HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120813Comments.pdfIdaho Public Utilities Commission Case Comment or Question Form We want to hear your opinion regarding utility issues. Use this form to file a comment or ask a question about a case pending before the Commission. If you know the case number, please include it. Submit electronically below or print and return to: Idaho Public Utilities Commission P 0 Box 83720 C) Boise, Idaho 83720-0074 FAX: (208) 334-3762 co cn You may also contact our office at (208) 334-0300 if you have a question Comments, however, must be submitted in writing. Comments: Natural gas plant? To generate HEAT! Heat we have this summer already. More heat will make for more wind. But Idaho Power will do all that can be done to stop the use of wind power. Yet Idaho Power build a gas fired plant and pay for all the natural gas they want. Wind generated power purchase is too high cost? Someone is making money off building contracts and gas buying. Langley Gulch power plant is now serving Idaho Power customers but at what cost is real. While I was in Germany, You could NOT drive far without seeing a lot of Solar panels and I or Wind generators. In our country you have to drive a long way to see any natural sun made power. What are we doing to our future generations when gas will cost too much. Oh yes atomic generated power - sure. Make for equality in the uses of all forms of power generation. Support some Solar and Wind power production as soon as possible. H%HO PIVER® An IOACORP company New Langley Gulch Power Plant Now Serving Idaho Power Customers The new Langley Gulch Power Plant is up and running. Since June 29, this natural gas plant has been in full operation to serve our customers' energy needs. Located near New Plymouth, this plant uses clean-burning natural gas to fire a massive turbine that generates electricity. Heat from that turbine creates steam that powers a second turbine. Combined, these turbines can generate up to 300 megawatts (MW) of electricity. That's enough to power 208,500 average homes! The new plant plays a key role in ensuring our customers receive reliable and fair-priced energy. Langley Gulch is a flexible resource that can meet our region's continuous energy demand. The 300 MW added to our energy grid are especially helpful during Idaho Power's peak demand, which comes during hot summer afternoons when irrigation pumps and air conditioners are in use. The new facility also will help integrate the large and growing amount of wind energy on our system. Wind energy is intermittent, which means the turbines 1 only generate energy when the wind blows. This can be a problem in areas where the hottest summer days are usually among the calmest. Langley Gulch can be ramped up when the wind isn't blowing or run at a lower capacity when the wind picks up. This ensures we have energy available when we need it most. Even though the plant is in full operation, people in the area aren't likely to notice much activity apart from some visible water vapor, especially during cold weather. [p.. www.idahopower.com/Iangleygulch ] Langley Gulch Power Plant (inset) Joe Cook, Mayor of New Plymouth, says Langley Gulch has been a good neighbor.