HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110325Sterling Di.pdfRECEIVED lOI I MAR 25 PM 3: 32 If' " , . ,""' ..' IDAHO PUBLIC UTiliTIES COMMlØ8ÎcDN4J¿;~,;~¡pjdt~:!c,v","- ',,. for, ';;i; ¡,,,.,ii)fll,.lf"; BEFORE THE IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S ) INVESTIGATION INTO DISAGGREGATION ) CASE NO. GNR.E.11.01 AND AN APPROPRIATE PUBLISHED AVOIDED ) COST RATE ELIGIBILITY CAP STRUCTURE ) FOR PURPA QUALIFYING FACILITIES. ) ) ) ) DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RICK STERLING IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION MARCH 25, 2011 1 Q.Please state your name and business address for 2 the record. 3 A.My name is Rick Sterling. My business address 4 is 472 West Washington Street, Boise, Idaho. 5 Q.By whom are you employed and in what capacity? 6 A.I am employed by the Idaho Public Utilities 7 Commission as the Engineering Supervisor. 8 Q.What is your educational and professional 9 background? 10 A.I received a Bachelor of Science degree in 11 Civil Engineering from the University of Idaho in 1981 12 and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from 13 the University of Idaho in 1983. I worked as an energy 14 specialist and an energy section manager for the Idaho 15 Department of Water Resources from 1983 to 1994. In 16 1988, I received my Idaho license as a registered 17 professional Civil Engineer. I began working at the 18 Idaho Public Utilities Commission in 1994. My duties at 19 the Commission include analysis of a wide variety of 20 electric and water utility applications, in addition to 21 my duties as Engineering Supervisor. Since 1994, I have 22 been the lead Staff member on issues related to the 23 Public Utilities Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 (PURPA), 24 including determination of avoided cost rates, review of 25 PURPA contracts, and development of policies for CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 1 STAFF 1 implementation of PURPA. 2 Q.What is the purpose of your testimony in this 3 proceeding? 4 A.The purpose of my testimony is to present 5 criteria to distinguish a single Qualifying Facility for 6 purposes of determining eligibility for published avoided 7 cost rates for projects up to 10 average Megawatts (aMW) 8 in size, specifically in response to Commission 9 directives in Order No. 32195. 10 Q.Please summarize the background of this case, 11 including Case No. GNR-E-10-04 in which relevant issues 12 leading up to the current case were first addressed. 13 A.On November 5, 2010, Idaho Power Company, 14 Avista Corporation, and PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain 15 Power (Utilities) filed a Joint Petition1 requesting that 16 the Commission initiate an investigation to address 17 various avoided cost issues related to PURPA. While the 18 investigation is underway, the Petitioners also requested 19 that the Commission "lower the published avoided cost 20 rate eligibility cap from 10 aMW to 100 kW (to) be 21 effective immediately. . . ." Petition at 7. On 22 23 1 In the Ma tter of the Joint Peti tion of Idaho Power 24 Company, Avista Corporation, and Rocky Mountain Power to Address Avoided Cost Issues and to Adjust the Published 25 Avoided Cost Rate Eligibility Cap, Case No. GNR-E-10-04, November 5, 2010. CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 2 STAFF 1 December 3, 2010, the Commission issued Order No. 321312 2 in which it declined to immediately reduce the published 3 avoided cost rate eligibility cap, but did establish a 4 schedule for processing the Utilities' request to reduce 5 the eligibility cap via Modified Procedure and to 6 schedule an oral argument. In particular, the Commission 7 stated its desire to receive comments regarding: (1) the 8 advisabili ty of reducing the published avoided cost 9 eligibility cap; (2) if the eligibility cap is reduced, 10 the appropriateness of exempting non-wind QF proj ects 11 from the reduced eligibility cap; and (3) the 12 consequences of dividing larger wind projects into 10 aMW 13 proj ects to utilize the published rate. The Commission 14 also determined that its decision regarding the Joint 15 Peti tioners' Motion to reduce the published avoided 16 cost eligibility cap would become effective on 17 December 14, 2010. The Commission noted that it would 18 consider the additional avoided cost issues identified by 19 the Petitioners and other interested parties in 20 subsequent proceedings. Reference Order No. 32131 at 5-6. 21 On February 7, 2011, following the submission 22 of comments, reply comments, and oral argument, the 23 Commission issued Order No. 32176 temporarily reducing 24 25 2 Notice of Joint Petition, Notice of Intervention Deadline, Notice of Oral Argument CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 3 STAFF 1 the eligibility cap for published avoided cost rates from 2 10 aMW to 100 kW for wind and solar only while the 3 Commission further investigates the implications of 4 disaggregated QF proj ects. The Commission explained that 5 wind and solar resources present unique characteristics 6 that differentiate them from other PURPA QFs. Wind and 7 solar generation, integration, capacity and ability to 8 disaggregate, the Commission stated, provide a basis for 9 distinguishing the eligibility cap for wind and solar 10 from other resources. Order No. 32176 also called for a 11 hearing the week of May 9, 2011, to investigate and 12 determine requirements by which wind and solar QFs can 13 obtain a published avoided cost rate without allowing 14 large QFs to obtain a rate that is not an accurate 15 reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects. 16 The Commission stated the following: 17 This Commission is supportive of all small power producers contemplated by PURPA, including wind and 18 solar, and it is not the Commission 1 s intent to push small wind and solar QF proj ects out of the market.19 With this goal in mind, the Commission is initiating additional proceedings to investigate and determine 20 in a finite timeframe requirements by which wind and solar QFs can obtain a published avoided cost rate21 without allowing large QFs to obtain a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility i s avoided22 cost for such proj ects. 23 Reference Order No. 32176 at 11. 24 On February 25, 2011, the Commission opened a 25 new docket, Case No. GNR-E-11-01, and issued Order CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 4 STAFF 1 No. 321953 further clarifying the purpose of the initial 2 phase of the case. In its notice, the Commission stated 3 that it is concerned that large proj ects are 4 disaggregating into smaller QF proj ects in order to be 5 eligible for published avoided cost rates that may not be 6 just and reasonable to the utility customers or in the 7 public interest. Consequently, the Order states that the 8 Commission seeks information regarding criteria within 9 which small wind and solar QFs can obtain a published 10 avoided cost rate without allowing large QFs to obtain a 11 rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's 12 avoided cost for such proj ects . Reference Order No. 13 32195 at 3. 14 Q.Please describe the scope of your testimony. 15 A.My testimony will be very narrowly focused. 16 Specifically, Order No. 32195 states, "(T) he Commission 1 7 solicits information and investigation of a published 18 avoided cost rate eligibility cap structure that: 19 (1) allows small wind and solar QFs to avail themselves 20 of published rates for proj ects producing 10 aMW or less i 21 and (2) prevents large QFs from disaggregating in order 22 to obtain a published avoided cost rate that exceeds a 23 utili ty' s avoided cost." Reference Order No. 32195 at 3. 24 25 3 Notice of Inquiry, Notice of Intervention Deadline, Notice of Scheduling, Notice of Technical Hearing CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 5 STAFF 1 Therefore, my intent is to address only these two 2 identified issues. Issues related to the appropriateness 3 or accuracy of either the Surrogate Avoided Resource 4 methodology (SAR methodology) or the Integrated Resource 5 Plan methodology (IRP Methodology) will be addressed in 6 subsequent proceedings. 7 Q.Please explain, in general, your proposal for a 8 published avoided cost rate eligibility cap structure 9 that allows small wind and solar QFs to avail themselves 10 of published rates for proj ects producing 10 aMW or less 11 while preventing large QFs from disaggregating in order 12 to obtain a published avoided cost rate. 13 A.I propose that the Commission identify a set of 14 criteria to be considered in determining whether a 15 proposed proj ect represents a "Single Proj ect. " Under my 16 proposal, a Single Proj ect producing more than 10 aMW 17 would not be eligible for published rates, and instead 18 would only be eligible for avoided cost rates based on 19 the IRP methodology. Disaggregated proj ects meeting one 20 or more of the criteria may be deemed a Single Proj ect. 21 Q.How did you develop your proposal? I developed my proposal by starting with a22A. 23 proposal made by the Idaho Conservation League (ICL) and 24 the Renewable Northwest Proj ect (RNP) in their reply 25 comments in Case No. GNR-E-10-04. I modified the ICL/RNP CASE NO. GNR-E-11-01 03/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 6 STAFF 1 proposal, and added numerous additional criteria. 2 Q.Why did you believe it was necessary to modify 3 the ICL/RNP proposal? 4 A.I believed that the ICL/RNP proposal was a good 5 start, but I thought that additional criteria needed to 6 be added in order to effectively accomplish the 7 Commission's stated goals in Order Nos. 32176 and 32195. 8 Without my additions and modifications, I believe that 9 large wind and solar proj ect developers could soon devise 10 ways to configure proj ects that satisfy the ICL/RNP 11 criteria, yet are contrary to their intent. I believe my 12 additional criteria will more effectively prevent large 13 QFs from disaggregating in order to obtain a published 14 avoided cost rate that exceeds a utility's avoided cost. 15 With my additions and modifications, I believe that 16 proj ects that are truly 10 aMW or smaller can be clearly 17 identified and distinguished from large proj ects that 18 have been disaggregated solely for the purpose of trying 19 to qualify for published rates. 20 Q.Please describe your proposed criteria. 21 A.My proposed criteria are attached as Exhibit 22 301. There are four main parts to the proposal: Single 23 Project Criteria, Eligibility for Published Rates, 24 Definitions, and Project Responsibilities. The Single 25 Project Criteria section is a list of criteria that I CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 7 STAFF 1 propose that the Utili ties, and if necessary the 2 Commission, consider in determining whether a proj ect is 3 a Single Project for purposes of determining eligibility 4 for published avoided cost rates. The Eligibility for 5 Published Rates section states that a proj ect consisting 6 of multiple generation sources that satisfies at least 7 one of the listed criteria may be aggregated for purposes 8 of determining eligibility for published rates and for 9 purposes of calculating avoided cost rates. The 10 Definitions section defines "person" and "affiliated 11 person (s) . " The Proj ect Responsibilities section lists 12 conditions that Staff proposes be included in power sales 13 agreements containing published rates. 14 Q.Under your proposal, would a proj ect have to 15 satisfy all of the criteria in order to be considered a 16 Single Proj ect? 17 A.No. Under my proposal, a proj ect consisting of 18 multiple generation sources that satisfies at least one 19 of the specified criteria and delivers more than 10 aMW 20 per month may be aggregated for purposes of determining 21 eligibility for published rates and for purposes of 22 calculating avoided cost rates. Therefore, a project 23 could conceivably be deemed a Single Project if it 24 satisfies just one of the criteria. More likely, 25 however, a project would meet multiple criteria and be CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 8 STAFF 1 deemed a Single Proj ect. Some proj ects could meet most 2 or all of the criteria for a Single Project. 3 Q.Do you believe it would be necessary for the 4 Commission to examine each proposed proj ect and make a 5 determination of whether it qualifies as a Single 6 Project? 7 A.No, I do not. I propose that the utility make 8 an initial determination and that the Commission only be 9 asked to make a determination in instances where there is 10 uncertainty or disagreement between the proj ect developer 11 and the utility. In the majority of cases, I think it 12 will be fairly obvious as to whether a proj ect is a 13 Single Proj ect. 14 Q.What is the reason for including the language 15 "the Commission will consider all relevant factors, 16 including, but not limited to the factors listed below" 17 on lines 13-15 on page 1 of Exhibit 301? 18 A.I believe that it is important for the 19 Commission to be able to exercise judgment in individual 20 cases so that the intent of the criteria can be properly 21 maintained. If a rigid set of criteria were to be 22 adopted, I believe that some proj ect developers might 23 devise ways to meet the criteria, yet violate their clear 24 intent. It is difficult, in advance, to envision every 25 possible project configuration that might be proposed. CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 9 STAFF 1 However, to a large degree, I believe that distinguishing 2 whether a project constitutes a Single Project is a case 3 of "knowing it when you see it." By allowing the 4 Commission some discretion, I believe that the intent of 5 the criteria will be more fairly and consistently upheld 6 than if rigid enforcement of the criteria were required. 7 Q.Do you propose that the criteria be applied to 8 only wind and solar resources, or to all resource types? 9 A.I propose that the criteria be used for all 10 resource types, not just wind and solar. Although wind 11 and solar proj ects are most likely to be disaggregated 12 due to their characteristic of being composed of multiple 13 small generators, other resources might also have the 14 ability to disaggregate. Having a single set of criteria 15 for all resource types will help ensure consistency. 16 Q.If other parties in this case propose similar 17 but different criteria, would you be willing to attempt 18 to reach settlement on suitable eligibility criteria? 19 A.Yes, of course. I am confident that there are 20 criteria that can be proposed that may be different than 21 those I have proposed that can still successfully meet 22 the same intent. 23 Q.If criteria to prevent disaggregation are not 24 adopted by the Commission, can you suggest another option 25 that the Commission should consider? CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 10 STAFF 1 A.Yes, another option would be to make permanent 2 the Commission's prior Order to temporarily lower the 3 eligibility cap for published rates to 100 kW for wind 4 and solar resources. Wind and solar QFs larger than 100 5 kW would still be entitled to contracts under PURPA, but 6 the avoided cost rates in those contracts would be based 7 on the IRP methodology. 8 Q.Do you believe that this option would be 9 feasible? 10 A.Yes, I do. The IRP methodology can be used for 11 proj ects of any size and is well sui ted for wind and 12 solar resources because it can take into account 13 generation characteristics that are unique to wind and 14 solar, in addition to the utility's need for new 15 resources. However, I am not opposed to further 16 discussions between the Staff, Utili ties, and interested 17 parties to investigate, refine, and reach agreement on 18 specific analysis assumptions and techniques for applying 19 the IRP methodology to wind and solar proj ects if that 20 methodology is expected to be frequently used. In my 21 opinion, that investigation should take place in 22 subsequent phases of this case or in another docket 23 opened specifically for that purpose, not in the present 24 case. 25 Q.Does this conclude your direct testimony in CASE NO. GNR-E-11-0103/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 11 STAFF 1 this proceeding? 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 A.Yes, it does. CASE NO. GNR-E-11-01 03/25/11 STERLING, R (Di) 12 STAFF 1 Single Project Requirement 2 A Single Proj ect is eligible to receive published 3 avoided cost rates if it generates no more than 10 average 4 MW monthly. A Single Proj ect that generates more than 10 5 average MW monthly is eligible to receive avoided cost rates 6 calculated using the IRP Methodology. 7 Single Proj ect Criteria 8 For purposes of determining eligibility for published 9 avoided cost rates for projects larger than 100 kW, the 10 Commission will consider the following criteria in 11 determining whether a project with multiple generation 12 sources qualifies as a Single Proj ect. In any such 13 determination, the Commission will consider all relevant 14 factors, including, but not limited to, the factors listed 15 below. Whether each generation source wi thin the Proj ect: 16 a. uses the same motive force or fuel source; 17 b.is owned or controlled by the same person(s) or 18 affiliated person(s); 19 c.is placed in service wi thin 12 months of an 20 affiliated Project's commercial operation dates as 21 specified in the power sales agreement; 22 d.shares a common point of interconnection or 23 interconnection facilities; 24 e.shares common control, communications, and 25 operation facilities; Exhibit No. 301 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 R. Sterling, Staff 3/25/11 Page 1 of 4 1 2 3 g. 4 5 6 h. 7 8 9 j . k.10 11 12 13 m. 14 n. 15 f.shares a common transmission interconnection agreement; has a power sales agreement executed within 12 months of a similar facility in the same general vicinity; is operated and maintained by the same entity; i.is constructed by the same entity within 12 months; uses common debt or equity financing; is subj ect to a revenue sharing arrangement; 1.obtains local, state and federal land use permits under a single application or as a single entity; shares engineering and/or procurement contracts; shares common land leases; or o.is in close proximity to other similar facilities. 16 Eligibili ty for Published Rates 17 A project consisting of multiple generation sources 18 that satisfies at least one of (a) - (0) above and delivers 19 more than 10 aMW per month may be deemed by the Commission 20 to be aggregated for purposes of determining eligibility for 21 published rates and for purposes of calculating avoided cost 22 rates. 23 Definitions 24 As used above, the term "person (s)" means one or more 25 natural persons or legal entities. "Affiliated person (s)" Exhibit No. 301 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 R. Sterling, Staff 3/25/11 Page 2 of 4 1 means a natural person or persons or legal entity or 2 entities sharing common ownership, management or acting 3 jointly or in concert with or exercising influence over the 4 policies or actions of another person or entity. 5 "Affiliated person (s)" does not include passive investors 6 whose sole ownership benefit is using production tax 7 credits, green tag values, or depreciation, or a combination 8 of these. 9 Proj ect Responsibilities 10 Upon request, the Proj ect will provide to the utility 11 any relevant information reasonably necessary and in 12 reasonably sufficient detail to allow the utility to make an 13 initial determination of compliance with the Single Project 14 criteria listed above. Any dispute concerning a Project's 15 entitlement to published rates shall be presented to the 16 Commission for resolution. 17 In each contract for payment of published rates, the 18 seller shall: 19 (i)warrant the project satisfies the Single 20 Proj ect requirement; 21 (ii) warrant and represent that the seller will 22 not make any changes in its ownership, 23 control or management during the term of the 24 contract that would cause it not to be in 25 compliance with the Single Project requirement; Exhibit No. 301 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 R. Sterling, Staff 3/25/11 Page 3 of 4 1 (iii) agree to provide buyer with documentation of 2 compliance with the separate ownership requirement 3 upon buyer's request, made no more frequently than 4 every 3 years, subj ect to the buyer maintaining 5 the confidentiality of the documentation provided; 6 and 7 (iv) acknowledge that, upon a Commission finding that the Single Proj ect requirement is no longer met,8 9 the seller will be in default under the contract. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Exhibit No. 301 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 R. Sterling, Staff 3/25/11 Page 4 of 4 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE THIS 25TH DAY OF MARCH2011, SERVED THE FOREGOING DIRECT TESTIMONY OF RICK STERLING, IN CASE NO. GNR-E-II-0l, BY E-MAILING A COpy THEREOF TO THE FOLLOWING: DONOV AN E WALKER LISA D NORDSTROM IDAHO POWER COMPANY PO BOX 70 BOISE ID 83707-0070 E-MAIL: dwalker(iidahopower.com Inordstrom(iidahopower .com MICHAEL G ANDREA A VIST A CORPORATION 1411 E MISSION AVE SPOKANE WA 99202 E-MAIL: michae1.andrea(iavistacorp.com ROBERT D KAHN NW & INTERMOUNTAIN POWER PRODUCERS COALITION 1117 MINOR AVE STE 300 SEATTLE WA 98101 E-MAIL: rkah(inippc.org ROBERT A PAUL GRAND VIEW SOLAR II 15690 VISTA CIRCLE DESERT HOT SPRINGS CA 92241 E-MAIL: robertapau108ßYgmai1.com RONALD L WILLIAMS WILLIAMS BRADBURY PC 1015 W HAYS ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: ron(iwiliamsbradbury.com DANIEL E SOLANDER ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER 201 S MAIN ST STE 2300 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84111 E-MAIL: danie1.so1ander(ipacificorp.com PETER J RICHARDSON GREGORY MADAMS RICHARDSON & O'LEARY 515 N 27TH STREET BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: peter(irichardsonandolear.com gregl$richardsonandolear. com DON STURTEVANT ENERGY DIRECTOR J R SIMPLOT COMPANY PO BOX 27 BOISE ID 83707-0027 E-MAIL: don.sturevant(isimplot.com JAMES CARKULIS ENXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF IDAHOLLC 802 W BANNOCK ST STE 1200 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: jcarkulis(iexergydevelopment.com SCOTT MONTGOMERY PRESIDENT CEDAR CREEK WIND LLC 668 ROCKWOOD DR N SALT LAKE UT 84054 E-MAIL: scottl$westemenergy.us CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE DANA ZENTZ VICE PRESIDENT SUMMIT POWER GROUP INC 2006 E WESTMINSTER SPOKANE WA 99223 E-MAIL: dzentzßYsumitpower.com JOHNRLOWE RENEWABLE ENERGY COALTIION 12050 SW TREMONT ST PORTLAND OR 97225 E-MAIL: jravenesanmarcosl$yahoo.com BILL PISKE MGR INTERCONNECT SOLAR DEVELOPMENT LLC 1303 E CARTER BOISE ID 83706 E-MAIL: bilpiske(icableone.net PAUL MARTIN INTERMOUNTAIN WIND LLC PO BOX 353 BOULDER CO 80306 E-MAIL: paulmarin(iintermountainwind.com SHELLEY M DAVIS BARKR ROSHOLT ET AL STE 102 10 10 W JEFFERSON ST BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: smdl$idahowaters.com TED DIEHL GENERAL MANAGER NORTH SIDE CANAL CO 921 N LINCOLN ST JEROME ID 83338 E-MAIL: nscanall$cableone.net THOMAS H NELSON RENEWABLE ENERGY COALITION PO BOX 1211 WELCHES OR 97067 E-MAIL: nelson(ithnelson.com R GREG FERNEY MIMURA LAW OFFICES PLLC 2176 E FRANKLIN RD STE 120 MERIDIAN ID 83642 E-MAIL: gregl$mimuralaw.com DEAN J MILLER McDEVITT & MILLER LLP PO BOX 2564 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: joe(imcdevitt-miler.com WADE THOMAS DYNAMIS ENERGY LLC 776 W RIVERSIDE DR STE 15 EAGLE ID 83616 E-MAIL: wthomas(idynamisenerg.com BRIAN OLMSTEAD GENERAL MANAGER TWIN FALLS CANAL CO POBOX 326 TWIN FALLS ID 83303 E-MAIL: olmstead(itfcana1.com BILL BROWN CHAIR BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ADAMS COUNTYID PO BOX 48 COUNCIL ID 83612 E-MAIL: dbbrown(ifrontiemet.net CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE TED S SORENSON PE BIRCH POWER COMPANY 5203 SOUTH 11 TH EAST IDAHO FALLS ID 83404 E-MAIL: tedßYtsorenson.net M J HUMPHRIES BLUE RIBBON ENERGY LLC 4515 S AMMON ROAD AMMON ID 83406 E-MAIL: blueribbonenergyl$gmail.com E.MAIL: ONLY KEN KAUFMANN LOVINGER KAUFMANN LLP E-MAIL: Kaufmannl$lklaw.com MEGAN WALSETH DECKER SR STAFF COUNSEL RENEWABLE NW PROJECT 917 SW OAK ST STE 303 PORTLAND OR 97205 E-MAIL: megan(imp.org KEN MILLER SNAKE RIVER ALLIANCE BOX 1731 BOISE ID 83701 E-MAIL: kmiler(isnakeriverallance.org GLENN IKEMOTO MARGARET RUEGER IDAHO WINDFARMS LLC 672 BLAIR AVENUE PIEDMONT CA 94611 E-MAIL: glenni(ienvisionwind.com margaret(ienvisionwind.com ARRON F JEPSON BLUE RIBBON ENERGY LLC 10660 SOUTH 540 EAST SANDY UT 84070 E-MAIL: aronesg(iao1.com GARY SEIFERT KURT MYERS ID NATIONAL LABORATORY CONVENTIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY 2525 FREMONT AVE IDAHO FALLS ID 83415 E-MAIL: gary.seifertl$ini.gov kurt.myersl$ini.gov BENJAMIN J OTTO ID CONSERVATION LEAGUE POBOX 844 BOISE ID 83702 E-MAIL: bottoßYidahoconservation.org ~~~.l~ SECRETARY CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE