HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110422Kalich Reb.pdf~~'¡''STA' Corp. April 21, 2011 c Utilities Commission ashington Street D 93702 Email: jean.jewell(fpuc.idaho.gov ~:: ~~ fO.- ('Ñ ~~ ¿ 1"'~ 'c'ß.'~ Rebuttal Testimony of Clint Kalich on Behalf of Avista Corporation IPUC Docket No. GNR-E-ll-Ol Dear Ms. Jewell: Please find enclosed for filing an original and nine copies of the Rebuttal Testimony of Clint Kalich on behalf of A vista Corporation for fiing in the above-referenced docket on April 22,201 L Also enclosed is a CD with an electronic copy of Mr. Kalich's rebuttal testimony in Word. The first enclosed copy is hereby designated as the reporters copy. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this filing. Sincerely, rz cD Michael G. Andrea Senior Counsel Enclosures cc: Service List BEFORE TH IDAHO PUBliC UTIT COMMSION IN TH MATIR OF TH COMMISSION'S )INSTIGATION INO ) CASE NO. GNR-E-II-Ol DISAGGREGATION AN AN ) APPROPRITE PUBLISHED AVOIDED )COST RATE ELIGffILIT CAP ) STRUCTU FOR PURA QUALIFING )FACILITIE ) ) REBUTTAL TETIONY OF CLIN KALICH A VITA CORPRATION APRI22, 2011 ~:: ~~ ~.- (" ~ ~,1:~ 0t:.'. 7- 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 Q. 6 A. 7 8 Q. 9 10 A. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Q 19 20 21 22 23 Pleae state your name, the name of your employer, and your busines addre. My name is Clint Kach. I am employed by Avista Corpration ("Avista") at 1411 Eat Mission Avenue, Spokane, Washington. Did you provide dire testimony in this proeeding? Yes. I submitted the Direct Testiony of Clint Kalch that was filed in ths proceeding on behal of A vista Corporation on March 25, 2011. Do you have any corrtions to your dire tetimony that was previously riled in th proeeng? Yes. On pages 24 and 25 of my diect testiony, I testified that, at a published rate of approximately $77 per MW plus the value of RECs, the 20-yea additional profit to the PURA developer, as compared to a fai market for wind projects near $60 per MW with RECs, is around $56 millon. I fuer noted that it is customers who would bear the burden of that additional profit; however, I inadvertently testified that such burden was $47 millon instea of the $56 millon previously stated. Accordingly, the "$47 millon" that appear on page 25, line 10 of my diect testimony should be "$56 millon" Renewable Northwest Prject ("RNP") submitted tetimony in thi proceeing regardng certn factors to consider in determnig eligibilty for published avoided cost rate. H the Commission adopts a publihed avoided cost rate eligibilty cap structre that alows QFs as large as 10 aM to tae advantage of published avoided cost rate, wi consideration of thes factrs prevent disaggregation? 1 A. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 No. As I testified in my dict testiony, it wil be extremely difficult or impossible to prevent disaggregation if the published avoided cost rate is available to QFs as large as 10 aM. RN presents a laundr list of no fewer than 14 factors that may nee to be considered in determning whether a QF is a single project or a piece of a disaggregated project. The number of factors for consideration on RN's list itself ilustrates the high level of complexity and burden that wil be required in any effort to prevent disaggrgation if a published avoided rate eligibilty cap strctue that provides published rates to QFs as large as 10 aM is adopted. Do RN in its tetimony provide any inights that you wih to highght here? Yes. RN makes thee statements that wart fuer discussion. The fit begins at line 4 of page 12 of Ms. Decker's diect testimony. Ms. Deker states: "for enforcing the PUR A published rate theshold, where the rationale for published rates is drven by the QF's level of economic and bargaining power, the most importt characteristics may be financial in natue: beneficial ownership, financing, cost and revenue sharng, combined purchases of generating equipment, and combined constrction contracts. However, because each of those factors could be relatively easy to obscure with extra paperwork and possibly diffcult to determne at the tie of initial contrting, a distace factor between projects may be a necessar addition to the frework." (Emphasis added.) In ths testiony, RN itself acknowledges that, absent a distace requirement, QF developers could circumvent limitations on factors such as beneficial ownership, financing, cost and revenue sharng, combined purchases of generating equipment, and combined constrction contracts that the Commssion Case No. GNR-E-11-0l April 22, 2011 2 Kalch, C. (Di-Reb) A vista Corpration 1 2 3 Q. 4 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 A. 20 21 22 23 24 25 may adopt to prevent disaggregation. RN, as discussed below, goes fuer and acknowledges that even distace limits can also be circumvented. Explain what you mea when you state that RN acknowledges that even distace limitations ca be circumvented. At line 14 of page 12 of Ms. Decker's testimony, she states that: "...any distace rule can be overcome with creative planng, (but) a larger distace requirement is more liely to deter a project from organzing into smaller pieces to obtan published rates." At a minimum, ths acknowledgement by RN ilustrtes that even enhanced physical separation requirements may not prevent disaggregation. Ths acknowledgment is also instrctive in that it explais that "creative planng" can be used to circumvent the intent of disaggrgation rules. The currnt published avoided cost rates are attacting a signficant level of wind development, and A vista is concerned that developers wil use such creative planning to enable their large projects to qualfy for the published avoided cost rates. Doe RN's testimony rase any additional concerns regarding the abilty of ownership retrictions to prevent disaggregation? Yes. At line 6 of page 13 of Ms. Deker's testimony, RN rases questions regarding the benefits of using ownership as a measure for preventing disaggregation by stating that "the presence of separte LLCs should not determne whether ownership is separate, because separte LLCs are relatively simple to create." RN's acknowledgements of the potential litations in imposing ownership limitations and other factors to prevent disaggregation is consistent with Avista's position that PURA developers wil find creative ways Case No. GNR-E-11-0l April 22, 2011 3 Kach, C. (Di-Reb) A vista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Q. 18 19 20 A. 21 22 23 to get around any such rules to tae advantage of the published avoided cost rates if such rates provide an economic incentive to do so. As long as the published avoided cost rates are available to large QFs, and those rates provide an economic advantage to developers, A vista is concerned that developers wil find ways to disaggregate to take advantage of the favorable published rates. RNP cite Oregon disagggation rules as a template for preventing disaggregation. Doe A vista have any concerns with the Oregon rules? Yes. As outlned in my direct testimony and the dit testimony of Bruce Griswold that was also submitted in ths proceeng, the Oregon disaggregation rules were circumvented to enable nine disaggregated projects to qualify in that State. The Orgon example does not support the use of distace and ownership requirements to prevent disaggregation; rather, the experience with Oregon's rules ilustrtes Avista's concern that eliminating the 100 kW eligibilty cap in favor of an eligibilty cap strcture that retus the cap to 10 aM wil not prevent disaggregation. In its Exhibit 1901 to Ms. Decker's tetimony, RN preents a proposal for determning whether a project is a single QF or a disaggrgate project. Do A vita have any concern with that propol? Yes. RN's Exhibit 1901 sets out four criteria for determning whether a project with multiple generation soures qualfies as a single QF or is par of a larger disaggregated project. Under that proposal, if the PURA project does not meet all of four criteria, it would be considered to be a single QF and not par of a Case No. GNR-E-ll-Ol April 22, 2011 4 Kalch, C. (Di-Reb) A vista Corporation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Q. larger disaggregated project. Such a rule could be cirumvented eaily. For example, a five-investor development company could develop a single large 150 MW project and simply separate the project into five 30-MW project companes before requesting published rate contrcts. In that example, ownership would be separate, but the five investors could share in all other development costs and risks and benefit from economies of scale as if they built the project as one. By not violating ths one aspet of the rules set fort in Exhbit 1901, the developers could circumvent the intent of the disaggregation rule and the utility would find itself offering five published rate contracts. Doe Idaho Conservation League ("ICL") provide any insights that you wish to highght here? Yes. On page one of its statements of position and strwman proposal submitted in ths proceedng, ICL makes the following statement: "Of course, a complete resolution of ths dispute requis addrssing two elements: which QFs ar eligible to receive published rates, and how to set an appropriate rate upon which published rates are based." ICL also acknowledges that a resolution requires eligibilty criteria and an appropriate published rate and that settng an eligibilty criterion is "an importt first step." These statements are consistent with Avista's position that published rates should not be made available to QFs as large as 10 aM without, at a minimum, firt ensurng that the published avoided cost rate reflects the utilities' actual avoided costs. Do you have any comments on ICL's strawmn propos? Case No. GNR-E-ll-Ol April 22, 2011 5 Kalich, C. (Di-Reb) A vista Corporation 1 A.Yes. ICL presents a litay of rules that wil nee to be fleshed out greatly to 2 provide any chance of preventing disaggregation. In addition to many criteria, 3 ICL aleady envisions litigation around eligibilty that A vista believes would be 4 burdensome on the utilities, the developers, and the Commssion. ICL sets out a 5 process whereby the QF developer would make a determnation of eligibilty with 6 its application. The utility would then nee to expend resources to makes its own 7 determnation. Where the pares disagree on eligibilty, the Commssion would 8 be called upon to make the final determnation. 9 Q.Do A vista have any summary thoughts at thi juncture? 10 A.Yes. Developers in Idaho have demonstrated their abilty to find means to 11 disaggregate larger projects to qualify for published avoided cost rates when such 12 rates are provided to projects as large as 10 aM. Simlarly in Oregon, even with 13 restrctive rules such as distace and ownership, QF developers have managed to 14 disaggregate. Even the testiony of RN and ICL ilustrate the risk of makng 15 published avoided cost rates available to large QFs. These proponents of 16 retung the published rate eligibilty cap to 10 aM themselves acknowledge 17 that ownership and distance rules can be easily circumvented. 18 A vista is concerned that so long as published avoided cost rates provide 19 developers an economic advantage (i.e., where rates excee the tre avoided cost 20 of the utility), developers wil find ways to circumvent even the best-intended 21 rules. Ultimately Avista's customers end up with retal rates that ar higher than 22 they otherwise would be. 23 Q.Doe this conclude your rebutt tetimony? Case No. GNR-E-11-0l April 22, 2011 6 Kalch, C. (Di-Reb) A vista Corpration 1 A. Yes. Case No. GNR-E-11-0l April 22, 2011 7 Kalch, C. (Di-Reb) A vista Corpration CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 21st day of April 2011, true and correct copies of the foregoing Rebuttal Testimony of Clint Kalich were delivered to the following persons via Email (unless otherwise indicated). Jean Jewell Idaho Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Email: jean.jewell~puc.idaho.gov (via Email and Overnight Mail) Dean 1. Miler, Esq. McDevitt, & Miler, LLP PO Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701-2564 j oe~mcdevitt -miler .com Daniel E. Solander Senior Counsel Rocky Mountain Power 201 S. Main Street, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Email: DanieLsolander~pacificorp.com Donovan E. Walker Lisa Nordstrom Idaho Power Company PO Box 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 Email: dwalker~idahopower.com lnordstrom~idahopower.com Page I-CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Donald L. Howell, II Kris Sassar Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utilities Commission 472 W. Washington St. Boise, ID 83702 Email: don.howell~puc.idaho.gov kris. sassar~pucjdaho. gov Peter Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richardson & O'Leary 515 N. 27th St. PO Box 7218Boise, ID 83702 Email: peter~richardsonandolear.com greg~richardsonandolear. com Magan Walseth Decker Senior Staff Counsel Renewable Northwest Project 917 SW Oak St., Suite 303 Portland, OR 97205 Email: megan~rnp.org R. Greg Ferney Mimura Law Offices, PLLC 2176 E. Franklin Rd., Suite 120 Meridian, ID 83642 Email: greg~mimuralaw.com Ted S. Sorenson, P.E. Sorenson Engineering, Inc. 5203 South 11 th East Idaho Falls, ID 83404 Email: ted(0sorenson.net Glenn Ikemoto Margaret Ruger Idaho Windfarms, LLC 672 Blair Ave. Piedmont, CA 94611 E-mail: glenni(0envisionwind.com Margaret(0envisionwind.com Shelley M. Davis Barker Rosholt & Simpson, LLP 1010 W. Jefferson St., Ste. 102 P.O. Box 2139 Boise, ID 83701-2139 Email: smd(0idahowaters.com Paul Martin Intermountain Wind, LLC PO Box 353 Boulder, CO Email: paulmartin(0intermountainwind.com Ronald L. Willams Wiliams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise ID, 83702 Email: ron(0wiliamsbradbur.com Dana Zentz VP, Summit Power Group, Inc. 2006 E. Westminster Spokane, W A 99223 Email: dzentz(0summitpower.com Page 2-CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Robert D. Kahn Executive Director Northwest and Intermountain Power Producers Coalition 1117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 Seattle, W A 9810 Email: rkahn(0nippc.org Thomas H. Nelson Attorney for Renewable Energy Coalition PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067-1211 Email: nelson(0thnelson.com Bil Piske, Manager Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 1303 E. Carter Boise, ID 83706 Email: bilpiske(0cableone.net Bil Brown, Chair Board of Commissioners of Adams County, Idaho PO Box 48 Council, ID 83612 Email: dbbrown(0frontiernet.net Scott Montgomery President, Cedar Creek Wind, LLC 668 Rockwood Drive North Salt Lake, Uta 84054 Email: scott(0westernenergy.us Wade Thomas General Counsel, Dynamis Energy 776 E. Riverside Drive, Suite 15 Eagle, ID 83616 Email: wthomas(0dynamisenerg.com James Carkulis Managing Member EXERGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP OF IDAHO,LLC 802 West Banock Street, Ste. 1200 Boise, Idaho 83702 Email:j carkulisêexergydevelopmentcom JohnR. Lowe Consultant to Renewable Energy Coalition 12050 SW Tremont Street Portland, OR 97225 Email: jravenesanmarcosêyahoo.com Twin Falls Canal Company c/o Brian Olmstead, General Manager P.O. Box 326 Twin Falls, Idaho 83303-0326 Email: olmsteadêtfcanaLcom Ken Kaufmann Lovinger Kaufman, LLP 825 NE Multnomah, Suite 925 Portland, OR 97232 Email: Kaufmanêlklaw.com Arron F. Jepson Blue ribbon Energy LLC 10660 South 540 East Sandy, UT 84070 Email: arronesqêaoLcom Page 3-CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Robert A. Paul Grand View Solar II 15960 Vista Circle Desert Hot Springs, CA Email: robertapaulêgmaiLcom Don Sturtevant Energy Director 1. R. Simp lot Company ONE CAPITAL CENTER 999 Main Street, P.O. Box 27 Boise, Idaho 83707-0027 Email: don.sturtevantêsimplotcom North Side Canal Company c/o Ted Diehl, General Manager 921 N. Lincoln St Jerome, Idaho 83338 Email: nscanalêcableone.net MJ Humphries Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 4515 S. Ammon Road Ammon, ID 83406 Email: blueribbonenergyêgmaiLcom Greg Seifert Kurt Meyers Idaho National Laboratory Conventional Renewable Energy Group 2525 Fremont Ave. Idaho Falls, ID 83415-3810 Email: gary.seifertêinLgov Kur.myersêinLgov Benjamin 1. Otto Idaho Conservation League 710 N. 6th St. P.O. Box 844 Boise, Idaho 83702 Ph: (208) 345-6933 x 12 Fax: (208) 344-0344 Email: bottO(fidahoconservation.org Page 4~CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Ken Miler Clean Energy Program Director Snake River Allance Box 1731 Boise, 1083701 Email: kmiler(fstakeriveralliance.org ~. Michael G. Andrea