HomeMy WebLinkAbout20121002Partial Settlement.pdf22 OCT -2 AM 9 2 STATE OF IDAHO UTIUTtES OOMMISSK)t OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL LAWRENCE G. WASDEN HAND-DELIVERED Jean D. Jewell Commission Secretary Idaho Public Utilities Commission 427 W. Washington Street Boise, ID 83702-5918 Re: Partial Settlement in Case No. GNR-E-11-03 Dear Ms. Jewell: In Order No. 32617 issued August 15, 2012, the Commission directed the parties in the above- referenced case to attend a settlement conference to address two issues: (1) light load curtailment; and (2) terms of delay security or liquidated damages. Settlement conferences were convened on August 23, and September 7, 2012. Although the parties were unable to reach any consensus regarding the curtailment issues, several parties were able to reach consensus regarding the issue of delay security or liquidated damages. Enclosed with this transmittal letter is the Partial Settlement Stipulation executed by many but not all of the parties in this case. As set out in greater detail in the Partial Settlement Stipulation, the signing parties agree that all new PPAs approved after the date of the Partial Settlement Stipulation should be in agreement with the terms and conditions of the settlement. The signing parties urge the Commission to approve the Partial Settlement Stipulation without condition or modification. Respectfully submitted this 2' r2012. I E114i4m_ a IN Deputy Attorney General Enclosure cc: Parties of Record bls/L:JeweII_dhGNR-E-1 1-03 Contracts & Administrative Law Division, Idaho Public Utilities Commission P.O. Box 83720, Boise, Idaho 83720-0074, Telephone: (208) 334-0300 FAX: (208) 334-3762, E-mail: lpuc@puc.state.id.us Located at 472 West Washington St., Boise, Idaho 83702 DONALD L. HOWELL, II DEPUTY ATTORNEY GENERAL IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION P0 BOX 83720 BOISE, IDAHO 83720-0074 TELEPHONE: 208-334-0312 E-MAIL: don.howell@puc.idaho.gov IDAHO BAR NO. 3366 STREET MAILING ADDRESS: 472 WEST WASHINGTON STREET BOISE, IDAHO 83702-5983 RECEIVED 202 OCT -2 AIM 9: 24 r1J L BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE SURROGATE AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR) AND INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING (IRP) METHODOLOGIES FOR CALCULATING PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST RATES. CASE NO. GNR-E-11-03 PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION This Settlement Stipulation is entered into by and among the undersigned parties (collectively "the Parties") in Case No. GNR-E-1 1-03. I. BACKGROUND In September 2011, the Commission initiated this generic investigation to review the terms of PURPA power purchase agreements (PPAs). The Commission convened a technical hearing on August 7-9, 2012, where the Parties presented evidence that addressed a variety of different issues. On August 15, 2012, the Commission issued Order No. 32617 convening a settlement conference to allow the Parties to determine whether settlement is possible for two issues in the case: (1) light-load curtailment as proposed in Idaho Power Company's Schedule 74 or in an alternative process; and (2) terms of delay security or liquidated damages in PPAs. Order No. 32617 at 1. The settlement conference was convened on August 23, 2012. PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION Parties in attendance at the settlement conference included: Idaho Power Company; Avista Corporation; PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power; Commission Staff; Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition; J.R. Simplot Company; Grand View Solar II; Exergy Development Group; Renewable Energy Coalition; Dynamis Energy; North Side Canal Company and Twin Falls Canal Company; Adams County; Ted Sorenson; Idaho Windfarms; Blue Ribbon Energy; Renewable Northwest Project; Idaho Conservation League; Snake River Alliance; Clearwater Paper Corporation; Idaho Wind Partners; Ridgeline Energy; Big Wood Canal Company and American Falls Reservoir; and Mountain Air Projects. The Parties were unable to settle the curtailment issue but scheduled a subsequent settlement conference for September 7, 2012, to continue negotiating the issue of delay security/liquidated damages. After the second settlement conference the parties engaged in further informal discussions that ultimately resulted in this Partial Settlement Stipulation executed by most, but not all, of the Parties in the case. Based upon the settlement discussions, as a compromise of the positions taken in this case regarding the issues of delay damages, performance security and liquidated damages, the undersigned parties agree to settle the following issues and agree that all new PPAs approved after the date of the Partial Settlement Stipulation conform to the terms set out below. II. TERMS OF THE PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 1.Calculation of the Security Deposit. The Parties agree that a security deposit or performance bond ("the Security Deposit") will be required for each new PURPA agreement (PPA; FESA) entered into after the date upon which the Commission adopts and approves this Settlement Stipulation. The purpose of the Security Deposit is to provide security for: (1) Delay Damages during the Cure Period if the QF is not in commercial operation by the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date set out in the PPA; and (2) Termination Damages if the QF cannot cure a failure to achieve commercial operation and a party seeks termination of the PPA. The Security Deposit shall be set at $45.00 per kilowatt (kW) of nameplate capacity for each new PPA. The cash or other liquid Security Deposit will be forwarded to the utility no later than thirty (30) days after the Commission issues its final Order approving the PPA. 2.Refund of Security Deposit. If the QF has achieved commercial operation in accordance with the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date, the utility will promptly refund the Security Deposit to the QF. PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 2 3.Failure to Achieve Commercial Operation - Delay Damages. In the event the QF fails to achieve commercial operation by the Scheduled Commercial Operation Date contained in the PPA, Delay Damages shall be calculated based upon the difference between market rates at the time the QF fails to achieve its Scheduled Commercial Operation Date and the avoided cost rates contained in the PPA during the Cure Period. Delay Damages, if any, during the Cure Period will be drawn from the Security Deposit held by the utility. If the Security Deposit is insufficient to defray all of the Delay Damages, then the QF will promptly pay the outstanding Delay Damages. If the QF achieves commercial operation during the cure period, any remaining Security Deposit beyond the amount of any Delay Damages shall be refunded to the QF. 4.Cure Period. The defaulting party shall have one hundred twenty (120) days from the Scheduled Operation Date to cure its default. 5.Failure to Cure. In the event the QF fails to achieve commercial operation within the Cure Period, then the non-defaulting party may, at its option, collect its Delay Damages as calculated in Paragraph No. 3 above, terminate the Agreement, and calculate its Termination Damages, if any. If the QF fails to achieve commercial operation within the cure period and the non-defaulting party elects to terminate the Agreement, the Security Deposit may be used to: (a) first pay the Delay Damages arising during the cure period, if any; and (b) second pay Termination Damages, if any, arising after the Cure Period for the remaining term of the Agreement. 6.Termination Damages. The party claiming that the PPA is in default and seeking termination of the Agreement shall communicate its notice of default and claim for any Termination Damages to the other party within a reasonable time. The other party shall respond within fifteen (15) days. In the event of a dispute regarding the calculation of Termination Damages, either party may resort to a court of competent jurisdiction. 7.Undisputed Damages and Refunds. The utility may draw any undisputed Delay Damages or Termination Damages from the Security Deposit. In the event that the Security Deposit is insufficient to pay the undisputed damages, such undisputed damages will be paid promptly by the defaulting party. If the Security Deposit exceeds the total amount claimed as Delay Damages or Termination Damages, the utility shall promptly refund any portion of the deposit that is in excess of the claimed Delay Damages or Termination Damages. PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 3 8.Security Deposit for Existing OF Projects. The Parties agree that a Security Deposit shall not be required in situations where the parties are entering into a new PPA for an existing QF project already in commercial operation so long as the new PPA is between the same parties and there are no material changes or modifications to the existing QF project. III. OTHER SETTLEMENT CONDITIONS 9.The Parties agree that existing PPAs that have been previously approved by the Commission shall not be affected by this Settlement Stipulation. While some of the signing QF Parties have operational QF projects, and thus are not affected by the issues contained in the Settlement Stipulation, such parties do not oppose the Settlement Stipulation. 10.The Parties recommend that the Commission adopt this settlement without further proceedings. The Parties assert that the Settlement Stipulation is reasonable and in the public interest and no further proceeding is necessary. 11.The Parties agree that this Settlement Stipulation represents a compromise of the positions of the Parties related to this issue. As provided in Rule 272, other than testimony filed in support of the approval of this Settlement Stipulation, and except to the extent necessary for a party to explain its own position with the respect to the Settlement Stipulation, all statements and positions taken in are confidential and will not be admissible in evidence in this or any other proceeding. 12.Upon Commission approval of this Settlement Stipulation, the utilities shall, except as otherwise mutually agreed by the utility and the QF, revise the terms and conditions of their respective standard PURPA PPAs so that all new PPAs entered into after the date the Commission approves this partial settlement conform to the provisions of this Settlement Stipulation. 13.The Parties executing this Settlement Stipulation shall not appeal that portion of a Commission Order approving the Settlement Stipulation or the delay security/liquidated damages issue resolved by this Settlement Stipulation. If this Settlement Stipulation is challenged by anyone who has not executed the Settlement Stipulation, the Parties reserve the right to file testimony, cross-examine witnesses, and put forth such case as they deem appropriate to respond fully to the issue presented, including the right to raise issues that are incorporated and embodied in this Settlement Stipulation. Notwithstanding this reservation of rights, the Parties agree that PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 4 they will continue to support the Commission's adoption of the terms of this Settlement Stipulation. 14.If the Commission rejects any or all parts of this Settlement Stipulation, or imposes any additional material conditions on approval of this Settlement Stipulation, each party reserves the right, upon written notice to the Commission and other Parties to this proceeding, within fourteen (14) days of the date of such action by the Commission, to withdraw from this Settlement Stipulation. In such case, no party shall be bound or prejudiced by the terms of this Settlement Stipulation, and each party shall be entitled to seek reconsideration of the Commission's Order. 15.No Party shall be bound, benefited, or prejudiced by any position asserted in the negotiation of this Settlement Stipulation, except to the extent expressly stated herein, nor shall this Settlement Stipulation be construed as a waiver of rights unless such rights are expressly waived herein. Except as otherwise expressly provided for herein, execution of this Settlement Stipulation shall not be deemed to constitute an acknowledgment by any Party of the validity or invalidity of any particular method, theory, or principle of regulation or cost recovery. No Party shall be deemed to have agreed that any method, theory or principle of regulation employed in arriving at this Settlement Stipulation is appropriate for resolving any issues in any other proceeding in the future. No findings of fact or conclusions of law other than those stated herein shall be deemed to be implicit in this Settlement Stipulation. 16.The obligations of the Parties are subject to the Commission's approval of this Settlement Stipulation in accordance with its terms and conditions and upon such approval being upheld on appeal, if any, by a court of competent jurisdiction. 17.This Settlement Stipulation may be executed in counterparts and each signed counterpart shall constitute an original document. IV. PRAYER In summary, the signing Parties believe that this settlement is reasonable and in the public interest, and urges the Commission to approve the Settlement Stipulation without condition or modification. Given the involvement of the Parties in this settlement, the Parties believe the public interest does not require a hearing or further proceeding before the Commission approves this settlement. If the Commission approves this settlement, then the PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 5 utilities shall revise their respective standard PPAs to conform to the terms of this Settlement Stipulation. Respectfully submitted this ThL Q4Db.r day of-September 2012. PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power: an Daniel Solander Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff: By: istine A. Sasser, DAG Interconnect Solar Development, LLC: R. Greg Femey Birch Power Company: Ted S. Sorenson Blue Ribbon Energy LLC: M. J. Humphries Snake River Alliance: By: Ken Miller Avista Corporation Michael G. Andrea Renewable Energy Coalition, Dynamis Energy, LLC: By: Ronald Williams North Side Canal Company, Twin Falls Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, American Falls Reservoir District No. 2: By: C. Thomas Arkoosh Idaho Windfarms, Renewable Northwest Project, Ridgeline Energy, LLC: Dean J. Miller Idaho Conservation League: By: /-' T Benjamin J. Otto Energy Integrity Project: Tauna Christensen Idaho Wiq4 Partners I, LLC: Mountain Air Projects, LLC: By: Deborah E. Nelson Michael J. Uda PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 6 utilities shall revise their respective standard PPAs to conform to the terms of this Settlement Stipulation. Respectfully submitted this A day of September 2012. PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power: By: Mark C. Moench Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff: By: Kristine A. Sasser, DAG Interconnect Solar Development, LLC: By: R. Greg Ferney Birch Power Company: By: Ted S. Sorenson Blue Ribbon Energy LLC: By: M. J. Humphries Snake River Alliance: By: Ken Miller Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC: By: Deborah E. Nelson PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 6 Avista Corporation By: Michael G. Andrea Renewable Energy Coalition, Dynamis Energy, LLC: By: Ronald Williams North Side Canal Company, Twin Falls Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, American Falls Reservoir District No. 2: By: C. Thomas Arkoosh Idaho Windfarms, Renewable Northwest Project, Ridgeline Energy, LLC: By: Dean J. Miller Idaho Conservation League: By: Benjamin J. Otto Energy Integrity Project: By: Tauna Christensen Mountain Air Projects, LLC: By: Michael J. Uda utilities shall revise their respective standard PPAs to conform to the terms of this Settlement Stipulation. Respectfully submitted this d0l day of September 2012. PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power: Avista Corporation By: Michael G. Andrea Renewable Energy Coalition, Dynamis Energy, LLC: By: Ronald Williams North Side Canal Company, Twin Falls Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, American Falls Reservoir District No. 2: By: C. Thomas Arkoosh ;rnerC: Dean J. Miller Idaho Conservation League: By: Benjamin J. Otto Energy Integrity Project: By: Tauna Christensen Mountain Air Projects, LLC: By: Michael J. Uda By: Daniel Solander Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff: By: Kristine A. Sasser, DAG Interconnect Solar Development, LLC: By: R. Greg Femey Birch Power Company: By: Ted S. Sorenson Blue Ribbon Energy LLC: By: M. J. Humphries Snake River Alliance: By: Ken Miller Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC: By: Deborah B. Nelson PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 6 utilities shall revise theit respective standard PPAs to conform to the terms of this Settlement Stipulation. RespecthzUy submitted this. day of September 2012. PacItiCorpdba Rocky Mountain Power Aista Corporation By:______________ Daniel Solander Michael G. Andrea Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff: Renewable Energy Coalition, Dynamis Energy, LLC: By: KEistine A. Sasm. DAG By: Ronald Williams 1s..:•s$ar flevel,ont, LLC: North $lde Cnl Company, Twin Falls Canal Ciy, Big Wood. C*nal By: Cy, American Fails Reservoir R. Greg Ferney OlatrktNo. 2: By: C. Thomas Arkoosh Idaho Windfaraus Renewable Northwest Project, Ridgetine Energy, LLC: By:___ Dean J _ Miller Idaho Conservation League: 13v: Benjamin I Otto Energy Integrity Project: l3irch Power Company: 0 F - M. ~ ~ W..' Bin*jbbin Energy LLC: By: M. I HumphrIes Snake River A1tiace: By: Tauna Christensen Mountain Air Projects, LLC: By: Michael J. Uda PARTIAL SETh.EMENT STIPULATION 6 utilities shall revise their respective standard PPAs to conform to the terms of this Settlement Stipulation Respectfully submitted this day of September 2012. Pacifiorp dba Rocky Mountain Power: Avista Corporation By: By: Daniel Solander Michael G. Andrea Idaho Public Utilities Commission Staff: By: Kristine A Sasser, DAG Interconnect Solar Development, LLC: By: R. Greg Ferney Renewable Energy Coalition, Dynamis Energy, LLC: By: _9—a4 4 Ronald Williams North Side Canal Company, Twin Falls Canal Company, Big Wood Canal Company, American Falls Reservoir District No. 2: By: C. Thomas Arkoosh Birch oa By: Po'-'.1po( S. cocov. Ted S. Sorenson Blue Ribbon Energy LLC: By: M. J. Humphries Snake River Alliance: By: Ken Miller Idaho Wind Partners I, LLC: Idaho Windfarms, Renewable Northwest Project, Ridgciine Energy, LLC: By: Dean J. Miller Idaho Conservation League: By: Benjamin J. Otto Energy Integrity Project: By: Tauna Christensen Mountain Air Projects, LLC: By: Deborah F. Nelson Michael J. Uda PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 2t DAY OF OCTOBER 2012, SERVED THE FOREGOING PARTIAL SETTLEMENT STIPULATION, IN CASE NO. GNR-E- 11-03, BY E-MAILING A COPY THEREOF TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER JASON B WILLIAMS IDAHO POWER COMPANY P0 BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-mail: dwalker@idahopower.com jwilliams@idahopower.com MICHAEL G ANDREA AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 EMISSION AVE SPOKANE WA 99202 E-mail: michael.andrea@avistacori,.com ROBERT D KAHN NW & INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION 1117 MINOR AVE STE 300 SEATTLE WA 98101 E-mail: rkahn(nippc.org ROBERT A PAUL GRAND VIEW SOLAR II 15690 VISTA CIRCLE DESERT HOT SPRINGS CA 92241 E-mail: robertpaul082gmai1.com ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: DR. DON READING E-mail: dreadingcäimindspring.com MARV LEWALLEN CLEARWATER PAPER CORP 601 W RIVERSIDE AVE STE 1100 SPOKANE WA 99201 E-mail: marv.lewallen@clearwatereaper.com DANIEL E SOLANDER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 E-mail: daniel.solander@pacificorp.com PETER J RICHARDSON GREGORY M ADAMS RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-mail: peter@riehardsonandoieary.com greg@richardsonandoleary.com DON STURTEVANT ENERGY DIRECTOR J R SIMPLOT COMPANY P0 BOX 27 BOISE ID 83707-0027 E-mail: don.sturtevant@simplot.com JAMES CARKULIS EXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF IDAHO LLC 802 W BANNOCK ST STE 1200 BOISE ID 83702 E-mail: jcarku1iscexergydeveloprnent.com BILL BROWN CHAIR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTY ID P0 BOX 48 COUNCIL ID 83612 E-mail: bdbrown@frontiernet.net TED S SORENSON P E BIRCH POWER COMPANY 5203 SOUTH 1 l TH EAST IDAHO FALLS ID 83404 E-mail: ted@tsorenson.net CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE R GREG FERNEY BILL PISKE MGR MIMLJRA LAW OFFICES PLLC INTERCONNECT SOLAR DEVELOPMENT LLC 2176 E FRANKLIN RD STE 120 1303 E CARTER MERIDIAN ID 83642 BOISE ID 83706 E-mail: gregmimuralaw.com E-mail: bilipiske@cableone.net RONALD L WILLIAMS WADE THOMAS WILLIAMS BRADBURY DYNAMIS ENERGY LLC 1015 W HAYS ST 776 E RIVERSIDE DR STE 15 BOISE ID 83702 EAGLE ID 83616 E-mail: ron@williamsbradbury.com E-mail: wthomas@dynamisenergy.com JOHN R LOWE LIZ WOODRUFF RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION KEN MILLER 12050 SW TREMONT ST SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE PORTLAND OR 97225 BOX 1731 E-mail: jravensanmarcos@yahoo.com BOISE ID 83701 E-mail: lwoodruff@snakeriveralliance.org kmiller@snakeriveralliance.org C THOMAS ARKOOSH ELECTRONIC SERVICE ONLY: CAPITOL LAW GROUP PLLC 205 N 1OTHST 4TH FL BRAIN OLMSTEAD P0 BOX 2598 GENERAL MANAGER BOISE ID 83701 E-mail: olmstead(tfcanal.com E-mail: tarkoosh@capitollawgroup.com TED DIEHL GENERAL MANAGER E-mail: nscanal@cableone.net DON SCHOENBECK RCS E-mail: dws@r-c-s-inc.com LORI THOMAS CAPITOL LAW GROUP PLLC E-mail: lthomas@capitollawgroup.com M J HUMPHRES ARRON F JEPSON BLUE RIBBON ENERGY LLC BLUE RIBBON ENERGY LLC 3470 RICH LANE 10660 SOUTH 540 EAST AMMON ID 83406 SANDY UT 84070 E-mail: blueribbonenergy@email.com E-mail: aaronesg@aol.com DEAN J MILLER MEGAN WALSETH DECKER CHAS McDEVITT SR STAFF COUNSEL McDEVITT & MILLER LLP RENEWABLE NW PROJECT P0 BOX 2564 421 SW 6TH AVE STE 1125 BOISE ID 83701 PORTLAND OR 97204 E-mail: joemcdevitt-miller.com E-mail: megan(rnp.org chas@mcdevitt-miller.com CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE GLENN IKEMOTO MARGARET RUEGER IDAHO WINDFARMS LLC 672 BLAIR AVE PIEDMONT CA 94611 E-mail: glenni@envisionwind.com rnargaret@envisionwind.com TAUNA CHRISTENSEN ENERGY INTEGRITY PROJECT 769N 1100E SHELLEY ID 83274 E-mail: tauna@energvintegrityproject.org BENJAMIN J OTTO IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE P0 BOX 844 BOISE ID 83702 DEBORAH E NELSON KELSEY J NUNEZ GIVENS PURSLEY 601 W BANNOCK ST (83702) P0 BOX 2720 BOISE ID 83701-2720 E-mail: den@givenspurs1ey.com kjn@givensDursley.com 070, 7A 1 L. WE SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE