HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110118PacifiCorp Comments.pdf~ ROCKY MOUNTAINPOR. ,,,-..~",", r: Janua 14,2011 zoti JAN l 8 Atilt): 08 201 South Main. Suite 230 Salt Lake City. Utah 84111 VI ELECTRONIC FILING AND OVERNIGHT DELIVERY Jean D. Jewell Commission Secreta Idaho Public Utilities Commssion 472 W. Washigton Boise, ID 83702 Re: Case No. GNR-E-10-03 In the matter of the Commission's inquiry into load growt adjustments that are par of the power cost adjustment mechasms. Dear Ms. Jewell: Enclosed pleae fid an ongin and seven copies of Rocky Mounta Power's comments for the above-referenced matter regardig load growt adjustment rates. If you have any questions please contact Ted Weston at (801) 220-2963. Very trly yours,L/1A Cc: Service List Mark C. Moench Danel E. Solander Rocky Mounta Power 201 S. Main St., Suite 2300 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 Telephone: (801 )220-40 14 Fax: (801)220-3299 RECE y i 8 i,.t.~ \0:. 08 ZØìi JAn I t' Attorneys for Rocky Mounta Power BEFORE THE IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMSSION IN THE MATTER OF THE COMMSSION'S ) INQUIRY INTO LOAD GROWTH ) CASE NO. GNR-E-10-03 ADJUSTMENTS THT AR PART OF TH ) POWER COST ADJUSTMENT ) Comments of Rocky MountanMECHASMS. ) Power on Load Growt ) Adjusents COMMENTS OF ROCKY MOUNAI POWER ON LOAD GROWTH ADJUSTMENTS COMES NOW PacifiCorp dba Rocky Mounta Power ("RM" or the "Company") and puruat to Rules 56 and 256 of the rues of Procedure of the Idao Public Utilties Commssion (the "Commssion"), submits comments on the inqui into the load growt adjustment rate ("LGAR") tht is par of the Company's power cost adjustment mechasm. I. Backgound On Febru 1, 2010, Rocky Mountain Power fied an Application with the Commission for authonty to implement a power cost adjustment to rates for all customer classes excluding taff contrt customers (Monsanto Company and Agnum, Inc). The Company's Energy Cost Adjustment Mechasm ("ECAM") was approved by the Page 1 - Comments of Rocky Mountan Power Commission on September 29, 2009, in Case No. PAC-08-08, Order No. 30904. The ECAM, which includes an LGAR is designed to collect or credit 90% of the accumulated difference between tota Company base net power costs (Base NPC) collected from Idao customers though rates and tota Company actul net power costs (Actu NPC) incured to serve customers in Idaho calculated on a cents-per-kilowatt- hour basis. In Case No. PAC-E-10-0l, Order No. 31033 issued March 31, 2010, the Commission directed Staf to hold a workshop for the thee utilties and discuss the justification of the LGAR in ties of decling load. On June 9, 2010, Commssion Sta met with representatives from Avista Idao Power, and Rocky Mountan Power to identify and discuss differences in the three load growt adjustment mechansms. On September 10, 2010, the Commission initiated ths case and issued a notice of workshop to provide a foru for the exploration of issues related to load growth adjustments. The workshop was held September 28, 2010, at the Commssion offces in Boise. Representatives frm A vista, Idaho Power, and Rocky Mounta Power were in attendace along with other interested paries. Pusuat to Commssion directions in Order No. 32124, Rocky Mounta Power is providig the followig comments concerng the appropnateness of the load growt adjusent rate as par of an energy cost adjustment mechasm. II. Comments Rocky Mounta Power continues to support the need for an ECAM because net power costs represent a large portion of the Company's tota revenue requirement tht are subject to a high degree of volatilty that to a large extent are outside the Company's Page 2 - Comments of Rocky Mountan Power control, and appreciates the Commssion's findig that such a mechansm is in the public interest and ordenng its use. The implementation of the Company's ECAM was as a result of a stipulation among pares to the ECAM docket. The Company's onginal ECAM application did not include an LGAR because the Company believes capital and the other operation and maitenace costs included in the LGAR calculation are not highy volatile or largely outside the Company's control and therefore should not be included as par of the energy cost adjustment mechasm. In order to make progress towards the implementation of an ECAM, the Company accepted an LGAR as proposed by Commssion Staff as par of the broader settlement to approve and implement the ECAM. Rocky Mounta Power's ECAM is different from A vista and Idao Power's power costs adjustment mechasms because the ECAM compares net power costs included in rates to actu net power cost incured to serve customers on a cents-per- kilowatt-hour basis. By companng net power costs on a cents-per-kilowatt-hour basis any impact caused by vanations in load is excluded. Ths metod addresses the Commssion's concern that the Company should not be allowed to collect growt-related power supply costs though an ECAM surcharge and then also collect base revenue from tht new load to cover the sae power supply costs. In Case No. PAC-E-08-08, (Order No. 31033) the Commssion stated that the LGAR "appears to operate much the sae as a decoupling mechansm reimbursing the Company for lost revenue for reductions in customer usage (sales)" and went on to state "If the Company desires a decoupling mechansm it should request and justify one in a Page 3 - Comments of Rocky Mountan Power separte filing." Rocky Mounta Power agees with the Commission, the LGAR does act as a decoupling mechansm and is not an appropnate component of the EcAM. Rocky Mounta Power believes the LGAR unaily penalizes utilities by only considenng changes in loads and not considenng changes in underlying cost. With the curent build cycle that most utilties ar in, Rocky Mountan Power questions the appropnateness of an LGAR. To eliminte ths penaty the underlying components of an LGAR would need to be compared on a cost-per-kilowatt-hour basis from the bas penod to the actu penod. However, even with tht corrction the LGAR would continue to fuction as a capita and O&M recover mechansm which Rocky Mounta Power believes was never the Commssion's intent when power cost adjustment mechasms were implemented. Utilities have appropnate venues to seek recovery of these tyes of costs. The LGAR is not an appropnate component of the ECAM. Rocky Mountain Power is not surnsed with the fluctution in its Idaho loads which is the reason the Company would only agree to include an LGAR as par of the settlement if it was symetncal. Approximately 15 to 20 percent of the energy usage in the Company's Idao servce terntory is irgation load. Whle the other customer classes' usage is relatively stable, irgation is not. The Company has witnessed 50,000 to 150,000 megawatt-hour swigs in usge levels from year to year. To ilustrte ths point, in Case No. PAC-E-08-07, which is the basis of the curnt base net power costs in the ECAM, irngation loads were approximtely 698,000 MWh at saes leveL. Durg 2009, the first year of the ECAM, irgation usage had dropped to 545,000 MWh. Whle 2010 usage was up slightly to 557,000 MWh' usage was stil well below the bas load leveL. Because Rocky Mounta Power's ECAM is based on a cents-per-kilowatt-hour Page 4 - Comments of Rocky Mounta Power companson any net power cost changes dnven solely by volumetnc swings are automatically excluded eliminating the need for an LGAR for Rocky Mounta Power. If it is the Commssion's determation that the LGAR should be par of a net power cost mechansm, then Rocky Mounta Power strongly believes it should be treated symetncally. As demonstrted above, for Rocky Mountai Power an LGAR would be dnven almost completely by irngation usage due to weather or other factors impactig pumping. Additionaly, the Company does not believe an asymetncal method would ever work. For example if an asymetnca LGAR were implemented, a utility could expenence a decline in loads eleven months of the year and would not make a monthly accounting entr to record an LGAR impact, but for one month of the year expenence an increase in loads in which an asymetncal LGAR would require the Company to record an LGAR credit. In ths scenao the Company would provide a credit to customers even though for the year the Company expenenced negative load growt. Finally, par of rate design is to establish just, reasonable, and fair rates. Rocky Mountan Power believes asymetncal application of an LGAR would be inequitable and cernly not fai. At the September 28, 2010 LGAR workshop A vista presented a compromise proposal which mainta symet in growing and decling load scenanos and substatially reduces the LOAR such that the impact of imputed costs to the varous utilties in fluctuting load scenanos is reduced but not elimate. Absent the elimination of the LGAR for Rocky Mountan Power due to the per unt methodology already included in its ECAM, the Company would be more supportive of the compromise position proposed by Avist th the curnt LGAR calculation because the Page 5 - Comments of Rocky Mounta Power proposa only includes the energy component of the production plant cost of service rather th tota costs. Rocky Mountain Power believes ths is closer aligned to net power costs. III. Conclusion Rocky Mountan Power's opinon is that an LOAR is not appropnate for inclusion in its ECAM. The curnt methodology based on cents per kWh addrsses volumetnc changes and therefore elimites the need for any tye of LGAR adjustment. However if the Commssion determines it wants to contiue to utilize the LGAR Rocky Mounta would support the symmetncal compromise position proposed by A vista in the September 28, 2010 workshop, as long as it is based only on generation expenss not included in the ECAM. DATED ths 14th day of Janua, 2011. M~~en':~( ~ Danel E. Solander Attorneys for Rocky Mounta Power Page 6 - Comments of Rocky Mounta Power CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on ths 14th day of Janua, 2011, I caused to be served, via overnght delivery and E-mail, a tre and correct copy of Rocky Mounta Power's Comments in Case No. GNR..E-10-03 to the followig: Donovan E. Waler Lisa D. Nordstom Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idao Stret POBox 70 Boise, il 83707-0070 E-mail: dwalker(ßidahopower.com Inordstrom(ßidahopower.com David J. Meyer A vista Utilties PO Box 3727 Spokae, VV A, 99220 E-mail: david.meyer(ßavistacorp.com Mie Youngbloo Idaho Power Company 1221 W. Idaho Street POBox 70 Boise, ID 83707-0070 E-mail: myoungblood(ßidahopower.com Kelly Norwood A vista Utilities POBox 3727 Spokane, VV A, 99220 E-mal: Kelly.norwood(ßavistacorp.com ~ Coordinator, Adminstrtive Services