HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110422Griswold Reb.pdf~~~OUNTAIN April 22, 2011 RECEIVED 20fl APR 22 AM fO= 27 201 South Main, Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 VI OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commssion Secreta Idao Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washigton Boise,ID 83702 RE: IN TH MATTER OF THE COMMSSION'S INSTIGATION INTO DISAGGREGATION AN AN APPROPRITE PUBLISHED AVOIDED COST ELIGIBILITY CAP STRUCTURE FOR PURP A QUALIFYING FACILITIES. IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION CASE NO. GNR-E-ll-Ol Dear Ms. Jewell: Pleas fid enclosed for filing in the above-captioned case an origi and nie (9) copies of Rocky Mounta Power's Rebutt Testimony of Bruce Grswold. Sincerely,~/tU Cc: GNR-E-II-Ol Servce List Enclosurs CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certfy that on this 22nd day of April, 2011, I caused to be served, via E-mail, a tre and correct copy of Rocky Mounta Power's Rebutt Testimony in Case No. GNR- E-II-0l to the following: Donovan E. Walker Lisa D. Nordstrom Idaho Power Company POBox 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 E-mail: dwalkercmidahopower.com lnordstromcmidahopower.com Danel Solander PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mounta Power 201 S. Mai St., Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 E-mail: daniel.solandercmpacificorp.com Donald L. Howell, II Krstine A. Sasser Deputy Attorneys General Idaho Public Utiities Commssion 472 W. Washington POBox 83720 Boise, il 83720-0074 E-mal: don.howeiicmpuc.idaho.gov krs.sassert$uc.idaho.gov Robe D. Ka Nortwest and Intermounta Power Producers Coalition 1117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 Seattle, W A 98101 E-mail: rkahcmnippc.org Robert A. Paul Grd View Solar II 15690 Vista Circle Desert Hot Springs, CA 92241 E-mail: robertpau108cmgmail.com Michal G. Andrea A vista Corporation 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokae, W A 99202 E-mail: michael.andreacmavistacorp.com Ken Kaufi (E-mail Only) Lovinger Kaufan LLP 825 NE Multnoma Suite 925 Portland, OR 97232 E-mail: Kaufrancmlklaw.com Peter J. Richardson Gregory M. Adas Richardson & 0' Lear, PLLC POBox 7218 Boise, il 83702 E-mail: peter(ßchardsonandolear.com gregcmrichardsonandoleary.com Don Stuevant Energy Dirctor J.R. Simplot Company PO Box 27 Boise, ID 83707-0027 E-mail: don.sturevantcmsimplot.com James Carkuis Manging Member Exergy Development Group of Idao, LLC 802 W. Banock St., Suite 1200 Boise, ID 83702 E-mail: jcarkuliscmexergydevelopment.com Ronald L. Wiliams Wiliams Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W. Hays St. Boise il, 83702 E-mail: roncmwillamsbradbur.com Dana Zentz Vice President Sumt Power Group, Inc. 2006 E. Westmnster Spokane, W A 99223 E-mail: dzentzcmsuritpower.com JohnR. Lowe Consultat to Renewable Energy Coalition 12050 SW Tremont St. Portand, OR 97225 E-mail: jravenesanarcoscmyahoo.com Bil Piske, Manager Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 1303 E. Carer Boise,ID 83706 E-mail: bilpiskecmcableone.net Paul Marin Intermounta Wind, LLC PO Box 353 Boulder, CO 80306 E-mail: paulmarincmintermountainwind.com Shelley M. Davis Barker Rosholt & Simpson, LLP 1010 W. JeffersonSt. (83702) PO Box 2139 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: smdcmidahowaters.com Ted Diehl Genera Manger Nort Side Canal Company 921 N. Lincoln St. Jerome, il 83338 E-mail: nscanaicmcableone.net Scott Montgomery President Ceda Creek Wind, LLC 668 Rockwood Dr. North Salt Lake, UT 84054 E-mail: scottcmwesternenergy.us Thoma H. Nelson Attorney PO Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067- 1211 E-mail: nelsoncmthelson.com R. Greg Ferney Mimur Law Offces, PLLC 2176 E. Franin Rd., Suite 120 Meridian ID 83642 E-mal: gregcmmimuralaw.com Dean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler, LLP POBox 2564 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: joecmmcdevitt-miler.com Wade Thoma General Counsel Dynamis Energy, LLC 776 W. Riverside Dr., Suite 15 Eale, ID 83616 E-mail: wthomascmdynamisenergy.com Brian Olmstea General Manager Twi Falls Canal Company PO Box 326 Twi Falls, ID 83303 E-mail: olmsteadcmtfcanal.com Bil Brown, Cha Board of Commssioners of Adas County, il PO Box 48 Council, il 83612 E-mail: bdbrowncmfrontiernet.net Ted S. Sorenson, P.E. Birch Power Company 5203 South 11th Eat Idaho Falls, il 83404 E-mal: tedcmtsorenson.net M.J. Humphres Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 4515 S. Amon Road Amon, il 83406 E-mail: blueribbonenergycmgmail.com Gar Seifert Kur Myers Idaho Nationa Laboratory Conventiona Renewable Energy Group 2525 Fremont Ave Idaho Falls, il 83415-3810 E-mail: gar.seifertcminl.gov Kur.myerscminl. gov Megan Walseth Decker Senior Sta Counsel Renewable Nortwest Project 917 SW Oak Strt, Suite 303 Portland, OR 97205 E-mail: megan(frnp.org Glenn Ikemoto Margaret Rueger Idaho Windfars, LLC 672 Blai Avenue Piedmont, CA 94611 E-mail: glennicmenvisionwind.com Margaretcmenvisionwind.com Aron F. Jepson Blue Ribbon Energy LLC 10660 South 540 East Sandy, UT 84070 E-mail: aronesqcmaol.com Ken Miler Snae River Alliance PO Box 1731 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: kriler(fsnakeriveralliance.org Benjam J. Oto Idao Conservation League 710 N. Sixt Street (83702) POBox 844 Boise, ID 83701 E-mail: botto(fidahoconservation.org Came Meyer Coordinator, Admstative Services RECEIVFnlj A,- ,;".... 2m, APR 22 Mi fO: 27 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMISSION'S INVESTIGATION INTO DISAGGREGATION AND AN APPROPRIATE PUBLISHED A VOIDED COST RATE ELIGIBILITY CAP STRUCTURE FOR PURP A QUALIFYING FACILITIES ) ) CASE NO. GNR-E-11-Ol ) ) Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce W. Griswold ) ) ) ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER CASE NO. GNR-E-ll-Ol April 2011 1 Q. 2 3 A. 4 5 6 7 Q. 8 Please state your name, business address and position with PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mountain Power (the Company). My name is Bruce W. Griswold. My business address is 825 NE Multnoma, Suite 600, Portland, Oregon. I am the Director, Short-term Origination and QF Contracts at PacifiCorp Energy, which is responsible for the Company's electric generation and energy trading functions. Are you the same Bruce W. Griswold who provided diect testimony in this proceeding? 9 A. Yes. 10 Purpose and Summary of Testimony 11 Q. 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 A. 22 23 What is the purpose of your testimony? My testimony wil respond to and compare sets of rules proposed by Mr. Rick Sterling of the Idaho Public Utilty Commssion staff ("Staf'), Ms. Megan Decker of Renewable Northwest Project ("RNP"), and Mr. Benjamn Otto of the Idaho Conservation League ("ICL") to reinstate the 1 0 aMW eligibilty theshold but restrict disaggregation of large single wind and solar projects. I wil also address why the Company's proposed set of rules and procedures from my diect testimony (as updated in my rebuttal testimony) wil work more effectively than those proposed by others. Please summarize your testimony. While a set of criteria to limt the disaggregation of large wind and solar projects can be developed and implemented, it is clear from the Company's experience that any such approach is not fool-proof and it is our experience that it can Griswold, Di-Reb - 1 Rocky Mountain Power 1 ultimately be manipulated by large project developers. The Company's first 2 position continues to be that the correct method of ensurng that there are controls 3 regarding disaggregation is for the Commssion to make permanent the 100 kW 4 eligibility theshold for wind and solar QFs seeking Idao's published avoided 5 cost prices. Absent that directive by the Commssion, Rocky Mountan Power has 6 completed a comparson of the thee strawman proposals submitted by the Staff, 7 RNP and ICL to the Company's proposed strawman and prepared a table 8 comparg the four proposals, attached hereto as Rocky Mountain Power Exhbit 9 No. 204. After that review, the Company believes that its proposed strawman is 10 stil the most reasonable of the four proposals before the Commssion and wil 11 provide the best assurance that large QFs wil not receive the Idao published 12 avoided cost rates. However, the Company believes that a number of the elements 13 of Staff's proposal are valid and the Company has modified its proposal to 14 incorporate those elements that strengthen the Company's proposaL. Even with 15 specific disaggregation criteria in place, the ultimate eligibilty test should remai 16 whether the QF (together with any other wholesale generators developed in 17 concert with the QF) exceeds the size eligibilty cap. Therefore, the Commssion 18 should require developers to demonstrate that they are in fact not disaggregating a 19 large project and retain the discretion to deny eligibilty for published rates in the 20 event a large QF finds a way to meet the eligibilty criteria but is found by the 21 Commssion to be a large QF on other grounds. Griswold, Di-Reb - 2 Rocky Mountain Power 1 Review of Strawman Proposals 2 Q. 3 A. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Please recap Rocky Mountain Power's strawman proposal. Rocky Mountain Power's proposed rules are modeled after a Minnesota Statute 216F.011, adopted in 2007.1 This statute established rules for size determnation when determning permtting requirements for wind projects. While the rules are not based on any specific megawatt size limit the Company proposes using a nameplate capacity of 10 MW as an absolute theshold versus the 10 aMW threshold. The 10 aMW theshold is a somewhat subjective level and can lead to disputes between the utilty and the QF both on the acceptance by the utilty that the QF project meets the 10 aMW threshold and on the monitoring and enforcement of the theshold thoughout the term of the power purchase agreement. This is especially true when the estimated output from multiple wind or solar plants must be added together in the evaluation. Adding up nameplate capacity is very strightforward with no room for disagreement over proposed production of each QF system. The nameplate capacity of the applicant QF must be combined with the nameplate capacity of any other wholesale generator2 that: (1) is located within five miles of the QF; (2) is constrcted within 24-months of the QF; and (3) exhibits characteristics of being a common development. i Minn. Stat. § 216F.OII (2010) (available at https:/Iwww.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=216F.011). 2 The Company uses the term "wholesale generator" to make clear that the rules apply to a QF that is developed in concert with a non-QF project. Griswold, Di-Reb - 3 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Q. 12 A. 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Under Rocky Mountain Power's proposal, the utility would be responsible for determning the size of the QF using information provided by the QF project developer. The Company would provide a written determation within 30 days of receipt of the request with any dispute resolved by the Commssion. The determnation would be completed as par of the normal due diligence process prior to the power purchase agreement being prepared. The QF would warant that it meets the size eligibilty theshold at the purchase power agreement ("PPA") execution and not make any changes in ownership, control, or management durng the term of the contract to reduce the abilty of a developer to manipulate the size eligibility theshold. Why do you believe the Company's proposal is the most appropriate? The Company's proposal presented in my direct testimony established a clear and concise method to stop disaggregation, however to improve the Company's proposal, I have incorporated some of the other paries' proposal characteristics into a revised proposal summzed later in this testimony. The Company's proposal sets a five-mile limit on the distance between projects while the other proposals use a one-mile criterion. We have already observed, as evidenced by Cedar Creek Wind's five QF PPAs in front of the Commssion for review and decision, that a one-mile separation requirement does not prevent disaggregation. The Company's proposal establishes that the projects cannot corne on-line within 24 months of each other which severely limits the abilty to finance or construct the projects as if they were a single project. Finally, Rocky Mountain Power proposes using a nameplate capacity size limit instead of a limit based on average Griswold, Di-Reb - 4 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Q. 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 megawatts. While this is a major divergence from the current eligibility threshold, it does provide a very clear size thshold on projects, eliminating futue disputes over project production capacity. In our revised proposal we establish 10 MW nameplate capacity as the threshold because this wil continue to allow individuals and communities the abilty to develop renewable resources, very much in line with the directives of PURA. The Company's standard QF experience in Oregon demonstrates that 10 MW nameplate is a reasonable theshold for published avoided cost rates while not deterrng project development. Please summariz the I CL proposal. The ICL proposal summarzed by Mr. Otto utilizes four criteria to determne the size of a QF system comprised of more than a single electrcal generator. Those criteria are: 1. Energy Source - Uses the same energy source. 2. Ownership - Owned by the same person or affiliate where the affilate does not include passive investors whose sole purose is tax credits, green tags or depreciation; or control of management, operation or policies over the person of owning the electrical generator. 3. Location - Electrical generator is located within one-mile of any other electrcal generator with the exception of the hydroelectrc generators which use the same impoundment or canal drop. 4. Timing - The electricity is initially delivered by each electrcal generator to the utilty within the same 24-month period. Griswold, Di-Reb - 5 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Q. 9 A. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 A. 22 23 As with the Rocky Mountain Power's proposal, the size determnation is completed by the utility based on submitted documentation by the QF. The QF must warant and represent that its maximum size is 10 aMW and that ownership, control or management wil not change the size eligibilty over the term of the PPA. However, unlike Company's proposal, the utility has only 15 days to mae the determnation. In the event the QF is in disagreement with the determation, the QF can request a Commssion review within 15 days. Please explain the deficiencies of the ICL proposaL. The major deficiency of the ICL proposal is that it does not address a number of the common ownership characteristics of being a single development, including an umbrella sales arangement, shared interconnection and infrastrcture, shared transmission services agreement (off-system resource only), revenue sharng arangements, and common debt or equity financing, to name a few. The Company also notes thatthe amount of time to make a determation is woefully short. In the varous cases where the Company had to complete due diligence on the varous criteria, the time to complete ranged from 30 to 45 days due to the need for additional data from the QF. The Company fuer notes that the 10 aMW threshold can be subjective and provides an opportnity for disputes to occur between the utilty and the developer on the project's output. What is contained in the RNP proposal? RNP's proposal summzed by Ms. Decker's testimony also has four major points to determne if a project with multiple generation sources is a single QF. They are: Griswold, Di-Reb - 6 Rocky Mountai Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Q. 17 A. 18 19 20 21 22 23 1. Uses the same motive force as the QF. 2. Owned or controlled by the same person or affiliate where the affilate is a person or legal entity sharng common ownership, management or control of management, operation or policies over another person or entity but the affiiate does not include passive investors whose sole purose is tax credts, green tags or depreciation. 3. The generation source is placed into service within 12 months of the QF's on-line date. 4. Shares common interconnection, controls and infrastructure as the QF. As with Company's proposal, the size determnation is completed by the utility based on documentation submitted by the QF. In the event the QF is in disagreement with the determnation, the QF can request a Commssion review. The QF must warrant and represent that the project satisfies the four requirements and that ownership, control or management wil not change the size eligibilty over the term of the PP A. Do you see any deficiencies in the RNP proposal? Yes. The RNPproposal, similar to the ICL proposal, does not address a number of important common ownership characteristics of being a single development. More importantly, the RNP proposal requires that the multiple facilities must meet all four of the conditions and be over 10 aMW in order to be deemed a single entity. A project could easily sidestep one of the conditions and all of the multiple projects are eligible for standard rates. Nor does the RNP proposal establish any minimum distance requirement; in fact, it does not even discuss the Griswold, Di-Reb - 7 Rocky Mountain Power 1 2 3 4 Q. 5 A. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Q. 14 A. 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 A. 22 23 one-mile PURP A distance requirement. Thus, the Company believes the RNP proposal is flawed and could be manipulated. As with the ICL proposal, Company notes that the 10 aM theshold can lead to disputes over the project's size. Please describe Staff's propoal. Stas proposal as presented in Mr. Sterling's diect testimony is the most comprehensive of the proposals. It identifies 15 characteristics that multiple generation sources may exhibit and qualify as a single project. Many of the characteristics are similar to the other proposals but Mr. Sterling also identifies several that are not included in the Company's, RNP's or ICL's proposal including permtting multiple projects as a single entity, sharng engineering and procurement contracts, sharing common land leases. The list proposed by Mr. Sterling is very complete and his methodology for evaluation is reasonable. Do you find any deficiencies in Staff's proposl? Yes. I believe the 12 month period for constrction is too lenient. For example, the Company has wind QF PP As in other states that are a single project split into two projects and constructed to corne on-line 12 months apar to meet a regulatory stipulation. The projects are owned by the same entity, share common ownership traits including land lease, interconnection, and construction and procurement contracts. Does the Company have a revised diaggregation proposal? Yes. After reviewing the thee proposals by Staff, RNP and ICL, the Company has prepared a revised set of proposed criteria, attched hereto as Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 205. A redline showing changes from my direct Griswold, Di-Reb - 8 Rocky Mounta Power 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q. 10 11 A. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Q. 21 A. testimony is included along with a clean version of the revised proposaL. The revision incorporates a number of characteristics from Staff's proposal including shared common land leases, shared construction and procurement contracts, and permtting of multiple projects as a single entity. Like the other proposals, the Company has modified its rule to apply generally to all types of QFs, rather than limiting it to wind and solar QFs. The proposal also sets the theshold limit at 10 MW nameplate capacity which is a key component to limiting disaggregation while maintaining viabilty for small community developed projects. Wil you describe the Company's revisions to the Qualifying Facilty Size Determination Application? Yes. Because the revised proposal treats all QF applicants of any motive force equally, the solar and wind specific application forms are replaced by a form suitable for any QF applicant. Because the Company added elements of Staff's proposal to its proposed rule, it added request for information about those elements to the application form. The Company made additional organizational changes and edits intended to mae the applcation form shorter and easier to understand. A clean version of the revised proposed Qualifying Facility Size Determnation Application is attached hereto as Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 206. Does this conclude your rebuttl testimony in this proceeding? Yes. Griswold, Di-Reb - 9 Rocky Mountain Power Case No. GNR-E-11-01 Exhibit No. 204 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit AccompanyingRebuttl Testimony of Bruce W. Griswold April 2011 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 204 Page 1 of 3 Case No. GNR-E-11-Q1 Witness: Bruce W. Gnswold Proposed common Rocky Mountain Commission Staff ICL RNP characteristics between Power projects that indicate a single project of 10 aMW or a larger, disaggregated project Shared Motive Force or fuel ;/1 All tyes .. All tyes. (lPUC,;/ All tyes. ICL,;/ All tyes. (RNP, (Rocky Mountain GNR-E-11-01, Exhibit Statement of Position GNR-E-11-01, Power, GNR-E-301, page 1 of 4 to and Strawman Decker, Di, 11-01, Exhibit Sterling Di)Proposal, GNR - E-11-Attchment 1, at 1) 205, page 2 of 2 to 01, at 1. Grwold, Rebuttal Testimony) Common Owership or ;/ "Owership by ;/ Owed or controlled ;/ Same person or .. Suggests Control the same or by "affliated affiiate. "Ows"excluding passive affiiated entities."person(s)". Includes means holds more owners whose only (ld.)entities but not passive than 50% equity in benefit is obtaining investors whose generator. Person tax credits and ownership benefit are includes entities.green tags. (ld.) only tax credits, and/or Affliate includes green tags. (Id. at 2)person who shares common control over project. "Control" power to direct operations, policies or people. (Id.) Proximate time placed in .. Similar ;/ Similar generator .. Similar generator Serice generator becomes becomes operational .. Similar generator becomes operational opertional within within 12 months of becomes operational within 12 months of 24 months of an affliated project as within same 24 a similar project. similar project.specified in PPA. (ld,month perod. (ld).(ld.) (Id.)at 1.) Common Interconnection .. "Shared .. Common point or .. Included under point inteconnection interconnection shared transmission point, facilities facilities. (Id.)infrascte. (ld.) and/or inteconnection agreement." (Ill Contrl, communications ;/ (ld.).. (ld.);/ (lef and Ooeration facilities Transmission ;/ "Shared ;/ (ld. at 2).. (lef inteconnection Agreement trnsmission agreement." (Id.) Similar facility in same .. Within 5 miles.;/ "Same vicinity" not .. Within one mile of .. One or five miles. vicinity or proximity.(ld.)dermed, left to similar generator (RN, GNR-E-11- Commission with same fueL.01, Decker Di, at 8). deterination. (ld.)Hydr is same impoundment. (ld.) 1 ., indicate that the pa has included a parcula criterion in pa of their analysis of whether a project is a single QF lOaM projec or is par of a lager, disaggregate project. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 204 Page 2 of 3 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold Proposed common Rocky Mountain Commission Staff ICL RNP characteristics between Power projects that indicate a single project of 10 aMW or a larger, disaggregated project Operated/maintained by " (Id.)" (Id.)" Power to control " Includes staffng, same entity electrcal personneL. (Id.) generator. (Id, at í ).. Constructed by the same " Included in the " (Id.)" Shared constrction entity size determination contracts. (Id.) application. (Rocky Mountain Power, Exhibit 206, page 2 of 5 to Grswold, Rebuttal Testimony) Common debt/equity " (Exhibit 204," (Id.)" Interdepndent financing page 2 of2).fmancing schemes may indicate a single oroiect. (Id.) Subject to common revenue " (Id.)" (Id.)" (Id.) sharii agreement Peritting done by same " (Id.)" (Id.)-: Siting applications entity/application completed by single entity. (Id.) Engineerng/procurement " (Id.)" (Id.)"Use of same contract equipment (Id.) Common land leases " (Id.)" (Id.) Warants single facility in " (Id.)" QF Must warant QF must warrant PPA . project satisfies single and represent that the project requirement,seller will not make that seller wil not any changes in its change ownership,ownership, control or control or management durg management durg the te ofthe PPA term of PPA that that would cause it not would cause it to not to be in compliance be a single project,with the single QF acknowledge that if requirment. (Id.) the Commission fmds not a single project, wil be in default under PPA. (Id. at 3) Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 204 Page 3 of 3 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold Proposed Application and PacifCorp Staff ICL RNP Adminitrative process to determine whether a QF project is a single 10 aMW project or par of a larger disaeereiated Droiect Proposed Application Project must file At the time the Upon request, the QF Process out a size Project must provide qualifyg facility wil verfy to the utility determination the utility with any initiates a formal the ownership, application and relevant information request to enter into a management and provide and in reasnably power purchase fmancial strctue of information suffcient detail to agreement for the the QF in reasonably intended to reveal allow the utility to published rate the suffcient detail to whether the project make an initial qualifyg facility allow the utility to is a single project deterination of must submit make an initial or par of a larger,compliance with the suffcient deteination of disaggregated single project documentation to compliance with the project. (ld.)crteria. (ld).reasnably allow the ownership requiement. purchasing utility to (RNP,GNR-E-ll-Ol, make an initial Decker, Di, deterination of the Attachment 1, at 1) maximum size. The utility must make an initial size deteination within 15 days based upon the submitted information. (ld. at 2) Proposed Administrative Application is Aftr an initial size If the utility finds Disputes over the Process submitted to deterination, if a that the project does initial size potential dispute arses, the not satisfy the crteria deterination made by contracting utility paries may resolve needed to establish the utility are to be and the utility the siz the project is a single resolved before the makes a size deterination before 10 aMW project, the Commission. (RN, deteination the Commission.utility must submit a GNR-E-ll-Ol, Decker, within 30 days.(ld, at 4)full wrtt Di, Attchment 1, at 2) Any disputes over explanation detailing the size of a project their fmdings and are to be resolved explaining how the by the project exceeded 10 Commission. (ld.)aMW based on the critea and the submittd information. A project may challenge the initial deteination before the Commission within 15 days of receiving the initial deterination. (ld) Case No. GNR-E-ll-01 Exhibit No. 205 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Rebuttal Testimony of Bruce W. Griswold April 2011 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 205 Page 1 of 2 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold Criteria for Determining Published A voided Cost Eligibilty (a) The total size of a combination of a small qualifying facilty generating project for the pur- pose of determing whether that project is eligible for published avoided cost prices, must be de- termned according to this section. The nameplate capacity of the applicant's project must be com- bined with the nameplate capacity of any other wholesale generating project that: (1) is located within five miles of any generator comprising the applicant's project; (2) is constructed within the same 24-month period as the applicant project; and (3) exhibits characteristics of being a developed in common with the applicant's project, includ- ing, but not limited to, a. ownership by the same or affiliated entities, b. an umbrella sales arangement, c. shared interconnection point, facilities and/or interconnection agreement, d. shared transmission agreements, e. common control, communication or operations facilities, f. permtted as a single application or entity, g. shared land leases h. shared engineering or procurement contracts, 1. revenue sharng arrangements, and j. common debt or equity financing. (b) The utility shall provide forms and assistace to project applicants requesting a size determ- nation. Upon written request of a project applicant, the utilty shall provide a written size determna- tion within 30 days of receipt of the request and of any information requested by the utilty. In the case of a dispute, the Commssion shall make the final size determnation. (c) An application for a power purchase agreement with published avoided cost prices is not complete without a size determnation made under this rule. (d) Any power purchase agreement including published avoided cost rates shall include a war- ranty from the seller that: (1) the information provided to the utility is complete and accurate as of the execution date of the power purchase agreement; and (2) that the seller wil remain in com- pliance with the size eligibility criteria for the term of the power purchase agreement. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 205 Page 2 of 2 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold Criteria for Deterl11ining Published A voided Cost Eligibilty (a) The total size of a combination ofwlflà-'B-"-Søia1:"€fl..6rg'Y..€øfl'VffffleH"S3'fft-el-S..f-ei.:..the-'p-in:pøse of determifli~""ifleth er a QF!~UH~n..~:u!.~ljfyjX!z...fflçjÀÜY..Zt.ntnHiIlß..P'I.~?j~r¿t..f~::r.lhft..1:~lJmg:~ft..~::f.~~~.ttI:-. mining whetherJhat proiect is eligible for published avoided cost prices" must be determned ac- cording to this section. The nameplate capacity of E.me..w'iflà-'-ei.:"sB-lfH:..eflei:gy..eE.)fl'Vef&ie=n...s~:'St€t1'lthe flI:~l:)jçA\nrS..imÚftç.t must be combined with the nameplate capacity of any other \yi~id or :.olar eneFg conversion Sj'3teff thatwholesale generatin~ project that: (1) is located within five miles of the 'lAnd or Gobr energy conversion :.ìysti..m;.m!':...g~nf:mtm: comprising the applicant's project; (2) is constrcted within the same 24-month period as the ';,ind or solar e~iergy eonversion sys teapplicant project; and (3) exhibits characteristics of being a toingle de'ie1opmentg~.~:t.h?pJ~~t.Lri..f~mJgl~1D...wJtb.Jb.~..A\1:1:li:-. cant's project, including, but not limited to, iL ownership structure, lnz..b.e..sA\nAt..~:KJäljJflte~tftntHÀt.§s.. h,-an umbrella sales arangement, c. shared interconnection, point, facíltíes and/or inten:.xmnection agreement, çJ.,.....S1!J)Ie~Hm.n.snltss.LeX!..A\grf:tIlleD..tS., e, common control, communication or operations facilities, f. permitted as a single applÜ.~atíon or entitv. g. shared land leases h. shared en~ineering or procurement contracts. Lrevenue sharng arangements, and- Lcornon debt or equity financing. (b) The utility shall provide forms and assistance for project dt'\'elOpefS to make a requeSt for project applicants requesting a size determnation. Upon wntten request of a project de¥ele-~~e'lppli.. fm.H, the utilty shall provide a written size determation within 30 days of receipt of the request and of any information requested by the utility. In the case of a dispute, the Commssion shall makethe final size determnation._ . (c) An application for a power purchase agreement with published avoided cost prices by u wind ~)f selar 8Hefgy €B-WefStEH.' &yfitem is not complete without a size determnation made under this rule._ (d) Any power purchase agreement induding published avoided cost rates shaH include a war- ranty from the seUe:. that: 0) the irifonnation provided to the utility is complete and accurate as of the execution date of the po\ver purchase a~reement: and (2) that the seHer \víH remain in com. pLiance with the size eligihiHtv criteria for the term of the power purchase agreement. Case No. GNR-E-ll-01 Exhibit No. 206 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER Exhibit Accompanying Direct Testimony of Bruce W. Griswold April 2011 Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 206 Page 1 of 2 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold Qualifying Facility Size Determination Application Directions for Applicant: This form has been developed to gather information and assist (utilty) in determining the size of proposed Oualifying Facilities (OF) pursuant to Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Commission) Order No. . (Utilty's) determination of size wil determine whether a proposed OF is eligible for the avoided cost rates published by the Commission. An applicant seeking a power purchase agreement with published rates must first submit this application along with the information requested herein to (utili- ty). Within 30 days of receipt of this application plus any information (utilty) reasonably requires, (utilty) wil provide applicant a written determination of the size of its OF. If applicant does not agree with the determination, it may within 30 days appeal (utility's) decision to Commission, who shall then make a final determination based upon the materials provided to (utility), (utility's) written determination, applicant's petition and (utility's) answer. If (utility) or the Commission determines that the size of the OF is less than the Commission's eligibility cap, then OF may apply for a power purchase agreement containing the Commission's published avoided cost rates. Please note that prices set forth in any power purchase agreement or otherwise provided by (utilty) during negotiations are subject to revision by Com- mission order and QF is not entitled to a specific avoided cost rate until the Commission has ap- proved an executed agreement between QF and (utilty). Please answer the questions below, attach your answers to this form, sign the attestation at the bottom of the form, and return to: (Contact information forperson responsible for reviewing this form at the Utility) A. Project Description and Location A.1 Please provide a description of the applicant's project including: (1) generator size, make, and model, (2) number of generators, (3) location of the project (county, township), and (4) the proposed point of interconnection. A.2 Please provide a map of the project showing: (a) Proposed generator locations (latitude and longitude, or other fixed location) (b) A USGS survey map, current aerial photograph or scale drawing showing: (i) a distance scale (ii) the location of each generator in the project (iii) a line indicating a distance of 5 miles from the nearest project generator (iv) property lines surrounding the project site (v) any other wholesale power generator, in operation or in development, within 5 miles of the project. Rocky Mountain Power Exhibit No. 206 Page 2 of2 Case No. GNR-E-11-01 Witness: Bruce W. Griswold B. Applicant Characteristics B.1. Please provide the following information about the applicant: (a) the name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address of applicant's representa- tive. (b) applicant's business entity type, its ownership (including any upstream ownership) and financial structure. (c) the Idaho Secretary of State organizational 10 number for applicant's business entity, all subordinate entities, and all wind developer entities involved with the proposed project. B.2 Please identify any existing or planned wholesale power generator, QF or otherwise, with- in 5 miles of the project in which the applicant, or a principal, partner, or affiliate of the applicant, has an ownership interest or other financial interest. 8.3 Please identify any wholesale power generator, QF or otherwise, within 5 miles of the project which shares any of the following with the project: power purchase agreement, intercon- nection, revenues, procurement contracts, debt or equity financing. C. Project Details C.1 Please provide a schedule for completing the project, including dates for permitting, con- struction (start and end dates), and commercial operation. C.2 Please describe the status of the project within an interconnection queue, including the transmission application queue number(s). C.3 Please identify who will design and construct the project. C.4 Please identify who will operate and maintain the project. C.5 Please identify and provide contact information for the person or persons who wil be the permittee for the proposed project permits, if different than the applicant. I attest that the information provided above is accurate. Signature: Name: Title: Date: