HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120813Comment.pdfJean Jewell From: mpsranchgmaU.com Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 5:15 AM To: Jean Jewell; Beverly Barker; Gene Fadness Subject: PUC Comment Form A Comment from Guy Burnham follows: Case Number: GNR-E-11-03 Name: Guy Burnham Address: 12030 savage dr City: boise State: Id Zip: 83713 Daytime Telephone: 2089390216 Contact E-Mail: mpsranch(gmaIl.com Name of Utility Company: Idaho power Acknowledge: acknowledge Please describe your comment briefly: Gentlemen: As an Idaho resident, customer, and follower of new energy technologies I would like you to consider the following points regarding this case. First, I think Idaho Power doth protest too much as they say. It complains of the cost and unreliability of wind energy. Given the small fraction of power it buys from these sources the effect is over stated. Dealing with a variable supply is a technology issue and any problems with that reflect a lack of foresight and investment by IP. It reminds me of the first city light system designers who believed that variable demand would destroy the generating system and advocated for no customer control of thier lights! Also , the shift to gas plants enhances peaking response. I would like to see Idaho move to more investment in smart metering and load deferal technology. This will solve many of the variable supply and peaking issues and position us for the future. Second, although I think Idaho Power is largely backward looking and foot dragging, they do have some cause to complain. I support the intent of PURPA to level the playing field against such large inflexible interest but I recognize the danger of skewing the playing field too far the other way. The wind industry in particular probably needs to slow up a bit in order not to overshoot a reasonable growth rate. This can be done with minor adjustments to avoided cost rates or in other subtle ways and does not require tossing out PURPA. Please act cautiously! Third, I firmly believe that we will not achieve a rational energy system without long term stability of costs and rewards for providers and transparent options for consumers. IPUC can serve both ends by supporting PURPAs intent and seeking stability so that investment can flow to both new and existing sources and by encouraging visibility of total costs to consumers and encouraging IP to invest in more choices on the load side via smart meters and interactive appliances. By total cost I mean system life cycle costs which acknowledge, health, environemental, legal, waste, decommissioning and all the other costs that are rarely talked about up front and cost us indirectly in taxes or other ways. Thank you, The form submitted on httv://www.puc.idaho.gov/forms/ipuci/ipuc.html IP address is 1