HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110816Letter re Avoided Cost Rates.pdfRECFIV¡:lî\ .l "~ i ... L,. 20" AUG '6 AM 10: 42 STATE OF IDAHO OFFICE OF THE ATIORNEY GENERAL LAWRENCE G, WASDEN August 16, 2011 Avista Corporation Michael Andrea A vista Utilties 14 i i E. Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, VVA 99220-3727 Clint Kalich Avista Utilities i 4 i I E. Mission PO Box 3727 Spokane, VVA 99220-3727 Rocky Mountain Power Daniel Solander Ted VVeston PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power One Utah Center 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84 i i i Greg Duvall Hui Shu Laren Hale PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power 825 NE Multnomah Street Portland, OR 97232 Idaho Power Company Donovan VV alker Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-007 Randy Allphin Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 RE: Case No. GNR-E-ll-04 Pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act -of 1978 (PURP A) and the implementing regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) has approved a Surogate Avoided Resource (SAR) methodology for calculation of the avoided cost rates paid to PURP A qualifying cogeneration and small power production facilities (QFs) by Idaho Power Company, Avista and PacifiCorp. Avoided cost rates are the purchase price paid to QFs for purchases of QF capacity and energy. One of the key input variables in the computation of avoided cost rates is a long-term natural gas price forecast. In accordance with the methodology approved in Order No. 29124, the medium natural gas price forecast of the Northwest Power and Conservation Council (NPCC; Council) is Contracts & Administrative Law Division, Idaho Public Utilties Commission P,O, Box 83720, Boise. Idaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300, FAX: (208) 334-3762, E-mail: IpucC1puc.state.id.us Located at 472 West Washington St, Boise, Idaho 83702 August 16, 2011 Page 2 to be used as the basis for computing avoided cost rates. In Order No. 29124, the Commission also found that the release of a new fuel price forecast by the Council or the Council's general advisory committees automatically triggers a recalculation of the published avoided cost rates. A new Council natural gas price forecast was approved on August 9, 2011. The forecast was posted on the Council's website on August 12, 2011. The forecast amends Appendix A to the Plan. A copy of the amended medium natural gas price forecast is attched. In accordance with the approved methodology, east-side delivered prices are to be used for avoided cost computations. Commission Staff has recomputed avoided cost rates using the Council's most recent gas price forecast. Accompanying this letter are sheets showing the results from recomputation of the avoided cost rates using the new Council natural gas price forecast that was posted on August 12, 2011. If after reviewing the revised rates, you accept them as accurate please indicate your approval by letter (or other fiing) directed to the Commission in the reserved case docket numbers identified above. The case heading for the adjustment, Case No, GNR-E-11-04, wil read as follows: IN THE MATTER OF THE ADJUSTMENT OF AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NEW PURPA CONTRACTS FOR AVISTA CORPORATION DBA AVISTA UTILITIES, IDAHO POWER COMPANY, AND PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER. Please fie your respective responses with the Commission on or prior to August 23, 2011. Than you for your cooperation. Please feel free to contact me or Rick Sterling if you have any questions. Sincerely,~~ Kristine Sasser Deputy Attorney General Enclosures L:GNR-E-II-04_ks_rs AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR FUELED PROJECTS August 9, 2011 $/MWh Eligibilty for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 YEAR RATES 1 22.26 22,60 22,94 23,28 23,63 23,99 2011 22,26 2 22,42 22,76 23,10 23,45 23,80 24,16 2012 22,60 3 22,58 22,92 23,26 23,61 23,97 24,33 2013 22,94 4 22,73 23,07 23,42 23,77 24,13 24,50 2014 23.28 5 22,88 23,23 23,58 23,93 24,29 24,66 2015 23,63 6 23,03 23,38 23,73 24,09 24,45 24,82 2016 23,99 7 23,18 23,53 23,88 24,24 24,61 24,98 2017 24,35 8 23,32 23,67 24,03 24,39 24,76 25,13 2018 24,71 9 23,46 23,81 24,17 24,53 24,90 25,28 2019 25,09 10 23.59 23.95 24.31 24.67 25.05 25,42 2020 25,46 11 23.72 24,08 24,44 24.81 25.19 25.57 2021 25.85 12 23.85 24.21 24.58 24.95 25.32 25.70 2022 26.24 13 23,98 24.34 24.70 25.08 25,46 25.84 2023 26.63 14 24,10 24,46 24.83 25.20 25.58 25.97 2024 27.04 15 24,22 24.58 24.95 25.33 25.71 26.10 2025 27,45 16 24.33 24.70 25.07 25,45 25.83 26.22 2026 27.86 17 24,44 24.81 25.19 25.56 25.95 26.34 2027 28.28 18 24.55 24.92 25.30 25.68 26.07 26,46 2028 28.71 19 24.66 25.03 25,40 25.79 26.18 26.57 2029 29.14 20 24.76 25.13 25.51 25.89 26.28 26.68 2030 29.58 2031 30.03 2032 30,49 2033 30.95 2034 31,42 2035 31.89 2036 32.38 EFFECTIVE DATE ADJUSTABLE COMPONENT 8/9/2011 29.33 The total avoided cost rate in each year is the sum of the adjustable component and the fixed component from either of the tables above. Example 1. A 20-year levelized contract with a 2011 on-line date would receive the following rates: Years 1 2-20 Rate 24.76 + 29.33 24.76 + Adjustable component in each year Example 2. A 4-year non-Ievelized contract with a 2011 on-line date would receive the following rates: Years 1 2 3 4 Rate 22.26 + 29.33 22.60 + Adjustable component in year 2012 22.94 + Adjustable component in year 2013 23.28 + Adjustable component in year 2014 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's August 9, 2011 Update to the Fuel Price Forecast contained in its Sixth Power Plan approved on February 10, 2010. See Table 2, page 5, East-Side Delivered prices, (Reference Order No. 30480). AVISTA AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-FUELED PROJECTS August 9,2011 $/MWh Eligibilty for these rates is limited to wind and solar project 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 YEAR RATES 1 51.59 53,47 55.18 56.86 58.67 60.61 2011 51.59 2 52.49 54.29 55.99 57.73 59.60 61.60 2012 53,47 3 53.32 55.08 56.81 58.61 60.54 62.64 2013 55.18 4 54.10 55.87 57.65 59.51 61.52 63.65 2014 56.86 5 54.87 56.67 58.50 60,43 62,49 64.66 2015 58.67 6 55.64 57,48 59.37 61,35 63,44 65.66 2016 60.61 7 56,42 58.30 60.24 62,26 64,40 66.66 2017 62.68 8 57.21 59.13 61.10 63,17 65.35 67,65 2018 64.98 9 57.99 59.95 61.96 64.07 66.30 68.64 2019 67.26 10 58.77 60.77 62.82 64.97 67.24 69.62 2020 69.60 11 59.55 61.58 63.67 65.86 68.17 70.59 2021 72.11 12 60.33 62.39 64.52 66.75 69.09 71.55 2022 74.77 13 61.09 63.19 65.36 67.62 70.01 7251 2023 77,43 14 61.85 63.99 66.19 68.49 70.91 73.45 2024 80.25 15 62.61 64.77 67.01 69.35 71.80 74.38 2025 83.25 16 63.35 65.55 67.82 70.19 72.69 75.30 2026 86.24 17 64.09 66.32 68.62 71.03 73.56 76,21 2027 89,42 18 64.81 67.08 69,41 71.86 74,42 7711 2028 92.80 19 65.53 67.82 70.19 72.67 75.27 78.00 2029 96.27 20 66.24 68.56 70.96 73,47 76.11 78.88 2030 99.85 2031 103.67 2032 107.63 2033 111.75 2034 116.06 2035 120.56 2036 125.25 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's August 9, 2011 Update to the Fuel Price Forecast contained in its Sixth Power Plan approved on February 10, 2010. See Table 2, page 5, East-Side Delivered prices. (Reference Order No. 30480). IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR FUELED PROJECTS August 9, 2011 $/MWh Eligibilty for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 YEAR RATES 1 21.99 22.32 22.66 23.00 23.35 23.70 2011 21.99 2 22.15 22,48 22.82 23.17 23.51 23.87 2012 22.32 3 22.31 22.64 22.98 23.33 23.68 24.04 2013 22.66 4 22,46 22.80 23.14 23,49 23.84 24.20 2014 23.00 5 22.61 22.95 23.30 23.65 24.00 24.37 2015 23.35 6 22.76 23.10 23,45 23.80 24.16 24.53 2016 23.70 7 22.90 23.25 23.60 23.95 24.31 24.68 2017 24.06 8 23.04 23.39 23.74 24.10 24,47 24.83 2018 24,42 9 23.18 23.53 23.89 24.25 24.61 24.98 2019 24.79 10 23.32 23.67 24.03 24.39 24.76 25.13 2020 25.16 11 23,45 23.80 24.16 24.53 24.90 25.27 2021 25.54 12 23.58 23.93 24.30 24.66 25.03 25,41 2022 25.93 13 23.71 24.06 24,43 24.79 25.17 25.55 2023 26.32 14 23.83 24.19 24.55 24.92 25.30 25.68 2024 26.71 15 23.95 24.31 24.67 25.05 25,43 25.81 2025 27.12 16 24.06 24,43 24.79 25.17 25.55 25.93 2026 27.53 17 24.18 24.54 24.91 25.29 25.67 26.06 2027 27.94 18 24.29 24.65 25.02 25,40 25.79 26.18 2028 28.37 19 24.39 24.76 25.14 25.51 25.90 26.29 2029 28.80 20 24.50 24.87 25.24 25.62 26.01 26,40 2030 29.23 2031 29.68 2032 30.13 2033 30.58 2034 31.05 2035 31.52 2036 32.00 EFFECTIVE DATE ADJUSTABLE COMPONENT 8/9/2011 29.33 Example 1. A 20-year levelized contract with a 2011 on-line date would receive the following rates: The total avoided cost rate in each year is the sum of the adjustable component and the fixed component from either of the tables above. Years 1 2-20 Rate 24.50 + 29.33 24.50 + Adjustable component in each year Example 2. A 4-year non-Ievelized contract with a 2011 on-line date would receive the following rates: Years 1 2 3 4 Rate 21.99 + 29.33 22.32 + Adjustable component in year 2012 22.66 + Adjustable component in year 2013 23.00 + Adjustable component in year 2014 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's August 9, 2011 Update to the Fuel Price Forecast contained in its Sixth Power Plan approved on February 10, 2010. See Table 2, page 5, East-Side Delivered prices. (Reference Order No. 30480). These rates also reflect a change in Idaho Power's weighted cost of capital as a result of Order No. 30722 in the Company's 2008 general rate case. IDAHO POWER COMPANY AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON-FUELED PROJECTS August 9, 2011 $/MWh Eligibilty for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non-solar projects smaller than 10 aMW . ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 YEAR RATES 1 51.32 53.20 54.91 56.58 58.39 60.32 2011 51.32 2 52.22 54.02 55.71 57,45 59.31 61.31 2012 53.20 3 53.05 54.81 56.53 58.33 60.26 62.35 2013 54.91 4 53.83 55.60 57.37 59.23 61.24 63.37 2014 56.58 5 54.60 56,40 58.22 60.16 62.21 64.38 2015 58.39 6 55.38 57.21 59.10 61.08 63.17 65.38 2016 60.32 7 56.16 58.05 59.98 61,99 64.13 66.39 2017 62.39 8 56.96 58.88 60.85 62.91 65.10 67,40 2018 64.68 9 57.75 59.71 61.72 63.83 66.05 68.39 2019 66.96 10 58.54 60.53 62.59 64.74 67.00 69.39 2020 69.30 11 59.33 61.36 63,45 65.64 67.95 70.37 2021 71.80 12 60.12 62.18 64.31 66.54 68.89 71.34 2022 74,46 13 60.90 63.00 65.17 67,43 69.81 72.32 2023 77.11 14 61.68 63.81 66.01 68.32 70.74 73.28 2024 79.93 15 62.45 64.61 66.85 69.19 71.65 74.23 2025 82.92 16 63.21 65,41 67.68 70.06 72.56 75.18 2026 85.91 17 63.96 66.20 68.51 70.92 73.45 76.11 2027 89.09 18 64.71 66.98 69.32 71.77 74.34 7704 2028 92,46 19 65,45 67.75 70.12 72.61 75.22 7795 2029 95.93 20 66.18 68.51 70.92 73,44 76.08 78.86 2030 99.50 2031 103.32 2032 107.27 2033 111.39 2034 115.69 2035 120.18 2036 124.87 Note: The rates shown in this table have been computed using the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's August 9, 2011 Update to the Fuel Price Forecast contained in its Sixth Power Plan approved on February 10, 2010. See Table 2, page 5, East-Side Delivered prices. (Reference Order No. 30480). These rates also reflect a change in Idaho Power's weighted cost of capital as a result of Order No. 30722 in the Company's 2008 general rate case. PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR FUELED PROJECTS August 9, 2011 $/MWh Eligibilty for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 YEAR RATES 1 21.55 21.88 22.21 22.54 22.88 23.23 2011 21.55 2 21.71 22.04 22.37 22.71 23.05 23.40 2012 21.88 3 21.86 22.19 22.53 22.87 23.21 23.56 2013 22.21 4 22.01 22.35 22.68 23.03 23.37 23.73 2014 22.54 5 22.16 22.50 22.84 23.18 23.53 23.89 2015 22.88 6 22.31 22.64 22.99 23.33 23.69 24.04 2016 23.23 7 22.45 22.79 23.13 23.48 23.84 24.20 2017 23.58 8 22.59 22.93 23.28 23.63 23.99 24.35 2018 23.94 9 22.73 23.07 23.42 23.77 24.13 24.50 2019 24.30 10 22.86 23,21 23.56 23.91 24.27 24.64 2020 24.66 11 22.99 23.34 23.69 24.05 24.41 24.78 2021 25.04 12 23.12 23.47 23.82 24.18 24.55 24.92 2022 25.42 13 23.24 23.60 23.95 24.31 24.68 25.05 2023 25.80 14 23.37 23.72 24.08 24.44 24.81 25.19 2024 26.19 15 23.49 23.84 24.20 24.57 24.94 25.31 2025 26.59 16 23.60 23.96 24.32 24.69 25.06 25.44 2026 26.99 17 23.71 24.07 24.44 24.80 25.18 25.56 2027 27.40 18 23.82 24.18 24.55 24.92 25.30 25.68 2028 27.81 19 23.93 24.29 24.66 25.03 25.41 25.79 2029 28.24 20 24.03 24.40 24.77 25.14 25.52 25.91 2030 28.66 2031 29.10 2032 29.54 2033 29.99 2034 30.44 2035 30.91 2036 31.38 EFFECTIVE DATE ADJUSTABLE COMPONENT 8/9/2011 29.33 The total avoided cost rate in each year is the sum of the adjustable component and the fixed component from either of the tables above. Example 1. A 20-year levelized contract with a 2011 on-line date would receive the following rates: Years 1 2-20 Rate 24.03 + 29.33 24.03 + Adjustable component in each year Example 2. A 4-year non-Ievelized contract with a 2011 on-line date would receive the following rates: Years 1 2 3 4 Rate 21.55 + 29.33 21.88 + Adjustable component in year 2012 22.21 + Adjustable component in year 2013 22.54 + Adjustable component in year 2014 Note: (1) The rates shown in this table have been computed using the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's August 9, 2011 Update to the Fuel Price Forecast contained in its Sixth Power Plan approved on February 10, 2010. See Table 2, page 5, East-Side Delivered prices. (Reference Order No. 30480). (2) The rates shown in this table have been computed using the weighted average cost of capital from PacifiCorp's most recent general rate case. (See Order No. 32196). PACIFICORP AVOIDED COST RATES FOR NON.FUELED PROJECTS August 9, 2011 $/MWh Eligibilty for these rates is limited to wind and solar projects 100 kW or smaller, and to non-wind and non- solar projects smaller than 10 aMW ON-LINE YEAR CONTRACT NON-LEVELIZED 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 YEAR RATES 1 50.88 52.76 54.46 56.13 57.92 59.85 2011 50.88 2 51.78 53.57 55.26 56.99 58.85 60.84 2012 52.76 3 52.61 54.36 56.08 57.87 59.79 61.88 2013 54.46 4 53.39 55.15 56.92 58.77 60.77 62.89 2014 56.13 5 54.16 55.95 57.77 59.69 61.74 63.90 2015 57.92 6 54.94 56.77 58.65 60.62 62.71 64.91 2016 59.85 7 55.72 57.60 59.52 61.54 63.67 65.92 2017 61.91 8 56.52 58.43 60.40 62.45 64.64 66.93 2018 64.20 9 57.32 59.26 61.27 63.38 65.59 67.93 2019 66.47 10 58.11 60.10 62.15 64.29 66.55 68.93 2020 68.80 11 58.90 60.93 63.01 65.20 67.50 69.92 2021 71.30 12 59.70 61.76 63.88 66.10 68.44 70.90 2022 73.95 13 60.48 62.58 64.74 67.00 69.38 71.88 2023 76.59 14 61.27 63.40 65.59 67.89 70.31 72.85 2024 79.40 15 62.04 64.21 66.44 68.78 71.24 73.81 2025 82.39 16 62.82 65.01 67.28 69.66 72.15 74.77 2026 85.37 17 63.58 65.81 68.12 70.53 73.06 75.71 2027 88.54 18 64.34 66.60 68.94 71.39 73.96 76.65 2028 91.90 19 65.09 67.38 69.76 72.24 74.85 7758 2029 95.36 20 65.83 68.16 70.57 73.09 75.73 78.50 2030 98.93 2031 102.74 2032 106.68 2033 110.79 2034 115.09 2035 119.57 2036 124.25 Note: (1) The rates shown in this table have been computed using the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's August 9, 2011 Update to the Fuel Price Forecast contained in its Sixth Power Plan approved on February 10, 2010. See Table 2, page 5, East-Side Delivered prices. (Reference Order No. 30480). (2) The rates shown in this table have been computed using the weighted average cost of capital from PacifiCorp's most recent general rate case. (See Order No. 32196). W. Bil Booth Idaho Northwest Power and Conservation Council Joan M. DukesVice-Chair Oregon Bruce A. Measure Chair Montana Rhonda Whiting Montana Bil Bradbury Oregon Tom Karier Washington James A. Yost Idaho Phil Rockefeller Washington August 10th, 2011 Update to the Council's Forecast of Fuel Prices The Council monitors its power planning assumptions on a regular basis to identify any significant changes that might affect its Sixth Power Plan, and the action plan also calls for a biennial monitoring report (MON-I) and a mid-term check on conservation savings (CONS-16). This report reflects the proposed changes in the Council's long-term fuel price forecast. It is often difficult to distinguish short-term variations in fuel prices, which are expected and modeled in the Council's planning, from significant long-term changes that can fundamentally alter the whole range of future expectations. This rarely happens. However, changes in the outlook for natural gas supplies in the last year appear to signal a fundamental shift in expectations about future natural gas supplies. Cost-effective technologies to obtain natural gas trapped in shale formations has changed the view of natural gas supplies from declining and constrained (as forecast in the Sixth Power Plan) to plentiful and adequate for many decades to come. Although the potential of shale gas was identified in the plan, the expected cost of developing it has been reduced through technological breakthroughs so that future costs and prices are now lower. After working with the Natural Gas Advisory Committee, the Council is proposing a downward revision of our range of fuel price forecasts. A range of forecasts recognizes continued uncertinty about developing shale gas--its costs and environmental effects--as well as the speed of the economic recovery. Natural Gas Price Forecast Revision The range of natural gas prices is significantly narrower and lower in the near term compared to the Sixth Power Plan's forecast. The rapid development of shale gas has created a glut of natural gas that is likely to last for several years and depress prices. By the end of the forecast horizon in 2030, the forecast reflects a range of possible long-term equilibrium natural gas prices. The revised medium forecast is about equal to the medium-low forecast in the Sixth Plan at $6.44 in 2010 constant dollars. The revised high forecast is a little above the medium-high, and the low revised forecast is a little less than $1 below the low case. The range of forecasts reflects the different views of supply and demand for natural gas. The high price forecast might be consistent, for example, with a rapid economic recovery in the U.S. and worldwide, environmental restrctions on shale gas development, aggressive regulation ,Of carbon emissions leading to more substitution of natural gas electrcity generation for coal, increased use of natural gas vehicles, increased demand for exports of LNG from Canada and United States, and increased demand from gas-to-1iquid projects. In contrast, the low forecast would be consistent 85 i S. W. Sixth Avenue, Suite 1100 Portland, Oregon 97204.1348 www,nwcounciL.org Steve Crow Executive Director 503.222.5161 800.452-5161 Fax: 503.820.2370 with conditions that limit the demand for natural gas and promote the rapid development of supply. Implications of Revised Natural Gas Price Forecasts The likely effect of the revised fuel price forecast on a revised power plan reduces the forecast of electrcity prices, and to some degree, changes the inter-fuel competition between natural gas and electrcity. The Council doesn't expect significant effects on the resource strategy from this change, but that wil be tested at mid-term. Natural gas generation is already the fall-back resource in the plan, renewables are limited by RPS requirements, and efficiency was constrained by the assumed rates of penetration and development. The following figures compare the Sixth Power Plan's forecast with the revised forecast. The revised forecast reflects lower natural gas prices. Comparison of Revised and Sixth Plan Natural Gas Price Forecasts Wellhead Price (constant 2010 dollars per mmBTU) 12.00 10.00 ,¡8.00lDi ¡;"-e 6.00 .l0Q.. l\4.00 -Low -Medium Low -Medium -Medium High-Hig"" .. ...... 6planLow - , ~&PMedLow -- -- &PMedium --- 6P Med. High ...... 6PHigh 2.00 0.00 ri~..ç:ri~..toriÇ)""''~''''r¡~''l; "'()~t¡Ç)""lòii()~ riÇ)..'b"'Ç)..O",.Ç)"'()"'Ç)ri..~"''' riÇ)rV ",Ç)~ r¡()rt ~",'ò~rC ~ri'ò~~ "'()~() Oil Price Forecast Revision The range of world oil price forecasts has not been revised as significantly as natural gas prices. In spite of the changes in natural gas supply and prices, oil prices have remained high, causing a significant disconnection between oil and natural gas prices. Although the Council assumed that natural gas prices would remain below oil prices on a Btu basis, the gap has widened and the proposed revision maintains the wider gap in the future, though reduced somewhat from current levels. World oil prices have little effect on the Council's power plan because oil has, to a large degree, been relegated to a transportation fuel in the U.S. The primary effect might be on electrc vehicle development, but that is largely determined by other factors relating to technology, consumer acceptance, and infrastrcture development. 2 Comparison of Revised and Sixth Plan Oil Price Forecasts Refiners Acquisition Cost $2010/barrel 140 120 11 100 ..II :;80.. l!.l 600c~""..40 20 -Proposed Low - Proposed Mod Low -Proposed Medium -Proposed Mod. High -Proposed High ~,~.,. 6th Plan Low . .. . . 6th Plan M ed Low . .... 6th Plan Med .. .... 6th Plan Mad High . . 'l 6th Plan High c: _ N c" .. II CD .. C/ CD 0 _ N M .. II CD .. C/ CD 0__________NNNNNNNNNNM~ 2 22222~~22222222 222 2 Coal Price Forecast Revision Like oil, coal prices have relatively little effect on the Council's power plan. They can affect electrcity market prices in relatively few hours and they affect the operating cost of existing coal- fired power plants. However, new coal development is pre-empted in much of the region and new plants do not appear in the Council's plan. The primary change in the forecast is incorporating 2010 actual prices and narrowing the near- term range. The long-term forecasts for 2030 are unchanged. Unlike the natural gas price forecasts, neither the oil nor the coal price forecasts are used extensively in the region. Comparison of Revised and Sixth Plan Coal Price Forecasts Powder River Basin $2010/mmbtu 0.80 1.20 ~ ~ 1.00 :: ¡¡ ~ ~I ~ ~ ~ j - Proposed Lo'W - Proposed Med I01N -= Proposed Medium - Proposed Med high "" Proposed High --- 6th Plan Lo'W ~._-, 6th Plan Med IO\N . u.". 6th Plan Medium 6th Plan Med high ....,' 6th Plan High =- --=~~=----------- --------=------~~------ -- -- ":.:~:.::::::'::'.:::,:'.:'.~.~"'._":..":..':.:::::::.::.::..:';-_':__":..':.::::.:::..0.60 0.40 0.20 0.00 ~~~~~~~~æ~~~~~~~~§~~~ 3 Range of Price Forecast The following tables present the numeric values for the revised natural gas price forecasts, as well as the refiners' acquisition cost of oil and minemouth coal prices for Powder River Basin coaL. The natural gas prices are shown for the wellhead, as well as at various hubs and delivery points. The natural gas prices at wellhead under the medium scenario are shown in constant 2010 dollars, as well as in nominal dollars. Table 1: Proposed range of natural gas price forecast -wellhead prices in constant 2010 dollars. Table 2: Natural gas prices delivered at various hubs and Northwest generators- medium forecast Table 3: Wellhead price of natural gas in nominal dollars Table 4: Henr Hub delivered price of natural gas in nominal dollars Table 5: Refiners' cost of acquisition for oil in constant 2010 dollars Table 6: Cost of Powder River Basin Coal in constant 2010 dollars Table 1: Proposed Prices for Natural Gas Lower 48 State Wellhead (2010$/mmBtu) 4 Table 2: Natural Gas Prices at Key Hubs and Northwest Generators 20 1 O$/mmBtu Medium Case U.S.Henry Sumas West-Side East-Side Year Wellhead Hub AECO Price Delivered Delivered 2011 4.13 4.34 3.56 3.90 4.54 4.05 2012 4.21 4.43 3.65 3.97 4.63 4.18 2013 4.30 4.51 3.74 4.05 4.71 4.28 2014 4.38 4.60 3.84 4.13 4.79 4.37 2016 4.56 4.79 4.03 4.30 4.97 4.58 2017 4.67 4.91 4.15 4.41 5.08 4.70 2018 4.79 5.03 4.28 4.52 5.19 4.84 2019 4.91 5.16 4.41 4.63 5.31 4.97 2021 5.16 5.42 4.68 4.87 5.55 5.24 2022 5.29 5.56 4.82 4.99 5.68 5.39 2023 5.42 5.69 4.96 5.11 5.81 5.53 2024 5.56 5.84 5.11 5.24 5.94 5.68 2026 5.84 6.13 5.41 5.51 6.21 5.99 2027 5.98 6.29 5.57 5.64 6.35 6.15 2028 6.13 6.44 5.73 5.79 6.50 6.32 2029 6.29 6.60 5.90 5.93 6.65 6.49 5 Table 3: Wellhead Price of Natural Gas Nominal Dollars Proposed Update August 2011 Values 2011 4.43 2012 4.48 2013 4.53 2014 4.59 4.47 4.57 4.67 4.77 4.54 4.71 4.88 5.07 4.60 4.85 5.10 5.37 4.63 4.89 5.18 5.48 6 Table 4: Henry Hub Price Forecasts (Nominal Dollars) Proposed Update August 2011 values 2011 4.65 4.69 4.76 4.83 4.86 2012 4.70 4.80 4.94 5.09 5.14 2013 4.76 4.90 5.13 5.36 5.43 2014 4.82 5.01 5.32 5.64 5.75 2016 4.93 5.24 5.73 6.22 6.50 2017 4.99 5.38 5.97 6.52 6.90 2018 5.05 5.53 6.22 6.83 7.34 2019 5.11 5.68 6.49 7.15 7.80 2021 5.34 5.99 7.05 7.85 8.81 2022 5.46 6.16 7.35 8.22 9.37 2023 5.58 6.33 7.67 8.62 9.96 2024 5.71 6.50 7.99 9.03 10.58 2026 5.96 6.86 8.69 9.91 11.95 2027 6.10 7.05 9.06 10.38 12.71 2028 6.23 7.24 9.44 10.87 13.51 2029 6.37 7.44 9.84 11.39 14.35 7 Table 5: Refiners' Acquisition Cost of Oil ($2010IBarrel) 2011 75 76 77 78 78 2012 74 75 78 80 81 2013 73 75 78 82 85 2014 72 74 79 84 88 2016 69 73 81 87 93 2017 67 72 81 88 95 2018 66 72 83 90 97 2019 65 72 84 91 99 2021 62 71 86 94 104 2022 61 70 88 96 107 2023 60 70 89 98 110 2024 58 70 90 100 112 2026 56 68 92 104 119 2027 55 68 93 106 122 2028 54 67 94 108 125 2029 53 66 95 11 1 129 8 Table 6: Powder River Basin Coal Prices $2010/mmBTU 2011 0.68 0.69 0.70 0.70 0.72 2012 0.67 0.69 0.71 0.72 0.76 2013 0.66 0.69 0.72 0.74 0.79 2014 0.65 0.69 0.73 0.76 0.83 2016 0.63 0.69 0.74 0.78 0.89 2017 0.62 0.69 0.74 0.79 0.91 2018 0.61 0.68 0.74 0.80 0.92 2019 0.60 0.68 0.74 0.81 0.94 2021 0.58 0.67 0.75 0.82 0.98 2022 0.57 0.66 0.75 0.83 0.99 2023 0.56 0.65 0.75 0.84 1.01 2024 0.56 0.65 0.75 0.85 1.03 2026 0.54 0.64 0.75 0.87 1.06 2027 0.53 0.63 0.75 0.88 1.08 2028 0.52 0.63 0.75 0.88 1.0 2029 0.52 0.62 0.76 0.89 1. 1 * Subject to fuer updates 9