HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110120ICL-RNP Joint Comments.pdfBenjamin J. Otto (ISB No 8292) Idaho Conservtion League 710 N. 6th St Boise, Id. 83702 Ph: (208) 345-6933 ext 12 Fx: (208) 344-0344 bottoC!idahoconservation .org Mega Walseth Decker Renewable Northwest Project 917 SW Oak Street, Suite 303 Portland, OR 97205 Ph: (503) 223-4544 Fx: (503) 223-4554 megaC!mp.org 2m 1 JÂN 19 PM 4: 51 BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBliC UTIUTS COMMISSION IN TH MATTR OF THE JOIN PETITION OF IDAHO POWER COMPANY, AVISTA CORPORATION, AND PACIFICORP DBA ROCKY MOUNTAIN POWER TO ADDRESS AVOIDED COST ISSUES TO ADJUST THE PUBliSHED AVOIDED COST RATE EliGIBIlilY CAP ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Ca No. GNR-E-I0-04 JOINT REPLY COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND RENEWABLE NORTHT PROJECT COMES NOW the Idao Conservtion League and Renewble Northwes Project with the followig reply comments: 1. The Commision has broad authority to implement PURPA withi the Boundaies Established by Congres aid FER C.................................. ...................................... 2 2. PURPA is Intended to Assst Smal Power Producers, and FERC Has Contiued To Protec Market Acces for Smaler Projects...................................,..................................... 4 3. The Parties to Th Ca Recogniz tht PURPA is Intended to Promote Smal Generation and tht the Primar Problem is Not Smal Generators........ ...... ......... ... .... ........... ... .... 6 4. The Commison Should Adopt Some Criteria To Identi Single QF Projec..................1 Attachment 1. Disusson Draf: Single Qualg Facilty Requirement ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 1 Janua 19, 2011 Th Commision ha wide latitude to implement PURP A's policy goals - within statutory bounds and FERC Orders. PURP A, paicularly the obligation to purcha at published rates, is intended to asis smal developers by reducing trasaction costs. To resolve Pha I of this cas, Commission should us this wide latitude to address some of the Petitioners immediate concern's whie preservg the 10 a MW eligibilty cap for al single Quaifg Facilties. To serve PURP A's primar goal -- to promote maret acces to smal power devlopers - ICL and RNP recommend: · Maitai the eligibilty for published rates for al Smal Quag Faciities at 10 aMW. · Requie developers to certif each new project, seekig a published rate contract. is a Single Smal Quaifyg Facilty. · Consider, amend and adopt criteria to identify the cumulative generation and other facilties usd derme a Single Smal Quaifg Facilty Ths wi alow small-sce PURP A activity to continue. with lessr impacts to utilty portfolios, whie Pha II of this proceedig, adopting appropriate avoided costs metrics, continues. The Commison ha broad authority to implement PURPA with th boundaies establied by Congress and FERC. The Commision ha the authority to adopt a single Quaifg Facilty requiement to distingush between tru smal generators and larer projects seegated to quaify for published rates. PURP A, and FERC's interpretation thereof, provides broad authority to state commissions. FERC has stated: "Our decision here simply makes clear that the State can purue its policy choices concerning paricular generation technologies consistent with the requiements of PURP A and our reguations, so long as such action doe not result in rates above avoided cost." SoCal Edison, 70 FERC" 61,215 at 23 (Febru 23, 1995). The Caifornia Public Utilties Commission describe PURPA as a "cooperative venture between the federa and state reguators." Id at 5. ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 2 Janua 19, 2011 "Since 1980, the Commission has given the states wide latitude in implementing PURP A." Id at 21; See American Ref-FUEL Company ofHemstead, 47FERC" 61,161 at 61,533 (1989). FERC grants this discretion partly "in recognition of the important role, which Congress intended to give the States under PURPA." Id at 21-22 (citing to PERC v. Mississipp~ 456 US 742, 750 (1982)). Relying on this authority, FERC recently explained: "states are alowed a wide degree of latitude in establishig an implementation plan for . section 210 of PURP A, as long as such plans are consistent with our reguations. Similarly, with regad to revew and enforcement of avoided cost determinations under such implementation plans, we have sad that our role is generay liited to ensurg that the plans are consistent with section 210 ofPURPA...." Order Granting Clarifition and Dismissing Rehearing ("CPUC Order"), 133 FERC ,. 61,509 at 11 (October 21,2010). Ths Commission's wide latitude to implement PURPA mus ensure that all Quaifyg Facilties ca enter into contracts at rates that do "not exceed the established avoide cos of the purchasing utilty." CPUC Order, 133 FERC ,. 61,509 at 2-3. The Commission may consider the size of quaifyg facilities and create multi-tier avoided cost rates. FERC has consisently found that "a multi-tier aVòided costs rate structure is consistent with th~ avoided cost requiments set forth'in section 210 ofPURPA and in the Commission's reguation." CPUC Order, 133 FERC" 61,509 at 9,12; See SoCal Edison, 70 FERC" 61,215. Idao curently has a good multi-tier structure with standad rates for prjects up to 10 aMW and IRP basd rates for projects up to 80 MW. The utilties are now askig the Commission. to effectively eliminate its tiered structure without demonstrating that al smaler QFs have ~he level of market access that PURP A is intended to faciltate. As desn'bd more fully ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 3 Janua 19, 2011 below, a priar purse of PURP A is to reduce maret barers for smal QFs. The Commision should not eliminate the maret acce that PURP A publihed rates are intended to provide to smaler QFs. And as explaied by Idao Power, the key point of this incentive is the utilty's obligation to purchas from the QF. IPC Comments at 4-5. GNR-E-IO-04 (December 22,2010). The Commison ca retai maret access for smaler projects and promote PURP A' s goals by adopting clea rues to limit published rate avaabilty to tru community scale projects. Such rues are within the Commission's broad authority to implement PURP A. PURPA is Intende to As Smal Power Producers. and FERC Has Contiued To Protect Market Access for Smaler Projec PURP A was enacted when there "wa very little non-utilty generation" and "because utilties refused to purchae from non-utilty producers." SoCal Edison, 70 FERC" 61,215 at 61,676; FERC Order No. 671 at 48, 114 FERC 61,102, (Febru 2,2006); See also FERC v. Mississipp~ 456 U.S. at 750. One of the primar reasns Congress enacted PURP A was because "there wa no market for electric energ produced by non-utilty generators." Jd at 20-21; Id at 48. Since then, times have chaged Tody there is a robust market for some independent power producers in some areas. Even so, there remais an important distinction between the market access avaable to lare and smal PURP A projects. FERC ha consistent preferred smal Quaifyg Facilties in establishig exemptions and interconnection standads under PURP A. Faced with relatively robust markets in the Eas and California, in 2006 Congress enacted, and FERC implemented, new exemptions from utiHty ipurcha obligations under PURP A for QFs with open access to real-time wholesae markets. Importantly, even in those highy developed markets, FERC retaied the purchase obligation for smal QFs becaus all paries agreed "that smal size could affect a QF's abiltyto access markets." ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 4 Janua 19,2011 FERC Order No. 688 at 47, RM06-10-o00,_New PURPA Section 210(m) Regutio Applicble to Small Power Production and Cogeneratio Facilities, (October 20,2006)" When chalenged, FERC explaied that it retained the small QF preption to ((distingush between small and large facilties to reflect the abilty of paricular QFs to access markets." PERC Order No. 688-A at 55-56, 119 FERC" 61,305 (June 22, 2007). The smal QF presumption ((serves a fundaentaly different purse. The Commission is distingushig between small and lare facilties to reflect the abilty of paicular QFs to access marets." Id at 55-56. In setting this eligibilty cap level FERC stated they "believe that it is reasnable to conclude that some, perhaps most, small QFs at or below the 20 MW level ca be diinguhed from larger QFs by the type of delivery facilties to which they typicaly interconnec " Id at 54. Ths is the same threshold for other PURP A exemptions and "the interconnection rues . . . which recognize that small generators i.e., 20 MW or below, should be subject to different standads than large generators." FERC Order No. 688 at 48-49; PERC Order No. 2006, (May 12, 2005). FERC created a sepate standad generator interconnection procedure for smal QFs because they ((believe the higher threshold wi remove barers to the development of a grater number of Small Generating Facilties and promote the development of innovativ smal generation technologies." PERC Order No. 2006 at 26. Creating special procedures for smal generators would ((( 1) limit opportunities for trasmitting utilties to favor their own generation, (and) (2) remove unfair impedients to market entry for small generators by reducing interconnection costs and time. .." Id at 8. i FERC continued: "In addition to a presumption in favor of small QFs, the rule also reize that some QFs, irrespective of size, may not have the abilty to sell in cerain markets beuse of operational chacterstics or other constrnts." Id at 2. With the small QF presumption, where market acces suffers, "QF development will continue to be stimulated as it is today though the mandatory purchase obligation." Id at 5. "To rebut this presumption a utilty the filing electrc utilty wil be reuired in its application to demonstrte, with regad to each small QF that it, in fact, has nondiscriminatory access to the market." Id at 46 - 47.2 Meaning 20 MW net capacity, or gross capacity minus auxilar power, as identified on FERC Form 556. FERC Order No. 688 at 11 72 n. 4 i. ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 5 Janua 19, 2011 To fulril PURPA, FERC treats smaler generators diferently, as should this Commission. The Parties to Th Cas Recogniz tht PURPA is Intende to Promote Smal Generation and tht the Primary Problem is Not Smal Power Producers. The three utilties in thi cas decribe the level and timing of recent PURP A QF requests as well as their puruit of renewable generation thrug the RFP process. See A vita at 5 - 6, GNR-E-10-04 (December 22, 2010); IPC at 7, RMP at 5, 10-11 GNR-E-10-04 (December 22, 2010). But thi mature and open market is not avaable for all QFs. Whe today's market for QFs is more robus than the 1970's, small developers stil face market access barers- chief among them negotiating power purcha ageements. In thi presnt cae. Staff recognizes the fundaental pur of PURP A is to encourge smal QFs who are unliely to have realic maret access. "One of the priar jusifications for limiting eligibilty for publied rates to 10 aMW ha been to recognize that developers of smal QFs are les likely to be lare, weii-rmanced orgizations, capable of sophisticated contract negotiations. By making published rates available for small projects, rate negotiations can be eliminated and cotracting cots can be minimized." Staffat 4 (emphais added). Both Idao Power and Avista acknowledge that curent avoided cost rates may not be perfect, but the process ha been "accepted and/or tolerated in order to accommodate smal QF developers because historicay (1) smal QF developers generaly had fewer resources to dedicate to complex contract negotiations and (2) the rmancial impact to the utilty's customers for a relatively low volume of smal QF projects was likewise smalL." IPC at 9, 19-20; Avista at 2-3,8-9. RMP asks this Commission to, in par, "acknowledge the rationale for standad rates is to minimize trasaction costs for smal projects." RMP at 8. All paies to thi ca appe to agre that PURP A is intended to incentivie smal QFs. Idao Power explais the incentive is not the published rate, rather the utilties' obligation to ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 6 Janua 19, 2011 purchase. IPC at 4 - 5. Moreover, the three utilties also explai that many of their asrted problems result from large wid projects that have been structured to quaify for published rates. See IPC at 9, 13 - 14,23; RMP at 10 - 12; Avita at 4 - 5. According to Staff: ((Becaus wid projects have been, by far, collectively the larest and most plentiful projects in recent years, they represent the greatest immediate concern for the utilties. Consequently, Staff recommends that if the Commission grt the Petition to lower the eligibilty cap, it apply its decision only to wid projects." Staff at 7. To meet the dear purse of PURP A - to protect smaller generators - whie addesing the priar problems leadig to this docket, the Commission should maitain acces to published rates for individua 10 aMW QFs. Going forwd, the Commission should adopt criteria to identify single QFs - like those proposed below - with the goal of limiting incentives to larr projects, which have arificialy divided themselves in an effort to capitalize on the PURP A rates. The Commision Should Adopt Some Criteria To Identi Single OF Projects The curent one-mile separation rue is ineffective at limiting the practice of dividig lare, sophisticated projects with a greater degree of market access into smaler projects to take advtage of higher published avoided cost rates. See A vita at 5; IPC at 22; RMP at 10 - 12. With thi in mind, the Commission's statement made when the utilties previously opposed the curnt eligibilty cap remais relevat - "if the rates are no longer fai and accurte, the appropriate response is to adjust the rates, not to limit the size of the QFs eligible for the rates." Order No. 29069 at 7, GNR-E-02-Q1 (July 2,2002). However, pendig Phas II - addssing the appropriate avoided cost model - the Commission may address the separte matter of esablihig which QFs are eligible for these rates. The Commission ha wide latitude to enact criteria to prevnt project segregation. When ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 7 Janua 19, 2011 FERC affirmed the presuption that smal QFs face maret acces barers they stated: "The Commission wi not alow for gaming of this 20 MW rebuttable presumption. . . . In any such proceeding, we will consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to, ownership, proximity of facilities, and whether facilities share a point of interconnection. Por purposes of evaluating proximity of facilities with regard to alleged gaming of this rebuttable presumption, we will not be bound by the one-mile standard set forth in 18 C.P.R. § 292.204 (a)(2). " PERC Order No. 688 at 49. FERC has demonstrated that multiple factors, beyond just the one-mile rule, are appropriate to determine the true size of a QF. To implement PURP A in Idao, and incentivie smal producers whie protecting ratepayers the Commision should adopt rues ensurg that published rates are not avaiable to larer QF or utilty-sce development.3 A priar goal for these criteria should be to exclude from eligibilty projects that, basd on ownership and operational control, are realy quite lare, projects that are developed at the sae time, in the same area, by the sae developer, that share the same operation and control facilties, and that are owned by the sae or similar interests.. Meanwhie the criteria should alow projects that, whie proposed by the sae developer, are in fact truy separte facilties. Ths distinction maintais PURP A's public policy goals of incentiviing small- scale alternative energ whie protecting ratepayers. Previously, Idao Power offered, and this Commision declined adopting a five mile buffer rue to limit project segegation in IPC-07 -04. IPC at 21 - 22. The Staff agreed in priciple with thi notion but in 2007 quesioned its potential effectiveness. Staff at 10. Today Staff is concerned about "lare wid projects, specificay those that choose to reconfigure 3 Projec up to 80 MW may be Qualifying Facilties. For example the Rockland Wind Project. ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 8 Janua 19, 2011 themselves into multiple legal entities in order to qualif for published avoided costs rates." Id at 9. One concern is this practice may "essntialy render the Commission's 10aMW eligibilty cap meaningless." Id at 9-10. And after reviewig the situation in Oregon, Staff is "surrised" their five mile rue seems to be "preventing dissgregation" and is "wiing to furher explore similar . " Ldoptions. .. . Idao Power ares that reducing the eligibilty cap for al projects is "a somewhat different and better approach" than restricting common ownership. IPC at 23. Whe diferent, it is unlikely to be better for the smal power producers since the utilties wat al QFs to us the IRP- based methodology. Id at 24. Staff has identifed four concerns for requiring smal developers to use the IRP method Staff at 8. QFs could be suspicious because the model is proprietar, and complicated. Running the model for each project would be complicated Different reults for different projects could lead to clais of discriination. And, "requirig smal projects to negotiate contracts would defeat a longsandig objective of the Commission to minimize negotiation costs and complexity for small projects." Id. To addrss the inherent maret barer of the IRP based method for small developers, the Commission should retai the eligibilty cap for true smal power producers. Attachment 1 is a Discusion Drat outlining a poible Single Quaifyg Facilty Rule this Commission could adopt. The proposed criteria attempt to identify true small power producers whie avoidig the geogrphic distance requiement that Staff questions. Staff at page 10. The proposed criteria focus on the inherent operational or physica charcteriics that ca diingush between a lare sophisticated developer and a small power producer. The common ownership factor looks to prevent lar entities from creating smaler lega subdivisions to hold projects. The coordinated interconnection, control and operations factor looks towards whether the aggegted projects are in fact one energ delivery project. The interconnection factor looks towads one of ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 9 Janua 19, 2011 the priar impacts to syem reliabilty - diggted projects using a sigle interconnection. The one-year timing factor looks to developers who deign projects to meet the 10aMW limit but realy intend to develop larr projecs. Combined these factors provide a more precise identifcation of larer projects whie remaiing adminisratively feasible. To administer and enforce the single QF requiement the diusion drt relies on contract languge and diuson between the utilty and the QF, with the Commision resolvig disputes. Likig complice with the single QF requirement to a contract default incentivies project investors to self reguate with minimal reguatory involvement. The single QF requiement proposed for discion could accomplish PURP A' s objective - protecting market access for smal QFs. It would prevent lare-sce sytem additions durg Pha II of this proceedig, without stifing development of small PURP A projects durg what is likely to be a lengthy process. We encourge the Commission to consider this proposa. ICL and RNP submit thi reply not as offcial paries, rather as public comments. We stand ready to answer questions or asist the Commision in any manner. Respectfully submitted this 19th day of Jan ua 2011, ackaBenjamin J. Otto Energ Assciate Idao Conservtion Legue lsI Mega Decker Mega Walseth Decker Senior Staff Counsel Renewable Northwest Project ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 10 Janua 19,2011 Attachent 1: Dissson Draf January 19, 2011 Single Qualg Faty Requirement A single Quaifg Facilty (QF) is eligible to receive published rates for delivery up to 10 average MW monthly. Single OF Criteria In setting rates and approvig contracts, the Commission wi consider the followig criteria in determining whether a project with multiple generation sources quaifies as a single Quaifyg Facilty. Whether each generation source withi the applicable QF: (i) uss the sae motive force as the QF; (li) is owned or controlled by the sae person(s) or afrilated pel'n(s); (ii) is placed in servce withi 12 months of the QF's in-servce date; and (iv) shares common interconnection or control, communications, and operation facilties. Eligibilty for Published Rates Multiple Facilties that satisfy al of (i)-(iv), above, and deliver more than 10 a MW per month shal be aggegated for puroses of calculating eligibilty for a Single Smal Quaifg Facilty published rates. Definitions As used above, the term "person(s)" means one or more natur persons or leg entities. "Affiiated person(s)" means a natur persn or persns or lega entity or entities sharg common ownership, management or acting jointly or in concert with or exercising influence over the policies or actions of another person or entity. "Afriliated person(s)" does not include pasive investors whose sole ownership benefit is using production tax credits, green tag vaues, or depreciation, or a combination of these. OF Responsibilties Upon request, the QF wi veri to the utilty the ownership, management and rmancial structure of the QF in reasnably sufficient detai to allow the utilty to make an initial determination of compliance with the ownership requiement. Any dispute concerning a QF's entitlement to published rates shall be presented to the Commission for reslution. In each contract for payment of published rates, the seller sha (i) wart the project satisfies the sigle Quaifg Facilty requiment; (ii) wart and represent that the seller wil not make any chage in its ownership, control or management durg the term of the contract that would caus it not to be in compliance with the single Quaifng Facilty requiement; (ii) agree to provide buyer with documentation of compliance with the sepate ownership requiement upon buyer's request, made no more frequently than every 3 year, subject to the buyer maitaiing the confidentiality of the documentation provided and (iv) acknowledge that, upon a Commission rindig that the Single Quaifyg Facilty requiement is no longer met, the seller wi be in default under the contract. Attachment 1ICL and RNP Reply Comments Januar 19, 2011 GNR-E-I0-04 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on this 19th day of Januar, 2011 tre and correct copies of the foregoing REPLY COMMENTS OF IDAHO CONSERVATION LEAGUE AND RENEWABLE NORTHWEST PROJECT were delivered to the following persons via the method of servce noted: Hand delivery Jean Jewell Commission Secretar (Origial and seen copies provided) Idao Public Utilties Commission 427 W. Washigton St. Boise, ID 83702-5983 Electronic Mai only: Donald L Howell, II Kristine Saser Deputy Attorneys Genera Idao Public Utilties Commission 472 W. Washigton Boise ID 83702 Don.howell~puc.idao.gov Kris.sa~puc.idao.gov Boise, ID 83702 pete~richarnandolear.com gre~richardsonandolear.com Lisa D. Nordsrom Donova E. Waler Idao Power Company 1221 West Idao Street Boise, Idao 83707-0070 lnordstrom~idaopower.com dwale~idaopower.com Robert D. Kah, Executiv Dirctor Northwest and Intermountai Power Producers Coalition 117 Minor Ave., Suite 300 Seattle, WA 98101 rkah~nippc.org Don Sturevt, Energ Director J.R Simplot Company Boise, ID 83707 Don.stureva tC!simplot.eom Michael G. Andrea A vista Corpration 1411 E. Mission Ave. Spokane, WA 99202 Robert A. Paul Gradview Solar II 1590 Visa Circle Desert Hot Sprigs CA robertapa~gmai.com Daniel Solander PadfiCorp/dba Rocky Mountai Power 201 S. Mai St., Suite 2300 Salt Lae City, UT 84111 Daniei.Solande~pacifcorp.com James Carkulis, Managg Member Exerg Development Group of Idao 802 W. Bannock St., Suite 1200 Boise, ID 83702 jcarkul~exergdevelopment.com Peter J. Richarn Gregory M. Adas Richardsn & O'lear, PLLC 515 N. 27th Street Ronald Wiliams Wiliams and Bradbur, P.C. 1015 W, Hays St. Boise, ID 83702 ICURNP Joint Reply Comments 11 Janua 19, 2011 ron~iamsbradbur.com Scott Montgomery, President Ceda Creek Wind, LLC 668 Rockwood Dr. North Salt Lae City. UT 84054 scotttPesternenerg. us Dana Zentz, Vice President Summit Power Group, Inc. 2006 E. Westminster Spokae, WA 99223 dzentzePsummitpower.com Thomas H. Nelson Attorney P.O. Box 1211 Welches, OR 97067 nelson ePthn elsn. com John R Lowe. Consultant Renewable Energ Coalition 12050 SWTremont St. Portland, OR 97225 jraven sa marcostoo. com R Greg Ferney Mimur Law Offce. PLL 2176 E. Fraklin Rd, Suite 120 Meridian, ID 83642 gregtmimuraw.com Bil Piske. Manager Interconnect Solar Development, LLC 1303 E. Carer Boise, ID 83706 bilpisketcableone.net Dean J. Miler McDevitt & Miler, LL P.O. Box 2564 Boise, ID 83701 joeC!mcdevitt -miler. com Paul Marin Intermountai Wind, LLC P.O. Box 353 Boulder, CO 80306 paulmarinePintermountaiwidcom ICURNP Joint Reply Comments Wad Thmas Genera Counsel Dynamis Energ. LLC 776 W. Riverside Dr., Suite 15 Eage, ID 83616 wthomasdynamisenergcom Shelley M. Davis Barker Rosholt & Simpson. LL 1010 W. Jeffersn St. Boise, ID 83701 smdC!idaowaters.com Brian Olmstead, Genera Manager Twi Falls Canal Company P.O. Box 326 Twi Fals. ID 83303 olmsteadC!tfcaal.com Ted Diehl, Genera Manager North Side Canal Company 921 N. Licoln St. Jerome, ID 83338 nscanalePcableone.net Bil Brown, Cha Board of Commissoners of Adas County P.O. Box 48 Council. ID 83612 dbbrownePfrontiernet.net Ted Sorenson, P .E. Birch Power Company 5203 South 11th Eas Idao Fals, ID 83404 tedC!soreson.net ~ &~ Benj~in J. Otto Idao Conservation League 12 Janua 19, 2011