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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110307AVU Response to Reconsideration Petition.pdfMarch 2011 -.. ~ Retponse of Avista Corporation to NIPPC's Petition for Reconsideration tlfOrder No. 32176 IPUC Docket No. GNR-E-I0-4 Please find enclosed for filing an original and seven copies of the Response of A vista Corpration in Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration of Northwest Intermountain Power Producers Coalition in the above-referenced docket Please let me know iryou have any questions regarding this fiing. Sincerely, Michael G. Senior Counsel '" 8308) ) ) CASE NO. ) ) ) ) ) OF THE NORTHWEST AND ) fNTERMOUNTATN POWER ) PRODUCERS .- ) Nortwest an Intermountain In its Petition. NllPC requests that the Commission: changes to the Integred Resource Plan Methodology the i 0 aMW published avoided cost rate eligibilty cap for wind and solar projects. 2.take any position with regard to NIPlC's request that the Commission take offcial notice of oortain documents. NIPPC's remaining requests included its Petiton, RESPONSE OF AVISTA CORPORATION IN OPPOSTION TO PET1TION FOR RECONSIDERATION Baekgund 2010, A vista Corpration along with Idao Rocky Mountain Power, (collectively, the "Utilities") filed a requesting the Commission to initiate an investigation into various avoided cost issues regarng Facilties ("QFs") under the Public Utilty Regulatory raised in the Joint Petition, the Utilties requested that the order adjusting the published avoided cost fate eligibilty 1 0 average megawatts ("aMW") to 1 00 kilowatts t'k W") effective immediately. COlnmÌssion issued the Notice in which it, to lower the published avoided rostrate . Parties wereaftbrded an opportunity fie comments and comments (m the issue of whether the Commission should lower published avoided cost rates. Oral argument on that issue was held on i. the Commission issued Order 32176. In Order No. Commission, among other things, (1) rejected, in part, NIPPC's request tht the Commission for wind and 100 kW;and (3) initiated additional proceedings to investigate and determine, in a finite timeframe, requirements by which \vind and solar a without allowing large QFs to obtain a rate that such projects. To that end, the Commission a In that proceeding, the parties wil havc thc opportunity to Page RESPONSE OF A VISTA CORPORA nON IN OPPOSTION TO PE'I1TION FOR RECONSIDERATION n. Response to NIPPC's Petition NIPPC requests that the Commission: (1) take offcial notice documents; (2) hold an evidentiàr hearing on the issues addrcssed in Order No. 32176; 10 aMW published aVQided with regard to NIPPC's request NIPPC's remaining request% be denied. NIPPC's Request for an Evidentiary Hearing Should be Denied as Möot. Commission hold an evidentiary hearing on The issues set for consideration in GNR-E-l 0-04 the reduced. the appropriateness of exempting non-wind QF projects from 5. Following the submission of written comments and for published avoided cost rates from 10 aMW to 100 k W for wind and solar "while the implications ofdisaggregaied QFprojects." 32176 at 9 (emphasis added) (footnote omitted). In order to furher investigate the implications of disaggregated QF projects, the which it RESPONSE OF A VISTA CORPORA nON IN OPPOSTION TO PETnl0N FOR avoided cost rate eligibilty cap structure (I) allows small wind and solar QFs to avail themselves of published fates 10aMW disaggregating in order to obtain a published avoided 32176 at i L The Commission fuher abîlty to a during the week of May 9,201 I. ld, The for that purpse. eveti assuming (without conceding) tht an evidentiary hearing is necessary, determne issues regarding the eligibilty cap for published avoided cost rates, the Commission has provided for Therefore, in light of the process provided 01.request fur is unnecessary and, in any event, B~ NIPPC's Requetted Order Requiriug the Invettor..Owued Utilties in Idaho to Implement Changet to the IRP Methodolog Shmild Be Denied. in Idaho to immcdiately implement chages to the IRP Methodology. Petition at 2. NIPPC argues that the IRP Methodology is flawed because it.fails to take into account tht it produces "wildly inaccurte As an initial matter, NIPPC's request for immediate chanes to the investor-owned is beyond the scope of the proceeding. for consideration in GNR.E.. i 0.;04 where cap; and (3) the consequences A VISTA CORPORATION TN OPPOS'I10N TO TION IO aMW projects to utilze the published rate. i Id. NIPPC's request for an utilities to immediately implement changes to the IRP is beyond the investor-owned utilty's IRP NIPPC admits as much in its Petition.NIPPC any support, that it has "proved that (the IR Petition at 1 1. Simply stated, NIPPC cannot have it both In At most, NIPPC has asserted unsubstantiated allegations Pctition at i 0-14. Such unsubstantiated allegations byNIPPC. C. NJPPC's Reqest to Reiustate the 10 aMW Eligibilty Cap for Pu.blihed Avoided Cost Rates Shou.ld Be ~ied. state utilty commissions to "require the utilties "NIPPC IRP Methodology, as currently implemented. produces rates below the ., Petition at 14 (emphasis in original). allegation that the IRP Methodology produces fates below the full Such unsubstantiated allegations provide no basis for NIPPC's request i In Order No. 32176 at 10. the Commission stated: "We note that paties have challenged the accuracy oftbe lRP Methodology. We believe that the IRP Methodology appropriately assess when the QF is capable of delivering its resources against when the most in need of such resources. The resultat pricing is 1'~flective thè utilty. TIs comment by the Commission did not serve to expand the proceeding. RESPONSE OF A VIST A CORPORATION iN OPPOSTlON TO PE1ITION RECONSIDERATION Accrdingly, NIPPC's request to have the i 0 aMW eligibìlty cap for published avoided cost III. Conclusion Avista respectfuly submits this response to NIPPC'sPetition for Reconsideration of As discussed herein, Avista does not take any position with regard to request that the Commission take offcial notice of cerain documents. order requiring the investor-owned utilties Idaho to 10 aMW eligibilty cap for avoided cost rates, should be RESPONSE OF AVISTA CORPORA nON IN OPPOSTlON TOPE'DTION CERTICATE OF SERVICE 7th day of Marh 20 i i. tre and corrt copies of the foregoing Response of A vista Corration were delivere to the following persons via Em (unless otherwise indicated). Jean Jewell Danel E. Solanr Senor Couns Donovan E. Waler Lisa Nordtrom 5203 So Idab Fals. ID 8340 Pag l-CTIICATE OF SERVICE Donad L. Howell. n Krs Susa Deuty Attorneys Gener Ida Publi Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washingtn St. Boise. ID 83702 Emal: krissa~~r(Ø Peter Richardson Gregory M. Adams Richason & Of Le ID 83702 R. Greg Ferney Mimura Law Ofces, PLL 2176 E. Frain Rd.. Suite 120 Meridian. ID 83642 Eml: RobrtD. Kan E~ccutive Di Nortwes and Interountain Power Pruce Coaltion i i i 7 Minor Ave.. Suite 300 Glen lko Mart Ruger Ida Windfar. LLC 672 Blar Ave, Piedont, E-mal: Dan Zentz VP. Summit Power Group, Inc. Westmnster WA9923 JamCarlis Membe DEVEOPMEN GROUP OF IDAHO. LLC 802 West Banock Strt, Ste. 1200 Pae 2--ERT1FICATB OF SERVICE Seatte. W A 9810 Eml: Thma.i; H. Nelson Attrney for Renewable Energ Coalition POBox 1211 Welches, Eml: Bill Piske. Manager Interconnect Solar Development. LLC i 303 E. Carer Boise. ID 83706 Emal: 8m Brown, Cha Boar of Commissione of Adas COUlty, Idao PO Box 48 Scott Montgome Prident. Ced Crk Wind. 668 Rockwoo Drve Nort Salt Lae. Uta 8454 Emal: Wade Tboma Gener.i Counsel. Dynais Energy 776 E, Riverside Drve, Suite 15 Eae. ID 83616Eml: Robert A. Paul Ord View Solar U Email: Renewable Energy Street Email: jravenesanarcos(! nservation.ùrg OF SERVICE Don Sturtevant Energy Director J. R. Simplot Company ONE CAPri AL CENTER 999 Main Street~ P.O. Box Boise, Idaho 83707-0027 don.sturevantØ)simplot.eom Nort Side Canal Company Diehl~ General Manager Lincoln St. MJ Humphries Blue Ribbon Energy LLC Ammon Road Ammon, ID 83406 blueribbonenergyØ) Greg Seifert Kur Meyers Idaho National Laboratory Conventional Renewable Energy Ken Miler Clea Energy Program Director Snake River AHance Box 1731 Boise, 10 83701