HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120629McHugh Rebuttal.pdfBEFORE THE 202JtJN29 PM LJAHC PUBliC UTILUTI ES COMM!SSOr IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S ) REVIEW OF PURPA QF CONTRACT ) CASE NO. GNR-E-11-03 PROVISIONS INCLUDING THE SURROGATE ) AVOIDED RESOURCE (SAR) AND ) INTEGRATED RESOURCE PLANNING (IRP) ) METHODOLOGIES FOR CALCULATING ) PUBLISHED AVOIDED COAT RATES. ) ) REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DR. CATHLEEN M. MCHUGH IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION JUNE 29, 2012 i Q. Please state your name and business address for 2 the record. 3 A. My name is Cathleen McHugh. My business address 4 is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 5 Q. Are you the same Cathleen McHugh who previously 6 submitted testimony in this proceeding? 7 A. Yes lam. 8 Q. What is the purpose of your rebuttal testimony 9 in this proceeding? 10 A. The purpose of my rebuttal testimony is to 11 propose an update to the manner in which capacity payments 12 are calculated in the SAR model. I am effectively 13 providing rebuttal testimony to my earlier direct 14 testimony. 15 Q. What was your previous recommendation in terms 16 of how capacity payments are calculated in the SAR model? 17 A. Previously, I had recommended that when a 18 utility is capacity deficient, resource-specific capacity 19 payments be based on that resource's ability to contribute 20 to the deficient season's peak demand. If both seasons 21 were deficient, then capacity payments would be based on 22 the minimum of the two seasons' capacity contribution. 23 This method is straightforward and 24 computationally simple. Furthermore, it considered the 25 fact that capacity provided by a QF in one season does not CASE NO. GNR-E-11-03 McHUGH, C. (Reb) 1 6/29/12 STAFF i necessarily translate into capacity avoided by the utility 2 if the utility has to add capacity for the other season. 3 Q. Why are you now proposing changes to this 4 method? 5 A. Since filing direct testimony, Staff has 6 continued to review the SAR model. Quite frankly, during 7 this time Staff devised what it believes is a better 8 method of computing avoided capacity. Staff recognized 9 that if the nameplate capacity of the QF resource was used 10 as an input into the SAR model, then the capacity ii contribution of the QF could be computed for each year of 12 the contract. Capacity payments could then be based on 13 this capacity contribution. 14 Staff devised a worksheet to be included in the 15 SAR model which demonstrates how the capacity contribution 16 is calculated step-by-step and the resultant factor 17 applied to the capacity payment. The factor represents 18 the share of the capacity payment the QF receives - for 19 instance, a factor of 10 percent indicates the QF would 20 receive 10 percent of the capacity payment. This 21 worksheet is included as Exhibit No. 305 for a 10 MW canal 22 drop hydro project located in Idaho Power's service 23 territory. 24 In 2012-2013, the capacity factor is 0 percent 25 reflecting the fact that Idaho Power is not capacity CASE NO. GNR-E-11-03 McHUGH, C. (Reb) 2 6/29/12 STAFF a. deficient in those years. In 2014, the factor is 10 2 percent which reflects the fact that only 10 percent of 3 the QF's output can be used to reduce Idaho Power's need 4 for capacity. From 2015 onward, the capacity factor is 5 100 percent reflecting the fact that all the capacity 6 provided by the QF can be used to reduce Idaho Power's 7 need for capacity. As can be seen, this new method is 8 robust to different scenarios regarding the needs of a 9 utility and the ability of a particular QF resource to 10 meet those needs. 11 Q. How does this new method compare to the old 12 method? 13 A. In Exhibit No. 305, I use a star to indicate 14 years in which the capacity factor differs between the two 15 methods and show the capacity factor calculated under the 16 old method. The old method could not differentiate 17 between years in which the utility needed a little 18 capacity (such as 2014) and years in which the utility 19 needed a lot of capacity (years 2015-2031). Furthermore, 20 the old method could not recognize that sometimes capacity 21 provided in only one season did actually translate into 22 capacity avoided by the utility (years 2027-2031) 23 Q. Have you updated Exhibit No. 303 to reflect this 24 new methodology? 25 A. Yes. I have included this as Exhibit No. 306. CASE NO. GNR-E-11-03 McHUGH, C. (Reb) 3 6/29/12 STAFF 1 I have used a star to indicate which rates have changed 2 from the old method to the new method. Furthermore, I 3 have indicated the magnitude of those changes. Only the 4 avoided rates for Idaho Power and Avista change. The 5 biggest change for both utilities is the rates for canal 6 drop hydro projects. Under the new method, Idaho Power 7 rates increase by 7 percent and Avista rates increase by 6 8 percent. 9 Q. Are there any other changes you have made to 10 this exhibit? 11 A. Yes. I have updated the energy and capacity 12 needs for PacifiCorp based on new information from the 13 Company. 14 Q. Does this conclude your rebuttal testimony in 15 this proceeding? 16 A. Yes, it does. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 CASE NO. GNR-E--11-03 McHUGH, C. (Reb) 4 6/29/12 STAFF Prior factor I0%I * i.e., when the planning deficit (column d) is not negative. Capacity contributions cannot exceed the absolute value of the planning deficit (column d). Prior factor I 100% I :3 P CD w 9- Cr - $120 $100 $80 -0$60 N $40 U -J $20 $0 Comparison of Proposed SAR Methodology Rates Levetized Rates for 20-yr Contract Term, January 2013 Online Date Az AS Baseload Canal Drop Fixed PV Solar Idaho Power Idaho Power Avista Idaho Power Avista Rates under new method $61.27 $84.65 $47.01 $61.58 $39.45 Rates under old method $62.90 $79.09 $44.50 $58.71 $38.21 Difference ($1.63) $5.56 $2.51 $2.86 $1.24 Percentage difference -3% +7% +6% +5% +3% PacitiCorp's avoided rates also changed but they changed because of updated resource and load data. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 29TH DAY OF JUNE 2012, SERVED THE FOREGOING REBUTTAL TESTIMONY OF DR. CATHLEEN M. McHUGH, IN CASE NO. GNR-E- 11-03, BY E-MAILING AND MAILING A COPY THEREOF, POSTAGE PREPAID, TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOVAN E WALKER JASON B WILLIAMS IDAHO POWER COMPANY P0 BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 MICHAEL G ANDREA AVISTA CORPORATION 1411 EMISSION AVE SPOKANE WA 99202 ROBERT D KAHN NW & INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION 1117 MINOR AVE STE 300 SEATTLE WA 98101 ROBERT A PAUL GRAND VIEW SOLAR II 15690 VISTA CIRCLE DESERT HOT SPRINGS CA 92241 THOMAS H NELSON RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION P0 BOX 1211 WELCHES OR 97067 R GREG FERNEY MIMURA LAW OFFICES PLLC 2176 E FRANKLIN RD STE 120 MERIDIAN ID 83642 DANIEL E SOLANDER TED WESTON ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 PETER J RICHARDSON GREGORY M ADAMS RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 DON STURTEVANT ENERGY DIRECTOR J R SIMPLOT COMPANY P0 BOX 27 BOISE ID 83707-0027 JAMES CARKULIS EXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF IDAHO LLC 802 W BANNOCK ST STE 1200 BOISE ID 83702 JOHN R LOWE RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION 12050 SW TREMONT ST PORTLAND OR 97225 BILL PISKE MGR INTERCONNECT SOLAR DEVELOPMENT LLC 1303 E CARTER BOISE ID 83706 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE RONALD L WILLIAMS WADE THOMAS WILLIAMS BRADBURY DYNAMIS ENERGY LLC 1015 W HAYS ST 776 E RIVERSIDE DR BOISE 1D83702 STE 15 EAGLE ID 83616 BRAIN OLMSTEAD MEGAN WALSETH DECKER GENERAL MANAGER SR STAFF COUNSEL TWIN FALLS CANAL CO RENEWABLE NW PROJECT P0 BOX 326 421 SW 6TH AVE STE 1125 TWIN FALLS ID 83303 PORTLAND OR 97204 TED DIEHL BILL BROWN CHAIR GENERAL MANAGER BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NORTH SIDE CANAL CO OF ADAMS COUNTY ID 921 N LINCOLN ST P0 BOX 48 JEROME ID 83338 COUNCIL ID 83612 TED S SORENSON P E GLENN IKEMOTO BIRCH POWER COMPANY MARGARET RUEGER 5203 SOUTH I 1TH EAST IDAHO WINDFARMS LLC IDAHO FALLS ID 83404 672 BLAIR AVE PIEDMONT CA 94611 M J HUMPHRIES ARRON F JEPSON BLUE RIBBON ENERGY LLC BLUE RIBBON ENERGY LLC 3470 RICH LANE 10660 SOUTH 540 EAST AMMON ID 83406 SANDY UT 84070 DEAN J MILLER BENJAMIN J OTTO McDEVITT & MILLER LLP ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE P0 BOX 2564 P0 BOX 844 BOISE ID 83701 BOISE ID 83702 KEN MILLER MARV LEWALLEN SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE CLEAR WATER PAPER CORP BOX 1731 STEI100 BOISE ID 83701 601 W RIVERSIDE AVE SPOKANE WA 99201 ENERGY INTEGRITY PROJECT TAUNA CHRISTENSEN 769N 1100E SHELLEY ID 83274 SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE