): CURRENT YEAR FUEL COST (mil/kWh):28. BASE YEAR, O&M EXPENSES:1994 20-year K ESCALATION RATE; "SAR" (%):60%Levelized ESCALATION RATE; SURPLUS (%):50%51. ESCALATION RATE; O&M (%):21%53. ESCALATION RATE; FUEL (%):10%54. ADJUSTABLE PORTION (mil/kWh):56.48 CAPITAL CARRYING CHARGE (%):12.600%58. LEVEL CARRYING COST (mil/kWh):12.45 60. TILTING" RATE (%):60%mills/kWh TYPE OF RATES:NON-FUELED CURRENT YEAR:2002 Online Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 EXHIBIT NO. 605 Page 3 of 3 Trippel, Stuart A. T.