HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110427Avista Answer to Motion to Strike.pdf~~~'V'STA' Corp. April 26, 2011 ~ :;:: mN ("-i m ~c= .":i ~m1:J-.. c Utilities Commission ashington Street D 93702 Email: jean.lewell(ßpuc.idaho.gov CJ CD Avista Corporation's Answer to Motion to Strike Portions of the Direct Testimony of Clint Kalich IPUC Docket No. GNR-E-ll-Ol Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for fiing an original and seven copies of Avista Corporation's Answer to Motion to Strike Portions of the Direct Testimony of Clint Kalich for filing in the above-referenced docket. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this fiing. Sincerely,/;. Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Enclosures cc: Service List MICHAL G. ANREA (ISB No. 8308) A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave., MSC-23 Spokae, W A 99202 Telephone: (509) 495-2564 michaeL. andrea CW avistacorp.com RECEIVED ioii APR 27 PH I: S9 Attorney for A vista Corporation BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBLIC UTITS COMMSSION IN THE MATTR OF THE COMMISSION'S )INVESTIGATION INO ) DISAGGREGATION AN AN ) APPROPRITE PUBLISHED AVOIDED )COST RATE ELIGffILITY CAP ) STRUCTU FOR PURA QUALIFING )FACILITffS ) ) ) ) CASE NO. GNR-E-ll-01 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLIN KAICH Pursuant to Rule 57.03 of the Idao Public Utilities Commssion's ("IPUC" or "Commssion") Rules of Procedure, A vista Corporation ("A vista") submits its answer to Renewable Nortwest Project's ("RN") Motion to Stre Portons of the Direct Testimony of Clint Kalch and fied in the above-referenced proceedng, in which the Nortwest and Intermountan Power Producer's Coaltion ("NIPPC") joins ("Motion"). The issues set for ths phase of the proceedg include the Commssion's request for information and investigation of a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that prevents disaggregation and includes "criteria within which small wind and solar QFs can obtan a published avoided cost rate without allowing large QFs to obtan a rate that is not an accurate~, reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects." Notice of Inquir, Notice of Intervention Deadline, Notice of Scheduling, Notice of Techncal Hearng, issued Februar 25, 2011 Page - 1 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TETIONY OF CLIN KACH ("Notice") at 3 (emphasis added). RN and NIPPC move to stre testimony that bear diectly on issues set for ths proceeng-i.e., whether a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strctue can be adopted by the Commssion that (1) allows QFs as large as 10 aM to tae advantage of published avoided cost rates; (2) prevents disaggregation; and (3) does not alow large QFs to obtan a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's actual avoided cost for such projects. See Notice at 3. RN and NIPPC generally seek to stre substatial portons of Mr. Kalich's testiony that demonstrates that the current published avoided cost rate exceeds the utility's actual avoided costs, which provides the economic incentive that is the priar drver behind developers disaggregating their projects to tae advantage of those rates. Therefore, in adopting any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that provides published rates to QFs as large as 10 aMW, it is importt that the Commssion be made aware that such high rates are the drver of disaggregation. Furter, absent a modification to the published avoided cost rates, there is signficant dager that raising eligibilty from the present 100 kW that wil allow large QFs to tae advantage of published rates that do not accurately reflect the utility's actual avoided costs. RN and NIPPC also seek to stre testimony that demonstrates that QFs larger than 100 kW are "large" QFs and that the Commssion can satisfy its stated goals of (1) providing published avoided cost rates to small QF projects, (2) preventing disaggregation, and (3) ensuring that large QFs do not obta a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects by retaning the 100 kW published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap. The Kalich Testimony that RN and NIPPC seek to stre is squarely withn the scope of the Commssion's request for information and investigation of a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that provides published rates to small QFs, prevents disaggregation and Page - 2 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLIN KAICH ensures that large QFs do not "obta a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects." See Notice at 3. The Motion is without merit and, therefore, Avista respectflly requests that the Commssion issue an order denying the Motion in its entity. I. Background On Februar 25,2011, the Commssion issued the Notice in the above-captioned proceeng "seek(ing) information regarding criteria withn which small wind and solar QFs can obtan a published avoided cost rate without allowing large QFs to obtan a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utilty's avoided cost for such projects" and specifically "solicit(ing) "information and investigation of a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that: (1) allows small wind and solar QFs to avail themselves of published rates for projects producing 10 aMW or less; (2) prevents large QFs from disaggregating in order to obtain a published avoided cost rate that exceeds a utility's avoided cost." Notice at 3. Pursuant to the Notice, diect testiony and exhibits were due on March 25, 2011. Rebutta testiony was due on April 22, 2011. A techncal hearng is scheduled in ths matter for May 10, 2011. On March 24, 2011, Avista submitted the Direct Testimony of Clint Kalich ("Kalch/ Direct") for filing in ths proceeding. On April 13, 2011, RN fied its Motion seeking to stre substantial portons of the Kalich Direct on the sole ground that such portons "are outside the scope of the present phase of ths proceedng(.)" Motion at 3. On April 14, 2011, NIPPC fied a motion in which, in relevant par, it joined in RN's Motion. The portons of the Kaich Direct that RN and NIPPC seek to stre bear diectly on the issues in ths proceeding. The Motion is without merit and, therefore, should be denied in its entiety. Page - 3 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TETIONY OF CLIN KAICH ll. Argment As stated above, the Commssion has expressly requested "inormation and investigation of a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that: (1) allows small wind and solar QFs to avail themselves of published rates for projects producing 10 aM or less; (2) prevents large QFs from disaggregating in order to obta a published avoided cost rate that excees a utility's avoided cost", and (3) that does not allow "large QFs to obtan a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects." Notice at 3. The portons of Mr. Kalich's diect testimony that RN and NIPPC seek to stre is diectly responsive to the Commssion's request for information and investigation in ths proceedng. A. Testimony Regarding the Published A voided Cost Rate to Be Used in a Published A voided Cost Rate Eligibilty Cap Structure is Within the Scope of this Phase of this Proceeding. RN and NIPPC generally seek to stre broad portons of Mr. Kalich's testimony that demonstrate that: (i) the current published avoided cost rate is too high; (2) such published avoided cost rate provides the economic incentive that is drving developers to disaggregate their projects to tae advantage of those rates; and (3) at a minimum, to prevent disaggregation, the published avoided cost rate to be applied in any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strctue that provides published rates to QFs as large as 10 aMW, must not excee the utilities' actual avoided costs. Mr. Kalich's testimony regarding the published avoided cost rate that wil be applied in any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that may be adopted in ths proceedng is clearly withn the scope of the Commssion's request for information regarding an published avoided rate eligibilty cap strcture that prevents disaggregation and ensures that QFs are not able to obtain a rate that excees the utility's actual avoided cost. See Notice at 3. Ths is especially tre given that, as noted in the Kalich Direct, the economics associated with the Page - 4 A VISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLINT KAICH current published avoided cost rate is a fundamenta drver of the disaggregation problem that the Commssion is seeking to prevent in ths proceedng. See, e.g., Kalch Testiony at 6; see also Notice at 3. 1. Page 5, Line 1 through Page 9, Line 23 of Mr. Kach's Direc Testimony Should Not be Strcken. RN and NIPPC seek to stre page 5, line 1 though page 9, line 23 of the Kalich Direct on the ground that, "(t)his section of testiony argues that the current published avoided cost rates are too high for varable energy resources, from the utility perspective. Accordingly, it is beyond the scope of issues identified for consideration in ths proceeng." Motion at 3. In ths section of the Kalich Direct, Mr. Kalich testifies that the varable energy resources being constrcted by QF developers are fundaentaly different from a combined cycle combustion turbine ("CCCT") and, as a result, the rate paid for such varable generation based on a surrogate avoided cost CCCT does not approximate tre utility avoided costs for varable generation resources. Kalich Direct at 5:1-6:8, 9:1-9:23. Mr. Kalich furter explains that published avoided cost rates that excee the utilities' actual avoided costs is the fundamenta drver of the disaggregation problem that the Commssion seeks to solve in ths phase of the proceeng. Kalich Direct at 6:9-8:10. Mr. Kalich concludes that "if the Commssion reestablishes a 10 aM eligibilty cap for published avoided cost rates, ths mismatch between the published avoided cost rate and the utilities' actual avoided cost for a similar resource is the theshold issue that must be addressed to solve Idao's PURA issues-including disaggregation." Kalch Direct at 8:6-8:10. Any argument that such testimony, which is on the centr element of any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strctue-i.e., the published avoided cost rate to be used in that strcture-is not withn the scope of the Commssion's Page - 5 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLIN KAICH request for information "of a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture" is without merit. 1 2. Page 10, Line 20 through Page 22, Line 10 of Mr. Kach's Direct Testimony Should Not be Stricken. RN seeks to stre page 10, line 20 though page 22, line 10 of the Kalich Testimony on the ground that, "(t)his section of text argues that current published avoided costs result in exorbitat profits for wind developers. Accordingly, it is beyond the scope of issues identified for consideration in ths proceedng." Motion at 3. Again, any asserton that testimony regarding a central element of any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture-i.e., the published avoided cost rate to be applied in such strcture-is without merit. Ths is especialy tre here, where the profits developers derive from the curent published avoided cost rate provides the economic incentive to disaggregate large projects into smaller QF projects. In ths porton of testiony that RN and NIPPC seeks to stre, Mr. Kalich testifies that changing the published rate paid for QF resources is essential to preventig disaggregation. Kalich Direct at 10:20-11:23. Mr. Kalich furter provides testiony regarding the history of wind development in Idaho to demonstrate that economics has been, and continues to be, the principle drver of such wind development. Kalich Direct at 12: 122: 10. Mr. Kalich's testimony 1 A vista notes that the Motion sweeps into its request to stre ths section of the Kalch Dirt page 8, lines 11-22. Ths section of the Kalich Dirct does not, as the Motion asserts "argue( ) that the current published avoided cost rates are too high for varable energy resources, from the utility perspective." Motion at 3. Rather, ths porton of the Kalich Direct is diected at the fact that projects as large as 10 aM have a price tag of $60 millon or more and, therefore, canot faily be characterized as "small" QFs for which published rates are necessar in order to simplify the contracting process. See Kalich Direct at 8:11-22. RN does not provide any basis for moving to stre this porton of the Kalich Direct. To the extent the Motion can be read to suggest that ths porton is beyond the scope of ths proceeding (Motion at 3), such suggestion is without merit. As discussed in the Kalich Direct, applying the eligibilty cap to projects as large as 10 aM is both unnecessar and is a fundaental drver of the disaggregation problem that is at issue in ths proceeding. See, e.g., Kalich Direct at 8: 11-22. Page - 6 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TETIONY OF CLIN KACH demonstrates that, under the current published avoided cost rate, "(a) 10 aM wind project is being overpaid by approximately $63 millon over 20 year." Kalich Direct at 21:19-20. Ths testimony is diectly responsive to the Commssion's request for information on a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that both prevents disaggregation and ensures that "large QFs (are not allowed) to obtan a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects." See Notice at 3. Overpayment by utilities for varable resource projects as large as 10 aM as a result of published avoided cost rates that do not accurately reflect the utility's actual avoided costs provides a strong economic incentive, and is the primar drver, for developers to disaggregate their projects in order to tae advantage of those published rates. Accordingly, if the Commssion (1) adopts any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that allows QFs as large as 10 aM to tae advantage of published rates and (2) hopes to both prevent disaggregation and ensure that QFs are not obtaning a rate that is not an accurate reflection of the utility's avoided cost, the Commssion must as a theshold matter ensure the published avoided cost rate that wil be applied in that strcture accurately reflect the utilities' tre avoided costs. See Notice at 3; e.g., Kalich Direct at 8:6-10 (stating "if the Commssion reestablishes a 10 aM eligibilty cap for published avoided cost rates, ths mismatch between the published avoided cost rate and the utilities' actual avoided cost for a similar resources is the theshold issue that must be addressed to solve Idaho's PURA issues-including disaggregation."). RN's and NIPPC's motion to stre testimony on the centr theshold issue in ths phase of the proceedng should be denied. Page - 7 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLIN KACH 3. Page 22, Line 11 through Page 30, Line 2 of Mr. Kalich's Direct Testimony Should Not be Stricken. RN and NIPPC also seek to strke the Kalich Direct that appears at (i) page 22, line 11 though page 24, line 19; (ii) page 24, line 20 though page 25, line 19; and (iii) page 25, line 20 though page 30, line 2 on the grounds that, these sections argue (1) "that an IR methodology is more appropriate", (2) "that PURA rates have negatively impacted Avista's Customers", and (3) "that the utility's need for resources should be reflected in avoided costs." Motion at 3-4. In RN and NIPPC's view, these sections of testimony are "beyond the scope of issues identifed for consideration in ths proceeng." Motion at 3-4. Such testimony is squarely withn the scope of the issues set for ths phase of ths proceeding. The Motion to stre ths testimony should be denied. Again, the Commssion has expressly requested information regarding a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that prevents disaggregation and does not provide large QFs a published avoided cost rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost. Notice at 3. As discussed above, any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that provides published avoided cost rates to QFs as large as 10 aM, and both attempts to prevent larger QFs from disaggregating to tae advantage of those rates and ensures that such strctue does not provide QFs a published avoided cost rate that does not accurately reflect the utility's actual avoided cost, must, as a theshold matter, include a published avoided cost rate that reflects the actual avoided costs of the utilities. In these sections of the Kalich Dirt, Mr. Kalich testifies about the nee to modfy the current SAR methodology that is used to set published avoided cost rates to ensure that the published avoided cost rates reflect actual avoided costs. Kalich Testiony at 22: 11- 25: 19. Based in large par on ths testimony, Mr. Kalich concludes that "the best means to determne Page - 8 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLIN KAICH actual avoided costs in the current environment is to calculate the value of the PURP A development using the IR Methodology."i Kalch Direct at 24: 17-19. Finally, Mr. Kalich testifies that avoided cost rates should consider utility need. Kalich Dirct at 25:20-30:2. Mr. Kalich's testimony is squarely withn the scope of the Commssion's request for information regarding a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that attempts to prevent disaggregation and also does not provide QFs a published avoided cost rate that does not reflect the utility's actual avoided cost. See Notice at 3. The Motion is without merit and, therefore, should be denied. B. Testimony on An A voided Cost Rate Eligibilty Cap Structure That Provides Published Avoided Cost Rate to Small QFs and Satisfies the Commission's State Goals of Preventing Disaggegation and Ensuring the A voided Cost Rate Provided to Large QFs Accurately Reflects the Utilty's A voided Cost is Within the Scope of this Preeding. RN and NIPPC seek to stre the Kalich Direct at page 34, line 10 though page 41, line 17 on the ground that, the Commssion is seeking only "information on possible ways single PUR A projects of up to 10 aM could receive published rates while preventing disaggregation of larger projects" and that the Commssion "did not invite pares to reargue the theory that 100 KW is a better cap for rate eligibilty purposes." Motion at 4. Accordingly, in RN and i To the extent that RN and NIPPC rely on the Commssion's bench order issued on March 23, 2011 ("Bench Order"), to support the Motion, such reliance is misplaced. The Bench Order granted a protective order prohibiting discovery on issues regarding the validity of the IR Methodology. See Minutes of Decision Meeting, March 21, 2011 (Commssion Smith stating that she did not believe the validit~ of the IR methodology is an issue the Commssion designated for hearng on May 10 ). A vista acknowledges that the IR Methodology is an accepted and approved methodology. In that light, the Kalich Direct does not in any way question the validity of the IR methodology. Rather, in the context of testimony regarding how to ensure that QFs are not able to obtan a published avoided cost rate that does not accurately reflect the utility's actual avoided cost (an issue expressly set for ths phase of ths proceedng), the Kalich Direct asserts that the IR Methodology is a fai way to ensure comparabilty between the published avoided cost rate and the costs associated with resources the utilities would build and own or otherwise acquire. See Kalch Direct at 22:13-24:19. Such testimony is withn the scope of ths phase of ths proceeng. Page - 9 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TETIONY OF CLIN KAICH NIPPC's view, ths section of testiony is "beyond the scope of issues identified for consideration in ths proceeng." Motion at 3-4. RN and NIPPC read the Notice initiating ths proceedng too narowly. The Commssion expressly reuested "information and investigation of a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that: (1) allows small wind and solar QFs to avail themselves of published rates for projects producing 10 aM or less; (2) prevents large QFs from disaggregating in order to obtan a published avoided cost rate that excees a utility's avoided cost", and (3) that does not allow "large QFs to obtan a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects." Notice at 3. Mr. Kalich testifies that "(i)t is very unlikely that the Commssion wil be able to adopt a PUR A eligibilty cap strcture that both allows wind and solar QFs as large as 10 aMW to avail themselves to published rates and also prevent disaggregation." Kalich Direct at 10. In support of that position, Mr. Kach cites, as an example, the fact that a 65 MW wind project was able to successfully disaggregate to tae advantage of Oregon's published avoided cost rates even though Oregon had both a signficantly lower eligibilty cap (10 MW in Oregon as compared to 10 aM in Idaho) and a five-mile separation requirement. Kalich Direct at 32: 10-33: 12. Mr. Kalich furter testifies: As the example discussed above ilustrtes, developers can come up with very imaginative ways to disaggregate and still comply with even very strct requirements to prevent such disaggregation. It is impossible to foresee the varous ways that developers may come up with to circumvent the intent of the eligibilty cap by disaggregating their projects. Additional requirements regarding ownership, sharng of equipment and interconnection facilties, and project separation rules might help, but they wil be very diffcult for utilities, and ultimately ths Commssion, to monitor and enforce. A vista is concerned that such additional requirements wil lead to additional litigation that wil require substantial time and resources in order to enforce the intent of the published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap. More importtly, to the extent that developers are able to require utilities to pay rates above the utilities' actual avoided costs for large QF projects, the utilities' actual avoided costs for large QF projects, the utilities' customers wil shoulder the burden of those costs though higher retal rates. Page - 10 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWE TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLIN KAICH Kalich Direct at 33: 15-34:5. In sum, in diect response to the Commssion request for information and investigation, Mr. Kalich testifies that it is virually impossible, or at best extremely diffcult and burdensome, to adopt a published avoided cost rate eligibility cap strcture that provides published rates for projects as large as 10 aM and also both prevent large QFs from disaggregating and prevent large QFs from obtaining a published avoided cost rate that does not reflect the utility's actual avoided cost. See, e.g., Kalich Direct at 10:1-19, 33:15-34:5; Notice at 3. A fundamenta reason why such a strctue is unlikely to be successful is the incorrect premise that wind and solar projects as large as 10 aM are "smalL." Mr. Kalich's testimony demonstrates that such projects canot faily be characterized as "small" such that it is necessar to provide such projects published avoided cost rates. Kaich Direct at 35:5-37:2 (discussing the costs of developing varous resources and testifying that "10 aM wind or solar projects are not small QFs." (Emphasis in original.)). With that understading, Mr. Kalich offers an alternative approach- i.e., retaning the 100 kW eligibilty cap-that can satisfy the Commssion's stated goals of (1) providing published avoided cost rates to small QFs, (2) preventing disaggregation, and (3) ensuring that large QFs are not allowed to obtan a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects. See Notice at 3. Ths testiony is withn the scope of ths proceedng and, therefore, the Motion should be denied. c. Exhibit 101 to the Kalich Direct Should Not Be Strcken Finally, RNP and NIPPC seek to stre Exhbit 101 to the Kalch Direct. In RN and NIPPC's view, "(t)he generation patterns of (a photovoltac solar facility) are irelevant to the issues identified in the Notice, and accordingly ths exhibit is beyond the scope of issues Page - 11 AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TETIONY OF CLIN KAICH identified for consideration in ths proceeding. Motion at 4. RN and NIPPC's request to stre Exhbit 10 1 is without merit and should be denied. As discussed more fully above, and in the Kalich Direct, the published avoided cost rate to be applied in any published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture is very much at issue in this proceeng. See Notice at 3 (expressly seeking information and investigation on criteria to ensure that QFs do not receive a rate that does not reflect the utility's actual avoided cost). Mr. Kalich explains that the issue with the current SAR methodology for setting those rates is that varable energy generating resources, including solar resources, do not have the same characteristics and attbutes as the current combined cycle combustion turbine surrogate avoided cost resource that is currently used to establish the published avoided cost rate. E.g., Kalich Direct at 5: 1-6:8, 10:22-11 :6, 22: 13-23:5. Accordingly, the characteristics of solar resources is relevant to, and therefore withn the scope of, ths proceeng. The Motion to strke Exhbit 101 should be denied. Page - 12 AVISTA CORPRATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TESTIONY OF CLIN KAICH ILL. Conclusion As discussed herein, the portions of the Kalich Direct that RN and NIPPC seek to stre are well withn the scope of the Commssion's request for information and investigation of a published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap strcture that prevents disaggregation and includes "criteria withn which small wind and solar QFs can obtan a published avoided cost rate without allowing large QFs to obtan a rate that is not an accurate reflection of a utility's avoided cost for such projects." Notice at 3. Accordingly, Avista respectfully requests that the Commssion issue an order denying the Motion in its entiety. Respetflly submitted by, AVISTA CORPORATION n Michael G. Andrea Attorney for A vista Corporation Dated: April~, 2011 Page - 13 AVISTA CORPRATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TETIONY OF CLIN KAICH CERTIFCATE OF SERVICE I hereby certfy that on ths 26th day of April 2011, tre and correct copies of AVISTA CORPORATION'S ANSWER TO MOTION TO STR PORTIONS OF TH DIRCT TETIONY OF CLIN KAICH were delivered to the following persons via Emal (unless otherwise indicated). Jea Jewell Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Email: jean.jewell CWpuc.idaho.gov (via Email and Overnght Mail) Dean J. Miler, Esq. McDevitt & Mier, LLP POBox 2564 Boise, ID 83701-2564 joeCW mcdevitt -miller. com Danel E. Solander Senior Counsel Rocky Mountan Power 201 ~. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt ¡Lae City, UT 84111 Email: DaneLsolanderCWpacificorp.com Donovan E. Waler Lisa' Nordstrom Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boi~e, ID 83707-0070 Ema: dwalerCWidahopower.com lnordstrom CWidaopower.com Pag~ 1--ERTIFCATE OF SERVICE Donald L. Howell, II Krs Sassar Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Emal: don.howell CWpuc.idao.gov krs.sassarCWpuc.idao.gov Peter Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Lear 515 N. 27th St. PO Box 7218Boise, ID 83702 Email: peterCWrichardsonandolea.com greg CW richardsonandolear .com Magan Walseth Decker Senior Sta Counsel Renewable Nortwest Project 917 SW Oak St., Suite 303 Portand, ()R 97205 Email: meganCWrnp.org R. Greg Ferney Mimur Law Offices, PLLC 2176 E. Franin Rd., Suite 120 Meridian, ID 83642 Email: gregCWmiuraaw.com Ted S. Sorenson, P.E. Sorenson Engieering, Inc. 5203 South 11th East Idaho Falls, ID 83404 Emai: tedCWtsorenson.net Glenn Ikemoto Margaret Ruger Idaho Windfars, LLC 672 Blai Ave. Piedmont, CA 94611 E-mail: glennCWenvisionwind.com MargaretCWenvisionwind.com Shelley M. Davis Barker Rosholt & Simpson, LLP 1010 W. Jefferson St., Ste. 102 P.O. Box 2139 Boise, ID 83701-2139 Emai: smdCWidaowaters.com Paul Marn Intermountan Wind, LLC POBox 353 Boulder, CO Email: paulmarn CWintermountainwind.com Ronald L. Willams Willams Bradbury, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 Email: ronCWwillamsbradbur.com Dana Zentz VP, Summt Power Group, Inc. 2006 E. Westmster Spokae, W A 99223 Email: dzentzCWsummtpwer.com Page 2-CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Robert D. Kah Executive Director Nortwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coaltion 1117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 Seattle, W A 9810 Email: rkahnCWnippc.org Thomas H. Nelson Attorney for Renewable Energy Coaltion PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067-1211 Email: nelsonCWthelson.com Bil Piske, Manager Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 1303 E. Carer Boise, ID 83706 Email: bilpiskeCWcableone.net Bil Brown, Chai Board of Commssioners of Ada County, Idaho PO Box 48 Council, ID 83612 Email: bdbrownCWfrontiernet.net Scott Montgomery President, Cedar Creek Wind, LLC 668 Rockwoo Drve Nort Salt Lae, Uta 84054 Email: scottCWwesternenergy.us Wade Thomas General Counsel, Dynams Energy 776 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 15 Eagle, ID 83616 Email: wtomasCWdynamsenerg.com James Carkulis Managing Member EXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF IDAHO,LLC 802 West Banock Street, Ste. 1200 Boise, Idaho 83702 Emal:jcarkulisCWexergydevelopment.com JohnR. Lowe Consultat to Renewable Energy Coaltion 12050 SW Tremont Street Portand, OR 97225 Email: jravenesancosCWyahoo.com Twin Falls Canal Company c/o Brian Olmstead, Genera Manager P.O. Box 326 Twin Falls, Idao 83303-0326 Email: olmsteadCWtfcanal.com Ken Kaufman Lovinger Kaufmann, LLP 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 925 Portand, OR 97232 Email: KaufmannCWlkaw.com Aron F. Jepson Blue ribbon Energy LLC 10660 South 540 Eat Sandy, UT 84070 Email: aronesq CW aoLcom Page 3-CERTIFCATE OF SERVICE Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar IT 15960 Vista Circle Desert Hot Sprigs, CA Email: robertpaul CW gmaiLcom Don Sturtevant Energy Director J. R. Simplot Company ONE CAPITAL CENTR 999 Main Street, P.O. Box 27 Boise, Idaho 83707-0027 Emai: don.stuevantCWsimplot.com Nort Side Canal Company c/o Ted Diehl, General Manager 921 N. Lincoln St. Jerome, Idaho 83338 Email: nscanalCWcableone.net MJ Humphres Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 4515 S. Amon Road Amon, ID 83406 Email: blueribbonenergy CW gmaiLcom Greg Seifert Kurt Meyers Idaho National Laboratory Conventional Renewable Energy Group 2525 Fremont Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3810 Email: gar.seifertCWinLgov Kur.myersCWinLgov Benjam J. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 Email: bottoCWidaoconservation.org Page 4-ERTICATE OF SERVICE Ken Miler Clean Energy Program Director Snake River Alance Box 1731 Boise, 10 83701 Email: kmllerCW staeriveralance.org ~ Michael G. Andrea